
562 lines
17 KiB

* GDI bit-blit operations
* Copyright 1993 Alexandre Julliard
static char Copyright[] = "Copyright Alexandre Julliard, 1993";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include "gdi.h"
#include "metafile.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "stddebug.h"
/* #define DEBUG_GDI */
/* #undef DEBUG_GDI */
#include "debug.h"
extern const int DC_XROPfunction[];
extern Colormap COLOR_WinColormap;
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
* PatBlt (GDI.29)
BOOL PatBlt( HDC hdc, short left, short top,
short width, short height, DWORD rop)
DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
if (!dc)
dc = (DC *)GDI_GetObjPtr(hdc, METAFILE_DC_MAGIC);
if (!dc) return FALSE;
MF_MetaParam6(dc, META_PATBLT, left, top, width, height,
HIWORD(rop), LOWORD(rop));
return TRUE;
dprintf_gdi(stddeb, "PatBlt: %d %d,%d %dx%d %06lx\n",
hdc, left, top, width, height, rop );
/* Convert ROP3 code to ROP2 code */
rop >>= 16;
if (!DC_SetupGCForBrush( dc )) rop &= 0x0f;
else rop = (rop & 0x03) | ((rop >> 4) & 0x0c);
/* Special case for BLACKNESS and WHITENESS */
if (!Options.usePrivateMap && ((rop == R2_BLACK-1) || (rop == R2_WHITE-1)))
XSetForeground( display, dc->u.x.gc, (rop == R2_BLACK-1) ?
BlackPixelOfScreen(screen) : WhitePixelOfScreen(screen));
XSetFillStyle( display, dc->u.x.gc, FillSolid );
rop = R2_COPYPEN;
XSetFunction( display, dc->u.x.gc, DC_XROPfunction[rop] );
left = dc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dc, left );
top = dc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dc, top );
/* Convert dimensions to device coords */
if ((width = (width * dc->w.VportExtX) / dc->w.WndExtX) < 0)
width = -width;
left -= width;
if ((height = (height * dc->w.VportExtY) / dc->w.WndExtY) < 0)
height = -height;
top -= height;
XFillRectangle( display, dc->u.x.drawable, dc->u.x.gc,
left, top, width, height );
return TRUE;
* BitBlt (GDI.34)
BOOL BitBlt( HDC hdcDest, short xDest, short yDest, short width, short height,
HDC hdcSrc, short xSrc, short ySrc, DWORD rop )
int xs1, xs2, ys1, ys2;
int xd1, xd2, yd1, yd2;
DWORD saverop = rop;
DC *dcDest, *dcSrc;
dprintf_gdi(stddeb, "BitBlt: %04x %d,%d %dx%d %04x %d,%d %06lx\n",
hdcDest, xDest, yDest, width, height, hdcSrc, xSrc, ySrc, rop);
if (width == 0 || height == 0) return FALSE;
if ((rop & 0xcc0000) == ((rop & 0x330000) << 2))
return PatBlt( hdcDest, xDest, yDest, width, height, rop );
rop >>= 16;
dcSrc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdcSrc, DC_MAGIC );
if (!dcSrc) return FALSE;
dcDest = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdcDest, DC_MAGIC );
if (!dcDest)
dcDest = (DC *)GDI_GetObjPtr(hdcDest, METAFILE_DC_MAGIC);
if (!dcDest) return FALSE;
MF_BitBlt(dcDest, xDest, yDest, width, height,
hdcSrc, xSrc, ySrc, saverop);
return TRUE;
xs1 = dcSrc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dcSrc, xSrc );
xs2 = dcSrc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dcSrc, xSrc + width );
ys1 = dcSrc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dcSrc, ySrc );
ys2 = dcSrc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dcSrc, ySrc + height );
xd1 = dcDest->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dcDest, xDest );
xd2 = dcDest->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dcDest, xDest + width );
yd1 = dcDest->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dcDest, yDest );
yd2 = dcDest->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dcDest, yDest + height );
if ((abs(xs2-xs1) != abs(xd2-xd1)) || (abs(ys2-ys1) != abs(yd2-yd1)))
return FALSE; /* Should call StretchBlt here */
