/* * GDI brush objects * * Copyright 1993 Alexandre Julliard */ static char Copyright[] = "Copyright Alexandre Julliard, 1993"; #include "gdi.h" extern Display * XT_display; extern Screen * XT_screen; #define NB_HATCH_STYLES 6 static char HatchBrushes[NB_HATCH_STYLES][8] = { { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, /* HS_HORIZONTAL */ { 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08 }, /* HS_VERTICAL */ { 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 }, /* HS_FDIAGONAL */ { 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01 }, /* HS_BDIAGONAL */ { 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0xff, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08 }, /* HS_CROSS */ { 0x81, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18, 0x18, 0x24, 0x42, 0x81 } /* HS_DIAGCROSS */ }; extern XImage * BITMAP_BmpToImage( BITMAP *, void * ); /*********************************************************************** * CreateBrushIndirect (GDI.50) */ HBRUSH CreateBrushIndirect( LOGBRUSH * brush ) { BRUSHOBJ * brushPtr; HBRUSH hbrush = GDI_AllocObject( sizeof(BRUSHOBJ), BRUSH_MAGIC ); if (!hbrush) return 0; brushPtr = (BRUSHOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hbrush ); memcpy( &brushPtr->logbrush, brush, sizeof(LOGBRUSH) ); return hbrush; } /*********************************************************************** * CreateHatchBrush (GDI.58) */ HBRUSH CreateHatchBrush( short style, COLORREF color ) { LOGBRUSH logbrush = { BS_HATCHED, color, style }; #ifdef DEBUG_GDI printf( "CreateHatchBrush: %d %06x\n", style, color ); #endif if ((style < 0) || (style >= NB_HATCH_STYLES)) return 0; return CreateBrushIndirect( &logbrush ); } /*********************************************************************** * CreatePatternBrush (GDI.60) */ HBRUSH CreatePatternBrush( HBITMAP hbitmap ) { LOGBRUSH logbrush = { BS_PATTERN, 0, 0 }; BITMAPOBJ * bmpObj; BITMAP * bmp; #ifdef DEBUG_GDI printf( "CreatePatternBrush: %d\n", hbitmap ); #endif /* Make a copy of the bitmap */ if (!(bmpObj = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hbitmap, BITMAP_MAGIC ))) return 0; if (!(bmp = (BITMAP *) GlobalLock( bmpObj->hBitmap ))) return 0; logbrush.lbHatch = CreateBitmap( bmp->bmWidth, bmp->bmHeight, bmp->bmPlanes, bmp->bmBitsPixel, ((char *)bmp) + sizeof(BITMAP) ); GlobalUnlock( bmpObj->hBitmap ); if (!logbrush.lbHatch) return 0; return CreateBrushIndirect( &logbrush ); } /*********************************************************************** * CreateDIBPatternBrush (GDI.445) */ HBRUSH CreateDIBPatternBrush( HANDLE hbitmap, WORD coloruse ) { LOGBRUSH logbrush = { BS_DIBPATTERN, coloruse, 0 }; BITMAPINFO *info, *newInfo; int size; #ifdef DEBUG_GDI printf( "CreateDIBPatternBrush: %d\n", hbitmap ); #endif /* Make a copy of the bitmap */ if (!(info = (BITMAPINFO *) GlobalLock( hbitmap ))) return 0; size = info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage; if (!size) size = (info->bmiHeader.biWidth * info->bmiHeader.biBitCount + 31) / 32 * 8 * info->bmiHeader.biHeight; size += DIB_BitmapInfoSize( info, coloruse ); if (!