/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Andrew Eikum for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #define COBJMACROS #include "wine/test.h" #include "initguid.h" #include "xaudio2.h" #include "xaudio2fx.h" #include "xapo.h" #include "xapofx.h" #include "mmsystem.h" static BOOL xaudio27; static HRESULT (WINAPI *pXAudio2Create)(IXAudio2 **, UINT32, XAUDIO2_PROCESSOR) = NULL; static HRESULT (WINAPI *pCreateAudioVolumeMeter)(IUnknown**) = NULL; #define XA2CALL_0(method) if(xaudio27) hr = IXAudio27_##method((IXAudio27*)xa); else hr = IXAudio2_##method(xa); #define XA2CALL_0V(method) if(xaudio27) IXAudio27_##method((IXAudio27*)xa); else IXAudio2_##method(xa); #define XA2CALL_V(method, ...) if(xaudio27) IXAudio27_##method((IXAudio27*)xa, __VA_ARGS__); else IXAudio2_##method(xa, __VA_ARGS__); #define XA2CALL(method, ...) if(xaudio27) hr = IXAudio27_##method((IXAudio27*)xa, __VA_ARGS__); else hr = IXAudio2_##method(xa, __VA_ARGS__); static void fill_buf(float *buf, WAVEFORMATEX *fmt, DWORD hz, DWORD len_frames) { if(winetest_interactive){ DWORD offs, c; for(offs = 0; offs < len_frames; ++offs) for(c = 0; c < fmt->nChannels; ++c) buf[offs * fmt->nChannels + c] = sinf(offs * hz * 2 * M_PI / fmt->nSamplesPerSec); }else memset(buf, 0, sizeof(float) * len_frames * fmt->nChannels); } static struct _cb_state { BOOL start_called, end_called; } ecb_state, src1_state, src2_state; static int pass_state = 0; static BOOL buffers_called = FALSE; static void WINAPI ECB_OnProcessingPassStart(IXAudio2EngineCallback *This) { ok(!xaudio27 || pass_state == 0, "Callbacks called out of order: %u\n", pass_state); ++pass_state; } static void WINAPI ECB_OnProcessingPassEnd(IXAudio2EngineCallback *This) { ok(!xaudio27 || pass_state == (buffers_called ? 7 : 5), "Callbacks called out of order: %u\n", pass_state); pass_state = 0; buffers_called = FALSE; } static void WINAPI ECB_OnCriticalError(IXAudio2EngineCallback *This, HRESULT Error) { ok(0, "Unexpected OnCriticalError\n"); } static const IXAudio2EngineCallbackVtbl ecb_vtbl = { ECB_OnProcessingPassStart, ECB_OnProcessingPassEnd, ECB_OnCriticalError }; static IXAudio2EngineCallback ecb = { &ecb_vtbl }; static IXAudio2VoiceCallback vcb1; static IXAudio2VoiceCallback vcb2; static void WINAPI VCB_OnVoiceProcessingPassStart(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, UINT32 BytesRequired) { if(This == &vcb1){ ok(!xaudio27 || pass_state == (buffers_called ? 4 : 3), "Callbacks called out of order: %u\n", pass_state); ++pass_state; }else{ ok(!xaudio27 || pass_state == 1, "Callbacks called out of order: %u\n", pass_state); ++pass_state; } } static void WINAPI VCB_OnVoiceProcessingPassEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This) { if(This == &vcb1){ ok(!xaudio27 || pass_state == (buffers_called ? 6 : 4), "Callbacks called out of order: %u\n", pass_state); ++pass_state; }else{ ok(!xaudio27 || pass_state == (buffers_called ? 3 : 2), "Callbacks called out of order: %u\n", pass_state); ++pass_state; } } static void WINAPI VCB_OnStreamEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This) { ok(0, "Unexpected OnStreamEnd\n"); } static void WINAPI VCB_OnBufferStart(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBufferContext) { if(This == &vcb1){ ok(!xaudio27 || pass_state == 5, "Callbacks called out of order: %u\n", pass_state); ++pass_state; }else{ ok(!xaudio27 || pass_state == 2, "Callbacks called out of order: %u\n", pass_state); ++pass_state; buffers_called = TRUE; } } static void WINAPI VCB_OnBufferEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBufferContext) { if(This == &vcb1){ ok(!xaudio27 || pass_state == 5, "Callbacks called out of order: %u\n", pass_state); ++pass_state; }else{ ok(!xaudio27 || pass_state == 2, "Callbacks called out of order: %u\n", pass_state); ++pass_state; buffers_called = TRUE; } } static void WINAPI VCB_OnLoopEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBufferContext) { ok(0, "Unexpected OnLoopEnd\n"); } static void WINAPI VCB_OnVoiceError(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBuffercontext, HRESULT Error) { ok(0, "Unexpected OnVoiceError\n"); } static const IXAudio2VoiceCallbackVtbl vcb_vtbl = { VCB_OnVoiceProcessingPassStart, VCB_OnVoiceProcessingPassEnd, VCB_OnStreamEnd, VCB_OnBufferStart, VCB_OnBufferEnd, VCB_OnLoopEnd, VCB_OnVoiceError }; static IXAudio2VoiceCallback vcb1 = { &vcb_vtbl }; static IXAudio2VoiceCallback vcb2 = { &vcb_vtbl }; static void test_simple_streaming(IXAudio2 *xa) { HRESULT hr; IXAudio2MasteringVoice *master; IXAudio2SourceVoice *src, *src2; IUnknown *vumeter; WAVEFORMATEX fmt; XAUDIO2_BUFFER buf, buf2; XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE state; XAUDIO2_EFFECT_DESCRIPTOR effect; XAUDIO2_EFFECT_CHAIN chain; DWORD chmask; memset(&ecb_state, 0, sizeof(ecb_state)); memset(&src1_state, 0, sizeof(src1_state)); memset(&src2_state, 0, sizeof(src2_state)); XA2CALL_0V(StopEngine); /* Tests show in native XA2.8, ECB is called