/* * RichEdit - functions dealing with editor object * * Copyright 2004 by Krzysztof Foltman * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* API implementation status: Messages (ANSI versions not done yet) - EM_AUTOURLDETECT 2.0 + EM_CANPASTE + EM_CANREDO 2.0 + EM_CANUNDO - EM_CHARFROMPOS - EM_DISPLAYBAND + EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER + EM_EXGETSEL - EM_EXLIMITTEXT - EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR + EM_EXSETSEL - EM_FINDTEXT - EM_FINDTEXTEX - EM_FINDWORDBREAK - EM_FMTLINES - EM_FORMATRANGE - EM_GETAUTOURLDETECT 2.0 - EM_GETBIDIOPTIONS 3.0 - EM_GETCHARFORMAT (partly done) - EM_GETEDITSTYLE + EM_GETEVENTMASK - EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE - EM_GETIMECOLOR 1.0asian - EM_GETIMECOMPMODE 2.0 - EM_GETIMEOPTIONS 1.0asian - EM_GETIMESTATUS - EM_GETLANGOPTIONS 2.0 - EM_GETLIMITTEXT - EM_GETLINE - EM_GETLINECOUNT returns number of rows, not of paragraphs + EM_GETMODIFY - EM_GETOLEINTERFACE - EM_GETOPTIONS + EM_GETPARAFORMAT - EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR 2.0 - EM_GETPUNCTUATION 1.0asian - EM_GETRECT - EM_GETREDONAME 2.0 + EM_GETSEL + EM_GETSELTEXT (ANSI&Unicode) - EM_GETSCROLLPOS 3.0 ! - EM_GETTHUMB - EM_GETTEXTEX 2.0 - EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX - EM_GETTEXTMODE 2.0 ? + EM_GETTEXTRANGE (ANSI&Unicode) - EM_GETTYPOGRAPHYOPTIONS 3.0 - EM_GETUNDONAME - EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC - EM_GETWORDBREAKPROCEX - EM_GETWORDWRAPMODE 1.0asian - EM_SETZOOM 3.0 - EM_HIDESELECTION - EM_LIMITTEXT - EM_LINEFROMCHAR - EM_LINEINDEX - EM_LINELENGTH + EM_LINESCROLL - EM_PASTESPECIAL - EM_POSFROMCHARS + EM_REDO 2.0 - EM_REQUESTRESIZE + EM_REPLACESEL (proper style?) ANSI&Unicode - EM_SCROLL - EM_SCROLLCARET - EM_SELECTIONTYPE - EM_SETBIDIOPTIONS 3.0 + EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR - EM_SETCHARFORMAT (partly done, no ANSI) - EM_SETEDITSTYLE + EM_SETEVENTMASK (few notifications supported) - EM_SETFONTSIZE - EM_SETIMECOLOR 1.0asian - EM_SETIMEOPTIONS 1.0asian - EM_SETLANGOPTIONS 2.0 - EM_SETLIMITTEXT + EM_SETMODIFY (not sure if implementation is correct) - EM_SETOLECALLBACK - EM_SETOPTIONS - EM_SETPALETTE 2.0 + EM_SETPARAFORMAT - EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR 2.0 - EM_SETPUNCTUATION 1.0asian + EM_SETREADONLY no beep on modification attempt - EM_SETRECT - EM_SETRECTNP (EM_SETRECT without repainting) - not supported in RICHEDIT + EM_SETSEL - EM_SETSCROLLPOS 3.0 - EM_SETTABSTOPS 3.0 - EM_SETTARGETDEVICE - EM_SETTEXTEX 3.0 - EM_SETTEXTMODE 2.0 - EM_SETTYPOGRAPHYOPTIONS 3.0 - EM_SETUNDOLIMIT 2.0 - EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC - EM_SETWORDBREAKPROCEX - EM_SETWORDWRAPMODE 1.0asian - EM_SETZOOM 3.0 - EM_SHOWSCROLLBAR 2.0 - EM_STOPGROUPTYPING 2.0 + EM_STREAMIN (can't fall back to text when the RTF isn't really RTF) + EM_STREAMOUT + EM_UNDO + WM_CHAR + WM_CLEAR + WM_COPY + WM_CUT + WM_GETDLGCODE (the current implementation is incomplete) + WM_GETTEXT (ANSI&Unicode) + WM_GETTEXTLENGTH (ANSI version sucks) + WM_PASTE - WM_SETFONT + WM_SETTEXT (resets undo stack !) (proper style?) ANSI&Unicode - WM_STYLECHANGING - WM_STYLECHANGED (things like read-only flag) - WM_UNICHAR Notifications * EN_CHANGE (sent from the wrong place) - EN_CORRECTTEXT - EN_DROPFILES - EN_ERRSPACE - EN_HSCROLL - EN_IMECHANGE + EN_KILLFOCUS - EN_LINK - EN_MAXTEXT - EN_MSGFILTER - EN_OLEOPFAILED - EN_PROTECTED - EN_REQUESTRESIZE - EN_SAVECLIPBOARD + EN_SELCHANGE + EN_SETFOCUS - EN_STOPNOUNDO * EN_UPDATE (sent from the wrong place) - EN_VSCROLL Styles - ES_AUTOHSCROLL - ES_AUTOVSCROLL - ES_CENTER - ES_DISABLENOSCROLL (scrollbar is always visible) - ES_EX_NOCALLOLEINIT - ES_LEFT - ES_MULTILINE (currently single line controls aren't supported) - ES_NOIME - ES_READONLY (I'm not sure if beeping is the proper behaviour) - ES_RIGHT - ES_SAVESEL - ES_SELFIME - ES_SUNKEN - ES_VERTICAL - ES_WANTRETURN (don't know how to do WM_GETDLGCODE part) - WS_SETFONT - WS_HSCROLL - WS_VSCROLL */ /* * RICHED20 TODO (incomplete): * * - messages/styles/notifications listed above * - Undo coalescing * - add remaining CHARFORMAT/PARAFORMAT fields * - right/center align should strip spaces from the beginning * - more advanced navigation (Ctrl-arrows) * - tabs * - pictures/OLE objects (not just smiling faces that lack API support ;-) ) * - COM interface (looks like a major pain in the TODO list) * - calculate heights of pictures (half-done) * - horizontal scrolling (not even started) * - hysteresis during wrapping (related to scrollbars appearing/disappearing) * - find/replace * - how to implement EM_FORMATRANGE and EM_DISPLAYBAND ? (Mission Impossible) * - italic caret with italic fonts * - IME * - most notifications aren't sent at all (the most important ones are) * - when should EN_SELCHANGE be sent after text change ? (before/after EN_UPDATE?) * - WM_SETTEXT may use wrong style (but I'm 80% sure it's OK) * - EM_GETCHARFORMAT with SCF_SELECTION may not behave 100% like in original (but very close) * * Bugs that are probably fixed, but not so easy to verify: * - EN_UPDATE/EN_CHANGE are handled very incorrectly (should be OK now) * - undo for ME_JoinParagraphs doesn't store paragraph format ? (it does) * - check/fix artificial EOL logic (bCursorAtEnd, hardly logical) * - caret shouldn't be displayed when selection isn't empty * - check refcounting in style management functions (looks perfect now, but no bugs is suspicious) * - undo for setting default format (done, might be buggy) * - styles might be not released properly (looks like they work like charm, but who knows? * */ #include "editor.h" #include "ole2.h" #include "richole.h" #include "winreg.h" #define NO_SHLWAPI_STREAM #include "shlwapi.h" #include "rtf.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(richedit); int me_debug = 0; HANDLE me_heap = NULL; ME_TextBuffer *ME_MakeText(void) { ME_TextBuffer *buf = ALLOC_OBJ(ME_TextBuffer); ME_DisplayItem *p1 = ME_MakeDI(diTextStart); ME_DisplayItem *p2 = ME_MakeDI(diTextEnd); p1->prev = NULL; p1->next = p2; p2->prev = p1; p2->next = NULL; p1->member.para.next_para = p2; p2->member.para.prev_para = p1; p2->member.para.nCharOfs = 0; buf->pFirst = p1; buf->pLast = p2; buf->pCharStyle = NULL; return buf; } static LRESULT ME_StreamInText(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD dwFormat, ME_InStream *stream, ME_Style *style) { WCHAR wszText[STREAMIN_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; WCHAR *pText; TRACE("%08lx %p\n", dwFormat, stream); do { long nWideChars = 0; if (!stream->dwSize) { ME_StreamInFill(stream); if (stream->editstream->dwError) break; if (!stream->dwSize) break; } if (!