/* DirectInput Keyboard device * * Copyright 1998 Marcus Meissner * Copyright 1998,1999 Lionel Ulmer * Copyright 2000-2001 TransGaming Technologies Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "wine/port.h" #include #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "dinput.h" #include "dinput_private.h" #include "device_private.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "wine/unicode.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(dinput); static IDirectInputDevice8AVtbl SysKeyboardAvt; static IDirectInputDevice8WVtbl SysKeyboardWvt; typedef struct SysKeyboardImpl SysKeyboardImpl; struct SysKeyboardImpl { LPVOID lpVtbl; DWORD ref; GUID guid; IDirectInputImpl* dinput; HANDLE hEvent; /* SysKeyboardAImpl */ int acquired; int buffersize; /* set in 'SetProperty' */ LPDIDEVICEOBJECTDATA buffer; /* buffer for 'GetDeviceData'. Alloc at 'Acquire', Free at 'Unacquire' */ int count; /* number of objects in use in 'buffer' */ int start; /* 'buffer' rotates. This is the first in use (if count > 0) */ BOOL overflow; /* return DI_BUFFEROVERFLOW in 'GetDeviceData' */ CRITICAL_SECTION crit; }; SysKeyboardImpl *current; /* Today's acquired device FIXME: currently this can be only one. Maybe this should be a linked list or st. I don't know what the rules are for multiple acquired keyboards, but 'DI_LOSTFOCUS' and 'DI_UNACQUIRED' exist for a reason. */ static BYTE DInputKeyState[256]; /* array for 'GetDeviceState' */ static CRITICAL_SECTION keyboard_crit; static CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG critsect_debug = { 0, 0, &keyboard_crit, { &critsect_debug.ProcessLocksList, &critsect_debug.ProcessLocksList }, 0, 0, { 0, (DWORD)(__FILE__ ": keyboard_crit") } }; static CRITICAL_SECTION keyboard_crit = { &critsect_debug, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static DWORD keyboard_users; static HHOOK keyboard_hook; LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardCallback( int code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam ) { TRACE("(%d,%d,%ld)\n", code, wparam, lparam); if (code == HC_ACTION) { BYTE dik_code; BOOL down; DWORD timestamp; { KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *hook = (KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *)lparam; dik_code = hook->scanCode; if (hook->flags & LLKHF_EXTENDED) dik_code |= 0x80; down = !(hook->flags & LLKHF_UP); timestamp = hook->time; } DInputKeyState[dik_code] = (down ? 0x80 : 0); TRACE(" setting %02X to %02X\n", dik_code, DInputKeyState[dik_code]); if (current != NULL) { if (current->hEvent) SetEvent(current->hEvent); if (current->buffer != NULL) { int n; EnterCriticalSection(&(current->crit)); n = (current->start + current->count) % current->buffersize; current->buffer[n].dwOfs = dik_code; current->buffer[n].dwData = down ? 0x80 : 0; current->buffer[n].dwTimeStamp = timestamp; current->buffer[n].dwSequence = current->dinput->evsequence++; TRACE("Adding event at offset %d : %ld - %ld - %ld - %ld\n", n, current->buffer[n].dwOfs, current->buffer[n].dwData, current->buffer[n].dwTimeStamp, current->buffer[n].dwSequence); if (current->count == current->buffersize) { current->start = ++current->start % current->buffersize; current->overflow = TRUE; } else current->count++; LeaveCriticalSection(&(current->crit)); } } } return CallNextHookEx(keyboard_hook, code, wparam, lparam); } static GUID DInput_Wine_Keyboard_GUID = { /* 0ab8648a-7735-11d2-8c73-71df54a96441 */ 0x0ab8648a, 0x7735, 0x11d2, {0x8c, 0x73, 0x71, 0xdf, 0x54, 0xa9, 0x64, 0x41} }; static void fill_keyboard_dideviceinstanceA(LPDIDEVICEINSTANCEA lpddi, int version) { DWORD dwSize; DIDEVICEINSTANCEA ddi; dwSize = lpddi->dwSize; TRACE("%ld %p\n", dwSize, lpddi); memset(lpddi, 0, dwSize); memset(&ddi, 0, sizeof(ddi)); ddi.dwSize = dwSize; ddi.guidInstance = GUID_SysKeyboard;/* DInput's GUID */ ddi.guidProduct = DInput_Wine_Keyboard_GUID; /* Vendor's GUID */ if (version >= 8) ddi.dwDevType = DI8DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD | (DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_UNKNOWN << 8); else ddi.dwDevType = DIDEVTYPE_KEYBOARD | (DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_UNKNOWN << 8); strcpy(ddi.tszInstanceName, "Keyboard"); strcpy(ddi.tszProductName, "Wine Keyboard"); memcpy(lpddi, &ddi, (dwSize < sizeof(ddi) ? dwSize : sizeof(ddi))); } static void fill_keyboard_dideviceinstanceW(LPDIDEVICEINSTANCEW lpddi, int version) { DWORD dwSize; DIDEVICEINSTANCEW ddi; dwSize = lpddi->dwSize; TRACE("%ld %p\n", dwSize, lpddi); memset(lpddi, 0, dwSize); memset(&ddi, 0, sizeof(ddi)); ddi.dwSize = dwSize; ddi.guidInstance = GUID_SysKeyboard;/* DInput's GUID */ ddi.guidProduct = DInput_Wine_Keyboard_GUID; /* Vendor's GUID */ if (version >= 8) ddi.dwDevType = DI8DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD | (DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_UNKNOWN << 8); else ddi.dwDevType = DIDEVTYPE_KEYBOARD | (DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_UNKNOWN << 8); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, "Keyboard", -1, ddi.tszInstanceName, MAX_PATH); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, "Wine Keyboard", -1, ddi.tszProductName, MAX_PATH); memcpy(lpddi, &ddi, (dwSize < sizeof(ddi) ? dwSize : sizeof(ddi))); } static BOOL keyboarddev_enum_deviceA(DWORD dwDevType, DWORD dwFlags, LPDIDEVICEINSTANCEA lpddi, int version, int id) { if (id != 0) return FALSE; if ((dwDevType == 0) || ((dwDevType == DIDEVTYPE_KEYBOARD) && (version < 8)) || ((dwDevType == DI8DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD) && (version >= 8))) { TRACE("Enumerating the Keyboard device\n"); fill_keyboard_dideviceinstanceA(lpddi, version); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static BOOL keyboarddev_enum_deviceW(DWORD dwDevType, DWORD dwFlags, LPDIDEVICEINSTANCEW lpddi, int version, int id) { if (id != 0) return FALSE; if ((dwDevType == 0) || ((dwDevType == DIDEVTYPE_KEYBOARD) && (version < 8)) || ((dwDevType == DI8DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD) && (version >= 8))) { TRACE("Enumerating the Keyboard device\n"); fill_keyboard_dideviceinstanceW(lpddi, version); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static SysKeyboardImpl *alloc_device(REFGUID rguid, LPVOID kvt, IDirectInputImpl *dinput) { SysKeyboardImpl* newDevice; newDevice = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(SysKeyboardImpl)); newDevice->lpVtbl = kvt; newDevice->ref = 1; memcpy(&(newDevice->guid),rguid,sizeof(*rguid)); newDevice->dinput = dinput; EnterCriticalSection(&keyboard_crit); if (!keyboard_users++) keyboard_hook = SetWindowsHookExW( WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardCallback, DINPUT_instance, 0 ); LeaveCriticalSection(&keyboard_crit); return newDevice; } static HRESULT keyboarddev_create_deviceA(IDirectInputImpl *dinput, REFGUID rguid, REFIID riid, LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICEA* pdev) { if ((IsEqualGUID(&GUID_SysKeyboard,rguid)) || /* Generic Keyboard */ (IsEqualGUID(&DInput_Wine_Keyboard_GUID,rguid))) { /* Wine Keyboard */ if ((riid == NULL) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDirectInputDeviceA,riid) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDirectInputDevice2A,riid) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDirectInputDevice7A,riid) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDirectInputDevice8A,riid)) { *pdev = (IDirectInputDeviceA*) alloc_device(rguid, &SysKeyboardAvt, dinput); TRACE("Creating a Keyboard device (%p)\n", *pdev); return DI_OK; } else return DIERR_NOINTERFACE; } return DIERR_DEVICENOTREG; } static HRESULT keyboarddev_create_deviceW(IDirectInputImpl *dinput, REFGUID rguid, REFIID