/* * Implementation of the Microsoft Installer (msi.dll) * * Copyright 2004,2005 Aric Stewart for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #define COBJMACROS #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "winsvc.h" #include "odbcinst.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "msidefs.h" #include "msipriv.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "shlobj.h" #include "objbase.h" #include "mscoree.h" #include "fusion.h" #include "shlwapi.h" #include "wine/unicode.h" #include "winver.h" #define REG_PROGRESS_VALUE 13200 #define COMPONENT_PROGRESS_VALUE 24000 WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(msi); /* * consts and values used */ static const WCHAR c_colon[] = {'C',':','\\',0}; static const WCHAR szCreateFolders[] = {'C','r','e','a','t','e','F','o','l','d','e','r','s',0}; static const WCHAR szCostFinalize[] = {'C','o','s','t','F','i','n','a','l','i','z','e',0}; static const WCHAR szWriteRegistryValues[] = {'W','r','i','t','e','R','e','g','i','s','t','r','y','V','a','l','u','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szCostInitialize[] = {'C','o','s','t','I','n','i','t','i','a','l','i','z','e',0}; static const WCHAR szFileCost[] = {'F','i','l','e','C','o','s','t',0}; static const WCHAR szInstallInitialize[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','I','n','i','t','i','a','l','i','z','e',0}; static const WCHAR szInstallValidate[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','V','a','l','i','d','a','t','e',0}; static const WCHAR szLaunchConditions[] = {'L','a','u','n','c','h','C','o','n','d','i','t','i','o','n','s',0}; static const WCHAR szProcessComponents[] = {'P','r','o','c','e','s','s','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','s',0}; static const WCHAR szRegisterTypeLibraries[] = {'R','e','g','i','s','t','e','r','T','y','p','e','L','i','b','r','a','r','i','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szCreateShortcuts[] = {'C','r','e','a','t','e','S','h','o','r','t','c','u','t','s',0}; static const WCHAR szPublishProduct[] = {'P','u','b','l','i','s','h','P','r','o','d','u','c','t',0}; static const WCHAR szWriteIniValues[] = {'W','r','i','t','e','I','n','i','V','a','l','u','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szSelfRegModules[] = {'S','e','l','f','R','e','g','M','o','d','u','l','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szPublishFeatures[] = {'P','u','b','l','i','s','h','F','e','a','t','u','r','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szRegisterProduct[] = {'R','e','g','i','s','t','e','r','P','r','o','d','u','c','t',0}; static const WCHAR szInstallExecute[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','E','x','e','c','u','t','e',0}; static const WCHAR szInstallExecuteAgain[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','E','x','e','c','u','t','e','A','g','a','i','n',0}; static const WCHAR szInstallFinalize[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','F','i','n','a','l','i','z','e',0}; static const WCHAR szForceReboot[] = {'F','o','r','c','e','R','e','b','o','o','t',0}; static const WCHAR szResolveSource[] = {'R','e','s','o','l','v','e','S','o','u','r','c','e',0}; static const WCHAR szAllocateRegistrySpace[] = {'A','l','l','o','c','a','t','e','R','e','g','i','s','t','r','y','S','p','a','c','e',0}; static const WCHAR szBindImage[] = {'B','i','n','d','I','m','a','g','e',0}; static const WCHAR szDeleteServices[] = {'D','e','l','e','t','e','S','e','r','v','i','c','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szDisableRollback[] = {'D','i','s','a','b','l','e','R','o','l','l','b','a','c','k',0}; static const WCHAR szExecuteAction[] = {'E','x','e','c','u','t','e','A','c','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR szInstallAdminPackage[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','A','d','m','i','n','P','a','c','k','a','g','e',0}; static const WCHAR szInstallSFPCatalogFile[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','S','F','P','C','a','t','a','l','o','g','F','i','l','e',0}; static const WCHAR szIsolateComponents[] = {'I','s','o','l','a','t','e','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','s',0}; static const WCHAR szMigrateFeatureStates[] = {'M','i','g','r','a','t','e','F','e','a','t','u','r','e','S','t','a','t','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szMsiPublishAssemblies[] = {'M','s','i','P','u','b','l','i','s','h','A','s','s','e','m','b','l','i','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szMsiUnpublishAssemblies[] = {'M','s','i','U','n','p','u','b','l','i','s','h','A','s','s','e','m','b','l','i','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szInstallODBC[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','O','D','B','C',0}; static const WCHAR szInstallServices[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','S','e','r','v','i','c','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szPatchFiles[] = {'P','a','t','c','h','F','i','l','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szPublishComponents[] = {'P','u','b','l','i','s','h','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','s',0}; static const WCHAR szRegisterComPlus[] = {'R','e','g','i','s','t','e','r','C','o','m','P','l','u','s',0}; static const WCHAR szRegisterUser[] = {'R','e','g','i','s','t','e','r','U','s','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szRemoveEnvironmentStrings[] = {'R','e','m','o','v','e','E','n','v','i','r','o','n','m','e','n','t','S','t','r','i','n','g','s',0}; static const WCHAR szRemoveExistingProducts[] = {'R','e','m','o','v','e','E','x','i','s','t','i','n','g','P','r','o','d','u','c','t','s',0}; static const WCHAR szRemoveFolders[] = {'R','e','m','o','v','e','F','o','l','d','e','r','s',0}; static const WCHAR szRemoveIniValues[] = {'R','e','m','o','v','e','I','n','i','V','a','l','u','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szRemoveODBC[] = {'R','e','m','o','v','e','O','D','B','C',0}; static const WCHAR szRemoveRegistryValues[] = {'R','e','m','o','v','e','R','e','g','i','s','t','r','y','V','a','l','u','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szRemoveShortcuts[] = {'R','e','m','o','v','e','S','h','o','r','t','c','u','t','s',0}; static const WCHAR szRMCCPSearch[] = {'R','M','C','C','P','S','e','a','r','c','h',0}; static const WCHAR szScheduleReboot[] = {'S','c','h','e','d','u','l','e','R','e','b','o','o','t',0}; static const WCHAR szSelfUnregModules[] = {'S','e','l','f','U','n','r','e','g','M','o','d','u','l','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szSetODBCFolders[] = {'S','e','t','O','D','B','C','F','o','l','d','e','r','s',0}; static const WCHAR szStartServices[] = {'S','t','a','r','t','S','e','r','v','i','c','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szStopServices[] = {'S','t','o','p','S','e','r','v','i','c','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szUnpublishComponents[] = {'U','n','p','u','b','l','i','s','h', 'C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','s',0}; static const WCHAR szUnpublishFeatures[] = {'U','n','p','u','b','l','i','s','h','F','e','a','t','u','r','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szUnregisterComPlus[] = {'U','n','r','e','g','i','s','t','e','r','C','o','m','P','l','u','s',0}; static const WCHAR szUnregisterTypeLibraries[] = {'U','n','r','e','g','i','s','t','e','r','T','y','p','e','L','i','b','r','a','r','i','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR szValidateProductID[] = {'V','a','l','i','d','a','t','e','P','r','o','d','u','c','t','I','D',0}; static const WCHAR szWriteEnvironmentStrings[] = {'W','r','i','t','e','E','n','v','i','r','o','n','m','e','n','t','S','t','r','i','n','g','s',0}; /******************************************************** * helper functions ********************************************************/ static void ui_actionstart(MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR action) { static const WCHAR Query_t[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','A','c','t','i','o', 'n','T','e','x','t','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E', ' ','`','A','c','t','i','o','n','`',' ','=', ' ','\'','%','s','\'',0}; MSIRECORD * row; row = MSI_QueryGetRecord( package->db, Query_t, action ); if (!row) return; MSI_ProcessMessage(package, INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONSTART, row); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); } static void ui_actioninfo(MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR action, BOOL start, UINT rc) { MSIRECORD * row; static const WCHAR template_s[]= {'A','c','t','i','o','n',' ','s','t','a','r','t',' ','%','s',':',' ', '%','s', '.',0}; static const WCHAR template_e[]= {'A','c','t','i','o','n',' ','e','n','d','e','d',' ','%','s',':',' ', '%','s', '.',' ','R','e','t','u','r','n',' ','v','a','l','u','e',' ', '%','i','.',0}; static const WCHAR format[] = {'H','H','\'',':','\'','m','m','\'',':','\'','s','s',0}; WCHAR message[1024]; WCHAR timet[0x100]; GetTimeFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, format, timet, 0x100); if (start) sprintfW(message,template_s,timet,action); else sprintfW(message,template_e,timet,action,rc); row = MSI_CreateRecord(1); MSI_RecordSetStringW(row,1,message); MSI_ProcessMessage(package, INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, row); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); } UINT msi_parse_command_line( MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR szCommandLine, BOOL preserve_case ) { LPCWSTR ptr,ptr2; BOOL quote; DWORD len; LPWSTR prop = NULL, val = NULL; if (!szCommandLine) return ERROR_SUCCESS; ptr = szCommandLine; while (*ptr) { if (*ptr==' ') { ptr++; continue; } TRACE("Looking at %s\n",debugstr_w(ptr)); ptr2 = strchrW(ptr,'='); if (!ptr2) { ERR("command line contains unknown string : %s\n", debugstr_w(ptr)); break; } quote = FALSE; len = ptr2-ptr; prop = msi_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(prop,ptr,len*sizeof(WCHAR)); prop[len]=0; if (!preserve_case) struprW(prop); ptr2++; len = 0; ptr = ptr2; while (*ptr && (quote || (!quote && *ptr!=' '))) { if (*ptr == '"') quote = !quote; ptr++; len++; } if (*ptr2=='"') { ptr2++; len -= 2; } val = msi_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(val,ptr2,len*sizeof(WCHAR)); val[len] = 0; if (lstrlenW(prop) > 0) { UINT r = msi_set_property( package->db, prop, val ); TRACE("Found commandline property (%s) = (%s)\n", debugstr_w(prop), debugstr_w(val)); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS && !strcmpW( prop, cszSourceDir )) msi_reset_folders( package, TRUE ); } msi_free(val); msi_free(prop); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static LPWSTR* msi_split_string( LPCWSTR str, WCHAR sep ) { LPCWSTR pc; LPWSTR p, *ret = NULL; UINT count = 0; if (!str) return ret; /* count the number of substrings */ for ( pc = str, count = 0; pc; count++ ) { pc = strchrW( pc, sep ); if (pc) pc++; } /* allocate space for an array of substring pointers and the substrings */ ret = msi_alloc( (count+1) * sizeof (LPWSTR) + (lstrlenW(str)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!ret) return ret; /* copy the string and set the pointers */ p = (LPWSTR) &ret[count+1]; lstrcpyW( p, str ); for( count = 0; (ret[count] = p); count++ ) { p = strchrW( p, sep ); if (p) *p++ = 0; } return ret; } static UINT msi_check_transform_applicable( MSIPACKAGE *package, IStorage *patch ) { static const WCHAR szSystemLanguageID[] = { 'S','y','s','t','e','m','L','a','n','g','u','a','g','e','I','D',0 }; LPWSTR prod_code, patch_product, langid = NULL, template = NULL; UINT ret = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; prod_code = msi_dup_property( package->db, szProductCode ); patch_product = msi_get_suminfo_product( patch ); TRACE("db = %s patch = %s\n", debugstr_w(prod_code), debugstr_w(patch_product)); if ( strstrW( patch_product, prod_code ) ) { MSISUMMARYINFO *si; const WCHAR *p; si = MSI_GetSummaryInformationW( patch, 0 ); if (!si) { ERR("no summary information!\n"); goto end; } template = msi_suminfo_dup_string( si, PID_TEMPLATE ); if (!template) { ERR("no template property!\n"); msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); goto end; } if (!template[0]) { ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); goto end; } langid = msi_dup_property( package->db, szSystemLanguageID ); if (!langid) { msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); goto end; } p = strchrW( template, ';' ); if (p && (!strcmpW( p + 1, langid ) || !strcmpW( p + 1, szZero ))) { TRACE("applicable transform\n"); ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; } /* FIXME: check platform */ msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); } end: msi_free( patch_product ); msi_free( prod_code ); msi_free( template ); msi_free( langid ); return ret; } static UINT msi_apply_substorage_transform( MSIPACKAGE *package, MSIDATABASE *patch_db, LPCWSTR name ) { UINT ret = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; IStorage *stg = NULL; HRESULT r; TRACE("%p %s\n", package, debugstr_w(name) ); if (*name++ != ':') { ERR("expected a colon in %s\n", debugstr_w(name)); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } r = IStorage_OpenStorage( patch_db->storage, name, NULL, STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, NULL, 0, &stg ); if (SUCCEEDED(r)) { ret = msi_check_transform_applicable( package, stg ); if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) msi_table_apply_transform( package->db, stg ); else TRACE("substorage transform %s wasn't applicable\n", debugstr_w(name)); IStorage_Release( stg ); } else ERR("failed to open substorage %s\n", debugstr_w(name)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } UINT msi_check_patch_applicable( MSIPACKAGE *package, MSISUMMARYINFO *si ) { LPWSTR guid_list, *guids, product_code; UINT i, ret = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; product_code = msi_dup_property( package->db, szProductCode ); if (!product_code) { /* FIXME: the property ProductCode should be written into the DB somewhere */ ERR("no product code to check\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } guid_list = msi_suminfo_dup_string( si, PID_TEMPLATE ); guids = msi_split_string( guid_list, ';' ); for ( i = 0; guids[i] && ret != ERROR_SUCCESS; i++ ) { if (!lstrcmpW( guids[i], product_code )) ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; } msi_free( guids ); msi_free( guid_list ); msi_free( product_code ); return ret; } static UINT msi_set_media_source_prop(MSIPACKAGE *package) { MSIQUERY *view; MSIRECORD *rec = NULL; LPWSTR patch; LPCWSTR prop; UINT r; static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ', '`','S','o','u','r','c','e','`',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','M','e','d','i','a','`',' ','W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','S','o','u','r','c','e','`',' ','I','S',' ', 'N','O','T',' ','N','U','L','L',0}; r = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, query, &view); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; r = MSI_ViewExecute(view, 0); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; if (MSI_ViewFetch(view, &rec) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { prop = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 1); patch = msi_dup_property(package->db, szPatch); msi_set_property(package->db, prop, patch); msi_free(patch); } done: if (rec) msiobj_release(&rec->hdr); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return r; } static UINT msi_parse_patch_summary( MSIPACKAGE *package, MSIDATABASE *patch_db ) { MSISUMMARYINFO *si; UINT r = ERROR_SUCCESS; si = MSI_GetSummaryInformationW( patch_db->storage, 0 ); if (!si) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; if (msi_check_patch_applicable( package, si ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE("Patch not applicable\n"); msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } package->patch = msi_alloc(sizeof(MSIPATCHINFO)); if (!package->patch) { msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } package->patch->patchcode = msi_suminfo_dup_string(si, PID_REVNUMBER); if (!package->patch->patchcode) { msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } package->patch->transforms = msi_suminfo_dup_string(si, PID_LASTAUTHOR); if (!package->patch->transforms) { msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return r; } static UINT msi_apply_patch_package( MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR file ) { MSIDATABASE *patch_db = NULL; LPWSTR *substorage; UINT i, r; TRACE("%p %s\n", package, debugstr_w( file ) ); /* FIXME: * We probably want to make sure we only open a patch collection here. * Patch collections (.msp) and databases (.msi) have different GUIDs * but currently MSI_OpenDatabaseW will accept both. */ r = MSI_OpenDatabaseW( file, MSIDBOPEN_READONLY, &patch_db ); if ( r != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ERR("failed to open patch collection %s\n", debugstr_w( file ) ); return r; } msi_parse_patch_summary( package, patch_db ); /* apply substorage transforms */ substorage = msi_split_string( package->patch->transforms, ';' ); for ( i = 0; substorage && substorage[i] && r == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++ ) r = msi_apply_substorage_transform( package, patch_db, substorage[i] ); msi_free( substorage ); msi_set_media_source_prop( package ); /* * There might be a CAB file in the patch package, * so append it to the list of storage to search for streams. */ append_storage_to_db( package->db, patch_db->storage ); msiobj_release( &patch_db->hdr ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /* get the PATCH property, and apply all the patches it specifies */ static UINT msi_apply_patches( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { LPWSTR patch_list, *patches; UINT i, r = ERROR_SUCCESS; patch_list = msi_dup_property( package->db, szPatch ); TRACE("patches to be applied: %s\n", debugstr_w( patch_list ) ); patches = msi_split_string( patch_list, ';' ); for( i=0; patches && patches[i] && r == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++ ) r = msi_apply_patch_package( package, patches[i] ); msi_free( patches ); msi_free( patch_list ); return r; } static UINT msi_apply_transforms( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR szTransforms[] = { 'T','R','A','N','S','F','O','R','M','S',0 }; LPWSTR xform_list, *xforms; UINT i, r = ERROR_SUCCESS; xform_list = msi_dup_property( package->db, szTransforms ); xforms = msi_split_string( xform_list, ';' ); for( i=0; xforms && xforms[i] && r == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++ ) { if (xforms[i][0] == ':') r = msi_apply_substorage_transform( package, package->db, xforms[i] ); else r = MSI_DatabaseApplyTransformW( package->db, xforms[i], 0 ); } msi_free( xforms ); msi_free( xform_list ); return r; } static BOOL ui_sequence_exists( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { MSIQUERY *view; UINT rc; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery [] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','I','n','s','t','a','l','l', 'U','I','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`', ' ','W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',' ', '>',' ','0',' ','O','R','D','E','R',' ','B','Y',' ', '`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static UINT msi_set_sourcedir_props(MSIPACKAGE *package, BOOL replace) { LPWSTR p, db; LPWSTR source, check; DWORD len; static const WCHAR szOriginalDatabase[] = {'O','r','i','g','i','n','a','l','D','a','t','a','b','a','s','e',0}; db = msi_dup_property( package->db, szOriginalDatabase ); if (!db) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; p = strrchrW( db, '\\' ); if (!p) { p = strrchrW( db, '/' ); if (!p) { msi_free(db); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } len = p - db + 2; source = msi_alloc( len * sizeof(WCHAR) ); lstrcpynW( source, db, len ); check = msi_dup_property( package->db, cszSourceDir ); if (!check || replace) { UINT r = msi_set_property( package->db, cszSourceDir, source ); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) msi_reset_folders( package, TRUE ); } msi_free( check ); check = msi_dup_property( package->db, cszSOURCEDIR ); if (!check || replace) msi_set_property( package->db, cszSOURCEDIR, source ); msi_free( check ); msi_free( source ); msi_free( db ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static BOOL needs_ui_sequence(MSIPACKAGE *package) { INT level = msi_get_property_int(package->db, szUILevel, 0); return (level & INSTALLUILEVEL_MASK) >= INSTALLUILEVEL_REDUCED; } static UINT msi_set_context(MSIPACKAGE *package) { WCHAR val[10]; DWORD sz = 10; DWORD num; UINT r; package->Context = MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED; r = msi_get_property(package->db, szAllUsers, val, &sz); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { num = atolW(val); if (num == 1 || num == 2) package->Context = MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_Actions(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { UINT rc; LPCWSTR cond, action; MSIPACKAGE *package = param; action = MSI_RecordGetString(row,1); if (!action) { ERR("Error is retrieving action name\n"); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } /* check conditions */ cond = MSI_RecordGetString(row,2); /* this is a hack to skip errors in the condition code */ if (MSI_EvaluateConditionW(package, cond) == MSICONDITION_FALSE) { TRACE("Skipping action: %s (condition is false)\n", debugstr_w(action)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (needs_ui_sequence(package)) rc = ACTION_PerformUIAction(package, action, -1); else rc = ACTION_PerformAction(package, action, -1, FALSE); msi_dialog_check_messages( NULL ); if (package->CurrentInstallState != ERROR_SUCCESS) rc = package->CurrentInstallState; if (rc == ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_CALLED) rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) ERR("Execution halted, action %s returned %i\n", debugstr_w(action), rc); return rc; } UINT MSI_Sequence( MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR szTable, INT iSequenceMode ) { MSIQUERY * view; UINT r; static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','%','s','`', ' ','W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',' ', '>',' ','0',' ','O','R','D','E','R',' ','B','Y',' ', '`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',0}; TRACE("%p %s %i\n", package, debugstr_w(szTable), iSequenceMode ); r = MSI_OpenQuery( package->db, &view, query, szTable ); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { r = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_Actions, package ); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); } return r; } static UINT ACTION_ProcessExecSequence(MSIPACKAGE *package, BOOL UIran) { MSIQUERY * view; UINT rc; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ', '`','I','n','s','t','a','l','l','E','x','e','c','u','t','e', 'S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',' ', '>',' ','%','i',' ', 'O','R','D','E','R',' ', 'B','Y',' ', '`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',0 }; static const WCHAR IVQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`', ' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ','`','I','n','s','t','a','l','l', 'E','x','e','c','u','t','e','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ','`','A','c','t','i','o','n','`',' ','=', ' ','\'', 'I','n','s','t','a','l','l', 'V','a','l','i','d','a','t','e','\'', 0}; INT seq = 0; if (package->script->ExecuteSequenceRun) { TRACE("Execute Sequence already Run\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } package->script->ExecuteSequenceRun = TRUE; /* get the sequence number */ if (UIran) { MSIRECORD *row = MSI_QueryGetRecord(package->db, IVQuery); if( !row ) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; seq = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,1); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); } rc = MSI_OpenQuery(package->db, &view, ExecSeqQuery, seq); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE("Running the actions\n"); rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_Actions, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); } return rc; } static UINT ACTION_ProcessUISequence(MSIPACKAGE *package) { MSIQUERY * view; UINT rc; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery [] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','I','n','s','t','a','l','l', 'U','I','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`', ' ','W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',' ', '>',' ','0',' ','O','R','D','E','R',' ','B','Y',' ', '`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE("Running the actions\n"); rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_Actions, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); } return rc; } /******************************************************** * ACTION helper functions and functions that perform the actions *******************************************************/ static BOOL ACTION_HandleCustomAction( MSIPACKAGE* package, LPCWSTR action, UINT* rc, UINT script, BOOL force ) { BOOL ret=FALSE; UINT arc; arc = ACTION_CustomAction(package, action, script, force); if (arc != