256 lines
7.1 KiB
256 lines
7.1 KiB
#include "ddraw.h"
#include "winuser.h"
* Predeclare the interface implementation structures
typedef struct IDirectDrawPaletteImpl IDirectDrawPaletteImpl;
typedef struct IDirectDrawClipperImpl IDirectDrawClipperImpl;
typedef struct IDirectDrawImpl IDirectDrawImpl;
typedef struct IDirectDraw2Impl IDirectDraw2Impl;
typedef struct IDirectDraw4Impl IDirectDraw4Impl;
typedef struct IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl;
typedef struct IDirectDrawSurface3Impl IDirectDrawSurface2Impl;
typedef struct IDirectDrawSurface4Impl IDirectDrawSurface3Impl;
typedef struct IDirectDrawSurface4Impl IDirectDrawSurface4Impl;
typedef struct IDirectDrawColorControlImpl IDirectDrawColorControlImpl;
#include "d3d_private.h"
* IDirectDrawPalette implementation structure
struct IDirectDrawPaletteImpl
/* IUnknown fields */
DWORD ref;
/* IDirectDrawPalette fields */
IDirectDrawImpl* ddraw;
Colormap cm;
PALETTEENTRY palents[256];
int installed;
/* This is to store the palette in 'screen format' */
int screen_palents[256];
* IDirectDrawClipper implementation structure
struct IDirectDrawClipperImpl
/* IUnknown fields */
DWORD ref;
/* IDirectDrawClipper fields */
/* none */
* IDirectDraw implementation structure
struct _common_directdrawdata
DDPIXELFORMAT directdraw_pixelformat;
DDPIXELFORMAT screen_pixelformat;
int pixmap_depth;
void (*pixel_convert)(void *src, void *dst, DWORD width, DWORD height, LONG pitch, IDirectDrawPaletteImpl* palette);
void (*palette_convert)(LPPALETTEENTRY palent, void *screen_palette, DWORD start, DWORD count);
DWORD height,width; /* SetDisplayMode */
HWND mainWindow; /* SetCooperativeLevel */
/* This is for Wine's fake mainWindow.
We need it also in DGA mode to make some games (for example Monkey Island III work) */
ATOM winclass;
HWND window;
Window drawable;
int paintable;
struct _dga_directdrawdata
DWORD fb_width,fb_height,fb_banksize,fb_memsize;
void* fb_addr;
unsigned int vpmask;
struct _xlib_directdrawdata
int xshm_active;
#endif /* defined(HAVE_LIBXXSHM) */
/* are these needed for anything? (draw_surf is the active surface)
IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl* surfs;
DWORD num_surfs, alloc_surfs, draw_surf; */
struct IDirectDrawImpl
/* IUnknown fields */
DWORD ref;
/* IDirectDraw fields */
struct _common_directdrawdata d;
union {
struct _xlib_directdrawdata xlib;
struct _dga_directdrawdata dga;
} e;
* IDirectDraw2 implementation structure
struct IDirectDraw2Impl
/* IUnknown fields */
DWORD ref;
/* IDirectDraw2 fields */
struct _common_directdrawdata d;
union {
struct _xlib_directdrawdata xlib;
struct _dga_directdrawdata dga;
} e;
* IDirectDraw4 implementation structure
struct IDirectDraw4Impl
/* IUnknown fields */
DWORD ref;
/* IDirectDraw4 fields */
struct _common_directdrawdata d;
union {
struct _xlib_directdrawdata xlib;
struct _dga_directdrawdata dga;
} e;
* IDirectDrawSurface implementation structure
struct _common_directdrawsurface
IDirectDrawPaletteImpl* palette;
IDirectDraw2Impl* ddraw;
struct _surface_chain *chain;
DDSURFACEDESC surface_desc;
/* For Get / Release DC methods */
void *bitmap_data;
HDC hdc;
HGDIOBJ holdbitmap;
/* Callback for loaded textures */
IDirect3DTexture2Impl* texture;
HRESULT WINAPI (*SetColorKey_cb)(IDirect3DTexture2Impl *texture, DWORD dwFlags, LPDDCOLORKEY ckey ) ;
/* Storage for attached device (void * as it can be either a Device or a Device2) */
void *d3d_device;
struct _dga_directdrawsurface
DWORD fb_height;
struct _xlib_directdrawsurface
XImage *image;
XShmSegmentInfo shminfo;
struct IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl
/* IUnknown fields */
DWORD ref;
/* IDirectDrawSurface fields */
struct _common_directdrawsurface s;
union {
struct _dga_directdrawsurface dga;
struct _xlib_directdrawsurface xlib;
} t;
* IDirectDrawSurface2 implementation structure
struct IDirectDrawSurface2Impl
/* IUnknown fields */
DWORD ref;
/* IDirectDrawSurface2 fields */
struct _common_directdrawsurface s;
union {
struct _dga_directdrawsurface dga;
struct _xlib_directdrawsurface xlib;
} t;
* IDirectDrawSurface3 implementation structure
struct IDirectDrawSurface3Impl
/* IUnknown fields */
DWORD ref;
/* IDirectDrawSurface3 fields */
struct _common_directdrawsurface s;
union {
struct _dga_directdrawsurface dga;
struct _xlib_directdrawsurface xlib;
} t;
* IDirectDrawSurface4 implementation structure
struct IDirectDrawSurface4Impl
/* IUnknown fields */
DWORD ref;
/* IDirectDrawSurface4 fields */
struct _common_directdrawsurface s;
union {
struct _dga_directdrawsurface dga;
struct _xlib_directdrawsurface xlib;
} t;
} ;
struct _surface_chain {
IDirectDrawSurface4Impl **surfaces;
int nrofsurfaces;
* IDirectDrawColorControl implementation structure
struct IDirectDrawColorControlImpl
/* IUnknown fields */
DWORD ref;
/* IDirectDrawColorControl fields */
/* none */