/* Direct3D Common functions * Copyright (c) 1998 Lionel ULMER * * This file contains all MESA common code * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "config.h" #include #define NONAMELESSUNION #define NONAMELESSSTRUCT #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "objbase.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "ddraw.h" #include "d3d.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "mesa_private.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(ddraw); GLenum convert_D3D_compare_to_GL(D3DCMPFUNC dwRenderState) { switch (dwRenderState) { case D3DCMP_NEVER: return GL_NEVER; case D3DCMP_LESS: return GL_LESS; case D3DCMP_EQUAL: return GL_EQUAL; case D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL: return GL_LEQUAL; case D3DCMP_GREATER: return GL_GREATER; case D3DCMP_NOTEQUAL: return GL_NOTEQUAL; case D3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL: return GL_GEQUAL; case D3DCMP_ALWAYS: return GL_ALWAYS; default: ERR("Unexpected compare type %d !\n", dwRenderState); } return GL_ALWAYS; } GLenum convert_D3D_stencilop_to_GL(D3DSTENCILOP dwRenderState) { switch (dwRenderState) { case D3DSTENCILOP_KEEP: return GL_KEEP; case D3DSTENCILOP_ZERO: return GL_ZERO; case D3DSTENCILOP_REPLACE: return GL_REPLACE; case D3DSTENCILOP_INCRSAT: return GL_INCR; case D3DSTENCILOP_DECRSAT: return GL_DECR; case D3DSTENCILOP_INVERT: return GL_INVERT; case D3DSTENCILOP_INCR: WARN("D3DSTENCILOP_INCR not properly handled !\n"); return GL_INCR; case D3DSTENCILOP_DECR: WARN("D3DSTENCILOP_DECR not properly handled !\n"); return GL_DECR; default: ERR("Unexpected compare type %d !\n", dwRenderState); } return GL_KEEP; } GLenum convert_D3D_blendop_to_GL(D3DBLEND dwRenderState) { switch ((D3DBLEND) dwRenderState) { case D3DBLEND_ZERO: return GL_ZERO; case D3DBLEND_ONE: return GL_ONE; case D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA: return GL_SRC_ALPHA; case D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA: return GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; case D3DBLEND_DESTALPHA: return GL_DST_ALPHA; case D3DBLEND_INVDESTALPHA: return GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA; case D3DBLEND_DESTCOLOR: return GL_DST_COLOR; case D3DBLEND_INVDESTCOLOR: return GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR; case D3DBLEND_SRCALPHASAT: return GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE; case D3DBLEND_SRCCOLOR: return GL_SRC_COLOR; case D3DBLEND_INVSRCCOLOR: return GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR; default: ERR("Unhandled blend mode %d !\n", dwRenderState); return GL_ZERO; } } void set_render_state(IDirect3DDeviceImpl* This, D3DRENDERSTATETYPE dwRenderStateType, STATEBLOCK *lpStateBlock) { DWORD dwRenderState = lpStateBlock->render_state[dwRenderStateType - 1]; IDirect3DDeviceGLImpl *glThis = (IDirect3DDeviceGLImpl *) This; TRACE("%s = %08lx\n", _get_renderstate(dwRenderStateType), dwRenderState); /* First, all the stipple patterns */ if ((dwRenderStateType >= D3DRENDERSTATE_STIPPLEPATTERN00) && (dwRenderStateType <= D3DRENDERSTATE_STIPPLEPATTERN31)) { ERR("Unhandled dwRenderStateType stipple %d!\n",dwRenderStateType); } else { ENTER_GL(); /* All others state variables */ switch (dwRenderStateType) { case D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREHANDLE: { /* 1 */ IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *tex = (IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl*) dwRenderState; IDirect3DDevice7_SetTexture(ICOM_INTERFACE(This, IDirect3DDevice7), 0, ICOM_INTERFACE(tex, IDirectDrawSurface7)); } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_ANTIALIAS: /* 2 */ if (dwRenderState) ERR("D3DRENDERSTATE_ANTIALIAS not supported yet !\n"); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREADDRESSU: /* 44 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREADDRESSV: /* 45 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREADDRESS: { /* 3 */ D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE d3dTexStageStateType; if (dwRenderStateType == D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREADDRESS) d3dTexStageStateType = D3DTSS_ADDRESS; else if (dwRenderStateType == D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREADDRESSU) d3dTexStageStateType = D3DTSS_ADDRESSU; else d3dTexStageStateType = D3DTSS_ADDRESSV; IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(ICOM_INTERFACE(This, IDirect3DDevice7), 0, d3dTexStageStateType, dwRenderState); } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREPERSPECTIVE: /* 4 */ if (dwRenderState) glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); else glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_FASTEST); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPU: /* 5 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPV: /* 6 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP0: /* 128 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP1: /* 129 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP2: /* 130 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP3: /* 131 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP4: /* 132 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP5: /* 133 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP6: /* 134 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP7: /* 135 */ if (dwRenderState) ERR("Texture WRAP modes unsupported by OpenGL.. Expect graphical glitches !