
620 lines
18 KiB

* Window painting functions
* Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Alexandre Julliard
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "win.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "gdi.h"
#include "dce.h"
#include "stddebug.h"
/* #define DEBUG_WIN */
#include "debug.h"
/* Last CTLCOLOR id */
* WIN_UpdateNCArea
void WIN_UpdateNCArea(WND* wnd, BOOL bUpdate)
POINT16 pt = {0, 0};
HRGN32 hClip = 1;
dprintf_nonclient(stddeb,"NCUpdate: hwnd %04x, hrgnUpdate %04x\n",
wnd->hwndSelf, wnd->hrgnUpdate );
/* desktop window doesn't have nonclient area */
if(wnd == WIN_GetDesktop())
wnd->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT;
if( wnd->hrgnUpdate > 1 )
ClientToScreen16(wnd->hwndSelf, &pt);
hClip = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
if (!CombineRgn(hClip, wnd->hrgnUpdate, 0, RGN_COPY) )
hClip = 1;
OffsetRgn(hClip, pt.x, pt.y);
if (bUpdate)
/* exclude non-client area from update region */
HRGN32 hrgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, wnd->rectClient.right - wnd->rectClient.left,
wnd->rectClient.bottom - wnd->rectClient.top);
if (hrgn && (CombineRgn(wnd->hrgnUpdate, wnd->hrgnUpdate,
wnd->hrgnUpdate = 1;
DeleteObject( hrgn );
wnd->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT;
if ((wnd->hwndSelf == GetActiveWindow()) &&
!(wnd->flags & WIN_NCACTIVATED))
wnd->flags |= WIN_NCACTIVATED;
if( hClip > 1) DeleteObject(hClip);
hClip = 1;
if (hClip) SendMessage16( wnd->hwndSelf, WM_NCPAINT, hClip, 0L );
if (hClip > 1) DeleteObject( hClip );
* BeginPaint16 (USER.39)
HDC16 BeginPaint16( HWND16 hwnd, LPPAINTSTRUCT16 lps )
BOOL32 bIcon;
HRGN32 hrgnUpdate;
WND *wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd );
if (!wndPtr) return 0;
bIcon = (wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZE && wndPtr->class->hIcon);
wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT;
if (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT) WIN_UpdateNCArea( wndPtr, TRUE );
if (((hrgnUpdate = wndPtr->hrgnUpdate) != 0) ||
(wndPtr->flags & WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT))
QUEUE_DecPaintCount( wndPtr->hmemTaskQ );
wndPtr->hrgnUpdate = 0;
wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT;
HideCaret( hwnd );
dprintf_win(stddeb,"hrgnUpdate = %04x, ", hrgnUpdate);
/* When bIcon is TRUE hrgnUpdate is automatically in window coordinates
* (because rectClient == rectWindow for WS_MINIMIZE windows).
lps->hdc = GetDCEx16(hwnd, hrgnUpdate, DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_WINDOWPAINT |
DCX_USESTYLE | (bIcon ? DCX_WINDOW : 0) );
dprintf_win(stddeb,"hdc = %04x\n", lps->hdc);
if (!lps->hdc)
fprintf(stderr, "GetDCEx() failed in BeginPaint(), hwnd=%04x\n", hwnd);
return 0;
GetRgnBox16( InquireVisRgn(lps->hdc), &lps->rcPaint );
DPtoLP16( lps->hdc, (LPPOINT16)&lps->rcPaint, 2 );
if (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND)
wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND;
lps->fErase = !SendMessage16(hwnd, (bIcon) ? WM_ICONERASEBKGND
(WPARAM16)lps->hdc, 0 );
else lps->fErase = TRUE;
return lps->hdc;
* BeginPaint32 (USER32.9)
HDC32 BeginPaint32( HWND32 hwnd, PAINTSTRUCT32 *lps )
BeginPaint16( hwnd, &ps );
lps->hdc = (HDC32)ps.hdc;
lps->fErase = ps.fErase;
lps->rcPaint.top = ps.rcPaint.top;
lps->rcPaint.left = ps.rcPaint.left;
lps->rcPaint.right = ps.rcPaint.right;
