/* * DEC 93 Erik Bos * * Copyright 1996 Marcus Meissner * FIXME: use HFILEs instead of unixfds * the win32 functions here get HFILEs already. * * May 26, 1997. Fixes and comments by Rick Richardson [RER] * - ptr->fd wasn't getting cleared on close. * - GetCommEventMask() and GetCommError() didn't do much of anything. * IMHO, they are still wrong, but they at least implement the RXCHAR * event and return I/O queue sizes, which makes the app I'm interested * in (analog devices EZKIT DSP development system) work. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) #include #endif #include #include #include "windows.h" #include "comm.h" #include "heap.h" #include "options.h" #include "stddebug.h" #include "debug.h" #include "handle32.h" #ifndef TIOCINQ #define TIOCINQ FIONREAD #endif /* * [RER] These are globals are wrong. They should be in DosDeviceStruct * on a per port basis. */ int commerror = 0, eventmask = 0; struct DosDeviceStruct COM[MAX_PORTS]; struct DosDeviceStruct LPT[MAX_PORTS]; void COMM_Init(void) { int x; char option[10], temp[256], *btemp; struct stat st; for (x=0; x!=MAX_PORTS; x++) { strcpy(option,"COMx"); option[3] = '1' + x; option[4] = '\0'; PROFILE_GetWineIniString( "serialports", option, "*", temp, sizeof(temp) ); if (!strcmp(temp, "*") || *temp == '\0') COM[x].devicename = NULL; else { btemp = strchr(temp,','); if (btemp != NULL) { *btemp++ = '\0'; COM[x].baudrate = atoi(btemp); } else { COM[x].baudrate = -1; } stat(temp, &st); if (!S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)) fprintf(stderr,"comm: can't use `%s' as %s !\n", temp, option); else if ((COM[x].devicename = malloc(strlen(temp)+1)) == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"comm: can't malloc for device info!\n"); else { COM[x].fd = 0; strcpy(COM[x].devicename, temp); } dprintf_comm(stddeb, "Comm_Init: %s = %s\n", option, COM[x].devicename); } strcpy(option, "LPTx"); option[3] = '1' + x; option[4] = '\0'; PROFILE_GetWineIniString( "parallelports", option, "*", temp, sizeof(temp) ); if (!strcmp(temp, "*") || *temp == '\0') LPT[x].devicename = NULL; else { stat(temp, &st); if (!S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)) fprintf(stderr,"comm: can't use `%s' as %s !\n", temp, option); else if ((LPT[x].devicename = malloc(strlen(temp)+1)) == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"comm: can't malloc for device info!\n"); else { LPT[x].fd = 0; strcpy(LPT[x].devicename, temp); } dprintf_comm(stddeb, "Comm_Init: %s = %s\n", option, LPT[x].devicename); } } } struct DosDeviceStruct *GetDeviceStruct(int fd) { int x; for (x=0; x!=MAX_PORTS; x++) { if (COM[x].fd == fd) return &COM[x]; if (LPT[x].fd == fd) return &LPT[x]; } return NULL; } int ValidCOMPort(int x) { return(x < MAX_PORTS ? (int) COM[x].devicename : 0); } int ValidLPTPort(int x) { return(x < MAX_PORTS ? (int) LPT[x].devicename : 0); } int WinError(void) { dprintf_comm(stddeb, "WinError: errno = %d\n", errno); switch (errno) { default: return CE_IOE; } } /************************************************************************** * BuildCommDCB (USER.213) */ BOOL16 BuildCommDCB16(LPCSTR device, LPDCB16 lpdcb) { /* "COM1:9600,n,8,1" */ /* 012345 */ int port; char *ptr, temp[256]; dprintf_comm(stddeb, "BuildCommDCB: (%s), ptr %p\n", device, lpdcb); commerror = 0; if (!lstrncmpi32A(device,"COM",3)) { port = device[3] - '0'; if (port-- == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "comm: BUG ! COM0 can't exists!.\n"); commerror = IE_BADID; } if (!ValidCOMPort(port)) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } if (!COM[port].fd) { OpenComm(device, 0, 0); } lpdcb->Id = COM[port].fd; if (!*(device+4)) return 0; if (*(device+4) != ':') return -1; strcpy(temp,device+5); ptr = strtok(temp, ", "); if (COM[port].baudrate > 0) lpdcb->BaudRate = COM[port].baudrate; else lpdcb->BaudRate = atoi(ptr); dprintf_comm(stddeb,"BuildCommDCB: baudrate (%d)\n", lpdcb->BaudRate); ptr = strtok(NULL, ", "); if (islower(*ptr)) *ptr = toupper(*ptr); dprintf_comm(stddeb,"BuildCommDCB: parity (%c)\n", *ptr); lpdcb->fParity = 1; switch (*ptr) { case 'N': lpdcb->Parity = NOPARITY; lpdcb->fParity = 0; break; case 'E': lpdcb->Parity = EVENPARITY; break; case 'M': lpdcb->Parity = MARKPARITY; break; case 'O': lpdcb->Parity = ODDPARITY; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"comm: unknown parity `%c'!