/* * XSLPattern lexer * * Copyright 2010 Adam Martinson for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ %{ #include "xslpattern.h" #include "xslpattern.tab.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(msxml); #define SCAN xslpattern_get_extra(yyscanner) #define YY_INPUT(tok_buf, tok_len, max) \ do { \ if (SCAN->pos <= SCAN->len) \ { \ tok_len = SCAN->len - SCAN->pos; \ if (tok_len > max) tok_len = max; \ memcpy(tok_buf, SCAN->in + SCAN->pos, tok_len); \ SCAN->pos += tok_len; \ } \ else \ { \ tok_len = YY_NULL; \ } \ } while (0); #define TOK(tok) TRACE("token: %s : %s\n", #tok, yytext); return tok #define OP(tok) *yylval=NULL; TOK(tok) #define SYM(tok) *yylval=NULL; TOK(tok) #define STR(tok) *yylval=xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST yytext); TOK(tok) %} %option reentrant bison-bridge %option noyywrap %option prefix="xslpattern_" %option noinput nounput never-interactive /* From the w3c XML standard * <http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/> */ /* [2.3] Common Syntactic Constructs */ WSpace ([[:space:]]) NCNameStartChar ([A-Za-z_]|[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff]) NameCharEx ([0-9]|[-._\xb7]) NCNameChar ({NCNameStartChar}|{NameCharEx}) /* From the w3c XML Namespace standard * <http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/> */ /* [3] Declaring Namespaces*/ NCName ({NCNameStartChar}{NCNameChar}*) /* Mostly verbatim from the w3c XPath standard. * <http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/> */ /* [3.4] Booleans * ||, &&, $foo$ are XSLPattern only */ OP_Or ("or"|"||"|"$or$") OP_And ("and"|"&&"|"$and$") OP_Eq ("="|"$eq$") OP_IEq ("$ieq$") OP_NEq ("!="|"$ne$") OP_INEq ("$ine$") OP_Lt ("<"|"$lt$") OP_ILt ("$ilt$") OP_Gt (">"|"$gt$") OP_IGt ("$igt$") OP_LEq ("<="|"$le$") OP_ILEq ("$ile$") OP_GEq (">="|"$ge$") OP_IGEq ("$ige$") OP_Not ("$not$") OP_All ("$all$") OP_Any ("$any$") /* [3.7] Lexical Structure */ Literal (([\x22]([^\x22]*)[\x22])|([\x27]([^\x27]*)[\x27])) Number ({Digits}("."{Digits}?)?|"."{Digits}) Digits ([0-9]+) ANY (.) %% {WSpace}+ { /* ignored */ } {Literal} { STR(TOK_Literal); } "//" { SYM(TOK_DblFSlash); } "/" { SYM(TOK_FSlash); } ".." { SYM(TOK_Parent); } "." { SYM(TOK_Self); } "::" { SYM(TOK_Axis); } ":" { SYM(TOK_Colon); } "(" { SYM('('); } ")" { SYM(')'); } "[" { SYM('['); } "]" { SYM(']'); } "@" { SYM('@'); } "," { SYM(','); } "*" { SYM('*'); } {OP_And} { OP(TOK_OpAnd); } {OP_Or} { OP(TOK_OpOr); } {OP_Not} { OP(TOK_OpNot); } {OP_Eq} { OP(TOK_OpEq); } {OP_IEq} { OP(TOK_OpIEq); } {OP_NEq} { OP(TOK_OpNEq); } {OP_INEq} { OP(TOK_OpINEq); } {OP_Lt} { OP(TOK_OpLt); } {OP_ILt} { OP(TOK_OpILt); } {OP_Gt} { OP(TOK_OpGt); } {OP_IGt} { OP(TOK_OpIGt); } {OP_LEq} { OP(TOK_OpLEq); } {OP_ILEq} { OP(TOK_OpILEq); } {OP_GEq} { OP(TOK_OpGEq); } {OP_IGEq} { OP(TOK_OpIGEq); } {OP_All} { OP(TOK_OpAll); } {OP_Any} { OP(TOK_OpAny); } "|" { SYM('|'); } "!" { SYM('!'); } {NCName} { STR(TOK_NCName); } {Number} { STR(TOK_Number); } {ANY} { FIXME("Unexpected character '%s'.\n",yytext); } %% xmlChar* XSLPattern_to_XPath(xmlXPathContextPtr, xmlChar const*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; xmlChar* XSLPattern_to_XPath(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, xmlChar const* xslpat_str) { parser_param p; TRACE("(%s)\n", debugstr_a((char const*)xslpat_str)); memset(&p, 0, sizeof(parser_param)); p.ctx = ctxt; p.in = xslpat_str; p.len = xmlStrlen(xslpat_str); xslpattern_lex_init(&p.yyscanner); xslpattern_set_extra(&p, p.yyscanner); xslpattern_parse(&p, p.yyscanner); TRACE("=> %s\n", debugstr_a((char const*)p.out)); xslpattern_lex_destroy(p.yyscanner); if (p.err) { xmlFree(p.out); return xmlStrdup(xslpat_str); } else { return p.out; } }