lps->rcPaint.bottom = ps.rcPaint.bottom;
lps->fRestore = ps.fRestore;
lps->fIncUpdate = ps.fIncUpdate;
return lps->hdc;
* EndPaint16 (USER.40)
BOOL16 EndPaint16( HWND16 hwnd, const PAINTSTRUCT16* lps )
ReleaseDC16( hwnd, lps->hdc );
ShowCaret( hwnd );
return TRUE;
* EndPaint32 (USER32.175)
BOOL32 EndPaint32( HWND32 hwnd, const PAINTSTRUCT32 *lps )
ReleaseDC32( hwnd, lps->hdc );
ShowCaret( hwnd );
return TRUE;
* FillWindow (USER.324)
void FillWindow( HWND16 hwndParent, HWND16 hwnd, HDC16 hdc, HBRUSH16 hbrush )
RECT16 rect;
GetClientRect16( hwnd, &rect );
DPtoLP16( hdc, (LPPOINT16)&rect, 2 );
PaintRect( hwndParent, hwnd, hdc, hbrush, &rect );
* PaintRect (USER.325)
void PaintRect( HWND16 hwndParent, HWND16 hwnd, HDC16 hdc,
HBRUSH16 hbrush, const RECT16 *rect)
/* Send WM_CTLCOLOR message if needed */
if ((UINT32)hbrush <= CTLCOLOR_MAX)
if (!hwndParent) return;
hbrush = (HBRUSH16)SendMessage32A( hwndParent,
(WPARAM32)hdc, (LPARAM)hwnd );
if (hbrush) FillRect16( hdc, rect, hbrush );
* GetControlBrush (USER.326)
HBRUSH16 GetControlBrush( HWND hwnd, HDC16 hdc, WORD control )
return (HBRUSH16)SendMessage32A( GetParent32(hwnd), WM_CTLCOLOR+control,
(WPARAM32)hdc, (LPARAM)hwnd );
* PAINT_RedrawWindow
* Note: Windows uses WM_SYNCPAINT to cut down the number of intertask
* SendMessage() calls. From SDK:
* This message avoids lots of inter-app message traffic
* by switching to the other task and continuing the
* recursion there.
* wParam = flags
* LOWORD(lParam) = hrgnClip
* HIWORD(lParam) = hwndSkip (not used; always NULL)
BOOL32 PAINT_RedrawWindow( HWND32 hwnd, const RECT32 *rectUpdate,
HRGN32 hrgnUpdate, UINT32 flags, UINT32 control )
BOOL32 bIcon;
HRGN32 hrgn;
RECT32 rectClient;
WND* wndPtr;
if (!hwnd) hwnd = GetDesktopWindow32();
if (!(wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd ))) return FALSE;
if (!IsWindowVisible(hwnd) || (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NO_REDRAW))
return TRUE; /* No redraw needed */
bIcon = (wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZE && wndPtr->class->hIcon);
if (rectUpdate)
dprintf_win(stddeb, "RedrawWindow: %04x %d,%d-%d,%d %04x flags=%04x\n",
hwnd, rectUpdate->left, rectUpdate->top,
rectUpdate->right, rectUpdate->bottom, hrgnUpdate, flags );
dprintf_win(stddeb, "RedrawWindow: %04x NULL %04x flags=%04x\n",
hwnd, hrgnUpdate, flags);
if (wndPtr->class->style & CS_PARENTDC)
GetClientRect32( wndPtr->parent->hwndSelf, &rectClient );
OffsetRect32( &rectClient, -wndPtr->rectClient.left,
-wndPtr->rectClient.top );
else GetClientRect32( hwnd, &rectClient );
if (flags & RDW_INVALIDATE) /* Invalidate */
int rgnNotEmpty = COMPLEXREGION;
if (wndPtr->hrgnUpdate > 1) /* Is there already an update region? */
if ((hrgn = hrgnUpdate) == 0)
hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect32( rectUpdate ? rectUpdate :
&rectClient );
rgnNotEmpty = CombineRgn( wndPtr->hrgnUpdate, wndPtr->hrgnUpdate, hrgn, RGN_OR );
if (!hrgnUpdate) DeleteObject( hrgn );
else /* No update region yet */
if (!(wndPtr->flags & WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT))
QUEUE_IncPaintCount( wndPtr->hmemTaskQ );
if (hrgnUpdate)
wndPtr->hrgnUpdate = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
rgnNotEmpty = CombineRgn( wndPtr->hrgnUpdate, hrgnUpdate, 0, RGN_COPY );
else wndPtr->hrgnUpdate = CreateRectRgnIndirect32( rectUpdate ?
