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* GDI bitmap objects
* Copyright 1993 Alexandre Julliard
static char Copyright[] = "Copyright Alexandre Julliard, 1993";
#include "gdi.h"
/* A GDI bitmap object contains a handle to a packed BITMAP,
* which is stored on the global heap.
* A packed BITMAP is a BITMAP structure followed by the bitmap bits.
/* Handle of the bitmap selected by default in a memory DC */
/* List of supported depths */
static int depthCount;
static int * depthList;
/* List of GC used for bitmap to pixmap operations (one for each depth) */
static GC * bitmapGC;
int i;
Pixmap tmpPixmap;
depthList = XListDepths( XT_display, DefaultScreen(XT_display),
&depthCount );
if (!depthList || !depthCount) return FALSE;
if (!(bitmapGC = (GC *) malloc( depthCount * sizeof(GC) ))) return FALSE;
/* Create the necessary GCs */
for (i = 0; i < depthCount; i++)
tmpPixmap = XCreatePixmap( XT_display, DefaultRootWindow(XT_display),
1, 1, depthList[i] );
if (tmpPixmap)
bitmapGC[i] = XCreateGC( XT_display, tmpPixmap, 0, NULL );
XFreePixmap( XT_display, tmpPixmap );
else bitmapGC[i] = 0;
BITMAP_hbitmapMemDC = CreateBitmap( 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL );
return (BITMAP_hbitmapMemDC != 0);
* BITMAP_FindGCForDepth
* Return a GC appropriate for operations with the given depth.
GC BITMAP_FindGCForDepth( int depth )
int i;
for (i = 0; i < depthCount; i++)
if (depthList[i] == depth) return bitmapGC[i];
return 0;
* BITMAP_BmpToImage
* Create an XImage pointing to the bitmap data.
XImage * BITMAP_BmpToImage( BITMAP * bmp, void * bmpData )
XImage * image;
image = XCreateImage( XT_display, DefaultVisualOfScreen(XT_screen),
bmp->bmBitsPixel, ZPixmap, 0, bmpData,
bmp->bmWidth, bmp->bmHeight, 16, bmp->bmWidthBytes );
if (!image) return 0;
image->byte_order = MSBFirst;
image->bitmap_bit_order = MSBFirst;
image->bitmap_unit = 16;
return image;
* BITMAP_CopyToPixmap
* Copy the content of the bitmap to the pixmap. Both must have the same depth.
BOOL BITMAP_CopyToPixmap( BITMAP * bmp, Pixmap pixmap,
int x, int y, int width, int height )
GC gc;
XImage * image;
gc = BITMAP_FindGCForDepth( bmp->bmBitsPixel );
if (!gc) return FALSE;
image = BITMAP_BmpToImage( bmp, ((char *)bmp) + sizeof(BITMAP) );
if (!image) return FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG_GDI
printf( "BITMAP_CopyToPixmap: %dx%d %d colors -> %d,%d %dx%d\n",
bmp->bmWidth, bmp->bmHeight, 1 << bmp->bmBitsPixel, x, y, width, height );
XPutImage(XT_display, pixmap, gc, image, 0, 0, x, y, width, height);
image->data = NULL;
XDestroyImage( image );
return TRUE;
* BITMAP_CopyFromPixmap
* Copy the content of the pixmap to the bitmap. Both must have
* the same dimensions and depth.
