
43 lines
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If a program depends on the correct label and/or serial number for the
CD-Rom, you can use the following command to extract that information:
dd if=<your cdrom device> bs=1 skip=32808 count=32
You need read access to the device, so perhaps you have to do it as root.
Put the resulting string (without trailing blanks) into your
wine.ini/.winerc file like:
Label=<the label>
[FIXME: if someone knows how to get the serial number in Linux, please
put this information here].
If you have access to a Win32 system and C-compiler, you can compile the
following program to extract this information:
------------------------- begin volinfo.c ---------------------------
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc,char **argv[])
char drive, root[]="C:\\", label[1002], fsname[1002];
DWORD serial, flags, filenamelen, labellen = 1000, fsnamelen = 1000;
printf("Drive Serial Flags Filename-Length "
"Label Fsname\n");
for (drive = 'C'; drive <= 'Z'; drive++)
root[0] = drive;
if (GetVolumeInformationA(root,label,labellen,&serial,
strcat(label,"\""); strcat (fsname,"\"");
printf("%c:\\ 0x%08lx 0x%08lx %15ld \"%-20s \"%-20s\n",
drive, (long) serial, (long) flags, (long) filenamelen,
label, fsname);
return 0;
------------------------- end volinfo.c -----------------------------