/* * Copyright 2012 Austin English * Copyright 2015 Michael Müller * Copyright 2015 Sebastian Lackner * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "shlobj.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "wine/list.h" #include "wusa.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(wusa); struct strbuf { WCHAR *buf; DWORD pos; DWORD len; }; struct installer_tempdir { struct list entry; WCHAR *path; }; struct installer_state { BOOL norestart; BOOL quiet; struct list tempdirs; struct list assemblies; struct list updates; }; static void * CDECL cabinet_alloc(ULONG cb) { return malloc(cb); } static void CDECL cabinet_free(void *pv) { free(pv); } static INT_PTR CDECL cabinet_open(char *pszFile, int oflag, int pmode) { DWORD dwAccess = 0; DWORD dwShareMode = 0; DWORD dwCreateDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; switch (oflag & _O_ACCMODE) { case _O_RDONLY: dwAccess = GENERIC_READ; dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; break; case _O_WRONLY: dwAccess = GENERIC_WRITE; dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; break; case _O_RDWR: dwAccess = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; break; } if ((oflag & (_O_CREAT | _O_EXCL)) == (_O_CREAT | _O_EXCL)) dwCreateDisposition = CREATE_NEW; else if (oflag & _O_CREAT) dwCreateDisposition = CREATE_ALWAYS; return (INT_PTR)CreateFileA(pszFile, dwAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreateDisposition, 0, NULL); } static UINT CDECL cabinet_read(INT_PTR hf, void *pv, UINT cb) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; DWORD read; if (ReadFile(handle, pv, cb, &read, NULL)) return read; return 0; } static UINT CDECL cabinet_write(INT_PTR hf, void *pv, UINT cb) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; DWORD written; if (WriteFile(handle, pv, cb, &written, NULL)) return written; return 0; } static int CDECL cabinet_close(INT_PTR hf) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; return CloseHandle(handle) ? 0 : -1; } static LONG CDECL cabinet_seek(INT_PTR hf, LONG dist, int seektype) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; /* flags are compatible and so are passed straight through */ return SetFilePointer(handle, dist, NULL, seektype); } static WCHAR *path_combine(const WCHAR *path, const WCHAR *filename) { WCHAR *result; DWORD length; if (!path || !filename) return NULL; length = lstrlenW(path) + lstrlenW(filename) + 2; if (!(result = malloc(length * sizeof(WCHAR)))) return NULL; lstrcpyW(result, path); if (result[0] && result[lstrlenW(result) - 1] != '\\') lstrcatW(result, L"\\"); lstrcatW(result, filename); return result; } static WCHAR *get_uncompressed_path(PFDINOTIFICATION pfdin) { WCHAR *file = strdupAtoW(pfdin->psz1); WCHAR *path = path_combine(pfdin->pv, file); free(file); return path; } static BOOL is_directory(const WCHAR *path) { DWORD attrs = GetFileAttributesW(path); if (attrs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return FALSE; return (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0; } static BOOL create_directory(const WCHAR *path) { if (is_directory(path)) return TRUE; if (CreateDirectoryW(path, NULL)) return TRUE; return (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); } static BOOL create_parent_directory(const WCHAR *filename) { WCHAR *p, *path = strdupW(filename); BOOL ret = FALSE; if (!path) return FALSE; if (!PathRemoveFileSpecW(path)) goto done; if (is_directory(path)) { ret = TRUE; goto done; } for (p = path; *p; p++) { if (*p != '\\') continue; *p = 0; if (!create_directory(path)) goto done; *p = '\\'; } ret = create_directory(path); done: free(path); return ret; } static INT_PTR cabinet_copy_file(FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE fdint, PFDINOTIFICATION pfdin) { HANDLE handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR *file; DWORD attrs; if (!