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87 KiB

* Copyright 2010 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers
* Copyright 2010 Thomas Mullaly
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "urlmon_main.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
#include "shlwapi.h"
#define UINT_MAX 0xffffffff
typedef struct {
const IUriVtbl *lpIUriVtbl;
LONG ref;
BSTR raw_uri;
/* Information about the canonicalized URI's buffer. */
WCHAR *canon_uri;
DWORD canon_size;
DWORD canon_len;
INT scheme_start;
DWORD scheme_len;
URL_SCHEME scheme_type;
INT userinfo_start;
DWORD userinfo_len;
INT userinfo_split;
INT host_start;
DWORD host_len;
Uri_HOST_TYPE host_type;
} Uri;
typedef struct {
const IUriBuilderVtbl *lpIUriBuilderVtbl;
LONG ref;
} UriBuilder;
typedef struct {
const WCHAR *str;
DWORD len;
} h16;
typedef struct {
/* IPv6 addresses can hold up to 8 h16 components. */
h16 components[8];
DWORD h16_count;
/* An IPv6 can have 1 elision ("::"). */
const WCHAR *elision;
/* An IPv6 can contain 1 IPv4 address as the last 32bits of the address. */
const WCHAR *ipv4;
DWORD ipv4_len;
INT components_size;
INT elision_size;
} ipv6_address;
typedef struct {
BSTR uri;
BOOL is_relative;
BOOL is_opaque;
BOOL has_implicit_scheme;
BOOL has_implicit_ip;
UINT implicit_ipv4;
const WCHAR *scheme;
DWORD scheme_len;
URL_SCHEME scheme_type;
const WCHAR *userinfo;
DWORD userinfo_len;
INT userinfo_split;
const WCHAR *host;
DWORD host_len;
Uri_HOST_TYPE host_type;
BOOL has_ipv6;
ipv6_address ipv6_address;
} parse_data;
static const CHAR hexDigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
/* List of scheme types/scheme names that are recognized by the IUri interface as of IE 7. */
static const struct {
URL_SCHEME scheme;
WCHAR scheme_name[16];
} recognized_schemes[] = {
{URL_SCHEME_FTP, {'f','t','p',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_HTTP, {'h','t','t','p',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_GOPHER, {'g','o','p','h','e','r',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_MAILTO, {'m','a','i','l','t','o',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_NEWS, {'n','e','w','s',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_NNTP, {'n','n','t','p',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_TELNET, {'t','e','l','n','e','t',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_WAIS, {'w','a','i','s',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_FILE, {'f','i','l','e',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_MK, {'m','k',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_HTTPS, {'h','t','t','p','s',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_SHELL, {'s','h','e','l','l',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_SNEWS, {'s','n','e','w','s',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_LOCAL, {'l','o','c','a','l',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_JAVASCRIPT, {'j','a','v','a','s','c','r','i','p','t',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_VBSCRIPT, {'v','b','s','c','r','i','p','t',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_ABOUT, {'a','b','o','u','t',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_RES, {'r','e','s',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_MSSHELLROOTED, {'m','s','-','s','h','e','l','l','-','r','o','o','t','e','d',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_MSSHELLIDLIST, {'m','s','-','s','h','e','l','l','-','i','d','l','i','s','t',0}},
{URL_SCHEME_MSHELP, {'h','c','p',0}},
static inline BOOL is_alpha(WCHAR val) {
return ((val >= 'a' && val <= 'z') || (val >= 'A' && val <= 'Z'));
static inline BOOL is_num(WCHAR val) {
return (val >= '0' && val <= '9');
/* A URI is implicitly a file path if it begins with
* a drive letter (eg X:) or starts with "\\" (UNC path).
static inline BOOL is_implicit_file_path(const WCHAR *str) {
if(is_alpha(str[0]) && str[1] == ':')
return TRUE;
else if(str[0] == '\\' && str[1] == '\\')
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Checks if the URI is a hierarchical URI. A hierarchical
* URI is one that has "//" after the scheme.
static BOOL check_hierarchical(const WCHAR **ptr) {
const WCHAR *start = *ptr;
if(**ptr != '/')
return FALSE;
if(**ptr != '/') {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" */
static inline BOOL is_unreserved(WCHAR val) {
return (is_alpha(val) || is_num(val) || val == '-' || val == '.' ||
val == '_' || val == '~');
/* sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
* / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
static inline BOOL is_subdelim(WCHAR val) {
return (val == '!' || val == '$' || val == '&' ||
val == '\'' || val == '(' || val == ')' ||
val == '*' || val == '+' || val == ',' ||
val == ';' || val == '=');
/* gen-delims = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@" */
static inline BOOL is_gendelim(WCHAR val) {
return (val == ':' || val == '/' || val == '?' ||
val == '#' || val == '[' || val == ']' ||
val == '@');
/* Characters that delimit the end of the authority
* section of a URI. Sometimes a '\\' is considered
* an authority delimeter.
static inline BOOL is_auth_delim(WCHAR val, BOOL acceptSlash) {
return (val == '#' || val == '/' || val == '?' ||
val == '\0' || (acceptSlash && val == '\\'));
/* reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims */
static inline BOOL is_reserved(WCHAR val) {
return (is_subdelim(val) || is_gendelim(val));
static inline BOOL is_hexdigit(WCHAR val) {
return ((val >= 'a' && val <= 'f') ||
(val >= 'A' && val <= 'F') ||
(val >= '0' && val <= '9'));
/* Computes the size of the given IPv6 address.
* Each h16 component is 16bits, if there is an IPv4 address, it's
* 32bits. If there's an elision it can be 16bits to 128bits, depending
* on the number of other components.
* Modeled after google-url's CheckIPv6ComponentsSize function
static void compute_ipv6_comps_size(ipv6_address *address) {
address->components_size = address->h16_count * 2;
/* IPv4 address is 4 bytes. */
address->components_size += 4;
if(address->elision) {
/* An elision can be anywhere from 2 bytes up to 16 bytes.
* It size depends on the size of the h16 and IPv4 components.
address->elision_size = 16 - address->components_size;
if(address->elision_size < 2)
address->elision_size = 2;
} else
address->elision_size = 0;
/* Taken from dlls/jscript/lex.c */
static int hex_to_int(WCHAR val) {
if(val >= '0' && val <= '9')
return val - '0';
else if(val >= 'a' && val <= 'f')
return val - 'a' + 10;
else if(val >= 'A' && val <= 'F')
return val - 'A' + 10;
return -1;
/* Helper function for converting a percent encoded string
* representation of a WCHAR value into its actual WCHAR value. If
* the two characters following the '%' aren't valid hex values then
* this function returns the NULL character.
* Eg.
* "%2E" will result in '.' being returned by this function.
static WCHAR decode_pct_val(const WCHAR *ptr) {
WCHAR ret = '\0';
if(*ptr == '%' && is_hexdigit(*(ptr + 1)) && is_hexdigit(*(ptr + 2))) {
INT a = hex_to_int(*(ptr + 1));
INT b = hex_to_int(*(ptr + 2));
ret = a << 4;
ret += b;
return ret;
/* Helper function for percent encoding a given character
* and storing the encoded value into a given buffer (dest).
* It's up to the calling function to ensure that there is
* at least enough space in 'dest' for the percent encoded
* value to be stored (so dest + 3 spaces available).
static inline void pct_encode_val(WCHAR val, WCHAR *dest) {
dest[0] = '%';
dest[1] = hexDigits[(val >> 4) & 0xf];
dest[2] = hexDigits[val & 0xf];
/* Computes the location where the elision should occur in the IPv6
* address using the numerical values of each component stored in
* 'values'. If the address shouldn't contain an elision then 'index'
* is assigned -1 as it's value. Otherwise 'index' will contain the
* starting index (into values) where the elision should be, and 'count'
* will contain the number of cells the elision covers.
* Windows will expand an elision if the elision only represents 1 h16
* component of the URI.
* Ex: [1::2:3:4:5:6:7] -> [1:0:2:3:4:5:6:7]
* If the IPv6 address contains an IPv4 address, the IPv4 address is also
* considered for being included as part of an elision if all it's components
* are zeros.