\n", *ptr); return -1; } ptr = strtok(NULL, ", "); dprintf_comm(stddeb, "BuildCommDCB: charsize (%c)\n", *ptr); lpdcb->ByteSize = *ptr - '0'; ptr = strtok(NULL, ", "); dprintf_comm(stddeb, "BuildCommDCB: stopbits (%c)\n", *ptr); switch (*ptr) { case '1': lpdcb->StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; break; case '2': lpdcb->StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"comm: unknown # of stopbits `%c'!\n", *ptr); return -1; } } return 0; } /************************************************************************** * BuildCommDCBA (KERNEL32.14) */ BOOL32 BuildCommDCB32A(LPCSTR device,LPDCB32 lpdcb) { return BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts32A(device,lpdcb,NULL); } /************************************************************************** * BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA (KERNEL32.15) */ BOOL32 BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts32A(LPCSTR device, LPDCB32 lpdcb,LPCOMMTIMEOUTS lptimeouts) { int port; char *ptr,*temp; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts32A(%s,%p,%p)\n",device,lpdcb,lptimeouts); commerror = 0; if (!lstrncmpi32A(device,"COM",3)) { port=device[3]-'0'; if (port--==0) { fprintf(stderr,"comm:BUG! COM0 can't exists!.\n"); return FALSE; } if (!ValidCOMPort(port)) return FALSE; if (*(device+4)!=':') return FALSE; temp=(LPSTR)(device+5); } else temp=(LPSTR)device; lpdcb->DCBlength = sizeof(DCB32); if (strchr(temp,',')) { /* old style */ DCB16 dcb16; BOOL16 ret; char last=temp[strlen(temp)-1]; ret=BuildCommDCB16(device,&dcb16); if (!ret) return FALSE; lpdcb->BaudRate = dcb16.BaudRate; lpdcb->ByteSize = dcb16.ByteSize; lpdcb->fBinary = dcb16.fBinary; lpdcb->Parity = dcb16.Parity; lpdcb->fParity = dcb16.fParity; lpdcb->fNull = dcb16.fNull; lpdcb->StopBits = dcb16.StopBits; if (last == 'x') { lpdcb->fInX = TRUE; lpdcb->fOutX = TRUE; lpdcb->fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; lpdcb->fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; lpdcb->fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; lpdcb->fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; } else if (last=='p') { lpdcb->fInX = FALSE; lpdcb->fOutX = FALSE; lpdcb->fOutxCtsFlow = TRUE; lpdcb->fOutxDsrFlow = TRUE; lpdcb->fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; lpdcb->fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; } else { lpdcb->fInX = FALSE; lpdcb->fOutX = FALSE; lpdcb->fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; lpdcb->fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; lpdcb->fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; lpdcb->fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; } lpdcb->XonChar = dcb16.XonChar; lpdcb->XoffChar = dcb16.XoffChar; lpdcb->ErrorChar= dcb16.PeChar; lpdcb->fErrorChar= dcb16.fPeChar; lpdcb->EofChar = dcb16.EofChar; lpdcb->EvtChar = dcb16.EvtChar; lpdcb->XonLim = dcb16.XonLim; lpdcb->XoffLim = dcb16.XoffLim; return TRUE; } ptr=strtok(temp," "); while (ptr) { DWORD flag,x; flag=0; if (!strncmp("baud=",ptr,5)) { if (!sscanf(ptr+5,"%ld",&x)) fprintf(stderr,"BuildCommDCB32A:Couldn't parse %s\n",ptr); lpdcb->BaudRate = x; flag=1; } if (!strncmp("stop=",ptr,5)) { if (!sscanf(ptr+5,"%ld",&x)) fprintf(stderr,"BuildCommDCB32A:Couldn't parse %s\n",ptr); lpdcb->StopBits = x; flag=1; } if (!strncmp("data=",ptr,5)) { if (!sscanf(ptr+5,"%ld",&x)) fprintf(stderr,"BuildCommDCB32A:Couldn't parse %s\n",ptr); lpdcb->ByteSize = x; flag=1; } if (!strncmp("parity=",ptr,7)) { lpdcb->fParity = TRUE; switch (ptr[8]) { case 'N':case 'n': lpdcb->fParity = FALSE; lpdcb->Parity = NOPARITY; break; case 'E':case 'e': lpdcb->Parity = EVENPARITY; break; case 'O':case 'o': lpdcb->Parity = ODDPARITY; break; case 'M':case 'm': lpdcb->Parity = MARKPARITY; break; } flag=1; } if (!flag) fprintf(stderr,"BuildCommDCB32A: Unhandled specifier '%s', please report.