(dwFormat & SF_UNICODE)) { /* FIXME? this is doomed to fail on true MBCS like UTF-8, luckily they're unlikely to be used as CP_ACP */ nWideChars = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, stream->buffer, stream->dwSize, wszText, STREAMIN_BUFFER_SIZE); pText = wszText; } else { nWideChars = stream->dwSize >> 1; pText = (WCHAR *)stream->buffer; } ME_InsertTextFromCursor(editor, 0, pText, nWideChars, style); if (stream->dwSize < STREAMIN_BUFFER_SIZE) break; stream->dwSize = 0; } while(1); ME_CommitUndo(editor); ME_Repaint(editor); return 0; } void ME_RTFCharAttrHook(RTF_Info *info) { CHARFORMAT2W fmt; fmt.cbSize = sizeof(fmt); fmt.dwMask = 0; switch(info->rtfMinor) { case rtfPlain: /* FIXME add more flags once they're implemented */ fmt.dwMask = CFM_BOLD | CFM_ITALIC | CFM_UNDERLINE | CFM_STRIKEOUT | CFM_COLOR | CFM_BACKCOLOR | CFM_SIZE | CFM_WEIGHT; fmt.dwEffects = CFE_AUTOCOLOR | CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR; fmt.yHeight = 12*20; /* 12pt */ fmt.wWeight = 400; break; case rtfBold: fmt.dwMask = CFM_BOLD; fmt.dwEffects = info->rtfParam ? fmt.dwMask : 0; break; case rtfItalic: fmt.dwMask = CFM_ITALIC; fmt.dwEffects = info->rtfParam ? fmt.dwMask : 0; break; case rtfUnderline: fmt.dwMask = CFM_UNDERLINE; fmt.dwEffects = info->rtfParam ? fmt.dwMask : 0; fmt.bUnderlineType = CFU_CF1UNDERLINE; break; case rtfNoUnderline: fmt.dwMask = CFM_UNDERLINE; fmt.dwEffects = 0; break; case rtfStrikeThru: fmt.dwMask = CFM_STRIKEOUT; fmt.dwEffects = info->rtfParam ? fmt.dwMask : 0; break; case rtfSubScript: case rtfSuperScript: case rtfSubScrShrink: case rtfSuperScrShrink: case rtfNoSuperSub: fmt.dwMask = CFM_SUBSCRIPT|CFM_SUPERSCRIPT; if (info->rtfMinor == rtfSubScrShrink) fmt.dwEffects = CFE_SUBSCRIPT; if (info->rtfMinor == rtfSuperScrShrink) fmt.dwEffects = CFE_SUPERSCRIPT; if (info->rtfMinor == rtfNoSuperSub) fmt.dwEffects = 0; break; case rtfBackColor: fmt.dwMask = CFM_BACKCOLOR; fmt.dwEffects = 0; if (info->rtfParam == 0) fmt.dwEffects = CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR; else if (info->rtfParam != rtfNoParam) { RTFColor *c = RTFGetColor(info, info->rtfParam); fmt.crTextColor = (c->rtfCBlue<<16)|(c->rtfCGreen<<8)|(c->rtfCRed); } break; case rtfForeColor: fmt.dwMask = CFM_COLOR; fmt.dwEffects = 0; if (info->rtfParam == 0) fmt.dwEffects = CFE_AUTOCOLOR; else if (info->rtfParam != rtfNoParam) { RTFColor *c = RTFGetColor(info, info->rtfParam); fmt.crTextColor = (c->rtfCBlue<<16)|(c->rtfCGreen<<8)|(c->rtfCRed); } break; case rtfFontNum: if (info->rtfParam != rtfNoParam) { RTFFont *f = RTFGetFont(info, info->rtfParam); if (f) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, f->rtfFName, -1, fmt.szFaceName, sizeof(fmt.szFaceName)/sizeof(WCHAR)); fmt.szFaceName[sizeof(fmt.szFaceName)/sizeof(WCHAR)-1] = '\0'; fmt.bCharSet = f->rtfFCharSet; fmt.dwMask = CFM_FACE | CFM_CHARSET; } } break; case rtfFontSize: fmt.dwMask = CFM_SIZE; if (info->rtfParam != rtfNoParam) fmt.yHeight = info->rtfParam*10; break; } if (fmt.dwMask) { ME_Style *style2; RTFFlushOutputBuffer(info); /* FIXME too slow ? how come ? */ style2 = ME_ApplyStyle(info->style, &fmt); ME_ReleaseStyle(info->style); info->style = style2; } } /* FIXME this function doesn't get any information about context of the RTF tag, which is very bad, the same tags mean different things in different contexts */ void ME_RTFParAttrHook(RTF_Info *info) { PARAFORMAT2 fmt; fmt.cbSize = sizeof(fmt); fmt.dwMask = 0; switch(info->rtfMinor) { case rtfParDef: /* I'm not 100% sure what does it do, but I guess it restores default paragraph attributes */ fmt.dwMask = PFM_ALIGNMENT | PFM_TABSTOPS | PFM_OFFSET | PFM_STARTINDENT; fmt.wAlignment = PFA_LEFT; fmt.cTabCount = 0; fmt.dxOffset = fmt.dxStartIndent = 0; break; case rtfFirstIndent: ME_GetSelectionParaFormat(info->editor, &fmt); fmt.dwMask = PFM_STARTINDENT; fmt.dxStartIndent = info->rtfParam + fmt.dxOffset; break; case rtfLeftIndent: { int first, left; ME_GetSelectionParaFormat(info->editor, &fmt); first = fmt.dxStartIndent; left = info->rtfParam; fmt.dwMask = PFM_STARTINDENT|PFM_OFFSET; fmt.dxStartIndent = first + left; fmt.dxOffset = -first; break; } case rtfRightIndent: fmt.dwMask = PFM_RIGHTINDENT; fmt.dxRightIndent = info->rtfParam; break; case rtfQuadLeft: case rtfQuadJust: fmt.dwMask = PFM_ALIGNMENT; fmt.wAlignment = PFA_LEFT; break; case rtfQuadRight: fmt.dwMask = PFM_ALIGNMENT; fmt.wAlignment = PFA_RIGHT; break; case rtfQuadCenter: fmt.dwMask = PFM_ALIGNMENT; fmt.wAlignment = PFA_CENTER; break; case rtfTabPos: ME_GetSelectionParaFormat(info->editor, &fmt); if (!(fmt.dwMask & PFM_TABSTOPS)) { fmt.dwMask |= PFM_TABSTOPS; fmt.cTabCount = 0; } if (fmt.cTabCount < MAX_TAB_STOPS) fmt.rgxTabs[fmt.cTabCount++] = info->rtfParam; break; } if (fmt.dwMask) { RTFFlushOutputBuffer(info); /* FIXME too slow ? how come ?*/ ME_SetSelectionParaFormat(info->editor, &fmt); } } void ME_RTFReadHook(RTF_Info *info) { switch(info->rtfClass) { case rtfGroup: switch(info->rtfMajor) { case rtfBeginGroup: if (info->stackTop < maxStack) { memcpy(&info->stack[info->stackTop].fmt, &info->style->fmt, sizeof(CHARFORMAT2W)); info->stack[info->stackTop].codePage = info->codePage; info->stack[info->stackTop].unicodeLength = info->unicodeLength; } info->stackTop++; break; case rtfEndGroup: { ME_Style *s; RTFFlushOutputBuffer(info); info->stackTop--; /* FIXME too slow ? how come ? */ s = ME_ApplyStyle(info->style, &info->stack[info->stackTop].fmt); ME_ReleaseStyle(info->style); info->style = s; info->codePage = info->stack[info->stackTop].codePage; info->unicodeLength = info->stack[info->stackTop].unicodeLength; break; } } break; case rtfControl: switch(info->rtfMajor) { case rtfCharAttr: ME_RTFCharAttrHook(info); break; case rtfParAttr: ME_RTFParAttrHook(info); break; } break; } } void ME_StreamInFill(ME_InStream *stream) { stream->editstream->dwError = stream->editstream->pfnCallback(stream->editstream->dwCookie, stream->buffer, sizeof(stream->buffer), &stream->dwSize); stream->dwUsed = 0; } static LRESULT ME_StreamIn(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD format, EDITSTREAM *stream) { RTF_Info parser; ME_Style *style; int from, to, to2, nUndoMode; ME_UndoItem *pUI; int nEventMask = editor->nEventMask; ME_InStream inStream; TRACE("stream==%p hWnd==%p format==0x%X\n", stream, editor->hWnd, (UINT)format); editor->nEventMask = 0; ME_GetSelection(editor, &from, &to); if (format & SFF_SELECTION) { style = ME_GetSelectionInsertStyle(editor); ME_InternalDeleteText(editor, from, to-from); } else { style = editor->pBuffer->pDefaultStyle; ME_AddRefStyle(style); SendMessageA(editor->hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, 0); ME_InternalDeleteText(editor, 0, ME_GetTextLength(editor)); from = to = 0; ME_ClearTempStyle(editor); /* FIXME restore default paragraph formatting ! */ } nUndoMode = editor->nUndoMode; editor->nUndoMode = umIgnore; inStream.editstream = stream; inStream.editstream->dwError = 0; inStream.dwSize = 0; inStream.dwUsed = 0; if (format & SF_RTF) { /* Check if it's really RTF, and if it is not, use plain text */ ME_StreamInFill(&inStream); if (!inStream.editstream->dwError) { if (strncmp(inStream.buffer, "{\\rtf1", 6) && strncmp(inStream.buffer, "{\\urtf", 6)) { format &= ~SF_RTF; format |= SF_TEXT; } } } if (!inStream.editstream->dwError) { if (format & SF_RTF) { /* setup