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { *rc = arc; ret = TRUE; } return ret; } /* * Actual Action Handlers */ static UINT ITERATE_CreateFolders(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR dir, component; LPWSTR full_path; MSIRECORD *uirow; MSIFOLDER *folder; MSICOMPONENT *comp; component = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 2); comp = get_loaded_component(package, component); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for installation: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL; dir = MSI_RecordGetString(row,1); if (!dir) { ERR("Unable to get folder id\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } uirow = MSI_CreateRecord(1); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow, 1, dir); ui_actiondata(package, szCreateFolders, uirow); msiobj_release(&uirow->hdr); full_path = resolve_folder(package,dir,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,&folder); if (!full_path) { ERR("Unable to resolve folder id %s\n",debugstr_w(dir)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } TRACE("Folder is %s\n",debugstr_w(full_path)); if (folder->State == 0) create_full_pathW(full_path); folder->State = 3; msi_free(full_path); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /* FIXME: probably should merge this with the above function */ static UINT msi_create_directory( MSIPACKAGE* package, LPCWSTR dir ) { UINT rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSIFOLDER *folder; LPWSTR install_path; install_path = resolve_folder(package, dir, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, &folder); if (!install_path) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; /* create the path */ if (folder->State == 0) { create_full_pathW(install_path); folder->State = 2; } msi_free(install_path); return rc; } UINT msi_create_component_directories( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { MSICOMPONENT *comp; /* create all the folders required by the components are going to install */ LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( comp, &package->components, MSICOMPONENT, entry ) { if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) continue; msi_create_directory( package, comp->Directory ); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_CreateFolders(MSIPACKAGE *package) { static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ', '`','D','i','r','e','c','t','o','r','y','_','`', ' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','C','r','e','a','t','e','F','o','l','d','e','r','`',0 }; UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; /* create all the empty folders specified in the CreateFolder table */ rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_CreateFolders, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_RemoveFolders( MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR dir, component; LPWSTR full_path; MSIRECORD *uirow; MSIFOLDER *folder; MSICOMPONENT *comp; component = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 2); comp = get_loaded_component(package, component); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for removal: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; dir = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 1 ); if (!dir) { ERR("Unable to get folder id\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } full_path = resolve_folder( package, dir, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, &folder ); if (!full_path) { ERR("Unable to resolve folder id %s\n", debugstr_w(dir)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } TRACE("folder is %s\n", debugstr_w(full_path)); uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 1 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, full_path ); ui_actiondata( package, szRemoveFolders, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); RemoveDirectoryW( full_path ); folder->State = 0; msi_free( full_path ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_RemoveFolders( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ', '`','D','i','r','e','c','t','o','r','y','_','`', ' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','C','r','e','a','t','e','F','o','l','d','e','r','`',0}; MSIQUERY *view; UINT rc; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_RemoveFolders, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return rc; } static UINT load_component( MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; MSICOMPONENT *comp; comp = msi_alloc_zero( sizeof(MSICOMPONENT) ); if (!comp) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; list_add_tail( &package->components, &comp->entry ); /* fill in the data */ comp->Component = msi_dup_record_field( row, 1 ); TRACE("Loading Component %s\n", debugstr_w(comp->Component)); comp->ComponentId = msi_dup_record_field( row, 2 ); comp->Directory = msi_dup_record_field( row, 3 ); comp->Attributes = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,4); comp->Condition = msi_dup_record_field( row, 5 ); comp->KeyPath = msi_dup_record_field( row, 6 ); comp->Installed = INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN; msi_component_set_state(package, comp, INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT load_all_components( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R', 'O','M',' ', '`','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','`',0 }; MSIQUERY *view; UINT r; if (!list_empty(&package->components)) return ERROR_SUCCESS; r = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; r = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, load_component, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return r; } typedef struct { MSIPACKAGE *package; MSIFEATURE *feature; } _ilfs; static UINT add_feature_component( MSIFEATURE *feature, MSICOMPONENT *comp ) { ComponentList *cl; cl = msi_alloc( sizeof (*cl) ); if ( !cl ) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; cl->component = comp; list_add_tail( &feature->Components, &cl->entry ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT add_feature_child( MSIFEATURE *parent, MSIFEATURE *child ) { FeatureList *fl; fl = msi_alloc( sizeof(*fl) ); if ( !fl ) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; fl->feature = child; list_add_tail( &parent->Children, &fl->entry ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT iterate_load_featurecomponents(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { _ilfs* ilfs = param; LPCWSTR component; MSICOMPONENT *comp; component = MSI_RecordGetString(row,1); /* check to see if the component is already loaded */ comp = get_loaded_component( ilfs->package, component ); if (!comp) { ERR("unknown component %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } add_feature_component( ilfs->feature, comp ); comp->Enabled = TRUE; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static MSIFEATURE *find_feature_by_name( MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR name ) { MSIFEATURE *feature; if ( !name ) return NULL; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry ) { if ( !lstrcmpW( feature->Feature, name ) ) return feature; } return NULL; } static UINT load_feature(MSIRECORD * row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE* package = param; MSIFEATURE* feature; static const WCHAR Query1[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ', '`','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','_','`', ' ','F','R','O','M',' ','`','F','e','a','t','u','r','e', 'C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','s','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','F','e', 'a','t','u','r','e','_','`',' ','=','\'','%','s','\'',0}; MSIQUERY * view; UINT rc; _ilfs ilfs; /* fill in the data */ feature = msi_alloc_zero( sizeof (MSIFEATURE) ); if (!feature) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; list_init( &feature->Children ); list_init( &feature->Components ); feature->Feature = msi_dup_record_field( row, 1 ); TRACE("Loading feature %s\n",debugstr_w(feature->Feature)); feature->Feature_Parent = msi_dup_record_field( row, 2 ); feature->Title = msi_dup_record_field( row, 3 ); feature->Description = msi_dup_record_field( row, 4 ); if (!MSI_RecordIsNull(row,5)) feature->Display = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,5); feature->Level= MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,6); feature->Directory = msi_dup_record_field( row, 7 ); feature->Attributes = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,8); feature->Installed = INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN; msi_feature_set_state(package, feature, INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN); list_add_tail( &package->features, &feature->entry ); /* load feature components */ rc = MSI_OpenQuery( package->db, &view, Query1, feature->Feature ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; ilfs.package = package; ilfs.feature = feature; MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, iterate_load_featurecomponents , &ilfs); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT find_feature_children(MSIRECORD * row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE* package = param; MSIFEATURE *parent, *child; child = find_feature_by_name( package, MSI_RecordGetString( row, 1 ) ); if (!child) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; if (!child->Feature_Parent) return ERROR_SUCCESS; parent = find_feature_by_name( package, child->Feature_Parent ); if (!parent) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; add_feature_child( parent, child ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT load_all_features( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ', '`','F','e','a','t','u','r','e','`',' ','O','R','D','E','R', ' ','B','Y',' ','`','D','i','s','p','l','a','y','`',0}; MSIQUERY *view; UINT r; if (!list_empty(&package->features)) return ERROR_SUCCESS; r = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; r = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, load_feature, package ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; r = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, find_feature_children, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return r; } static LPWSTR folder_split_path(LPWSTR p, WCHAR ch) { if (!p) return p; p = strchrW(p, ch); if (!p) return p; *p = 0; return p+1; } static UINT load_file_hash(MSIPACKAGE *package, MSIFILE *file) { static const WCHAR query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ', '`','M','s','i','F','i','l','e','H','a','s','h','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ','`','F','i','l','e','_','`',' ','=',' ','\'','%','s','\'',0}; MSIQUERY *view = NULL; MSIRECORD *row = NULL; UINT r; TRACE("%s\n", debugstr_w(file->File)); r = MSI_OpenQuery(package->db, &view, query, file->File); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; r = MSI_ViewExecute(view, NULL); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; r = MSI_ViewFetch(view, &row); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; file->hash.dwFileHashInfoSize = sizeof(MSIFILEHASHINFO); file->hash.dwData[0] = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row, 3); file->hash.dwData[1] = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row, 4); file->hash.dwData[2] = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row, 5); file->hash.dwData[3] = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row, 6); done: if (view) msiobj_release(&view->hdr); if (row) msiobj_release(&row->hdr); return r; } static UINT load_file(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE* package = param; LPCWSTR component; MSIFILE *file; /* fill in the data */ file = msi_alloc_zero( sizeof (MSIFILE) ); if (!file) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; file->File = msi_dup_record_field( row, 1 ); component = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 2 ); file->Component = get_loaded_component( package, component ); if (!file->Component) { WARN("Component not found: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); msi_free(file->File); msi_free(file); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } file->FileName = msi_dup_record_field( row, 3 ); reduce_to_longfilename( file->FileName ); file->ShortName = msi_dup_record_field( row, 3 ); file->LongName = strdupW( folder_split_path(file->ShortName, '|')); file->FileSize = MSI_RecordGetInteger( row, 4 ); file->Version = msi_dup_record_field( row, 5 ); file->Language = msi_dup_record_field( row, 6 ); file->Attributes = MSI_RecordGetInteger( row, 7 ); file->Sequence = MSI_RecordGetInteger( row, 8 ); file->state = msifs_invalid; /* if the compressed bits are not set in the file attributes, * then read the information from the package word count property */ if (package->WordCount & msidbSumInfoSourceTypeAdminImage) { file->IsCompressed = FALSE; } else if (file->Attributes & (msidbFileAttributesCompressed | msidbFileAttributesPatchAdded)) { file->IsCompressed = TRUE; } else if (file->Attributes & msidbFileAttributesNoncompressed) { file->IsCompressed = FALSE; } else { file->IsCompressed = package->WordCount & msidbSumInfoSourceTypeCompressed; } load_file_hash(package, file); TRACE("File Loaded (%s)\n",debugstr_w(file->File)); list_add_tail( &package->files, &file->entry ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT load_all_files(MSIPACKAGE *package) { MSIQUERY * view; UINT rc; static const WCHAR Query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ', '`','F','i','l','e','`',' ', 'O','R','D','E','R',' ','B','Y',' ', '`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`', 0}; if (!list_empty(&package->files)) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, Query, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, load_file, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT load_folder( MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; static WCHAR szEmpty[] = { 0 }; LPWSTR p, tgt_short, tgt_long, src_short, src_long; MSIFOLDER *folder; folder = msi_alloc_zero( sizeof (MSIFOLDER) ); if (!folder) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; folder->Directory = msi_dup_record_field( row, 1 ); TRACE("%s\n", debugstr_w(folder->Directory)); p = msi_dup_record_field(row, 3); /* split src and target dir */ tgt_short = p; src_short = folder_split_path( p, ':' ); /* split the long and short paths */ tgt_long = folder_split_path( tgt_short, '|' ); src_long = folder_split_path( src_short, '|' ); /* check for no-op dirs */ if (!lstrcmpW(szDot, tgt_short)) tgt_short = szEmpty; if (!lstrcmpW(szDot, src_short)) src_short = szEmpty; if (!tgt_long) tgt_long = tgt_short; if (!src_short) { src_short = tgt_short; src_long = tgt_long; } if (!src_long) src_long = src_short; /* FIXME: use the target short path too */ folder->TargetDefault = strdupW(tgt_long); folder->SourceShortPath = strdupW(src_short); folder->SourceLongPath = strdupW(src_long); msi_free(p); TRACE("TargetDefault = %s\n",debugstr_w( folder->TargetDefault )); TRACE("SourceLong = %s\n", debugstr_w( folder->SourceLongPath )); TRACE("SourceShort = %s\n", debugstr_w( folder->SourceShortPath )); folder->Parent = msi_dup_record_field( row, 2 ); folder->Property = msi_dup_property( package->db, folder->Directory ); list_add_tail( &package->folders, &folder->entry ); TRACE("returning %p\n", folder); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT load_all_folders( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R', 'O','M',' ', '`','D','i','r','e','c','t','o','r','y','`',0 }; MSIQUERY *view; UINT r; if (!list_empty(&package->folders)) return ERROR_SUCCESS; r = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; r = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, load_folder, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return r; } /* * I am not doing any of the costing functionality yet. * Mostly looking at doing the Component and Feature loading * * The native MSI does A LOT of modification to tables here. Mostly adding * a lot of temporary columns to the Feature and Component tables. * * note: Native msi also tracks the short filename. But I am only going to * track the long ones. Also looking at this directory table * it appears that the directory table does not get the parents * resolved base on property only based on their entries in the * directory table. */ static UINT ACTION_CostInitialize(MSIPACKAGE *package) { static const WCHAR szCosting[] = {'C','o','s','t','i','n','g','C','o','m','p','l','e','t','e',0 }; msi_set_property( package->db, szCosting, szZero ); msi_set_property( package->db, cszRootDrive, c_colon ); load_all_folders( package ); load_all_components( package ); load_all_features( package ); load_all_files( package ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT execute_script(MSIPACKAGE *package, UINT script ) { UINT i; UINT rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; TRACE("Executing Script %i\n",script); if (!package->script) { ERR("no script!\n"); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } for (i = 0; i < package->script->ActionCount[script]; i++) { LPWSTR action; action = package->script->Actions[script][i]; ui_actionstart(package, action); TRACE("Executing Action (%s)\n",debugstr_w(action)); rc = ACTION_PerformAction(package, action, script, TRUE); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; } msi_free_action_script(package, script); return rc; } static UINT ACTION_FileCost(MSIPACKAGE *package) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static void ACTION_GetComponentInstallStates(MSIPACKAGE *package) { MSICOMPONENT *comp; INSTALLSTATE state; UINT r; state = MsiQueryProductStateW(package->ProductCode); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(comp, &package->components, MSICOMPONENT, entry) { if (!comp->ComponentId) continue; if (state != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL && state != INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT) comp->Installed = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; else { r = MsiQueryComponentStateW(package->ProductCode, NULL, package->Context, comp->ComponentId, &comp->Installed); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) comp->Installed = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; } } } static void ACTION_GetFeatureInstallStates(MSIPACKAGE *package) { MSIFEATURE *feature; INSTALLSTATE state; state = MsiQueryProductStateW(package->ProductCode); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry ) { if (state != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL && state != INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT) feature->Installed = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; else { feature->Installed = MsiQueryFeatureStateW(package->ProductCode, feature->Feature); } } } static BOOL process_state_property(MSIPACKAGE* package, int level, LPCWSTR property, INSTALLSTATE state) { LPWSTR override; MSIFEATURE *feature; override = msi_dup_property( package->db, property ); if (!override) return FALSE; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry ) { if (lstrcmpW(property, szRemove) && (feature->Level <= 0 || feature->Level > level)) continue; if (!strcmpW(property, szReinstall)) state = feature->Installed; if (strcmpiW(override, szAll)==0) msi_feature_set_state(package, feature, state); else { LPWSTR ptr = override; LPWSTR ptr2 = strchrW(override,','); while (ptr) { int len = ptr2 - ptr; if ((ptr2 && strlenW(feature->Feature) == len && !strncmpW(ptr, feature->Feature, len)) || (!ptr2 && !strcmpW(ptr, feature->Feature))) { msi_feature_set_state(package, feature, state); break; } if (ptr2) { ptr=ptr2+1; ptr2 = strchrW(ptr,','); } else break; } } } msi_free(override); return TRUE; } static BOOL process_overrides( MSIPACKAGE *package, int level ) { static const WCHAR szAddLocal[] = {'A','D','D','L','O','C','A','L',0}; static const WCHAR szAddSource[] = {'A','D','D','S','O','U','R','C','E',0}; static const WCHAR szAdvertise[] = {'A','D','V','E','R','T','I','S','E',0}; BOOL ret = FALSE; /* all these activation/deactivation things happen in order and things * later on the list override things earlier on the list. * * 0 INSTALLLEVEL processing * 1 ADDLOCAL * 2 REMOVE * 3 ADDSOURCE * 4 ADDDEFAULT * 5 REINSTALL * 6 ADVERTISE * 7 COMPADDLOCAL * 8 COMPADDSOURCE * 9 FILEADDLOCAL * 10 FILEADDSOURCE * 11 FILEADDDEFAULT */ ret |= process_state_property( package, level, szAddLocal, INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL ); ret |= process_state_property( package, level, szRemove, INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT ); ret |= process_state_property( package, level, szAddSource, INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE ); ret |= process_state_property( package, level, szReinstall, INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN ); ret |= process_state_property( package, level, szAdvertise, INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED ); if (ret) msi_set_property( package->db, szPreselected, szOne ); return ret; } UINT MSI_SetFeatureStates(MSIPACKAGE *package) { int level; static const WCHAR szlevel[] = {'I','N','S','T','A','L','L','L','E','V','E','L',0}; MSICOMPONENT* component; MSIFEATURE *feature; TRACE("Checking Install Level\n"); level = msi_get_property_int(package->db, szlevel, 1); if (!msi_get_property_int( package->db, szPreselected, 0 )) { LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry ) { BOOL feature_state = ((feature->Level > 0) && (feature->Level <= level)); if ((feature_state) && (feature->Action == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN)) { if (feature->Attributes & msidbFeatureAttributesFavorSource) msi_feature_set_state(package, feature, INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE); else if (feature->Attributes & msidbFeatureAttributesFavorAdvertise) msi_feature_set_state(package, feature, INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED); else msi_feature_set_state(package, feature, INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL); } } /* disable child features of unselected parent features */ LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry ) { FeatureList *fl; if (feature->Level > 0 && feature->Level <= level) continue; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( fl, &feature->Children, FeatureList, entry ) msi_feature_set_state(package, fl->feature, INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN); } } /* * now we want to enable or disable components base on feature */ LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry ) { ComponentList *cl; TRACE("Examining Feature %s (Level %i, Installed %i, Action %i)\n", debugstr_w(feature->Feature), feature->Level, feature->Installed, feature->Action); if (!feature->Level) continue; /* features with components that have compressed files are made local */ LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( cl, &feature->Components, ComponentList, entry ) { if (cl->component->Enabled && cl->component->ForceLocalState && feature->Action == INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE) { msi_feature_set_state(package, feature, INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL); break; } } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( cl, &feature->Components, ComponentList, entry ) { component = cl->component; if (!component->Enabled) continue; switch (feature->Action) { case INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT: component->anyAbsent = 1; break; case INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED: component->hasAdvertiseFeature = 1; break; case INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE: component->hasSourceFeature = 1; break; case INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL: component->hasLocalFeature = 1; break; case INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT: if (feature->Attributes & msidbFeatureAttributesFavorAdvertise) component->hasAdvertiseFeature = 1; else if (feature->Attributes & msidbFeatureAttributesFavorSource) component->hasSourceFeature = 1; else component->hasLocalFeature = 1; break; default: break; } } } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( component, &package->components, MSICOMPONENT, entry ) { /* if the component isn't enabled, leave it alone */ if (!component->Enabled) continue; /* check if it's local or source */ if (!