\n",ptr); ptr=strtok(NULL," "); } if (lpdcb->BaudRate==110) lpdcb->StopBits = 2; return TRUE; } /************************************************************************** * BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW (KERNEL32.16) */ BOOL32 BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts32W( LPCWSTR devid,LPDCB32 lpdcb,LPCOMMTIMEOUTS lptimeouts ) { LPSTR devidA; BOOL32 ret; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts32W(%p,%p,%p)\n",devid,lpdcb,lptimeouts); devidA = HEAP_strdupWtoA( GetProcessHeap(), 0, devid ); ret=BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts32A(devidA,lpdcb,lptimeouts); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, devidA ); return ret; } /************************************************************************** * BuildCommDCBW (KERNEL32.17) */ BOOL32 BuildCommDCB32W(LPCWSTR devid,LPDCB32 lpdcb) { return BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts32W(devid,lpdcb,NULL); } /***************************************************************************** * OpenComm (USER.200) */ INT16 OpenComm(LPCSTR device,UINT16 cbInQueue,UINT16 cbOutQueue) { int port,fd; dprintf_comm(stddeb, "OpenComm: %s, %d, %d\n", device, cbInQueue, cbOutQueue); commerror = 0; if (!lstrncmpi32A(device,"COM",3)) { port = device[3] - '0'; if (port-- == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "comm: BUG ! COM0 doesn't exists!.\n"); commerror = IE_BADID; } dprintf_comm(stddeb, "OpenComm: %s = %s\n", device, COM[port].devicename); if (!ValidCOMPort(port)) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } if (COM[port].fd) { return COM[port].fd; } fd = open(COM[port].devicename, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (fd == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return -1; } else { COM[port].fd = fd; return fd; } } else if (!lstrncmpi32A(device,"LPT",3)) { port = device[3] - '0'; if (!ValidLPTPort(port)) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } if (LPT[port].fd) { commerror = IE_OPEN; return -1; } fd = open(LPT[port].devicename, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0); if (fd == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return -1; } else { LPT[port].fd = fd; return fd; } } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * CloseComm (USER.207) */ INT16 CloseComm(INT16 fd) { struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"CloseComm: fd %d\n", fd); if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } ptr->fd = 0; /* [RER] Really, -1 would be a better value */ if (close(fd) == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return -1; } else { commerror = 0; return 0; } } /***************************************************************************** * SetCommBreak (USER.210) */ INT16 SetCommBreak16(INT16 fd) { struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommBreak: fd: %d\n", fd); if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } ptr->suspended = 1; commerror = 0; return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * SetCommBreak (KERNEL32.449) */ BOOL32 SetCommBreak32(INT32 fd) { struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommBreak: fd: %d\n", fd); if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return FALSE; } ptr->suspended = 1; commerror = 0; return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * ClearCommBreak (USER.211) */ INT16 ClearCommBreak16(INT16 fd) { struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"ClearCommBreak: fd: %d\n", fd); if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } ptr->suspended = 0; commerror = 0; return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * ClearCommBreak (KERNEL32.20) */ BOOL32 ClearCommBreak32(INT32 fd) { struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"ClearCommBreak: fd: %d\n", fd); if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return FALSE; } ptr->suspended = 0; commerror = 0; return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * EscapeCommFunction (USER.214) */ LONG EscapeCommFunction16(UINT16 fd,UINT16 nFunction) { int max; struct termios port; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"EscapeCommFunction fd: %d, function: %d\n", fd, nFunction); if (tcgetattr(fd,&port) == -1) { commerror=WinError(); return -1; } switch (nFunction) { case RESETDEV: break; case GETMAXCOM: for (max = MAX_PORTS;!COM[max].devicename;max--) ; return max; break; case GETMAXLPT: for (max = MAX_PORTS;!LPT[max].devicename;max--) ; return 0x80 + max; break; #ifdef TIOCM_DTR case CLRDTR: port.c_cflag &= TIOCM_DTR; break; #endif #ifdef TIOCM_RTS case CLRRTS: port.c_cflag &= TIOCM_RTS; break; #endif #ifdef CRTSCTS case SETDTR: port.