/* * Create dynamic new structures of various types * and some utils in that trend. * * Copyright 1998 Bertho A. Stultiens * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../tools.h" #include "wrc.h" #include "newstruc.h" #include "utils.h" #include "parser.h" #include "wingdi.h" /* for BITMAPINFOHEADER */ #include typedef struct { DWORD biSize; WORD biWidth; WORD biHeight; WORD biPlanes; WORD biBitCount; } BITMAPOS2HEADER; #include /* New instances for all types of structures */ /* Very inefficient (in size), but very functional :-] * Especially for type-checking. */ dialog_t *new_dialog(void) { dialog_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } name_id_t *new_name_id(void) { name_id_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } menu_t *new_menu(void) { menu_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } menu_item_t *new_menu_item(void) { menu_item_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } control_t *new_control(void) { control_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } icon_t *new_icon(void) { icon_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } cursor_t *new_cursor(void) { cursor_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } versioninfo_t *new_versioninfo(void) { versioninfo_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } ver_value_t *new_ver_value(void) { ver_value_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } ver_block_t *new_ver_block(void) { ver_block_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } stt_entry_t *new_stt_entry(void) { stt_entry_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } accelerator_t *new_accelerator(void) { accelerator_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } event_t *new_event(void) { event_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } raw_data_t *new_raw_data(void) { raw_data_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } lvc_t *new_lvc(void) { lvc_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } res_count_t *new_res_count(void) { res_count_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } string_t *new_string(void) { string_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); set_location( &ret->loc ); return ret; } toolbar_item_t *new_toolbar_item(void) { toolbar_item_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } ani_any_t *new_ani_any(void) { ani_any_t *ret = xmalloc( sizeof(*ret) ); memset( ret, 0, sizeof(*ret) ); return ret; } resource_t *new_resource(enum res_e t, void *res, int memopt, language_t *lan) { resource_t *r = xmalloc(sizeof(resource_t)); memset( r, 0, sizeof(*r) ); r->type = t; r->res.overlay = res; r->memopt = memopt; r->lan = lan; return r; } version_t *new_version(DWORD v) { version_t *vp = xmalloc(sizeof(version_t)); *vp = v; return vp; } characts_t *new_characts(DWORD c) { characts_t *cp = xmalloc(sizeof(characts_t)); *cp = c; return cp; } language_t *new_language(int id, int sub) { language_t *lan = xmalloc(sizeof(language_t)); lan->id = id; lan->sub = sub; return lan; } language_t *dup_language(language_t *l) { if(!l) return NULL; return new_language(l->id, l->sub); } version_t *dup_version(version_t *v) { if(!v) return NULL; return new_version(*v); } characts_t *dup_characts(characts_t *c) { if(!c) return NULL; return new_characts(*c); } html_t *new_html(raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { html_t *html = xmalloc(sizeof(html_t)); html->data = rd; if(memopt) { html->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else html->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_PURE; return html; } rcdata_t *new_rcdata(raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { rcdata_t *rc = xmalloc(sizeof(rcdata_t)); rc->data = rd; if(memopt) { rc->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else rc->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_PURE; return rc; } font_id_t *new_font_id(int size, string_t *face, int weight, int italic) { font_id_t *fid = xmalloc(sizeof(font_id_t)); fid->name = face; fid->size = size; fid->weight = weight; fid->italic = italic; return fid; } user_t *new_user(name_id_t *type, raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { user_t *usr = xmalloc(sizeof(user_t)); usr->data = rd; if(memopt) { usr->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else