* Ex: [1:2:3:4:5:6:] -> [1:2:3:4:5:6::]
static void compute_elision_location(const ipv6_address *address, const USHORT values[8],
INT *index, DWORD *count) {
DWORD i, max_len, cur_len;
INT max_index, cur_index;
max_len = cur_len = 0;
max_index = cur_index = -1;
for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
BOOL check_ipv4 = (address->ipv4 && i == 6);
BOOL is_end = (check_ipv4 || i == 7);
if(check_ipv4) {
/* Check if the IPv4 address contains only zeros. */
if(values[i] == 0 && values[i+1] == 0) {
if(cur_index == -1)
cur_index = i;
cur_len += 2;
} else if(values[i] == 0) {
if(cur_index == -1)
cur_index = i;
if(is_end || values[i] != 0) {
/* We only consider it for an elision if it's
* more then 1 component long.
if(cur_len > 1 && cur_len > max_len) {
/* Found the new elision location. */
max_len = cur_len;
max_index = cur_index;
/* Reset the current range for the next range of zeros. */
cur_index = -1;
cur_len = 0;
*index = max_index;
*count = max_len;
/* Converts the specified IPv4 address into an uint value.
* This function assumes that the IPv4 address has already been validated.
static UINT ipv4toui(const WCHAR *ip, DWORD len) {
UINT ret = 0;
DWORD comp_value = 0;
const WCHAR *ptr;
for(ptr = ip; ptr < ip+len; ++ptr) {
if(*ptr == '.') {
ret <<= 8;
ret += comp_value;
comp_value = 0;
} else
comp_value = comp_value*10 + (*ptr-'0');
ret <<= 8;
ret += comp_value;
return ret;
/* Converts an IPv4 address in numerical form into it's fully qualified
* string form. This function returns the number of characters written
* to 'dest'. If 'dest' is NULL this function will return the number of
* characters that would have been written.
* It's up to the caller to ensure there's enough space in 'dest' for the
* address.
static DWORD ui2ipv4(WCHAR *dest, UINT address) {
static const WCHAR formatW[] =
DWORD ret = 0;
UCHAR digits[4];
digits[0] = (address >> 24) & 0xff;
digits[1] = (address >> 16) & 0xff;
digits[2] = (address >> 8) & 0xff;
digits[3] = address & 0xff;
if(!dest) {
WCHAR tmp[16];
ret = sprintfW(tmp, formatW, digits[0], digits[1], digits[2], digits[3]);
} else
ret = sprintfW(dest, formatW, digits[0], digits[1], digits[2], digits[3]);
return ret;
/* Converts an h16 component (from an IPv6 address) into it's
* numerical value.
* This function assumes that the h16 component has already been validated.
static USHORT h16tous(h16 component) {
USHORT ret = 0;
for(i = 0; i < component.len; ++i) {
ret <<= 4;
ret += hex_to_int(component.str[i]);
return ret;
/* Converts an IPv6 address into it's 128 bits (16 bytes) numerical value.
* This function assumes that the ipv6_address has already been validated.
static BOOL ipv6_to_number(const ipv6_address *address, USHORT number[8]) {
DWORD i, cur_component = 0;
BOOL already_passed_elision = FALSE;
for(i = 0; i < address->h16_count; ++i) {
if(address->elision) {
if(address->components[i].str > address->elision && !already_passed_elision) {
/* Means we just passed the elision and need to add it's values to
* 'number' before we do anything else.
DWORD j = 0;
for(j = 0; j < address->elision_size; j+=2)
number[cur_component++] = 0;
already_passed_elision = TRUE;
number[cur_component++] = h16tous(address->components[i]);
/* Case when the elision appears after the h16 components. */
if(!already_passed_elision && address->elision) {
for(i = 0; i < address->elision_size; i+=2)
number[cur_component++] = 0;
already_passed_elision = TRUE;
if(address->ipv4) {
UINT value = ipv4toui(address->ipv4, address->ipv4_len);
if(cur_component != 6) {
ERR("(%p %p): Failed sanity check with %d\n", address, number, cur_component);
return FALSE;
number[cur_component++] = (value >> 16) & 0xffff;
number[cur_component] = value & 0xffff;
return TRUE;
/* Checks if the characters pointed to by 'ptr' are
* a percent encoded data octet.
* pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
static BOOL check_pct_encoded(const WCHAR **ptr) {
const WCHAR *start = *ptr;
if(**ptr != '%')
return FALSE;
if(!is_hexdigit(**ptr)) {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
if(!is_hexdigit(**ptr)) {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* dec-octet = DIGIT ; 0-9
* / %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99
* / "1" 2DIGIT ; 100-199
* / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249
* / "25" %x30-35 ; 250-255
static BOOL check_dec_octet(const WCHAR **ptr) {
const WCHAR *c1, *c2, *c3;
c1 = *ptr;
/* A dec-octet must be at least 1 digit long. */
if(*c1 < '0' || *c1 > '9')
return FALSE;
c2 = *ptr;
/* Since the 1 digit requirment was meet, it doesn't
* matter if this is a DIGIT value, it's considered a
* dec-octet.
if(*c2 < '0' || *c2 > '9')
return TRUE;
c3 = *ptr;
/* Same explanation as above. */
if(*c3 < '0' || *c3 > '9')
return TRUE;
/* Anything > 255 isn't a valid IP dec-octet. */
if(*c1 >= '2' && *c2 >= '5' && *c3 >= '5') {
*ptr = c1;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* Checks if there is an implicit IPv4 address in the host component of the URI.
* The max value of an implicit IPv4 address is UINT_MAX.
* Ex:
* "234567" would be considered an implicit IPv4 address.
static BOOL check_implicit_ipv4(const WCHAR **ptr, UINT *val) {
const WCHAR *start = *ptr;
ULONGLONG ret = 0;
*val = 0;
while(is_num(**ptr)) {
ret = ret*10 + (**ptr - '0');
if(ret > UINT_MAX) {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
if(*ptr == start)
return FALSE;
*val = ret;
return TRUE;
/* Checks if the string contains an IPv4 address.
* This function has a strict mode or a non-strict mode of operation
* When 'strict' is set to FALSE this function will return TRUE if
* the string contains at least 'dec-octet "." dec-octet' since partial
* IPv4 addresses will be normalized out into full IPv4 addresses. When
* 'strict' is set this function expects there to be a full IPv4 address.
* IPv4address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet
static BOOL check_ipv4address(const WCHAR **ptr, BOOL strict) {
const WCHAR *start = *ptr;
if(!check_dec_octet(ptr)) {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
if(**ptr != '.') {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
if(!check_dec_octet(ptr)) {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
if(**ptr != '.') {
if(strict) {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
} else
return TRUE;
if(!check_dec_octet(ptr)) {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
if(**ptr != '.') {
if(strict) {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
} else
return TRUE;
if(!check_dec_octet(ptr)) {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
/* Found a four digit ip address. */
return TRUE;
/* Tries to parse the scheme name of the URI.
* scheme = ALPHA *(ALPHA | NUM | '+' | '-' | '.') as defined by RFC 3896.
* NOTE: Windows accepts a number as the first character of a scheme.
static BOOL parse_scheme_name(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data) {
const WCHAR *start = *ptr;
data->scheme = NULL;
data->scheme_len = 0;
while(**ptr) {
if(**ptr == '*' && *ptr == start) {
/* Might have found a wildcard scheme. If it is the next
* char has to be a ':' for it to be a valid URI
} else if(!is_num(**ptr) && !is_alpha(**ptr) && **ptr != '+' &&
**ptr != '-' && **ptr != '.')
if(*ptr == start)
return FALSE;
/* Schemes must end with a ':' */
if(**ptr != ':') {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
data->scheme = start;
data->scheme_len = *ptr - start;
return TRUE;
/* Tries to deduce the corresponding URL_SCHEME for the given URI. Stores
* the deduced URL_SCHEME in data->scheme_type.
static BOOL parse_scheme_type(parse_data *data) {
/* If there's scheme data then see if it's a recognized scheme. */
if(data->scheme && data->scheme_len) {
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(recognized_schemes)/sizeof(recognized_schemes[0]); ++i) {
if(lstrlenW(recognized_schemes[i].scheme_name) == data->scheme_len) {
/* Has to be a case insensitive compare. */
if(!StrCmpNIW(recognized_schemes[i].scheme_name, data->scheme, data->scheme_len)) {
data->scheme_type = recognized_schemes[i].scheme;
return TRUE;
/* If we get here it means it's not a recognized scheme. */
data->scheme_type = URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN;
return TRUE;
} else if(data->is_relative) {
/* Relative URI's have no scheme. */
data->scheme_type = URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN;
return TRUE;
} else {
/* Should never reach here! what happened... */
FIXME("(%p): Unable to determine scheme type for URI %s\n", data, debugstr_w(data->uri));
return FALSE;
/* Tries to parse (or deduce) the scheme_name of a URI. If it can't
* parse a scheme from the URI it will try to deduce the scheme_name and scheme_type
* using the flags specified in 'flags' (if any). Flags that affect how this function
* operates are the Uri_CREATE_ALLOW_* flags.