(file = get_uncompressed_path(pfdin))) return -1; TRACE("Extracting %s -> %s\n", debugstr_a(pfdin->psz1), debugstr_w(file)); if (create_parent_directory(file)) { attrs = pfdin->attribs; if (!attrs) attrs = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; handle = CreateFileW(file, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, attrs, NULL); } free(file); return (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ? (INT_PTR)handle : -1; } static INT_PTR cabinet_close_file_info(FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE fdint, PFDINOTIFICATION pfdin) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)pfdin->hf; CloseHandle(handle); return 1; } static INT_PTR CDECL cabinet_notify(FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE fdint, PFDINOTIFICATION pfdin) { switch (fdint) { case fdintPARTIAL_FILE: FIXME("fdintPARTIAL_FILE not implemented\n"); return 0; case fdintNEXT_CABINET: FIXME("fdintNEXT_CABINET not implemented\n"); return 0; case fdintCOPY_FILE: return cabinet_copy_file(fdint, pfdin); case fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO: return cabinet_close_file_info(fdint, pfdin); default: return 0; } } static BOOL extract_cabinet(const WCHAR *filename, const WCHAR *destination) { char *filenameA = NULL; BOOL ret = FALSE; HFDI hfdi; ERF erf; hfdi = FDICreate(cabinet_alloc, cabinet_free, cabinet_open, cabinet_read, cabinet_write, cabinet_close, cabinet_seek, 0, &erf); if (!hfdi) return FALSE; if ((filenameA = strdupWtoA(filename))) { ret = FDICopy(hfdi, filenameA, NULL, 0, cabinet_notify, NULL, (void *)destination); free(filenameA); } FDIDestroy(hfdi); return ret; } static const WCHAR *create_temp_directory(struct installer_state *state) { static UINT id; struct installer_tempdir *entry; WCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetTempPathW(ARRAY_SIZE(tmp), tmp)) return NULL; if (!(entry = malloc(sizeof(*entry)))) return NULL; if (!(entry->path = malloc((MAX_PATH + 20) * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { free(entry); return NULL; } for (;;) { if (!GetTempFileNameW(tmp, L"msu", ++id, entry->path)) { free(entry->path); free(entry); return NULL; } if (CreateDirectoryW(entry->path, NULL)) break; } list_add_tail(&state->tempdirs, &entry->entry); return entry->path; } static BOOL delete_directory(const WCHAR *path) { WIN32_FIND_DATAW data; WCHAR *full_path; HANDLE search; if (!(full_path = path_combine(path, L"*"))) return FALSE; search = FindFirstFileW(full_path, &data); free(full_path); if (search != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (!wcscmp(data.cFileName, L".")) continue; if (!wcscmp(data.cFileName, L"..")) continue; if (!(full_path = path_combine(path, data.cFileName))) continue; if (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) delete_directory(full_path); else DeleteFileW(full_path); free(full_path); } while (FindNextFileW(search, &data)); FindClose(search); } return RemoveDirectoryW(path); } static void installer_cleanup(struct installer_state *state) { struct installer_tempdir *tempdir, *tempdir2; struct assembly_entry *assembly, *assembly2; struct dependency_entry *dependency, *dependency2; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(tempdir, tempdir2, &state->tempdirs, struct installer_tempdir, entry) { list_remove(&tempdir->entry); delete_directory(tempdir->path); free(tempdir->path); free(tempdir); } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(assembly, assembly2, &state->assemblies, struct assembly_entry, entry) { list_remove(&assembly->entry); free_assembly(assembly); } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(dependency, dependency2, &state->updates, struct dependency_entry, entry) { list_remove(&dependency->entry); free_dependency(dependency); } } static BOOL str_ends_with(const WCHAR *str, const WCHAR *suffix) { DWORD str_len = lstrlenW(str), suffix_len = lstrlenW(suffix); if (suffix_len > str_len) return FALSE; return !wcsicmp(str + str_len - suffix_len, suffix); } static BOOL load_assemblies_from_cab(const WCHAR *filename, struct installer_state *state) { struct assembly_entry *assembly; const WCHAR *temp_path; WIN32_FIND_DATAW data; HANDLE search; WCHAR *path; TRACE("Processing cab file %s\n", debugstr_w(filename)); if (!(temp_path = create_temp_directory(state))) return FALSE; if (!extract_cabinet(filename, temp_path)) { ERR("Failed to extract %s\n", debugstr_w(filename)); return FALSE; } if (!