from a mixer thread, but VCBs * may be called from other threads in any order. So we can't rely on any * sequencing between VCB calls. * * XA2.7 does all mixing from a single thread, so call sequence can be * tested. */ XA2CALL(RegisterForCallbacks, &ecb); ok(hr == S_OK, "RegisterForCallbacks failed: %08x\n", hr); if(xaudio27) hr = IXAudio27_CreateMasteringVoice((IXAudio27*)xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, 0, NULL); else hr = IXAudio2_CreateMasteringVoice(xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, NULL, NULL, AudioCategory_GameEffects); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateMasteringVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); if(!xaudio27){ chmask = 0xdeadbeef; IXAudio2MasteringVoice_GetChannelMask(master, &chmask); ok(chmask == (SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT), "Got unexpected channel mask: 0x%x\n", chmask); } /* create first source voice */ fmt.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT; fmt.nChannels = 2; fmt.nSamplesPerSec = 44100; fmt.wBitsPerSample = 32; fmt.nBlockAlign = fmt.nChannels * fmt.wBitsPerSample / 8; fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec = fmt.nSamplesPerSec * fmt.nBlockAlign; fmt.cbSize = 0; XA2CALL(CreateSourceVoice, &src, &fmt, 0, 1.f, &vcb1, NULL, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateSourceVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); if(xaudio27){ XAUDIO27_VOICE_DETAILS details; IXAudio27SourceVoice_GetVoiceDetails((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src, &details); ok(details.CreationFlags == 0, "Got wrong flags: 0x%x\n", details.CreationFlags); ok(details.InputChannels == 2, "Got wrong channel count: 0x%x\n", details.InputChannels); ok(details.InputSampleRate == 44100, "Got wrong sample rate: 0x%x\n", details.InputSampleRate); }else{ XAUDIO2_VOICE_DETAILS details; IXAudio2SourceVoice_GetVoiceDetails(src, &details); ok(details.CreationFlags == 0, "Got wrong creation flags: 0x%x\n", details.CreationFlags); ok(details.ActiveFlags == 0, "Got wrong active flags: 0x%x\n", details.CreationFlags); ok(details.InputChannels == 2, "Got wrong channel count: 0x%x\n", details.InputChannels); ok(details.InputSampleRate == 44100, "Got wrong sample rate: 0x%x\n", details.InputSampleRate); } memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.AudioBytes = 22050 * fmt.nBlockAlign; buf.pAudioData = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf.AudioBytes); fill_buf((float*)buf.pAudioData, &fmt, 440, 22050); hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_Start(src, 0, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); ok(hr == S_OK, "Start failed: %08x\n", hr); /* create second source voice */ XA2CALL(CreateSourceVoice, &src2, &fmt, 0, 1.f, &vcb2, NULL, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateSourceVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); if(xaudio27){ XAUDIO27_VOICE_DETAILS details; IXAudio27SourceVoice_GetVoiceDetails((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src2, &details); ok(details.CreationFlags == 0, "Got wrong flags: 0x%x\n", details.CreationFlags); ok(details.InputChannels == 2, "Got wrong channel count: 0x%x\n", details.InputChannels); ok(details.InputSampleRate == 44100, "Got wrong sample rate: 0x%x\n", details.InputSampleRate); }else{ XAUDIO2_VOICE_DETAILS details; IXAudio2SourceVoice_GetVoiceDetails(src2, &details); ok(details.CreationFlags == 0, "Got wrong creation flags: 0x%x\n", details.CreationFlags); ok(details.ActiveFlags == 0, "Got wrong active flags: 0x%x\n", details.CreationFlags); ok(details.InputChannels == 2, "Got wrong channel count: 0x%x\n", details.InputChannels); ok(details.InputSampleRate == 44100, "Got wrong sample rate: 0x%x\n", details.InputSampleRate); } memset(&buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); buf2.AudioBytes = 22050 * fmt.nBlockAlign; buf2.pAudioData = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf2.AudioBytes); fill_buf((float*)buf2.pAudioData, &fmt, 220, 22050); hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src2, &buf2, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_Start(src2, 0, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); ok(hr == S_OK, "Start failed: %08x\n", hr); XA2CALL_0(StartEngine); ok(hr == S_OK, "StartEngine failed: %08x\n", hr); /* hook up volume meter */ if(xaudio27){ IXAPO *xapo; hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter27, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IUnknown, (void**)&vumeter); ok(hr == S_OK, "CoCreateInstance(AudioVolumeMeter) failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(vumeter, &IID_IXAPO27, (void**)&xapo); ok(hr == S_OK, "Couldn't get IXAPO27 interface: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IXAPO_Release(xapo); }else{ IXAPO *xapo; hr = pCreateAudioVolumeMeter(&vumeter); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateAudioVolumeMeter failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(vumeter, &IID_IXAPO, (void**)&xapo); ok(hr == S_OK, "Couldn't get IXAPO interface: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IXAPO_Release(xapo); } effect.InitialState = TRUE; effect.OutputChannels = 2; effect.pEffect = vumeter; chain.EffectCount = 1; chain.pEffectDescriptors = &effect; hr = IXAudio2MasteringVoice_SetEffectChain(master, &chain); ok(hr == S_OK, "SetEffectchain failed: %08x\n", hr); IUnknown_Release(vumeter); while(1){ if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_GetState((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src, &state); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_GetState(src, &state, 0); if(state.SamplesPlayed >= 22050) break; Sleep(100); } ok(state.SamplesPlayed == 22050, "Got wrong samples played\n"); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (void*)buf.pAudioData); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (void*)buf2.pAudioData); if(xaudio27){ IXAudio27SourceVoice_DestroyVoice((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src); IXAudio27SourceVoice_DestroyVoice((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src2); }else{ IXAudio2SourceVoice_DestroyVoice(src); IXAudio2SourceVoice_DestroyVoice(src2); } IXAudio2MasteringVoice_DestroyVoice(master); XA2CALL_V(UnregisterForCallbacks, &ecb); } static void WINAPI vcb_buf_OnVoiceProcessingPassStart(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, UINT32 BytesRequired) { } static void WINAPI vcb_buf_OnVoiceProcessingPassEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This) { } static void WINAPI vcb_buf_OnStreamEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This) { ok(0, "Unexpected OnStreamEnd\n"); } struct vcb_buf_testdata { int idx; IXAudio2SourceVoice *src; }; static int obs_calls = 0; static int obe_calls = 0; static void WINAPI vcb_buf_OnBufferStart(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBufferContext) { struct vcb_buf_testdata *data = pBufferContext; XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE state; ok(data->idx == obs_calls, "Buffer callback out of order: %u\n", data->idx); if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_GetState((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)data->src, &state); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_GetState(data->src, &state, 0); ok(state.BuffersQueued == 5 - obs_calls, "Got wrong number of buffers remaining: %u\n", state.BuffersQueued); ok(state.pCurrentBufferContext == pBufferContext, "Got wrong buffer from GetState\n"); ++obs_calls; } static void WINAPI vcb_buf_OnBufferEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBufferContext) { struct vcb_buf_testdata *data = pBufferContext; XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE state; ok(data->idx == obe_calls, "Buffer callback out of order: %u\n", data->idx); if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_GetState((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)data->src, &state); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_GetState(data->src, &state, 0); ok(state.BuffersQueued == 5 - obe_calls - 1, "Got wrong number of buffers remaining: %u\n", state.BuffersQueued); if(state.BuffersQueued == 0) ok(state.pCurrentBufferContext == NULL, "Got wrong buffer from GetState: %p\n", state.pCurrentBufferContext); else ok(state.pCurrentBufferContext == data + 1, "Got wrong buffer from GetState: %p\n", state.pCurrentBufferContext); ++obe_calls; } static void WINAPI vcb_buf_OnLoopEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBufferContext) { ok(0, "Unexpected OnLoopEnd\n"); } static void WINAPI vcb_buf_OnVoiceError(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBuffercontext, HRESULT Error) { ok(0, "Unexpected OnVoiceError\n"); } static const IXAudio2VoiceCallbackVtbl vcb_buf_vtbl = { vcb_buf_OnVoiceProcessingPassStart, vcb_buf_OnVoiceProcessingPassEnd, vcb_buf_OnStreamEnd, vcb_buf_OnBufferStart, vcb_buf_OnBufferEnd, vcb_buf_OnLoopEnd, vcb_buf_OnVoiceError }; static IXAudio2VoiceCallback vcb_buf = { &vcb_buf_vtbl }; static int nloopends = 0; static int nstreamends = 0; static void WINAPI loop_buf_OnStreamEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This) { ++nstreamends; } static void WINAPI loop_buf_OnBufferStart(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBufferContext) { } static void WINAPI loop_buf_OnBufferEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBufferContext) { } static void WINAPI loop_buf_OnLoopEnd(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBufferContext) { ++nloopends; } static void WINAPI loop_buf_OnVoiceError(IXAudio2VoiceCallback *This, void *pBuffercontext, HRESULT Error) { } static const IXAudio2VoiceCallbackVtbl loop_buf_vtbl = { vcb_buf_OnVoiceProcessingPassStart, vcb_buf_OnVoiceProcessingPassEnd, loop_buf_OnStreamEnd, loop_buf_OnBufferStart, loop_buf_OnBufferEnd, loop_buf_OnLoopEnd, loop_buf_OnVoiceError }; static IXAudio2VoiceCallback loop_buf = { &loop_buf_vtbl }; static void test_buffer_callbacks(IXAudio2 *xa) { HRESULT hr; IXAudio2MasteringVoice *master; IXAudio2SourceVoice *src; WAVEFORMATEX fmt; XAUDIO2_BUFFER buf; XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE state; struct vcb_buf_testdata testdata[5]; int i, timeout; obs_calls = 0; obe_calls = 0; XA2CALL_0V(StopEngine); if(xaudio27) hr = IXAudio27_CreateMasteringVoice((IXAudio27*)xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, 0, NULL); else hr = IXAudio2_CreateMasteringVoice(xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, NULL, NULL, AudioCategory_GameEffects); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateMasteringVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); /* test OnBufferStart/End callbacks */ fmt.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT; fmt.nChannels = 2; fmt.nSamplesPerSec = 44100; fmt.wBitsPerSample = 32; fmt.nBlockAlign = fmt.nChannels * fmt.wBitsPerSample / 8; fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec = fmt.nSamplesPerSec * fmt.nBlockAlign; fmt.cbSize = 0; XA2CALL(CreateSourceVoice, &src, &fmt, 0, 1.f, &vcb_buf, NULL, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateSourceVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.AudioBytes = 4410 * fmt.nBlockAlign; buf.pAudioData = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf.AudioBytes); fill_buf((float*)buf.pAudioData, &fmt, 440, 4410); /* submit same buffer fragment 5 times */ for(i = 0; i < 5; ++i){ testdata[i].idx = i; testdata[i].src = src; buf.pContext = &testdata[i]; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); } hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_Start(src, 0, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); ok(hr == S_OK, "Start failed: %08x\n", hr); XA2CALL_0(StartEngine); ok(hr == S_OK, "StartEngine failed: %08x\n", hr); if(xaudio27){ hr = IXAudio27SourceVoice_SetSourceSampleRate((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src, 48000); todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "SetSourceSampleRate failed: %08x\n", hr); }else{ hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SetSourceSampleRate(src, 48000); ok(hr == XAUDIO2_E_INVALID_CALL, "SetSourceSampleRate should have failed: %08x\n", hr); } while(1){ if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_GetState((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src, &state); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_GetState(src, &state, 0); if(state.SamplesPlayed >= 4410 * 5) break; Sleep(100); } ok(state.SamplesPlayed == 4410 * 5, "Got wrong samples played\n"); if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_DestroyVoice((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_DestroyVoice(src); /* test OnStreamEnd callback */ XA2CALL(CreateSourceVoice, &src, &fmt, 0, 1.f, &loop_buf, NULL, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateSourceVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); buf.Flags = XAUDIO2_END_OF_STREAM; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_Start(src, 0, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); ok(hr == S_OK, "Start failed: %08x\n", hr); timeout = 0; while(nstreamends == 0 && timeout < 1000){ Sleep(100); timeout += 100; } ok(nstreamends == 1, "Got wrong number of OnStreamEnd calls: %u\n", nstreamends); /* xaudio resets SamplesPlayed after processing an end-of-stream buffer */ if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_GetState((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src, &state); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_GetState(src, &state, 0); ok(state.SamplesPlayed == 0, "Got wrong samples played\n"); if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_DestroyVoice((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_DestroyVoice(src); IXAudio2MasteringVoice_DestroyVoice(master); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (void*)buf.pAudioData); } static UINT32 play_to_completion(IXAudio2SourceVoice *src, UINT32 max_samples) { XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE state; HRESULT hr; nloopends = 0; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_Start(src, 0, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); ok(hr == S_OK, "Start failed: %08x\n", hr); while(1){ if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_GetState((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src, &state); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_GetState(src, &state, 0); if(state.BuffersQueued == 0) break; if(state.SamplesPlayed >= max_samples){ if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_ExitLoop((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_ExitLoop(src, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); } Sleep(100); } hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_Stop(src, 0, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); ok(hr == S_OK, "Start failed: %08x\n", hr); return state.SamplesPlayed; } static void test_looping(IXAudio2 *xa) { HRESULT hr; IXAudio2MasteringVoice *master; IXAudio2SourceVoice *src; WAVEFORMATEX fmt; XAUDIO2_BUFFER buf; UINT32 played, running_total = 0; XA2CALL_0V(StopEngine); if(xaudio27) hr = IXAudio27_CreateMasteringVoice((IXAudio27*)xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, 0, NULL); else hr = IXAudio2_CreateMasteringVoice(xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, NULL, NULL, AudioCategory_GameEffects); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateMasteringVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); fmt.