#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # Build the server/trace.c and include/server/request.h files # from the contents of include/server.h. # # Copyright (C) 1998 Alexandre Julliard # %formats = ( "int" => "%d", "char" => "%c", "char[0]" => "\\\"%.*s\\\"", "unsigned int" => "%08x", "void*" => "%p", "time_t" => "%ld" ); my @requests = (); my %replies = (); open(SERVER,"include/server.h") or die "Can't open include/server.h"; open(TRACE,">server/trace.c") or die "Can't create server/trace.c"; open(REQUESTS,">include/server/request.h") or die "Can't create include/server/request.h"; ### Generate the header print TRACE < #include #include #include "server.h" #include "server/thread.h" EOF ### Parse server.h to find request/reply structure definitions while () { if (/^struct +(\w+)_request/) { &DO_REQUEST($1); } if (/^struct +(\w+)_reply/) { &DO_REPLY($1); } } ### Output the dumping function tables print TRACE<last_req = req; fprintf( stderr, "%08x: %s(", (unsigned int)current, req_names[req] ); size = dumpers[req].dump_req( data, len ); if ((len -= size) > 0) { unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)data + size; while (len--) fprintf( stderr, ", %02x", *ptr++ ); } if (fd != -1) fprintf( stderr, " ) fd=%d\\n", fd ); else fprintf( stderr, " )\\n" ); } void trace_timeout(void) { fprintf( stderr, "%08x: *timeout*\\n", (unsigned int)current ); } void trace_kill( int exit_code ) { fprintf( stderr,"%08x: *killed* exit_code=%d\\n", (unsigned int)current, exit_code ); } void trace_reply( struct thread *thread, int type, int pass_fd, struct iovec *vec, int veclen ) { if (!thread) return; fprintf( stderr, "%08x: %s() = %d", (unsigned int)thread, req_names[thread->last_req], type ); if (veclen) { fprintf( stderr, " {" ); if (dumpers[thread->last_req].dump_reply) { dumpers[thread->last_req].dump_reply( vec->iov_base ); vec++; veclen--; } for (; veclen; veclen--, vec++) { unsigned char *ptr = vec->iov_base; int len = vec->iov_len; while (len--) fprintf( stderr, ", %02x", *ptr++ ); } fprintf( stderr, " }" ); } if (pass_fd != -1) fprintf( stderr, " fd=%d\\n", pass_fd ); else fprintf( stderr, "\\n" ); } EOF ### Output the requests list print REQUESTS <) { last if /^};$/; next if /^{$/; s!/\*.*\*/!!g; next if /^\s*$/; / *(\w+\**( +\w+\**)*) +(\w+)(\[0\])?;/ or die "Unrecognized syntax $_"; my $type = $1 . ($4 || ""); my $var = $3; die "Unrecognized type $type" unless defined($formats{$type}); push @struct, $type, $var; } push @requests, $name; &DO_DUMP_FUNC( $name . "_request",@struct); } ### Handle a reply structure definition sub DO_REPLY { my $name = shift; my @struct = (); while () { last if /^};$/; next if /^{$/; s!/\*.*\*/!!g; next if /^\s*$/; / *(\w+\**( +\w+\**)*) +(\w+);/ or die "Unrecognized syntax $_"; my $type = $1; my $var = $3; die "Unrecognized type $type" unless defined($formats{$type}); push @struct, $type, $var; } $replies{$name} = 1; &DO_DUMP_FUNC( $name . "_reply" ,@struct); } ### Generate a dumping function sub DO_DUMP_FUNC { my $vararg = 0; my $name = shift; print TRACE "\nstatic int dump_$name( struct $name *req, int len )\n{\n"; while ($#_ >= 0) { my $type = shift; my $var = shift; print TRACE " fprintf( stderr, \" $var=$formats{$type}"; print TRACE "," if ($#_ > 0); print TRACE "\", "; if ($type =~ s/\[0\]$//g) # vararg type? { $vararg = 1; print TRACE "len - (int)sizeof(*req), ($type *)(req+1) );\n"; } else { print TRACE "req->$var );\n"; } } print TRACE " return ", $vararg ? "len" : "(int)sizeof(*req)", ";\n}\n"; }