/************************************************************************** ASPI routines (C) 2000 David Elliott Licensed under the WINE (X11) license */ /* These routines are to be called from either WNASPI32 or WINASPI */ /* FIXME: * - Registry format is stupid for now.. fix that later * - No way to override automatic /proc detection, maybe provide an * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wine\Wine\Scsi regkey * - Somewhat debating an #ifdef linux... technically all this code will * run on another UNIX.. it will fail nicely. * - Please add support for mapping multiple channels on host adapters to * aspi controllers, e-mail me if you need help. */ /* Registry format is currently: HKEY_DYN_DATA WineScsi (default)=number of host adapters hHHcCCtTTdDD=linux device name */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debugtools.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "winescsi.h" #include "file.h" DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(aspi); /* Internal function prototypes */ static void SCSI_GetProcinfo(); /* Exported functions */ void SCSI_Init() { /* For now we just call SCSI_GetProcinfo */ SCSI_GetProcinfo(); } int ASPI_GetNumControllers() { HKEY hkeyScsi; DWORD type = REG_DWORD; DWORD num_ha = 0; DWORD cbData = sizeof(num_ha); if( RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_DYN_DATA, KEYNAME_SCSI, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyScsi ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ERR("Could not open HEKY_DYN_DATA\\%s\n",KEYNAME_SCSI); return 0; } if( RegQueryValueExA(hkeyScsi, NULL, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&num_ha, &cbData ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ERR("Could not query value HEKY_DYN_DATA\\%s\n",KEYNAME_SCSI); num_ha=0; } RegCloseKey(hkeyScsi); FIXME("Please fix to return number of controllers\n"); TRACE("Returning %ld host adapters\n", num_ha ); return num_ha; } BOOL SCSI_GetDeviceName( int h, int c, int t, int d, LPSTR devstr, LPDWORD lpcbData ) { char idstr[20]; HKEY hkeyScsi; DWORD type; if( RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_DYN_DATA, KEYNAME_SCSI, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyScsi ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ERR("Could not open HEKY_DYN_DATA\\%s\n",KEYNAME_SCSI); return FALSE; } sprintf(idstr, "h%02dc%02dt%02dd%02d", h, c, t, d); if( RegQueryValueExA(hkeyScsi, idstr, NULL, &type, devstr, lpcbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { WARN("Could not query value HKEY_DYN_DATA\\%s\\%s\n",KEYNAME_SCSI, idstr); RegCloseKey(hkeyScsi); return FALSE; } RegCloseKey(hkeyScsi); TRACE("scsi %s: Device name: %s\n",idstr,devstr); return TRUE; } /* SCSI_GetHCforController * RETURNS * HIWORD: Host Adapter * LOWORD: Channel */ DWORD ASPI_GetHCforController( int controller ) { DWORD retval; FIXME("Please fix to map each channel of each host adapter to the proper ASPI controller number!\n"); retval = (controller << 16); return retval; }; int SCSI_OpenDevice( int h, int c, int t, int d ) { char devstr[20]; DWORD cbData = 20; int fd = -1; if(!SCSI_GetDeviceName( h, c, t, d, devstr, &cbData )) { WARN("Could not get device name for h%02dc%02dt%02dd%02d\n", h, c, t, d); return -1; } TRACE("Opening device %s mode O_RDWR\n",devstr); fd = open(devstr, O_RDWR); if( fd < 0 ) { TRACE("open failed\n"); FILE_SetDosError(); /* SetLastError() to errno */ TRACE("GetLastError: %ld\n", GetLastError()); } return fd; } #ifdef linux int SCSI_LinuxSetTimeout( int fd, int timeout ) { int retval; TRACE("Setting timeout to %d jiffies\n", timeout); retval=ioctl(fd,SG_SET_TIMEOUT,&timeout); if(retval) { WARN("Could not set timeout errno=%d!