(component->Attributes & msidbComponentAttributesOptional) && (component->hasLocalFeature || component->hasSourceFeature)) { if ((component->Attributes & msidbComponentAttributesSourceOnly) && !component->ForceLocalState) msi_component_set_state(package, component, INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE); else msi_component_set_state(package, component, INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL); continue; } /* if any feature is local, the component must be local too */ if (component->hasLocalFeature) { msi_component_set_state(package, component, INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL); continue; } if (component->hasSourceFeature) { msi_component_set_state(package, component, INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE); continue; } if (component->hasAdvertiseFeature) { msi_component_set_state(package, component, INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED); continue; } TRACE("nobody wants component %s\n", debugstr_w(component->Component)); if (component->anyAbsent) msi_component_set_state(package, component, INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT); } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( component, &package->components, MSICOMPONENT, entry ) { if (component->Action == INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT) { TRACE("%s was default, setting to local\n", debugstr_w(component->Component)); msi_component_set_state(package, component, INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL); } TRACE("Result: Component %s (Installed %i, Action %i)\n", debugstr_w(component->Component), component->Installed, component->Action); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_CostFinalizeDirectories(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR name; LPWSTR path; MSIFOLDER *f; name = MSI_RecordGetString(row,1); f = get_loaded_folder(package, name); if (!f) return ERROR_SUCCESS; /* reset the ResolvedTarget */ msi_free(f->ResolvedTarget); f->ResolvedTarget = NULL; /* This helper function now does ALL the work */ TRACE("Dir %s ...\n",debugstr_w(name)); path = resolve_folder(package,name,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,NULL); TRACE("resolves to %s\n",debugstr_w(path)); msi_free(path); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_CostFinalizeConditions(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR name; MSIFEATURE *feature; name = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 1 ); feature = get_loaded_feature( package, name ); if (!feature) ERR("FAILED to find loaded feature %s\n",debugstr_w(name)); else { LPCWSTR Condition; Condition = MSI_RecordGetString(row,3); if (MSI_EvaluateConditionW(package,Condition) == MSICONDITION_TRUE) { int level = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,2); TRACE("Resetting feature %s to level %i\n", debugstr_w(name), level); feature->Level = level; } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static LPWSTR msi_get_disk_file_version( LPCWSTR filename ) { static const WCHAR name_fmt[] = {'%','u','.','%','u','.','%','u','.','%','u',0}; static const WCHAR name[] = {'\\',0}; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *lpVer; WCHAR filever[0x100]; LPVOID version; DWORD versize; DWORD handle; UINT sz; TRACE("%s\n", debugstr_w(filename)); versize = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW( filename, &handle ); if (!versize) return NULL; version = msi_alloc( versize ); GetFileVersionInfoW( filename, 0, versize, version ); if (!VerQueryValueW( version, name, (LPVOID*)&lpVer, &sz )) { msi_free( version ); return NULL; } sprintfW( filever, name_fmt, HIWORD(lpVer->dwFileVersionMS), LOWORD(lpVer->dwFileVersionMS), HIWORD(lpVer->dwFileVersionLS), LOWORD(lpVer->dwFileVersionLS)); msi_free( version ); return strdupW( filever ); } static UINT msi_check_file_install_states( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { LPWSTR file_version; MSIFILE *file; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( file, &package->files, MSIFILE, entry ) { MSICOMPONENT* comp = file->Component; LPWSTR p; if (!comp) continue; if (file->IsCompressed) comp->ForceLocalState = TRUE; /* calculate target */ p = resolve_folder(package, comp->Directory, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL); msi_free(file->TargetPath); TRACE("file %s is named %s\n", debugstr_w(file->File), debugstr_w(file->FileName)); file->TargetPath = build_directory_name(2, p, file->FileName); msi_free(p); TRACE("file %s resolves to %s\n", debugstr_w(file->File), debugstr_w(file->TargetPath)); /* don't check files of components that aren't installed */ if (comp->Installed == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN || comp->Installed == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { file->state = msifs_missing; /* assume files are missing */ continue; } if (GetFileAttributesW(file->TargetPath) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { file->state = msifs_missing; comp->Cost += file->FileSize; continue; } if (file->Version && (file_version = msi_get_disk_file_version( file->TargetPath ))) { TRACE("new %s old %s\n", debugstr_w(file->Version), debugstr_w(file_version)); /* FIXME: seems like a bad way to compare version numbers */ if (lstrcmpiW(file_version, file->Version)<0) { file->state = msifs_overwrite; comp->Cost += file->FileSize; } else file->state = msifs_present; msi_free( file_version ); } else { file->state = msifs_overwrite; comp->Cost += file->FileSize; } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /* * A lot is done in this function aside from just the costing. * The costing needs to be implemented at some point but for now I am going * to focus on the directory building * */ static UINT ACTION_CostFinalize(MSIPACKAGE *package) { static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','D','i','r','e','c','t','o','r','y','`',0}; static const WCHAR ConditionQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','C','o','n','d','i','t','i','o','n','`',0}; static const WCHAR szCosting[] = {'C','o','s','t','i','n','g','C','o','m','p','l','e','t','e',0 }; static const WCHAR szlevel[] = {'I','N','S','T','A','L','L','L','E','V','E','L',0}; static const WCHAR szOutOfDiskSpace[] = {'O','u','t','O','f','D','i','s','k','S','p','a','c','e',0}; MSICOMPONENT *comp; UINT rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSIQUERY * view; LPWSTR level; TRACE("Building Directory properties\n"); rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_CostFinalizeDirectories, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); } /* read components states from the registry */ ACTION_GetComponentInstallStates(package); ACTION_GetFeatureInstallStates(package); TRACE("File calculations\n"); msi_check_file_install_states( package ); if (!process_overrides( package, msi_get_property_int( package->db, szlevel, 1 ) )) { TRACE("Evaluating Condition Table\n"); rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, ConditionQuery, &view ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_CostFinalizeConditions, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); } TRACE("Enabling or Disabling Components\n"); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( comp, &package->components, MSICOMPONENT, entry ) { if (MSI_EvaluateConditionW( package, comp->Condition ) == MSICONDITION_FALSE) { TRACE("Disabling component %s\n", debugstr_w(comp->Component)); comp->Enabled = FALSE; } else comp->Enabled = TRUE; } } msi_set_property( package->db, szCosting, szOne ); /* set default run level if not set */ level = msi_dup_property( package->db, szlevel ); if (!level) msi_set_property( package->db, szlevel, szOne ); msi_free(level); /* FIXME: check volume disk space */ msi_set_property( package->db, szOutOfDiskSpace, szZero ); return MSI_SetFeatureStates(package); } /* OK this value is "interpreted" and then formatted based on the first few characters */ static LPSTR parse_value(MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR value, DWORD *type, DWORD *size) { LPSTR data = NULL; if (value[0]=='#' && value[1]!='#' && value[1]!='%') { if (value[1]=='x') { LPWSTR ptr; CHAR byte[5]; LPWSTR deformated = NULL; int count; deformat_string(package, &value[2], &deformated); /* binary value type */ ptr = deformated; *type = REG_BINARY; if (strlenW(ptr)%2) *size = (strlenW(ptr)/2)+1; else *size = strlenW(ptr)/2; data = msi_alloc(*size); byte[0] = '0'; byte[1] = 'x'; byte[4] = 0; count = 0; /* if uneven pad with a zero in front */ if (strlenW(ptr)%2) { byte[2]= '0'; byte[3]= *ptr; ptr++; data[count] = (BYTE)strtol(byte,NULL,0); count ++; TRACE("Uneven byte count\n"); } while (*ptr) { byte[2]= *ptr; ptr++; byte[3]= *ptr; ptr++; data[count] = (BYTE)strtol(byte,NULL,0); count ++; } msi_free(deformated); TRACE("Data %i bytes(%i)\n",*size,count); } else { LPWSTR deformated; LPWSTR p; DWORD d = 0; deformat_string(package, &value[1], &deformated); *type=REG_DWORD; *size = sizeof(DWORD); data = msi_alloc(*size); p = deformated; if (*p == '-') p++; while (*p) { if ( (*p < '0') || (*p > '9') ) break; d *= 10; d += (*p - '0'); p++; } if (deformated[0] == '-') d = -d; *(LPDWORD)data = d; TRACE("DWORD %i\n",*(LPDWORD)data); msi_free(deformated); } } else { static const WCHAR szMulti[] = {'[','~',']',0}; LPCWSTR ptr; *type=REG_SZ; if (value[0]=='#') { if (value[1]=='%') { ptr = &value[2]; *type=REG_EXPAND_SZ; } else ptr = &value[1]; } else ptr=value; if (strstrW(value,szMulti)) *type = REG_MULTI_SZ; /* remove initial delimiter */ if (!strncmpW(value, szMulti, 3)) ptr = value + 3; *size = deformat_string(package, ptr,(LPWSTR*)&data); /* add double NULL terminator */ if (*type == REG_MULTI_SZ) { *size += 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); /* two NULL terminators */ data = msi_realloc_zero(data, *size); } } return data; } static const WCHAR *get_root_key( MSIPACKAGE *package, INT root, HKEY *root_key ) { const WCHAR *ret; switch (root) { case -1: if (msi_get_property_int( package->db, szAllUsers, 0 )) { *root_key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; ret = szHLM; } else { *root_key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; ret = szHCU; } break; case 0: *root_key = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; ret = szHCR; break; case 1: *root_key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; ret = szHCU; break; case 2: *root_key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; ret = szHLM; break; case 3: *root_key = HKEY_USERS; ret = szHU; break; default: ERR("Unknown root %i\n", root); return NULL; } return ret; } static UINT ITERATE_WriteRegistryValues(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPSTR value_data = NULL; HKEY root_key, hkey; DWORD type,size; LPWSTR deformated; LPCWSTR szRoot, component, name, key, value; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIRECORD * uirow; LPWSTR uikey; INT root; BOOL check_first = FALSE; UINT rc; ui_progress(package,2,0,0,0); value = NULL; key = NULL; uikey = NULL; name = NULL; component = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 6); comp = get_loaded_component(package,component); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for installation: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL; name = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 4); if( MSI_RecordIsNull(row,5) && name ) { /* null values can have special meanings */ if (name[0]=='-' && name[1] == 0) return ERROR_SUCCESS; else if ((name[0]=='+' && name[1] == 0) || (name[0] == '*' && name[1] == 0)) name = NULL; check_first = TRUE; } root = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,2); key = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 3); szRoot = get_root_key( package, root, &root_key ); if (!szRoot) return ERROR_SUCCESS; deformat_string(package, key , &deformated); size = strlenW(deformated) + strlenW(szRoot) + 1; uikey = msi_alloc(size*sizeof(WCHAR)); strcpyW(uikey,szRoot); strcatW(uikey,deformated); if (RegCreateKeyW( root_key, deformated, &hkey)) { ERR("Could not create key %s\n",debugstr_w(deformated)); msi_free(deformated); msi_free(uikey); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } msi_free(deformated); value = MSI_RecordGetString(row,5); if (value) value_data = parse_value(package, value, &type, &size); else { value_data = (LPSTR)strdupW(szEmpty); size = sizeof(szEmpty); type = REG_SZ; } deformat_string(package, name, &deformated); if (!check_first) { TRACE("Setting value %s of %s\n",debugstr_w(deformated), debugstr_w(uikey)); RegSetValueExW(hkey, deformated, 0, type, (LPBYTE)value_data, size); } else { DWORD sz = 0; rc = RegQueryValueExW(hkey, deformated, NULL, NULL, NULL, &sz); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS || rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { TRACE("value %s of %s checked already exists\n", debugstr_w(deformated), debugstr_w(uikey)); } else { TRACE("Checked and setting value %s of %s\n", debugstr_w(deformated), debugstr_w(uikey)); if (deformated || size) RegSetValueExW(hkey, deformated, 0, type, (LPBYTE) value_data, size); } } RegCloseKey(hkey); uirow = MSI_CreateRecord(3); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,2,deformated); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,1,uikey); if (type == REG_SZ || type == REG_EXPAND_SZ) MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,3,(LPWSTR)value_data); ui_actiondata(package,szWriteRegistryValues,uirow); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free(value_data); msi_free(deformated); msi_free(uikey); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_WriteRegistryValues(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY * view; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','R','e','g','i','s','t','r','y','`',0 }; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; /* increment progress bar each time action data is sent */ ui_progress(package,1,REG_PROGRESS_VALUE,1,0); rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_WriteRegistryValues, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } static void delete_reg_key_or_value( HKEY hkey_root, LPCWSTR key, LPCWSTR value, BOOL delete_key ) { LONG res; HKEY hkey; DWORD num_subkeys, num_values; if (delete_key) { if ((res = RegDeleteTreeW( hkey_root, key ))) { WARN("Failed to delete key %s (%d)\n", debugstr_w(key), res); } return; } if (!(res = RegOpenKeyW( hkey_root, key, &hkey ))) { if ((res = RegDeleteValueW( hkey, value ))) { WARN("Failed to delete value %s (%d)\n", debugstr_w(value), res); } res = RegQueryInfoKeyW( hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &num_subkeys, NULL, NULL, &num_values, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); RegCloseKey( hkey ); if (!res && !num_subkeys && !num_values) { TRACE("Removing empty key %s\n", debugstr_w(key)); RegDeleteKeyW( hkey_root, key ); } return; } WARN("Failed to open key %s (%d)\n", debugstr_w(key), res); } static UINT ITERATE_RemoveRegistryValuesOnUninstall( MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR component, name, key_str, root_key_str; LPWSTR deformated_key, deformated_name, ui_key_str; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIRECORD *uirow; BOOL delete_key = FALSE; HKEY hkey_root; UINT size; INT root; ui_progress( package, 2, 0, 0, 0 ); component = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 6 ); comp = get_loaded_component( package, component ); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for removal: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; name = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 4 ); if (MSI_RecordIsNull( row, 5 ) && name ) { if (name[0] == '+' && !name[1]) return ERROR_SUCCESS; else if ((name[0] == '-' && !name[1]) || (name[0] == '*' && !name[1])) { delete_key = TRUE; name = NULL; } } root = MSI_RecordGetInteger( row, 2 ); key_str = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 3 ); root_key_str = get_root_key( package, root, &hkey_root ); if (!root_key_str) return ERROR_SUCCESS; deformat_string( package, key_str, &deformated_key ); size = strlenW( deformated_key ) + strlenW( root_key_str ) + 1; ui_key_str = msi_alloc( size * sizeof(WCHAR) ); strcpyW( ui_key_str, root_key_str ); strcatW( ui_key_str, deformated_key ); deformat_string( package, name, &deformated_name ); delete_reg_key_or_value( hkey_root, deformated_key, deformated_name, delete_key ); msi_free( deformated_key ); uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, ui_key_str ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, deformated_name ); ui_actiondata( package, szRemoveRegistryValues, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free( ui_key_str ); msi_free( deformated_name ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_RemoveRegistryValuesOnInstall( MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR component, name, key_str, root_key_str; LPWSTR deformated_key, deformated_name, ui_key_str; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIRECORD *uirow; BOOL delete_key = FALSE; HKEY hkey_root; UINT size; INT root; ui_progress( package, 2, 0, 0, 0 ); component = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 5 ); comp = get_loaded_component( package, component ); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for installation: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL; if ((name = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 4 ))) { if (name[0] == '-' && !name[1]) { delete_key = TRUE; name = NULL; } } root = MSI_RecordGetInteger( row, 2 ); key_str = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 3 ); root_key_str = get_root_key( package, root, &hkey_root ); if (!root_key_str) return ERROR_SUCCESS; deformat_string( package, key_str, &deformated_key ); size = strlenW( deformated_key ) + strlenW( root_key_str ) + 1; ui_key_str = msi_alloc( size * sizeof(WCHAR) ); strcpyW( ui_key_str, root_key_str ); strcatW( ui_key_str, deformated_key ); deformat_string( package, name, &deformated_name ); delete_reg_key_or_value( hkey_root, deformated_key, deformated_name, delete_key ); msi_free( deformated_key ); uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, ui_key_str ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, deformated_name ); ui_actiondata( package, szRemoveRegistryValues, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free( ui_key_str ); msi_free( deformated_name ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_RemoveRegistryValues( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR registry_query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','R','e','g','i','s','t','r','y','`',0 }; static const WCHAR remove_registry_query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','R','e','m','o','v','e','R','e','g','i','s','t','r','y','`',0 }; /* increment progress bar each time action data is sent */ ui_progress( package, 1, REG_PROGRESS_VALUE, 1, 0 ); rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, registry_query, &view ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_RemoveRegistryValuesOnUninstall, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return rc; } rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, remove_registry_query, &view ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_RemoveRegistryValuesOnInstall, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return rc; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_InstallInitialize(MSIPACKAGE *package) { package->script->CurrentlyScripting = TRUE; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_InstallValidate(MSIPACKAGE *package) { MSICOMPONENT *comp; DWORD progress = 0; DWORD total = 0; static const WCHAR q1[]= {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ', '`','R','e','g','i','s','t','r','y','`',0}; UINT rc; MSIQUERY * view; MSIFEATURE *feature; MSIFILE *file; TRACE("InstallValidate\n"); rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, q1, &view); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MSI_IterateRecords( view, &progress, NULL, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); total += progress * REG_PROGRESS_VALUE; } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( comp, &package->components, MSICOMPONENT, entry ) total += COMPONENT_PROGRESS_VALUE; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( file, &package->files, MSIFILE, entry ) total += file->FileSize; ui_progress(package,0,total,0,0); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry ) { TRACE("Feature: %s; Installed: %i; Action %i; Request %i\n", debugstr_w(feature->Feature), feature->Installed, feature->Action, feature->ActionRequest); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_LaunchConditions(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE* package = param; LPCWSTR cond = NULL; LPCWSTR message = NULL; UINT r; static const WCHAR title[]= {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l',' ','F','a', 'i','l','e','d',0}; cond = MSI_RecordGetString(row,1); r = MSI_EvaluateConditionW(package,cond); if (r == MSICONDITION_FALSE) { if ((gUILevel & INSTALLUILEVEL_MASK) != INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE) { LPWSTR deformated; message = MSI_RecordGetString(row,2); deformat_string(package,message,&deformated); MessageBoxW(NULL,deformated,title,MB_OK); msi_free(deformated); } return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_LaunchConditions(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY * view = NULL; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','L','a','u','n','c','h','C','o','n','d','i','t','i','o','n','`',0}; TRACE("Checking