BOOL BITMAP_CopyFromPixmap( BITMAP * bmp, Pixmap pixmap )
XImage *image = BITMAP_BmpToImage( bmp, ((char *)bmp) + sizeof(BITMAP) );
if (!image) return FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG_GDI
printf( "BITMAP_CopyFromPixmap: %dx%d %d colors\n",
bmp->bmWidth, bmp->bmHeight, 1 << bmp->bmBitsPixel );
XGetSubImage( XT_display, pixmap, 0, 0, bmp->bmWidth, bmp->bmHeight,
AllPlanes, ZPixmap, image, 0, 0 );
image->data = NULL;
XDestroyImage( image );
return TRUE;
* CreateBitmap (GDI.48)
HBITMAP CreateBitmap( short width, short height,
BYTE planes, BYTE bpp, LPSTR bits )
BITMAP bitmap = { 0, width, height, 0, planes, bpp, bits };
#ifdef DEBUG_GDI
printf( "CreateBitmap: %dx%d, %d colors\n",
width, height, 1 << (planes*bpp) );
if (!width || !height) return 0;
if ((planes != 1) && (bpp != 1)) return 0;
bitmap.bmWidthBytes = (width * bpp + 15) / 16 * 2;
return CreateBitmapIndirect( &bitmap );
* CreateCompatibleBitmap (GDI.51)
HBITMAP CreateCompatibleBitmap( HDC hdc, short width, short height )
HBITMAP hbitmap;
DC * dc;
#ifdef DEBUG_GDI
printf( "CreateCompatibleBitmap: %d %dx%d\n", hdc, width, height );
dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
if (!dc) return 0;
hbitmap = CreateBitmap( width, height, dc->w.planes, dc->w.bitsPerPixel, NULL);
return hbitmap;
* CreateBitmapIndirect (GDI.49)
HBITMAP CreateBitmapIndirect( BITMAP * bmp )
BITMAPOBJ * bmpObjPtr;
char * bmpPtr;
HBITMAP hbitmap;
int size = bmp->bmPlanes * bmp->bmHeight * bmp->bmWidthBytes;
/* Create the BITMAPOBJ */
hbitmap = GDI_AllocObject( sizeof(BITMAPOBJ), BITMAP_MAGIC );
if (!hbitmap) return 0;
bmpObjPtr = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hbitmap );
/* Create the bitmap in global heap */
bmpObjPtr->hBitmap = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(BITMAP) + size );
if (!bmpObjPtr->hBitmap)
GDI_FreeObject( hbitmap );
return 0;
bmpPtr = (char *) GlobalLock( bmpObjPtr->hBitmap );
memcpy( bmpPtr, bmp, sizeof(BITMAP) );
((BITMAP *)bmpPtr)->bmBits = NULL;
if (bmp->bmBits) memcpy( bmpPtr + sizeof(BITMAP), bmp->bmBits, size );
GlobalUnlock( bmpObjPtr->hBitmap );
bmpObjPtr->bSelected = FALSE;
bmpObjPtr->hdc = 0;
bmpObjPtr->size.cx = 0;
bmpObjPtr->size.cy = 0;
return hbitmap;
* BITMAP_GetSetBitmapBits
LONG BITMAP_GetSetBitmapBits( HBITMAP hbitmap, LONG count,
LPSTR buffer, int set )
BITMAPOBJ * bmpObjPtr;
BITMAP * bmp;
DC * dc = NULL;
int maxSize;
if (!count) return 0;
bmpObjPtr = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hbitmap, BITMAP_MAGIC );
if (!bmpObjPtr) return 0;
if (!(bmp = (BITMAP *) GlobalLock( bmpObjPtr->hBitmap ))) return 0;
if (bmpObjPtr->bSelected)
dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( bmpObjPtr->hdc, DC_MAGIC );
maxSize = bmp->bmPlanes * bmp->bmHeight * bmp->bmWidthBytes;
if (count > maxSize) count = maxSize;
if (set)
memcpy( bmp+1, buffer, count );
if (dc) BITMAP_CopyToPixmap( bmp, dc->u.x.drawable,
0, 0, bmp->bmWidth, bmp->bmHeight );
if (dc) BITMAP_CopyFromPixmap( bmp, dc->u.x.drawable );
memcpy( buffer, bmp+1, count );
GlobalUnlock( bmpObjPtr->hBitmap );
return hbitmap;
* GetBitmapBits (GDI.74)
LONG GetBitmapBits( HBITMAP hbitmap, LONG count, LPSTR buffer )
return BITMAP_GetSetBitmapBits( hbitmap, count, buffer, 0 );
* SetBitmapBits (GDI.106)
LONG SetBitmapBits( HBITMAP hbitmap, LONG count, LPSTR buffer )
return BITMAP_GetSetBitmapBits( hbitmap, count, buffer, 1 );
* BMP_DeleteObject
BOOL BMP_DeleteObject( HBITMAP hbitmap, BITMAPOBJ * bitmap )
/* Free bitmap on global heap */
GlobalFree( bitmap->hBitmap );
return GDI_FreeObject( hbitmap );
* BMP_GetObject
int BMP_GetObject( BITMAPOBJ * bitmap, int count, LPSTR buffer )
char * bmpPtr = (char *) GlobalLock( bitmap->hBitmap );
if (count > sizeof(BITMAP)) count = sizeof(BITMAP);
memcpy( buffer, bmpPtr, count );
GlobalUnlock( bitmap->hBitmap );
return count;
* BITMAP_UnselectBitmap
* Unselect the bitmap from the DC. Used by SelectObject and DeleteDC.