the RTF parser */ memset(&parser, 0, sizeof parser); RTFSetEditStream(&parser, &inStream); parser.rtfFormat = format&(SF_TEXT|SF_RTF); parser.hwndEdit = editor->hWnd; parser.editor = editor; parser.style = style; WriterInit(&parser); RTFInit(&parser); RTFSetReadHook(&parser, ME_RTFReadHook); BeginFile(&parser); /* do the parsing */ RTFRead(&parser); RTFFlushOutputBuffer(&parser); RTFDestroy(&parser); style = parser.style; } else if (format & SF_TEXT) ME_StreamInText(editor, format, &inStream, style); else ERR("EM_STREAMIN without SF_TEXT or SF_RTF\n"); ME_GetSelection(editor, &to, &to2); /* put the cursor at the top */ if (!(format & SFF_SELECTION)) SendMessageA(editor->hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, 0); else { /* FIXME where to put cursor now ? */ } } editor->nUndoMode = nUndoMode; pUI = ME_AddUndoItem(editor, diUndoDeleteRun, NULL); TRACE("from %d to %d\n", from, to); if (pUI && from < to) { pUI->nStart = from; pUI->nLen = to-from; } ME_CommitUndo(editor); ME_ReleaseStyle(style); editor->nEventMask = nEventMask; InvalidateRect(editor->hWnd, NULL, TRUE); ME_UpdateRepaint(editor); if (!(format & SFF_SELECTION)) { ME_ClearTempStyle(editor); } ME_MoveCaret(editor); ME_SendSelChange(editor); return 0; } ME_DisplayItem * ME_FindItemAtOffset(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DIType nItemType, int nOffset, int *nItemOffset) { ME_DisplayItem *item = ME_FindItemFwd(editor->pBuffer->pFirst, diParagraph); while (item && item->member.para.next_para->member.para.nCharOfs <= nOffset) item = ME_FindItemFwd(item, diParagraph); if (!item) return item; nOffset -= item->member.para.nCharOfs; if (nItemType == diParagraph) { if (nItemOffset) *nItemOffset = nOffset; return item; } do { item = ME_FindItemFwd(item, diRun); } while (item && (item->member.run.nCharOfs + ME_StrLen(item->member.run.strText) <= nOffset)); if (item) { nOffset -= item->member.run.nCharOfs; if (nItemOffset) *nItemOffset = nOffset; } return item; } ME_TextEditor *ME_MakeEditor(HWND hWnd) { ME_TextEditor *ed = ALLOC_OBJ(ME_TextEditor); HDC hDC; int i; ed->hWnd = hWnd; ed->pBuffer = ME_MakeText(); hDC = GetDC(hWnd); ME_MakeFirstParagraph(hDC, ed->pBuffer); ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); ed->bCaretShown = FALSE; ed->nCursors = 3; ed->pCursors = ALLOC_N_OBJ(ME_Cursor, ed->nCursors); ed->pCursors[0].pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(ed->pBuffer->pFirst, diRun); ed->pCursors[0].nOffset = 0; ed->pCursors[1].pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(ed->pBuffer->pFirst, diRun); ed->pCursors[1].nOffset = 0; ed->nLastTotalLength = ed->nTotalLength = 0; ed->nUDArrowX = -1; ed->nSequence = 0; ed->rgbBackColor = -1; ed->bCaretAtEnd = FALSE; ed->nEventMask = 0; ed->nModifyStep = 0; ed->pUndoStack = ed->pRedoStack = NULL; ed->nUndoMode = umAddToUndo; ed->nParagraphs = 1; ed->nLastSelStart = ed->nLastSelEnd = 0; ed->nScrollPosY = 0; for (i=0; ipFontCache[i].nRefs = 0; ed->pFontCache[i].nAge = 0; ed->pFontCache[i].hFont = NULL; } ME_CheckCharOffsets(ed); return ed; } typedef struct tagME_GlobalDestStruct { HGLOBAL hData; int nLength; } ME_GlobalDestStruct; static DWORD CALLBACK ME_AppendToHGLOBAL(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE lpBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb) { ME_GlobalDestStruct *pData = (ME_GlobalDestStruct *)dwCookie; int nMaxSize; BYTE *pDest; nMaxSize = GlobalSize(pData->hData); if (pData->nLength+cb+1 >= cb) { /* round up to 2^17 */ int