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; break; case SETRTS: port.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; break; #endif case SETXOFF: port.c_iflag |= IXOFF; break; case SETXON: port.c_iflag |= IXON; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "EscapeCommFunction fd: %d, unknown function: %d\n", fd, nFunction); break; } if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSADRAIN, &port) == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return -1; } else { commerror = 0; return 0; } } /***************************************************************************** * EscapeCommFunction (KERNEL32.214) */ BOOL32 EscapeCommFunction32(INT32 fd,UINT32 nFunction) { struct termios port; struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"EscapeCommFunction fd: %d, function: %d\n", fd, nFunction); if (tcgetattr(fd,&port) == -1) { commerror=WinError(); return FALSE; } if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return FALSE; } switch (nFunction) { case RESETDEV: break; #ifdef TIOCM_DTR case CLRDTR: port.c_cflag &= TIOCM_DTR; break; #endif #ifdef TIOCM_RTS case CLRRTS: port.c_cflag &= TIOCM_RTS; break; #endif #ifdef CRTSCTS case SETDTR: port.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; break; case SETRTS: port.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; break; #endif case SETXOFF: port.c_iflag |= IXOFF; break; case SETXON: port.c_iflag |= IXON; break; case SETBREAK: ptr->suspended = 1; break; case CLRBREAK: ptr->suspended = 0; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "EscapeCommFunction32 fd: %d, unknown function: %d\n", fd, nFunction); break; } if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSADRAIN, &port) == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return FALSE; } else { commerror = 0; return TRUE; } } /***************************************************************************** * FlushComm (USER.215) */ INT16 FlushComm(INT16 fd,INT16 fnQueue) { int queue; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"FlushComm fd: %d, queue: %d\n", fd, fnQueue); switch (fnQueue) { case 0: queue = TCOFLUSH; break; case 1: queue = TCIFLUSH; break; default:fprintf(stderr, "FlushComm fd: %d, UNKNOWN queue: %d\n", fd, fnQueue); return -1; } if (tcflush(fd, fnQueue)) { commerror = WinError(); return -1; } else { commerror = 0; return 0; } } /***************************************************************************** * GetCommError (USER.203) */ INT16 GetCommError(INT16 fd,LPCOMSTAT lpStat) { int temperror; unsigned long cnt; int rc; lpStat->status = 0; rc = ioctl(fd, TIOCOUTQ, &cnt); lpStat->cbOutQue = cnt; rc = ioctl(fd, TIOCINQ, &cnt); lpStat->cbInQue = cnt; dprintf_comm(stddeb, "GetCommError: fd %d, error %d, lpStat %d %d %d\n", fd, commerror, lpStat->status, lpStat->cbInQue, lpStat->cbOutQue); /* * [RER] I have no idea what the following is trying to accomplish. * [RER] It is certainly not what the reference manual suggests. */ temperror = commerror; commerror = 0; return(temperror); } /***************************************************************************** * ClearCommError (KERNEL32.21) */ BOOL32 ClearCommError(INT32 fd,LPDWORD errors,LPCOMSTAT lpStat) { int temperror; dprintf_comm(stddeb, "ClearCommError: fd %d (current error %d)\n", fd, commerror); temperror = commerror; commerror = 0; return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * SetCommEventMask (USER.208) */ UINT16 *SetCommEventMask(INT16 fd,UINT16 fuEvtMask) { dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommEventMask:fd %d,mask %d\n",fd,fuEvtMask); eventmask |= fuEvtMask; return (UINT16 *)&eventmask; /* FIXME, should be SEGPTR */ } /***************************************************************************** * GetCommEventMask (USER.209) */ UINT16 GetCommEventMask(INT16 fd,UINT16 fnEvtClear) { int events = 