\n",errno); } return retval; } /* This function takes care of the write/read to the linux sg device. * It returns TRUE or FALSE and uses FILE_SetDosError() to convert * UNIX errno to Windows GetLastError(). The reason for that is that * several programs will check that error and we might as well set * it here. We also return the value of the read call in * lpcbBytesReturned. */ BOOL /* NOTE: This function SHOULD BLOCK */ SCSI_LinuxDeviceIo( int fd, struct sg_header * lpInBuffer, DWORD cbInBuffer, struct sg_header * lpOutBuffer, DWORD cbOutBuffer, LPDWORD lpcbBytesReturned ) { DWORD dwBytes; DWORD save_error; TRACE("Writing to Liunx sg device\n"); dwBytes = write( fd, lpInBuffer, cbInBuffer ); if( dwBytes != cbInBuffer ) { FILE_SetDosError(); save_error = GetLastError(); WARN("Not enough bytes written to scsi device. bytes=%ld .. %ld\n", cbInBuffer, dwBytes ); if( save_error == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ) MESSAGE("Your Linux kernel was not able to handle the amount of data sent to the scsi device. Try recompiling with a larger SG_BIG_BUFF value (kernel 2.0.x sg.h"); WARN("error= %ld\n", save_error ); *lpcbBytesReturned = 0; return FALSE; } TRACE("Reading reply from Linux sg device\n"); *lpcbBytesReturned = read( fd, lpOutBuffer, cbOutBuffer ); if( *lpcbBytesReturned != cbOutBuffer ) { FILE_SetDosError(); save_error = GetLastError(); WARN("Not enough bytes read from scsi device. bytes=%ld .. %ld\n", cbOutBuffer, *lpcbBytesReturned); WARN("error= %ld\n", save_error ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Internal functions */ struct LinuxProcScsiDevice { int host; int channel; int target; int lun; char vendor[9]; char model[17]; char rev[5]; char type[33]; int ansirev; }; static int SCSI_getprocentry( FILE * procfile, struct LinuxProcScsiDevice * dev ) { int result; result = fscanf( procfile, "Host: scsi%d Channel: %d Id: %d Lun: %d\n", &dev->host, &dev->channel, &dev->target, &dev->lun ); if( result == EOF ) return EOF; if( result != 4 ) return 0; result = fscanf( procfile, " Vendor: %8c Model: %16c Rev: %4c\n", dev->vendor, dev->model, dev->rev ); if( result != 3 ) return 0; result = fscanf( procfile, " Type: %32c ANSI SCSI revision: %d\n", dev->type, &dev->ansirev ); if( result != 2 ) return 0; /* Since we fscanf with %XXc instead of %s.. put a NULL at end */ dev->vendor[8] = 0; dev->model[16] = 0; dev->rev[4] = 0; dev->type[32] = 0; return 1; } static void SCSI_printprocentry( const struct LinuxProcScsiDevice * dev ) { TRACE( "Host: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d\n", dev->host, dev->channel, dev->target, dev->lun ); TRACE( " Vendor: %s Model: %s Rev: %s\n", dev->vendor, dev->model, dev->rev ); TRACE( " Type: %s ANSI SCSI revision: %02d\n", dev->type, dev->ansirev ); } #endif static void SCSI_GetProcinfo() /* I'll admit, this function is somewhat of a mess... it was originally * designed to make some sort of linked list then I realized that * HKEY_DYN_DATA would be a lot less messy */ { #ifdef linux FILE * procfile = NULL; int result = 0; struct LinuxProcScsiDevice dev; char idstr[20]; char devstr[20]; int devnum=0; int num_ha = 0; HKEY hkeyScsi; DWORD disposition; procfile = fopen( "/proc/scsi/scsi", "r" ); if( !procfile ) { ERR("Could not open /proc/scsi/scsi\n"); return; } result = fscanf( procfile, "Attached devices: \n"); if( result != 0 ) { ERR("Incorrect /proc/scsi/scsi format"); return; } if( RegCreateKeyExA(HKEY_DYN_DATA, KEYNAME_SCSI, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyScsi, &disposition ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ERR("Could not create HEKY_DYN_DATA\\%s\n",KEYNAME_SCSI); return; } /* Read info for one device */ while( (result = SCSI_getprocentry(procfile, &dev)) > 0 ) { /* Add to registry */ sprintf(idstr, "h%02dc%02dt%02dd%02d", dev.host, dev.channel, dev.target, dev.lun); sprintf(devstr, "/dev/sg%c", 'a'+devnum); if( RegSetValueExA(hkeyScsi, idstr, 0, REG_SZ, devstr, strlen(devstr)+1 ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ERR("Could not set value HEKY_DYN_DATA\\%s\\%s\n",KEYNAME_SCSI, idstr); } /* Debug output */ SCSI_printprocentry( &dev ); /* FIXME: We *REALLY* need number of controllers.. not ha */ /* num of hostadapters is highest ha + 1 */ if( dev.host >= num_ha ) num_ha = dev.host+1; devnum++; } /* while(1) */ if( result != EOF ) { ERR("Incorrect /proc/scsi/scsi format"); } fclose( procfile ); if( RegSetValueExA(hkeyScsi, NULL, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&num_ha, sizeof(num_ha) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ERR("Could not set value HEKY_DYN_DATA\\%s\n",KEYNAME_SCSI); } RegCloseKey(hkeyScsi); return; #endif }