\n"); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_ZENABLE: /* 7 */ /* To investigate : in OpenGL, if we disable the depth test, the Z buffer will NOT be updated either.. No idea about what happens in D3D. Maybe replacing the Z function by ALWAYS would be a better idea. */ if (dwRenderState == D3DZB_TRUE) { if (glThis->depth_test == FALSE) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glThis->depth_test = TRUE; } } else if (dwRenderState == D3DZB_FALSE) { if (glThis->depth_test == TRUE) { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glThis->depth_test = FALSE; } } else { if (glThis->depth_test == FALSE) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glThis->depth_test = TRUE; } WARN(" w-buffering not supported.\n"); } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_FILLMODE: /* 8 */ switch ((D3DFILLMODE) dwRenderState) { case D3DFILL_POINT: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_POINT); break; case D3DFILL_WIREFRAME: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINE); break; case D3DFILL_SOLID: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_FILL); break; default: ERR("Unhandled fill mode %ld !\n",dwRenderState); } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_SHADEMODE: /* 9 */ switch ((D3DSHADEMODE) dwRenderState) { case D3DSHADE_FLAT: glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); break; case D3DSHADE_GOURAUD: glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); break; default: ERR("Unhandled shade mode %ld !\n",dwRenderState); } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_ZWRITEENABLE: /* 14 */ if ((dwRenderState != FALSE) && (glThis->depth_mask == FALSE)) glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); else if ((dwRenderState == FALSE) && (glThis->depth_mask != FALSE)) glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glThis->depth_mask = dwRenderState; break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHATESTENABLE: /* 15 */ if ((dwRenderState != 0) && (glThis->alpha_test == FALSE)) glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); else if ((dwRenderState == 0) && (glThis->alpha_test != FALSE)) glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glThis->alpha_test = dwRenderState; break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREMAG: { /* 17 */ DWORD tex_mag = 0xFFFFFFFF; switch ((D3DTEXTUREFILTER) dwRenderState) { case D3DFILTER_NEAREST: tex_mag = D3DTFG_POINT; break; case D3DFILTER_LINEAR: tex_mag = D3DTFG_LINEAR; break; default: ERR("Unhandled texture mag %ld !\n",dwRenderState); } if (tex_mag != 0xFFFFFFFF) { IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(ICOM_INTERFACE(This, IDirect3DDevice7), 0, D3DTSS_MAGFILTER, tex_mag); } } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREMIN: { /* 18 */ DWORD tex_min = 0xFFFFFFFF; switch ((D3DTEXTUREFILTER) dwRenderState) { case D3DFILTER_NEAREST: tex_min = D3DTFN_POINT; break; case D3DFILTER_LINEAR: tex_min = D3DTFN_LINEAR; break; default: ERR("Unhandled texture min %ld !\n",dwRenderState); } if (tex_min != 0xFFFFFFFF) { IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(ICOM_INTERFACE(This, IDirect3DDevice7), 0, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, tex_min); } } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND: /* 19 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_DESTBLEND: /* 20 */ glBlendFunc(convert_D3D_blendop_to_GL(lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND - 1]), convert_D3D_blendop_to_GL(lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_DESTBLEND - 1])); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREMAPBLEND: { /* 21 */ IDirect3DDevice7 *d3ddev = ICOM_INTERFACE(This, IDirect3DDevice7); switch ((D3DTEXTUREBLEND) dwRenderState) { case D3DTBLEND_DECAL: if (glThis->current_tex_env != GL_REPLACE) { glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE); glThis->current_tex_env = GL_REPLACE; } break; case D3DTBLEND_DECALALPHA: if (glThis->current_tex_env != GL_REPLACE) { glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_DECAL); glThis->current_tex_env = GL_DECAL; } break; case D3DTBLEND_MODULATE: if (glThis->current_tex_env != GL_MODULATE) { glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); glThis->current_tex_env = GL_MODULATE; } break; case D3DTBLEND_MODULATEALPHA: IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(d3ddev, 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(d3ddev, 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(d3ddev, 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_CURRENT); IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(d3ddev, 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG2, D3DTA_CURRENT); IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(d3ddev, 0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE); IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(d3ddev, 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE); break; default: ERR("Unhandled texture environment %ld !