riid, LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICEW* pdev) { if ((IsEqualGUID(&GUID_SysKeyboard,rguid)) || /* Generic Keyboard */ (IsEqualGUID(&DInput_Wine_Keyboard_GUID,rguid))) { /* Wine Keyboard */ if ((riid == NULL) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDirectInputDeviceW,riid) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDirectInputDevice2W,riid) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDirectInputDevice7W,riid) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IDirectInputDevice8W,riid)) { *pdev = (IDirectInputDeviceW*) alloc_device(rguid, &SysKeyboardWvt, dinput); TRACE("Creating a Keyboard device (%p)\n", *pdev); return DI_OK; } else return DIERR_NOINTERFACE; } return DIERR_DEVICENOTREG; } static dinput_device keyboarddev = { 100, "Wine keyboard driver", keyboarddev_enum_deviceA, keyboarddev_enum_deviceW, keyboarddev_create_deviceA, keyboarddev_create_deviceW }; DECL_GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTOR(keyboarddev_register) { dinput_register_device(&keyboarddev); } static ULONG WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_Release(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; This->ref--; if (This->ref) return This->ref; EnterCriticalSection(&keyboard_crit); if (!--keyboard_users) { UnhookWindowsHookEx( keyboard_hook ); keyboard_hook = 0; } LeaveCriticalSection(&keyboard_crit); /* Free the data queue */ if (This->buffer != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,This->buffer); DeleteCriticalSection(&(This->crit)); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,This); return DI_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_SetProperty( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface,REFGUID rguid,LPCDIPROPHEADER ph ) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; TRACE("(this=%p,%s,%p)\n",This,debugstr_guid(rguid),ph); TRACE("(size=%ld,headersize=%ld,obj=%ld,how=%ld\n", ph->dwSize,ph->dwHeaderSize,ph->dwObj,ph->dwHow); if (!HIWORD(rguid)) { switch ((DWORD)rguid) { case (DWORD) DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE: { LPCDIPROPDWORD pd = (LPCDIPROPDWORD)ph; TRACE("(buffersize=%ld)\n",pd->dwData); if (This->acquired) return DIERR_INVALIDPARAM; This->buffersize = pd->dwData; break; } default: WARN("Unknown type %ld\n",(DWORD)rguid); break; } } return DI_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_GetDeviceState( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface,DWORD len,LPVOID ptr ) { TRACE("(%p)->(%ld,%p)\n", iface, len, ptr); /* Note: device does not need to be acquired */ if (len != 256) return DIERR_INVALIDPARAM; MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(0, NULL, 0, 0, 0); if (TRACE_ON(dinput)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (DInputKeyState[i] != 0x00) { TRACE(" - %02X: %02x\n", i, DInputKeyState[i]); } } } memcpy(ptr, DInputKeyState, 256); return DI_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_GetDeviceData( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface,DWORD dodsize,LPDIDEVICEOBJECTDATA dod, LPDWORD entries,DWORD flags ) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; int ret = DI_OK, i = 0; TRACE("(this=%p,%ld,%p,%p(%ld)),0x%08lx)\n", This,dodsize,dod,entries,entries?*entries:0,flags); if (This->acquired == 0) return DIERR_NOTACQUIRED; if (This->buffer == NULL) return DIERR_NOTBUFFERED; if (dodsize < sizeof(*dod)) return DIERR_INVALIDPARAM; MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(0, NULL, 0, 0, 0); EnterCriticalSection(&(This->crit)); /* Copy item at a time for the case dodsize > sizeof(buffer[n]) */ while ((i < *entries || *entries == INFINITE) && i < This->count) { if (dod != NULL) { int n = (This->start + i) % This->buffersize; LPDIDEVICEOBJECTDATA pd = (LPDIDEVICEOBJECTDATA)((BYTE *)dod + dodsize * i); pd->dwOfs = This->buffer[n].dwOfs; pd->dwData = This->buffer[n].dwData; pd->dwTimeStamp = This->buffer[n].dwTimeStamp; pd->dwSequence = This->buffer[n].dwSequence; } i++; } *entries = i; if (This->overflow) ret = DI_BUFFEROVERFLOW; if (!