* All parsed/deduced information will be stored in 'data' when the function returns.
* Returns TRUE if it was able to successfully parse the information.
static BOOL parse_scheme(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
static const WCHAR fileW[] = {'f','i','l','e',0};
static const WCHAR wildcardW[] = {'*',0};
/* First check to see if the uri could implicitly be a file path. */
if(is_implicit_file_path(*ptr)) {
data->scheme = fileW;
data->scheme_len = lstrlenW(fileW);
data->has_implicit_scheme = TRUE;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): URI is an implicit file path.\n", ptr, data, flags);
} else {
/* Window's does not consider anything that can implicitly be a file
* path to be a valid URI if the ALLOW_IMPLICIT_FILE_SCHEME flag is not set...
TRACE("(%p %p %x): URI is implicitly a file path, but, the ALLOW_IMPLICIT_FILE_SCHEME flag wasn't set.\n",
ptr, data, flags);
return FALSE;
} else if(!parse_scheme_name(ptr, data)) {
/* No Scheme was found, this means it could be:
* a) an implicit Wildcard scheme
* b) a relative URI
* c) a invalid URI.
data->scheme = wildcardW;
data->scheme_len = lstrlenW(wildcardW);
data->has_implicit_scheme = TRUE;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): URI is an implicit wildcard scheme.\n", ptr, data, flags);
} else if (flags & Uri_CREATE_ALLOW_RELATIVE) {
data->is_relative = TRUE;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): URI is relative.\n", ptr, data, flags);
} else {
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Malformed URI found. Unable to deduce scheme name.\n", ptr, data, flags);
return FALSE;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Found scheme=%s scheme_len=%d\n", ptr, data, flags,
debugstr_wn(data->scheme, data->scheme_len), data->scheme_len);
return FALSE;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Assigned %d as the URL_SCHEME.\n", ptr, data, flags, data->scheme_type);
return TRUE;
/* Parses the userinfo part of the URI (if it exists). The userinfo field of
* a URI can consist of "username:password@", or just "username@".
* RFC def:
* userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
* 1) If there is more than one ':' in the userinfo part of the URI Windows
* uses the first occurence of ':' to delimit the username and password
* components.
* ex:
* ftp://user:pass:word@winehq.org
* Would yield, "user" as the username and "pass:word" as the password.
* 2) Windows allows any character to appear in the "userinfo" part of
* a URI, as long as it's not an authority delimeter character set.
static void parse_userinfo(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
data->userinfo = *ptr;
data->userinfo_split = -1;
while(**ptr != '@') {
if(**ptr == ':' && data->userinfo_split == -1)
data->userinfo_split = *ptr - data->userinfo;
else if(**ptr == '%') {
/* If it's a known scheme type, it has to be a valid percent
* encoded value.
if(!check_pct_encoded(ptr)) {
if(data->scheme_type != URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN) {
*ptr = data->userinfo;
data->userinfo = NULL;
data->userinfo_split = -1;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): URI contained no userinfo.\n", ptr, data, flags);
} else
} else if(is_auth_delim(**ptr, data->scheme_type != URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN))
if(**ptr != '@') {
*ptr = data->userinfo;
data->userinfo = NULL;
data->userinfo_split = -1;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): URI contained no userinfo.\n", ptr, data, flags);
data->userinfo_len = *ptr - data->userinfo;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Found userinfo=%s userinfo_len=%d split=%d.\n", ptr, data, flags,
debugstr_wn(data->userinfo, data->userinfo_len), data->userinfo_len, data->userinfo_split);
/* Attempts to parse a IPv4 address from the URI.
* Window's normalizes IPv4 addresses, This means there's three
* possibilities for the URI to contain an IPv4 address.
* 1) A well formed address (ex.
* 2) A partially formed address. For example "192.0" would
* normalize to "" during canonicalization.
* 3) An implicit IPv4 address. For example "256" would
* normalize to "" during canonicalization. Also
* note that the maximum value for an implicit IP address
* is UINT_MAX, if the value in the URI exceeds this then
* it is not considered an IPv4 address.
static BOOL parse_ipv4address(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
const BOOL is_unknown = data->scheme_type == URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN;
data->host = *ptr;
if(!check_ipv4address(ptr, FALSE)) {
if(!check_implicit_ipv4(ptr, &data->implicit_ipv4)) {
TRACE("(%p %p %x): URI didn't contain anything looking like an IPv4 address.\n",
ptr, data, flags);
*ptr = data->host;
data->host = NULL;
return FALSE;
} else
data->has_implicit_ip = TRUE;
/* Check if what we found is the only part of the host name (if it isn't
* we don't have an IPv4 address).
if(!is_auth_delim(**ptr, !is_unknown) && **ptr != ':') {
*ptr = data->host;
data->host = NULL;
data->has_implicit_ip = FALSE;
return FALSE;
data->host_len = *ptr - data->host;
data->host_type = Uri_HOST_IPV4;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): IPv4 address found. host=%s host_len=%d host_type=%d\n",
ptr, data, flags, debugstr_wn(data->host, data->host_len),
data->host_len, data->host_type);
return TRUE;
/* Attempts to parse the reg-name from the URI.
* reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims )
* Windows allows everything, but, the characters in "auth_delims" and ':'
* to appear in a reg-name.
* Windows doesn't like host names which start with '[' and end with ']'
* and don't contain a valid IP literal address in between them.
* On Windows if an '[' is encountered in the host name the ':' no longer
* counts as a delimiter until you reach the next ']' or an "authority delimeter".
* A reg-name CAN be empty.
static BOOL parse_reg_name(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
const BOOL has_start_bracket = **ptr == '[';
const BOOL known_scheme = data->scheme_type != URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN;
BOOL inside_brackets = has_start_bracket;
/* We have to be careful with file schemes. */
if(data->scheme_type == URL_SCHEME_FILE) {
/* This is because an implicit file scheme could be "C:\\test" and it
* would trick this function into thinking the host is "C", when after
* canonicalization the host would end up being an empty string.
if(is_alpha(**ptr) && *(*ptr+1) == ':') {
/* Regular old drive paths don't have a host type (or host name). */
data->host_type = Uri_HOST_UNKNOWN;
data->host = *ptr;
data->host_len = 0;
return TRUE;
} else if(**ptr == '\\' && *(*ptr+1) == '\\')
/* Skip past the "\\" of a UNC path. */
*ptr += 2;
data->host = *ptr;
while(!is_auth_delim(**ptr, known_scheme)) {
if(**ptr == ':') {
/* We can ignore ':' if were inside brackets.*/
} else if(**ptr == '%' && known_scheme) {
/* Has to be a legit % encoded value. */
if(!check_pct_encoded(ptr)) {
*ptr = data->host;
data->host = NULL;
return FALSE;
} else
} else if(**ptr == ']')
inside_brackets = FALSE;
else if(**ptr == '[')
inside_brackets = TRUE;
if(has_start_bracket) {
/* Make sure the last character of the host wasn't a ']'. */
if(*(*ptr-1) == ']') {
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Expected an IP literal inside of the host\n",
ptr, data, flags);
*ptr = data->host;
data->host = NULL;
return FALSE;
data->host_len = *ptr - data->host;
/* If the host is empty, then it's an unknown host type. */
if(data->host_len == 0)
data->host_type = Uri_HOST_UNKNOWN;
data->host_type = Uri_HOST_DNS;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Parsed reg-name. host=%s len=%d\n", ptr, data, flags,
debugstr_wn(data->host, data->host_len), data->host_len);
return TRUE;
/* Attempts to parse an IPv6 address out of the URI.
* IPv6address = 6( h16 ":" ) ls32
* / "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
* / [ h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
* / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
* / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
* / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 ":" ls32
* / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" ls32
* / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16
* / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
* ls32 = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
* ; least-significant 32 bits of address.
* h16 = 1*4HEXDIG
* ; 16 bits of address represented in hexadecimal.