(logbrush.lbHatch = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, size ))) { GlobalUnlock( hbitmap ); return 0; } newInfo = (BITMAPINFO *) GlobalLock( logbrush.lbHatch ); memcpy( newInfo, info, size ); GlobalUnlock( logbrush.lbHatch ); GlobalUnlock( hbitmap ); return CreateBrushIndirect( &logbrush ); } /*********************************************************************** * CreateSolidBrush (GDI.66) */ HBRUSH CreateSolidBrush( COLORREF color ) { LOGBRUSH logbrush = { BS_SOLID, color, 0 }; #ifdef DEBUG_GDI printf( "CreateSolidBrush: %06x\n", color ); #endif return CreateBrushIndirect( &logbrush ); } /*********************************************************************** * SetBrushOrg (GDI.148) */ DWORD SetBrushOrg( HDC hdc, short x, short y ) { DWORD retval; DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC ); if (!dc) return FALSE; retval = dc->w.brushOrgX | (dc->w.brushOrgY << 16); dc->w.brushOrgX = x; dc->w.brushOrgY = y; return retval; } /*********************************************************************** * BRUSH_DeleteObject */ BOOL BRUSH_DeleteObject( HBRUSH hbrush, BRUSHOBJ * brush ) { switch(brush->logbrush.lbStyle) { case BS_PATTERN: DeleteObject( brush->logbrush.lbHatch ); break; case BS_DIBPATTERN: GlobalFree( brush->logbrush.lbHatch ); break; } return GDI_FreeObject( hbrush ); } /*********************************************************************** * BRUSH_GetObject */ int BRUSH_GetObject( BRUSHOBJ * brush, int count, LPSTR buffer ) { if (count > sizeof(LOGBRUSH)) count = sizeof(LOGBRUSH); memcpy( buffer, &brush->logbrush, count ); return count; } /*********************************************************************** * BRUSH_SelectPatternBrush */ BOOL BRUSH_SelectPatternBrush( DC * dc, HBITMAP hbitmap ) { BITMAPOBJ * bmpObjPtr; BITMAP * bmp; bmpObjPtr = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hbitmap, BITMAP_MAGIC ); if (!bmpObjPtr) return FALSE; if (!(bmp = (BITMAP *) GlobalLock( bmpObjPtr->hBitmap ))) return FALSE; dc->u.x.brush.pixmap = XCreatePixmap( XT_display, DefaultRootWindow(XT_display), 8, 8, bmp->bmBitsPixel ); BITMAP_CopyToPixmap( bmp, dc->u.x.brush.pixmap, 0, 0, 8, 8 ); if (bmp->bmBitsPixel > 1) { dc->u.x.brush.fillStyle = FillTiled; XSetTile( XT_display, dc->u.x.gc, dc->u.x.brush.pixmap ); dc->u.x.brush.pixel = 0; /* Ignored */ } else { dc->u.x.brush.fillStyle = FillOpaqueStippled; XSetStipple( XT_display, dc->u.x.gc, dc->u.x.brush.pixmap ); dc->u.x.brush.pixel = -1; /* Special case (see DC_SetupGCForBrush) */ } return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * BRUSH_SelectObject */ HBRUSH BRUSH_SelectObject( HDC hdc, DC * dc, HBRUSH hbrush, BRUSHOBJ * brush ) { HBITMAP hBitmap; BITMAPINFO * bmpInfo; HBRUSH prevHandle = dc->w.hBrush; dc->w.hBrush = hbrush; if (dc->u.x.brush.pixmap) { XFreePixmap( XT_display, dc->u.x.brush.pixmap ); dc->u.x.brush.pixmap = 0; } dc->u.x.brush.style = brush->logbrush.lbStyle; switch(brush->logbrush.lbStyle) { case BS_SOLID: case BS_NULL: dc->u.x.brush.pixel = GetNearestPaletteIndex( dc->w.hPalette, brush->logbrush.lbColor ); dc->u.x.brush.fillStyle = FillSolid; break; case BS_HATCHED: dc->u.x.brush.pixel = GetNearestPaletteIndex( dc->w.hPalette, brush->logbrush.lbColor ); dc->u.x.brush.pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(XT_display, DefaultRootWindow(XT_display), HatchBrushes[brush->logbrush.lbHatch], 8, 8 ); XSetStipple( XT_display, dc->u.x.gc, dc->u.x.brush.pixmap ); dc->u.x.brush.fillStyle = FillStippled; break; case BS_PATTERN: BRUSH_SelectPatternBrush( dc, brush->logbrush.lbHatch ); break; case BS_DIBPATTERN: if ((bmpInfo = (BITMAPINFO *) GlobalLock( brush->logbrush.lbHatch ))) { int size = DIB_BitmapInfoSize( bmpInfo, brush->logbrush.lbColor ); hBitmap = CreateDIBitmap( hdc, &bmpInfo->bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, ((char *)bmpInfo) + size, bmpInfo, (WORD) brush->logbrush.lbColor ); BRUSH_SelectPatternBrush( dc, hBitmap ); DeleteObject( hBitmap ); GlobalUnlock( brush->logbrush.lbHatch ); } break; } return prevHandle; }