DC_SetupGCForText( dcDest );
if (((rop & 0x0f) == (rop >> 4))&&(rop!=0xbb))
/* FIXME: Test, whether more than just 0xbb has to be excluded */
XSetFunction( display, dcDest->u.x.gc, DC_XROPfunction[rop & 0x0f] );
if (dcSrc->w.bitsPerPixel == dcDest->w.bitsPerPixel)
XCopyArea( display, dcSrc->u.x.drawable,
dcDest->u.x.drawable, dcDest->u.x.gc,
min(xs1,xs2), min(ys1,ys2), abs(xs2-xs1), abs(ys2-ys1),
min(xd1,xd2), min(yd1,yd2) );
if (dcSrc->w.bitsPerPixel != 1) return FALSE;
XCopyPlane( display, dcSrc->u.x.drawable,
dcDest->u.x.drawable, dcDest->u.x.gc,
min(xs1,xs2), min(ys1,ys2), abs(xs2-xs1), abs(ys2-ys1),
min(xd1,xd2), min(yd1,yd2), 1 );
XImage *sxi, *dxi, *bxi;
int x,y,s,d,p,res,ofs,i,cp,cs,cd,cres;
XColor sentry,dentry,pentry,entry;
long colors[256];
/* HDC hdcBrush = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcDest);
DC *dcBrush;*/
RECT r = {min(xDest,xDest+width), min(yDest,yDest+height),
MAX(xDest,xDest+width), MAX(yDest,yDest+height)};
HBRUSH cur_brush=SelectObject(hdcDest, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
SelectObject(hdcDest, cur_brush);
/* FillRect(hdcBrush, &r, cur_brush);*/
sxi=XGetImage(display, dcSrc->u.x.drawable, min(xs1,xs2), min(ys1,ys2),
abs(xs2-xs1), abs(ys2-ys1), AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
dxi=XGetImage(display, dcDest->u.x.drawable, min(xd1,xd2),min(yd1,yd2),
abs(xs2-xs1), abs(ys2-ys1), AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
/* dcBrush = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdcBrush, DC_MAGIC );*/
/* bxi=XGetImage(display, dcBrush->u.x.drawable, min(xd1,xd2),min(yd1,yd2),
abs(xs2-xs1), abs(ys2-ys1), AllPlanes, ZPixmap);*/
/* FIXME: It's really not necessary to do this on the visible screen */
FillRect(hdcDest, &r, cur_brush);
bxi=XGetImage(display, dcDest->u.x.drawable, min(xd1,xd2),min(yd1,yd2),
abs(xs2-xs1), abs(ys2-ys1), AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
for (i=0; i<min(256,1<<(dcDest->w.bitsPerPixel)); i++)
entry.pixel = i;
XQueryColor ( display, COLOR_WinColormap, &entry);
colors[i] = (int) RGB( entry.red>>8, entry.green>>8, entry.blue>>8 );
if (dcSrc->w.bitsPerPixel == dcDest->w.bitsPerPixel)
for(x=0; x<abs(xs2-xs1); x++)
for(y=0; y<abs(ys2-ys1); y++)
s = XGetPixel(sxi, x, y);
d = XGetPixel(dxi, x, y);
p = XGetPixel(bxi, x, y);
if (s<256)
sentry.pixel = s;
XQueryColor ( display, COLOR_WinColormap, &sentry);
cs = (int) RGB( sentry.red>>8,sentry.green>>8, sentry.blue>>8 );
if (d<256)
dentry.pixel = d;
XQueryColor ( display, COLOR_WinColormap, &dentry);
cd = (int) RGB( dentry.red>>8, dentry.green>>8,dentry.blue>>8 );
if (p<256)
pentry.pixel = p;
XQueryColor ( display, COLOR_WinColormap, &pentry);
cp = (int) RGB( pentry.red>>8, pentry.green>>8,pentry.blue>>8 );
cres = 0;
for(i=0; i<24; i++)
if (rop & ofs)
cres |= (1<<i);
if (cres==cs)
else if (cres==cd)
else if (cres==cp)
res = -1;
for (i=0; i<min(256,1<<(dcDest->w.bitsPerPixel)); i++)
if (colors[i]==cres)
res = i;
if (res == -1)
res = GetNearestPaletteIndex(dcDest->w.hPalette, res);
XPutPixel(dxi, x, y, res);
fprintf(stderr,"BitBlt // depths different!\n");
XPutImage(display, dcDest->u.x.drawable, dcDest->u.x.gc,
dxi, 0, 0, min(xd1,xd2), min(yd1,yd2), abs(xs2-xs1), abs(ys2-ys1)+38);
return TRUE;
* black on white stretch -- favors color pixels over white
static void bonw_stretch(XImage *sxi, XImage *dxi,
short widthSrc, short heightSrc, short widthDest, short heightDest)
float deltax, deltay, sourcex, sourcey, oldsourcex, oldsourcey;
register int x, y;
Pixel whitep;
int totalx, totaly, xavgwhite, yavgwhite;
register int i;
int endx, endy;
deltax = (float)widthSrc/widthDest;
