460 lines
14 KiB
460 lines
14 KiB
* Emulation of processor ioports.
* Copyright 1995 Morten Welinder
* Copyright 1998 Andreas Mohr, Ove Kaaven
* Copyright 2001 Uwe Bonnes
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
/* Known problems:
- only a few ports are emulated.
- real-time clock in "cmos" is bogus. A nifty alarm() setup could
fix that, I guess.
#include "config.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "winnls.h"
#include "winreg.h"
#include "winternl.h"
#include "kernel16_private.h"
#include "dosexe.h"
#include "wine/unicode.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
static struct {
WORD countmax;
WORD latch;
BYTE ctrlbyte_ch;
BYTE flags;
LONG64 start_time;
} tmr_8253[3] = {
{0xFFFF, 0, 0x36, 0, 0},
{0x0012, 0, 0x74, 0, 0},
{0x0001, 0, 0xB6, 0, 0},
/* two byte read in progress */
#define TMR_RTOGGLE 0x01
/* two byte write in progress */
#define TMR_WTOGGLE 0x02
/* latch contains data */
#define TMR_LATCHED 0x04
/* counter is in update phase */
#define TMR_UPDATE 0x08
/* readback status request */
#define TMR_STATUS 0x10
static BYTE parport_8255[4] = {0x4f, 0x20, 0xff, 0xff};
static BYTE cmosaddress;
static BOOL cmos_image_initialized = FALSE;
static BYTE cmosimage[64] =
0x27, /* 0x00: seconds */
0x34, /* 0X01: seconds alarm */
0x31, /* 0x02: minutes */
0x47, /* 0x03: minutes alarm */
0x16, /* 0x04: hour */
0x15, /* 0x05: hour alarm */
0x00, /* 0x06: week day */
0x01, /* 0x07: month day */
0x04, /* 0x08: month */
0x94, /* 0x09: year */
0x26, /* 0x0a: state A */
0x02, /* 0x0b: state B */
0x50, /* 0x0c: state C */
0x80, /* 0x0d: state D */
0x00, /* 0x0e: state diagnostic */
0x00, /* 0x0f: state state shutdown */
0x40, /* 0x10: floppy type */
0xb1, /* 0x11: reserved */
0x00, /* 0x12: HD type */
0x9c, /* 0x13: reserved */
0x01, /* 0x14: equipment */
0x80, /* 0x15: low base memory */
0x02, /* 0x16: high base memory (0x280 => 640KB) */
0x00, /* 0x17: low extended memory */
0x3b, /* 0x18: high extended memory (0x3b00 => 15MB) */
0x00, /* 0x19: HD 1 extended type byte */
0x00, /* 0x1a: HD 2 extended type byte */
0xad, /* 0x1b: reserved */
0x02, /* 0x1c: reserved */
0x10, /* 0x1d: reserved */
0x00, /* 0x1e: reserved */
0x00, /* 0x1f: installed features */
0x08, /* 0x20: HD 1 low cylinder number */
0x00, /* 0x21: HD 1 high cylinder number */
0x00, /* 0x22: HD 1 heads */
0x26, /* 0x23: HD 1 low pre-compensation start */
0x00, /* 0x24: HD 1 high pre-compensation start */
0x00, /* 0x25: HD 1 low landing zone */
0x00, /* 0x26: HD 1 high landing zone */
0x00, /* 0x27: HD 1 sectors */
0x00, /* 0x28: options 1 */
0x00, /* 0x29: reserved */
0x00, /* 0x2a: reserved */
0x00, /* 0x2b: options 2 */
0x00, /* 0x2c: options 3 */
0x3f, /* 0x2d: reserved */
0xcc, /* 0x2e: low CMOS ram checksum (computed automatically) */
0xcc, /* 0x2f: high CMOS ram checksum (computed automatically) */
0x00, /* 0x30: low extended memory byte */
0x1c, /* 0x31: high extended memory byte */
0x19, /* 0x32: century byte */
0x81, /* 0x33: setup information */
0x00, /* 0x34: CPU speed */
0x0e, /* 0x35: HD 2 low cylinder number */
0x00, /* 0x36: HD 2 high cylinder number */
0x80, /* 0x37: HD 2 heads */
0x1b, /* 0x38: HD 2 low pre-compensation start */