\n",dwRenderState); } } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE: /* 22 */ switch ((D3DCULL) dwRenderState) { case D3DCULL_NONE: if (glThis->cull_face != 0) { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glThis->cull_face = 0; } break; case D3DCULL_CW: if (glThis->cull_face == 0) { glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glThis->cull_face = 1; } glFrontFace(GL_CCW); glCullFace(GL_BACK); break; case D3DCULL_CCW: if (glThis->cull_face == 0) { glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glThis->cull_face = 1; } glFrontFace(GL_CW); glCullFace(GL_BACK); break; default: ERR("Unhandled cull mode %ld !\n",dwRenderState); } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_ZFUNC: /* 23 */ glDepthFunc(convert_D3D_compare_to_GL(dwRenderState)); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHAREF: /* 24 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHAFUNC: { /* 25 */ GLenum func = convert_D3D_compare_to_GL(lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHAFUNC - 1]); GLclampf ref = (lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHAREF - 1] & 0x000000FF) / 255.0; if ((func != glThis->current_alpha_test_func) || (ref != glThis->current_alpha_test_ref)) { glAlphaFunc(func, ref); glThis->current_alpha_test_func = func; glThis->current_alpha_test_ref = ref; } } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_DITHERENABLE: /* 26 */ if (dwRenderState) glEnable(GL_DITHER); else glDisable(GL_DITHER); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_ALPHABLENDENABLE: /* 27 */ if ((dwRenderState != 0) && (glThis->blending == 0)) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); } else if ((dwRenderState == 0) && (glThis->blending != 0)) { glDisable(GL_BLEND); } glThis->blending = dwRenderState; /* Hack for some old games ... */ if (glThis->version == 1) { lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_COLORKEYENABLE - 1] = dwRenderState; } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE: /* 28 */ /* Nothing to do here. Only the storage matters :-) */ break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_SPECULARENABLE: /* 29 */ if (dwRenderState) ERR(" Specular Lighting not supported yet.\n"); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_SUBPIXEL: /* 31 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_SUBPIXELX: /* 32 */ /* We do not support this anyway, so why protest :-) */ break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_STIPPLEDALPHA: /* 33 */ if (dwRenderState) ERR(" Stippled Alpha not supported yet.\n"); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGCOLOR: { /* 34 */ GLfloat color[4]; color[0] = ((dwRenderState >> 16) & 0xFF)/255.0f; color[1] = ((dwRenderState >> 8) & 0xFF)/255.0f; color[2] = ((dwRenderState >> 0) & 0xFF)/255.0f; color[3] = ((dwRenderState >> 24) & 0xFF)/255.0f; glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR,color); /* Note: glFogiv does not seem to work */ } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGTABLEMODE: /* 35 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGVERTEXMODE: /* 140 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGSTART: /* 36 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGEND: /* 37 */ /* Nothing to do here. Only the storage matters :-) */ break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGDENSITY: /* 38 */ glFogi(GL_FOG_DENSITY,*(float*)&dwRenderState); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_COLORKEYENABLE: /* 41 */ /* Nothing done here, only storage matters. */ break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_MIPMAPLODBIAS: /* 46 */ IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(ICOM_INTERFACE(This, IDirect3DDevice7), 0, D3DTSS_MIPMAPLODBIAS, dwRenderState); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_ZBIAS: /* 47 */ /* This is a tad bit hacky.. But well, no idea how to do it better in OpenGL :-/ */ if (dwRenderState == 0) { glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT); } else { glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT); glPolygonOffset(1.0, dwRenderState * 1.0); } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_FLUSHBATCH: /* 50 */ break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILENABLE: /* 52 */ if ((dwRenderState != 0) && (glThis->stencil_test == 0)) glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); else if ((dwRenderState == 0) && (glThis->stencil_test != 0)) glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glThis->stencil_test = dwRenderState; break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILFAIL: /* 53 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILZFAIL: /* 54 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILPASS: /* 55 */ glStencilOp(convert_D3D_stencilop_to_GL(lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILFAIL - 1]), convert_D3D_stencilop_to_GL(lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILZFAIL - 1]), convert_D3D_stencilop_to_GL(lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILPASS - 1])); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILFUNC: /* 56 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILREF: /* 57 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILMASK: /* 58 */ glStencilFunc(convert_D3D_compare_to_GL(lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILFUNC - 1]), lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILREF - 1], lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILMASK - 1]); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_STENCILWRITEMASK: /* 59 */ glStencilMask(dwRenderState); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREFACTOR: /* 60 */ /* Only the storage