/* * Devices support using the MacOS Disk Arbitration library. * * Copyright 2006 Alexandre Julliard * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #if 0 #pragma makedep unix #endif #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_DISKARBITRATION_DISKARBITRATION_H #include #endif #if defined(HAVE_SYSTEMCONFIGURATION_SCDYNAMICSTORECOPYDHCPINFO_H) && defined(HAVE_SYSTEMCONFIGURATION_SCNETWORKCONFIGURATION_H) #include #include #endif #include "mountmgr.h" #define USE_WS_PREFIX #include "winsock2.h" #include "ws2ipdef.h" #include "dhcpcsdk.h" #include "unixlib.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(mountmgr); #ifdef HAVE_DISKARBITRATION_DISKARBITRATION_H typedef struct { uint64_t bus; uint64_t port; uint64_t target; uint64_t lun; } dk_scsi_identify_t; #define DKIOCSCSIIDENTIFY _IOR('d', 254, dk_scsi_identify_t) static void appeared_callback( DADiskRef disk, void *context ) { CFDictionaryRef dict = DADiskCopyDescription( disk ); const void *ref; char device[64]; char mount_point[PATH_MAX]; size_t model_len = 0; GUID guid, *guid_ptr = NULL; enum device_type type = DEVICE_UNKNOWN; struct scsi_info scsi_info = { 0 }; BOOL removable = FALSE; int fd; if (!dict) return; if ((ref = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR("DAVolumeUUID") ))) { CFUUIDBytes bytes = CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes( ref ); memcpy( &guid, &bytes, sizeof(guid) ); guid_ptr = &guid; } /* get device name */ if (!(ref = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR("DAMediaBSDName") ))) goto done; strcpy( device, "/dev/r" ); CFStringGetCString( ref, device + 6, sizeof(device) - 6, kCFStringEncodingASCII ); if ((ref = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR("DAVolumePath") ))) CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation( ref, true, (UInt8 *)mount_point, sizeof(mount_point) ); else mount_point[0] = 0; if ((ref = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR("DAMediaKind") ))) { if (!CFStringCompare( ref, CFSTR("IOCDMedia"), 0 )) { type = DEVICE_CDROM; scsi_info.type = 5; } if (!CFStringCompare( ref, CFSTR("IODVDMedia"), 0 ) || !CFStringCompare( ref, CFSTR("IOBDMedia"), 0 )) { type = DEVICE_DVD; scsi_info.type = 5; } if (!CFStringCompare( ref, CFSTR("IOMedia"), 0 )) type = DEVICE_HARDDISK; } if ((ref = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR("DADeviceVendor") ))) { CFIndex i; CFStringGetCString( ref, scsi_info.model, sizeof(scsi_info.model), kCFStringEncodingASCII ); model_len += CFStringGetLength( ref ); /* Pad to 8 characters */ for (i = 0; i < (CFIndex)8 - CFStringGetLength( ref ); ++i) scsi_info.model[model_len++] = ' '; } if ((ref = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR("DADeviceModel") ))) { CFIndex i; CFStringGetCString( ref, scsi_info.model+model_len, sizeof(scsi_info.model)-model_len, kCFStringEncodingASCII ); model_len += CFStringGetLength( ref ); /* Pad to 16 characters */ for (i = 0; i < (CFIndex)16 - CFStringGetLength( ref ); ++i) scsi_info.model[model_len++] = ' '; } if ((ref = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR("DADeviceRevision") ))) { CFIndex i; CFStringGetCString( ref, scsi_info.model+model_len, sizeof(scsi_info.model)-model_len, kCFStringEncodingASCII ); model_len += CFStringGetLength( ref ); /* Pad to 4 characters */ for (i = 0; i < (CFIndex)4 - CFStringGetLength( ref ); ++i) scsi_info.model[model_len++] = ' '; } TRACE( "got mount notification for '%s' on '%s' uuid %s\n", device, mount_point, wine_dbgstr_guid(guid_ptr) ); if ((ref = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR("DAMediaRemovable") ))) removable = CFBooleanGetValue( ref ); if (!access( device, R_OK ) && (fd = open( device, O_RDONLY )) >= 0) { dk_scsi_identify_t dsi; if (ioctl( fd, DKIOCSCSIIDENTIFY, &dsi ) >= 0) { scsi_info.addr.PortNumber = dsi.bus; scsi_info.addr.PathId = dsi.port; scsi_info.addr.TargetId = dsi.target; scsi_info.addr.Lun = dsi.lun; scsi_info.init_id = 255; /* FIXME */ strcpy( scsi_info.driver, "WINE SCSI" ); /* FIXME */ } close( fd ); } if (removable) queue_device_op( ADD_DOS_DEVICE, device, device, mount_point, type, guid_ptr, NULL, &scsi_info ); else if (guid_ptr) queue_device_op( ADD_VOLUME, device, device, mount_point, DEVICE_HARDDISK_VOL, guid_ptr, NULL, &scsi_info ); done: CFRelease( dict ); } static void changed_callback( DADiskRef disk, CFArrayRef keys, void *context ) { appeared_callback( disk, context ); } static void disappeared_callback( DADiskRef disk, void *context ) { CFDictionaryRef dict = DADiskCopyDescription( disk ); const void *ref; char device[100]; if (!dict) return; /* get device name */ if (!