227 lines
4.9 KiB
227 lines
4.9 KiB
package modules;
use strict;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw();
@EXPORT_OK = qw($modules);
use vars qw($modules);
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
bless ($self, $class);
my $options = \${$self->{OPTIONS}};
my $output = \${$self->{OUTPUT}};
my $spec_files = \%{$self->{SPEC_FILES}};
my $spec_file2module = \%{$self->{SPEC_FILE2MODULE}};
$$options = shift;
$$output = shift;
my $wine_dir = shift;
my $current_dir = shift;
my $file_type = shift;
my $module_file = shift;
$module_file =~ s/^\.\///;
my @all_spec_files = map {
if(&$file_type($_) eq "winelib") {
} else {
} split(/\n/, `find $wine_dir -name \\*.spec`);
my %all_spec_files;
foreach my $file (@all_spec_files) {
$all_spec_files{$file}++ ;
if($$options->progress) {
my $allowed_dir;
my $spec_file;
open(IN, "< $module_file");
local $/ = "\n";
while(<IN>) {
s/^\s*?(.*?)\s*$/$1/; # remove whitespace at begining and end of line
s/^(.*?)\s*#.*$/$1/; # remove comments
/^$/ && next; # skip empty lines
if(/^%\s+(.*?)$/) {
$spec_file = $1;
if(!-f "$wine_dir/$spec_file") {
$$output->write("modules.dat: $spec_file: file ($spec_file) doesn't exist or is no file\n");
if($wine_dir eq ".") {
} else {
$$spec_files{""}{$spec_file}++; # FIXME: Kludge
} else {
$allowed_dir = $1;
if(!-d "$wine_dir/$allowed_dir") {
$$output->write("modules.dat: $spec_file: directory ($allowed_dir) doesn't exist or is no directory\n");
foreach my $spec_file (sort(keys(%all_spec_files))) {
if($all_spec_files{$spec_file} > 0) {
$$output->write("modules.dat: $spec_file: exists but is not specified\n");
$modules = $self;
return $self;
sub spec_file_module {
my $self = shift;
my $spec_file2module = \%{$self->{SPEC_FILE2MODULE}};
my $module2spec_file = \%{$self->{MODULE2SPEC_FILE}};
my $spec_file = shift;
$spec_file =~ s/^\.\///;
my $module = shift;
sub is_allowed_module_in_file {
my $self = shift;
my $spec_files = \%{$self->{SPEC_FILES}};
my $spec_file2module = \%{$self->{SPEC_FILE2MODULE}};
my $module = shift;
my $file = shift;
$file =~ s/^\.\///;
my $dir = $file;
$dir =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
foreach my $spec_file (sort(keys(%{$$spec_files{$dir}}))) {
if($$spec_file2module{$spec_file}{$module}) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub allowed_modules_in_file {
my $self = shift;
my $spec_files = \%{$self->{SPEC_FILES}};
my $spec_file2module = \%{$self->{SPEC_FILE2MODULE}};
my $file = shift;
$file =~ s/^\.\///;
my $dir = $file;
$dir =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
my %allowed_modules = ();
foreach my $spec_file (sort(keys(%{$$spec_files{$dir}}))) {
foreach my $module (sort(keys(%{$$spec_file2module{$spec_file}}))) {
return join(" & ", sort(keys(%allowed_modules)));
sub allowed_spec_files {
my $self = shift;
my $options = \${$self->{OPTIONS}};
my $output = \${$self->{OUTPUT}};
my $spec_files = \%{$self->{SPEC_FILES}};
my $wine_dir = shift;
my $current_dir = shift;
my @dirs = map {
if(/^\.$/) {
} else {
if($current_dir ne ".") {
} else {
} split(/\n/, `find . -type d ! -name CVS`);
my %allowed_spec_files = ();
foreach my $dir (sort(@dirs)) {
foreach my $spec_file (sort(keys(%{$$spec_files{$dir}}))) {
return sort(keys(%allowed_spec_files));
sub found_module_in_dir {
my $self = shift;
my $module = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $used_module_dirs = \%{$self->{USED_MODULE_DIRS}};
sub global_report {
my $self = shift;
my $output = \${$self->{OUTPUT}};
my $spec_files = \%{$self->{SPEC_FILES}};
my $spec_file2module = \%{$self->{SPEC_FILE2MODULE}};
my $used_module_dirs = \%{$self->{USED_MODULE_DIRS}};
my @messages;
foreach my $dir (sort(keys(%$spec_files))) {
if($dir eq "") { next; }
foreach my $spec_file (sort(keys(%{$$spec_files{$dir}}))) {
foreach my $module (sort(keys(%{$$spec_file2module{$spec_file}}))) {
if(!$$used_module_dirs{$module}{$dir}) {
push @messages, "modules.dat: $spec_file: directory ($dir) is not used\n";
foreach my $message (sort(@messages)) {