0x7b, /* 0x39: HD 2 high pre-compensation start */
0x21, /* 0x3a: HD 2 low landing zone */
0x00, /* 0x3b: HD 2 high landing zone */
0x00, /* 0x3c: HD 2 sectors */
0x00, /* 0x3d: reserved */
0x05, /* 0x3e: reserved */
0x5f /* 0x3f: reserved */
static void IO_FixCMOSCheckSum(void)
WORD sum = 0;
int i;
for (i=0x10; i < 0x2d; i++)
sum += cmosimage[i];
cmosimage[0x2e] = sum >> 8; /* yes, this IS hi byte !! */
cmosimage[0x2f] = sum & 0xff;
TRACE("calculated hi %02x, lo %02x\n", cmosimage[0x2e], cmosimage[0x2f]);
#define BCD2BIN(a) \
((a)%10 + ((a)>>4)%10*10 + ((a)>>8)%10*100 + ((a)>>12)%10*1000)
#define BIN2BCD(a) \
((a)%10 | (a)/10%10<<4 | (a)/100%10<<8 | (a)/1000%10<<12)
static void set_timer(unsigned timer)
DWORD val = tmr_8253[timer].countmax;
if (tmr_8253[timer].ctrlbyte_ch & 0x01)
val = BCD2BIN(val);
tmr_8253[timer].flags &= ~TMR_UPDATE;
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&tmr_8253[timer].start_time))
WARN("QueryPerformanceCounter should not fail!\n");
switch (timer) {
case 0: /* System timer counter divisor */
case 1: /* RAM refresh */
FIXME("RAM refresh counter handling not implemented !\n");
case 2: /* cassette & speaker */
/* speaker on ? */
if ((parport_8255[1] & 3) == 3)
TRACE("Beep (freq: %d) !\n", 1193180 / val);
Beep(1193180 / val, 20);
static WORD get_timer_val(unsigned timer)
WORD maxval, val = tmr_8253[timer].countmax;
BYTE mode = tmr_8253[timer].ctrlbyte_ch >> 1 & 0x07;
/* This is not strictly correct. In most cases the old countdown should
* finish normally (by counting down to 0) or halt and not jump to 0.
* But we are calculating and not counting, so this seems to be a good
* solution and should work well with most (all?) programs
if (tmr_8253[timer].flags & TMR_UPDATE)
return 0;
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&time))
WARN("QueryPerformanceCounter should not fail!\n");
time.QuadPart -= tmr_8253[timer].start_time;
if (tmr_8253[timer].ctrlbyte_ch & 0x01)
val = BCD2BIN(val);
switch ( mode )
case 0:
case 1:
case 4:
case 5:
maxval = tmr_8253[timer].ctrlbyte_ch & 0x01 ? 9999 : 0xFFFF;
case 2:
case 3:
maxval = val;
ERR("Invalid PIT mode: %d\n", mode);
return 0;
val = (val - time.QuadPart) % (maxval + 1);
if (tmr_8253[timer].ctrlbyte_ch & 0x01)
val = BIN2BCD(val);
return val;
* DOSVM_inport
* Note: The size argument has to be handled correctly _externally_
* (as we always return a DWORD)
DWORD DOSVM_inport( int port, int size )
DWORD res = ~0U;
TRACE("%d-byte value from port 0x%04x\n", size, port );
switch (port)
case 0x40:
case 0x41:
case 0x42:
BYTE chan = port & 3;
WORD tempval = tmr_8253[chan].flags & TMR_LATCHED
? tmr_8253[chan].latch : get_timer_val(chan);
if (tmr_8253[chan].flags & TMR_STATUS)
WARN("Read-back status\n");
/* We differ slightly from the spec:
* - TMR_UPDATE is already set with the first write
* of a two byte counter update
* - 0x80 should be set if OUT signal is 1 (high)
tmr_8253[chan].flags &= ~TMR_STATUS;
res = (tmr_8253[chan].ctrlbyte_ch & 0x3F) |
(tmr_8253[chan].flags & TMR_UPDATE ? 0x40 : 0x00);
switch ((tmr_8253[chan].ctrlbyte_ch & 0x30) >> 4)
case 0:
res = 0; /* shouldn't happen? */
case 1: /* read lo byte */
res = (BYTE)tempval;
