/* * OLEFONT test program * * Copyright 2003 Marcus Meissner * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #define COBJMACROS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static HMODULE hOleaut32; static HRESULT (WINAPI *pOleCreateFontIndirect)(LPFONTDESC,REFIID,LPVOID*); #define ok_ole_success(hr, func) ok(hr == S_OK, func " failed with error 0x%08lx\n", hr) /* Create a font with cySize given by lo_size, hi_size, */ /* SetRatio to ratio_logical, ratio_himetric, */ /* check that resulting hfont has height hfont_height. */ /* Various checks along the way. */ static void test_ifont_sizes(long lo_size, long hi_size, long ratio_logical, long ratio_himetric, long hfont_height, const char * test_name) { FONTDESC fd; static const WCHAR fname[] = { 'S','y','s','t','e','m',0 }; LPVOID pvObj = NULL; IFont* ifnt = NULL; HFONT hfont; LOGFONT lf; CY psize; HRESULT hres; fd.cbSizeofstruct = sizeof(FONTDESC); fd.lpstrName = (WCHAR*)fname; S(fd.cySize).Lo = lo_size; S(fd.cySize).Hi = hi_size; fd.sWeight = 0; fd.sCharset = 0; fd.fItalic = 0; fd.fUnderline = 0; fd.fStrikethrough = 0; /* Create font, test that it worked. */ hres = pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj); ifnt = pvObj; ok(hres == S_OK,"%s: OCFI returns 0x%08lx instead of S_OK.\n", test_name, hres); ok(pvObj != NULL,"%s: OCFI returns NULL.\n", test_name); /* Read back size. Hi part was ignored. */ hres = IFont_get_Size(ifnt, &psize); ok(hres == S_OK,"%s: IFont_get_size returns 0x%08lx instead of S_OK.\n", test_name, hres); ok(S(psize).Lo == lo_size && S(psize).Hi == 0, "%s: get_Size: Lo=%ld, Hi=%ld; expected Lo=%ld, Hi=%ld.\n", test_name, S(psize).Lo, S(psize).Hi, lo_size, 0L); /* Change ratio, check size unchanged. Standard is 72, 2540. */ hres = IFont_SetRatio(ifnt, ratio_logical, ratio_himetric); ok(hres == S_OK,"%s: IFont_SR returns 0x%08lx instead of S_OK.\n", test_name, hres); hres = IFont_get_Size(ifnt, &psize); ok(hres == S_OK,"%s: IFont_get_size returns 0x%08lx instead of S_OK.\n", test_name, hres); ok(S(psize).Lo == lo_size && S(psize).Hi == 0, "%s: gS after SR: Lo=%ld, Hi=%ld; expected Lo=%ld, Hi=%ld.\n", test_name, S(psize).Lo, S(psize).Hi, lo_size, 0L); /* Check hFont size with this ratio. This tests an important */ /* conversion for which MSDN is very wrong. */ hres = IFont_get_hFont (ifnt, &hfont); ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: IFont_get_hFont returns 0x%08lx instead of S_OK.\n", test_name, hres); hres = GetObject (hfont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf); ok(lf.lfHeight == hfont_height, "%s: hFont has lf.lfHeight=%ld, expected %ld.\n", test_name, lf.lfHeight, hfont_height); /* Free IFont. */ IFont_Release(ifnt); } void test_QueryInterface(void) { LPVOID pvObj = NULL; HRESULT hres; IFont* font = NULL; hres = pOleCreateFontIndirect(NULL, &IID_IFont, &pvObj); font = pvObj; ok(hres == S_OK,"OCFI (NULL,..) does not return 0, but 0x%08lx\n",hres); ok(font != NULL,"OCFI (NULL,..) returns NULL, instead of !NULL\n"); pvObj = NULL; hres = IFont_QueryInterface( font, &IID_IFont, &pvObj); ok(hres == S_OK,"IFont_QI does not return S_OK, but 0x%08lx\n", hres); ok(pvObj != NULL,"IFont_QI does return NULL, instead of a ptr\n"); IFont_Release(font); } void test_type_info(void) { LPVOID pvObj = NULL; HRESULT hres; IFontDisp* fontdisp = NULL; ITypeInfo* pTInfo; WCHAR name_Name[] = {'N','a','m','e',0}; BSTR names[3]; UINT n; LCID en_us = MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH,SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT); DISPPARAMS dispparams; VARIANT varresult; pOleCreateFontIndirect(NULL, &IID_IFontDisp, &pvObj); fontdisp = pvObj; hres = IFontDisp_GetTypeInfo(fontdisp, 0, en_us, &pTInfo); ok(hres == S_OK, "GTI returned 0x%08lx instead of S_OK.\n", hres); ok(pTInfo != NULL, "GTI returned NULL.\n"); hres = ITypeInfo_GetNames(pTInfo, DISPID_FONT_NAME, names, 3, &n); ok(hres == S_OK, "GetNames returned 0x%08lx instead of S_OK.\n", hres); ok(n == 1, "GetNames returned %d names instead of 1.\n", n); ok(!lstrcmpiW(names[0],name_Name), "DISPID_FONT_NAME doesn't get 'Names'.\n"); ITypeInfo_Release(pTInfo); dispparams.cNamedArgs = 0; dispparams.rgdispidNamedArgs = NULL; dispparams.cArgs = 0; dispparams.rgvarg = NULL; VariantInit(&varresult); hres = IFontDisp_Invoke(fontdisp, DISPID_FONT_NAME, &IID_NULL, LOCALE_NEUTRAL, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dispparams, &varresult, NULL, NULL); ok(hres == S_OK, "IFontDisp_Invoke return 0x%08lx instead of S_OK.