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT; fmt.nChannels = 2; fmt.nSamplesPerSec = 44100; fmt.wBitsPerSample = 32; fmt.nBlockAlign = fmt.nChannels * fmt.wBitsPerSample / 8; fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec = fmt.nSamplesPerSec * fmt.nBlockAlign; fmt.cbSize = 0; XA2CALL(CreateSourceVoice, &src, &fmt, 0, 1.f, &loop_buf, NULL, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateSourceVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.AudioBytes = 44100 * fmt.nBlockAlign; buf.pAudioData = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf.AudioBytes); fill_buf((float*)buf.pAudioData, &fmt, 440, 44100); XA2CALL_0(StartEngine); ok(hr == S_OK, "StartEngine failed: %08x\n", hr); /* play from middle to end */ buf.PlayBegin = 22050; buf.PlayLength = 0; buf.LoopBegin = 0; buf.LoopLength = 0; buf.LoopCount = 0; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); played = play_to_completion(src, -1); ok(played - running_total == 22050, "Got wrong samples played: %u\n", played - running_total); running_total = played; ok(nloopends == 0, "Got wrong OnLoopEnd calls: %u\n", nloopends); /* play 4410 samples from middle */ buf.PlayBegin = 22050; buf.PlayLength = 4410; buf.LoopBegin = 0; buf.LoopLength = 0; buf.LoopCount = 0; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); played = play_to_completion(src, -1); ok(played - running_total == 4410, "Got wrong samples played: %u\n", played - running_total); running_total = played; ok(nloopends == 0, "Got wrong OnLoopEnd calls: %u\n", nloopends); /* loop 4410 samples in middle */ buf.PlayBegin = 0; buf.PlayLength = 0; buf.LoopBegin = 22050; buf.LoopLength = 4410; buf.LoopCount = 1; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); played = play_to_completion(src, -1); ok(played - running_total == 44100 + 4410, "Got wrong samples played: %u\n", played - running_total); running_total = played; ok(nloopends == 1, "Got wrong OnLoopEnd calls: %u\n", nloopends); /* play last half, then loop the whole buffer */ buf.PlayBegin = 22050; buf.PlayLength = 0; buf.LoopBegin = 0; buf.LoopLength = 0; buf.LoopCount = 1; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); played = play_to_completion(src, -1); ok(played - running_total == 22050 + 44100, "Got wrong samples played: %u\n", played - running_total); running_total = played; ok(nloopends == 1, "Got wrong OnLoopEnd calls: %u\n", nloopends); /* play short segment from middle, loop to the beginning, and end at PlayEnd */ buf.PlayBegin = 22050; buf.PlayLength = 4410; buf.LoopBegin = 0; buf.LoopLength = 0; buf.LoopCount = 1; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); played = play_to_completion(src, -1); ok(played - running_total == 4410 + (22050 + 4410), "Got wrong samples played: %u\n", played - running_total); running_total = played; ok(nloopends == 1, "Got wrong OnLoopEnd calls: %u\n", nloopends); /* invalid: LoopEnd must be <= PlayEnd * xaudio27: play until LoopEnd, loop to beginning, play until PlayEnd */ buf.PlayBegin = 22050; buf.PlayLength = 4410; buf.LoopBegin = 0; buf.LoopLength = 22050 + 4410 * 2; buf.LoopCount = 1; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); if(xaudio27){ ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); played = play_to_completion(src, -1); ok(played - running_total == 4410 + (22050 + 4410 * 2), "Got wrong samples played: %u\n", played - running_total); running_total = played; ok(nloopends == 1, "Got wrong OnLoopEnd calls: %u\n", nloopends); }else ok(hr == XAUDIO2_E_INVALID_CALL, "SubmitSourceBuffer should have failed: %08x\n", hr); /* invalid: LoopEnd must be within play range * xaudio27: plays only play range */ buf.PlayBegin = 22050; buf.PlayLength = 0; /* == until end of buffer */ buf.LoopBegin = 0; buf.LoopLength = 22050; buf.LoopCount = 1; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); if(xaudio27){ ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); played = play_to_completion(src, -1); ok(played - running_total == 22050, "Got wrong samples played: %u\n", played - running_total); running_total = played; ok(nloopends == 0, "Got wrong OnLoopEnd calls: %u\n", nloopends); }else ok(hr == XAUDIO2_E_INVALID_CALL, "SubmitSourceBuffer should have failed: %08x\n", hr); /* invalid: LoopBegin must be before PlayEnd * xaudio27: crashes */ if(!xaudio27){ buf.PlayBegin = 0; buf.PlayLength = 4410; buf.LoopBegin = 22050; buf.LoopLength = 4410; buf.LoopCount = 1; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == XAUDIO2_E_INVALID_CALL, "SubmitSourceBuffer should have failed: %08x\n", hr); } /* infinite looping buffer */ buf.PlayBegin = 22050; buf.PlayLength = 0; buf.LoopBegin = 0; buf.LoopLength = 0; buf.LoopCount = 255; hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); played = play_to_completion(src, running_total + 88200); ok(played - running_total == 22050 + 44100 * 2, "Got wrong samples played: %u\n", played - running_total); ok(nloopends == (played - running_total) / 88200 + 1, "Got wrong OnLoopEnd calls: %u\n", nloopends); running_total = played; if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_DestroyVoice((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_DestroyVoice(src); IXAudio2MasteringVoice_DestroyVoice(master); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (void*)buf.pAudioData); } static void test_submix(IXAudio2 *xa) { HRESULT hr; IXAudio2MasteringVoice *master; IXAudio2SubmixVoice *sub; XA2CALL_0V(StopEngine); if(xaudio27) hr = IXAudio27_CreateMasteringVoice((IXAudio27*)xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, 0, NULL); else hr = IXAudio2_CreateMasteringVoice(xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, NULL, NULL, AudioCategory_GameEffects); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateMasteringVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); XA2CALL(CreateSubmixVoice, &sub, 2, 44100, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateSubmixVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); if(xaudio27){ XAUDIO27_VOICE_DETAILS details; IXAudio27SubmixVoice_GetVoiceDetails((IXAudio27SubmixVoice*)sub, &details); ok(details.CreationFlags == 0, "Got wrong flags: 0x%x\n", details.CreationFlags); ok(details.InputChannels == 2, "Got wrong channel count: 0x%x\n", details.InputChannels); ok(details.InputSampleRate == 44100, "Got wrong sample rate: 0x%x\n", details.InputSampleRate); }else{ XAUDIO2_VOICE_DETAILS details; IXAudio2SubmixVoice_GetVoiceDetails(sub, &details); ok(details.CreationFlags == 0, "Got wrong creation flags: 0x%x\n", details.CreationFlags); ok(details.ActiveFlags == 0, "Got wrong active flags: 0x%x\n", details.CreationFlags); ok(details.InputChannels == 2, "Got wrong channel count: 0x%x\n", details.InputChannels); ok(details.InputSampleRate == 44100, "Got wrong sample rate: 0x%x\n", details.InputSampleRate); } IXAudio2SubmixVoice_DestroyVoice(sub); IXAudio2MasteringVoice_DestroyVoice(master); } static void test_flush(IXAudio2 *xa) { HRESULT hr; IXAudio2MasteringVoice *master; IXAudio2SourceVoice *src; WAVEFORMATEX fmt; XAUDIO2_BUFFER buf; XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE state; XA2CALL_0V(StopEngine); if(xaudio27) hr = IXAudio27_CreateMasteringVoice((IXAudio27*)xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, 0, NULL); else hr = IXAudio2_CreateMasteringVoice(xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, NULL, NULL, AudioCategory_GameEffects); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateMasteringVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); fmt.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT; fmt.nChannels = 2; fmt.nSamplesPerSec = 44100; fmt.wBitsPerSample = 32; fmt.nBlockAlign = fmt.nChannels * fmt.wBitsPerSample / 8; fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec = fmt.nSamplesPerSec * fmt.nBlockAlign; fmt.cbSize = 0; XA2CALL(CreateSourceVoice, &src, &fmt, 0, 1.f, NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateSourceVoice failed: %08x\n", hr); memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.AudioBytes = 22050 * fmt.nBlockAlign; buf.pAudioData = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf.AudioBytes); fill_buf((float*)buf.pAudioData, &fmt, 440, 22050); hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_Start(src, 0, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); ok(hr == S_OK, "Start failed: %08x\n", hr); XA2CALL_0(StartEngine); ok(hr == S_OK, "StartEngine failed: %08x\n", hr); while(1){ if(xaudio27) IXAudio27SourceVoice_GetState((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src, &state); else IXAudio2SourceVoice_GetState(src, &state, 0); if(state.SamplesPlayed >= 2205) break; Sleep(10); } hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_Stop(src, 0, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); ok(hr == S_OK, "Stop failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_FlushSourceBuffers(src); ok(hr == S_OK, "FlushSourceBuffers failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_Start(src, 0, XAUDIO2_COMMIT_NOW); ok(hr == S_OK, "Start failed: %08x\n", hr); Sleep(100); hr = IXAudio2SourceVoice_SubmitSourceBuffer(src, &buf, NULL); ok(hr == S_OK, "SubmitSourceBuffer failed: %08x\n", hr); if(xaudio27){ IXAudio27SourceVoice_DestroyVoice((IXAudio27SourceVoice*)src); }else{ IXAudio2SourceVoice_DestroyVoice(src); } IXAudio2MasteringVoice_DestroyVoice(master); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (void*)buf.pAudioData); } static UINT32 test_DeviceDetails(IXAudio27 *xa) { HRESULT hr; XAUDIO2_DEVICE_DETAILS dd; UINT32 count, i; hr = IXAudio27_GetDeviceCount(xa, &count); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetDeviceCount failed: %08x\n", hr); if(count == 0) return 0; for(i = 0; i < count; ++i){ hr = IXAudio27_GetDeviceDetails(xa, i, &dd); ok(hr == S_OK, "GetDeviceDetails failed: %08x\n", hr); if(i == 0) ok(dd.Role == GlobalDefaultDevice, "Got wrong role for index 0: 0x%x\n", dd.Role); else ok(dd.Role == NotDefaultDevice, "Got wrong role for index %u: 0x%x\n", i, dd.Role); } return count; } static void test_xapo_creation_legacy(const char *module, unsigned int version) { HANDLE xapofxdll; HRESULT hr; IUnknown *fx_unk; unsigned int i; HRESULT (CDECL *pCreateFX)(REFCLSID,IUnknown**) = NULL; /* CLSIDs are the same across all versions */ static struct { const GUID *clsid; BOOL todo; } const_clsids[] = { { &CLSID_FXEQ27, FALSE }, { &CLSID_FXMasteringLimiter27, TRUE }, { &CLSID_FXReverb27, FALSE }, { &CLSID_FXEcho27, TRUE}, /* older versions of xapofx actually have support for new clsids */ { &CLSID_FXEQ, FALSE }, { &CLSID_FXMasteringLimiter, TRUE }, { &CLSID_FXReverb, FALSE }, { &CLSID_FXEcho, TRUE} }; /* different CLSID for each version */ static const GUID *avm_clsids[] = { &CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter20, &CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter21, &CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter22, &CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter23, &CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter24, &CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter25, &CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter26, &CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter27 }; static const GUID *ar_clsids[] = { &CLSID_AudioReverb20, &CLSID_AudioReverb21, &CLSID_AudioReverb22, &CLSID_AudioReverb23, &CLSID_AudioReverb24, &CLSID_AudioReverb25, &CLSID_AudioReverb26, &CLSID_AudioReverb27 }; xapofxdll = LoadLibraryA(module); if(xapofxdll){ pCreateFX = (void*)GetProcAddress(xapofxdll, "CreateFX"); ok(pCreateFX != NULL, "%s did not have CreateFX?\n", module); if(!pCreateFX){ FreeLibrary(xapofxdll); return; } }else{ win_skip("Couldn't load %s\n", module); return; } if(pCreateFX){ for(i = 0; i < sizeof(const_clsids) / sizeof(*const_clsids); ++i){ hr = pCreateFX(const_clsids[i].clsid, &fx_unk); todo_wine_if(const_clsids[i].todo) ok(hr == S_OK, "%s: CreateFX(%s) failed: %08x\n", module, wine_dbgstr_guid(const_clsids[i].clsid), hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ IXAPO *xapo; hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(fx_unk, &IID_IXAPO27, (void**)&xapo); ok(hr == S_OK, "Couldn't get IXAPO27 interface: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IXAPO_Release(xapo); IUnknown_Release(fx_unk); } hr = CoCreateInstance(const_clsids[i].clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IUnknown, (void**)&fx_unk); ok(hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG, "CoCreateInstance should have failed: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IUnknown_Release(fx_unk); } hr = pCreateFX(avm_clsids[version - 20], &fx_unk); ok(hr == S_OK, "%s: CreateFX(%s) failed: %08x\n", module, wine_dbgstr_guid(avm_clsids[version - 20]), hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ IXAPO *xapo; hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(fx_unk, &IID_IXAPO27, (void**)&xapo); ok(hr == S_OK, "Couldn't get IXAPO27 interface: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IXAPO_Release(xapo); IUnknown_Release(fx_unk); } hr = pCreateFX(ar_clsids[version - 20], &fx_unk); ok(hr == S_OK, "%s: CreateFX(%s) failed: %08x\n", module, wine_dbgstr_guid(ar_clsids[version - 20]), hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ IXAPO *xapo; hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(fx_unk, &IID_IXAPO27, (void**)&xapo); ok(hr == S_OK, "Couldn't get IXAPO27 interface: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IXAPO_Release(xapo); IUnknown_Release(fx_unk); } } FreeLibrary(xapofxdll); } static void test_xapo_creation_modern(const char *module) { HANDLE xaudio2dll; HRESULT hr; IUnknown *fx_unk; unsigned int i; HRESULT (CDECL *pCreateFX)(REFCLSID,IUnknown**,void*,UINT32) = NULL; HRESULT (WINAPI *pCAVM)(IUnknown**) = NULL; HRESULT (WINAPI *pCAR)(IUnknown**) = NULL; /* CLSIDs are the same across all versions */ static struct { const GUID *clsid; BOOL todo; } const_clsids[] = { { &CLSID_FXEQ27, FALSE }, { &CLSID_FXMasteringLimiter27, TRUE }, { &CLSID_FXReverb27, FALSE }, { &CLSID_FXEcho27, TRUE}, { &CLSID_FXEQ, FALSE }, { &CLSID_FXMasteringLimiter, TRUE }, { &CLSID_FXReverb, FALSE }, { &CLSID_FXEcho, TRUE} }; xaudio2dll = LoadLibraryA(module); if(xaudio2dll){ pCreateFX = (void*)GetProcAddress(xaudio2dll, "CreateFX"); ok(pCreateFX != NULL, "%s did not have CreateFX?