launch conditions\n"); rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_LaunchConditions, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } static LPWSTR resolve_keypath( MSIPACKAGE* package, MSICOMPONENT *cmp ) { if (!cmp->KeyPath) return resolve_folder(package,cmp->Directory,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,NULL); if (cmp->Attributes & msidbComponentAttributesRegistryKeyPath) { MSIRECORD * row = 0; UINT root,len; LPWSTR deformated,buffer,deformated_name; LPCWSTR key,name; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','R','e','g','i','s','t','r','y','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','R','e','g','i','s','t','r','y','`', ' ','=',' ' ,'\'','%','s','\'',0 }; static const WCHAR fmt[]={'%','0','2','i',':','\\','%','s','\\',0}; static const WCHAR fmt2[]= {'%','0','2','i',':','\\','%','s','\\','%','s',0}; row = MSI_QueryGetRecord(package->db, ExecSeqQuery,cmp->KeyPath); if (!row) return NULL; root = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,2); key = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 3); name = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 4); deformat_string(package, key , &deformated); deformat_string(package, name, &deformated_name); len = strlenW(deformated) + 6; if (deformated_name) len+=strlenW(deformated_name); buffer = msi_alloc( len *sizeof(WCHAR)); if (deformated_name) sprintfW(buffer,fmt2,root,deformated,deformated_name); else sprintfW(buffer,fmt,root,deformated); msi_free(deformated); msi_free(deformated_name); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); return buffer; } else if (cmp->Attributes & msidbComponentAttributesODBCDataSource) { FIXME("UNIMPLEMENTED keypath as ODBC Source\n"); return NULL; } else { MSIFILE *file = get_loaded_file( package, cmp->KeyPath ); if (file) return strdupW( file->TargetPath ); } return NULL; } static HKEY openSharedDLLsKey(void) { HKEY hkey=0; static const WCHAR path[] = {'S','o','f','t','w','a','r','e','\\', 'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','\\', 'W','i','n','d','o','w','s','\\', 'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n','\\', 'S','h','a','r','e','d','D','L','L','s',0}; RegCreateKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,path,&hkey); return hkey; } static UINT ACTION_GetSharedDLLsCount(LPCWSTR dll) { HKEY hkey; DWORD count=0; DWORD type; DWORD sz = sizeof(count); DWORD rc; hkey = openSharedDLLsKey(); rc = RegQueryValueExW(hkey, dll, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&count, &sz); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) count = 0; RegCloseKey(hkey); return count; } static UINT ACTION_WriteSharedDLLsCount(LPCWSTR path, UINT count) { HKEY hkey; hkey = openSharedDLLsKey(); if (count > 0) msi_reg_set_val_dword( hkey, path, count ); else RegDeleteValueW(hkey,path); RegCloseKey(hkey); return count; } /* * Return TRUE if the count should be written out and FALSE if not */ static void ACTION_RefCountComponent( MSIPACKAGE* package, MSICOMPONENT *comp ) { MSIFEATURE *feature; INT count = 0; BOOL write = FALSE; /* only refcount DLLs */ if (comp->KeyPath == NULL || comp->Attributes & msidbComponentAttributesRegistryKeyPath || comp->Attributes & msidbComponentAttributesODBCDataSource) write = FALSE; else { count = ACTION_GetSharedDLLsCount( comp->FullKeypath); write = (count > 0); if (comp->Attributes & msidbComponentAttributesSharedDllRefCount) write = TRUE; } /* increment counts */ LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry ) { ComponentList *cl; if (feature->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) continue; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( cl, &feature->Components, ComponentList, entry ) { if ( cl->component == comp ) count++; } } /* decrement counts */ LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry ) { ComponentList *cl; if (feature->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) continue; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( cl, &feature->Components, ComponentList, entry ) { if ( cl->component == comp ) count--; } } /* ref count all the files in the component */ if (write) { MSIFILE *file; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( file, &package->files, MSIFILE, entry ) { if (file->Component == comp) ACTION_WriteSharedDLLsCount( file->TargetPath, count ); } } /* add a count for permanent */ if (comp->Attributes & msidbComponentAttributesPermanent) count ++; comp->RefCount = count; if (write) ACTION_WriteSharedDLLsCount( comp->FullKeypath, comp->RefCount ); } static UINT ACTION_ProcessComponents(MSIPACKAGE *package) { WCHAR squished_pc[GUID_SIZE]; WCHAR squished_cc[GUID_SIZE]; UINT rc; MSICOMPONENT *comp; HKEY hkey; TRACE("\n"); squash_guid(package->ProductCode,squished_pc); ui_progress(package,1,COMPONENT_PROGRESS_VALUE,1,0); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( comp, &package->components, MSICOMPONENT, entry ) { MSIRECORD * uirow; ui_progress(package,2,0,0,0); if (!comp->ComponentId) continue; squash_guid(comp->ComponentId,squished_cc); msi_free(comp->FullKeypath); comp->FullKeypath = resolve_keypath( package, comp ); ACTION_RefCountComponent( package, comp ); TRACE("Component %s (%s), Keypath=%s, RefCount=%i\n", debugstr_w(comp->Component), debugstr_w(squished_cc), debugstr_w(comp->FullKeypath), comp->RefCount); if (comp->ActionRequest == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL || comp->ActionRequest == INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE) { if (!comp->FullKeypath) continue; if (package->Context == MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE) rc = MSIREG_OpenUserDataComponentKey(comp->ComponentId, szLocalSid, &hkey, TRUE); else rc = MSIREG_OpenUserDataComponentKey(comp->ComponentId, NULL, &hkey, TRUE); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; if (comp->Attributes & msidbComponentAttributesPermanent) { static const WCHAR szPermKey[] = { '0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0', '0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0', '0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0',0 }; msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, szPermKey, comp->FullKeypath); } if (comp->Action == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, squished_pc, comp->FullKeypath); else { MSIFILE *file; MSIRECORD *row; LPWSTR ptr, ptr2; WCHAR source[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR base[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR sourcepath; static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','0','2','d','\\',0}; static const WCHAR query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ', '`','M','e','d','i','a','`',' ','W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','L','a','s','t','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',' ', '>','=',' ','%','i',' ','O','R','D','E','R',' ','B','Y',' ', '`','D','i','s','k','I','d','`',0}; file = get_loaded_file(package, comp->KeyPath); if (!file) continue; row = MSI_QueryGetRecord(package->db, query, file->Sequence); sprintfW(source, fmt, MSI_RecordGetInteger(row, 1)); ptr2 = strrchrW(source, '\\') + 1; msiobj_release(&row->hdr); lstrcpyW(base, package->PackagePath); ptr = strrchrW(base, '\\'); *(ptr + 1) = '\0'; sourcepath = resolve_file_source(package, file); ptr = sourcepath + lstrlenW(base); lstrcpyW(ptr2, ptr); msi_free(sourcepath); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, squished_pc, source); } RegCloseKey(hkey); } else if (comp->ActionRequest == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { if (package->Context == MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE) MSIREG_DeleteUserDataComponentKey(comp->ComponentId, szLocalSid); else MSIREG_DeleteUserDataComponentKey(comp->ComponentId, NULL); } comp->Action = comp->ActionRequest; /* UI stuff */ uirow = MSI_CreateRecord(3); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,1,package->ProductCode); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,2,comp->ComponentId); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,3,comp->FullKeypath); ui_actiondata(package,szProcessComponents,uirow); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } typedef struct { CLSID clsid; LPWSTR source; LPWSTR path; ITypeLib *ptLib; } typelib_struct; static BOOL CALLBACK Typelib_EnumResNameProc( HMODULE hModule, LPCWSTR lpszType, LPWSTR lpszName, LONG_PTR lParam) { TLIBATTR *attr; typelib_struct *tl_struct = (typelib_struct*) lParam; static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','s','\\','%','i',0}; int sz; HRESULT res; if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(lpszName)) { ERR("Not Int Resource Name %s\n",debugstr_w(lpszName)); return TRUE; } sz = strlenW(tl_struct->source)+4; sz *= sizeof(WCHAR); if ((INT_PTR)lpszName == 1) tl_struct->path = strdupW(tl_struct->source); else { tl_struct->path = msi_alloc(sz); sprintfW(tl_struct->path,fmt,tl_struct->source, lpszName); } TRACE("trying %s\n", debugstr_w(tl_struct->path)); res = LoadTypeLib(tl_struct->path,&tl_struct->ptLib); if (FAILED(res)) { msi_free(tl_struct->path); tl_struct->path = NULL; return TRUE; } ITypeLib_GetLibAttr(tl_struct->ptLib, &attr); if (IsEqualGUID(&(tl_struct->clsid),&(attr->guid))) { ITypeLib_ReleaseTLibAttr(tl_struct->ptLib, attr); return FALSE; } msi_free(tl_struct->path); tl_struct->path = NULL; ITypeLib_ReleaseTLibAttr(tl_struct->ptLib, attr); ITypeLib_Release(tl_struct->ptLib); return TRUE; } static UINT ITERATE_RegisterTypeLibraries(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE* package = param; LPCWSTR component; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIFILE *file; typelib_struct tl_struct; ITypeLib *tlib; HMODULE module; HRESULT hr; component = MSI_RecordGetString(row,3); comp = get_loaded_component(package,component); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for installation: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL; file = get_loaded_file( package, comp->KeyPath ); if (!file) return ERROR_SUCCESS; ui_actiondata( package, szRegisterTypeLibraries, row ); module = LoadLibraryExW( file->TargetPath, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE ); if (module) { LPCWSTR guid; guid = MSI_RecordGetString(row,1); CLSIDFromString((LPCWSTR)guid, &tl_struct.clsid); tl_struct.source = strdupW( file->TargetPath ); tl_struct.path = NULL; EnumResourceNamesW(module, szTYPELIB, Typelib_EnumResNameProc, (LONG_PTR)&tl_struct); if (tl_struct.path) { LPWSTR help = NULL; LPCWSTR helpid; HRESULT res; helpid = MSI_RecordGetString(row,6); if (helpid) help = resolve_folder(package,helpid,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,NULL); res = RegisterTypeLib(tl_struct.ptLib,tl_struct.path,help); msi_free(help); if (FAILED(res)) ERR("Failed to register type library %s\n", debugstr_w(tl_struct.path)); else TRACE("Registered %s\n", debugstr_w(tl_struct.path)); ITypeLib_Release(tl_struct.ptLib); msi_free(tl_struct.path); } else ERR("Failed to load type library %s\n", debugstr_w(tl_struct.source)); FreeLibrary(module); msi_free(tl_struct.source); } else { hr = LoadTypeLibEx(file->TargetPath, REGKIND_REGISTER, &tlib); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR("Failed to load type library: %08x\n", hr); return ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; } ITypeLib_Release(tlib); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_RegisterTypeLibraries(MSIPACKAGE *package) { /* * OK this is a bit confusing.. I am given a _Component key and I believe * that the file that is being registered as a type library is the "key file * of that component" which I interpret to mean "The file in the KeyPath of * that component". */ UINT rc; MSIQUERY * view; static const WCHAR Query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','T','y','p','e','L','i','b','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, Query, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_RegisterTypeLibraries, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_UnregisterTypeLibraries( MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR component, guid; MSICOMPONENT *comp; GUID libid; UINT version; LCID language; SYSKIND syskind; HRESULT hr; component = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 3 ); comp = get_loaded_component( package, component ); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for removal %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; ui_actiondata( package, szUnregisterTypeLibraries, row ); guid = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 1 ); CLSIDFromString( (LPCWSTR)guid, &libid ); version = MSI_RecordGetInteger( row, 4 ); language = MSI_RecordGetInteger( row, 2 ); #ifdef _WIN64 syskind = SYS_WIN64; #else syskind = SYS_WIN32; #endif hr = UnRegisterTypeLib( &libid, (version >> 8) & 0xffff, version & 0xff, language, syskind ); if (FAILED(hr)) { WARN("Failed to unregister typelib: %08x\n", hr); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_UnregisterTypeLibraries( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','T','y','p','e','L','i','b','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_UnregisterTypeLibraries, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return rc; } static WCHAR *get_link_file( MSIPACKAGE *package, MSIRECORD *row ) { static const WCHAR szlnk[] = {'.','l','n','k',0}; LPCWSTR directory, extension; LPWSTR link_folder, link_file, filename; directory = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 2 ); link_folder = resolve_folder( package, directory, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL ); /* may be needed because of a bug somewhere else */ create_full_pathW( link_folder ); filename = msi_dup_record_field( row, 3 ); reduce_to_longfilename( filename ); extension = strchrW( filename, '.' ); if (!extension || strcmpiW( extension, szlnk )) { int len = strlenW( filename ); filename = msi_realloc( filename, len * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(szlnk) ); memcpy( filename + len, szlnk, sizeof(szlnk) ); } link_file = build_directory_name( 2, link_folder, filename ); msi_free( link_folder ); msi_free( filename ); return link_file; } static UINT ITERATE_CreateShortcuts(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPWSTR link_file, deformated, path; LPCWSTR component, target; MSICOMPONENT *comp; IShellLinkW *sl = NULL; IPersistFile *pf = NULL; HRESULT res; component = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 4); comp = get_loaded_component(package, component); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for installation %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL; ui_actiondata(package,szCreateShortcuts,row); res = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IShellLinkW, (LPVOID *) &sl ); if (FAILED( res )) { ERR("CLSID_ShellLink not available\n"); goto err; } res = IShellLinkW_QueryInterface( sl, &IID_IPersistFile,(LPVOID*) &pf ); if (FAILED( res )) { ERR("QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile) failed\n"); goto err; } target = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 5); if (strchrW(target, '[')) { deformat_string(package, target, &deformated); IShellLinkW_SetPath(sl,deformated); msi_free(deformated); } else { FIXME("poorly handled shortcut format, advertised shortcut\n"); IShellLinkW_SetPath(sl,comp->FullKeypath); } if (!MSI_RecordIsNull(row,6)) { LPCWSTR arguments = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 6); deformat_string(package, arguments, &deformated); IShellLinkW_SetArguments(sl,deformated); msi_free(deformated); } if (!MSI_RecordIsNull(row,7)) { LPCWSTR description = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 7); IShellLinkW_SetDescription(sl, description); } if (!MSI_RecordIsNull(row,8)) IShellLinkW_SetHotkey(sl,MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,8)); if (!MSI_RecordIsNull(row,9)) { INT index; LPCWSTR icon = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 9); path = build_icon_path(package, icon); index = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,10); /* no value means 0 */ if (index == MSI_NULL_INTEGER) index = 0; IShellLinkW_SetIconLocation(sl, path, index); msi_free(path); } if (!MSI_RecordIsNull(row,11)) IShellLinkW_SetShowCmd(sl,MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,11)); if (!MSI_RecordIsNull(row,12)) { LPCWSTR wkdir = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 12); path = resolve_folder(package, wkdir, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL); if (path) IShellLinkW_SetWorkingDirectory(sl, path); msi_free(path); } link_file = get_link_file(package, row); TRACE("Writing shortcut to %s\n", debugstr_w(link_file)); IPersistFile_Save(pf, link_file, FALSE); msi_free(link_file); err: if (pf) IPersistFile_Release( pf ); if (sl) IShellLinkW_Release( sl ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_CreateShortcuts(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc; HRESULT res; MSIQUERY * view; static const WCHAR Query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','S','h','o','r','t','c','u','t','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, Query, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; res = CoInitialize( NULL ); rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_CreateShortcuts, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); if (SUCCEEDED(res)) CoUninitialize(); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_RemoveShortcuts( MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPWSTR link_file; LPCWSTR component; MSICOMPONENT *comp; component = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 4 ); comp = get_loaded_component( package, component ); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for removal %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; ui_actiondata( package, szRemoveShortcuts, row ); link_file = get_link_file( package, row ); TRACE("Removing shortcut file %s\n", debugstr_w( link_file )); if (!DeleteFileW( link_file )) { WARN("Failed to remove shortcut file %u\n", GetLastError()); } msi_free( link_file ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_RemoveShortcuts( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','S','h','o','r','t','c','u','t','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_RemoveShortcuts, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_PublishIcon(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE* package = param; HANDLE the_file; LPWSTR FilePath; LPCWSTR FileName; CHAR buffer[1024]; DWORD sz; UINT rc; FileName = MSI_RecordGetString(row,1); if (!FileName) { ERR("Unable to get FileName\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } FilePath = build_icon_path(package,FileName); TRACE("Creating icon file at %s\n",debugstr_w(FilePath)); the_file = CreateFileW(FilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (the_file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ERR("Unable to create file %s\n",debugstr_w(FilePath)); msi_free(FilePath); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } do { DWORD write; sz = 1024; rc = MSI_RecordReadStream(row,2,buffer,&sz); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Failed to get stream\n"); CloseHandle(the_file); DeleteFileW(FilePath); break; } WriteFile(the_file,buffer,sz,&write,NULL); } while (sz == 1024); msi_free(FilePath); CloseHandle(the_file); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT msi_publish_icons(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT r; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR query[]= { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ','`','I','c','o','n','`',0}; r = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, query, &view); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_PublishIcon, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT msi_publish_sourcelist(MSIPACKAGE *package, HKEY hkey) { UINT r; HKEY source; LPWSTR buffer; MSIMEDIADISK *disk; MSISOURCELISTINFO *info; r = RegCreateKeyW(hkey, szSourceList, &source); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; RegCloseKey(source); buffer = strrchrW(package->PackagePath, '\\') + 1; r = MsiSourceListSetInfoW(package->ProductCode, NULL, package->Context, MSICODE_PRODUCT, INSTALLPROPERTY_PACKAGENAMEW, buffer); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; r = MsiSourceListSetInfoW(package->ProductCode, NULL, package->Context, MSICODE_PRODUCT, INSTALLPROPERTY_MEDIAPACKAGEPATHW, szEmpty); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; r = MsiSourceListSetInfoW(package->ProductCode, NULL, package->Context, MSICODE_PRODUCT, INSTALLPROPERTY_DISKPROMPTW, szEmpty); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(info, &package->sourcelist_info, MSISOURCELISTINFO, entry) { if (!lstrcmpW(info->property, INSTALLPROPERTY_LASTUSEDSOURCEW)) msi_set_last_used_source(package->ProductCode, NULL, info->context, info->options, info->value); else MsiSourceListSetInfoW(package->ProductCode, NULL, info->context, info->options, info->property, info->value); } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(disk, &package->sourcelist_media, MSIMEDIADISK, entry) { MsiSourceListAddMediaDiskW(package->ProductCode, NULL, disk->context, disk->options, disk->disk_id, disk->volume_label, disk->disk_prompt); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT msi_publish_product_properties(MSIPACKAGE *package, HKEY hkey) { MSIHANDLE hdb, suminfo; WCHAR guids[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR packcode[SQUISH_GUID_SIZE]; LPWSTR buffer; LPWSTR ptr; DWORD langid; DWORD size; UINT r; static const WCHAR szProductLanguage[] = {'P','r','o','d','u','c','t','L','a','n','g','u','a','g','e',0}; static const WCHAR szARPProductIcon[] = {'A','R','P','P','R','O','D','U','C','T','I','C','O','N',0}; static const WCHAR szProductVersion[] = {'P','r','o','d','u','c','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR szAssignment[] = {'A','s','s','i','g','n','m','e','n','t',0}; static const WCHAR szAdvertiseFlags[] = {'A','d','v','e','r','t','i','s','e','F','l','a','g','s',0}; static const WCHAR szClients[] = {'C','l','i','e','n','t','s',0}; static const WCHAR szColon[] = {':',0}; buffer = msi_dup_property(package->db, INSTALLPROPERTY_PRODUCTNAMEW); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_PRODUCTNAMEW, buffer); msi_free(buffer); langid = msi_get_property_int(package->db, szProductLanguage, 0); msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_LANGUAGEW, langid); /* FIXME */ msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_AUTHORIZED_LUA_APPW, 0); buffer = msi_dup_property(package->db, szARPProductIcon); if (buffer) { LPWSTR path = build_icon_path(package,buffer); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_PRODUCTICONW, path); msi_free(path); msi_free(buffer); } buffer = msi_dup_property(package->db, szProductVersion); if (buffer) { DWORD verdword = msi_version_str_to_dword(buffer); msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_VERSIONW, verdword); msi_free(buffer); } msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, szAssignment, 0); msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, szAdvertiseFlags, 0x184); msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_INSTANCETYPEW, 0); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, szClients, szColon); hdb = alloc_msihandle(&package->db->hdr); if (!hdb) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; r = MsiGetSummaryInformationW(hdb, NULL, 0, &suminfo); MsiCloseHandle(hdb); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; size = MAX_PATH; r = MsiSummaryInfoGetPropertyW(suminfo, PID_REVNUMBER, NULL, NULL, NULL, guids, &size); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; ptr = strchrW(guids, ';'); if (ptr) *ptr = 0; squash_guid(guids, packcode); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_PACKAGECODEW, packcode); done: MsiCloseHandle(suminfo); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT msi_publish_upgrade_code(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT r; HKEY hkey; LPWSTR upgrade; WCHAR squashed_pc[SQUISH_GUID_SIZE]; static const WCHAR szUpgradeCode[] = {'U','p','g','r','a','d','e','C','o','d','e',0}; upgrade = msi_dup_property(package->db, szUpgradeCode); if (!upgrade) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (package->Context == MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE) { r = MSIREG_OpenClassesUpgradeCodesKey(upgrade, &hkey, TRUE); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; } else { r = MSIREG_OpenUserUpgradeCodesKey(upgrade, &hkey, TRUE); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; } squash_guid(package->ProductCode, squashed_pc); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, squashed_pc, NULL); RegCloseKey(hkey); done: msi_free(upgrade); return r; } static BOOL msi_check_publish(MSIPACKAGE *package) { MSIFEATURE *feature; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry) { if (feature->ActionRequest == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static BOOL msi_check_unpublish(MSIPACKAGE *package) { MSIFEATURE *feature; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry) { if (feature->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static UINT msi_publish_patch(MSIPACKAGE *package, HKEY prodkey, HKEY hudkey) { WCHAR patch_squashed[GUID_SIZE]; HKEY patches; LONG res; UINT r = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; res = RegCreateKeyExW(prodkey, szPatches, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &patches, NULL); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; squash_guid(package->patch->patchcode, patch_squashed); res = RegSetValueExW(patches, szPatches, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (const BYTE *)patch_squashed, (lstrlenW(patch_squashed) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; res = RegSetValueExW(patches, patch_squashed, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)package->patch->transforms, (lstrlenW(package->patch->transforms) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS) r = ERROR_SUCCESS; done: RegCloseKey(patches); return r; } /* * 99% of the work done here is only done for * advertised installs. However this is where the * Icon table is processed and written out * so that is what I am going to do here. */ static UINT ACTION_PublishProduct(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc; HKEY hukey = NULL, hudkey = NULL; MSIRECORD *uirow; /* FIXME: also need to publish if the product is in advertise mode */ if (!msi_check_publish(package)) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSIREG_OpenProductKey(package->ProductCode, NULL, package->Context, &hukey, TRUE); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end; rc = MSIREG_OpenUserDataProductKey(package->ProductCode, package->Context, NULL, &hudkey, TRUE); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end; rc = msi_publish_upgrade_code(package); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end; if (package->patch) { rc = msi_publish_patch(package, hukey, hudkey); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end; } rc = msi_publish_product_properties(package, hukey); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end; rc = msi_publish_sourcelist(package, hukey); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end; rc = msi_publish_icons(package); end: uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 1 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, package->ProductCode ); ui_actiondata( package, szPublishProduct, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); RegCloseKey(hukey); RegCloseKey(hudkey); return rc; } static WCHAR *get_ini_file_name( MSIPACKAGE *package, MSIRECORD *row ) { WCHAR *filename, *ptr, *folder, *ret; const WCHAR *dirprop; filename = msi_dup_record_field( row, 2 ); if (filename && (ptr = strchrW( filename, '|' ))) ptr++; else ptr = filename; dirprop = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 3 ); if (dirprop) { folder = resolve_folder( package, dirprop, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL ); if (!folder) folder = msi_dup_property( package->db, dirprop ); } else folder = msi_dup_property( package->db, szWindowsFolder ); if (!folder) { ERR("Unable to resolve folder %s\n", debugstr_w(dirprop)); msi_free( filename ); return NULL; } ret = build_directory_name( 2, folder, ptr ); msi_free( filename ); msi_free( folder ); return ret; } static UINT ITERATE_WriteIniValues(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR component, section, key, value, identifier; LPWSTR deformated_section, deformated_key, deformated_value, fullname; MSIRECORD * uirow; INT action; MSICOMPONENT *comp; component = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 8); comp = get_loaded_component(package,component); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for installation %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL; identifier = MSI_RecordGetString(row,1); section = MSI_RecordGetString(row,4); key = MSI_RecordGetString(row,5); value = MSI_RecordGetString(row,6); action = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,7); deformat_string(package,section,&deformated_section); deformat_string(package,key,&deformated_key); deformat_string(package,value,&deformated_value); fullname = get_ini_file_name(package, row); if (action == 0) { TRACE("Adding value %s to section %s in %s\n", debugstr_w(deformated_key), debugstr_w(deformated_section), debugstr_w(fullname)); WritePrivateProfileStringW(deformated_section, deformated_key, deformated_value, fullname); } else if (action == 1) { WCHAR returned[10]; GetPrivateProfileStringW(deformated_section, deformated_key, NULL, returned, 10, fullname); if (returned[0] == 0) { TRACE("Adding value %s to section %s in %s\n", debugstr_w(deformated_key), debugstr_w(deformated_section), debugstr_w(fullname)); WritePrivateProfileStringW(deformated_section, deformated_key, deformated_value, fullname); } } else if (action == 3) FIXME("Append to existing section not yet implemented\n"); uirow = MSI_CreateRecord(4); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,1,identifier); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,2,deformated_section); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,3,deformated_key); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,4,deformated_value); ui_actiondata(package,szWriteIniValues,uirow); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free(fullname); msi_free(deformated_key); msi_free(deformated_value); msi_free(deformated_section); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_WriteIniValues(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY * view; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','I','n','i','F','i','l','e','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE("no IniFile table\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_WriteIniValues, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_RemoveIniValuesOnUninstall( MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR component, section, key, value, identifier; LPWSTR deformated_section, deformated_key, deformated_value, filename; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIRECORD *uirow; INT action; component = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 8 ); comp = get_loaded_component( package, component ); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for removal %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; identifier = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 1 ); section = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 4 ); key = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 5 ); value = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 6 ); action = MSI_RecordGetInteger( row, 7 ); deformat_string( package, section, &deformated_section ); deformat_string( package, key, &deformated_key ); deformat_string( package, value, &deformated_value ); if (action == msidbIniFileActionAddLine || action == msidbIniFileActionCreateLine) { filename = get_ini_file_name( package, row ); TRACE("Removing key %s from section %s in %s\n", debugstr_w(deformated_key), debugstr_w(deformated_section), debugstr_w(filename)); if (!WritePrivateProfileStringW( deformated_section, deformated_key, NULL, filename )) { WARN("Unable to remove key %u\n", GetLastError()); } msi_free( filename ); } else FIXME("Unsupported action %d\n", action); uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 4 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, identifier ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, deformated_section ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 3, deformated_key ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 4, deformated_value ); ui_actiondata( package, szRemoveIniValues, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free( deformated_key ); msi_free( deformated_value ); msi_free( deformated_section ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_RemoveIniValuesOnInstall( MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR component, section, key, value, identifier; LPWSTR deformated_section, deformated_key, deformated_value, filename; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIRECORD *uirow; INT action; component = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 8 ); comp = get_loaded_component( package, component ); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for installation %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL; identifier = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 1 ); section = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 4 ); key = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 5 ); value = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 6 ); action = MSI_RecordGetInteger( row, 7 ); deformat_string( package, section, &deformated_section ); deformat_string( package, key, &deformated_key ); deformat_string( package, value, &deformated_value ); if (action == msidbIniFileActionRemoveLine) { filename = get_ini_file_name( package, row ); TRACE("Removing key %s from section %s in %s\n", debugstr_w(deformated_key), debugstr_w(deformated_section), debugstr_w(filename)); if (!WritePrivateProfileStringW( deformated_section, deformated_key, NULL, filename )) { WARN("Unable to remove key %u\n", GetLastError()); } msi_free( filename ); } else FIXME("Unsupported action %d\n", action); uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 4 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, identifier ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, deformated_section ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 3, deformated_key ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 4, deformated_value ); ui_actiondata( package, szRemoveIniValues, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free( deformated_key ); msi_free( deformated_value ); msi_free( deformated_section ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_RemoveIniValues( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','I','n','i','F','i','l','e','`',0}; static const WCHAR remove_query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','R','e','m','o','v','e','I','n','i','F','i','l','e','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_RemoveIniValuesOnUninstall, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return rc; } rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, remove_query, &view ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_RemoveIniValuesOnInstall, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return rc; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_SelfRegModules(MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR filename; LPWSTR FullName; MSIFILE *file; DWORD len; static const WCHAR ExeStr[] = {'r','e','g','s','v','r','3','2','.','e','x','e',' ','\"',0}; static const WCHAR close[] = {'\"',0}; STARTUPINFOW si; PROCESS_INFORMATION info; BOOL brc; MSIRECORD *uirow; LPWSTR uipath, p; memset(&si,0,sizeof(STARTUPINFOW)); filename = MSI_RecordGetString(row,1); file = get_loaded_file( package, filename ); if (!file) { ERR("Unable to find file id %s\n",debugstr_w(filename)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } len = strlenW(ExeStr) + strlenW( file->TargetPath ) + 2; FullName = msi_alloc(len*sizeof(WCHAR)); strcpyW(FullName,ExeStr); strcatW( FullName, file->TargetPath ); strcatW(FullName,close); TRACE("Registering %s\n",debugstr_w(FullName)); brc = CreateProcessW(NULL, FullName, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, c_colon, &si, &info); if (brc) { CloseHandle(info.hThread); msi_dialog_check_messages(info.hProcess); CloseHandle(info.hProcess); } uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, filename ); uipath = strdupW( file->TargetPath ); if ((p = strrchrW( uipath,'\\' ))) *p = 0; MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, uipath ); ui_actiondata( package, szSelfRegModules, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free( FullName ); msi_free( uipath ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_SelfRegModules(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY * view; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','S','e','l','f','R','e','g','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE("no SelfReg table\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_SelfRegModules, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_SelfUnregModules( MSIRECORD *row, LPVOID param ) { static const WCHAR regsvr32[] = {'r','e','g','s','v','r','3','2','.','e','x','e',' ','/','u',' ','\"',0}; static const WCHAR close[] = {'\"',0}; MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR filename; LPWSTR cmdline; MSIFILE *file; DWORD len; STARTUPINFOW si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; BOOL ret; MSIRECORD *uirow; LPWSTR uipath, p; memset( &si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFOW) ); filename = MSI_RecordGetString( row, 1 ); file = get_loaded_file( package, filename ); if (!file) { ERR("Unable to find file id %s\n", debugstr_w(filename)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } len = strlenW( regsvr32 ) + strlenW( file->TargetPath ) + 2; cmdline = msi_alloc( len * sizeof(WCHAR) ); strcpyW( cmdline, regsvr32 ); strcatW( cmdline, file->TargetPath ); strcatW( cmdline, close ); TRACE("Unregistering %s\n", debugstr_w(cmdline)); ret = CreateProcessW( NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, c_colon, &si, &pi ); if (ret) { CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); msi_dialog_check_messages( pi.hProcess ); CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); } uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, filename ); uipath = strdupW( file->TargetPath ); if ((p = strrchrW( uipath,'\\' ))) *p = 0; MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, uipath ); ui_actiondata( package, szSelfUnregModules, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free( cmdline ); msi_free( uipath ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_SelfUnregModules( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','S','e','l','f','R','e','g','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE("no SelfReg table\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_SelfUnregModules, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_PublishFeatures(MSIPACKAGE *package) { MSIFEATURE *feature; UINT rc; HKEY hkey = NULL, userdata = NULL; if (!msi_check_publish(package)) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSIREG_OpenFeaturesKey(package->ProductCode, package->Context, &hkey, TRUE); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end; rc = MSIREG_OpenUserDataFeaturesKey(package->ProductCode, package->Context, &userdata, TRUE); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end; /* here the guids are base 85 encoded */ LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry ) { ComponentList *cl; LPWSTR data = NULL; GUID clsid; INT size; BOOL absent = FALSE; MSIRECORD *uirow; if (feature->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL && feature->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE && feature->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED) absent = TRUE; size = 1; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( cl, &feature->Components, ComponentList, entry ) { size += 21; } if (feature->Feature_Parent) size += strlenW( feature->Feature_Parent )+2; data = msi_alloc(size * sizeof(WCHAR)); data[0] = 0; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( cl, &feature->Components, ComponentList, entry ) { MSICOMPONENT* component = cl->component; WCHAR buf[21]; buf[0] = 0; if (component->ComponentId) { TRACE("From %s\n",debugstr_w(component->ComponentId)); CLSIDFromString(component->ComponentId, &clsid); encode_base85_guid(&clsid,buf); TRACE("to %s\n",debugstr_w(buf)); strcatW(data,buf); } } if (feature->Feature_Parent) { static const WCHAR sep[] = {'\2',0}; strcatW(data,sep); strcatW(data,feature->Feature_Parent); } msi_reg_set_val_str( userdata, feature->Feature, data ); msi_free(data); size = 0; if (feature->Feature_Parent) size = strlenW(feature->Feature_Parent)*sizeof(WCHAR); if (!absent) { size += sizeof(WCHAR); RegSetValueExW(hkey,feature->Feature,0,REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)(feature->Feature_Parent ? feature->Feature_Parent : szEmpty),size); } else { size += 2*sizeof(WCHAR); data = msi_alloc(size); data[0] = 0x6; data[1] = 0; if (feature->Feature_Parent) strcpyW( &data[1], feature->Feature_Parent ); RegSetValueExW(hkey,feature->Feature,0,REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)data,size); msi_free(data); } /* the UI chunk */ uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 1 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, feature->Feature ); ui_actiondata( package, szPublishFeatures, uirow); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); /* FIXME: call ui_progress? */ } end: RegCloseKey(hkey); RegCloseKey(userdata); return rc; } static UINT msi_unpublish_feature(MSIPACKAGE *package, MSIFEATURE *feature) { UINT r; HKEY hkey; MSIRECORD *uirow; TRACE("unpublishing feature %s\n", debugstr_w(feature->Feature)); r = MSIREG_OpenFeaturesKey(package->ProductCode, package->Context, &hkey, FALSE); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegDeleteValueW(hkey, feature->Feature); RegCloseKey(hkey); } r = MSIREG_OpenUserDataFeaturesKey(package->ProductCode, package->Context, &hkey, FALSE); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegDeleteValueW(hkey, feature->Feature); RegCloseKey(hkey); } uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 1 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, feature->Feature ); ui_actiondata( package, szUnpublishFeatures, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_UnpublishFeatures(MSIPACKAGE *package) { MSIFEATURE *feature; if (!msi_check_unpublish(package)) return ERROR_SUCCESS; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry) { msi_unpublish_feature(package, feature); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT msi_publish_install_properties(MSIPACKAGE *package, HKEY hkey) { LPWSTR prop, val, key; SYSTEMTIME systime; DWORD size, langid; WCHAR date[9]; LPWSTR buffer; static const WCHAR date_fmt[] = {'%','i','%','0','2','i','%','0','2','i',0}; static const WCHAR szWindowsInstaller[] = {'W','i','n','d','o','w','s','I','n','s','t','a','l','l','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR modpath_fmt[] = {'M','s','i','E','x','e','c','.','e','x','e',' ', '/','I','[','P','r','o','d','u','c','t','C','o','d','e',']',0}; static const WCHAR szModifyPath[] = {'M','o','d','i','f','y','P','a','t','h',0}; static const WCHAR szUninstallString[] = {'U','n','i','n','s','t','a','l','l','S','t','r','i','n','g',0}; static const WCHAR szEstimatedSize[] = {'E','s','t','i','m','a','t','e','d','S','i','z','e',0}; static const WCHAR szProductLanguage[] = {'P','r','o','d','u','c','t','L','a','n','g','u','a','g','e',0}; static const WCHAR szProductVersion[] = {'P','r','o','d','u','c','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR szProductName[] = {'P','r','o','d','u','c','t','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR szDisplayName[] = {'D','i','s','p','l','a','y','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR szDisplayVersion[] = {'D','i','s','p','l','a','y','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR szManufacturer[] = {'M','a','n','u','f','a','c','t','u','r','e','r',0}; static const LPCSTR propval[] = { "ARPAUTHORIZEDCDFPREFIX", "AuthorizedCDFPrefix", "ARPCONTACT", "Contact", "ARPCOMMENTS", "Comments", "ProductName", "DisplayName", "ProductVersion", "DisplayVersion", "ARPHELPLINK", "HelpLink", "ARPHELPTELEPHONE", "HelpTelephone", "ARPINSTALLLOCATION", "InstallLocation", "SourceDir", "InstallSource", "Manufacturer", "Publisher", "ARPREADME", "Readme", "ARPSIZE", "Size", "ARPURLINFOABOUT", "URLInfoAbout", "ARPURLUPDATEINFO", "URLUpdateInfo", NULL, }; const LPCSTR *p = propval; while (*p) { prop = strdupAtoW(*p++); key = strdupAtoW(*p++); val = msi_dup_property(package->db, prop); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, key, val); msi_free(val); msi_free(key); msi_free(prop); } msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, szWindowsInstaller, 1); size = deformat_string(package, modpath_fmt, &buffer); RegSetValueExW(hkey, szModifyPath, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE)buffer, size); RegSetValueExW(hkey, szUninstallString, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE)buffer, size); msi_free(buffer); /* FIXME: Write real Estimated Size when we have it */ msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, szEstimatedSize, 0); buffer = msi_dup_property(package->db, szProductName); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, szDisplayName, buffer); msi_free(buffer); buffer = msi_dup_property(package->db, cszSourceDir); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_INSTALLSOURCEW, buffer); msi_free(buffer); buffer = msi_dup_property(package->db, szManufacturer); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_PUBLISHERW, buffer); msi_free(buffer); GetLocalTime(&systime); sprintfW(date, date_fmt, systime.wYear, systime.wMonth, systime.wDay); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_INSTALLDATEW, date); langid = msi_get_property_int(package->db, szProductLanguage, 0); msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_LANGUAGEW, langid); buffer = msi_dup_property(package->db, szProductVersion); msi_reg_set_val_str(hkey, szDisplayVersion, buffer); if (buffer) { DWORD verdword = msi_version_str_to_dword(buffer); msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_VERSIONW, verdword); msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_VERSIONMAJORW, verdword >> 24); msi_reg_set_val_dword(hkey, INSTALLPROPERTY_VERSIONMINORW, (verdword >> 16) & 0xFF); msi_free(buffer); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_RegisterProduct(MSIPACKAGE *package) { WCHAR squashed_pc[SQUISH_GUID_SIZE]; MSIRECORD *uirow; LPWSTR upgrade_code; HKEY hkey, props; HKEY upgrade; UINT rc; static const WCHAR szUpgradeCode[] = { 'U','p','g','r','a','d','e','C','o','d','e',0}; /* FIXME: also need to publish if the product is in advertise mode */ if (!msi_check_publish(package)) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSIREG_OpenUninstallKey(package->ProductCode, &hkey, TRUE); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return rc; rc = MSIREG_OpenInstallProps(package->ProductCode, package->Context, NULL, &props, TRUE); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; msi_reg_set_val_str( props, INSTALLPROPERTY_LOCALPACKAGEW, package->db->localfile ); msi_free( package->db->localfile ); package->db->localfile = NULL; rc = msi_publish_install_properties(package, hkey); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; rc = msi_publish_install_properties(package, props); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; upgrade_code = msi_dup_property(package->db, szUpgradeCode); if (upgrade_code) { MSIREG_OpenUpgradeCodesKey(upgrade_code, &upgrade, TRUE); squash_guid(package->ProductCode, squashed_pc); msi_reg_set_val_str(upgrade, squashed_pc, NULL); RegCloseKey(upgrade); msi_free(upgrade_code); } done: uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 1 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, package->ProductCode ); ui_actiondata( package, szRegisterProduct, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); RegCloseKey(hkey); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_InstallExecute(MSIPACKAGE *package) { return execute_script(package,INSTALL_SCRIPT); } static UINT msi_unpublish_product(MSIPACKAGE *package) { LPWSTR upgrade; LPWSTR remove = NULL; LPWSTR *features = NULL; BOOL full_uninstall = TRUE; MSIFEATURE *feature; static const WCHAR szUpgradeCode[] = {'U','p','g','r','a','d','e','C','o','d','e',0}; remove = msi_dup_property(package->db, szRemove); if (!remove) return ERROR_SUCCESS; features = msi_split_string(remove, ','); if (!features) { msi_free(remove); ERR("REMOVE feature list is empty!