* Modeled after google-url's 'DoParseIPv6' function.
static BOOL parse_ipv6address(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
const WCHAR *start, *cur_start;
ipv6_address ip;
start = cur_start = *ptr;
memset(&ip, 0, sizeof(ipv6_address));
for(;; ++(*ptr)) {
/* Check if we're on the last character of the host. */
BOOL is_end = (is_auth_delim(**ptr, data->scheme_type != URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN)
|| **ptr == ']');
BOOL is_split = (**ptr == ':');
BOOL is_elision = (is_split && !is_end && *(*ptr+1) == ':');
/* Check if we're at the end of of the a component, or
* if we're at the end of the IPv6 address.
if(is_split || is_end) {
DWORD cur_len = 0;
cur_len = *ptr - cur_start;
/* h16 can't have a length > 4. */
if(cur_len > 4) {
*ptr = start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): h16 component to long.\n",
ptr, data, flags);
return FALSE;
if(cur_len == 0) {
/* An h16 component can't have the length of 0 unless
* the elision is at the beginning of the address, or
* at the end of the address.
if(!((*ptr == start && is_elision) ||
(is_end && (*ptr-2) == ip.elision))) {
*ptr = start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): IPv6 component can not have a length of 0.\n",
ptr, data, flags);
return FALSE;
if(cur_len > 0) {
/* An IPv6 address can have no more than 8 h16 components. */
if(ip.h16_count >= 8) {
*ptr = start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Not a IPv6 address, to many h16 components.\n",
ptr, data, flags);
return FALSE;
ip.components[ip.h16_count].str = cur_start;
ip.components[ip.h16_count].len = cur_len;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Found h16 component %s, len=%d, h16_count=%d\n",
ptr, data, flags, debugstr_wn(cur_start, cur_len), cur_len,
if(is_elision) {
/* A IPv6 address can only have 1 elision ('::'). */
if(ip.elision) {
*ptr = start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): IPv6 address cannot have 2 elisions.\n",
ptr, data, flags);
return FALSE;
ip.elision = *ptr;
cur_start = *ptr+1;
else {
if(!check_ipv4address(ptr, TRUE)) {
if(!is_hexdigit(**ptr)) {
/* Not a valid character for an IPv6 address. */
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
} else {
/* Found an IPv4 address. */
ip.ipv4 = cur_start;
ip.ipv4_len = *ptr - cur_start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Found an attached IPv4 address %s len=%d.\n",
ptr, data, flags, debugstr_wn(ip.ipv4, ip.ipv4_len),
/* IPv4 addresses can only appear at the end of a IPv6. */
/* Make sure the IPv6 address adds up to 16 bytes. */
if(ip.components_size + ip.elision_size != 16) {
*ptr = start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Invalid IPv6 address, did not add up to 16 bytes.\n",
ptr, data, flags);
return FALSE;
if(ip.elision_size == 2) {
/* For some reason on Windows if an elision that represents
* only 1 h16 component is encountered at the very begin or
* end of an IPv6 address, Windows does not consider it a
* valid IPv6 address.
* Ex: [::2:3:4:5:6:7] is not valid, even though the sum
* of all the components == 128bits.
if(ip.elision < ip.components[0].str ||
ip.elision > ip.components[ip.h16_count-1].str) {
*ptr = start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Invalid IPv6 address. Detected elision of 2 bytes at the beginning or end of the address.\n",
ptr, data, flags);
return FALSE;
data->host_type = Uri_HOST_IPV6;
data->has_ipv6 = TRUE;
data->ipv6_address = ip;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Found valid IPv6 literal %s len=%d\n",
ptr, data, flags, debugstr_wn(start, *ptr-start),
return TRUE;
/* IPvFuture = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" ) */
static BOOL parse_ipvfuture(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
const WCHAR *start = *ptr;
/* IPvFuture has to start with a 'v' or 'V'. */
if(**ptr != 'v' && **ptr != 'V')
return FALSE;
/* Following the v their must be atleast 1 hexdigit. */
if(!is_hexdigit(**ptr)) {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
/* End of the hexdigit sequence must be a '.' */
if(**ptr != '.') {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
if(!is_unreserved(**ptr) && !is_subdelim(**ptr) && **ptr != ':') {
*ptr = start;
return FALSE;
while(is_unreserved(**ptr) || is_subdelim(**ptr) || **ptr == ':')
data->host_type = Uri_HOST_UNKNOWN;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Parsed IPvFuture address %s len=%d\n", ptr, data, flags,
debugstr_wn(start, *ptr-start), *ptr-start);
return TRUE;
/* IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture ) "]" */
static BOOL parse_ip_literal(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
data->host = *ptr;
if(**ptr != '[') {
data->host = NULL;
return FALSE;
if(!parse_ipv6address(ptr, data, flags)) {
if(!parse_ipvfuture(ptr, data, flags)) {
*ptr = data->host;
data->host = NULL;
return FALSE;
if(**ptr != ']') {
*ptr = data->host;
data->host = NULL;
return FALSE;
data->host_len = *ptr - data->host;
return TRUE;
/* Parses the host information from the URI.
* host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
static BOOL parse_host(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
if(!parse_ip_literal(ptr, data, flags)) {
if(!parse_ipv4address(ptr, data, flags)) {
if(!parse_reg_name(ptr, data, flags)) {
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Malformed URI, Unknown host type.\n",
ptr, data, flags);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* Parses the authority information from the URI.
* authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]
static BOOL parse_authority(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
parse_userinfo(ptr, data, flags);
if(!parse_host(ptr, data, flags))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* Determines how the URI should be parsed after the scheme information.
* If the scheme is followed, by "//" then, it is treated as an hierarchical URI
* which then the authority and path information will be parsed out. Otherwise, the
* URI will be treated as an opaque URI which the authority information is not parsed
* out.
* RFC 3896 definition of hier-part:
* hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty
* / path-absolute
* / path-rootless
* / path-empty
* MSDN opaque URI definition:
* scheme ":" path [ "#" fragment ]
* If the URI is of an unknown scheme type and has a "//" following the scheme then it
* is treated as a hierarchical URI, but, if the CREATE_NO_CRACK_UNKNOWN_SCHEMES flag is
* set then it is considered an opaque URI reguardless of what follows the scheme information
* (per MSDN documentation).
static BOOL parse_hierpart(const WCHAR **ptr, parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
/* Checks if the authority information needs to be parsed.
* Relative URI's aren't hierarchical URI's, but, they could trick
* "check_hierarchical" into thinking it is, so we need to explicitly
* make sure it's not relative. Also, if the URI is an implicit file
* scheme it might not contain a "//", but, it's considered hierarchical
* anyways. Wildcard Schemes are always considered hierarchical
if(data->scheme_type == URL_SCHEME_WILDCARD ||
data->scheme_type == URL_SCHEME_FILE ||
(!data->is_relative && check_hierarchical(ptr))) {
/* Only treat it as a hierarchical URI if the scheme_type is known or
* the Uri_CREATE_NO_CRACK_UNKNOWN_SCHEMES flag is not set.
if(data->scheme_type != URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN ||
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Treating URI as an hierarchical URI.\n", ptr, data, flags);
data->is_opaque = FALSE;
/* TODO: Handle hierarchical URI's, parse authority then parse the path. */
if(!parse_authority(ptr, data, flags))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* If it reaches here, then the URI will be treated as an opaque
* URI.
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Treating URI as an opaque URI.\n", ptr, data, flags);
data->is_opaque = TRUE;
/* TODO: Handle opaque URI's, parse path. */
return TRUE;
/* Parses and validates the components of the specified by data->uri
* and stores the information it parses into 'data'.
* Returns TRUE if it successfully parsed the URI. False otherwise.
static BOOL parse_uri(parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
const WCHAR *ptr;
const WCHAR **pptr;
ptr = data->uri;
pptr = &ptr;
TRACE("(%p %x): BEGINNING TO PARSE URI %s.\n", data, flags, debugstr_w(data->uri));
if(!parse_scheme(pptr, data, flags))
return FALSE;
if(!parse_hierpart(pptr, data, flags))
return FALSE;
TRACE("(%p %x): FINISHED PARSING URI.\n", data, flags);
return TRUE;
/* Canonicalizes the userinfo of the URI represented by the parse_data.
