/* * Implementation of IShellBrowser for the File Open common dialog * * */ #ifndef SHBROWSER_H #define SHBROWSER_H TRUE #include "shlobj.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "objbase.h" #include "commdlg.h" /*********************************************************************** * Defines and global variables */ #define _ICommDlgBrowser_Offset ((int)(&(((IShellBrowserImpl*)0)->lpVtblCommDlgBrowser))) #define _ICOM_THIS_FromICommDlgBrowser(class, name) class* This = (class*)(((char*)name)-_ICommDlgBrowser_Offset); #define _IServiceProvider_Offset ((int)(&(((IShellBrowserImpl*)0)->lpVtblServiceProvider))) #define _ICOM_THIS_FromIServiceProvider(class, name) class* This = (class*)(((char*)name)-_IServiceProvider_Offset); /* dialog internal property */ #define FODPROP_SAVEDLG 0x0001 /* File dialog is a Save file dialog */ #define FODPROP_USEVIEW 0x0002 /* Indicates the user selection must be taken from the IShellView */ /*********************************************************************** * Data structure */ typedef struct { LPOPENFILENAMEA ofnInfos; struct { IShellBrowser *FOIShellBrowser; IShellFolder *FOIShellFolder; IShellView *FOIShellView; IDataObject *FOIDataObject; } Shell; struct { HWND hwndOwner; HWND hwndView; RECT rectView; FOLDERSETTINGS folderSettings; LPITEMIDLIST pidlAbsCurrent; LPWSTR lpstrCurrentFilter; } ShellInfos; struct { HWND hwndFileTypeCB; HWND hwndLookInCB; HWND hwndFileName; HWND hwndTB; HWND hwndCustomDlg; DWORD dwDlgProp; } DlgInfos; struct { UINT fileokstring; UINT lbselchstring; UINT helpmsgstring; UINT sharevistring; } HookMsg; } FileOpenDlgInfos; /*********************************************************************** * Control ID's */ #define IDS_ABOUTBOX 101 #define IDS_DOCUMENTFOLDERS 102 #define IDS_PERSONAL 103 #define IDS_FAVORITES 104 #define IDS_PATH 105 #define IDS_DESKTOP 106 #define IDS_FONTS 108 #define IDS_MYCOMPUTER 110 #define IDS_SYSTEMFOLDERS 112 #define IDS_LOCALHARDRIVES 113 #define IDS_FILENOTFOUND 114 #define IDS_VERIFYFILE 115 #define IDS_CREATEFILE 116 #define IDS_CREATEFOLDER_DENIED 117 #define IDS_FILEOPEN_CAPTION 118 #define IDL_OVERWRITEFILE 119 #define IDS_INVALID_FILENAME_TITLE 120 #define IDS_INVALID_FILENAME 121 #define IDS_PATHNOTEXISTING 122 #define IDS_FILENOTEXISTING 123 /* File Dialog Tooltips string IDs */ #define IDS_UPFOLDER 150 #define IDS_NEWFOLDER 151 #define IDS_LISTVIEW 152 #define IDS_REPORTVIEW 153 #define IDS_TODESKTOP 154 #define IDC_OPENREADONLY chx1 #define IDC_TOOLBARSTATIC stc1 #define IDC_FILETYPESTATIC stc2 #define IDC_FILENAMESTATIC stc3 #define IDC_LOOKINSTATIC stc4 #define IDC_SHELLSTATIC lst1 #define IDC_FILETYPE cmb1 #define IDC_LOOKIN cmb2 #define IDC_FILENAME edt1 #define IDC_TOOLBAR ctl1 /*********************************************************************** * Prototypes for the methods of the IShellBrowserImpl class */ /* Constructor */ IShellBrowser * IShellBrowserImpl_Construct(HWND hwndOwner); LPITEMIDLIST GetPidlFromDataObject ( IDataObject *doSelected, UINT nPidlIndex); UINT GetNumSelected(IDataObject *doSelected); /* pidl handling */ BOOL IsPidlFolder (LPSHELLFOLDER psf, LPITEMIDLIST pidl); /* Functions used by the EDIT box */ void FILEDLG95_FILENAME_FillFromSelection (HWND hwnd); int FILEDLG95_FILENAME_GetFileNames (HWND hwnd, LPSTR * lpstrFileList, UINT * sizeUsed); #endif /*SHBROWSER_H*/