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<chapter id="debugger">
<title>The Wine Debugger</title>
<sect1 id="dbg-intro">
<title>I Introduction</title>
written by Eric Pouech (???) (Last updated: 6/14/2000)
(Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/winedbg</filename>)
<title>I.1 Processes and threads: in underlying OS and in Windows</title>
Before going into the depths of debugging in Wine, here's
a small overview of process and thread handling in Wine.
It has to be clear that there are two different beasts:
processes/threads from the Unix point of view and
processes/threads from a Windows point of view.
Each Windows' thread is implemented as a Unix process (under
Linux using the <function>clone</function> syscall), meaning
that all threads of a same Windows' process share the same
(unix) address space.
In the following:
<para><varname>W-process</varname> means a process in Windows' terminology</para>
<para><varname>U-process</varname> means a process in Unix' terminology</para>
<para><varname>W-thread</varname> means a thread in Windows' terminology</para>
A <varname>W-process</varname> is made of one or several
<varname>W-threads</varname>. Each
<varname>W-thread</varname> is mapped to one and only one
<varname>U-process</varname>. All
<varname>U-processes</varname> of a same
<varname>W-process</varname> share the same address space.
Each Unix process can be identified by two values:
<para>the Unix process id (<varname>upid</varname> in the following)</para>
<para>the Windows's thread id (<varname>tid</varname>)</para>
Each Windows' process has also a Windows' process id
(<varname>wpid</varname> in the following). It must be clear
that <varname>upid</varname> and <varname>wpid</varname> are
different and shall not be used instead of the other.
<varname>Wpid</varname> and <varname>tid</varname> are
defined (Windows) system wide. They must not be confused
with process or thread handles which, as any handle, is an
indirection to a system object (in this case process or
thread). A same process can have several different handles
on the same kernel object. The handles can be defined as
local (the values is only valid in a process), or system
wide (the same handle can be used by any
<title>I.2 Wine, debugging and WineDbg</title>
When talking of debugging in Wine, there are at least two
levels to think of:
<para>the Windows' debugging API.</para>
<para>the Wine integrated debugger, dubbed
Wine implements most the the Windows' debugging API (the
part in KERNEL32, not the one in
<filename>IMAGEHLP.DLL</filename>), and allows any program
(emulated or WineLib) using that API to debug a
<command>WineDbg</command> is a WineLib application making
use of this API to allow debugging both any Wine or WineLib
applications as well as Wine itself (kernel and all DLLs).
<sect1 id="dbg-modes">
<title>II WineDbg's modes of invocation</title>
<title>II.1 Starting a process</title>
Any application (either a Windows' native executable, or a
WineLib application) can be run through
<command>WineDbg</command>. Command line options and tricks
are the same as for wine:
winedbg telnet.exe
winedbg "hl.exe -windowed"
<title>II.2 Attaching</title>
<command>WineDbg</command> can also be launched without any
command line argument: <command>WineDbg</command> is started
without any attached process. You can get a list of running
<varname>W-processes</varname> (and their
<varname>wpid</varname>'s) using the <command>walk
process</command> command, and then, with the
<command>attach</command> command, pick up the
<varname>wpid</varname> of the <varname>W-process</varname>
you want to debug. This is (for now) a neat feature for the
following reasons:
<para>you can debug an already started application</para>
<title>II.3 On exception</title>
When something goes wrong, Windows tracks this as an
exception. Exceptions exist for segmentation violation,
stack overflow, division by zero...
When an exception occurs, Wine checks if the <varname>W-process</varname> is
debugged. If so, the exception event is sent to the
debugger, which takes care of it: end of the story. This
mechanism is part of the standard Windows' debugging API.
If the <varname>W-process</varname> is not debugged, Wine
tries to launch a debugger. This debugger (normally
<command>WineDbg</command>, see III Configuration for more
details), at startup, attaches to the
<varname>W-process</varname> which generated the exception
event. In this case, you are able to look at the causes of
the exception, and either fix the causes (and continue
further the execution) or dig deeper to understand what went
If <command>WineDbg</command> is the standard debugger, the
<command>pass</command> and <command>cont</command> commands
are the two ways to let the process go further for the
handling of the exception event.
To be more precise on the way Wine (and Windows) generates
exception events, when a fault occurs (segmentation
violation, stack overflow...), the event is first sent to
the debugger (this is known as a first chance exception).