\n", hres); VariantClear(&varresult); IFontDisp_Release(fontdisp); } static HRESULT WINAPI FontEventsDisp_QueryInterface( IFontEventsDisp *iface, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject) { if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IFontEventsDisp) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IDispatch)) { IUnknown_AddRef(iface); *ppvObject = iface; return S_OK; } else { *ppvObject = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } } static ULONG WINAPI FontEventsDisp_AddRef( IFontEventsDisp *iface) { return 2; } static ULONG WINAPI FontEventsDisp_Release( IFontEventsDisp *iface) { return 1; } static int fonteventsdisp_invoke_called = 0; static HRESULT WINAPI FontEventsDisp_Invoke( IFontEventsDisp __RPC_FAR * iface, /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [in] */ WORD wFlags, /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, /* [out] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr) { static const WCHAR wszBold[] = {'B','o','l','d',0}; ok(wFlags == INVOKE_FUNC, "invoke flags should have been INVOKE_FUNC instead of 0x%x\n", wFlags); ok(dispIdMember == DISPID_FONT_CHANGED, "dispIdMember should have been DISPID_FONT_CHANGED instead of 0x%lx\n", dispIdMember); ok(pDispParams->cArgs == 1, "pDispParams->cArgs should have been 1 instead of %d\n", pDispParams->cArgs); ok(V_VT(&pDispParams->rgvarg[0]) == VT_BSTR, "VT of first param should have been VT_BSTR instead of %d\n", V_VT(&pDispParams->rgvarg[0])); ok(!lstrcmpW(V_BSTR(&pDispParams->rgvarg[0]), wszBold), "String in first param should have been \"Bold\"\n"); fonteventsdisp_invoke_called++; return S_OK; } static IFontEventsDispVtbl FontEventsDisp_Vtbl = { FontEventsDisp_QueryInterface, FontEventsDisp_AddRef, FontEventsDisp_Release, NULL, NULL, NULL, FontEventsDisp_Invoke }; static IFontEventsDisp FontEventsDisp = { &FontEventsDisp_Vtbl }; static void test_font_events_disp(void) { IFont *pFont; IFont *pFont2; IConnectionPointContainer *pCPC; IConnectionPoint *pCP; FONTDESC fontdesc; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwCookie; static const WCHAR wszMSSansSerif[] = {'M','S',' ','S','a','n','s',' ','S','e','r','i','f',0}; fontdesc.cbSizeofstruct = sizeof(fontdesc); fontdesc.lpstrName = (LPOLESTR)wszMSSansSerif; fontdesc.cySize.int64 = 12 * 10000; /* 12 pt */ fontdesc.sWeight = FW_NORMAL; fontdesc.sCharset = 0; fontdesc.fItalic = FALSE; fontdesc.fUnderline = FALSE; fontdesc.fStrikethrough = FALSE; hr = pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fontdesc, &IID_IFont, (void **)&pFont); ok_ole_success(hr, "OleCreateFontIndirect"); hr = IFont_QueryInterface(pFont, &IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void **)&pCPC); ok_ole_success(hr, "IFont_QueryInterface"); hr = IConnectionPointContainer_FindConnectionPoint(pCPC, &IID_IFontEventsDisp, &pCP); ok_ole_success(hr, "IConnectionPointContainer_FindConnectionPoint"); IConnectionPointContainer_Release(pCPC); hr = IConnectionPoint_Advise(pCP, (IUnknown *)&FontEventsDisp, &dwCookie); ok_ole_success(hr, "IConnectionPoint_Advise"); IConnectionPoint_Release(pCP); hr = IFont_put_Bold(pFont, TRUE); ok_ole_success(hr, "IFont_put_Bold"); ok(fonteventsdisp_invoke_called == 1, "IFontEventDisp::Invoke wasn't called once\n"); hr = IFont_Clone(pFont, &pFont2); ok_ole_success(hr, "IFont_Clone"); IFont_Release(pFont); hr = IFont_put_Bold(pFont2, TRUE); ok_ole_success(hr, "IFont_put_Bold"); /* this test shows that the notification routine isn't called again */ ok(fonteventsdisp_invoke_called == 1, "IFontEventDisp::Invoke wasn't called once\n"); IFont_Release(pFont2); } START_TEST(olefont) { hOleaut32 = LoadLibraryA("oleaut32.dll"); pOleCreateFontIndirect = (void*)GetProcAddress(hOleaut32, "OleCreateFontIndirect"); if (!pOleCreateFontIndirect) return; test_QueryInterface(); test_type_info(); /* Test various size operations and conversions. */ /* Add more as needed. */ test_ifont_sizes(180000, 0, 72, 2540, -18, "default"); test_ifont_sizes(180000, 0, 144, 2540, -36, "ratio1"); /* change ratio */ test_ifont_sizes(180000, 0, 72, 1270, -36, "ratio2"); /* 2nd part of ratio */ /* These depend on details of how IFont rounds sizes internally. */ /* test_ifont_sizes(0, 0, 72, 2540, 0, "zero size"); */ /* zero size */ /* test_ifont_sizes(186000, 0, 72, 2540, -19, "rounding"); */ /* test rounding */ test_font_events_disp(); }