
242 lines
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* Copyright 2005 Jacek Caban
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* This file is not an usual idl file. Interfaces in this file are XPCOM interfaces
* (NOT MSCOM!), but we generate the header file with WIDL compatibile with XPCOM,
* useable in C code.
import "wtypes.idl";
typedef HRESULT nsresult;
typedef ULONG nsrefcnt;
typedef IID nsIID;
typedef nsIID nsCID;
typedef REFIID nsIIDRef;
typedef nsIIDRef nsCIDRef;
typedef void** nsQIResult;
typedef LPSTR nsstring;
typedef WCHAR PRUnichar;
typedef LPWSTR nswstring;
typedef ULONG PRUint32;
typedef LONG PRInt32;
typedef BOOL PRBool;
typedef LARGE_INTEGER PRInt64;
typedef int nsAString;
typedef int nsACString;
interface nsIWebBrowserChrome;
interface nsISupports
nsresult QueryInterface(nsIIDRef riid, nsQIResult result);
nsrefcnt AddRef();
nsrefcnt Release();
/* Currently we don't need a full declaration of these interfaces */
typedef nsISupports nsIWeakReference;
typedef nsISupports nsIURIContentListener;
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMWindow;
typedef nsISupports nsIInputStream;
typedef nsISupports nsIDOMDocument;
typedef nsISupports nsIURI;
typedef nsISupports nsISHistory;
typedef nsISupports nsISimpleEnumerator;
typedef nsISupports nsIWidget;
interface nsIServiceManager : nsISupports
nsresult GetService(nsCIDRef aClass, nsIIDRef aIID, void **result);
nsresult GetServiceByContactID(nsstring aContactID, nsIIDRef aIID, void **result);
nsresult IsServiceInstantiated(nsCIDRef aClass, nsIIDRef aIID, BOOL *_retval);
nsresult IsServiceInstantiatedByContractID(nsstring aContractID, nsIIDRef aIID, BOOL *_retval);
interface nsIObserver : nsISupports
nsresult Observe(nsISupports *aSubject, nsstring aTopic, nswstring aData);
interface nsIComponentManager : nsISupports
nsresult GetClassObject(nsCIDRef aClass, nsIIDRef aIID, nsQIResult result);
nsresult GetClassObjectByContractID(nsstring aContractID, nsIIDRef aIID, nsQIResult result);
nsresult CreateInstance(nsCIDRef aClass, nsISupports *aDelegate, nsIIDRef aIID,
nsQIResult result);
nsresult CreateInstanceByContractID(nsstring aContractID, nsISupports *aDelegate,
nsIIDRef aIID, nsQIResult result);
interface nsIWebBrowser : nsISupports
nsresult AddWebBrowserListener(nsIWeakReference *aListener, const nsIID *aIID);
nsresult RemoveWebBrowserListener(nsIWeakReference *aListener, const nsIID *aIID);
nsresult GetContainerWindow(nsIWebBrowserChrome **aContainerWindow);
nsresult SetContainerWindow(nsIWebBrowserChrome *aContainerWindow);
nsresult GetParentURIContentListener(nsIURIContentListener **aParentURIContentListener);
nsresult SetParentURIContentListener(nsIURIContentListener *aParentURIContentListener);
nsresult GetContentDOMWindow(nsIDOMWindow **aContentDOMWindow);
cpp_quote("#define SETUP_IS_CHROME_WRAPPER 7");
interface nsIWebBrowserSetup : nsISupports
nsresult SetProperty(PRUint32 aId, PRUint32 aValue);
typedef void* nativeWindow;
interface nsIBaseWindow : nsISupports
nsresult InitWindow(nativeWindow parentNativeWindow, nsIWidget *parentWidget, PRInt32 x,
PRInt32 y, PRInt32 cx, PRInt32 cy);
nsresult Create();
nsresult Destroy();
nsresult SetPosition(PRInt32 x, PRInt32 y);
nsresult GetPosition(PRInt32 *x, PRInt32 *y);
nsresult SetSize(PRInt32 cx, PRInt32 cy, PRBool fRepaint);
nsresult GetSize(PRInt32 *cx, PRInt32 *cy);
nsresult SetPositionAndSize(PRInt32 x, PRInt32 y, PRInt32 cx, PRInt32 cy, PRBool fRepaint);
nsresult GetPositionAndSize(PRInt32 *x, PRInt32 *y, PRInt32 *cx, PRInt32 *cy);
nsresult Repaint(PRBool force);
nsresult GetParentWidget(nsIWidget **aParentWidget);