The debugger can give two answers:
the debugger had the ability to correct what's
generated the exception, and is now able to continue
process execution.
the debugger couldn't correct the cause of the
first chance exception. Wine will now try to walk
the list of exception handlers to see if one of them
can handle the exception. If no exception handler is
found, the exception is sent once again to the
debugger to indicate the failure of the exception
since some of Wine's code uses exceptions and
<function>try/catch</function> blocks to provide some
functionality, <command>WineDbg</command> can be entered
in such cases with segv exceptions. This happens, for
example, with <function>IsBadReadPtr</function> function.
In that case, the <command>pass</command> command shall be
used, to let the handling of the exception to be done by
the <function>catch</function> block in
<title>II.4 Quitting</title>
Unfortunately, Windows doesn't provide a detach kind of API,
meaning that once you started debugging a process, you must
do so until the process dies. Killing (or stopping/aborting)
the debugger will also kill the debugged process. This will
be true for any Windows' debugging API compliant debugger,
starting with <command>WineDbg</command>.
<sect1 id="dbg-config">
<title>III Configuration</title>
<title>III.1 Registry configuration</title>
The Windows' debugging API uses a registry entry to know
with debugger to invoke when an unhandled exception
occurs (see II.3 for some details). Two values in key
"MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\AeDebug"
Determine the behavior:
this is the command line used to launch the debugger
(it uses two <function>printf</function> formats
(<literal>%ld</literal>) to pass context dependent
information to the debugger). You should put here a
complete path to your debugger
(<command>WineDbg</command> can of course be used, but
any other Windows' debugging API aware debugger will
if this value is zero, a message box will ask the
user if he/she wishes to launch the debugger when an
unhandled exception occurs. Otherwise, the debugger
is automatically started.
A regular Wine registry looks like:
[MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\AeDebug] 957636538
"Debugger"="/usr/local/bin/winedbg %ld %ld"
<title>Note 1</title>
creating this key is mandatory. Not doing so will not
fire the debugger when an exception occurs.
<title>Note 2</title>
<command>wineinstall</command> sets up this correctly.
However, due to some limitation of the registry installed,
if a previous Wine installation exists, it's safer to
remove the whole
[MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\AeDebug]
key before running again <command>wineinstall</command> to
regenerate this key.
<title>III.2 WineDbg configuration</title>
<command>WineDbg</command> can be configured thru a number
of options. Those options are stored in the registry, on a
per user basis. The key is (in *my* registry)
Those options can be read/written while inside
<command>WineDbg</command>, as part of the debugger
expressions. To refer to one of this option, its name must
be prefixed by a <literal>$</literal> sign. For example,
set $BreakAllThreadsStartup = 1
sets the option <varname>BreakAllThreadsStartup</varname> to
All the options are read from the registry when
<command>WineDbg</command> starts (if no corresponding value
is found, a default value is used), and are written back to
the registry when <command>WineDbg</command> exits (hence,
all modifications to those options are automatically saved
when <command>WineDbg</command> terminates).
Here's the list of all options:
<title>III.2.1 Controling when the debugger is entered</title>
Set to <literal>TRUE</literal> if at all threads
start-up the debugger stops set to
<literal>FALSE</literal> if only at the first thread
startup of a given process the debugger stops.
<literal>FALSE</literal> by default.
Set to <literal>TRUE</literal> if the debugger stops
when a critical section times out (5 minutes);
<literal>TRUE</literal> by default.
Set to <literal>TRUE</literal> if when
<command>WineDbg</command> attaches to an existing
process after an unhandled exception,
<command>WineDbg</command> shall be entered on the
first attach event. Since the attach event is
meaningless in the context of an exception event
(the next event which is the exception event is of
course relevant), that option is likely to be
An exception can generate two debug events. The
first one is passed to the debugger (known as a
first chance) just after the exception. The debugger
can then decides either to resume execution (see
<command>WineDbg</command>'s <command>cont</command>
command) or pass the exception up to the exception
handler chain in the program (if it exists)
(<command>WineDbg</command> implements this thru the
<command>pass</command> command). If none of the
exception handlers takes care of the exception, the
exception event is sent again to the debugger (known
as last chance exception). You cannot pass on a last
exception. When the
<varname>BreakOnFirstChance</varname> exception is
<literal>TRUE</literal>, then winedbg is entered for
both first and last chance execptions (to
<literal>FALSE</literal>, it's only entered for last
chance exceptions).