matters... */ break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_CLIPPING: /* 136 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_CLIPPLANEENABLE: { /* 152 */ GLint i; DWORD mask, runner; if (dwRenderStateType == D3DRENDERSTATE_CLIPPING) { mask = ((dwRenderState) ? (This->state_block.render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_CLIPPLANEENABLE - 1]) : (0x00000000)); } else { mask = dwRenderState; } for (i = 0, runner = 0x00000001; i < This->max_clipping_planes; i++, runner = (runner << 1)) { if (mask & runner) { GLint enabled; glGetIntegerv(GL_CLIP_PLANE0 + i, &enabled); if (enabled == GL_FALSE) { glEnable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0 + i); /* Need to force a transform change so that this clipping plane parameters are sent * properly to GL. */ glThis->transform_state = GL_TRANSFORM_NONE; } } else { glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0 + i); } } } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_LIGHTING: /* 137 */ /* Nothing to do, only storage matters... */ break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_AMBIENT: { /* 139 */ float light[4]; light[0] = ((dwRenderState >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0; light[1] = ((dwRenderState >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0; light[2] = ((dwRenderState >> 0) & 0xFF) / 255.0; light[3] = ((dwRenderState >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0; glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, (float *) light); } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_COLORVERTEX: /* 141 */ /* Nothing to do here.. Only storage matters */ break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_LOCALVIEWER: /* 142 */ if (dwRenderState) glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER, GL_TRUE); else glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER, GL_FALSE); break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_NORMALIZENORMALS: /* 143 */ if (dwRenderState) { glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glEnable(GL_RESCALE_NORMAL); } else { glDisable(GL_NORMALIZE); glDisable(GL_RESCALE_NORMAL); } break; case D3DRENDERSTATE_DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE: /* 145 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_SPECULARMATERIALSOURCE: /* 146 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_AMBIENTMATERIALSOURCE: /* 147 */ case D3DRENDERSTATE_EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE: /* 148 */ /* Nothing to do here. Only the storage matters :-) */ break; default: ERR("Unhandled dwRenderStateType %s (%08x) value : %08lx !\n", _get_renderstate(dwRenderStateType), dwRenderStateType, dwRenderState); } LEAVE_GL(); } } void store_render_state(IDirect3DDeviceImpl *This, D3DRENDERSTATETYPE dwRenderStateType, DWORD dwRenderState, STATEBLOCK *lpStateBlock) { TRACE("%s = %08lx\n", _get_renderstate(dwRenderStateType), dwRenderState); /* Some special cases first.. */ if (dwRenderStateType == D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND) { if (dwRenderState == D3DBLEND_BOTHSRCALPHA) { lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND - 1] = D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA; lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_DESTBLEND - 1] = D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA; return; } else if (dwRenderState == D3DBLEND_BOTHINVSRCALPHA) { lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND - 1] = D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA; lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_DESTBLEND - 1] = D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA; return; } } else if (dwRenderStateType == D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREADDRESS) { lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREADDRESSU - 1] = dwRenderState; lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREADDRESSV - 1] = dwRenderState; } else if (dwRenderStateType == D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPU) { if (dwRenderState) lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP0] |= D3DWRAP_U; else lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP0] &= ~D3DWRAP_U; } else if (dwRenderStateType == D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPV) { if (dwRenderState) lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP0] |= D3DWRAP_V; else lpStateBlock->render_state[D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP0] &= ~D3DWRAP_V; } /* Default case */ lpStateBlock->render_state[dwRenderStateType - 1] = dwRenderState; } void get_render_state(IDirect3DDeviceImpl *This, D3DRENDERSTATETYPE dwRenderStateType, LPDWORD lpdwRenderState, STATEBLOCK *lpStateBlock) { *lpdwRenderState = lpStateBlock->render_state[dwRenderStateType - 1]; if (TRACE_ON(ddraw)) TRACE("%s = %08lx\n", _get_renderstate(dwRenderStateType), *lpdwRenderState); } void apply_render_state(IDirect3DDeviceImpl *This, STATEBLOCK *lpStateBlock) { DWORD i; TRACE("(%p,%p)\n", This, lpStateBlock); for(i = 0; i < HIGHEST_RENDER_STATE; i++) if (lpStateBlock->set_flags.render_state[i]) set_render_state(This, i + 1, lpStateBlock); } /* Texture management code. - upload_surface_to_tex_memory_init initialize the code and computes the GL formats according to the surface description. - upload_surface_to_tex_memory does the real upload. If one buffer is split over multiple textures, this can be called multiple times after the '_init' call. 