(path = path_combine(temp_path, L"_manifest_.cix.xml"))) return FALSE; if (GetFileAttributesW(path) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { FIXME("Cabinet uses proprietary msdelta file compression which is not (yet) supported\n"); FIXME("Installation of msu file will most likely fail\n"); } free(path); if (!(path = path_combine(temp_path, L"*"))) return FALSE; search = FindFirstFileW(path, &data); free(path); if (search != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; if (!str_ends_with(data.cFileName, L".manifest") && !str_ends_with(data.cFileName, L".mum")) continue; if (!(path = path_combine(temp_path, data.cFileName))) continue; if ((assembly = load_manifest(path))) list_add_tail(&state->assemblies, &assembly->entry); free(path); } while (FindNextFileW(search, &data)); FindClose(search); } return TRUE; } static BOOL compare_assembly_string(const WCHAR *str1, const WCHAR *str2) { return !wcscmp(str1, str2) || !wcscmp(str1, L"*") || !wcscmp(str2, L"*"); } static struct assembly_entry *lookup_assembly(struct list *manifest_list, struct assembly_identity *identity) { struct assembly_entry *assembly; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(assembly, manifest_list, struct assembly_entry, entry) { if (wcsicmp(assembly->identity.name, identity->name)) continue; if (!compare_assembly_string(assembly->identity.architecture, identity->architecture)) continue; if (!compare_assembly_string(assembly->identity.language, identity->language)) continue; if (!compare_assembly_string(assembly->identity.pubkey_token, identity->pubkey_token)) continue; if (!compare_assembly_string(assembly->identity.version, identity->version)) { WARN("Ignoring version difference for %s (expected %s, found %s)\n", debugstr_w(identity->name), debugstr_w(identity->version), debugstr_w(assembly->identity.version)); } return assembly; } return NULL; } static WCHAR *get_assembly_source(struct assembly_entry *assembly) { WCHAR *p, *path = strdupW(assembly->filename); if (path && (p = wcsrchr(path, '.'))) *p = 0; return path; } static BOOL strbuf_init(struct strbuf *buf) { buf->pos = 0; buf->len = 64; buf->buf = malloc(buf->len * sizeof(WCHAR)); return buf->buf != NULL; } static void strbuf_free(struct strbuf *buf) { free(buf->buf); buf->buf = NULL; } static BOOL strbuf_append(struct strbuf *buf, const WCHAR *str, DWORD len) { DWORD new_len; WCHAR *new_buf; if (!buf->buf) return FALSE; if (!str) return TRUE; if (len == ~0U) len = lstrlenW(str); if (buf->pos + len + 1 > buf->len) { new_len = max(buf->pos + len + 1, buf->len * 2); new_buf = realloc(buf->buf, new_len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!new_buf) { strbuf_free(buf); return FALSE; } buf->buf = new_buf; buf->len = new_len; } memcpy(&buf->buf[buf->pos], str, len * sizeof(WCHAR)); buf->buf[buf->pos + len] = 0; buf->pos += len; return TRUE; } static BOOL assembly_is_wow64(const struct assembly_entry *assembly) { #ifdef __x86_64__ return !wcsicmp(assembly->identity.architecture, L"x86") || !wcsicmp(assembly->identity.architecture, L"wow64"); #endif return FALSE; } static WCHAR *lookup_expression(struct assembly_entry *assembly, const WCHAR *key) { WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; int csidl = 0; if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.system32") || !wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.drivers") || !wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.wbem")) { if (assembly_is_wow64(assembly)) csidl = CSIDL_SYSTEMX86; else csidl = CSIDL_SYSTEM; } else if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.windows") || !wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.inf")) csidl = CSIDL_WINDOWS; else if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.programfiles")) { if (assembly_is_wow64(assembly)) csidl = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86; else csidl = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES; } else if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.commonfiles")) { if (assembly_is_wow64(assembly)) csidl = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86; else