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This is intended to be a place where you should look first if
you want to contribute to Wine development. Add your e-mail
address to the corresponding entry if you are working on/have
done something for one of the problems. You are encouraged to
add new entries and, more importantly, remove those for the
bugs you fixed ;-)
As of June 1997 -
* TrueType, .FON rasterizer.
* No thread/process/kernel-object support in Win32 code.
* Very alpha printing code. [john@division.co.uk]
* No OLE2 and OLE32 support (including OLE2 interfaces etc.).
* No MS Video support (perhaps interface with xanim, don't hold
your breath for this one).
* No COMDLG32 support. (Needed badly, the Windows95 comdlg32.dll
doesn't work with WINE.)
* No COMMCTRL/COMCTL32 support.
* No icon titles.
- Windows uses a special window class to display icon titles.
Handles to these title windows are stored in the icon window
* No manual pages describing the various Windows calls.
- You can find information about most of the Win32 API calls
on the www.microsoft.com (go to 'search').
* New font mapping scheme can be improved.
* "Cursor XXXX has more than 1 bpp!"
* 32-bit Freecell segfaults when started from the Progman (looks like
a problem with cards.dll).
* Margins in edit controls are too wide.
* SGI window manager treats Wine windows as topmost.
* Write shows blank space instead of Paintbrush OLE1 object ( GetDIBits()? ).
* AllocCSToDSAlias() shouldn't alloc alias for the same segment multiple
Where to look in source files:
* grep for FIXME in the source files.