* Canonicalization of the userinfo is a simple process. If there are any percent
* encoded characters that fall in the "unreserved" character set, they are decoded
* to their actual value. If a character is not in the "unreserved" or "reserved" sets
* then it is percent encoded. Other than that the characters are copied over without
* change.
static BOOL canonicalize_userinfo(const parse_data *data, Uri *uri, DWORD flags, BOOL computeOnly) {
DWORD i = 0;
uri->userinfo_start = uri->userinfo_split = -1;
uri->userinfo_len = 0;
/* URI doesn't have userinfo, so nothing to do here. */
return TRUE;
uri->userinfo_start = uri->canon_len;
while(i < data->userinfo_len) {
if(data->userinfo[i] == ':' && uri->userinfo_split == -1)
/* Windows only considers the first ':' as the delimiter. */
uri->userinfo_split = uri->canon_len - uri->userinfo_start;
else if(data->userinfo[i] == '%') {
/* Only decode % encoded values for known scheme types. */
if(data->scheme_type != URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN) {
/* See if the value really needs decoded. */
WCHAR val = decode_pct_val(data->userinfo + i);
if(is_unreserved(val)) {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = val;
/* Move pass the hex characters. */
i += 3;
} else if(!is_reserved(data->userinfo[i]) && !is_unreserved(data->userinfo[i]) &&
data->userinfo[i] != '\\') {
/* Only percent encode forbidden characters if the NO_ENCODE_FORBIDDEN_CHARACTERS flag
* is NOT set.
pct_encode_val(data->userinfo[i], uri->canon_uri + uri->canon_len);
uri->canon_len += 3;
/* Nothing special, so just copy the character over. */
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = data->userinfo[i];
uri->userinfo_len = uri->canon_len - uri->userinfo_start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x %d): Canonicalized userinfo, userinfo_start=%d, userinfo=%s, userinfo_split=%d userinfo_len=%d.\n",
data, uri, flags, computeOnly, uri->userinfo_start, debugstr_wn(uri->canon_uri + uri->userinfo_start, uri->userinfo_len),
uri->userinfo_split, uri->userinfo_len);
/* Now insert the '@' after the userinfo. */
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = '@';
return TRUE;
/* Attempts to canonicalize a reg_name.
* Things that happen:
* 1) If Uri_CREATE_NO_CANONICALIZE flag is not set, then the reg_name is
* lower cased. Unless it's an unknown scheme type, which case it's
* no lower cased reguardless.
* 2) Unreserved % encoded characters are decoded for known
* scheme types.
* 3) Forbidden characters are % encoded as long as
* it isn't an unknown scheme type.
* 4) If it's a file scheme and the host is "localhost" it's removed.
static BOOL canonicalize_reg_name(const parse_data *data, Uri *uri,
DWORD flags, BOOL computeOnly) {
static const WCHAR localhostW[] =
const WCHAR *ptr;
const BOOL known_scheme = data->scheme_type != URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN;
uri->host_start = uri->canon_len;
if(data->scheme_type == URL_SCHEME_FILE &&
data->host_len == lstrlenW(localhostW)) {
if(!StrCmpNIW(data->host, localhostW, data->host_len)) {
uri->host_start = -1;
uri->host_len = 0;
uri->host_type = Uri_HOST_UNKNOWN;
return TRUE;
for(ptr = data->host; ptr < data->host+data->host_len; ++ptr) {
if(*ptr == '%' && known_scheme) {
WCHAR val = decode_pct_val(ptr);
if(is_unreserved(val)) {
/* If NO_CANONICALZE is not set, then windows lower cases the
* decoded value.
if(!(flags & Uri_CREATE_NO_CANONICALIZE) && isupperW(val)) {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = tolowerW(val);
} else {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = val;
/* Skip past the % encoded character. */
ptr += 2;
} else {
/* Just copy the % over. */
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = *ptr;
} else if(*ptr == '\\') {
/* Only unknown scheme types could have made it here with a '\\' in the host name. */
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = *ptr;
!is_unreserved(*ptr) && !is_reserved(*ptr) && known_scheme) {
if(!computeOnly) {
pct_encode_val(*ptr, uri->canon_uri+uri->canon_len);
/* The percent encoded value gets lower cased also. */
if(!(flags & Uri_CREATE_NO_CANONICALIZE)) {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len+1] = tolowerW(uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len+1]);
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len+2] = tolowerW(uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len+2]);
uri->canon_len += 3;
} else {
if(!computeOnly) {
if(!(flags & Uri_CREATE_NO_CANONICALIZE) && known_scheme)
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = tolowerW(*ptr);
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = *ptr;
uri->host_len = uri->canon_len - uri->host_start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x %d): Canonicalize reg_name=%s len=%d\n", data, uri, flags,
computeOnly, debugstr_wn(uri->canon_uri+uri->host_start, uri->host_len),
return TRUE;
/* Attempts to canonicalize an implicit IPv4 address. */
static BOOL canonicalize_implicit_ipv4address(const parse_data *data, Uri *uri, DWORD flags, BOOL computeOnly) {
uri->host_start = uri->canon_len;
TRACE("%u\n", data->implicit_ipv4);
/* For unknown scheme types Window's doesn't convert
* the value into an IP address, but, it still considers
* it an IPv4 address.
if(data->scheme_type == URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN) {
memcpy(uri->canon_uri+uri->canon_len, data->host, data->host_len*sizeof(WCHAR));
uri->canon_len += data->host_len;
} else {
uri->canon_len += ui2ipv4(uri->canon_uri+uri->canon_len, data->implicit_ipv4);
uri->canon_len += ui2ipv4(NULL, data->implicit_ipv4);
uri->host_len = uri->canon_len - uri->host_start;
uri->host_type = Uri_HOST_IPV4;
TRACE("%p %p %x %d): Canonicalized implicit IP address=%s len=%d\n",
data, uri, flags, computeOnly,
debugstr_wn(uri->canon_uri+uri->host_start, uri->host_len),
return TRUE;
/* Attempts to canonicalize an IPv4 address.
* If the parse_data represents a URI that has an implicit IPv4 address
* (ex. http://256/, this function will convert 256 into If
* the implicit IP address exceeds the value of UINT_MAX (maximum value
* for an IPv4 address) it's canonicalized as if were a reg-name.
* If the parse_data contains a partial or full IPv4 address it normalizes it.
* A partial IPv4 address is something like "192.0" and would be normalized to
* "". With a full (or partial) IPv4 address like "" would
* be normalized to "".
* Window's ONLY normalizes IPv4 address for known scheme types (one that isn't
* URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN). For unknown scheme types, it simply copies the data from
* the original URI into the canonicalized URI, but, it still recognizes URI's
* host type as HOST_IPV4.
static BOOL canonicalize_ipv4address(const parse_data *data, Uri *uri, DWORD flags, BOOL computeOnly) {
return canonicalize_implicit_ipv4address(data, uri, flags, computeOnly);
else {
uri->host_start = uri->canon_len;
/* Windows only normalizes for known scheme types. */
if(data->scheme_type != URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN) {
/* parse_data contains a partial or full IPv4 address, so normalize it. */
DWORD i, octetDigitCount = 0, octetCount = 0;
BOOL octetHasDigit = FALSE;
for(i = 0; i < data->host_len; ++i) {
if(data->host[i] == '0' && !octetHasDigit) {
/* Can ignore leading zeros if:
* 1) It isn't the last digit of the octet.
* 2) i+1 != data->host_len
* 3) i+1 != '.'
if(octetDigitCount == 2 ||
i+1 == data->host_len ||
data->host[i+1] == '.') {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = data->host[i];
TRACE("Adding zero\n");
} else if(data->host[i] == '.') {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = data->host[i];
octetDigitCount = 0;
octetHasDigit = FALSE;
} else {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = data->host[i];
octetHasDigit = TRUE;
/* Make sure the canonicalized IP address has 4 dec-octets.
* If doesn't add "0" ones until there is 4;
for( ; octetCount < 3; ++octetCount) {
if(!computeOnly) {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = '.';
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len+1] = '0';
uri->canon_len += 2;
} else {
/* Windows doesn't normalize addresses in unknown schemes. */
memcpy(uri->canon_uri+uri->canon_len, data->host, data->host_len*sizeof(WCHAR));
uri->canon_len += data->host_len;
uri->host_len = uri->canon_len - uri->host_start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x %d): Canonicalized IPv4 address, ip=%s len=%d\n",
data, uri, flags, computeOnly,
debugstr_wn(uri->canon_uri+uri->host_start, uri->host_len),
return TRUE;
/* Attempts to canonicalize the IPv6 address of the URI.
* Multiple things happen during the canonicalization of an IPv6 address:
* 1) Any leading zero's in an h16 component are removed.
* Ex: [0001:0022::] -> [1:22::]
* 2) The longest sequence of zero h16 components are compressed
* into a "::" (elision). If there's a tie, the first is choosen.
* Ex: [0:0:0:0:1:6:7:8] -> [::1:6:7:8]
* [0:0:0:0:1:2::] -> [::1:2:0:0]
* [0:0:1:2:0:0:7:8] -> [::1:2:0:0:7:8]
* 3) If an IPv4 address is attached to the IPv6 address, it's
* also normalized.