\n"); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } if (!lstrcmpW(features[0], szAll)) full_uninstall = TRUE; else { LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(feature, &package->features, MSIFEATURE, entry) { if (feature->Action != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) full_uninstall = FALSE; } } if (!full_uninstall) goto done; MSIREG_DeleteProductKey(package->ProductCode); MSIREG_DeleteUserDataProductKey(package->ProductCode); MSIREG_DeleteUninstallKey(package->ProductCode); if (package->Context == MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE) { MSIREG_DeleteLocalClassesProductKey(package->ProductCode); MSIREG_DeleteLocalClassesFeaturesKey(package->ProductCode); } else { MSIREG_DeleteUserProductKey(package->ProductCode); MSIREG_DeleteUserFeaturesKey(package->ProductCode); } upgrade = msi_dup_property(package->db, szUpgradeCode); if (upgrade) { MSIREG_DeleteUserUpgradeCodesKey(upgrade); msi_free(upgrade); } done: msi_free(remove); msi_free(features); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_InstallFinalize(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc; rc = msi_unpublish_product(package); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return rc; /* turn off scheduling */ package->script->CurrentlyScripting= FALSE; /* first do the same as an InstallExecute */ rc = ACTION_InstallExecute(package); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return rc; /* then handle Commit Actions */ rc = execute_script(package,COMMIT_SCRIPT); return rc; } UINT ACTION_ForceReboot(MSIPACKAGE *package) { static const WCHAR RunOnce[] = { 'S','o','f','t','w','a','r','e','\\', 'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','\\', 'W','i','n','d','o','w','s','\\', 'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n','\\', 'R','u','n','O','n','c','e',0}; static const WCHAR InstallRunOnce[] = { 'S','o','f','t','w','a','r','e','\\', 'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','\\', 'W','i','n','d','o','w','s','\\', 'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n','\\', 'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','e','r','\\', 'R','u','n','O','n','c','e','E','n','t','r','i','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR msiexec_fmt[] = { '%','s', '\\','M','s','i','E','x','e','c','.','e','x','e',' ','/','@',' ', '\"','%','s','\"',0}; static const WCHAR install_fmt[] = { '/','I',' ','\"','%','s','\"',' ', 'A','F','T','E','R','R','E','B','O','O','T','=','1',' ', 'R','U','N','O','N','C','E','E','N','T','R','Y','=','\"','%','s','\"',0}; WCHAR buffer[256], sysdir[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkey; WCHAR squished_pc[100]; squash_guid(package->ProductCode,squished_pc); GetSystemDirectoryW(sysdir, sizeof(sysdir)/sizeof(sysdir[0])); RegCreateKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,RunOnce,&hkey); snprintfW(buffer,sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(buffer[0]),msiexec_fmt,sysdir, squished_pc); msi_reg_set_val_str( hkey, squished_pc, buffer ); RegCloseKey(hkey); TRACE("Reboot command %s\n",debugstr_w(buffer)); RegCreateKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,InstallRunOnce,&hkey); sprintfW(buffer,install_fmt,package->ProductCode,squished_pc); msi_reg_set_val_str( hkey, squished_pc, buffer ); RegCloseKey(hkey); return ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND; } static UINT ACTION_ResolveSource(MSIPACKAGE* package) { DWORD attrib; UINT rc; /* * We are currently doing what should be done here in the top level Install * however for Administrative and uninstalls this step will be needed */ if (!package->PackagePath) return ERROR_SUCCESS; msi_set_sourcedir_props(package, TRUE); attrib = GetFileAttributesW(package->db->path); if (attrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { LPWSTR prompt; LPWSTR msg; DWORD size = 0; rc = MsiSourceListGetInfoW(package->ProductCode, NULL, package->Context, MSICODE_PRODUCT, INSTALLPROPERTY_DISKPROMPTW,NULL,&size); if (rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { prompt = msi_alloc(size * sizeof(WCHAR)); MsiSourceListGetInfoW(package->ProductCode, NULL, package->Context, MSICODE_PRODUCT, INSTALLPROPERTY_DISKPROMPTW,prompt,&size); } else prompt = strdupW(package->db->path); msg = generate_error_string(package,1302,1,prompt); while(attrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { rc = MessageBoxW(NULL,msg,NULL,MB_OKCANCEL); if (rc == IDCANCEL) { rc = ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT; break; } attrib = GetFileAttributesW(package->db->path); } msi_free(prompt); rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else return ERROR_SUCCESS; return rc; } static UINT ACTION_RegisterUser(MSIPACKAGE *package) { HKEY hkey = 0; LPWSTR buffer, productid = NULL; UINT i, rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSIRECORD *uirow; static const WCHAR szPropKeys[][80] = { {'P','r','o','d','u','c','t','I','D',0}, {'U','S','E','R','N','A','M','E',0}, {'C','O','M','P','A','N','Y','N','A','M','E',0}, {0}, }; static const WCHAR szRegKeys[][80] = { {'P','r','o','d','u','c','t','I','D',0}, {'R','e','g','O','w','n','e','r',0}, {'R','e','g','C','o','m','p','a','n','y',0}, {0}, }; if (msi_check_unpublish(package)) { MSIREG_DeleteUserDataProductKey(package->ProductCode); goto end; } productid = msi_dup_property( package->db, INSTALLPROPERTY_PRODUCTIDW ); if (!productid) goto end; rc = MSIREG_OpenInstallProps(package->ProductCode, package->Context, NULL, &hkey, TRUE); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end; for( i = 0; szPropKeys[i][0]; i++ ) { buffer = msi_dup_property( package->db, szPropKeys[i] ); msi_reg_set_val_str( hkey, szRegKeys[i], buffer ); msi_free( buffer ); } end: uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 1 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, productid ); ui_actiondata( package, szRegisterUser, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free(productid); RegCloseKey(hkey); return rc; } static UINT ACTION_ExecuteAction(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc; package->script->InWhatSequence |= SEQUENCE_EXEC; rc = ACTION_ProcessExecSequence(package,FALSE); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_PublishComponent(MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR compgroupid, component, feature, qualifier, text; LPWSTR advertise = NULL, output = NULL; HKEY hkey = NULL; UINT rc; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIFEATURE *feat; DWORD sz; MSIRECORD *uirow; feature = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 5); feat = get_loaded_feature(package, feature); if (!feat) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (feat->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL && feat->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE && feat->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED) { TRACE("Feature %s not scheduled for installation\n", debugstr_w(feature)); feat->Action = feat->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } component = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 3); comp = get_loaded_component(package, component); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; compgroupid = MSI_RecordGetString(rec,1); qualifier = MSI_RecordGetString(rec,2); rc = MSIREG_OpenUserComponentsKey(compgroupid, &hkey, TRUE); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end; text = MSI_RecordGetString(rec,4); advertise = create_component_advertise_string(package, comp, feature); sz = strlenW(advertise); if (text) sz += lstrlenW(text); sz+=3; sz *= sizeof(WCHAR); output = msi_alloc_zero(sz); strcpyW(output,advertise); msi_free(advertise); if (text) strcatW(output,text); msi_reg_set_val_multi_str( hkey, qualifier, output ); end: RegCloseKey(hkey); msi_free(output); /* the UI chunk */ uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, compgroupid ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, qualifier); ui_actiondata( package, szPublishComponents, uirow); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); /* FIXME: call ui_progress? */ return rc; } /* * At present I am ignorning the advertised components part of this and only * focusing on the qualified component sets */ static UINT ACTION_PublishComponents(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY * view; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','P','u','b','l','i','s','h', 'C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_PublishComponent, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_UnpublishComponent( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { static const WCHAR szInstallerComponents[] = { 'S','o','f','t','w','a','r','e','\\', 'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','\\', 'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','e','r','\\', 'C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','s','\\',0}; MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR compgroupid, component, feature, qualifier; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIFEATURE *feat; MSIRECORD *uirow; WCHAR squashed[GUID_SIZE], keypath[MAX_PATH]; LONG res; feature = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 5 ); feat = get_loaded_feature( package, feature ); if (!feat) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (feat->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { TRACE("Feature %s not scheduled for removal\n", debugstr_w(feature)); feat->Action = feat->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } component = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 3 ); comp = get_loaded_component( package, component ); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; compgroupid = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 1 ); qualifier = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 2 ); squash_guid( compgroupid, squashed ); strcpyW( keypath, szInstallerComponents ); strcatW( keypath, squashed ); res = RegDeleteKeyW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, keypath ); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARN("Unable to delete component key %d\n", res); } uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, compgroupid ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, qualifier ); ui_actiondata( package, szUnpublishComponents, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_UnpublishComponents( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','P','u','b','l','i','s','h', 'C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_UnpublishComponent, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_InstallService(MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; MSIRECORD *row; MSIFILE *file; SC_HANDLE hscm, service = NULL; LPCWSTR comp, depends, pass; LPWSTR name = NULL, disp = NULL; LPCWSTR load_order, serv_name, key; DWORD serv_type, start_type; DWORD err_control; static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R', 'O','M',' ', '`','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','`',' ', '=','\'','%','s','\'',0}; hscm = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASEW, GENERIC_WRITE); if (!hscm) { ERR("Failed to open the SC Manager!\n"); goto done; } start_type = MSI_RecordGetInteger(rec, 5); if (start_type == SERVICE_BOOT_START || start_type == SERVICE_SYSTEM_START) goto done; depends = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 8); if (depends && *depends) FIXME("Dependency list unhandled!\n"); deformat_string(package, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2), &name); deformat_string(package, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 3), &disp); serv_type = MSI_RecordGetInteger(rec, 4); err_control = MSI_RecordGetInteger(rec, 6); load_order = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 7); serv_name = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 9); pass = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 10); comp = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 12); /* fetch the service path */ row = MSI_QueryGetRecord(package->db, query, comp); if (!row) { ERR("Control query failed!\n"); goto done; } key = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 6); file = get_loaded_file(package, key); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); if (!file) { ERR("Failed to load the service file\n"); goto done; } service = CreateServiceW(hscm, name, disp, GENERIC_ALL, serv_type, start_type, err_control, file->TargetPath, load_order, NULL, NULL, serv_name, pass); if (!service) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS) ERR("Failed to create service %s: %d\n", debugstr_w(name), GetLastError()); } done: CloseServiceHandle(service); CloseServiceHandle(hscm); msi_free(name); msi_free(disp); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_InstallServices( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY * view; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','I','n','s','t','a','l','l',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_InstallService, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } /* converts arg1[~]arg2[~]arg3 to a list of ptrs to the strings */ static LPCWSTR *msi_service_args_to_vector(LPWSTR args, DWORD *numargs) { LPCWSTR *vector, *temp_vector; LPWSTR p, q; DWORD sep_len; static const WCHAR separator[] = {'[','~',']',0}; *numargs = 0; sep_len = sizeof(separator) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; if (!args) return NULL; vector = msi_alloc(sizeof(LPWSTR)); if (!vector) return NULL; p = args; do { (*numargs)++; vector[*numargs - 1] = p; if ((q = strstrW(p, separator))) { *q = '\0'; temp_vector = msi_realloc(vector, (*numargs + 1) * sizeof(LPWSTR)); if (!temp_vector) { msi_free(vector); return NULL; } vector = temp_vector; p = q + sep_len; } } while (q); return vector; } static UINT ITERATE_StartService(MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIRECORD *uirow; SC_HANDLE scm = NULL, service = NULL; LPCWSTR component, *vector = NULL; LPWSTR name, args, display_name = NULL; DWORD event, numargs, len; UINT r = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; component = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 6); comp = get_loaded_component(package, component); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for installation: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL; deformat_string(package, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2), &name); deformat_string(package, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 4), &args); event = MSI_RecordGetInteger(rec, 3); if (!(event & msidbServiceControlEventStart)) { r = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto done; } scm = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (!scm) { ERR("Failed to open the service control manager\n"); goto done; } len = 0; if (!GetServiceDisplayNameW( scm, name, NULL, &len ) && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if ((display_name = msi_alloc( ++len * sizeof(WCHAR )))) GetServiceDisplayNameW( scm, name, display_name, &len ); } service = OpenServiceW(scm, name, SERVICE_START); if (!service) { ERR("Failed to open service %s (%u)\n", debugstr_w(name), GetLastError()); goto done; } vector = msi_service_args_to_vector(args, &numargs); if (!StartServiceW(service, numargs, vector) && GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING) { ERR("Failed to start service %s (%u)\n", debugstr_w(name), GetLastError()); goto done; } r = ERROR_SUCCESS; done: uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, display_name ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, name ); ui_actiondata( package, szStartServices, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); CloseServiceHandle(service); CloseServiceHandle(scm); msi_free(name); msi_free(args); msi_free(vector); msi_free(display_name); return r; } static UINT ACTION_StartServices( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','C','o','n','t','r','o','l',0 }; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, query, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_StartService, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } static BOOL stop_service_dependents(SC_HANDLE scm, SC_HANDLE service) { DWORD i, needed, count; ENUM_SERVICE_STATUSW *dependencies; SERVICE_STATUS ss; SC_HANDLE depserv; if (EnumDependentServicesW(service, SERVICE_ACTIVE, NULL, 0, &needed, &count)) return TRUE; if (GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA) return FALSE; dependencies = msi_alloc(needed); if (!dependencies) return FALSE; if (!EnumDependentServicesW(service, SERVICE_ACTIVE, dependencies, needed, &needed, &count)) goto error; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { depserv = OpenServiceW(scm, dependencies[i].lpServiceName, SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if (!depserv) goto error; if (!ControlService(depserv, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ss)) goto error; } return TRUE; error: msi_free(dependencies); return FALSE; } static UINT stop_service( LPCWSTR name ) { SC_HANDLE scm = NULL, service = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS status; SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS ssp; DWORD needed; scm = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (!scm) { WARN("Failed to open the SCM: %d\n", GetLastError()); goto done; } service = OpenServiceW(scm, name, SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS); if (!service) { WARN("Failed to open service (%s): %d\n", debugstr_w(name), GetLastError()); goto done; } if (!QueryServiceStatusEx(service, SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, (LPBYTE)&ssp, sizeof(SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS), &needed)) { WARN("Failed to query service status (%s): %d\n", debugstr_w(name), GetLastError()); goto done; } if (ssp.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED) goto done; stop_service_dependents(scm, service); if (!ControlService(service, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &status)) WARN("Failed to stop service (%s): %d\n", debugstr_w(name), GetLastError()); done: CloseServiceHandle(service); CloseServiceHandle(scm); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_StopService( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIRECORD *uirow; LPCWSTR component; LPWSTR name = NULL, display_name = NULL; DWORD event, len; SC_HANDLE scm; event = MSI_RecordGetInteger( rec, 3 ); if (!(event & msidbServiceControlEventStop)) return ERROR_SUCCESS; component = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 6 ); comp = get_loaded_component( package, component ); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for removal: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; scm = OpenSCManagerW( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT ); if (!scm) { ERR("Failed to open the service control manager\n"); goto done; } len = 0; if (!GetServiceDisplayNameW( scm, name, NULL, &len ) && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if ((display_name = msi_alloc( ++len * sizeof(WCHAR )))) GetServiceDisplayNameW( scm, name, display_name, &len ); } CloseServiceHandle( scm ); deformat_string( package, MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 2 ), &name ); stop_service( name ); done: uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, display_name ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, name ); ui_actiondata( package, szStopServices, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free( name ); msi_free( display_name ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_StopServices( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','C','o','n','t','r','o','l',0 }; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, query, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_StopService, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_DeleteService( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIRECORD *uirow; LPCWSTR component; LPWSTR name = NULL, display_name = NULL; DWORD event, len; SC_HANDLE scm = NULL, service = NULL; event = MSI_RecordGetInteger( rec, 3 ); if (!(event & msidbServiceControlEventDelete)) return ERROR_SUCCESS; component = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 6); comp = get_loaded_component(package, component); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for removal: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; deformat_string( package, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2), &name ); stop_service( name ); scm = OpenSCManagerW( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!scm) { WARN("Failed to open the SCM: %d\n", GetLastError()); goto done; } len = 0; if (!GetServiceDisplayNameW( scm, name, NULL, &len ) && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if ((display_name = msi_alloc( ++len * sizeof(WCHAR )))) GetServiceDisplayNameW( scm, name, display_name, &len ); } service = OpenServiceW( scm, name, DELETE ); if (!service) { WARN("Failed to open service (%s): %u\n", debugstr_w(name), GetLastError()); goto done; } if (!DeleteService( service )) WARN("Failed to delete service (%s): %u\n", debugstr_w(name), GetLastError()); done: uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, display_name ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, name ); ui_actiondata( package, szDeleteServices, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); CloseServiceHandle( service ); CloseServiceHandle( scm ); msi_free( name ); msi_free( display_name ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_DeleteServices( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','C','o','n','t','r','o','l',0 }; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_DeleteService, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return rc; } static MSIFILE *msi_find_file( MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR filename ) { MSIFILE *file; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(file, &package->files, MSIFILE, entry) { if (!lstrcmpW(file->File, filename)) return file; } return NULL; } static UINT ITERATE_InstallODBCDriver( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPWSTR driver, driver_path, ptr; WCHAR outpath[MAX_PATH]; MSIFILE *driver_file, *setup_file; MSIRECORD *uirow; LPCWSTR desc; DWORD len, usage; UINT r = ERROR_SUCCESS; static const WCHAR driver_fmt[] = { 'D','r','i','v','e','r','=','%','s',0}; static const WCHAR setup_fmt[] = { 'S','e','t','u','p','=','%','s',0}; static const WCHAR usage_fmt[] = { 'F','i','l','e','U','s','a','g','e','=','1',0}; desc = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 3); driver_file = msi_find_file(package, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 4)); setup_file = msi_find_file(package, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 5)); if (!driver_file) { ERR("ODBC Driver entry not found!