(flags & DIGDD_PEEK)) { /* Empty buffer */ This->count -= i; This->start = (This->start + i) % This->buffersize; This->overflow = FALSE; } LeaveCriticalSection(&(This->crit)); TRACE("Returning %ld events queued\n", *entries); return ret; } static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_EnumObjects( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface, LPDIENUMDEVICEOBJECTSCALLBACKA lpCallback, LPVOID lpvRef, DWORD dwFlags) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEA ddoi; int i; TRACE("(this=%p,%p,%p,%08lx)\n", This, lpCallback, lpvRef, dwFlags); if (TRACE_ON(dinput)) { TRACE(" - flags = "); _dump_EnumObjects_flags(dwFlags); TRACE("\n"); } /* Only the fields till dwFFMaxForce are relevant */ memset(&ddoi, 0, sizeof(ddoi)); ddoi.dwSize = FIELD_OFFSET(DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEA, dwFFMaxForce); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { /* Report 255 keys :-) */ ddoi.guidType = GUID_Key; ddoi.dwOfs = i; ddoi.dwType = DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(i) | DIDFT_BUTTON; GetKeyNameTextA(((i & 0x7f) << 16) | ((i & 0x80) << 17), ddoi.tszName, sizeof(ddoi.tszName)); _dump_OBJECTINSTANCEA(&ddoi); if (lpCallback(&ddoi, lpvRef) != DIENUM_CONTINUE) return DI_OK; } return DI_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardWImpl_EnumObjects(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8W iface, LPDIENUMDEVICEOBJECTSCALLBACKW lpCallback, LPVOID lpvRef, DWORD dwFlags) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; device_enumobjects_AtoWcb_data data; data.lpCallBack = lpCallback; data.lpvRef = lpvRef; return SysKeyboardAImpl_EnumObjects((LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A) This, (LPDIENUMDEVICEOBJECTSCALLBACKA) DIEnumDevicesCallbackAtoW, (LPVOID) &data, dwFlags); } static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_Unacquire(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface); static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_Acquire(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; TRACE("(this=%p)\n",This); if (This->acquired) return S_FALSE; This->acquired = 1; if (current != NULL) { FIXME("Not more than one keyboard can be acquired at the same time.\n"); SysKeyboardAImpl_Unacquire(iface); } current = This; if (This->buffersize > 0) { This->buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, This->buffersize * sizeof(*(This->buffer))); This->start = 0; This->count = 0; This->overflow = FALSE; InitializeCriticalSection(&(This->crit)); } else This->buffer = NULL; return DI_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_Unacquire(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; TRACE("(this=%p)\n",This); if (This->acquired == 0) return DI_NOEFFECT; if (current == This) current = NULL; else ERR("this != current\n"); This->acquired = 0; if (This->buffersize >= 0) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This->buffer); This->buffer = NULL; DeleteCriticalSection(&(This->crit)); } return DI_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_SetEventNotification(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface, HANDLE hnd) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; TRACE("(this=%p,0x%08lx)\n",This,(DWORD)hnd); This->hEvent = hnd; return DI_OK; } /****************************************************************************** * GetCapabilities : get the device capablitites */ static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_GetCapabilities( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface, LPDIDEVCAPS lpDIDevCaps) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; TRACE("(this=%p,%p)\n",This,lpDIDevCaps); if (lpDIDevCaps->dwSize == sizeof(DIDEVCAPS)) { lpDIDevCaps->dwFlags = DIDC_ATTACHED; if (This->dinput->version >= 8) lpDIDevCaps->dwDevType = DI8DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD | (DI8DEVTYPEKEYBOARD_UNKNOWN << 8); else lpDIDevCaps->dwDevType = DIDEVTYPE_KEYBOARD | (DIDEVTYPEKEYBOARD_UNKNOWN << 8); lpDIDevCaps->dwAxes = 0; lpDIDevCaps->dwButtons = 256; lpDIDevCaps->dwPOVs = 0; lpDIDevCaps->dwFFSamplePeriod = 0; lpDIDevCaps->dwFFMinTimeResolution = 0; lpDIDevCaps->dwFirmwareRevision = 100; lpDIDevCaps->dwHardwareRevision = 100; lpDIDevCaps->dwFFDriverVersion = 0; } else { /* DirectX 3.0 */ FIXME("DirectX 3.0 not supported....\n"); } return DI_OK; } /****************************************************************************** * GetObjectInfo : get information about a device object such as a button * or axis */ static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_GetObjectInfo( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface, LPDIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEA pdidoi, DWORD dwObj, DWORD dwHow) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEA ddoi; DWORD dwSize = pdidoi->dwSize; TRACE("(this=%p,%p,%ld,0x%08lx)\n", This, pdidoi, dwObj, dwHow); if (dwHow == DIPH_BYID) { WARN(" querying by id not supported yet...\n"); return DI_OK; } memset(pdidoi, 0, dwSize); memset(&ddoi, 0, sizeof(ddoi)); ddoi.dwSize = dwSize; ddoi.guidType = GUID_Key; ddoi.dwOfs = dwObj; ddoi.dwType = DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(dwObj) | DIDFT_BUTTON; GetKeyNameTextA(((dwObj & 0x7f) << 16) | ((dwObj & 0x80) << 17), ddoi.tszName, sizeof(ddoi.tszName)); /* And return our just filled device object instance structure */ memcpy(pdidoi, &ddoi, (dwSize < sizeof(ddoi) ? dwSize : sizeof(ddoi))); _dump_OBJECTINSTANCEA(pdidoi); return DI_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardWImpl_GetObjectInfo(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8W iface, LPDIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEW pdidoi, DWORD dwObj, DWORD dwHow) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEW ddoi; DWORD dwSize = pdidoi->dwSize; TRACE("(this=%p,%p,%ld,0x%08lx)\n", This, pdidoi, dwObj, dwHow); if (dwHow == DIPH_BYID) { WARN(" querying by id not supported yet...\n"); return DI_OK; } memset(pdidoi, 0, dwSize); memset(&ddoi, 0, sizeof(ddoi)); ddoi.dwSize = dwSize; ddoi.guidType = GUID_Key; ddoi.dwOfs = dwObj; ddoi.dwType = DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(dwObj) | DIDFT_BUTTON; GetKeyNameTextW(((dwObj & 0x7f) << 16) | ((dwObj & 0x80) << 17), ddoi.tszName, sizeof(ddoi.tszName)); /* And return our just filled device object instance structure */ memcpy(pdidoi, &ddoi, (dwSize < sizeof(ddoi) ? dwSize : sizeof(ddoi))); _dump_OBJECTINSTANCEW(pdidoi); return DI_OK; } /****************************************************************************** * GetDeviceInfo : get information about a device's identity */ static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardAImpl_GetDeviceInfo( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A iface, LPDIDEVICEINSTANCEA pdidi) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; TRACE("(this=%p,%p)\n", This, pdidi); if (pdidi->dwSize != sizeof(DIDEVICEINSTANCEA)) { WARN(" dinput3 not supporte yet...\n"); return DI_OK; } fill_keyboard_dideviceinstanceA(pdidi, This->dinput->version); return DI_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI SysKeyboardWImpl_GetDeviceInfo(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8W iface, LPDIDEVICEINSTANCEW pdidi) { SysKeyboardImpl *This = (SysKeyboardImpl *)iface; TRACE("(this=%p,%p)\n", This, pdidi); if (pdidi->dwSize != sizeof(DIDEVICEINSTANCEW)) { WARN(" dinput3 not supporte yet...