tmr_8253[chan].flags &= ~TMR_LATCHED;
case 3: /* read lo byte, then hi byte */
tmr_8253[chan].flags ^= TMR_RTOGGLE; /* toggle */
if (tmr_8253[chan].flags & TMR_RTOGGLE)
res = (BYTE)tempval;
/* else [fall through if read hi byte !] */
case 2: /* read hi byte */
res = (BYTE)(tempval >> 8);
tmr_8253[chan].flags &= ~TMR_LATCHED;
case 0x60:
case 0x61:
res = (DWORD)parport_8255[1];
case 0x62:
res = (DWORD)parport_8255[2];
case 0x70:
res = (DWORD)cmosaddress;
case 0x71:
if (!cmos_image_initialized)
cmos_image_initialized = TRUE;
res = (DWORD)cmosimage[cmosaddress & 0x3f];
case 0x200:
case 0x201:
res = ~0U; /* no joystick */
WARN("Direct I/O read attempted from port %x\n", port);
return res;
* DOSVM_outport
void DOSVM_outport( int port, int size, DWORD value )
TRACE("IO: 0x%x (%d-byte value) to port 0x%04x\n", value, size, port );
switch (port)
case 0x20:
case 0x40:
case 0x41:
case 0x42:
BYTE chan = port & 3;
tmr_8253[chan].flags |= TMR_UPDATE;
switch ((tmr_8253[chan].ctrlbyte_ch & 0x30) >> 4)
case 0:
break; /* shouldn't happen? */
case 1: /* write lo byte */
tmr_8253[chan].countmax =
(tmr_8253[chan].countmax & 0xff00) | (BYTE)value;
case 3: /* write lo byte, then hi byte */
tmr_8253[chan].flags ^= TMR_WTOGGLE; /* toggle */
if (tmr_8253[chan].flags & TMR_WTOGGLE)
tmr_8253[chan].countmax =
(tmr_8253[chan].countmax & 0xff00) | (BYTE)value;
/* else [fall through if write hi byte !] */
case 2: /* write hi byte */
tmr_8253[chan].countmax =
(tmr_8253[chan].countmax & 0x00ff) | ((BYTE)value << 8);
/* if programming is finished, update to new value */
if ((tmr_8253[chan].ctrlbyte_ch & 0x30) &&
!(tmr_8253[chan].flags & TMR_WTOGGLE))
case 0x43:
BYTE chan = ((BYTE)value & 0xc0) >> 6;
/* ctrl byte for specific timer channel */
if (chan == 3)
if ( !(value & 0x20) )
if ((value & 0x02) && !(tmr_8253[0].flags & TMR_LATCHED))
tmr_8253[0].flags |= TMR_LATCHED;
tmr_8253[0].latch = get_timer_val(0);
if ((value & 0x04) && !(tmr_8253[1].flags & TMR_LATCHED))
tmr_8253[1].flags |= TMR_LATCHED;
tmr_8253[1].latch = get_timer_val(1);
if ((value & 0x08) && !(tmr_8253[2].flags & TMR_LATCHED))
tmr_8253[2].flags |= TMR_LATCHED;
tmr_8253[2].latch = get_timer_val(2);
if ( !(value & 0x10) )
if (value & 0x02)
tmr_8253[0].flags |= TMR_STATUS;
if (value & 0x04)
tmr_8253[1].flags |= TMR_STATUS;
if (value & 0x08)
tmr_8253[2].flags |= TMR_STATUS;
switch (((BYTE)value & 0x30) >> 4)
case 0: /* latch timer */
if ( !(tmr_8253[chan].flags & TMR_LATCHED) )
tmr_8253[chan].flags |= TMR_LATCHED;
tmr_8253[chan].latch = get_timer_val(chan);
case 1: /* write lo byte only */
case 2: /* write hi byte only */
case 3: /* write lo byte, then hi byte */
tmr_8253[chan].ctrlbyte_ch = (BYTE)value;
tmr_8253[chan].countmax = 0;
tmr_8253[chan].flags = TMR_UPDATE;
case 0x61:
parport_8255[1] = (BYTE)value;
if (((parport_8255[1] & 3) == 3) && (tmr_8253[2].countmax != 1))
TRACE("Beep (freq: %d) !\n", 1193180 / tmr_8253[2].countmax);
Beep(1193180 / tmr_8253[2].countmax, 20);
case 0x70:
cmosaddress = (BYTE)value & 0x7f;
case 0x71:
if (!cmos_image_initialized)
cmos_image_initialized = TRUE;
cmosimage[cmosaddress & 0x3f] = (BYTE)value;
WARN("Direct I/O write attempted to port %x\n", port );