/* * Core Audio audio policy definitions * * Copyright 2009 Maarten Lankhorst * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * */ cpp_quote("#ifndef __audiopolicy_h__") cpp_quote("#define __audiopolicy_h__") import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; import "propidl.idl"; import "audiosessiontypes.h"; import "audioclient.idl"; interface IAudioSessionEvents; interface IAudioSessionControl; interface IAudioSessionControl2; interface IAudioSessionManager; interface IAudioVolumeDuckNotification; interface IAudioSessionNotification; interface IAudioSessionEnumerator; interface IAudioSessionManager2; typedef enum AudioSessionDisconnectReason /*[local]*/ { DisconnectReasonDeviceRemoval = 0, DisconnectReasonServerShutdown, DisconnectReasonFormatChanged, DisconnectReasonSessionLogoff, DisconnectReasonSessionDisconnected, DisconnectReasonExclusiveModeOverride, } AudioSessionDisconnectReason; [ local, uuid(24918acc-64b3-37c1-8ca9-74a66e9957a8), pointer_default(unique), object ] interface IAudioSessionEvents : IUnknown { HRESULT OnDisplayNameChanged( [string,in] LPCWSTR NewDisplayName, [in] LPCGUID EventContext ); HRESULT OnIconPathChanged( [string,in] LPCWSTR NewIconPath, [in] LPCGUID EventContext ); HRESULT OnSimpleVolumeChanged( [in] float NewVolume, [in] BOOL NewMute, [in] LPCGUID EventContext ); HRESULT OnChannelVolumeChanged( [in] DWORD ChannelCount, [size_is(ChannelCount),in] float *NewChannelVolumeArray, [in] DWORD ChangedChannel, [in] LPCGUID EventContext ); HRESULT OnGroupingParamChanged( [in] LPCGUID NewGroupingParam, [in] LPCGUID EventContext ); HRESULT OnStateChanged( [in] AudioSessionState NewState ); HRESULT OnSessionDisconnected( [in] AudioSessionDisconnectReason DisconnectReason ); } [ local, uuid(f4b1a599-7266-4319-a8ca-e70acb11e8cd), pointer_default(unique), object ] interface IAudioSessionControl : IUnknown { HRESULT GetState( [out] AudioSessionState *pRetVal ); HRESULT GetDisplayName( [string,out] LPWSTR *pRetVal ); HRESULT SetDisplayName( [string,in] LPCWSTR DisplayName, [unique,in] LPCGUID EventContext ); HRESULT GetIconPath( [string,out] LPWSTR *pRetVal ); HRESULT SetIconPath( [string,in] LPCWSTR Value, [unique,in] LPCGUID EventContext ); HRESULT GetGroupingParam( [out] GUID *pRetVal ); HRESULT SetGroupingParam( [in] GUID *Override, [unique,in] LPCGUID EventContext ); HRESULT RegisterAudioSessionNotification( [in] IAudioSessionEvents *NewNotifications ); HRESULT UnregisterAudioSessionNotification( [in] IAudioSessionEvents *NewNotifications ); } [ local, uuid(bfb7ff88-7239-4fc9-8fa2-07c950be9c6d), pointer_default(unique), object ] interface IAudioSessionControl2 : IAudioSessionControl { HRESULT GetSessionIdentifier( [string,out] LPWSTR *pRetVal ); HRESULT GetSessionInstanceIdentifier( [string,out] LPWSTR *pRetVal ); HRESULT GetProcessId( [out] DWORD *pRetVal ); HRESULT IsSystemSoundsSession(void); HRESULT SetDuckingPreferences( [in] BOOL optOut ); }; [ local, uuid(bfa971f1-4d5e-40bb-935e-967039bfbee4), pointer_default(unique), object ] interface IAudioSessionManager : IUnknown { HRESULT GetAudioSessionControl( [in] LPCGUID AudioSessionGuid, [in] DWORD StreamFlags, [out] IAudioSessionControl **SessionControl ); HRESULT GetSimpleAudioVolume( [in] LPCGUID AudioSessionGuid, [in] DWORD StreamFlags, [out] ISimpleAudioVolume **AudioVolume ); }; [ local, uuid(c3b284d4-6d39-4359-b3cf-b56ddb3bb39c), pointer_default(unique), object ] interface IAudioVolumeDuckNotification : IUnknown { HRESULT OnVolumeDuckNotification( [in] LPCWSTR sessionID, [in] UINT32 countCommunicationSessions ); HRESULT OnVolumeUndockNotification( [in] LPCWSTR sessionID ); }; [ local, uuid(641dd20b-4d41-49cc-aba3-174b9477bb08), pointer_default(unique), object ] interface IAudioSessionNotification : IUnknown { HRESULT OnSessionCreated( [in] IAudioSessionControl *NewSession ); }; [ local, uuid(e2f5bb11-0570-40ca-acdd-3aa01277dee8), pointer_default(unique), object ] interface IAudioSessionEnumerator : IUnknown { HRESULT GetCount( [out] INT *SessionCount ); HRESULT GetSession( [in] INT SessionCount, [out] IAudioSessionControl **Session ); }; [ local, uuid(77aa99a0-1bd6-484f-8bc7-2c654c9a9b6f), pointer_default(unique), object ] interface IAudiosessionManager2 : IAudioSessionManager { HRESULT GetSessionEnumerator( [retval,out] IAudioSessionEnumerator **SessionEnum ); HRESULT RegisterSessionNotification( [in] IAudioSessionNotification *SessionNotification ); HRESULT UnregisterSessionNotification( [in] IAudioSessionNotification *SessionNotification ); HRESULT RegisterDuckNotification( [string,in] LPCWSTR sessionID, [in] IAudioVolumeDuckNotification *duckNotification ); HRESULT UnregisterDuckNotification( [in] IAudioVolumeDuckNotification *duckNotification ); }; cpp_quote("#endif /*__audiopolicy_h__*/")