<title>III.2.2 Output handling</title>
Mask of active debugger output channels on console
Mask of active debugger output channels on <filename>stderr</filename>
Set to <literal>TRUE</literal> if the debugger uses
its own <command>xterm</command> window for console
input/output. Set to <literal>FALSE</literal> if
the debugger uses the current Unix console for
Those last 3 variables are jointly used in two generic ways:
ConChannelMask = DBG_CHN_MESG (1)
StdChannelMask = 0
UseXTerm = 1
In this case, all input/output goes into a specific
<command>xterm</command> window (but all debug
messages <function>TRACE</function>,
<function>WARN</function>... still goes to tty where
wine is run from).
to have all input/output go into the tty where Wine
was started from (to be used in a X11-free
ConChannelMask = 0
StdChannelMask = DBG_CHN_MESG (1)
UseXTerm = 1
Those variables also allow, for example for debugging
purposes, to use:
ConChannelMask = 0xfff
StdChannelMask = 0xfff
UseXTerm = 1
This allows to redirect all <function>WineDbg</function>
output to both tty Wine was started from, and
<command>xterm</command> debugging window. If Wine (or
<command>WineDbg</command>) was started with a redirection
of <filename>stdout</filename> and/or
<filename>stderr</filename> to a file (with for
example &gt;& shell redirect command), you'll get in that
file both outputs. It may be interesting to look in the
relay trace for specific values which the process segv'ed
<title>III.2.2 Context information</title>
<para>ID of the <varname>W-thread</varname> currently
examined by the debugger</para>
<para>ID of the <varname>W-thread</varname> currently
examined by the debugger</para>
<para>All CPU registers are also available</para>
The <varname>ThreadId</varname> and
<varname>ProcessId</varname> variables can be handy to set
conditional breakpoints on a given thread or process.
<sect1 id="dbg-commands">
<title>IV WineDbg commands</title>
<title>IV.1 Misc</title>
abort aborts the debugger
quit exits the debugger
attach N attach to a W-process (N is its ID). IDs can be
obtained thru walk process command
help prints some help on the commands
help info prints some help on info commands
mode 16 switch to 16 bit mode
mode 32 switch to 32 bit mode
<title>IV.2 Flow control</title>
cont continue execution until next breakpoint or exception.
pass pass the exception event up to the filter chain.
step continue execution until next C line of code (enters
function call)
next continue execution until next C line of code (doesn't
enter function call)
stepi execute next assembly instruction (enters function
nexti execute next assembly instruction (doesn't enter
function call)
finish do nexti commands until current function is exited
cont, step, next, stepi, nexti can be postfixed by a
number (N), meaning that the command must be executed N
<title>IV.3 Breakpoints, watch points</title>
enable N enables (break|watch)point #N
disable N disables (break|watch)point #N
delete N deletes (break|watch)point #N
cond N removes any a existing condition to (break|watch)point N
cond N &lt;expr&gt; adds condition &lt;expr&gt; to (break|watch)point N. &lt;expr&gt;
will be evaluated each time the breakpoint is hit. If
the result is a zero value, the breakpoint isn't
break * N adds a breakpoint at address N
break &lt;id&gt; adds a breakpoint at the address of symbol &lt;id&gt;
break &lt;id&gt; N adds a breakpoint at the address of symbol &lt;id&gt; (N ?)
break N adds a breakpoint at line N of current source file
break adds a breakpoint at current $pc address
watch * N adds a watch command (on write) at address N (on 4 bytes)
watch &lt;id&gt; adds a watch command (on write) at the address of
symbol &lt;id&gt;
info break lists all (break|watch)points (with state)
<title>IV.4 Stack manipulation</title>
bt print calling stack of current thread
up goes up one frame in current thread's stack
up N goes up N frames in current thread's stack
dn goes down one frame in current thread's stack
dn N goes down N frames in current thread's stack
frame N set N as the current frame
info local prints information on local variables for current
<title>IV.5 Directory & source file manipulation</title>
show dir
dir &lt;pathname&gt;
symbolfile &lt;pathname&gt;
list lists 10 source lines from current position
list - lists 10 source lines before current position
list N lists 10 source lines from line N in current file
list &lt;path&gt;:N lists 10 source lines from line N in file &lt;path&gt;
list &lt;id&gt; lists 10 source lines of function &lt;id&gt;
list * N lists 10 source lines from address N
You can specify the end target (to change the 10 lines
value) using the ','. For example:
list 123, 234 lists source lines from line 123 up to line 234 in
current file
list foo.c:1,56 lists source lines from line 1 up to 56 in file foo.c
<title>IV.6 Displaying</title>