0; dprintf_comm(stddeb, "GetCommEventMask: fd %d, mask %d\n", fd, fnEvtClear); /* * Determine if any characters are available */ if (fnEvtClear & EV_RXCHAR) { int rc; unsigned long cnt; rc = ioctl(fd, TIOCINQ, &cnt); if (cnt) events |= EV_RXCHAR; dprintf_comm(stddeb, "GetCommEventMask: rxchar %ld\n", cnt); } /* * There are other events that need to be checked for */ /* TODO */ dprintf_comm(stddeb, "GetCommEventMask: return events %d\n", events); return events; /* * [RER] The following was gibberish */ #if 0 tempmask = eventmask; eventmask &= ~fnEvtClear; return eventmask; #endif } /***************************************************************************** * GetCommMask (KERNEL32.156) */ BOOL32 GetCommMask(INT32 fd,LPDWORD evtmask) { dprintf_comm(stddeb, "GetCommMask: fd %d, mask %p\n", fd, evtmask); *evtmask = eventmask; return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * SetCommMask (KERNEL32.451) */ BOOL32 SetCommMask(INT32 fd,DWORD evtmask) { dprintf_comm(stddeb, "SetCommMask: fd %d, mask %lx\n", fd, evtmask); eventmask = evtmask; return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * SetCommState16 (USER.201) */ INT16 SetCommState16(LPDCB16 lpdcb) { struct termios port; struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb, "SetCommState: fd %d, ptr %p\n", lpdcb->Id, lpdcb); if (tcgetattr(lpdcb->Id, &port) == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return -1; } port.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; port.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; #ifdef IMAXBEL port.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP|BRKINT|IGNCR|ICRNL|INLCR|IMAXBEL); #else port.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP|BRKINT|IGNCR|ICRNL|INLCR); #endif port.c_iflag |= (IGNBRK); port.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); port.c_cflag &= ~(HUPCL); port.c_cflag |= CLOCAL | CREAD; port.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO|ISIG); port.c_lflag |= NOFLSH; if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(lpdcb->Id)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } if (ptr->baudrate > 0) lpdcb->BaudRate = ptr->baudrate; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommState: baudrate %d\n",lpdcb->BaudRate); #ifdef CBAUD port.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD; switch (lpdcb->BaudRate) { case 110: case CBR_110: port.c_cflag |= B110; break; case 300: case CBR_300: port.c_cflag |= B300; break; case 600: case CBR_600: port.c_cflag |= B600; break; case 1200: case CBR_1200: port.c_cflag |= B1200; break; case 2400: case CBR_2400: port.c_cflag |= B2400; break; case 4800: case CBR_4800: port.c_cflag |= B4800; break; case 9600: case CBR_9600: port.c_cflag |= B9600; break; case 19200: case CBR_19200: port.c_cflag |= B19200; break; case 38400: case CBR_38400: port.c_cflag |= B38400; break; default: commerror = IE_BAUDRATE; return -1; } #elif !defined(__EMX__) switch (lpdcb->BaudRate) { case 110: case CBR_110: port.c_ospeed = B110; break; case 300: case CBR_300: port.c_ospeed = B300; break; case 600: case CBR_600: port.c_ospeed = B600; break; case 1200: case CBR_1200: port.c_ospeed = B1200; break; case 2400: case CBR_2400: port.c_ospeed = B2400; break; case 4800: case CBR_4800: port.c_ospeed = B4800; break; case 9600: case CBR_9600: port.c_ospeed = B9600; break; case 19200: case CBR_19200: port.c_ospeed = B19200; break; case 38400: case CBR_38400: port.c_ospeed = B38400; break; default: commerror = IE_BAUDRATE; return -1; } port.c_ispeed = port.c_ospeed; #endif dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommState: bytesize %d\n",lpdcb->ByteSize); port.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; switch (lpdcb->ByteSize) { case 5: port.c_cflag |= CS5; break; case 6: port.c_cflag |= CS6; break; case 7: port.c_cflag |= CS7; break; case 8: port.c_cflag |= CS8; break; default: commerror = IE_BYTESIZE; return -1; } dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommState: parity %d\n",lpdcb->Parity); port.