* Ex: [::] -> [::]
* 4) If an elision is present, but, only represents 1 h16 component
* it's expanded.
* Ex: [1::2:3:4:5:6:7] -> [1:0:2:3:4:5:6:7]
* 5) If the IPv6 address contains an IPv4 address and there exists
* at least 1 non-zero h16 component the IPv4 address is converted
* into two h16 components, otherwise it's normalized and kept as is.
* Ex: [::] -> [::]
* [ffff::] -> [ffff::c0c8:3041]
* For unknown scheme types Windows simply copies the address over without any
* changes.
* IPv4 address can be included in an elision if all its components are 0's.
static BOOL canonicalize_ipv6address(const parse_data *data, Uri *uri,
DWORD flags, BOOL computeOnly) {
uri->host_start = uri->canon_len;
if(data->scheme_type == URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN) {
memcpy(uri->canon_uri+uri->canon_len, data->host, data->host_len*sizeof(WCHAR));
uri->canon_len += data->host_len;
} else {
USHORT values[8];
INT elision_start;
DWORD i, elision_len;
if(!ipv6_to_number(&(data->ipv6_address), values)) {
TRACE("(%p %p %x %d): Failed to compute numerical value for IPv6 address.\n",
data, uri, flags, computeOnly);
return FALSE;
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = '[';
/* Find where the elision should occur (if any). */
compute_elision_location(&(data->ipv6_address), values, &elision_start, &elision_len);
TRACE("%p %p %x %d): Elision starts at %d, len=%u\n", data, uri, flags,
computeOnly, elision_start, elision_len);
for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
BOOL in_elision = (elision_start > -1 && i >= elision_start &&
i < elision_start+elision_len);
BOOL do_ipv4 = (i == 6 && data->ipv6_address.ipv4 && !in_elision &&
data->ipv6_address.h16_count == 0);
if(i == elision_start) {
if(!computeOnly) {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = ':';
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len+1] = ':';
uri->canon_len += 2;
/* We can ignore the current component if we're in the elision. */
/* We only add a ':' if we're not at i == 0, or when we're at
* the very end of elision range since the ':' colon was handled
* earlier. Otherwise we would end up with ":::" after elision.
if(i != 0 && !(elision_start > -1 && i == elision_start+elision_len)) {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = ':';
if(do_ipv4) {
UINT val;
DWORD len;
/* Combine the two parts of the IPv4 address values. */
val = values[i];
val <<= 16;
val += values[i+1];
len = ui2ipv4(uri->canon_uri+uri->canon_len, val);
len = ui2ipv4(NULL, val);
uri->canon_len += len;
} else {
/* Write a regular h16 component to the URI. */
/* Short circuit for the trivial case. */
if(values[i] == 0) {
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = '0';
} else {
static const WCHAR formatW[] = {'%','x',0};
uri->canon_len += sprintfW(uri->canon_uri+uri->canon_len,
formatW, values[i]);
else {
WCHAR tmp[5];
uri->canon_len += sprintfW(tmp, formatW, values[i]);
/* Add the closing ']'. */
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = ']';
uri->host_len = uri->canon_len - uri->host_start;
TRACE("(%p %p %x %d): Canonicalized IPv6 address %s, len=%d\n", data, uri, flags,
computeOnly, debugstr_wn(uri->canon_uri+uri->host_start, uri->host_len),
return TRUE;
/* Attempts to canonicalize the host of the URI (if any). */
static BOOL canonicalize_host(const parse_data *data, Uri *uri, DWORD flags, BOOL computeOnly) {
uri->host_start = -1;
uri->host_len = 0;
if(data->host) {
switch(data->host_type) {
case Uri_HOST_DNS:
uri->host_type = Uri_HOST_DNS;
if(!canonicalize_reg_name(data, uri, flags, computeOnly))
return FALSE;
case Uri_HOST_IPV4:
uri->host_type = Uri_HOST_IPV4;
if(!canonicalize_ipv4address(data, uri, flags, computeOnly))
return FALSE;
case Uri_HOST_IPV6:
if(!canonicalize_ipv6address(data, uri, flags, computeOnly))
return FALSE;
uri->host_type = Uri_HOST_IPV6;
if(data->host_len > 0 || data->scheme_type != URL_SCHEME_FILE) {
uri->host_start = uri->canon_len;
/* Nothing happens to unknown host types. */
memcpy(uri->canon_uri+uri->canon_len, data->host, data->host_len*sizeof(WCHAR));
uri->canon_len += data->host_len;
uri->host_len = data->host_len;
WARN("(%p %p %x %d): Canonicalization not supported yet\n", data,
uri, flags, computeOnly);
return TRUE;
/* Canonicalizes the authority of the URI represented by the parse_data. */
static BOOL canonicalize_authority(const parse_data *data, Uri *uri, DWORD flags, BOOL computeOnly) {
if(!canonicalize_userinfo(data, uri, flags, computeOnly))
return FALSE;
if(!canonicalize_host(data, uri, flags, computeOnly))
return FALSE;
/* TODO Canonicalize port information. */
return TRUE;
/* Determines how the URI represented by the parse_data should be canonicalized.
* Essentially, if the parse_data represents an hierarchical URI then it calls
* canonicalize_authority and the canonicalization functions for the path. If the
* URI is opaque it canonicalizes the path of the URI.
static BOOL canonicalize_hierpart(const parse_data *data, Uri *uri, DWORD flags, BOOL computeOnly) {
if(!data->is_opaque) {
/* "//" is only added for non-wildcard scheme types. */
if(data->scheme_type != URL_SCHEME_WILDCARD) {
if(!computeOnly) {
INT pos = uri->canon_len;
uri->canon_uri[pos] = '/';
uri->canon_uri[pos+1] = '/';
uri->canon_len += 2;
if(!canonicalize_authority(data, uri, flags, computeOnly))
return FALSE;
/* TODO: Canonicalize the path of the URI. */
} else {
/* Opaque URI's don't have an authority. */
uri->userinfo_start = uri->userinfo_split = -1;
uri->userinfo_len = 0;
uri->host_start = -1;
uri->host_len = 0;
return TRUE;
/* Canonicalizes the scheme information specified in the parse_data using the specified flags. */
static BOOL canonicalize_scheme(const parse_data *data, Uri *uri, DWORD flags, BOOL computeOnly) {
uri->scheme_start = -1;
uri->scheme_len = 0;
if(!data->scheme) {
/* The only type of URI that doesn't have to have a scheme is a relative
* URI.
if(!data->is_relative) {
FIXME("(%p %p %x): Unable to determine the scheme type of %s.\n", data,
uri, flags, debugstr_w(data->uri));
return FALSE;
} else {
if(!computeOnly) {
INT pos = uri->canon_len;
for(i = 0; i < data->scheme_len; ++i) {
/* Scheme name must be lower case after canonicalization. */
uri->canon_uri[i + pos] = tolowerW(data->scheme[i]);
uri->canon_uri[i + pos] = ':';
uri->scheme_start = pos;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): Canonicalized scheme=%s, len=%d.\n", data, uri, flags,
debugstr_wn(uri->canon_uri, uri->scheme_len), data->scheme_len);
/* This happens in both computation modes. */
uri->canon_len += data->scheme_len + 1;
uri->scheme_len = data->scheme_len;
return TRUE;
/* Compute's what the length of the URI specified by the parse_data will be
* after canonicalization occurs using the specified flags.
* This function will return a non-zero value indicating the length of the canonicalized
* URI, or -1 on error.
static int compute_canonicalized_length(const parse_data *data, DWORD flags) {
Uri uri;
memset(&uri, 0, sizeof(Uri));
TRACE("(%p %x): Beginning to compute canonicalized length for URI %s\n", data, flags,
if(!canonicalize_scheme(data, &uri, flags, TRUE)) {
ERR("(%p %x): Failed to compute URI scheme length.\n", data, flags);
return -1;
if(!canonicalize_hierpart(data, &uri, flags, TRUE)) {
ERR("(%p %x): Failed to compute URI hierpart length.\n", data, flags);
return -1;
TRACE("(%p %x): Finished computing canonicalized URI length. length=%d\n", data, flags, uri.canon_len);
return uri.canon_len;
/* Canonicalizes the URI data specified in the parse_data, using the given flags. If the
* canonicalization succeededs it will store all the canonicalization information
* in the pointer to the Uri.
