.TH WINESERVER 1 "October 2005" "@PACKAGE_STRING@" "Windows on Unix" .SH NAME wineserver \- the Wine server .SH SYNOPSIS .BI wineserver\ [options] .SH DESCRIPTION .B wineserver is a daemon process that provides to Wine roughly the same services that the Windows kernel provides on Windows. .PP .B wineserver is normally launched automatically when starting \fBwine\fR(1), so you shouldn't have to worry about it. In some cases however, it can be useful to start \fBwineserver\fR explicitly with different options, as explained below. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-d\fI[n]\fR, \fB--debug\fI[=n] Set the debug level to .IR n . 0 means no debugging information, 1 is the normal level, and 2 is for extra verbose debugging. If .I n is not specified, the default is 1. The debug output will be sent to stderr. \fBwine\fR(1) will automatically enable normal level debugging when starting \fBwineserver\fR if the +server option is set in the WINEDEBUG variable. .TP .BR \-f ", " --foreground Make the server remain in the foreground for easier debugging, for instance when running it under a debugger. .TP .BR \-h ", " --help Display a help message. .TP \fB\-k\fI[n]\fR, \fB--kill\fI[=n] Kill the currently running .BR wineserver , optionally by sending signal \fIn\fR. If no signal is specified, sends a SIGINT first and then a SIGKILL. The instance of \fBwineserver\fR that is killed is selected based on the WINEPREFIX environment variable. .TP \fB\-p\fI[n]\fR, \fB--persistent\fI[=n] Specify the \fBwineserver\fR persistence delay, i.e. the amount of time that the server will keep running when all client processes have terminated. This avoids the cost of shutting down and starting again when programs are launched in quick succession. The timeout \fIn\fR is in seconds, the default value is 3 seconds. If \fIn\fR is not specified, the server stays around forever. .TP .BR \-v ", " --version Display version information and exit. .TP .BR \-w ", " --wait Wait until the currently running .B wineserver terminates. .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES .TP .I WINEPREFIX If set, the content of this variable is taken as the name of the directory where .B wineserver stores its data (the default is \fI$HOME/.wine\fR). All .B wine processes using the same .B wineserver (i.e.: same user) share certain things like registry, shared memory and kernel objects. By setting .I WINEPREFIX to different values for different Wine processes, it is possible to run a number of truly independent Wine sessions. .TP .I WINESERVER Specifies the path and name of the .B wineserver binary that will be launched automatically by \fBwine\fR. If not set, \fBwine\fR will try to load .IR @bindir@/wineserver , and if this doesn't exist it will then look for a file named \fIwineserver\fR in the path and in a few other likely locations. .SH FILES .TP .B ~/.wine Directory containing user specific data managed by .BR wine . .TP .BI /tmp/.wine- uid Directory containing the server Unix socket and the lock file. These files are created in a subdirectory generated from the WINEPREFIX directory device and inode numbers. .SH AUTHORS The original author of .B wineserver is Alexandre Julliard. Many other people have contributed new features and bug fixes. Please check the file Changelog in the Wine distribution for the complete details. .SH BUGS Bugs can be reported on the .UR http://bugs.winehq.org .B Wine bug tracker .UE . .SH AVAILABILITY .B wineserver is part of the Wine distribution, which is available through WineHQ, the .UR http://www.winehq.org/ .B Wine development headquarters .UE . .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR wine (1), .br .UR http://www.winehq.org/help .B Wine documentation and support .UE .