usr->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_PURE; usr->type = type; return usr; } font_t *new_font(raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { font_t *fnt = xmalloc(sizeof(font_t)); fnt->data = rd; if(memopt) { fnt->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else fnt->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_DISCARDABLE; return fnt; } fontdir_t *new_fontdir(raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { fontdir_t *fnd = xmalloc(sizeof(fontdir_t)); fnd->data = rd; if(memopt) { fnd->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else fnd->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_DISCARDABLE; return fnd; } static int convert_bitmap(char *data, int size) { if (size > sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) && data[0] == 'B' && data[1] == 'M') { memmove(data, data+sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), size - sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); return sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); } return 0; } /* * Cursor and icon splitter functions used when allocating * cursor- and icon-groups. */ typedef struct { language_t lan; int id; } id_alloc_t; static int get_new_id(id_alloc_t **list, int *n, language_t *lan) { int i; assert(lan != NULL); assert(list != NULL); assert(n != NULL); if(!*list) { *list = xmalloc(sizeof(id_alloc_t)); *n = 1; (*list)[0].lan = *lan; (*list)[0].id = 1; return 1; } for(i = 0; i < *n; i++) { if((*list)[i].lan.id == lan->id && (*list)[i].lan.sub == lan->sub) return ++((*list)[i].id); } *list = xrealloc(*list, sizeof(id_alloc_t) * (*n+1)); (*list)[*n].lan = *lan; (*list)[*n].id = 1; *n += 1; return 1; } static int alloc_icon_id(language_t *lan) { static id_alloc_t *idlist = NULL; static int nid = 0; return get_new_id(&idlist, &nid, lan); } static int alloc_cursor_id(language_t *lan) { static id_alloc_t *idlist = NULL; static int nid = 0; return get_new_id(&idlist, &nid, lan); } static void split_icons(raw_data_t *rd, icon_group_t *icog, int *nico) { int cnt; int i; icon_t *ico; icon_t *list = NULL; icon_header_t *ih = (icon_header_t *)rd->data; if(GET_WORD(&ih->type) != 1) parser_error("Icon resource data has invalid type id %d", ih->type); cnt = GET_WORD(&ih->count); for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { icon_dir_entry_t ide; int offset, size; BITMAPINFOHEADER info; memcpy(&ide, rd->data + sizeof(icon_header_t) + i*sizeof(icon_dir_entry_t), sizeof(ide)); ico = new_icon(); ico->id = alloc_icon_id(icog->lvc.language); ico->lvc = icog->lvc; offset = GET_DWORD(&ide.offset); size = GET_DWORD(&ide.ressize); if(offset > rd->size || offset + size > rd->size) parser_error("Icon resource data corrupt"); ico->width = ide.width; ico->height = ide.height; ico->nclr = ide.nclr; ico->planes = GET_WORD(&ide.planes); ico->bits = GET_WORD(&ide.bits); memcpy(&info, rd->data + offset, sizeof(info)); convert_bitmap((char *) &info, 0); memcpy(rd->data + offset, &info, sizeof(info)); if(!ico->planes) ico->planes = GET_WORD(&info.biPlanes); if(!ico->bits) ico->bits = GET_WORD(&info.biBitCount); ico->data = new_raw_data(); copy_raw_data(ico->data, rd, offset, size); if(!list) { list = ico; } else { ico->next = list; list->prev = ico; list = ico; } } icog->iconlist = list; *nico = cnt; } static void split_cursors(raw_data_t *rd, cursor_group_t *curg, int *ncur) { int cnt; int i; cursor_t *cur; cursor_t *list = NULL; cursor_header_t *ch = (cursor_header_t *)rd->data; if(GET_WORD(&ch->type) != 2) parser_error("Cursor resource data has invalid type id %d", ch->type); cnt = GET_WORD(&ch->count); for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { cursor_dir_entry_t cde; int offset, size; BITMAPINFOHEADER info; memcpy(&cde, rd->data + sizeof(cursor_header_t) + i*sizeof(cursor_dir_entry_t), sizeof(cde)); cur = new_cursor(); cur->id = alloc_cursor_id(curg->lvc.language); cur->lvc = curg->lvc; offset = GET_DWORD(&cde.offset); size = GET_DWORD(&cde.ressize); if(offset > rd->size || offset + size > rd->size) parser_error("Cursor resource data corrupt"); cur->width = cde.width; cur->height = cde.height; cur->nclr = cde.nclr; memcpy(&info, rd->data + offset, sizeof(info)); convert_bitmap((char *)&info, 0); memcpy(rd->data + offset, &info, sizeof(info)); cur->planes = GET_WORD(&info.biPlanes); cur->bits = GET_WORD(&info.biBitCount); if(!win32 && (cur->planes != 1 || cur->bits != 1)) parser_warning("Win16 cursor contains colors\n"); cur->xhot = GET_WORD(&cde.xhot); cur->yhot = GET_WORD(&cde.yhot); cur->data = new_raw_data(); copy_raw_data(cur->data, rd, offset, size); if(!list) { list = cur; } else { cur->next = list; list->prev = cur; list = cur; } } curg->cursorlist = list; *ncur = cnt; } icon_group_t *new_icon_group(raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { icon_group_t *icog = xmalloc(sizeof(icon_group_t)); if(memopt) { icog->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else icog->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_PURE | WRC_MO_DISCARDABLE; icog->lvc = rd->lvc; split_icons(rd, icog, &(icog->nicon)); free(rd->data); free(rd); return icog; } cursor_group_t *new_cursor_group(raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { cursor_group_t *curg = xmalloc(sizeof(cursor_group_t)); if(memopt) { curg->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else curg->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_PURE | WRC_MO_DISCARDABLE; curg->lvc = rd->lvc; split_cursors(rd, curg, &(curg->ncursor)); free(rd->data); free(rd); return curg; } ani_curico_t *new_ani_curico(enum res_e type, raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { ani_curico_t *ani = xmalloc(sizeof(ani_curico_t)); assert(type == res_anicur || type == res_aniico); ani->data = rd; if(memopt) { ani->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else ani->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_DISCARDABLE; return ani; } /* Bitmaps */ bitmap_t *new_bitmap(raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { bitmap_t *bmp = xmalloc(sizeof(bitmap_t)); bmp->data = rd; if(memopt) { bmp->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else bmp->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_PURE; rd->size -= convert_bitmap(rd->data, rd->size); return bmp; } ver_words_t *new_ver_words(int i) { ver_words_t *w = xmalloc(sizeof(ver_words_t)); w->words = xmalloc(sizeof(WORD)); w->words[0] = (WORD)i; w->nwords = 1; return w; } ver_words_t *add_ver_words(ver_words_t *w, int i) { w->words = xrealloc(w->words, (w->nwords+1) * sizeof(WORD)); w->words[w->nwords] = (WORD)i; w->nwords++; return w; } #define MSGTAB_BAD_PTR(p, b, l, r) (((l) - ((char *)(p) - (char *)(b))) > (r)) messagetable_t *new_messagetable(raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { messagetable_t *msg = xmalloc(sizeof(messagetable_t)); msg->data = rd; if(memopt) { msg->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else msg->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_PURE; if(rd->size < sizeof(DWORD)) parser_error("Invalid messagetable, size too small"); return msg; } #undef MSGTAB_BAD_PTR void copy_raw_data(raw_data_t *dst, raw_data_t *src, unsigned int offs, int len) { assert(offs <= src->size); assert(offs + len <= src->size); if(!dst->data) { dst->data = xmalloc(len); dst->size = 0; } else dst->data = xrealloc(dst->data, dst->size + len); /* dst->size holds the offset to copy to */ memcpy(dst->data + dst->size, src->data + offs, len); dst->size += len; } int *new_int(int i) { int *ip = xmalloc(sizeof(int)); *ip = i; return ip; } stringtable_t *new_stringtable(lvc_t *lvc) { stringtable_t *stt = xmalloc(sizeof(stringtable_t)); memset( stt, 0, sizeof(*stt) ); if(lvc) stt->lvc = *lvc; return stt; } toolbar_t *new_toolbar(int button_width, int button_height, toolbar_item_t *items, int nitems) { toolbar_t *tb = xmalloc(sizeof(toolbar_t)); memset( tb, 0, sizeof(*tb) ); tb->button_width = button_width; tb->button_height = button_height; tb->nitems = nitems; tb->items = items; return tb; } dlginit_t *new_dlginit(raw_data_t *rd, int *memopt) { dlginit_t *di = xmalloc(sizeof(dlginit_t)); di->data = rd; if(memopt) { di->memopt = *memopt; free(memopt); } else di->memopt = WRC_MO_MOVEABLE | WRC_MO_PURE | WRC_MO_DISCARDABLE; return di; } style_pair_t *new_style_pair(style_t *style, style_t *exstyle) { style_pair_t *sp = xmalloc(sizeof(style_pair_t)); sp->style = style; sp->exstyle = exstyle; return sp; } style_t *new_style(DWORD or_mask, DWORD and_mask) { style_t *st = xmalloc(sizeof(style_t)); st->or_mask = or_mask; st->and_mask = and_mask; return st; }