* To canonicalize a URI this function first computes what the length of the URI
* specified by the parse_data will be. Once this is done it will then perfom the actual
* canonicalization of the URI.
static HRESULT canonicalize_uri(const parse_data *data, Uri *uri, DWORD flags) {
INT len;
uri->canon_uri = NULL;
len = uri->canon_size = uri->canon_len = 0;
TRACE("(%p %p %x): beginning to canonicalize URI %s.\n", data, uri, flags, debugstr_w(data->uri));
/* First try to compute the length of the URI. */
len = compute_canonicalized_length(data, flags);
if(len == -1) {
ERR("(%p %p %x): Could not compute the canonicalized length of %s.\n", data, uri, flags,
uri->canon_uri = heap_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
if(!canonicalize_scheme(data, uri, flags, FALSE)) {
ERR("(%p %p %x): Unable to canonicalize the scheme of the URI.\n", data, uri, flags);
uri->scheme_type = data->scheme_type;
if(!canonicalize_hierpart(data, uri, flags, FALSE)) {
ERR("(%p %p %x): Unable to canonicalize the heirpart of the URI\n", data, uri, flags);
uri->canon_uri[uri->canon_len] = '\0';
TRACE("(%p %p %x): finished canonicalizing the URI.\n", data, uri, flags);
return S_OK;
#define URI(x) ((IUri*) &(x)->lpIUriVtbl)
#define URIBUILDER(x) ((IUriBuilder*) &(x)->lpIUriBuilderVtbl)
#define URI_THIS(iface) DEFINE_THIS(Uri, IUri, iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_QueryInterface(IUri *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
if(IsEqualGUID(&IID_IUnknown, riid)) {
TRACE("(%p)->(IID_IUnknown %p)\n", This, ppv);
*ppv = URI(This);
}else if(IsEqualGUID(&IID_IUri, riid)) {
TRACE("(%p)->(IID_IUri %p)\n", This, ppv);
*ppv = URI(This);
}else {
TRACE("(%p)->(%s %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), ppv);
*ppv = NULL;
return S_OK;
static ULONG WINAPI Uri_AddRef(IUri *iface)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
LONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref);
TRACE("(%p) ref=%d\n", This, ref);
return ref;
static ULONG WINAPI Uri_Release(IUri *iface)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
LONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref);
TRACE("(%p) ref=%d\n", This, ref);
if(!ref) {
return ref;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetPropertyBSTR(IUri *iface, Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, BSTR *pbstrProperty, DWORD dwFlags)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
TRACE("(%p)->(%d %p %x)\n", This, uriProp, pbstrProperty, dwFlags);
return E_POINTER;
if(uriProp > Uri_PROPERTY_STRING_LAST) {
/* Windows allocates an empty BSTR for invalid Uri_PROPERTY's. */
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, 0);
/* It only returns S_FALSE for the ZONE property... */
if(uriProp == Uri_PROPERTY_ZONE)
return S_FALSE;
return S_OK;
/* Don't have support for flags yet. */
if(dwFlags) {
FIXME("(%p)->(%d %p %x)\n", This, uriProp, pbstrProperty, dwFlags);
return E_NOTIMPL;
switch(uriProp) {
if(This->host_start > -1) {
/* The '[' and ']' aren't included for IPv6 addresses. */
if(This->host_type == Uri_HOST_IPV6)
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(This->canon_uri+This->host_start+1, This->host_len-2);
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(This->canon_uri+This->host_start, This->host_len);
hres = S_OK;
} else {
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, 0);
hres = S_FALSE;
if(This->userinfo_split > -1) {
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(
hres = S_OK;
} else {
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, 0);
hres = S_FALSE;
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocString(This->raw_uri);
hres = S_OK;
if(This->scheme_start > -1) {
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(This->canon_uri + This->scheme_start, This->scheme_len);
hres = S_OK;
} else {
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, 0);
hres = S_FALSE;
if(This->userinfo_start > -1) {
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(This->canon_uri+This->userinfo_start, This->userinfo_len);
hres = S_OK;
} else {
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, 0);
hres = S_FALSE;
if(This->userinfo_start > -1) {
/* If userinfo_split is set, that means a password exists
* so the username is only from userinfo_start to userinfo_split.
if(This->userinfo_split > -1) {
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(This->canon_uri + This->userinfo_start, This->userinfo_split);
hres = S_OK;
} else {
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(This->canon_uri + This->userinfo_start, This->userinfo_len);
hres = S_OK;
} else {
*pbstrProperty = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, 0);
hres = S_FALSE;
FIXME("(%p)->(%d %p %x)\n", This, uriProp, pbstrProperty, dwFlags);
hres = E_NOTIMPL;
return hres;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetPropertyLength(IUri *iface, Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, DWORD *pcchProperty, DWORD dwFlags)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
TRACE("(%p)->(%d %p %x)\n", This, uriProp, pcchProperty, dwFlags);
/* Can only return a length for a property if it's a string. */
/* Don't have support for flags yet. */
if(dwFlags) {
FIXME("(%p)->(%d %p %x)\n", This, uriProp, pcchProperty, dwFlags);
return E_NOTIMPL;
switch(uriProp) {
*pcchProperty = This->host_len;
/* '[' and ']' aren't included in the length. */
if(This->host_type == Uri_HOST_IPV6)
*pcchProperty -= 2;
hres = (This->host_start > -1) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
*pcchProperty = (This->userinfo_split > -1) ? This->userinfo_len-This->userinfo_split-1 : 0;
hres = (This->userinfo_split > -1) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
*pcchProperty = SysStringLen(This->raw_uri);
hres = S_OK;
*pcchProperty = This->scheme_len;
hres = (This->scheme_start > -1) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
*pcchProperty = This->userinfo_len;
hres = (This->userinfo_start > -1) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
*pcchProperty = (This->userinfo_split > -1) ? This->userinfo_split : This->userinfo_len;
hres = (This->userinfo_start > -1) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
FIXME("(%p)->(%d %p %x)\n", This, uriProp, pcchProperty, dwFlags);
hres = E_NOTIMPL;
return hres;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetPropertyDWORD(IUri *iface, Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, DWORD *pcchProperty, DWORD dwFlags)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
TRACE("(%p)->(%d %p %x)\n", This, uriProp, pcchProperty, dwFlags);
/* Microsoft's implementation for the ZONE property of a URI seems to be lacking...
* From what I can tell, instead of checking which URLZONE the URI belongs to it
* simply assigns URLZONE_INVALID and returns E_NOTIMPL. This also applies to the GetZone
* function.
if(uriProp == Uri_PROPERTY_ZONE) {
*pcchProperty = URLZONE_INVALID;
return E_NOTIMPL;
if(uriProp < Uri_PROPERTY_DWORD_START) {
*pcchProperty = 0;
switch(uriProp) {
*pcchProperty = This->scheme_type;
hres = S_OK;
FIXME("(%p)->(%d %p %x)\n", This, uriProp, pcchProperty, dwFlags);
hres = E_NOTIMPL;
return hres;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_HasProperty(IUri *iface, Uri_PROPERTY uriProp, BOOL *pfHasProperty)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%d %p)\n", This, uriProp, pfHasProperty);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetAbsoluteUri(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrAbsoluteUri)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrAbsoluteUri);
return E_POINTER;
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetAuthority(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrAuthority)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrAuthority);
return E_POINTER;
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetDisplayUri(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrDisplayUri)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrDisplayUri);
return E_POINTER;
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetDomain(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrDomain)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrDomain);
return E_POINTER;
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetExtension(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrExtension)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrExtension);
return E_POINTER;
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetFragment(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrFragment)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrFragment);
return E_POINTER;
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetHost(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrHost)
TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", iface, pstrHost);
return Uri_GetPropertyBSTR(iface, Uri_PROPERTY_HOST, pstrHost, 0);
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetPassword(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrPassword)
TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", iface, pstrPassword);
return Uri_GetPropertyBSTR(iface, Uri_PROPERTY_PASSWORD, pstrPassword, 0);
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetPath(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrPath)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrPath);
return E_POINTER;
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetPathAndQuery(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrPathAndQuery)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrPathAndQuery);
return E_POINTER;
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetQuery(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrQuery)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrQuery);
return E_POINTER;
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetRawUri(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrRawUri)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrRawUri);
/* Just forward the call to GetPropertyBSTR. */
return Uri_GetPropertyBSTR(iface, Uri_PROPERTY_RAW_URI, pstrRawUri, 0);
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetSchemeName(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrSchemeName)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pstrSchemeName);
return Uri_GetPropertyBSTR(iface, Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME_NAME, pstrSchemeName, 0);
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetUserInfo(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrUserInfo)
TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", iface, pstrUserInfo);
return Uri_GetPropertyBSTR(iface, Uri_PROPERTY_USER_INFO, pstrUserInfo, 0);
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetUserName(IUri *iface, BSTR *pstrUserName)
TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", iface, pstrUserName);
return Uri_GetPropertyBSTR(iface, Uri_PROPERTY_USER_NAME, pstrUserName, 0);
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetHostType(IUri *iface, DWORD *pdwHostType)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pdwHostType);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetPort(IUri *iface, DWORD *pdwPort)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pdwPort);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetScheme(IUri *iface, DWORD *pdwScheme)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pdwScheme);
return Uri_GetPropertyDWORD(iface, Uri_PROPERTY_SCHEME, pdwScheme, 0);
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetZone(IUri *iface, DWORD *pdwZone)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pdwZone);
/* Microsoft doesn't seem to have this implemented yet... See
* the comment in Uri_GetPropertyDWORD for more about this.