deltay = (float)heightSrc/heightDest;
whitep = WhitePixel(display, DefaultScreen(display));
oldsourcex = 0;
for (x=0, sourcex=0.0; x<widthDest;
x++, oldsourcex=sourcex, sourcex+=deltax) {
xavgwhite = 0;
if (deltax > 1.0) {
totalx = 0;
endx = (int)sourcex;
for (i=(int)oldsourcex; i<=endx; i++)
if (XGetPixel(sxi, i, (int)sourcey) == whitep)
xavgwhite = (totalx > (int)(deltax / 2.0));
} else {
xavgwhite = 0;
oldsourcey = 0;
for (y=0, sourcey=0.0; y<heightDest;
y++, oldsourcey=sourcey, sourcey+=deltay) {
yavgwhite = 0;
if (deltay > 1.0) {
totaly = 0;
endy = (int)sourcey;
for (i=(int)oldsourcey; i<=endy; i++)
if (XGetPixel(sxi, (int)sourcex, i) == whitep)
yavgwhite = (totaly > ((int)deltay / 2));
} else {
yavgwhite = 0;
if (xavgwhite && yavgwhite)
XPutPixel(dxi, x, y, whitep);
XPutPixel(dxi, x, y, XGetPixel(sxi, (int)sourcex, (int)sourcey));
} /* for all y in dest */
} /* for all x in dest */
* white on black stretch -- favors color pixels over black
static void wonb_stretch(XImage *sxi, XImage *dxi,
short widthSrc, short heightSrc, short widthDest, short heightDest)
float deltax, deltay, sourcex, sourcey, oldsourcex, oldsourcey;
register int x, y;
Pixel blackp;
int totalx, totaly, xavgblack, yavgblack;
register int i;
int endx, endy;
deltax = (float)widthSrc/widthDest;
deltay = (float)heightSrc/heightDest;
blackp = WhitePixel(display, DefaultScreen(display));
oldsourcex = 0;
for (x=0, sourcex=0.0; x<widthDest;
x++, oldsourcex=sourcex, sourcex+=deltax) {
xavgblack = 0;
if (deltax > 1.0) {
totalx = 0;
endx = (int)sourcex;
for (i=(int)oldsourcex; i<=endx; i++)
if (XGetPixel(sxi, i, (int)sourcey) == blackp)
xavgblack = (totalx > (int)(deltax / 2.0));
} else {
xavgblack = 0;
oldsourcey = 0;
for (y=0, sourcey=0.0; y<heightDest;
y++, oldsourcey=sourcey, sourcey+=deltay) {
yavgblack = 0;
if (deltay > 1.0) {
totaly = 0;
endy = (int)sourcey;
for (i=(int)oldsourcey; i<=endy; i++)
if (XGetPixel(sxi, (int)sourcex, i) == blackp)
yavgblack = (totaly > ((int)deltay / 2));
} else {
yavgblack = 0;
if (xavgblack && yavgblack)
XPutPixel(dxi, x, y, blackp);
XPutPixel(dxi, x, y, XGetPixel(sxi, (int)sourcex, (int)sourcey));
} /* for all y in dest */
} /* for all x in dest */
/* We use the 32-bit to 64-bit multiply and 64-bit to 32-bit divide of the */
/* 386 (which gcc doesn't know well enough) to efficiently perform integer */
/* scaling without having to worry about overflows. */
/* ##### muldiv64() borrowed from svgalib 1.03 ##### */
static __inline__ int muldiv64( int m1, int m2, int d )
/* int32 * int32 -> int64 / int32 -> int32 */
#ifdef i386
int result;
"imull %%edx\n\t"
"idivl %3\n\t"
: "=&a" (result) /* out */
: "0" (m1), "d" (m2), "g" (d) /* in */
: "%edx" /* mod */
return result;
return m1 * m2 / d;
* color stretch -- deletes unused pixels
static void color_stretch(XImage *sxi, XImage *dxi,
short widthSrc, short heightSrc, short widthDest, short heightDest)
register int x, y, sx, sy, xfactor, yfactor;
xfactor = muldiv64(widthSrc, 65536, widthDest);
yfactor = muldiv64(heightSrc, 65536, heightDest);
sy = 0;
for (y = 0; y < heightDest;)
int sourcey = sy >> 16;
sx = 0;
for (x = 0; x < widthDest; x++) {
XPutPixel(dxi, x, y, XGetPixel(sxi, sx >> 16, sourcey));
sx += xfactor;
while (y < heightDest) {
int py;
sourcey = sy >> 16;
sy += yfactor;
if ((sy >> 16) != sourcey)
/* vertical stretch => copy previous line */
py = y - 1;
for (x = 0; x < widthDest; x++)
XPutPixel(dxi, x, y, XGetPixel(dxi, x, py));
* StretchBlt (GDI.35)
* o StretchBlt is CPU intensive so we only call it if we have
* to. Checks are made to see if we can call BitBlt instead.