csidl = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON; } #ifdef __x86_64__ else if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.programfilesx86")) csidl = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86; else if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.commonfilesx86")) csidl = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86; #endif else if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.programdata")) csidl = CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA; else if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.fonts")) csidl = CSIDL_FONTS; if (!csidl) { FIXME("Unknown expression %s\n", debugstr_w(key)); return NULL; } if (!SHGetSpecialFolderPathW(NULL, path, csidl, TRUE)) { ERR("Failed to get folder path for %s\n", debugstr_w(key)); return NULL; } if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.inf")) wcscat(path, L"\\inf"); else if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.drivers")) wcscat(path, L"\\drivers"); else if (!wcsicmp(key, L"runtime.wbem")) wcscat(path, L"\\wbem"); return strdupW(path); } static WCHAR *expand_expression(struct assembly_entry *assembly, const WCHAR *expression) { const WCHAR *pos, *next; WCHAR *key, *value; struct strbuf buf; if (!expression || !strbuf_init(&buf)) return NULL; for (pos = expression; (next = wcsstr(pos, L"$(")); pos = next + 1) { strbuf_append(&buf, pos, next - pos); pos = next + 2; if (!(next = wcsstr(pos, L")"))) { strbuf_append(&buf, L"$(", 2); break; } if (!(key = strdupWn(pos, next - pos))) goto error; value = lookup_expression(assembly, key); free(key); if (!value) goto error; strbuf_append(&buf, value, ~0U); free(value); } strbuf_append(&buf, pos, ~0U); return buf.buf; error: FIXME("Couldn't resolve expression %s\n", debugstr_w(expression)); strbuf_free(&buf); return NULL; } static BOOL install_files_copy(struct assembly_entry *assembly, const WCHAR *source_path, struct fileop_entry *fileop, BOOL dryrun) { WCHAR *target_path, *target, *source = NULL; BOOL ret = FALSE; if (!(target_path = expand_expression(assembly, fileop->target))) return FALSE; if (!(target = path_combine(target_path, fileop->source))) goto error; if (!(source = path_combine(source_path, fileop->source))) goto error; if (dryrun) { if (!(ret = PathFileExistsW(source))) { ERR("Required file %s not found\n", debugstr_w(source)); goto error; } } else { TRACE("Copying %s -> %s\n", debugstr_w(source), debugstr_w(target)); if (!create_parent_directory(target)) { ERR("Failed to create parent directory for %s\n", debugstr_w(target)); goto error; } if (!(ret = CopyFileExW(source, target, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0))) { ERR("Failed to copy %s to %s\n", debugstr_w(source), debugstr_w(target)); goto error; } } error: free(target_path); free(target); free(source); return ret; } static BOOL install_files(struct assembly_entry *assembly, BOOL dryrun) { struct fileop_entry *fileop; WCHAR *source_path; BOOL ret = TRUE; if (!(source_path = get_assembly_source(assembly))) { ERR("Failed to get assembly source directory\n"); return FALSE; } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(fileop, &assembly->fileops, struct fileop_entry, entry) { if (!(ret = install_files_copy(assembly, source_path, fileop, dryrun))) break; } free(source_path); return ret; } static WCHAR *split_registry_key(WCHAR *key, HKEY *root) { DWORD size; WCHAR *p; if (!(p = wcschr(key, '\\'))) return NULL; size = p - key; if (lstrlenW(L"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT") == size && !wcsncmp(key, L"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", size)) *root = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; else if (lstrlenW(L"HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG") == size && !wcsncmp(key, L"HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", size)) *root = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; else if (lstrlenW(L"HKEY_CURRENT_USER") == size && !wcsncmp(key, L"HKEY_CURRENT_USER", size)) *root = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; else if (lstrlenW(L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE") == size && !wcsncmp(key, L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", size)) *root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; else if (lstrlenW(L"HKEY_USERS") == size && !wcsncmp(key, L"HKEY_USERS", size)) *root = HKEY_USERS; else { FIXME("Unknown root key %s\n", debugstr_wn(key, size)); return NULL; } return p + 1; } static BOOL install_registry_string(struct assembly_entry *assembly, HKEY key, struct registrykv_entry *registrykv, DWORD type, BOOL dryrun) { DWORD value_size; WCHAR *value = expand_expression(assembly, registrykv->value); BOOL ret = TRUE; if (registrykv->value && !value) return FALSE; value_size = value ? (lstrlenW(value) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) : 0; if (!dryrun && RegSetValueExW(key, registrykv->name, 0, type, (void *)value, value_size)) { ERR("Failed to set registry key %s\n", debugstr_w(registrykv->name)); ret = FALSE; } free(value); return ret; } static WCHAR *parse_multisz(const WCHAR *input, DWORD *size) { const WCHAR *pos, *next; struct strbuf buf; *size = 0; if (!input || !input[0] || !strbuf_init(&buf)) return NULL; for (pos = input; pos[0] == '"'; pos++) { pos++; if (!(next = wcsstr(pos, L"\""))) goto error; strbuf_append(&buf, pos, next - pos); strbuf_append(&buf, L"", ARRAY_SIZE(L"")); pos = next + 1; if (!pos[0]) break; if (pos[0] != ',') { FIXME("Error while parsing REG_MULTI_SZ string: Expected comma but got '%c'\n", pos[0]); goto error; } } if (pos[0]) { FIXME("Error while parsing REG_MULTI_SZ string: Garbage at end of string\n"); goto error; } strbuf_append(&buf, L"", ARRAY_SIZE(L"")); *size = buf.pos * sizeof(WCHAR); return buf.buf; error: strbuf_free(&buf); return NULL; } static BOOL install_registry_multisz(struct assembly_entry *assembly, HKEY key, struct registrykv_entry *registrykv, BOOL dryrun) { DWORD value_size; WCHAR *value = parse_multisz(registrykv->value, &value_size); BOOL ret = TRUE; if (registrykv->value && registrykv->value[0] && !value) return FALSE; if (!dryrun && RegSetValueExW(key, registrykv->name, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (void *)value, value_size)) { ERR("Failed to set registry key %s\n", debugstr_w(registrykv->name)); ret = FALSE; } free(value); return ret; } static BOOL install_registry_dword(struct assembly_entry *assembly, HKEY key, struct registrykv_entry *registrykv, BOOL dryrun) { DWORD value = registrykv->value_type ? wcstoul(registrykv->value_type, NULL, 16) : 0; BOOL ret = TRUE; if (!dryrun && RegSetValueExW(key, registrykv->name, 0, REG_DWORD, (void *)&value, sizeof(value))) { ERR("Failed to set registry key %s\n", debugstr_w(registrykv->name)); ret = FALSE; } return ret; } static BYTE *parse_hex(const WCHAR *input, DWORD *size) { WCHAR number[3] = {0, 0, 0}; BYTE *output, *p; int length; *size = 0; if (!input) return NULL; length = lstrlenW(input); if (length & 1) return NULL; length >>= 1; if (!(output = malloc(length))) return NULL; for (p = output; *input; input += 2) { number[0] = input[0]; number[1] = input[1]; *p++ = wcstoul(number, 0, 16); } *size = length; return output; } static BOOL install_registry_binary(struct assembly_entry *assembly, HKEY key, struct registrykv_entry *registrykv, BOOL dryrun) { DWORD value_size; BYTE *value = parse_hex(registrykv->value, &value_size); BOOL ret = TRUE; if (registrykv->value && !value) return FALSE; if (!dryrun && RegSetValueExW(key, registrykv->name, 0, REG_BINARY, value, value_size)) { ERR("Failed to set registry key %s\n", debugstr_w(registrykv->name)); ret = FALSE; } free(value); return ret; } static BOOL install_registry_value(struct assembly_entry *assembly, HKEY key, struct registrykv_entry *registrykv, BOOL dryrun) { TRACE("Setting registry key %s = %s\n", debugstr_w(registrykv->name), debugstr_w(registrykv->value)); if (!wcscmp(registrykv->value_type, L"REG_SZ")) return install_registry_string(assembly, key, registrykv, REG_SZ, dryrun); if (!wcscmp(registrykv->value_type, L"REG_EXPAND_SZ")) return install_registry_string(assembly, key, registrykv, REG_EXPAND_SZ, dryrun); if (!wcscmp(registrykv->value_type, L"REG_MULTI_SZ")) return install_registry_multisz(assembly, key, registrykv, dryrun); if (!wcscmp(registrykv->value_type, L"REG_DWORD")) return install_registry_dword(assembly, key, registrykv, dryrun); if (!wcscmp(registrykv->value_type, L"REG_BINARY")) return install_registry_binary(assembly, key, registrykv, dryrun); FIXME("Unsupported registry value type %s\n", debugstr_w(registrykv->value_type)); return FALSE; } static BOOL install_registry(struct assembly_entry *assembly, BOOL dryrun) { struct registryop_entry *registryop; struct registrykv_entry *registrykv; HKEY root, subkey; WCHAR *path; REGSAM sam = KEY_ALL_ACCESS; BOOL ret = TRUE; #ifdef __x86_64__ if (!wcscmp(assembly->identity.architecture, L"x86")) sam |= KEY_WOW64_32KEY; #endif LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(registryop, &assembly->registryops, struct registryop_entry, entry) { if (!(path = split_registry_key(registryop->key, &root))) { ret = FALSE; break; } TRACE("Processing registry key %s\n", debugstr_w(registryop->key)); if (!dryrun && RegCreateKeyExW(root, path, 0, NULL, 0, sam, NULL, &subkey, NULL)) { ERR("Failed to open registry key %s\n", debugstr_w(registryop->key)); ret = FALSE; break; } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(registrykv, ®istryop->keyvalues, struct registrykv_entry, entry) { if (!(ret = install_registry_value(assembly, subkey, registrykv, dryrun))) break; } if (!dryrun) RegCloseKey(subkey); if (!ret) break; } return ret; } static BOOL install_assembly(struct list *manifest_list, struct assembly_identity *identity, BOOL dryrun) { struct dependency_entry *dependency; struct assembly_entry *assembly; const WCHAR *name; if (!(assembly = lookup_assembly(manifest_list, identity))) { FIXME("Assembly %s not found\n", debugstr_w(identity->name)); return FALSE; } name = assembly->identity.name; if (assembly->status == ASSEMBLY_STATUS_INSTALLED) { TRACE("Assembly %s already installed\n", debugstr_w(name)); return TRUE; } if (assembly->status == ASSEMBLY_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS) { ERR("Assembly %s caused circular dependency\n", debugstr_w(name)); return FALSE; } #ifdef __i386__ if (!wcscmp(assembly->identity.architecture, L"amd64")) { ERR("Cannot install amd64 assembly in 32-bit prefix\n"); return FALSE; } #endif assembly->status = ASSEMBLY_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(dependency, &assembly->dependencies, struct dependency_entry, entry) { if (!install_assembly(manifest_list, &dependency->identity, dryrun)) return FALSE; } TRACE("Installing assembly %s%s\n", debugstr_w(name), dryrun ? " (dryrun)" : ""); if (!install_files(assembly, dryrun)) { ERR("Failed to install all files for %s\n", debugstr_w(name)); return FALSE; } if (!install_registry(assembly, dryrun)) { ERR("Failed to install registry keys for %s\n", debugstr_w(name)); return FALSE; } TRACE("Installation of %s finished\n", debugstr_w(name)); assembly->status = ASSEMBLY_STATUS_INSTALLED; return TRUE; } static BOOL install_updates(struct installer_state *state, BOOL dryrun) { struct dependency_entry *dependency; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(dependency, &state->updates, struct dependency_entry, entry) { if (!install_assembly(&state->assemblies, &dependency->identity, dryrun)) { ERR("Failed to install update %s\n", debugstr_w(dependency->identity.name)); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } static void set_assembly_status(struct list *manifest_list, DWORD status) { struct assembly_entry *assembly; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(assembly, manifest_list, struct assembly_entry, entry) { assembly->status = status; } } static BOOL install_msu(const WCHAR *filename, struct installer_state *state) { const WCHAR *temp_path; WIN32_FIND_DATAW data; HANDLE search; WCHAR *path; BOOL ret = FALSE; list_init(&state->tempdirs); list_init(&state->assemblies); list_init(&state->updates); CoInitialize(NULL); TRACE("Processing msu file %s\n", debugstr_w(filename)); if (!