BOOL BITMAP_UnselectBitmap( DC * dc )
BITMAP * bmpPtr;
if (!dc->w.hBitmap) return TRUE;
bmp = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( dc->w.hBitmap, BITMAP_MAGIC );
if (!bmp) return FALSE;
if (!(bmpPtr = (BITMAP *) GlobalLock( bmp->hBitmap ))) return FALSE;
BITMAP_CopyFromPixmap( bmpPtr, dc->u.x.drawable );
XFreePixmap( XT_display, dc->u.x.drawable );
bmp->bSelected = FALSE;
bmp->hdc = 0;
GlobalUnlock( bmp->hBitmap );
return TRUE;
* BITMAP_SelectObject
HBITMAP BITMAP_SelectObject( HDC hdc, DC * dc, HBITMAP hbitmap,
BITMAPOBJ * bitmap )
BITMAP * bmp;
HBITMAP prevHandle = dc->w.hBitmap;
if (!(dc->w.flags & DC_MEMORY)) return 0;
if (bitmap->bSelected && hbitmap != BITMAP_hbitmapMemDC) return 0;
if (!(bmp = (BITMAP *) GlobalLock( bitmap->hBitmap ))) return 0;
/* Make sure the bitmap has the right format */
if ((bmp->bmPlanes != 1) || !BITMAP_FindGCForDepth( bmp->bmBitsPixel ))
GlobalUnlock( bitmap->hBitmap );
return 0;
/* Unselect the previous bitmap */
if (!BITMAP_UnselectBitmap( dc ))
GlobalUnlock( bitmap->hBitmap );
return 0;
/* Create the pixmap */
dc->u.x.drawable = XCreatePixmap( XT_display,
DefaultRootWindow( XT_display ),
bmp->bmWidth, bmp->bmHeight,
bmp->bmBitsPixel );
BITMAP_CopyToPixmap( bmp, dc->u.x.drawable,
0, 0, bmp->bmWidth, bmp->bmHeight );
/* Change GC depth if needed */
if (dc->w.bitsPerPixel != bmp->bmBitsPixel)
XFreeGC( XT_display, dc->u.x.gc );
dc->u.x.gc = XCreateGC( XT_display, dc->u.x.drawable, 0, NULL );
dc->w.bitsPerPixel = bmp->bmBitsPixel;
DC_SetDeviceInfo( hdc, dc );
GlobalUnlock( bitmap->hBitmap );
dc->w.hBitmap = hbitmap;
bitmap->bSelected = TRUE;
bitmap->hdc = hdc;
return prevHandle;
* GetBitmapDimensionEx (GDI.468)
BOOL GetBitmapDimensionEx( HBITMAP hbitmap, LPSIZE size )
BITMAPOBJ * bmp = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hbitmap, BITMAP_MAGIC );
if (!bmp) return FALSE;
*size = bmp->size;
return TRUE;
* GetBitmapDimension (GDI.162)
DWORD GetBitmapDimension( HBITMAP hbitmap )
SIZE size;
if (!GetBitmapDimensionEx( hbitmap, &size )) return 0;
return size.cx | (size.cy << 16);
* SetBitmapDimensionEx (GDI.478)
BOOL SetBitmapDimensionEx( HBITMAP hbitmap, short x, short y, LPSIZE prevSize )
BITMAPOBJ * bmp = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hbitmap, BITMAP_MAGIC );
if (!bmp) return FALSE;
if (prevSize) *prevSize = bmp->size;
bmp->size.cx = x;
bmp->size.cy = y;
return TRUE;
* SetBitmapDimension (GDI.163)
DWORD SetBitmapDimension( HBITMAP hbitmap, short x, short y )
SIZE size;
if (!SetBitmapDimensionEx( hbitmap, x, y, &size )) return 0;
return size.cx | (size.cy << 16);