rectUpdate : &rectClient );
if (flags & RDW_FRAME) wndPtr->flags |= WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT;
/* check for bogus update region */
if ( rgnNotEmpty == NULLREGION )
wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND;
if (!(wndPtr->flags & WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT))
QUEUE_DecPaintCount( wndPtr->hmemTaskQ );
if (flags & RDW_ERASE) wndPtr->flags |= WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND;
flags |= RDW_FRAME; /* Force children frame invalidation */
else if (flags & RDW_VALIDATE) /* Validate */
/* We need an update region in order to validate anything */
if (wndPtr->hrgnUpdate > 1)
if (!hrgnUpdate && !rectUpdate)
/* Special case: validate everything */
DeleteObject( wndPtr->hrgnUpdate );
wndPtr->hrgnUpdate = 0;
if ((hrgn = hrgnUpdate) == 0)
hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect32( rectUpdate );
if (CombineRgn( wndPtr->hrgnUpdate, wndPtr->hrgnUpdate,
DeleteObject( wndPtr->hrgnUpdate );
wndPtr->hrgnUpdate = 0;
if (!hrgnUpdate) DeleteObject( hrgn );
if (!wndPtr->hrgnUpdate) /* No more update region */
if (!(wndPtr->flags & WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT))
QUEUE_DecPaintCount( wndPtr->hmemTaskQ );
if (flags & RDW_NOFRAME) wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT;
if (flags & RDW_NOERASE) wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND;
/* Set/clear internal paint flag */
if ( wndPtr->hrgnUpdate <= 1 && !(wndPtr->flags & WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT))
QUEUE_IncPaintCount( wndPtr->hmemTaskQ );
wndPtr->flags |= WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT;
else if (flags & RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT)
if ( wndPtr->hrgnUpdate <= 1 && (wndPtr->flags & WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT))
QUEUE_DecPaintCount( wndPtr->hmemTaskQ );
wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT;
/* Erase/update window */
if (flags & RDW_UPDATENOW)
if (wndPtr->hrgnUpdate) /* wm_painticon wparam is 1 */
SendMessage16( hwnd, (bIcon) ? WM_PAINTICON : WM_PAINT, bIcon, 0 );
else if (flags & RDW_ERASENOW)
if (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT)
WIN_UpdateNCArea( wndPtr, FALSE);
if (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND)
HDC32 hdc = GetDCEx32( hwnd, wndPtr->hrgnUpdate,
(bIcon ? DCX_WINDOW : 0) );
if (hdc)
if (SendMessage16( hwnd, (bIcon) ? WM_ICONERASEBKGND
(WPARAM16)hdc, 0 ))
wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND;
ReleaseDC32( hwnd, hdc );
/* Recursively process children */
if (!(flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) &&
((flags & RDW_ALLCHILDREN) || !(wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_CLIPCHILDREN)) &&
!(wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZE) )
if ( hrgnUpdate || rectUpdate )
if( !(hrgn = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 )) ) return TRUE;
if( !hrgnUpdate )
if( !(hrgnUpdate = CreateRectRgnIndirect32( rectUpdate )) )
DeleteObject( hrgn );
return TRUE;
for (wndPtr = wndPtr->child; wndPtr; wndPtr = wndPtr->next)
if( wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE )
if (wndPtr->class->style & CS_PARENTDC)
if (!CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgnUpdate, 0, RGN_COPY ))
SetRectRgn( hrgn, wndPtr->rectWindow.left,
if (!CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, hrgnUpdate, RGN_AND ))
#if 0
if( control & RDW_C_USEHRGN &&
wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS )
CombineRgn( hrgnUpdate, hrgnUpdate, hrgn, RGN_DIFF );
OffsetRgn( hrgn, -wndPtr->rectClient.left,
-wndPtr->rectClient.top );
PAINT_RedrawWindow( wndPtr->hwndSelf, NULL, hrgn, flags, RDW_C_USEHRGN );
DeleteObject( hrgn );