\n"); return DI_OK; } fill_keyboard_dideviceinstanceW(pdidi, This->dinput->version); return DI_OK; } static IDirectInputDevice8AVtbl SysKeyboardAvt = { IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_QueryInterface, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_AddRef, SysKeyboardAImpl_Release, SysKeyboardAImpl_GetCapabilities, SysKeyboardAImpl_EnumObjects, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_GetProperty, SysKeyboardAImpl_SetProperty, SysKeyboardAImpl_Acquire, SysKeyboardAImpl_Unacquire, SysKeyboardAImpl_GetDeviceState, SysKeyboardAImpl_GetDeviceData, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_SetDataFormat, SysKeyboardAImpl_SetEventNotification, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_SetCooperativeLevel, SysKeyboardAImpl_GetObjectInfo, SysKeyboardAImpl_GetDeviceInfo, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_RunControlPanel, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_Initialize, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_CreateEffect, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_EnumEffects, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_GetEffectInfo, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_GetForceFeedbackState, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_SendForceFeedbackCommand, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_EnumCreatedEffectObjects, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_Escape, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_Poll, IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_SendDeviceData, IDirectInputDevice7AImpl_EnumEffectsInFile, IDirectInputDevice7AImpl_WriteEffectToFile, IDirectInputDevice8AImpl_BuildActionMap, IDirectInputDevice8AImpl_SetActionMap, IDirectInputDevice8AImpl_GetImageInfo }; #if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && defined(__GNUC__) # define XCAST(fun) (typeof(SysKeyboardWvt.fun)) #else # define XCAST(fun) (void*) #endif static IDirectInputDevice8WVtbl SysKeyboardWvt = { IDirectInputDevice2WImpl_QueryInterface, XCAST(AddRef)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_AddRef, XCAST(Release)SysKeyboardAImpl_Release, XCAST(GetCapabilities)SysKeyboardAImpl_GetCapabilities, SysKeyboardWImpl_EnumObjects, XCAST(GetProperty)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_GetProperty, XCAST(SetProperty)SysKeyboardAImpl_SetProperty, XCAST(Acquire)SysKeyboardAImpl_Acquire, XCAST(Unacquire)SysKeyboardAImpl_Unacquire, XCAST(GetDeviceState)SysKeyboardAImpl_GetDeviceState, XCAST(GetDeviceData)SysKeyboardAImpl_GetDeviceData, XCAST(SetDataFormat)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_SetDataFormat, XCAST(SetEventNotification)SysKeyboardAImpl_SetEventNotification, XCAST(SetCooperativeLevel)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_SetCooperativeLevel, SysKeyboardWImpl_GetObjectInfo, SysKeyboardWImpl_GetDeviceInfo, XCAST(RunControlPanel)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_RunControlPanel, XCAST(Initialize)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_Initialize, XCAST(CreateEffect)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_CreateEffect, IDirectInputDevice2WImpl_EnumEffects, IDirectInputDevice2WImpl_GetEffectInfo, XCAST(GetForceFeedbackState)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_GetForceFeedbackState, XCAST(SendForceFeedbackCommand)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_SendForceFeedbackCommand, XCAST(EnumCreatedEffectObjects)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_EnumCreatedEffectObjects, XCAST(Escape)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_Escape, XCAST(Poll)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_Poll, XCAST(SendDeviceData)IDirectInputDevice2AImpl_SendDeviceData, IDirectInputDevice7WImpl_EnumEffectsInFile, IDirectInputDevice7WImpl_WriteEffectToFile, IDirectInputDevice8WImpl_BuildActionMap, IDirectInputDevice8WImpl_SetActionMap, IDirectInputDevice8WImpl_GetImageInfo }; #undef XCAST