/* Definitions for the VERsion infolibrary (VER.DLL) * * Copyright 1996 Marcus Meissner */ #ifndef __WINE_VER_H #define __WINE_VER_H #include "wintypes.h" /* resource ids for different version infos */ /* These are internal resources for win16, but simple numbers in win32 */ /* All win32 defines should be moved to winver.h */ #define VS_FILE_INFO16 MAKEINTRESOURCE16(16) #define VS_VERSION_INFO16 MAKEINTRESOURCE16(1) #define VS_USER_INFO16 MAKEINTRESOURCE16(100) #define VS_FILE_INFO 16 #define VS_VERSION_INFO 1 #define VS_USER_INFO 100 #define VS_FFI_SIGNATURE 0xfeef04bdL /* FileInfo Magic */ #define VS_FFI_STRUCVERSION 0x00010000L /* struc version 1.0 */ #define VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK 0x0000003fL /* valid flags */ /* VS_VERSION.dwFileFlags */ #define VS_FF_DEBUG 0x01L #define VS_FF_PRERELEASE 0x02L #define VS_FF_PATCHED 0x04L #define VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD 0x08L #define VS_FF_INFOINFERRED 0x10L #define VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD 0x20L /* VS_VERSION.dwFileOS */ /* major os version */ #define VOS_UNKNOWN 0x00000000L #define VOS_DOS 0x00010000L #define VOS_OS216 0x00020000L #define VOS_OS232 0x00030000L #define VOS_NT 0x00040000L /* minor os version */ #define VOS__BASE 0x00000000L #define VOS__WINDOWS16 0x00000001L #define VOS__PM16 0x00000002L #define VOS__PM32 0x00000003L #define VOS__WINDOWS32 0x00000004L /* possible versions */ #define VOS_DOS_WINDOWS16 (VOS_DOS|VOS__WINDOWS16) #define VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 (VOS_DOS|VOS__WINDOWS32) #define VOS_OS216_PM16 (VOS_OS216|VOS__PM16) #define VOS_OS232_PM32 (VOS_OS232|VOS__PM32) #define VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 (VOS_NT|VOS__WINDOWS32) /* VS_VERSION.dwFileType */ #define VFT_UNKNOWN 0x00000000L #define VFT_APP 0x00000001L #define VFT_DLL 0x00000002L #define VFT_DRV 0x00000003L #define VFT_FONT 0x00000004L #define VFT_VXD 0x00000005L /* ??one type missing?? 0x00000006L -Marcus */ #define VFT_STATIC_LIB 0x00000007L /* VS_VERSION.dwFileSubtype for VFT_DRV */ #define VFT2_UNKNOWN 0x00000000L #define VFT2_DRV_PRINTER 0x00000001L #define VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD 0x00000002L #define VFT2_DRV_LANGUAGE 0x00000003L #define VFT2_DRV_DISPLAY 0x00000004L #define VFT2_DRV_MOUSE 0x00000005L #define VFT2_DRV_NETWORK 0x00000006L #define VFT2_DRV_SYSTEM 0x00000007L #define VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE 0x00000008L #define VFT2_DRV_SOUND 0x00000009L #define VFT2_DRV_COMM 0x0000000aL #define VFT2_DRV_INPUTMETHOD 0x0000000bL /* VS_VERSION.dwFileSubtype for VFT_FONT */ #define VFT2_FONT_RASTER 0x00000001L #define VFT2_FONT_VECTOR 0x00000002L #define VFT2_FONT_TRUETYPE 0x00000003L /* VerFindFile Flags */ /* input */ #define VFFF_ISSHAREDFILE 0x0001 /* output (returned) */ #define VFF_CURNEDEST 0x0001 #define VFF_FILEINUSE 0x0002 #define VFF_BUFFTOOSMALL 0x0004 /* VerInstallFile Flags */ /* input */ #define VIFF_FORCEINSTALL 0x0001 #define VIFF_DONTDELETEOLD 0x0002 /* output (return) */ #define VIF_TEMPFILE 0x00000001L #define VIF_MISMATCH 0x00000002L #define VIF_SRCOLD 0x00000004L #define VIF_DIFFLANG 0x00000008L #define VIF_DIFFCODEPG 0x00000010L #define VIF_DIFFTYPE 0x00000020L #define VIF_WRITEPROT 0x00000040L #define VIF_FILEINUSE 0x00000080L #define VIF_OUTOFSPACE 0x00000100L #define VIF_ACCESSVIOLATION 0x00000200L #define VIF_SHARINGVIOLATION 0x00000400L #define VIF_CANNOTCREATE 0x00000800L #define VIF_CANNOTDELETE 0x00001000L #define VIF_CANNOTRENAME 0x00002000L #define VIF_CANNOTDELETECUR 0x00004000L #define VIF_OUTOFMEMORY 0x00008000L #define VIF_CANNOTREADSRC 0x00010000L #define VIF_CANNOTREADDST 0x00020000L #define VIF_BUFFTOOSMALL 0x00040000L typedef struct tagVS_FIXEDFILEINFO { DWORD dwSignature; DWORD dwStrucVersion; DWORD dwFileVersionMS; DWORD dwFileVersionLS; DWORD dwProductVersionMS; DWORD dwProductVersionLS; DWORD dwFileFlagsMask; DWORD dwFileFlags; DWORD dwFileOS; DWORD dwFileType; DWORD dwFileSubtype; DWORD dwFileDateMS; DWORD dwFileDateLS; } VS_FIXEDFILEINFO; /* 20 GETFILEVERSIONINFORAW */ #ifdef __WINE__ DWORD WINAPI GetFileResourceSize32( LPCSTR lpszFileName, LPCSTR lpszResType, LPCSTR lpszResId, LPDWORD lpdwFileOffset ); DWORD WINAPI GetFileResource32( LPCSTR lpszFileName, LPCSTR lpszResType, LPCSTR lpszResId, DWORD dwFileOffset, DWORD dwResLen, LPVOID lpvData ); #endif /* __WINE__ */ #endif /* __WINE_VER_H */