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | PARODD); if (lpdcb->fParity) switch (lpdcb->Parity) { case NOPARITY: port.c_iflag &= ~INPCK; break; case ODDPARITY: port.c_cflag |= (PARENB | PARODD); port.c_iflag |= INPCK; break; case EVENPARITY: port.c_cflag |= PARENB; port.c_iflag |= INPCK; break; default: commerror = IE_BYTESIZE; return -1; } dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommState: stopbits %d\n",lpdcb->StopBits); switch (lpdcb->StopBits) { case ONESTOPBIT: port.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; break; case TWOSTOPBITS: port.c_cflag |= CSTOPB; break; default: commerror = IE_BYTESIZE; return -1; } #ifdef CRTSCTS if (lpdcb->fDtrflow || lpdcb->fRtsflow || lpdcb->fOutxCtsFlow) port.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; if (lpdcb->fDtrDisable) port.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; #endif if (lpdcb->fInX) port.c_iflag |= IXON; if (lpdcb->fOutX) port.c_iflag |= IXOFF; if (tcsetattr(lpdcb->Id, TCSADRAIN, &port) == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return -1; } else { commerror = 0; return 0; } } /***************************************************************************** * SetCommState32 (KERNEL32.452) */ BOOL32 SetCommState32(INT32 fd,LPDCB32 lpdcb) { struct termios port; struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommState: fd %d, ptr %p\n",fd,lpdcb); if (tcgetattr(fd,&port) == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return FALSE; } port.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; port.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; #ifdef IMAXBEL port.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP|BRKINT|IGNCR|ICRNL|INLCR|IMAXBEL); #else port.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP|BRKINT|IGNCR|ICRNL|INLCR); #endif port.c_iflag |= (IGNBRK); port.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); port.c_cflag &= ~(HUPCL); port.c_cflag |= CLOCAL | CREAD; port.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO|ISIG); port.c_lflag |= NOFLSH; if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return FALSE; } if (ptr->baudrate > 0) lpdcb->BaudRate = ptr->baudrate; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommState: baudrate %ld\n",lpdcb->BaudRate); #ifdef CBAUD port.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD; switch (lpdcb->BaudRate) { case 110: case CBR_110: port.c_cflag |= B110; break; case 300: case CBR_300: port.c_cflag |= B300; break; case 600: case CBR_600: port.c_cflag |= B600; break; case 1200: case CBR_1200: port.c_cflag |= B1200; break; case 2400: case CBR_2400: port.c_cflag |= B2400; break; case 4800: case CBR_4800: port.c_cflag |= B4800; break; case 9600: case CBR_9600: port.c_cflag |= B9600; break; case 19200: case CBR_19200: port.c_cflag |= B19200; break; case 38400: case CBR_38400: port.c_cflag |= B38400; break; default: commerror = IE_BAUDRATE; return FALSE; } #elif !defined(__EMX__) switch (lpdcb->BaudRate) { case 110: case CBR_110: port.c_ospeed = B110; break; case 300: case CBR_300: port.c_ospeed = B300; break; case 600: case CBR_600: port.c_ospeed = B600; break; case 1200: case CBR_1200: port.c_ospeed = B1200; break; case 2400: case CBR_2400: port.c_ospeed = B2400; break; case 4800: case CBR_4800: port.c_ospeed = B4800; break; case 9600: case CBR_9600: port.c_ospeed = B9600; break; case 19200: case CBR_19200: port.c_ospeed = B19200; break; case 38400: case CBR_38400: port.c_ospeed = B38400; break; default: commerror = IE_BAUDRATE; return FALSE; } port.c_ispeed = port.c_ospeed; #endif dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommState: bytesize %d\n",lpdcb->ByteSize); port.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; switch (lpdcb->ByteSize) { case 5: port.c_cflag |= CS5; break; case 6: port.c_cflag |= CS6; break; case 7: port.c_cflag |= CS7; break; case 8: port.c_cflag |= CS8; break; default: commerror = IE_BYTESIZE; return FALSE; } dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommState: parity %d\n",lpdcb->Parity); port.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | PARODD); if (lpdcb->fParity) switch (lpdcb->Parity) { case NOPARITY: port.c_iflag &= ~INPCK; break; case ODDPARITY: port.c_cflag |= (PARENB | PARODD); port.c_iflag |= INPCK; break; case EVENPARITY: port.c_cflag |= PARENB; port.c_iflag |= INPCK; break; default: commerror = IE_BYTESIZE; return FALSE; } dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommState: stopbits %d\n",lpdcb->StopBits); switch (lpdcb->StopBits) { case ONESTOPBIT: port.