* o the stretching is slowish, some integer interpolation would
* speed it up.
* o only black on white and color copy have been tested
BOOL StretchBlt( HDC hdcDest, short xDest, short yDest, short widthDest, short heightDest,
HDC hdcSrc, short xSrc, short ySrc, short widthSrc, short heightSrc, DWORD rop )
int xs1, xs2, ys1, ys2;
int xd1, xd2, yd1, yd2;
DC *dcDest, *dcSrc;
XImage *sxi, *dxi;
DWORD saverop = rop;
WORD stretchmode;
dprintf_gdi(stddeb, "StretchBlt: %d %d,%d %dx%d %d %d,%d %dx%d %06lx\n",
hdcDest, xDest, yDest, widthDest, heightDest, hdcSrc, xSrc,
ySrc, widthSrc, heightSrc, rop );
dprintf_gdi(stddeb, "StretchMode is %x\n",
((DC *)GDI_GetObjPtr(hdcDest, DC_MAGIC))->w.stretchBltMode);
if (widthDest == 0 || heightDest == 0) return FALSE;
if (widthSrc == 0 || heightSrc == 0) return FALSE;
if ((rop & 0xcc0000) == ((rop & 0x330000) << 2))
return PatBlt( hdcDest, xDest, yDest, widthDest, heightDest, rop );
/* don't stretch the bitmap unless we have to; if we don't,
* call BitBlt for a performance boost
if (widthSrc == widthDest && heightSrc == heightDest) {
return BitBlt(hdcDest, xDest, yDest, widthSrc, heightSrc,
hdcSrc, xSrc, ySrc, rop);
rop >>= 16;
if ((rop & 0x0f) != (rop >> 4))
fprintf(stdnimp, "StretchBlt: Unimplemented ROP %02lx\n", rop );
return FALSE;
dcSrc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdcSrc, DC_MAGIC );
if (!dcSrc) return FALSE;
dcDest = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdcDest, DC_MAGIC );
if (!dcDest)
dcDest = (DC *)GDI_GetObjPtr(hdcDest, METAFILE_DC_MAGIC);
if (!dcDest) return FALSE;
MF_StretchBlt(dcDest, xDest, yDest, widthDest, heightDest,
hdcSrc, xSrc, ySrc, widthSrc, heightSrc, saverop);
return TRUE;
xs1 = dcSrc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dcSrc, xSrc );
xs2 = dcSrc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dcSrc, xSrc + widthSrc );
ys1 = dcSrc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dcSrc, ySrc );
ys2 = dcSrc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dcSrc, ySrc + heightSrc );
xd1 = dcDest->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dcDest, xDest );
xd2 = dcDest->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP( dcDest, xDest + widthDest );
yd1 = dcDest->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dcDest, yDest );
yd2 = dcDest->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP( dcDest, yDest + heightDest );
/* get a source and destination image so we can manipulate
* the pixels
sxi = XGetImage(display, dcSrc->u.x.drawable, xs1, ys1,
widthSrc, heightSrc, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
dxi = XCreateImage(display, DefaultVisualOfScreen(screen),
screenDepth, ZPixmap,
0, NULL, widthDest, heightDest,
32, 0);
dxi->data = malloc(dxi->bytes_per_line * heightDest);
stretchmode = ((DC *)GDI_GetObjPtr(hdcDest, DC_MAGIC))->w.stretchBltMode;
/* the actual stretching is done here, we'll try to use
* some interolation to get some speed out of it in
* the future
switch (stretchmode) {
color_stretch(sxi, dxi, widthSrc, heightSrc,
widthDest, heightDest);
/* bonw_stretch(sxi, dxi, widthSrc, heightSrc,
widthDest, heightDest);
*/ break;
color_stretch(sxi, dxi, widthSrc, heightSrc,
widthDest, heightDest);
/* wonb_stretch(sxi, dxi, widthSrc, heightSrc,
widthDest, heightDest);
*/ break;
color_stretch(sxi, dxi, widthSrc, heightSrc,
widthDest, heightDest);
fprintf(stderr, "StretchBlt: unknown stretchmode '%d'\n",
XSetFunction(display, dcDest->u.x.gc, DC_XROPfunction[rop & 0x0f]);
XPutImage(display, dcDest->u.x.drawable, dcDest->u.x.gc,
dxi, 0, 0, min(xd1,xd2), min(yd1,yd2),
widthDest, heightDest);
/* now free the images we created */
return TRUE;