(ref = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR("DAMediaBSDName") ))) goto done; strcpy( device, "/dev/r" ); CFStringGetCString( ref, device + 6, sizeof(device) - 6, kCFStringEncodingASCII ); TRACE( "got unmount notification for '%s'\n", device ); queue_device_op( REMOVE_DEVICE, device, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL ); done: CFRelease( dict ); } void run_diskarbitration_loop(void) { DASessionRef session = DASessionCreate( NULL ); if (!session) return; DASessionScheduleWithRunLoop( session, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode ); DARegisterDiskAppearedCallback( session, kDADiskDescriptionMatchVolumeMountable, appeared_callback, NULL ); DARegisterDiskDisappearedCallback( session, kDADiskDescriptionMatchVolumeMountable, disappeared_callback, NULL ); DARegisterDiskDescriptionChangedCallback( session, kDADiskDescriptionMatchVolumeMountable, kDADiskDescriptionWatchVolumePath, changed_callback, NULL ); CFRunLoopRun(); DASessionUnscheduleFromRunLoop( session, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode ); CFRelease( session ); } #else /* HAVE_DISKARBITRATION_DISKARBITRATION_H */ void run_diskarbitration_loop(void) { TRACE( "Skipping, Disk Arbitration support not compiled in\n" ); } #endif /* HAVE_DISKARBITRATION_DISKARBITRATION_H */ #if defined(HAVE_SYSTEMCONFIGURATION_SCDYNAMICSTORECOPYDHCPINFO_H) && defined(HAVE_SYSTEMCONFIGURATION_SCNETWORKCONFIGURATION_H) static UInt8 map_option( unsigned int option ) { switch (option) { case OPTION_SUBNET_MASK: return 1; case OPTION_ROUTER_ADDRESS: return 3; case OPTION_HOST_NAME: return 12; case OPTION_DOMAIN_NAME: return 15; case OPTION_BROADCAST_ADDRESS: return 28; case OPTION_MSFT_IE_PROXY: return 252; default: FIXME( "unhandled option %u\n", option ); return 0; } } static CFStringRef find_service_id( const char *unix_name ) { SCPreferencesRef prefs; SCNetworkSetRef set = NULL; CFArrayRef services = NULL; CFStringRef id, ret = NULL; CFIndex i; if (!(prefs = SCPreferencesCreate( NULL, CFSTR("mountmgr.sys"), NULL ))) return NULL; if (!(set = SCNetworkSetCopyCurrent( prefs ))) goto done; if (!(services = SCNetworkSetCopyServices( set ))) goto done; for (i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount( services ); i++) { SCNetworkServiceRef service; char buf[16]; CFStringRef name; service = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( services, i ); name = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName( SCNetworkServiceGetInterface(service) ); if (name && CFStringGetCString( name, buf, sizeof(buf), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 )) { if (!strcmp( buf, unix_name ) && (id = SCNetworkServiceGetServiceID( service ))) { ret = CFStringCreateCopy( NULL, id ); break; } } } done: if (services) CFRelease( services ); if (set) CFRelease( set ); CFRelease( prefs ); return ret; } NTSTATUS dhcp_request( void *args ) { const struct dhcp_request_params *params = args; CFStringRef service_id = find_service_id( params->unix_name ); CFDictionaryRef dict; CFDataRef value; DWORD ret = 0; CFIndex len; params->req->offset = 0; params->req->size = 0; if (!service_id) return 0; if (!(dict = SCDynamicStoreCopyDHCPInfo( NULL, service_id ))) { CFRelease( service_id ); return 0; } CFRelease( service_id ); if (!(value = DHCPInfoGetOptionData( dict, map_option(params->req->id) ))) { CFRelease( dict ); return 0; } len = CFDataGetLength( value ); switch (params->req->id) { case OPTION_SUBNET_MASK: case OPTION_ROUTER_ADDRESS: case OPTION_BROADCAST_ADDRESS: { unsigned int *ptr = (unsigned int *)(params->buffer + params->offset); if (len == sizeof(*ptr) && params->size >= sizeof(*ptr)) { CFDataGetBytes( value, CFRangeMake(0, len), (UInt8 *)ptr ); params->req->offset = params->offset; params->req->size = sizeof(*ptr); TRACE( "returning %08x\n", *ptr ); } ret = sizeof(*ptr); break; } case OPTION_HOST_NAME: case OPTION_DOMAIN_NAME: case OPTION_MSFT_IE_PROXY: { char *ptr = params->buffer + params->offset; if (params->size >= len) { CFDataGetBytes( value, CFRangeMake(0, len), (UInt8 *)ptr ); params->req->offset = params->offset; params->req->size = len; TRACE( "returning %s\n", debugstr_an(ptr, len) ); } ret = len; break; } default: FIXME( "option %u not supported\n", (unsigned int)params->req->id ); break; } CFRelease( dict ); *params->ret_size = ret; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #elif !defined(SONAME_LIBDBUS_1) NTSTATUS dhcp_request( void *args ) { return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } #endif