nNewSize = (((nMaxSize+cb+1)|0x1FFFF)+1) & 0xFFFE0000; pData->hData = GlobalReAlloc(pData->hData, nNewSize, 0); } pDest = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(pData->hData); memcpy(pDest + pData->nLength, lpBuff, cb); pData->nLength += cb; pDest[pData->nLength] = '\0'; GlobalUnlock(pData->hData); *pcb = cb; return 0; } static DWORD CALLBACK ME_ReadFromHGLOBALUnicode(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE lpBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb) { ME_GlobalDestStruct *pData = (ME_GlobalDestStruct *)dwCookie; int i; WORD *pSrc, *pDest; cb = cb >> 1; pDest = (WORD *)lpBuff; pSrc = (WORD *)GlobalLock(pData->hData); for (i = 0; inLength+i]; i++) { pDest[i] = pSrc[pData->nLength+i]; } pData->nLength += i; *pcb = 2*i; GlobalUnlock(pData->hData); return 0; } static DWORD CALLBACK ME_ReadFromHGLOBALRTF(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE lpBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb) { ME_GlobalDestStruct *pData = (ME_GlobalDestStruct *)dwCookie; int i; BYTE *pSrc, *pDest; pDest = lpBuff; pSrc = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(pData->hData); for (i = 0; inLength+i]; i++) { pDest[i] = pSrc[pData->nLength+i]; } pData->nLength += i; *pcb = i; GlobalUnlock(pData->hData); return 0; } void ME_DestroyEditor(ME_TextEditor *editor) { ME_DisplayItem *pFirst = editor->pBuffer->pFirst; ME_DisplayItem *p = pFirst, *pNext = NULL; int i; ME_ClearTempStyle(editor); ME_EmptyUndoStack(editor); while(p) { pNext = p->next; ME_DestroyDisplayItem(p); p = pNext; } ME_ReleaseStyle(editor->pBuffer->pDefaultStyle); for (i=0; ipFontCache[i].hFont) DeleteObject(editor->pFontCache[i].hFont); } FREE_OBJ(editor); } static WCHAR wszClassName[] = {'R', 'i', 'c', 'h', 'E', 'd', 'i', 't', '2', '0', 'W', 0}; static WCHAR wszClassName50[] = {'R', 'i', 'c', 'h', 'E', 'd', 'i', 't', '5', '0', 'W', 0}; BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { TRACE("\n"); switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hinstDLL); me_heap = HeapCreate (0, 0x10000, 0); ME_RegisterEditorClass(hinstDLL); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: UnregisterClassW(wszClassName, 0); UnregisterClassW(wszClassName50, 0); UnregisterClassA("RichEdit20A", 0); UnregisterClassA("RichEdit50A", 0); HeapDestroy (me_heap); me_heap = NULL; break; } return TRUE; } #define UNSUPPORTED_MSG(e) \ case e: \ FIXME(#e ": stub\n"); \ return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); /****************************************************************** * RichEditANSIWndProc (RICHED20.10) */ LRESULT WINAPI RichEditANSIWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HDC hDC; PAINTSTRUCT ps; SCROLLINFO si; ME_TextEditor *editor = (ME_TextEditor *)GetWindowLongW(hWnd, 0); TRACE("msg %d %08x %08lx\n", msg, wParam, lParam); switch(msg) { UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_AUTOURLDETECT) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_CHARFROMPOS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_DISPLAYBAND) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_EXLIMITTEXT) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_FINDTEXT) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_FINDTEXTEX) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_FINDWORDBREAK) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_FMTLINES) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_FORMATRANGE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETAUTOURLDETECT) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETBIDIOPTIONS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETEDITSTYLE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETIMECOMPMODE) /* UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETIMESTATUS) missing