\n", module); if(!pCreateFX){ FreeLibrary(xaudio2dll); return; } }else{ win_skip("Couldn't load %s\n", module); return; } if(pCreateFX){ for(i = 0; i < sizeof(const_clsids) / sizeof(*const_clsids); ++i){ hr = pCreateFX(const_clsids[i].clsid, &fx_unk, NULL, 0); todo_wine_if(const_clsids[i].todo) ok(hr == S_OK, "%s: CreateFX(%s) failed: %08x\n", module, wine_dbgstr_guid(const_clsids[i].clsid), hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ IXAPO *xapo; hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(fx_unk, &IID_IXAPO, (void**)&xapo); ok(hr == S_OK, "Couldn't get IXAPO interface: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IXAPO_Release(xapo); IUnknown_Release(fx_unk); } hr = CoCreateInstance(const_clsids[i].clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IUnknown, (void**)&fx_unk); ok(hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG, "CoCreateInstance should have failed: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IUnknown_Release(fx_unk); } /* test legacy CLSID */ hr = pCreateFX(&CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter27, &fx_unk, NULL, 0); ok(hr == S_OK, "%s: CreateFX(CLSID_AudioVolumeMeter) failed: %08x\n", module, hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ IXAPO *xapo; hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(fx_unk, &IID_IXAPO, (void**)&xapo); ok(hr == S_OK, "Couldn't get IXAPO interface: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IXAPO_Release(xapo); IUnknown_Release(fx_unk); } } pCAVM = (void*)GetProcAddress(xaudio2dll, "CreateAudioVolumeMeter"); ok(pCAVM != NULL, "%s did not have CreateAudioVolumeMeter?\n", module); hr = pCAVM(&fx_unk); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateAudioVolumeMeter failed: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ IXAPO *xapo; hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(fx_unk, &IID_IXAPO, (void**)&xapo); ok(hr == S_OK, "Couldn't get IXAPO interface: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IXAPO_Release(xapo); IUnknown_Release(fx_unk); } pCAR = (void*)GetProcAddress(xaudio2dll, "CreateAudioReverb"); ok(pCAR != NULL, "%s did not have CreateAudioReverb?\n", module); hr = pCAR(&fx_unk); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateAudioReverb failed: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ IXAPO *xapo; hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(fx_unk, &IID_IXAPO, (void**)&xapo); ok(hr == S_OK, "Couldn't get IXAPO interface: %08x\n", hr); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) IXAPO_Release(xapo); IUnknown_Release(fx_unk); } FreeLibrary(xaudio2dll); } static void test_xapo_creation(void) { test_xapo_creation_legacy("xapofx1_1.dll", 22); test_xapo_creation_legacy("xapofx1_2.dll", 23); test_xapo_creation_legacy("xapofx1_3.dll", 24); test_xapo_creation_legacy("xapofx1_3.dll", 25); test_xapo_creation_legacy("xapofx1_4.dll", 26); test_xapo_creation_legacy("xapofx1_5.dll", 27); test_xapo_creation_modern("xaudio2_8.dll"); } static UINT32 check_has_devices(IXAudio2 *xa) { HRESULT hr; IXAudio2MasteringVoice *master; hr = IXAudio2_CreateMasteringVoice(xa, &master, 2, 44100, 0, NULL, NULL, AudioCategory_GameEffects); if(hr != S_OK) return 0; IXAudio2MasteringVoice_DestroyVoice(master); return 1; } START_TEST(xaudio2) { HRESULT hr; IXAudio27 *xa27 = NULL; IXAudio2 *xa = NULL; HANDLE xa28dll; UINT32 has_devices; CoInitialize(NULL); xa28dll = LoadLibraryA("xaudio2_8.dll"); if(xa28dll){ pXAudio2Create = (void*)GetProcAddress(xa28dll, "XAudio2Create"); pCreateAudioVolumeMeter = (void*)GetProcAddress(xa28dll, "CreateAudioVolumeMeter"); } test_xapo_creation(); /* XAudio 2.7 (Jun 2010 DirectX) */ hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_XAudio27, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IXAudio27, (void**)&xa27); if(hr == S_OK){ xaudio27 = TRUE; hr = IXAudio27_Initialize(xa27, 0, XAUDIO2_ANY_PROCESSOR); ok(hr == S_OK, "Initialize failed: %08x\n", hr); has_devices = test_DeviceDetails(xa27); if(has_devices){ test_simple_streaming((IXAudio2*)xa27); test_buffer_callbacks((IXAudio2*)xa27); test_looping((IXAudio2*)xa27); test_submix((IXAudio2*)xa27); test_flush((IXAudio2*)xa27); }else skip("No audio devices available\n"); IXAudio27_Release(xa27); }else win_skip("XAudio 2.7 not available\n"); /* XAudio 2.8 (Win8+) */ if(pXAudio2Create){ xaudio27 = FALSE; hr = pXAudio2Create(&xa, 0, XAUDIO2_DEFAULT_PROCESSOR); ok(hr == S_OK, "XAudio2Create failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IXAudio2_QueryInterface(xa, &IID_IXAudio27, (void**)&xa27); ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "XA28 object should support IXAudio27, gave: %08x\n", hr); has_devices = check_has_devices(xa); if(has_devices){ test_simple_streaming(xa); test_buffer_callbacks(xa); test_looping(xa); test_submix(xa); test_flush(xa); }else skip("No audio devices available\n"); IXAudio2_Release(xa); }else win_skip("XAudio 2.8 not available\n"); CoUninitialize(); }