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_GetProperties(IUri *iface, DWORD *pdwProperties)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pdwProperties);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI Uri_IsEqual(IUri *iface, IUri *pUri, BOOL *pfEqual)
Uri *This = URI_THIS(iface);
TRACE("(%p)->(%p %p)\n", This, pUri, pfEqual);
return E_POINTER;
if(!pUri) {
*pfEqual = FALSE;
/* For some reason Windows returns S_OK here... */
return S_OK;
FIXME("(%p)->(%p %p)\n", This, pUri, pfEqual);
return E_NOTIMPL;
#undef URI_THIS
static const IUriVtbl UriVtbl = {
* CreateUri (urlmon.@)
HRESULT WINAPI CreateUri(LPCWSTR pwzURI, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD_PTR dwReserved, IUri **ppURI)
Uri *ret;
parse_data data;
TRACE("(%s %x %x %p)\n", debugstr_w(pwzURI), dwFlags, (DWORD)dwReserved, ppURI);
if(!pwzURI) {
*ppURI = NULL;
ret = heap_alloc(sizeof(Uri));
ret->lpIUriVtbl = &UriVtbl;
ret->ref = 1;
/* Create a copy of pwzURI and store it as the raw_uri. */
ret->raw_uri = SysAllocString(pwzURI);
if(!ret->raw_uri) {
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(parse_data));
data.uri = ret->raw_uri;
/* Validate and parse the URI into it's components. */
if(!parse_uri(&data, dwFlags)) {
/* Encountered an unsupported or invalid URI */
*ppURI = NULL;
/* Canonicalize the URI. */
hr = canonicalize_uri(&data, ret, dwFlags);
if(FAILED(hr)) {
*ppURI = NULL;
return hr;
*ppURI = URI(ret);
return S_OK;
#define URIBUILDER_THIS(iface) DEFINE_THIS(UriBuilder, IUriBuilder, iface)
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_QueryInterface(IUriBuilder *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
if(IsEqualGUID(&IID_IUnknown, riid)) {
TRACE("(%p)->(IID_IUnknown %p)\n", This, ppv);
*ppv = URIBUILDER(This);
}else if(IsEqualGUID(&IID_IUriBuilder, riid)) {
TRACE("(%p)->(IID_IUri %p)\n", This, ppv);
*ppv = URIBUILDER(This);
}else {
TRACE("(%p)->(%s %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), ppv);
*ppv = NULL;
return S_OK;
static ULONG WINAPI UriBuilder_AddRef(IUriBuilder *iface)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
LONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref);
TRACE("(%p) ref=%d\n", This, ref);
return ref;
static ULONG WINAPI UriBuilder_Release(IUriBuilder *iface)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
LONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref);
TRACE("(%p) ref=%d\n", This, ref);
return ref;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_CreateUriSimple(IUriBuilder *iface,
DWORD dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask,
DWORD_PTR dwReserved,
IUri **ppIUri)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%d %d %p)\n", This, dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask, (DWORD)dwReserved, ppIUri);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_CreateUri(IUriBuilder *iface,
DWORD dwCreateFlags,
DWORD dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask,
DWORD_PTR dwReserved,
IUri **ppIUri)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(0x%08x %d %d %p)\n", This, dwCreateFlags, dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask, (DWORD)dwReserved, ppIUri);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_CreateUriWithFlags(IUriBuilder *iface,
DWORD dwCreateFlags,
DWORD dwUriBuilderFlags,
DWORD dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask,
DWORD_PTR dwReserved,
IUri **ppIUri)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(0x%08x 0x%08x %d %d %p)\n", This, dwCreateFlags, dwUriBuilderFlags,
dwAllowEncodingPropertyMask, (DWORD)dwReserved, ppIUri);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_GetIUri(IUriBuilder *iface, IUri **ppIUri)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, ppIUri);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_SetIUri(IUriBuilder *iface, IUri *pIUri)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pIUri);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_GetFragment(IUriBuilder *iface, DWORD *pcchFragment, LPCWSTR *ppwzFragment)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p %p)\n", This, pcchFragment, ppwzFragment);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_GetHost(IUriBuilder *iface, DWORD *pcchHost, LPCWSTR *ppwzHost)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p %p)\n", This, pcchHost, ppwzHost);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_GetPassword(IUriBuilder *iface, DWORD *pcchPassword, LPCWSTR *ppwzPassword)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p %p)\n", This, pcchPassword, ppwzPassword);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_GetPath(IUriBuilder *iface, DWORD *pcchPath, LPCWSTR *ppwzPath)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p %p)\n", This, pcchPath, ppwzPath);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_GetPort(IUriBuilder *iface, BOOL *pfHasPort, DWORD *pdwPort)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p %p)\n", This, pfHasPort, pdwPort);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_GetQuery(IUriBuilder *iface, DWORD *pcchQuery, LPCWSTR *ppwzQuery)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p %p)\n", This, pcchQuery, ppwzQuery);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_GetSchemeName(IUriBuilder *iface, DWORD *pcchSchemeName, LPCWSTR *ppwzSchemeName)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p %p)\n", This, pcchSchemeName, ppwzSchemeName);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_GetUserName(IUriBuilder *iface, DWORD *pcchUserName, LPCWSTR *ppwzUserName)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p %p)\n", This, pcchUserName, ppwzUserName);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_SetFragment(IUriBuilder *iface, LPCWSTR pwzNewValue)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%s)\n", This, debugstr_w(pwzNewValue));
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_SetHost(IUriBuilder *iface, LPCWSTR pwzNewValue)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%s)\n", This, debugstr_w(pwzNewValue));
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_SetPassword(IUriBuilder *iface, LPCWSTR pwzNewValue)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%s)\n", This, debugstr_w(pwzNewValue));
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_SetPath(IUriBuilder *iface, LPCWSTR pwzNewValue)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%s)\n", This, debugstr_w(pwzNewValue));
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_SetPort(IUriBuilder *iface, BOOL fHasPort, DWORD dwNewValue)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%d %d)\n", This, fHasPort, dwNewValue);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_SetQuery(IUriBuilder *iface, LPCWSTR pwzNewValue)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%s)\n", This, debugstr_w(pwzNewValue));
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_SetSchemeName(IUriBuilder *iface, LPCWSTR pwzNewValue)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%s)\n", This, debugstr_w(pwzNewValue));
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_SetUserName(IUriBuilder *iface, LPCWSTR pwzNewValue)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%s)\n", This, debugstr_w(pwzNewValue));
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_RemoveProperties(IUriBuilder *iface, DWORD dwPropertyMask)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(0x%08x)\n", This, dwPropertyMask);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static HRESULT WINAPI UriBuilder_HasBeenModified(IUriBuilder *iface, BOOL *pfModified)
UriBuilder *This = URIBUILDER_THIS(iface);
FIXME("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, pfModified);
return E_NOTIMPL;
static const IUriBuilderVtbl UriBuilderVtbl = {
* CreateIUriBuilder (urlmon.@)
HRESULT WINAPI CreateIUriBuilder(IUri *pIUri, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD_PTR dwReserved, IUriBuilder **ppIUriBuilder)
UriBuilder *ret;
TRACE("(%p %x %x %p)\n", pIUri, dwFlags, (DWORD)dwReserved, ppIUriBuilder);
ret = heap_alloc(sizeof(UriBuilder));
ret->lpIUriBuilderVtbl = &UriBuilderVtbl;
ret->ref = 1;
*ppIUriBuilder = URIBUILDER(ret);
return S_OK;