A display is an expression that's evaluated and printed
after the execution of any <command>WineDbg</command>
display lists the active displays
info display (same as above command)
display &lt;expr&gt; adds a display for expression &lt;expr&gt;
display /fmt &lt;expr&gt; adds a display for expression &lt;expr&gt;. Printing
evaluated &lt;expr&gt; is done using the given format (see
print command for more on formats)
del display N deletes display #N
undisplay N (same as del display)
<title>IV.7 Disassembly</title>
disas disassemble from current position
disas &lt;expr&gt; disassemble from address &lt;expr&gt;
disas &lt;expr&gt;,&lt;expr&gt;disassembles code between addresses specified by
the two &lt;expr&gt;
<title>IV.8 Information on Wine's internals</title>
info class &lt;id&gt; prints information on Windows's class &lt;id&gt;
walk class lists all Windows' class registered in Wine
info share lists all the dynamic libraries loaded the debugged
program (including .so files, NE and PE DLLs)
info module N prints information on module of handle N
walk module lists all modules loaded by debugged program
info queue N prints information on Wine's queue N
walk queue lists all queues allocated in Wine
info regs prints the value of CPU register
info segment N prints information on segment N
info segment lists all allocated segments
info stack prints the values on top of the stack
info map lists all virtual mappings used by the debugged
info wnd N prints information of Window of handle N
walk wnd lists all the window hierarchy starting from the
desktop window
walk wnd N lists all the window hierarchy starting from the
window of handle N
walk process lists all w-processes in Wine session
walk thread lists all w-threads in Wine session
walk modref (no longer avail)
<title>IV.9 Memory (reading, writing, typing)</title>
x &lt;expr&gt; examines memory at &lt;expr&gt; address
x /fmt &lt;expr&gt; examines memory at &lt;expr&gt; address using format /fmt
print &lt;expr&gt; prints the value of &lt;expr&gt; (possibly using its type)
print /fmt &lt;expr&gt; prints the value of &lt;expr&gt; (possibly using its
set &lt;lval&gt;=&lt;expr&gt; writes the value of &lt;expr&gt; in &lt;lval&gt;
whatis &lt;expr&gt; prints the C type of expression &lt;expr&gt;
<filename>/fmt</filename> is either <filename>/&lt;letter&gt;</filename> or
<filename>/&lt;count&gt;&lt;letter&gt;</filename> letter can be
s =&gt; an ASCII string
u =&gt; an Unicode UTF16 string
i =&gt; instructions (disassemble)
x =&gt; 32 bit unsigned hexadecimal integer
d =&gt; 32 bit signed decimal integer
w =&gt; 16 bit unsigned hexadecimal integer
c =&gt; character (only printable 0x20-0x7f are actually
b =&gt; 8 bit unsigned hexadecimal integer
<sect1 id="dbg-others">
<title>V Other debuggers</title>
<title>V.1 Using other Unix debuggers</title>
You can also use other debuggers (like
<command>gdb</command>), but you must be aware of a few
You need to attach the unix debugger to the correct unix
process (representing the correct windows thread) (you can
"guess" it from a <command>ps fax</command> for example:
When running the emulator, usually the first two
<varname>upids</varname> are for the Windows' application
running the desktop, the first thread of the application is
generally the third <varname>upid</varname>; when running a
WineLib program, the first thread of the application is
generally the first <varname>upid</varname>)
Even if latest <command>gdb</command> implements the
notion of threads, it won't work with Wine because the
thread abstraction used for implementing Windows' thread
is not 100% mapped onto the linux posix threads
implementation. It means that you'll have to spawn a
different <command>gdb</command> session for each Windows'
thread you wish to debug.
<title>V.2 Using other Windows debuggers</title>
You can use any Windows' debugging API compliant debugger
with Wine. Some reports have been made of success with
VisualStudio debugger (in remote mode, only the hub runs
in Wine). GoVest fully runs in Wine.
<title>V.3 Main differences between winedbg and regular Unix debuggers</title>
<!-- FIXME: convert this into a table -->
| WineDbg | gdb |
|WineDbg debugs a Windows' process:|gdb debugs a Windows' thread: |
|+ the various threads will be |+ a separate gdb session is |
| handled by the same WineDbg | needed for each thread of |
| session | Windows' process |
|+ a breakpoint will be triggered |+ a breakpoint will be triggered |
| for any thread of the w-process | only for the w-thread debugged |
|WineDbg supports debug information|gdb supports debug information |
|from: |from: |
|+ stabs (standard Unix format) |+ stabs (standard Unix format) |
|+ Microsoft's C, CodeView, .DBG | |
<sect1 id="dbg-limits">
<title>VI Limitations</title>
16 bit processes are not supported (but calls to 16 bit code
in 32 bit applications are).
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