if( control & RDW_C_DELETEHRGN ) DeleteObject( hrgnUpdate );
else for (wndPtr = wndPtr->child; wndPtr; wndPtr = wndPtr->next)
PAINT_RedrawWindow( wndPtr->hwndSelf, NULL, 0, flags, 0 );
return TRUE;
* RedrawWindow32 (USER32.425)
BOOL32 RedrawWindow32( HWND32 hwnd, const RECT32 *rectUpdate,
HRGN32 hrgnUpdate, UINT32 flags )
WND* wnd = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd );
/* check if there is something to redraw */
return ( wnd && WIN_IsWindowDrawable( wnd, !(flags & RDW_FRAME) ) )
? PAINT_RedrawWindow( hwnd, rectUpdate, hrgnUpdate, flags, 0 )
: 1;
* RedrawWindow16 (USER.290)
BOOL16 RedrawWindow16( HWND16 hwnd, const RECT16 *rectUpdate,
HRGN16 hrgnUpdate, UINT16 flags )
if (rectUpdate)
RECT32 r;
CONV_RECT16TO32( rectUpdate, &r );
return (BOOL16)RedrawWindow32( (HWND32)hwnd, &r, hrgnUpdate, flags );
return (BOOL16)RedrawWindow32( (HWND32)hwnd, NULL, hrgnUpdate, flags );
* UpdateWindow (USER.124) (USER32.566)
void UpdateWindow( HWND32 hwnd )
RedrawWindow32( hwnd, NULL, 0, RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_NOCHILDREN );
* InvalidateRgn (USER.126) (USER32.328)
void InvalidateRgn( HWND32 hwnd, HRGN32 hrgn, BOOL32 erase )
RedrawWindow32(hwnd, NULL, hrgn, RDW_INVALIDATE | (erase ? RDW_ERASE : 0) );
* InvalidateRect16 (USER.125)
void InvalidateRect16( HWND16 hwnd, const RECT16 *rect, BOOL16 erase )
RedrawWindow16( hwnd, rect, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE | (erase ? RDW_ERASE : 0) );
* InvalidateRect32 (USER32.327)
void InvalidateRect32( HWND32 hwnd, const RECT32 *rect, BOOL32 erase )
RedrawWindow32( hwnd, rect, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE | (erase ? RDW_ERASE : 0) );
* ValidateRgn (USER.128) (USER32.571)
void ValidateRgn( HWND32 hwnd, HRGN32 hrgn )
RedrawWindow32( hwnd, NULL, hrgn, RDW_VALIDATE | RDW_NOCHILDREN );
* ValidateRect16 (USER.127)
void ValidateRect16( HWND16 hwnd, const RECT16 *rect )
RedrawWindow16( hwnd, rect, 0, RDW_VALIDATE | RDW_NOCHILDREN );
* ValidateRect32 (USER32.570)
void ValidateRect32( HWND32 hwnd, const RECT32 *rect )
RedrawWindow32( hwnd, rect, 0, RDW_VALIDATE | RDW_NOCHILDREN );
* GetUpdateRect16 (USER.190)
BOOL16 GetUpdateRect16( HWND16 hwnd, LPRECT16 rect, BOOL16 erase )
RECT32 r;
BOOL16 ret;
if (!rect) return GetUpdateRect32( hwnd, NULL, erase );
ret = GetUpdateRect32( hwnd, &r, erase );
CONV_RECT32TO16( &r, rect );
return ret;
* GetUpdateRect32 (USER32.296)
BOOL32 GetUpdateRect32( HWND32 hwnd, LPRECT32 rect, BOOL32 erase )
WND * wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd );
if (!wndPtr) return FALSE;
if (rect)
if (wndPtr->hrgnUpdate > 1)
HRGN32 hrgn = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
if (GetUpdateRgn( hwnd, hrgn, erase ) == ERROR) return FALSE;
GetRgnBox32( hrgn, rect );
DeleteObject( hrgn );
else SetRectEmpty32( rect );
return (wndPtr->hrgnUpdate > 1);
* GetUpdateRgn (USER.237) (USER32.297)
INT16 GetUpdateRgn( HWND32 hwnd, HRGN32 hrgn, BOOL32 erase )
INT16 retval;
WND * wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd );
if (!wndPtr) return ERROR;
if (wndPtr->hrgnUpdate <= 1)
SetRectRgn( hrgn, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
retval = CombineRgn( hrgn, wndPtr->hrgnUpdate, 0, RGN_COPY );
if (erase) RedrawWindow32( hwnd, NULL, 0, RDW_ERASENOW | RDW_NOCHILDREN );
return retval;
* ExcludeUpdateRgn (USER.238) (USER32.194)
INT16 ExcludeUpdateRgn( HDC32 hdc, HWND32 hwnd )
INT16 retval = ERROR;
HRGN32 hrgn;
WND * wndPtr;
if (!(wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd ))) return ERROR;
if ((hrgn = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 )) != 0)
retval = CombineRgn( hrgn, InquireVisRgn(hdc),
if (retval) SelectVisRgn( hdc, hrgn );
DeleteObject( hrgn );
return retval;