nsresult SetParentWidget(nsIWidget *aParentWidget);
nsresult GetParentNativeWindow(nativeWindow *aParentNativeWindow);
nsresult SetParentNativeWindow(nativeWindow aParentNativeWindow);
nsresult GetVisibility(PRBool *aVisibility);
nsresult SetVisibility(PRBool aVisibility);
nsresult GetEnabled(PRBool *aEnabled);
nsresult SetEnabled(PRBool aEnabled);
nsresult GetBlurSuppression(PRBool *aBlurSuppression);
nsresult SetBlurSuppression(PRBool aBlurSuppression);
nsresult GetMainWidget(nsIWidget **aMainWidget);
nsresult SetFocus();
nsresult GetTitle(PRUnichar **aTitle);
nsresult SetTitle(const PRUnichar *aTitle);
cpp_quote("#define LOAD_FLAGS_NONE 0");
interface nsIWebNavigation : nsISupports
nsresult GetCanGoBack(PRBool *aCanGoBack);
nsresult GetCanGoForward(PRBool *aCanGoForward);
nsresult GoBack();
nsresult GoForward();
nsresult GotoIndex(PRInt32 index);
nsresult LoadURI(const PRUnichar *aURI, PRUint32 aLoadFlags, nsIURI *aReferrer,
nsIInputStream *aPostData, nsIInputStream *aHeaders);
nsresult Reload(PRUint32 aReloadFlags);
nsresult Stop(PRUint32 aStopFlags);
nsresult GetDocument(nsIDOMDocument **aDocument);
nsresult GetCurrentURI(nsIURI **aCurrentURI);
nsresult GetReferringURI(nsIURI **aReferringURI);
nsresult GetSessionHistory(nsISHistory **aSessionHistory);
nsresult SetSessionHistory(nsISHistory *aSessionHistory);
interface nsIFile : nsISupports
nsresult Append(const nsAString *node);
nsresult AppendNative(const nsAString *node);
nsresult Normalize();
nsresult Create(PRUint32 type, PRUint32 permission);
nsresult GetLeafName(nsAString *aLeafName);
nsresult SetLeafName(const nsAString *aLeafName);
nsresult GetNativeLeafName(nsAString *aLeafName);
nsresult SetNativeLeafName(const nsAString *aLeafName);
nsresult CopyTo(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsAString *newName);
nsresult CopyToNative(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsAString *newName);
nsresult CopyToFollowingLinks(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsAString *newName);
nsresult CopyToFollowingLinksNative(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsAString *newName);
nsresult MoveTo(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsAString *newName);
nsresult MoveToNative(nsIFile *newParentDir, const nsAString *newName);
nsresult Remove(PRBool recursive);
nsresult GetPermissions(PRUint32 *aPermissions);
nsresult SetPermissions(PRUint32 pPermissions);
nsresult GetPermissionsOfLink(PRUint32 *aPermissions);
nsresult SetPermissionsOfLink(PRUint32 pPermissions);
nsresult GetLastModifiedTime(PRInt64 *aLastModifiedTime);
nsresult SetLastModifiedTime(PRInt64 aLastModifiedTime);
nsresult GetFileSize(PRInt64 *aFileSize);
nsresult SetFileSize(PRInt64 aFileSize);
nsresult GetFileSizeOfLink(PRInt64 *aFileSizeOfLink);
nsresult GetTarget(nsAString *aTarget);
nsresult GetNativeTarget(nsACString *aNativeTarget);
nsresult GetPath(nsAString *aPath);
nsresult GetNativePath(nsACString *aNativePath);
nsresult Exists(PRBool *_retval);
nsresult IsWritable(PRBool *_retval);
nsresult IsReadable(PRBool *_retval);
nsresult IsExecutable(PRBool *_retval);
nsresult IsHidden(PRBool *_retval);
nsresult IsDirectory(PRBool *_retval);
nsresult IsFile(PRBool *_retval);
nsresult IsSymlink(PRBool *_retval);
nsresult IsSpecial(PRBool *_retval);
nsresult CreateUnique(PRUint32 type, PRUint32 permission);
nsresult Clone(nsIFile **_retval);
nsresult Equals(nsIFile *inFile, PRBool *_retval);
nsresult Contains(nsIFile *inFile, PRBool recir, PRBool *_retval);
nsresult GetParent(nsIFile **aParent);
nsresult GetDirectoryEntries(nsISimpleEnumerator **aDirectoryEntries);