/* * Wine debugger utility routines * Eric Youngdale * 9/93 */ #include #include "regpos.h" extern int * regval; extern unsigned int dbg_mask; extern unsigned int dbg_mode; extern int print_insn(char * memaddr, char * realaddr, FILE * stream, int addrlen); /* THese three helper functions eliminate the need for patching the module from gdb for disassembly of code */ void application_not_running() { fprintf(stderr,"Application not running\n"); } void read_memory(char * memaddr, char * buffer, int len){ memcpy(buffer, memaddr, len); } void fputs_filtered(char * buffer, FILE * outfile){ fputs(buffer, outfile); } void print_address(unsigned int addr, FILE * outfile){ char * name; name = find_nearest_symbol(addr); if(name) fprintf(outfile,"0x%8.8x(%s)", addr, name); else fprintf(outfile,"0x%8.8x", addr); } void info_reg(){ if(!regval) { application_not_running(); return 0; } fprintf(stderr,"Register dump:\n"); /* First get the segment registers out of the way */ fprintf(stderr," CS:%4.4x SS:%4.4x DS:%4.4x ES:%4.4x GS:%4.4x FS:%4.4x\n", SC_CS, SC_SS, SC_DS, SC_ES, SC_GS, SC_FS); /* Now dump the main registers */ fprintf(stderr," EIP:%8.8x ESP:%8.8x EBP:%8.8x EFLAGS:%8.8x\n", SC_EIP(dbg_mask), SC_ESP(dbg_mask), SC_EBP(dbg_mask), SC_EFLAGS); /* And dump the regular registers */ fprintf(stderr," EAX:%8.8x EBX:%8.8x ECX:%8.8x EDX:%8.8x\n", SC_EAX(dbg_mask), SC_EBX(dbg_mask), SC_ECX(dbg_mask), SC_EDX(dbg_mask)); /* Finally dump these main registers */ fprintf(stderr," EDI:%8.8x ESI:%8.8x\n", SC_EDI(dbg_mask), SC_ESI(dbg_mask)); } void info_stack(){ unsigned int * dump; int i; if(!regval) { application_not_running(); return 0; } fprintf(stderr,"Stack dump:\n"); dump = (int*) SC_EIP(dbg_mask); for(i=0; i<22; i++) { fprintf(stderr," %8.8x", *dump++); if ((i % 8) == 7) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } void examine_memory(int addr, int count, char format){ char * pnt; unsigned int * dump; unsigned short int * wdump; int i; if((addr & 0xffff0000) == 0 && dbg_mode == 16) addr |= (format == 'i' ? SC_CS : SC_DS) << 16; if(format != 'i' && count > 1) { print_address(addr, stderr); fprintf(stderr,": "); }; switch(format){ case 's': pnt = (char *) addr; if (count == 1) count = 256; while(*pnt && count) { fputc( *pnt++, stderr); count--; }; fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return; case 'i': for(i=0; i", " enable bpnum", " disable bpnum", " help", " quit", " print ", " bt", " mode [16,32]", " symbolfile ", " define ", " x ", " cont", " set = ", " set * = ", "", "The 'x' command accepts repeat counts and formats (including 'i') in the", "same way that gdb does.", "", " The following are examples of legal expressions:", " $eax $eax+0x3 0x1000 ($eip + 256) *$eax *($esp + 3)", " Also, a nm format symbol table can be read from a file using the", " symbolfile command. Symbols can also be defined individually with", " the define command.", "", "The disassembly code seems to work most of the time, but it does get", "a little confused at times. The 16 bit mode probably has not been used", "much so there are probably bugs. I snagged the file from the gdb-4.7", "source tree, which is what was on my latest cdrom. I should check to see", "if newer versions of gdb have anything substanitally different for the", "disassembler.", "", NULL}; void dbg_help(){ int i; i = 0; while(helptext[i]) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", helptext[i++]); } struct frame{ union{ struct { unsigned short saved_bp; unsigned short saved_ip; unsigned short saved_cs; } win16; struct { unsigned long saved_bp; unsigned long saved_ip; unsigned short saved_cs; } win32; } u; }; void dbg_bt(){ struct frame * frame; unsigned short cs; int frameno = 0; if(!regval) { application_not_running(); return 0; } fprintf(stderr,"Backtrace:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"%d: %4.4x:%4.4x\n", frameno++, SC_CS, SC_EIP(dbg_mask)); cs = SC_CS; frame = (struct frame *) ((SC_EBP(dbg_mask) & ~1) | (SC_SS << 16)); while((cs & 3) == 3) { /* See if in 32 bit mode or not. Assume GDT means 32 bit. */ if ((cs & 7) != 7) { cs = frame->u.win32.saved_cs; fprintf(stderr,"%d %4.4x:%4.4x\n", frameno++, cs, frame->u.win32.saved_ip); frame = (struct frame *) frame->u.win32.saved_bp; } else { cs = frame->u.win16.saved_cs; fprintf(stderr,"%d %4.4x:%4.4x\n", frameno++, cs, frame->u.win16.saved_ip); frame = (struct frame *) ((frame->u.win16.saved_bp & ~1) | (SC_SS << 16)); } } }