'rect' can be NULL if the whole buffer needs to be upload. - upload_surface_to_tex_memory_release does the clean-up. These functions are called in the following cases : - texture management (ie to upload a D3D texture to GL when it changes). - flush of the 'in-memory' frame buffer to the GL frame buffer using the texture engine. - use of the texture engine to simulate Blits to the 3D Device. */ typedef enum { NO_CONVERSION, CONVERT_PALETTED, CONVERT_CK_565, CONVERT_CK_5551, CONVERT_CK_4444, CONVERT_CK_4444_ARGB, CONVERT_CK_1555, CONVERT_555, CONVERT_CK_RGB24, CONVERT_CK_8888, CONVERT_CK_8888_ARGB, CONVERT_RGB32_888 } CONVERT_TYPES; /* Note : we suppose that all the code calling this is protected by the GL lock... Otherwise bad things may happen :-) */ static GLenum current_format; static GLenum current_pixel_format; static CONVERT_TYPES convert_type; static IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *current_surface; static GLuint current_level; static DWORD current_tex_width; static DWORD current_tex_height; static GLuint current_alignement_constraints; static int current_storage_width; HRESULT upload_surface_to_tex_memory_init(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *surf_ptr, GLuint level, GLenum *current_internal_format, BOOLEAN need_to_alloc, BOOLEAN need_alpha_ck, DWORD tex_width, DWORD tex_height) { const DDPIXELFORMAT * const src_pf = &(surf_ptr->surface_desc.u4.ddpfPixelFormat); BOOL error = FALSE; BOOL colorkey_active = need_alpha_ck && (surf_ptr->surface_desc.dwFlags & DDSD_CKSRCBLT); GLenum internal_format = GL_LUMINANCE; /* A bogus value to be sure to have a nice Mesa warning :-) */ BYTE bpp = GET_BPP(surf_ptr->surface_desc); BOOL sub_texture = TRUE; current_surface = surf_ptr; current_level = level; if (src_pf->dwFlags & DDPF_FOURCC) { GLenum retVal; int size = surf_ptr->surface_desc.u1.dwLinearSize; int width = surf_ptr->surface_desc.dwWidth; int height = surf_ptr->surface_desc.dwHeight; LPVOID buffer = surf_ptr->surface_desc.lpSurface; switch (src_pf->dwFourCC) { case MAKE_FOURCC('D','X','T','1'): retVal = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; break; case MAKE_FOURCC('D','X','T','3'): retVal = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; break; case MAKE_FOURCC('D','X','T','5'): retVal = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; break; default: FIXME("FourCC Not supported\n"); return DD_OK; break; } if (GL_extensions.s3tc_compressed_texture) { GL_extensions.glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, current_level, retVal, width, height, 0, size, buffer); } else ERR("Trying to upload S3TC texture whereas the device does not have support for it\n"); return DD_OK; } /* First, do some sanity checks ... */ if ((surf_ptr->surface_desc.u1.lPitch % bpp) != 0) { FIXME("Warning : pitch is not a multiple of BPP - not supported yet !\n"); } else { /* In that case, no need to have any alignement constraints... */ if (current_alignement_constraints != 1) { glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); current_alignement_constraints = 1; } } /* Note: we only check width here as you cannot have width non-zero while height is set to zero */ if (tex_width == 0) { sub_texture = FALSE; tex_width = surf_ptr->surface_desc.dwWidth; tex_height = surf_ptr->surface_desc.dwHeight; } current_tex_width = tex_width; current_tex_height = tex_height; if (src_pf->dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8) { /* **************** Paletted Texture **************** */ current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; convert_type = CONVERT_PALETTED; } else if (src_pf->dwFlags & DDPF_RGB) { /* ************ RGB Textures ************ */ if (src_pf->u1.dwRGBBitCount == 8) { if ((src_pf->dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) && (src_pf->u5.dwRGBAlphaBitMask != 0x00)) { error = TRUE; } else { if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0xE0) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x1C) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x03)) { /* ********************** GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2 ********************** */ if (colorkey_active) { /* This texture format will never be used.. So do not care about color keying up until the point in time it will be needed :-) */ FIXME(" ColorKeying not supported in the RGB 332 format !\n"); } current_format = GL_RGB; internal_format = GL_RGB; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2; convert_type = NO_CONVERSION; } else { error = TRUE; } } } else if (src_pf->u1.dwRGBBitCount == 16) { if ((src_pf->dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) && (src_pf->u5.dwRGBAlphaBitMask != 0x0000)) { if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0xF800) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x07C0) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x003E) && (src_pf->u5.dwRGBAlphaBitMask == 0x0001)) { current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1; if (colorkey_active) { convert_type = CONVERT_CK_5551; } else { convert_type = NO_CONVERSION; } } else if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0xF000) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x0F00) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x00F0) && (src_pf->u5.dwRGBAlphaBitMask == 0x000F)) { current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4; if (colorkey_active) { convert_type = CONVERT_CK_4444; } else { convert_type = NO_CONVERSION; } } else if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0x0F00) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x00F0) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x000F) && (src_pf->u5.dwRGBAlphaBitMask == 0xF000)) { if (colorkey_active) { convert_type = CONVERT_CK_4444_ARGB; current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4; } else { convert_type = NO_CONVERSION; current_format = GL_BGRA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV; } } else if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0x7C00) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x03E0) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x001F) && (src_pf->u5.dwRGBAlphaBitMask == 0x8000)) { if (colorkey_active) { convert_type = CONVERT_CK_1555; current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1; } else { convert_type = NO_CONVERSION; current_format = GL_BGRA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV; } } else { error = TRUE; } } else { if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0xF800) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x07E0) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x001F)) { if (colorkey_active) { convert_type = CONVERT_CK_565; current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1; } else { convert_type = NO_CONVERSION; current_format = GL_RGB; internal_format = GL_RGB; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5; } } else if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0x7C00) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x03E0) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x001F)) { convert_type = CONVERT_555; current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1; } else { error = TRUE; } } } else if (src_pf->u1.dwRGBBitCount == 24) { if ((src_pf->dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) && (src_pf->u5.dwRGBAlphaBitMask != 0x000000)) { error = TRUE; } else { if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0xFF0000) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x00FF00) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x0000FF)) { if (colorkey_active) { convert_type = CONVERT_CK_RGB24; current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8; } else { convert_type = NO_CONVERSION; current_format = GL_BGR; internal_format = GL_RGB; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; } } else { error = TRUE; } } } else if (src_pf->u1.dwRGBBitCount == 32) { if ((src_pf->dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) && (src_pf->u5.dwRGBAlphaBitMask != 0x00000000)) { if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0xFF000000) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x00FF0000) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x0000FF00) && (src_pf->u5.dwRGBAlphaBitMask == 0x000000FF)) { if (colorkey_active) { convert_type = CONVERT_CK_8888; } else { convert_type = NO_CONVERSION; } current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8; } else if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0x00FF0000) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x0000FF00) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x000000FF) && (src_pf->u5.dwRGBAlphaBitMask == 0xFF000000)) { if (colorkey_active) { convert_type = CONVERT_CK_8888_ARGB; current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8; } else { convert_type = NO_CONVERSION; current_format = GL_BGRA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV; } } else { error = TRUE; } } else { if ((src_pf->u2.dwRBitMask == 0x00FF0000) && (src_pf->u3.dwGBitMask == 0x0000FF00) && (src_pf->u4.dwBBitMask == 0x000000FF)) { if (need_alpha_ck == TRUE) { convert_type = CONVERT_RGB32_888; current_format = GL_RGBA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8; } else { convert_type = NO_CONVERSION; current_format = GL_BGRA; internal_format = GL_RGBA; current_pixel_format = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV; } } else { error = TRUE; } } } else { error = TRUE; } } else { error = TRUE; } if (error == TRUE) { ERR("Unsupported pixel format for textures : \n"); if (ERR_ON(ddraw)) { DDRAW_dump_pixelformat(src_pf); } return DDERR_INVALIDPIXELFORMAT; } else { if ((need_to_alloc) || (internal_format != *current_internal_format)) { glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, internal_format, tex_width, tex_height, 0, current_format, current_pixel_format, NULL); *current_internal_format = internal_format; } } if ((sub_texture == TRUE) && (convert_type == NO_CONVERSION)) { current_storage_width = surf_ptr->surface_desc.u1.lPitch / bpp; } else { if (surf_ptr->surface_desc.u1.lPitch == (surf_ptr->surface_desc.dwWidth * bpp)) { current_storage_width = 0; } else { current_storage_width = surf_ptr->surface_desc.u1.lPitch / bpp; } } glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, current_storage_width); TRACE(" initialized texture upload for level %d with conversion %d.