\n"); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } len = lstrlenW(desc) + lstrlenW(driver_fmt) + lstrlenW(driver_file->FileName); if (setup_file) len += lstrlenW(setup_fmt) + lstrlenW(setup_file->FileName); len += lstrlenW(usage_fmt) + 2; /* \0\0 */ driver = msi_alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!driver) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; ptr = driver; lstrcpyW(ptr, desc); ptr += lstrlenW(ptr) + 1; len = sprintfW(ptr, driver_fmt, driver_file->FileName); ptr += len + 1; if (setup_file) { len = sprintfW(ptr, setup_fmt, setup_file->FileName); ptr += len + 1; } lstrcpyW(ptr, usage_fmt); ptr += lstrlenW(ptr) + 1; *ptr = '\0'; driver_path = strdupW(driver_file->TargetPath); ptr = strrchrW(driver_path, '\\'); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; if (!SQLInstallDriverExW(driver, driver_path, outpath, MAX_PATH, NULL, ODBC_INSTALL_COMPLETE, &usage)) { ERR("Failed to install SQL driver!\n"); r = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 5 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, desc ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2) ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 3, driver_path ); ui_actiondata( package, szInstallODBC, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free(driver); msi_free(driver_path); return r; } static UINT ITERATE_InstallODBCTranslator( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPWSTR translator, translator_path, ptr; WCHAR outpath[MAX_PATH]; MSIFILE *translator_file, *setup_file; MSIRECORD *uirow; LPCWSTR desc; DWORD len, usage; UINT r = ERROR_SUCCESS; static const WCHAR translator_fmt[] = { 'T','r','a','n','s','l','a','t','o','r','=','%','s',0}; static const WCHAR setup_fmt[] = { 'S','e','t','u','p','=','%','s',0}; desc = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 3); translator_file = msi_find_file(package, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 4)); setup_file = msi_find_file(package, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 5)); if (!translator_file) { ERR("ODBC Translator entry not found!\n"); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } len = lstrlenW(desc) + lstrlenW(translator_fmt) + lstrlenW(translator_file->FileName) + 2; /* \0\0 */ if (setup_file) len += lstrlenW(setup_fmt) + lstrlenW(setup_file->FileName); translator = msi_alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!translator) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; ptr = translator; lstrcpyW(ptr, desc); ptr += lstrlenW(ptr) + 1; len = sprintfW(ptr, translator_fmt, translator_file->FileName); ptr += len + 1; if (setup_file) { len = sprintfW(ptr, setup_fmt, setup_file->FileName); ptr += len + 1; } *ptr = '\0'; translator_path = strdupW(translator_file->TargetPath); ptr = strrchrW(translator_path, '\\'); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; if (!SQLInstallTranslatorExW(translator, translator_path, outpath, MAX_PATH, NULL, ODBC_INSTALL_COMPLETE, &usage)) { ERR("Failed to install SQL translator!\n"); r = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 5 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, desc ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2) ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 3, translator_path ); ui_actiondata( package, szInstallODBC, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free(translator); msi_free(translator_path); return r; } static UINT ITERATE_InstallODBCDataSource( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPWSTR attrs; LPCWSTR desc, driver; WORD request = ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN; INT registration; DWORD len; UINT r = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSIRECORD *uirow; static const WCHAR attrs_fmt[] = { 'D','S','N','=','%','s',0 }; desc = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 3); driver = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 4); registration = MSI_RecordGetInteger(rec, 5); if (registration == msidbODBCDataSourceRegistrationPerMachine) request = ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN; else if (registration == msidbODBCDataSourceRegistrationPerUser) request = ODBC_ADD_DSN; len = lstrlenW(attrs_fmt) + lstrlenW(desc) + 2; /* \0\0 */ attrs = msi_alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!attrs) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; len = sprintfW(attrs, attrs_fmt, desc); attrs[len + 1] = 0; if (!SQLConfigDataSourceW(NULL, request, driver, attrs)) { ERR("Failed to install SQL data source!\n"); r = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 5 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, desc ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2) ); MSI_RecordSetInteger( uirow, 3, request ); ui_actiondata( package, szInstallODBC, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); msi_free(attrs); return r; } static UINT ACTION_InstallODBC( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR driver_query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'O','D','B','C','D','r','i','v','e','r',0 }; static const WCHAR translator_query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'O','D','B','C','T','r','a','n','s','l','a','t','o','r',0 }; static const WCHAR source_query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'O','D','B','C','D','a','t','a','S','o','u','r','c','e',0 }; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, driver_query, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_InstallODBCDriver, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, translator_query, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_InstallODBCTranslator, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, source_query, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_InstallODBCDataSource, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_RemoveODBCDriver( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; MSIRECORD *uirow; DWORD usage; LPCWSTR desc; desc = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 3 ); if (!SQLRemoveDriverW( desc, FALSE, &usage )) { WARN("Failed to remove ODBC driver\n"); } else if (!usage) { FIXME("Usage count reached 0\n"); } uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, desc ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2) ); ui_actiondata( package, szRemoveODBC, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_RemoveODBCTranslator( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; MSIRECORD *uirow; DWORD usage; LPCWSTR desc; desc = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 3 ); if (!SQLRemoveTranslatorW( desc, &usage )) { WARN("Failed to remove ODBC translator\n"); } else if (!usage) { FIXME("Usage count reached 0\n"); } uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, desc ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2) ); ui_actiondata( package, szRemoveODBC, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_RemoveODBCDataSource( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; MSIRECORD *uirow; LPWSTR attrs; LPCWSTR desc, driver; WORD request = ODBC_REMOVE_SYS_DSN; INT registration; DWORD len; static const WCHAR attrs_fmt[] = { 'D','S','N','=','%','s',0 }; desc = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 3 ); driver = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 4 ); registration = MSI_RecordGetInteger( rec, 5 ); if (registration == msidbODBCDataSourceRegistrationPerMachine) request = ODBC_REMOVE_SYS_DSN; else if (registration == msidbODBCDataSourceRegistrationPerUser) request = ODBC_REMOVE_DSN; len = strlenW( attrs_fmt ) + strlenW( desc ) + 2; /* \0\0 */ attrs = msi_alloc( len * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!attrs) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; FIXME("Use ODBCSourceAttribute table\n"); len = sprintfW( attrs, attrs_fmt, desc ); attrs[len + 1] = 0; if (!SQLConfigDataSourceW( NULL, request, driver, attrs )) { WARN("Failed to remove ODBC data source\n"); } msi_free( attrs ); uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 3 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, desc ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2) ); MSI_RecordSetInteger( uirow, 3, request ); ui_actiondata( package, szRemoveODBC, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_RemoveODBC( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR driver_query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'O','D','B','C','D','r','i','v','e','r',0 }; static const WCHAR translator_query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'O','D','B','C','T','r','a','n','s','l','a','t','o','r',0 }; static const WCHAR source_query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'O','D','B','C','D','a','t','a','S','o','u','r','c','e',0 }; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, driver_query, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_RemoveODBCDriver, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, translator_query, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_RemoveODBCTranslator, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, source_query, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_RemoveODBCDataSource, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return rc; } #define ENV_ACT_SETALWAYS 0x1 #define ENV_ACT_SETABSENT 0x2 #define ENV_ACT_REMOVE 0x4 #define ENV_ACT_REMOVEMATCH 0x8 #define ENV_MOD_MACHINE 0x20000000 #define ENV_MOD_APPEND 0x40000000 #define ENV_MOD_PREFIX 0x80000000 #define ENV_MOD_MASK 0xC0000000 #define check_flag_combo(x, y) ((x) & ~(y)) == (y) static UINT env_parse_flags( LPCWSTR *name, LPCWSTR *value, DWORD *flags ) { LPCWSTR cptr = *name; static const WCHAR prefix[] = {'[','~',']',0}; static const int prefix_len = 3; *flags = 0; while (*cptr) { if (*cptr == '=') *flags |= ENV_ACT_SETALWAYS; else if (*cptr == '+') *flags |= ENV_ACT_SETABSENT; else if (*cptr == '-') *flags |= ENV_ACT_REMOVE; else if (*cptr == '!') *flags |= ENV_ACT_REMOVEMATCH; else if (*cptr == '*') *flags |= ENV_MOD_MACHINE; else break; cptr++; (*name)++; } if (!*cptr) { ERR("Missing environment variable\n"); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } if (*value) { LPCWSTR ptr = *value; if (!strncmpW(ptr, prefix, prefix_len)) { if (ptr[prefix_len] == szSemiColon[0]) { *flags |= ENV_MOD_APPEND; *value += lstrlenW(prefix); } else { *value = NULL; } } else if (lstrlenW(*value) >= prefix_len) { ptr += lstrlenW(ptr) - prefix_len; if (!lstrcmpW(ptr, prefix)) { if ((ptr-1) > *value && *(ptr-1) == szSemiColon[0]) { *flags |= ENV_MOD_PREFIX; /* the "[~]" will be removed by deformat_string */; } else { *value = NULL; } } } } if (check_flag_combo(*flags, ENV_ACT_SETALWAYS | ENV_ACT_SETABSENT) || check_flag_combo(*flags, ENV_ACT_REMOVEMATCH | ENV_ACT_SETABSENT) || check_flag_combo(*flags, ENV_ACT_REMOVEMATCH | ENV_ACT_SETALWAYS) || check_flag_combo(*flags, ENV_ACT_SETABSENT | ENV_MOD_MASK)) { ERR("Invalid flags: %08x\n", *flags); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } if (!*flags) *flags = ENV_ACT_SETALWAYS | ENV_ACT_REMOVE; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT open_env_key( DWORD flags, HKEY *key ) { static const WCHAR user_env[] = {'E','n','v','i','r','o','n','m','e','n','t',0}; static const WCHAR machine_env[] = {'S','y','s','t','e','m','\\', 'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','C','o','n','t','r','o','l','S','e','t','\\', 'C','o','n','t','r','o','l','\\', 'S','e','s','s','i','o','n',' ','M','a','n','a','g','e','r','\\', 'E','n','v','i','r','o','n','m','e','n','t',0}; const WCHAR *env; HKEY root; LONG res; if (flags & ENV_MOD_MACHINE) { env = machine_env; root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; } else { env = user_env; root = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } res = RegOpenKeyExW( root, env, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, key ); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARN("Failed to open key %s (%d)\n", debugstr_w(env), res); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ITERATE_WriteEnvironmentString( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR name, value, component; LPWSTR data = NULL, newval = NULL, deformatted = NULL, ptr; DWORD flags, type, size; UINT res; HKEY env = NULL; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIRECORD *uirow; int action = 0; component = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 4); comp = get_loaded_component(package, component); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for installation: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL; name = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2); value = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 3); TRACE("name %s value %s\n", debugstr_w(name), debugstr_w(value)); res = env_parse_flags(&name, &value, &flags); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS || !value) goto done; if (value && !deformat_string(package, value, &deformatted)) { res = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } value = deformatted; res = open_env_key( flags, &env ); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; if (flags & ENV_MOD_MACHINE) action |= 0x20000000; size = 0; type = REG_SZ; res = RegQueryValueExW(env, name, NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if ((res != ERROR_SUCCESS && res != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || (res == ERROR_SUCCESS && type != REG_SZ && type != REG_EXPAND_SZ)) goto done; if ((res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || !(flags & ENV_MOD_MASK))) { action = 0x2; /* Nothing to do. */ if (!value) { res = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto done; } /* If we are appending but the string was empty, strip ; */ if ((flags & ENV_MOD_APPEND) && (value[0] == szSemiColon[0])) value++; size = (lstrlenW(value) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); newval = strdupW(value); if (!newval) { res = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } } else { action = 0x1; /* Contrary to MSDN, +-variable to [~];path works */ if (flags & ENV_ACT_SETABSENT && !(flags & ENV_MOD_MASK)) { res = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto done; } data = msi_alloc(size); if (!data) { RegCloseKey(env); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } res = RegQueryValueExW(env, name, NULL, &type, (LPVOID)data, &size); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; if (flags & ENV_ACT_REMOVEMATCH && (!value || !lstrcmpW(data, value))) { action = 0x4; res = RegDeleteValueW(env, name); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) WARN("Failed to remove value %s (%d)\n", debugstr_w(name), res); goto done; } size = (lstrlenW(data) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (flags & ENV_MOD_MASK) { DWORD mod_size; int multiplier = 0; if (flags & ENV_MOD_APPEND) multiplier++; if (flags & ENV_MOD_PREFIX) multiplier++; mod_size = lstrlenW(value) * multiplier; size += mod_size * sizeof(WCHAR); } newval = msi_alloc(size); ptr = newval; if (!newval) { res = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } if (flags & ENV_MOD_PREFIX) { lstrcpyW(newval, value); ptr = newval + lstrlenW(value); action |= 0x80000000; } lstrcpyW(ptr, data); if (flags & ENV_MOD_APPEND) { lstrcatW(newval, value); action |= 0x40000000; } } TRACE("setting %s to %s\n", debugstr_w(name), debugstr_w(newval)); res = RegSetValueExW(env, name, 0, type, (LPVOID)newval, size); if (res) { WARN("Failed to set %s to %s (%d)\n", debugstr_w(name), debugstr_w(newval), res); } done: uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 3 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, name ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, newval ); MSI_RecordSetInteger( uirow, 3, action ); ui_actiondata( package, szWriteEnvironmentStrings, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); if (env) RegCloseKey(env); msi_free(deformatted); msi_free(data); msi_free(newval); return res; } static UINT ACTION_WriteEnvironmentStrings( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY * view; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','E','n','v','i','r','o','n','m','e','n','t','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, ITERATE_WriteEnvironmentString, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } static UINT ITERATE_RemoveEnvironmentString( MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param ) { MSIPACKAGE *package = param; LPCWSTR name, value, component; LPWSTR deformatted = NULL; DWORD flags; HKEY env; MSICOMPONENT *comp; MSIRECORD *uirow; int action = 0; LONG res; UINT r; component = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 4 ); comp = get_loaded_component( package, component ); if (!comp) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (comp->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for removal: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); comp->Action = comp->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } comp->Action = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT; name = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 2 ); value = MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 3 ); TRACE("name %s value %s\n", debugstr_w(name), debugstr_w(value)); r = env_parse_flags( &name, &value, &flags ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; if (!(flags & ENV_ACT_REMOVE)) { TRACE("Environment variable %s not marked for removal\n", debugstr_w(name)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (value && !deformat_string( package, value, &deformatted )) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; value = deformatted; r = open_env_key( flags, &env ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { r = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto done; } if (flags & ENV_MOD_MACHINE) action |= 0x20000000; TRACE("Removing %s\n", debugstr_w(name)); res = RegDeleteValueW( env, name ); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARN("Failed to delete value %s (%d)\n", debugstr_w(name), res); r = ERROR_SUCCESS; } done: uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 3 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 1, name ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, value ); MSI_RecordSetInteger( uirow, 3, action ); ui_actiondata( package, szRemoveEnvironmentStrings, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); if (env) RegCloseKey( env ); msi_free( deformatted ); return r; } static UINT ACTION_RemoveEnvironmentStrings( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','E','n','v','i','r','o','n','m','e','n','t','`',0}; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, query, &view ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, ITERATE_RemoveEnvironmentString, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return rc; } typedef struct tagMSIASSEMBLY { struct list entry; MSICOMPONENT *component; MSIFEATURE *feature; MSIFILE *file; LPWSTR manifest; LPWSTR application; LPWSTR display_name; DWORD attributes; BOOL installed; } MSIASSEMBLY; static HRESULT (WINAPI *pCreateAssemblyCache)(IAssemblyCache **ppAsmCache, DWORD dwReserved); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pLoadLibraryShim)(LPCWSTR szDllName, LPCWSTR szVersion, LPVOID pvReserved, HMODULE *phModDll); static BOOL init_functionpointers(void) { HRESULT hr; HMODULE hfusion; HMODULE hmscoree; static const WCHAR szFusion[] = {'f','u','s','i','o','n','.','d','l','l',0}; hmscoree = LoadLibraryA("mscoree.dll"); if (!hmscoree) { WARN("mscoree.dll not available\n"); return FALSE; } pLoadLibraryShim = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmscoree, "LoadLibraryShim"); if (!pLoadLibraryShim) { WARN("LoadLibraryShim not available\n"); FreeLibrary(hmscoree); return FALSE; } hr = pLoadLibraryShim(szFusion, NULL, NULL, &hfusion); if (FAILED(hr)) { WARN("fusion.dll not available\n"); FreeLibrary(hmscoree); return FALSE; } pCreateAssemblyCache = (void *)GetProcAddress(hfusion, "CreateAssemblyCache"); FreeLibrary(hmscoree); return TRUE; } static UINT install_assembly(MSIPACKAGE *package, MSIASSEMBLY *assembly, LPWSTR path) { IAssemblyCache *cache; MSIRECORD *uirow; HRESULT hr; UINT r = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; TRACE("installing assembly: %s\n", debugstr_w(path)); uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordSetStringW( uirow, 2, assembly->display_name ); ui_actiondata( package, szMsiPublishAssemblies, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); if (assembly->feature) msi_feature_set_state(package, assembly->feature, INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL); if (assembly->manifest) FIXME("Manifest unhandled\n"); if (assembly->application) { FIXME("Assembly should be privately installed\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (assembly->attributes == msidbAssemblyAttributesWin32) { FIXME("Win32 assemblies not handled\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } hr = pCreateAssemblyCache(&cache, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; hr = IAssemblyCache_InstallAssembly(cache, 0, path, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) ERR("Failed to install assembly: %s %08x\n", debugstr_w(path), hr); r = ERROR_SUCCESS; done: IAssemblyCache_Release(cache); return r; } typedef struct tagASSEMBLY_LIST { MSIPACKAGE *package; IAssemblyCache *cache; struct list *assemblies; } ASSEMBLY_LIST; typedef struct tagASSEMBLY_NAME { LPWSTR name; LPWSTR version; LPWSTR culture; LPWSTR pubkeytoken; } ASSEMBLY_NAME; static UINT parse_assembly_name(MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param) { ASSEMBLY_NAME *asmname = param; LPCWSTR name = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2); LPWSTR val = msi_dup_record_field(rec, 3); static const WCHAR Name[] = {'N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR Version[] = {'V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR Culture[] = {'C','u','l','t','u','r','e',0}; static const WCHAR PublicKeyToken[] = { 'P','u','b','l','i','c','K','e','y','T','o','k','e','n',0}; if (!strcmpiW(name, Name)) asmname->name = val; else if (!strcmpiW(name, Version)) asmname->version = val; else if (!strcmpiW(name, Culture)) asmname->culture = val; else if (!strcmpiW(name, PublicKeyToken)) asmname->pubkeytoken = val; else msi_free(val); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static void append_str(LPWSTR *str, DWORD *size, LPCWSTR append) { if (!