(temp_path = create_temp_directory(state))) return FALSE; if (!extract_cabinet(filename, temp_path)) { ERR("Failed to extract %s\n", debugstr_w(filename)); goto done; } /* load all manifests from contained cabinet archives */ if (!(path = path_combine(temp_path, L"*.cab"))) goto done; search = FindFirstFileW(path, &data); free(path); if (search != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; if (!wcsicmp(data.cFileName, L"WSUSSCAN.cab")) continue; if (!(path = path_combine(temp_path, data.cFileName))) continue; if (!load_assemblies_from_cab(path, state)) ERR("Failed to load all manifests from %s, ignoring\n", debugstr_w(path)); free(path); } while (FindNextFileW(search, &data)); FindClose(search); } /* load all update descriptions */ if (!(path = path_combine(temp_path, L"*.xml"))) goto done; search = FindFirstFileW(path, &data); free(path); if (search != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; if (!(path = path_combine(temp_path, data.cFileName))) continue; if (!load_update(path, &state->updates)) ERR("Failed to load all updates from %s, ignoring\n", debugstr_w(path)); free(path); } while (FindNextFileW(search, &data)); FindClose(search); } /* dump package information (for debugging) */ if (TRACE_ON(wusa)) { struct dependency_entry *dependency; struct assembly_entry *assembly; TRACE("List of updates:\n"); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(dependency, &state->updates, struct dependency_entry, entry) TRACE(" * %s\n", debugstr_w(dependency->identity.name)); TRACE("List of manifests (with dependencies):\n"); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(assembly, &state->assemblies, struct assembly_entry, entry) { TRACE(" * %s\n", debugstr_w(assembly->identity.name)); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(dependency, &assembly->dependencies, struct dependency_entry, entry) TRACE(" -> %s\n", debugstr_w(dependency->identity.name)); } } if (list_empty(&state->updates)) { ERR("No updates found, probably incompatible MSU file format?\n"); goto done; } /* perform dry run */ set_assembly_status(&state->assemblies, ASSEMBLY_STATUS_NONE); if (!install_updates(state, TRUE)) { ERR("Dry run failed, aborting installation\n"); goto done; } /* installation */ set_assembly_status(&state->assemblies, ASSEMBLY_STATUS_NONE); if (!install_updates(state, FALSE)) { ERR("Installation failed\n"); goto done; } TRACE("Installation finished\n"); ret = TRUE; done: installer_cleanup(state); return ret; } static void restart_as_x86_64(void) { WCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFOW si; DWORD exit_code = 1; void *redir; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); GetSystemDirectoryW( filename, MAX_PATH ); wcscat( filename, L"\\wusa.exe" ); Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection(&redir); if (CreateProcessW(filename, GetCommandLineW(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { TRACE("Restarting %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(filename)); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exit_code); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } else ERR("Failed to restart 64-bit %s, err %lu\n", wine_dbgstr_w(filename), GetLastError()); Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection(redir); ExitProcess(exit_code); } int __cdecl wmain(int argc, WCHAR *argv[]) { struct installer_state state; const WCHAR *filename = NULL; BOOL is_wow64; int i; if (IsWow64Process( GetCurrentProcess(), &is_wow64 ) && is_wow64) restart_as_x86_64(); state.norestart = FALSE; state.quiet = FALSE; if (TRACE_ON(wusa)) { TRACE("Command line:"); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) TRACE(" %s", wine_dbgstr_w(argv[i])); TRACE("\n"); } for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '/') { if (!wcscmp(argv[i], L"/norestart")) state.norestart = TRUE; else if (!wcscmp(argv[i], L"/quiet")) state.quiet = TRUE; else FIXME("Unknown option: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(argv[i])); } else if (!filename) filename = argv[i]; else FIXME("Unknown option: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(argv[i])); } if (!filename) { FIXME("Missing filename argument\n"); return 1; } return !install_msu(filename, &state); }