\n", current_level, convert_type); return DD_OK; } HRESULT upload_surface_to_tex_memory(RECT *rect, DWORD xoffset, DWORD yoffset, void **temp_buffer) { const DDSURFACEDESC * const src_d = (DDSURFACEDESC *)&(current_surface->surface_desc); void *surf_buffer = NULL; RECT lrect; DWORD width, height; BYTE bpp = GET_BPP(current_surface->surface_desc); int line_increase; if (rect == NULL) { lrect.top = 0; lrect.left = 0; lrect.bottom = current_tex_height; lrect.right = current_tex_width; rect = &lrect; } width = rect->right - rect->left; height = rect->bottom - rect->top; if (current_surface->surface_desc.u4.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_FOURCC) { GLint retVal; int size = current_surface->surface_desc.u1.dwLinearSize; int width_ = current_surface->surface_desc.dwWidth; int height_ = current_surface->surface_desc.dwHeight; LPVOID buffer = current_surface->surface_desc.lpSurface; switch (current_surface->surface_desc.u4.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC) { case MAKE_FOURCC('D','X','T','1'): retVal = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; break; case MAKE_FOURCC('D','X','T','3'): retVal = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; break; case MAKE_FOURCC('D','X','T','5'): retVal = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; break; default: FIXME("Not supported\n"); return DD_OK; break; } if (GL_extensions.s3tc_compressed_texture) { /* GL_extensions.glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, current_level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, retVal, (unsigned char*)temp_buffer); */ GL_extensions.glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, current_level, retVal, width_, height_, 0, size, buffer); } else ERR("Trying to upload S3TC texture whereas the device does not have support for it\n"); return DD_OK; } /* Used when converting stuff */ line_increase = src_d->u1.lPitch - (width * bpp); switch (convert_type) { case CONVERT_PALETTED: { IDirectDrawPaletteImpl* pal = current_surface->palette; BYTE table[256][4]; unsigned int i; unsigned int x, y; BYTE *src = (BYTE *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)), *dst; if (pal == NULL) { /* Upload a black texture. The real one will be uploaded on palette change */ WARN("Palettized texture Loading with a NULL palette !\n"); memset(table, 0, 256 * 4); } else { /* Get the surface's palette */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { table[i][0] = pal->palents[i].peRed; table[i][1] = pal->palents[i].peGreen; table[i][2] = pal->palents[i].peBlue; if ((src_d->dwFlags & DDSD_CKSRCBLT) && (i >= src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) && (i <= src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) /* We should maybe here put a more 'neutral' color than the standard bright purple one often used by application to prevent the nice purple borders when bi-linear filtering is on */ table[i][3] = 0x00; else table[i][3] = 0xFF; } } if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(DWORD)); dst = (BYTE *) *temp_buffer; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { BYTE color = *src++; *dst++ = table[color][0]; *dst++ = table[color][1]; *dst++ = table[color][2]; *dst++ = table[color][3]; } src += line_increase; } } break; case CONVERT_CK_565: { /* Converting the 565 format in 5551 packed to emulate color-keying. Note : in all these conversion, it would be best to average the averaging pixels to get the color of the pixel that will be color-keyed to prevent 'color bleeding'. This will be done later on if ever it is too visible. Note2: when using color-keying + alpha, are the alpha bits part of the color-space or not ? */ unsigned int x, y; WORD *src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)), *dst; if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(WORD)); dst = (WORD *) *temp_buffer; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { WORD color = *src++; *dst = ((color & 0xFFC0) | ((color & 0x1F) << 1)); if ((color < src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) || (color > src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) *dst |= 0x0001; dst++; } src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } break; case CONVERT_CK_5551: { /* Change the alpha value of the color-keyed pixels to emulate color-keying. */ unsigned int x, y; WORD *src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)), *dst; if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(WORD)); dst = (WORD *) *temp_buffer; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { WORD color = *src++; *dst = color & 0xFFFE; if ((color < src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) || (color > src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) *dst |= color & 0x0001; dst++; } src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } break; case CONVERT_CK_4444: { /* Change the alpha value of the color-keyed pixels to emulate color-keying. */ unsigned int x, y; WORD *src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)), *dst; if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(WORD)); dst = (WORD *) *temp_buffer; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { WORD color = *src++; *dst = color & 0xFFF0; if ((color < src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) || (color > src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) *dst |= color & 0x000F; dst++; } src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } break; case CONVERT_CK_4444_ARGB: { /* Move the four Alpha bits... */ unsigned int x, y; WORD *src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)), *dst; if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(WORD)); dst = (WORD *) *temp_buffer; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { WORD color = *src++; *dst = (color & 0x0FFF) << 4; if ((color < src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) || (color > src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) *dst |= (color & 0xF000) >> 12; dst++; } src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } break; case CONVERT_CK_1555: { unsigned int x, y; WORD *src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)), *dst; if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(WORD)); dst = (WORD *) *temp_buffer; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { WORD color = *src++; *dst = (color & 0x7FFF) << 1; if ((color < src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) || (color > src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) *dst |= (color & 0x8000) >> 15; dst++; } src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } break; case CONVERT_555: { /* Converting the 0555 format in 5551 packed */ unsigned int x, y; WORD *src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)), *dst; if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(WORD)); dst = (WORD *) *temp_buffer; if (src_d->dwFlags & DDSD_CKSRCBLT) { for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { WORD color = *src++; *dst = (color & 0x7FFF) << 1; if ((color < src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) || (color > src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) *dst |= 0x0001; dst++; } src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } else { for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { WORD color = *src++; *dst++ = ((color & 0x7FFF) << 1) | 0x0001; } src = (WORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } } break; case CONVERT_CK_RGB24: { /* This is a pain :-) */ unsigned int x, y; BYTE *src = (BYTE *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)); DWORD *dst; if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(DWORD)); dst = (DWORD *) *temp_buffer; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { DWORD color = *((DWORD *) src) & 0x00FFFFFF; src += 3; *dst = color << 8; if ((color < src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) || (color > src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) *dst |= 0xFF; dst++; } src += line_increase; } } break; case CONVERT_CK_8888: { /* Just use the alpha component to handle color-keying... */ unsigned int x, y; DWORD *src = (DWORD *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)), *dst; if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(DWORD)); dst = (DWORD *) *temp_buffer; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { DWORD color = *src++; *dst = color & 0xFFFFFF00; if ((color < src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) || (color > src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) *dst |= color & 0x000000FF; dst++; } src = (DWORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } break; case CONVERT_CK_8888_ARGB: { unsigned int x, y; DWORD *src = (DWORD *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)), *dst; if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(DWORD)); dst = (DWORD *) *temp_buffer; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { DWORD color = *src++; *dst = (color & 0x00FFFFFF) << 8; if ((color < src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) || (color > src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) *dst |= (color & 0xFF000000) >> 24; dst++; } src = (DWORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } break; case CONVERT_RGB32_888: { /* Just add an alpha component and handle color-keying... */ unsigned int x, y; DWORD *src = (DWORD *) (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)), *dst; if (*temp_buffer == NULL) *temp_buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, current_tex_width * current_tex_height * sizeof(DWORD)); dst = (DWORD *) *temp_buffer; if (src_d->dwFlags & DDSD_CKSRCBLT) { for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { DWORD color = *src++; *dst = color << 8; if ((color < src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue) || (color > src_d->ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)) *dst |= 0xFF; dst++; } src = (DWORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } else { for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { *dst++ = (*src++ << 8) | 0xFF; } src = (DWORD *) (((BYTE *) src) + line_increase); } } } break; case NO_CONVERSION: /* Nothing to do here as the name suggests... Just set-up the buffer correctly */ surf_buffer = (((BYTE *) src_d->lpSurface) + (bpp * rect->left) + (src_d->u1.lPitch * rect->top)); break; } if (convert_type != NO_CONVERSION) { /* When doing conversion, the storage is always of width 'width' as there will never be any Pitch issue... For now :-) */ surf_buffer = *temp_buffer; if (width != current_storage_width) { glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, width); current_storage_width = width; } } glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, current_level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, current_format, current_pixel_format, surf_buffer); return DD_OK; } HRESULT upload_surface_to_tex_memory_release(void) { current_surface = NULL; return DD_OK; }