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; break; case TWOSTOPBITS: port.c_cflag |= CSTOPB; break; default: commerror = IE_BYTESIZE; return FALSE; } #ifdef CRTSCTS if ( lpdcb->fOutxCtsFlow || lpdcb->fDtrControl == DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE|| lpdcb->fRtsControl == RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE ) port.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; if (lpdcb->fDtrControl == DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE) port.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; #endif if (lpdcb->fInX) port.c_iflag |= IXON; if (lpdcb->fOutX) port.c_iflag |= IXOFF; if (tcsetattr(fd,TCSADRAIN,&port)==-1) { commerror = WinError(); return FALSE; } else { commerror = 0; return TRUE; } } /***************************************************************************** * GetCommState (USER.202) */ INT16 GetCommState16(INT16 fd, LPDCB16 lpdcb) { struct termios port; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"GetCommState: fd %d, ptr %p\n", fd, lpdcb); if (tcgetattr(fd, &port) == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return -1; } lpdcb->Id = fd; #ifndef __EMX__ #ifdef CBAUD switch (port.c_cflag & CBAUD) { #else switch (port.c_ospeed) { #endif case B110: lpdcb->BaudRate = 110; break; case B300: lpdcb->BaudRate = 300; break; case B600: lpdcb->BaudRate = 600; break; case B1200: lpdcb->BaudRate = 1200; break; case B2400: lpdcb->BaudRate = 2400; break; case B4800: lpdcb->BaudRate = 4800; break; case B9600: lpdcb->BaudRate = 9600; break; case B19200: lpdcb->BaudRate = 19200; break; case B38400: lpdcb->BaudRate = 38400; break; } #endif switch (port.c_cflag & CSIZE) { case CS5: lpdcb->ByteSize = 5; break; case CS6: lpdcb->ByteSize = 6; break; case CS7: lpdcb->ByteSize = 7; break; case CS8: lpdcb->ByteSize = 8; break; } switch (port.c_cflag & ~(PARENB | PARODD)) { case 0: lpdcb->fParity = NOPARITY; break; case PARENB: lpdcb->fParity = EVENPARITY; break; case (PARENB | PARODD): lpdcb->fParity = ODDPARITY; break; } if (port.c_cflag & CSTOPB) lpdcb->StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS; else lpdcb->StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; lpdcb->RlsTimeout = 50; lpdcb->CtsTimeout = 50; lpdcb->DsrTimeout = 50; lpdcb->fNull = 0; lpdcb->fChEvt = 0; lpdcb->fBinary = 1; lpdcb->fDtrDisable = 0; #ifdef CRTSCTS if (port.c_cflag & CRTSCTS) { lpdcb->fDtrflow = 1; lpdcb->fRtsflow = 1; lpdcb->fOutxCtsFlow = 1; lpdcb->fOutxDsrFlow = 1; } else #endif lpdcb->fDtrDisable = 1; if (port.c_iflag & IXON) lpdcb->fInX = 1; else lpdcb->fInX = 0; if (port.c_iflag & IXOFF) lpdcb->fOutX = 1; else lpdcb->fOutX = 0; /* lpdcb->XonChar = lpdcb->XoffChar = */ lpdcb->XonLim = 10; lpdcb->XoffLim = 10; commerror = 0; return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * GetCommState (KERNEL32.159) */ BOOL32 GetCommState32(INT32 fd, LPDCB32 lpdcb) { struct termios port; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"GetCommState32: fd %d, ptr %p\n", fd, lpdcb); if (tcgetattr(fd, &port) == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return FALSE; } #ifndef __EMX__ #ifdef CBAUD switch (port.c_cflag & CBAUD) { #else switch (port.c_ospeed) { #endif case B110: lpdcb->BaudRate = 110; break; case B300: lpdcb->BaudRate = 300; break; case B600: lpdcb->BaudRate = 600; break; case B1200: lpdcb->BaudRate = 1200; break; case B2400: lpdcb->BaudRate = 2400; break; case B4800: lpdcb->BaudRate = 4800; break; case B9600: lpdcb->BaudRate = 9600; break; case B19200: lpdcb->BaudRate = 19200; break; case B38400: lpdcb->BaudRate = 38400; break; } #endif switch (port.c_cflag & CSIZE) { case CS5: lpdcb->ByteSize = 5; break; case CS6: lpdcb->ByteSize = 6; break; case CS7: lpdcb->ByteSize = 7; break; case CS8: lpdcb->ByteSize = 8; break; } switch (port.c_cflag & ~(PARENB | PARODD)) { case 0: lpdcb->fParity = NOPARITY; break; case PARENB: lpdcb->fParity = EVENPARITY; break; case (PARENB | PARODD): lpdcb->fParity = ODDPARITY; break; } if (port.c_cflag & CSTOPB) lpdcb->StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS; else lpdcb->StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; lpdcb->fNull = 0; lpdcb->fBinary = 1; #ifdef CRTSCTS if (port.c_cflag & CRTSCTS) { lpdcb->fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; lpdcb->fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; lpdcb->fOutxCtsFlow = 1; lpdcb->fOutxDsrFlow = 1; } else #endif { lpdcb->fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE; lpdcb->fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE; } if (port.c_iflag & IXON) lpdcb->fInX = 1; else lpdcb->fInX = 0; if (port.c_iflag & IXOFF) lpdcb->fOutX = 1; else lpdcb->fOutX = 0; /* lpdcb->XonChar = lpdcb->XoffChar = */ lpdcb->XonLim = 10; lpdcb->XoffLim = 10; commerror = 0; return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * TransmitCommChar (USER.206) */ INT16 TransmitCommChar16(INT16 fd,CHAR chTransmit) { struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb, "TransmitCommChar: fd %d, data %d \n", fd, chTransmit); if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } if (ptr->suspended) { commerror = IE_HARDWARE; return -1; } if (write(fd, (void *) &chTransmit, 1) == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return -1; } else { commerror = 0; return 0; } } /***************************************************************************** * TransmitCommChar (KERNEL32.535) */ BOOL32 TransmitCommChar32(INT32 fd,CHAR chTransmit) { struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"TransmitCommChar32(%d,'%c')\n",fd,chTransmit); if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return FALSE; } if (ptr->suspended) { commerror = IE_HARDWARE; return FALSE; } if (write(fd, (void *) &chTransmit, 1) == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return FALSE; } else { commerror = 0; return TRUE; } } /***************************************************************************** * UngetCommChar (USER.212) */ INT16 UngetCommChar(INT16 fd,CHAR chUnget) { struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"UngetCommChar: fd %d (char %d)\n", fd, chUnget); if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } if (ptr->suspended) { commerror = IE_HARDWARE; return -1; } ptr->unget = 1; ptr->unget_byte = chUnget; commerror = 0; return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * ReadComm (USER.204) */ INT16 ReadComm(INT16 fd,LPSTR lpvBuf,INT16 cbRead) { int status, length; struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb, "ReadComm: fd %d, ptr %p, length %d\n", fd, lpvBuf, cbRead); if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } if (ptr->suspended) { commerror = IE_HARDWARE; return -1; } if (ptr->unget) { *lpvBuf = ptr->unget_byte; lpvBuf++; ptr->unget = 0; length = 1; } else length = 0; status = read(fd, (void *) lpvBuf, cbRead); if (status == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { commerror = WinError(); return -1 - length; } else { commerror = 0; return length; } } else { commerror = 0; return length + status; } } /***************************************************************************** * WriteComm (USER.205) */ INT16 WriteComm(INT16 fd, LPSTR lpvBuf, INT16 cbWrite) { int x, length; struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr; dprintf_comm(stddeb,"WriteComm: fd %d, ptr %p, length %d\n", fd, lpvBuf, cbWrite); if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) { commerror = IE_BADID; return -1; } if (ptr->suspended) { commerror = IE_HARDWARE; return -1; } for (x=0; x != cbWrite ; x++) dprintf_comm(stddeb,"%c", *(lpvBuf + x) ); length = write(fd, (void *) lpvBuf, cbWrite); if (length == -1) { commerror = WinError(); return -1; } else { commerror = 0; return length; } } /***************************************************************************** * GetCommTimeouts (KERNEL32.160) */ BOOL32 GetCommTimeouts(INT32 fd,LPCOMMTIMEOUTS lptimeouts) { dprintf_comm(stddeb,"GetCommTimeouts(%x,%p), empty stub.\n", fd,lptimeouts ); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * SetCommTimeouts (KERNEL32.453) */ BOOL32 SetCommTimeouts(INT32 fd,LPCOMMTIMEOUTS lptimeouts) { dprintf_comm(stddeb,"SetCommTimeouts(%x,%p), empty stub.\n", fd,lptimeouts ); return TRUE; }