*str) { *size = lstrlenW(append) + 1; *str = msi_alloc((*size) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lstrcpyW(*str, append); return; } (*size) += lstrlenW(append); *str = msi_realloc(*str, (*size) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lstrcatW(*str, append); } static WCHAR *get_assembly_display_name( MSIDATABASE *db, MSICOMPONENT *comp ) { static const WCHAR separator[] = {',',' ',0}; static const WCHAR Version[] = {'V','e','r','s','i','o','n','=',0}; static const WCHAR Culture[] = {'C','u','l','t','u','r','e','=',0}; static const WCHAR PublicKeyToken[] = {'P','u','b','l','i','c','K','e','y','T','o','k','e','n','=',0}; static const WCHAR query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','M','s','i','A','s','s','e','m','b','l','y','N','a','m','e','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ','`','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t','_','`', '=','\'','%','s','\'',0}; ASSEMBLY_NAME name; MSIQUERY *view; LPWSTR display_name; DWORD size; UINT r; display_name = NULL; memset( &name, 0, sizeof(ASSEMBLY_NAME) ); r = MSI_OpenQuery( db, &view, query, comp->Component ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return NULL; MSI_IterateRecords( view, NULL, parse_assembly_name, &name ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); if (!name.name) { ERR("No assembly name specified!\n"); return NULL; } append_str( &display_name, &size, name.name ); if (name.version) { append_str( &display_name, &size, separator ); append_str( &display_name, &size, Version ); append_str( &display_name, &size, name.version ); } if (name.culture) { append_str( &display_name, &size, separator ); append_str( &display_name, &size, Culture ); append_str( &display_name, &size, name.culture ); } if (name.pubkeytoken) { append_str( &display_name, &size, separator ); append_str( &display_name, &size, PublicKeyToken ); append_str( &display_name, &size, name.pubkeytoken ); } msi_free( name.name ); msi_free( name.version ); msi_free( name.culture ); msi_free( name.pubkeytoken ); return display_name; } static BOOL check_assembly_installed( MSIDATABASE *db, IAssemblyCache *cache, MSICOMPONENT *comp ) { ASSEMBLY_INFO asminfo; LPWSTR disp; BOOL found = FALSE; HRESULT hr; disp = get_assembly_display_name( db, comp ); if (!disp) return FALSE; memset( &asminfo, 0, sizeof(ASSEMBLY_INFO) ); asminfo.cbAssemblyInfo = sizeof(ASSEMBLY_INFO); hr = IAssemblyCache_QueryAssemblyInfo( cache, QUERYASMINFO_FLAG_VALIDATE, disp, &asminfo ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) found = (asminfo.dwAssemblyFlags == ASSEMBLYINFO_FLAG_INSTALLED); msi_free( disp ); return found; } static UINT load_assembly(MSIRECORD *rec, LPVOID param) { ASSEMBLY_LIST *list = param; MSIASSEMBLY *assembly; LPCWSTR component; assembly = msi_alloc_zero(sizeof(MSIASSEMBLY)); if (!assembly) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; component = MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 1); assembly->component = get_loaded_component(list->package, component); if (!assembly->component) return ERROR_SUCCESS; if (assembly->component->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL && assembly->component->ActionRequest != INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE) { TRACE("Component not scheduled for installation: %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); assembly->component->Action = assembly->component->Installed; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } assembly->component->Action = assembly->component->ActionRequest; assembly->feature = find_feature_by_name(list->package, MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 2)); assembly->file = msi_find_file(list->package, assembly->component->KeyPath); if (!assembly->file) { ERR("File %s not found\n", debugstr_w(assembly->component->KeyPath)); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } assembly->manifest = strdupW(MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 3)); assembly->application = strdupW(MSI_RecordGetString(rec, 4)); assembly->attributes = MSI_RecordGetInteger(rec, 5); if (assembly->application) { WCHAR version[24]; DWORD size = sizeof(version)/sizeof(WCHAR); /* FIXME: we should probably check the manifest file here */ if (!MsiGetFileVersionW(assembly->file->TargetPath, version, &size, NULL, NULL) && (!assembly->file->Version || strcmpW(version, assembly->file->Version) >= 0)) { assembly->installed = TRUE; } } else assembly->installed = check_assembly_installed(list->package->db, list->cache, assembly->component); list_add_head(list->assemblies, &assembly->entry); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT load_assemblies(MSIPACKAGE *package, struct list *assemblies) { IAssemblyCache *cache = NULL; ASSEMBLY_LIST list; MSIQUERY *view; HRESULT hr; UINT r; static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','M','s','i','A','s','s','e','m','b','l','y','`',0}; r = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, query, &view); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; hr = pCreateAssemblyCache(&cache, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; list.package = package; list.cache = cache; list.assemblies = assemblies; r = MSI_IterateRecords(view, NULL, load_assembly, &list); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); IAssemblyCache_Release(cache); return r; } static void free_assemblies(struct list *assemblies) { struct list *item, *cursor; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(item, cursor, assemblies) { MSIASSEMBLY *assembly = LIST_ENTRY(item, MSIASSEMBLY, entry); list_remove(&assembly->entry); msi_free(assembly->application); msi_free(assembly->manifest); msi_free(assembly->display_name); msi_free(assembly); } } static BOOL find_assembly(struct list *assemblies, LPCWSTR file, MSIASSEMBLY **out) { MSIASSEMBLY *assembly; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(assembly, assemblies, MSIASSEMBLY, entry) { if (!lstrcmpW(assembly->file->File, file)) { *out = assembly; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static BOOL installassembly_cb(MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR file, DWORD action, LPWSTR *path, DWORD *attrs, PVOID user) { MSIASSEMBLY *assembly; WCHAR temppath[MAX_PATH]; struct list *assemblies = user; UINT r; if (!find_assembly(assemblies, file, &assembly)) return FALSE; GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, temppath); PathAddBackslashW(temppath); lstrcatW(temppath, assembly->file->FileName); if (action == MSICABEXTRACT_BEGINEXTRACT) { if (assembly->installed) return FALSE; *path = strdupW(temppath); *attrs = assembly->file->Attributes; } else if (action == MSICABEXTRACT_FILEEXTRACTED) { assembly->installed = TRUE; r = install_assembly(package, assembly, temppath); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) ERR("Failed to install assembly\n"); } return TRUE; } static UINT ACTION_MsiPublishAssemblies( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT r; struct list assemblies = LIST_INIT(assemblies); MSIASSEMBLY *assembly; MSIMEDIAINFO *mi; if (!init_functionpointers() || !pCreateAssemblyCache) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; r = load_assemblies(package, &assemblies); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; if (list_empty(&assemblies)) goto done; mi = msi_alloc_zero(sizeof(MSIMEDIAINFO)); if (!mi) { r = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(assembly, &assemblies, MSIASSEMBLY, entry) { if (assembly->installed && !mi->is_continuous) continue; if (assembly->file->Sequence > mi->last_sequence || mi->is_continuous || (assembly->file->IsCompressed && !mi->is_extracted)) { MSICABDATA data; r = ready_media(package, assembly->file, mi); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Failed to ready media\n"); break; } data.mi = mi; data.package = package; data.cb = installassembly_cb; data.user = &assemblies; if (assembly->file->IsCompressed && !msi_cabextract(package, mi, &data)) { ERR("Failed to extract cabinet: %s\n", debugstr_w(mi->cabinet)); r = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; break; } } if (!assembly->file->IsCompressed) { LPWSTR source = resolve_file_source(package, assembly->file); r = install_assembly(package, assembly, source); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) ERR("Failed to install assembly\n"); msi_free(source); } /* FIXME: write Installer assembly reg values */ } done: free_assemblies(&assemblies); return r; } static UINT ACTION_ValidateProductID( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { LPWSTR key, template, id; UINT r = ERROR_SUCCESS; id = msi_dup_property( package->db, szProductID ); if (id) { msi_free( id ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } template = msi_dup_property( package->db, szPIDTemplate ); key = msi_dup_property( package->db, szPIDKEY ); if (key && template) { FIXME( "partial stub: template %s key %s\n", debugstr_w(template), debugstr_w(key) ); r = msi_set_property( package->db, szProductID, key ); } msi_free( template ); msi_free( key ); return r; } static UINT ACTION_ScheduleReboot( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { TRACE("\n"); package->need_reboot = 1; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_AllocateRegistrySpace( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR szAvailableFreeReg[] = {'A','V','A','I','L','A','B','L','E','F','R','E','E','R','E','G',0}; MSIRECORD *uirow; int space = msi_get_property_int( package->db, szAvailableFreeReg, 0 ); TRACE("%p %d kilobytes\n", package, space); uirow = MSI_CreateRecord( 1 ); MSI_RecordSetInteger( uirow, 1, space ); ui_actiondata( package, szAllocateRegistrySpace, uirow ); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_DisableRollback( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { FIXME("%p\n", package); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_InstallAdminPackage( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { FIXME("%p\n", package); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_SetODBCFolders( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT r, count; MSIQUERY *view; static const WCHAR driver_query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'O','D','B','C','D','r','i','v','e','r',0 }; static const WCHAR translator_query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', 'O','D','B','C','T','r','a','n','s','l','a','t','o','r',0 }; r = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, driver_query, &view ); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { count = 0; r = MSI_IterateRecords( view, &count, NULL, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); if (count) FIXME("ignored %u rows in ODBCDriver table\n", count); } r = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( package->db, translator_query, &view ); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { count = 0; r = MSI_IterateRecords( view, &count, NULL, package ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); if (count) FIXME("ignored %u rows in ODBCTranslator table\n", count); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT msi_unimplemented_action_stub( MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCSTR action, LPCWSTR table ) { static const WCHAR query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ','`','%','s','`',0 }; MSIQUERY *view = NULL; DWORD count = 0; UINT r; r = MSI_OpenQuery( package->db, &view, query, table ); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { r = MSI_IterateRecords(view, &count, NULL, package); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); } if (count) FIXME("%s -> %u ignored %s table values\n", action, count, debugstr_w(table)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT ACTION_PatchFiles( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR table[] = { 'P','a','t','c','h',0 }; return msi_unimplemented_action_stub( package, "PatchFiles", table ); } static UINT ACTION_BindImage( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR table[] = { 'B','i','n','d','I','m','a','g','e',0 }; return msi_unimplemented_action_stub( package, "BindImage", table ); } static UINT ACTION_IsolateComponents( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR table[] = { 'I','s','o','l','a','t','e','d','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t',0 }; return msi_unimplemented_action_stub( package, "IsolateComponents", table ); } static UINT ACTION_MigrateFeatureStates( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR table[] = { 'U','p','g','r','a','d','e',0 }; return msi_unimplemented_action_stub( package, "MigrateFeatureStates", table ); } static UINT ACTION_MsiUnpublishAssemblies( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR table[] = { 'M','s','i','A','s','s','e','m','b','l','y',0 }; return msi_unimplemented_action_stub( package, "MsiUnpublishAssemblies", table ); } static UINT ACTION_RMCCPSearch( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR table[] = { 'C','C','P','S','e','a','r','c','h',0 }; return msi_unimplemented_action_stub( package, "RMCCPSearch", table ); } static UINT ACTION_RegisterComPlus( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR table[] = { 'C','o','m','p','l','u','s',0 }; return msi_unimplemented_action_stub( package, "RegisterComPlus", table ); } static UINT ACTION_UnregisterComPlus( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR table[] = { 'C','o','m','p','l','u','s',0 }; return msi_unimplemented_action_stub( package, "UnregisterComPlus", table ); } static UINT ACTION_InstallSFPCatalogFile( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR table[] = { 'S','F','P','C','a','t','a','l','o','g',0 }; return msi_unimplemented_action_stub( package, "InstallSFPCatalogFile", table ); } static UINT ACTION_RemoveExistingProducts( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { static const WCHAR table[] = { 'U','p','g','r','a','d','e',0 }; return msi_unimplemented_action_stub( package, "RemoveExistingProducts", table ); } typedef UINT (*STANDARDACTIONHANDLER)(MSIPACKAGE*); static const struct { const WCHAR *action; UINT (*handler)(MSIPACKAGE *); } StandardActions[] = { { szAllocateRegistrySpace, ACTION_AllocateRegistrySpace }, { szAppSearch, ACTION_AppSearch }, { szBindImage, ACTION_BindImage }, { szCCPSearch, ACTION_CCPSearch }, { szCostFinalize, ACTION_CostFinalize }, { szCostInitialize, ACTION_CostInitialize }, { szCreateFolders, ACTION_CreateFolders }, { szCreateShortcuts, ACTION_CreateShortcuts }, { szDeleteServices, ACTION_DeleteServices }, { szDisableRollback, ACTION_DisableRollback }, { szDuplicateFiles, ACTION_DuplicateFiles }, { szExecuteAction, ACTION_ExecuteAction }, { szFileCost, ACTION_FileCost }, { szFindRelatedProducts, ACTION_FindRelatedProducts }, { szForceReboot, ACTION_ForceReboot }, { szInstallAdminPackage, ACTION_InstallAdminPackage }, { szInstallExecute, ACTION_InstallExecute }, { szInstallExecuteAgain, ACTION_InstallExecute }, { szInstallFiles, ACTION_InstallFiles}, { szInstallFinalize, ACTION_InstallFinalize }, { szInstallInitialize, ACTION_InstallInitialize }, { szInstallSFPCatalogFile, ACTION_InstallSFPCatalogFile }, { szInstallValidate, ACTION_InstallValidate }, { szIsolateComponents, ACTION_IsolateComponents }, { szLaunchConditions, ACTION_LaunchConditions }, { szMigrateFeatureStates, ACTION_MigrateFeatureStates }, { szMoveFiles, ACTION_MoveFiles }, { szMsiPublishAssemblies, ACTION_MsiPublishAssemblies }, { szMsiUnpublishAssemblies, ACTION_MsiUnpublishAssemblies }, { szInstallODBC, ACTION_InstallODBC }, { szInstallServices, ACTION_InstallServices }, { szPatchFiles, ACTION_PatchFiles }, { szProcessComponents, ACTION_ProcessComponents }, { szPublishComponents, ACTION_PublishComponents }, { szPublishFeatures, ACTION_PublishFeatures }, { szPublishProduct, ACTION_PublishProduct }, { szRegisterClassInfo, ACTION_RegisterClassInfo }, { szRegisterComPlus, ACTION_RegisterComPlus}, { szRegisterExtensionInfo, ACTION_RegisterExtensionInfo }, { szRegisterFonts, ACTION_RegisterFonts }, { szRegisterMIMEInfo, ACTION_RegisterMIMEInfo }, { szRegisterProduct, ACTION_RegisterProduct }, { szRegisterProgIdInfo, ACTION_RegisterProgIdInfo }, { szRegisterTypeLibraries, ACTION_RegisterTypeLibraries }, { szRegisterUser, ACTION_RegisterUser }, { szRemoveDuplicateFiles, ACTION_RemoveDuplicateFiles }, { szRemoveEnvironmentStrings, ACTION_RemoveEnvironmentStrings }, { szRemoveExistingProducts, ACTION_RemoveExistingProducts }, { szRemoveFiles, ACTION_RemoveFiles }, { szRemoveFolders, ACTION_RemoveFolders }, { szRemoveIniValues, ACTION_RemoveIniValues }, { szRemoveODBC, ACTION_RemoveODBC }, { szRemoveRegistryValues, ACTION_RemoveRegistryValues }, { szRemoveShortcuts, ACTION_RemoveShortcuts }, { szResolveSource, ACTION_ResolveSource }, { szRMCCPSearch, ACTION_RMCCPSearch }, { szScheduleReboot, ACTION_ScheduleReboot }, { szSelfRegModules, ACTION_SelfRegModules }, { szSelfUnregModules, ACTION_SelfUnregModules }, { szSetODBCFolders, ACTION_SetODBCFolders }, { szStartServices, ACTION_StartServices }, { szStopServices, ACTION_StopServices }, { szUnpublishComponents, ACTION_UnpublishComponents }, { szUnpublishFeatures, ACTION_UnpublishFeatures }, { szUnregisterClassInfo, ACTION_UnregisterClassInfo }, { szUnregisterComPlus, ACTION_UnregisterComPlus }, { szUnregisterExtensionInfo, ACTION_UnregisterExtensionInfo }, { szUnregisterFonts, ACTION_UnregisterFonts }, { szUnregisterMIMEInfo, ACTION_UnregisterMIMEInfo }, { szUnregisterProgIdInfo, ACTION_UnregisterProgIdInfo }, { szUnregisterTypeLibraries, ACTION_UnregisterTypeLibraries }, { szValidateProductID, ACTION_ValidateProductID }, { szWriteEnvironmentStrings, ACTION_WriteEnvironmentStrings }, { szWriteIniValues, ACTION_WriteIniValues }, { szWriteRegistryValues, ACTION_WriteRegistryValues }, { NULL, NULL }, }; static BOOL ACTION_HandleStandardAction(MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR action, UINT* rc, BOOL force ) { BOOL ret = FALSE; BOOL run = force; int i; if (!run && !package->script->CurrentlyScripting) run = TRUE; if (!run) { if (strcmpW(action,szInstallFinalize) == 0 || strcmpW(action,szInstallExecute) == 0 || strcmpW(action,szInstallExecuteAgain) == 0) run = TRUE; } i = 0; while (StandardActions[i].action != NULL) { if (strcmpW(StandardActions[i].action, action)==0) { if (!run) { ui_actioninfo(package, action, TRUE, 0); *rc = schedule_action(package,INSTALL_SCRIPT,action); ui_actioninfo(package, action, FALSE, *rc); } else { ui_actionstart(package, action); if (StandardActions[i].handler) { *rc = StandardActions[i].handler(package); } else { FIXME("unhandled standard action %s\n",debugstr_w(action)); *rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } ret = TRUE; break; } i++; } return ret; } UINT ACTION_PerformAction(MSIPACKAGE *package, const WCHAR *action, UINT script, BOOL force) { UINT rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL handled; TRACE("Performing action (%s)\n", debugstr_w(action)); handled = ACTION_HandleStandardAction(package, action, &rc, force); if (!handled) handled = ACTION_HandleCustomAction(package, action, &rc, script, force); if (!handled) { WARN("unhandled msi action %s\n", debugstr_w(action)); rc = ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_CALLED; } return rc; } UINT ACTION_PerformUIAction(MSIPACKAGE *package, const WCHAR *action, UINT script) { UINT rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL handled = FALSE; TRACE("Performing action (%s)\n", debugstr_w(action)); handled = ACTION_HandleStandardAction(package, action, &rc,TRUE); if (!handled) handled = ACTION_HandleCustomAction(package, action, &rc, script, FALSE); if( !handled && ACTION_DialogBox(package, action) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) handled = TRUE; if (!handled) { WARN("unhandled msi action %s\n", debugstr_w(action)); rc = ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_CALLED; } return rc; } static UINT ACTION_PerformActionSequence(MSIPACKAGE *package, UINT seq) { UINT rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSIRECORD *row; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','I','n','s','t','a','l','l','E','x','e','c','u','t','e', 'S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',' ', '=',' ','%','i',0}; static const WCHAR UISeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','I','n','s','t','a','l','l','U','I','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e', '`', ' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ','`','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`', ' ', '=',' ','%','i',0}; if (needs_ui_sequence(package)) row = MSI_QueryGetRecord(package->db, UISeqQuery, seq); else row = MSI_QueryGetRecord(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, seq); if (row) { LPCWSTR action, cond; TRACE("Running the actions\n"); /* check conditions */ cond = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 2); /* this is a hack to skip errors in the condition code */ if (MSI_EvaluateConditionW(package, cond) == MSICONDITION_FALSE) { msiobj_release(&row->hdr); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } action = MSI_RecordGetString(row, 1); if (!action) { ERR("failed to fetch action\n"); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } if (needs_ui_sequence(package)) rc = ACTION_PerformUIAction(package, action, -1); else rc = ACTION_PerformAction(package, action, -1, FALSE); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); } return rc; } /**************************************************** * TOP level entry points *****************************************************/ UINT MSI_InstallPackage( MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR szPackagePath, LPCWSTR szCommandLine ) { UINT rc; BOOL ui_exists; static const WCHAR szAction[] = {'A','C','T','I','O','N',0}; static const WCHAR szInstall[] = {'I','N','S','T','A','L','L',0}; msi_set_property( package->db, szAction, szInstall ); package->script->InWhatSequence = SEQUENCE_INSTALL; if (szPackagePath) { LPWSTR p, dir; LPCWSTR file; dir = strdupW(szPackagePath); p = strrchrW(dir, '\\'); if (p) { *(++p) = 0; file = szPackagePath + (p - dir); } else { msi_free(dir); dir = msi_alloc(MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)); GetCurrentDirectoryW(MAX_PATH, dir); lstrcatW(dir, szBackSlash); file = szPackagePath; } msi_free( package->PackagePath ); package->PackagePath = msi_alloc((lstrlenW(dir) + lstrlenW(file) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!package->PackagePath) { msi_free(dir); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } lstrcpyW(package->PackagePath, dir); lstrcatW(package->PackagePath, file); msi_free(dir); msi_set_sourcedir_props(package, FALSE); } msi_parse_command_line( package, szCommandLine, FALSE ); msi_apply_transforms( package ); msi_apply_patches( package ); if (!szCommandLine && msi_get_property_int( package->db, szInstalled, 0 )) { TRACE("setting reinstall property\n"); msi_set_property( package->db, szReinstall, szAll ); } /* properties may have been added by a transform */ msi_clone_properties( package ); msi_set_context( package ); if (needs_ui_sequence( package)) { package->script->InWhatSequence |= SEQUENCE_UI; rc = ACTION_ProcessUISequence(package); ui_exists = ui_sequence_exists(package); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS || !ui_exists) { package->script->InWhatSequence |= SEQUENCE_EXEC; rc = ACTION_ProcessExecSequence(package, ui_exists); } } else rc = ACTION_ProcessExecSequence(package, FALSE); package->script->CurrentlyScripting = FALSE; /* process the ending type action */ if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) ACTION_PerformActionSequence(package, -1); else if (rc == ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT) ACTION_PerformActionSequence(package, -2); else if (rc == ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND) ACTION_PerformActionSequence(package, -4); else /* failed */ ACTION_PerformActionSequence(package, -3); /* finish up running custom actions */ ACTION_FinishCustomActions(package); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && package->need_reboot) return ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED; return rc; }