in Wine headers */ UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETLANGOPTIONS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETLIMITTEXT) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETLINE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETLINECOUNT) /* UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETOLEINTERFACE) separate stub */ UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETOPTIONS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETRECT) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETREDONAME) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETSCROLLPOS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETTEXTEX) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETTEXTMODE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETTYPOGRAPHYOPTIONS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETUNDONAME) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETWORDBREAKPROCEX) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_GETZOOM) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_HIDESELECTION) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_LIMITTEXT) /* also known as EM_SETLIMITTEXT */ UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_LINEFROMCHAR) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_LINEINDEX) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_LINELENGTH) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_PASTESPECIAL) /* UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_POSFROMCHARS) missing in Wine headers */ UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_REQUESTRESIZE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SCROLL) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SCROLLCARET) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SELECTIONTYPE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETBIDIOPTIONS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETEDITSTYLE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETFONTSIZE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETLANGOPTIONS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETOLECALLBACK) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETOPTIONS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETPALETTE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETRECT) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETRECTNP) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETSCROLLPOS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETTABSTOPS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETTARGETDEVICE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETTEXTEX) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETTEXTMODE) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETTYPOGRAPHYOPTIONS) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETUNDOLIMIT) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETWORDBREAKPROCEX) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SHOWSCROLLBAR) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(EM_SETZOOM) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(WM_SETFONT) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(WM_STYLECHANGING) UNSUPPORTED_MSG(WM_STYLECHANGED) /* UNSUPPORTED_MSG(WM_UNICHAR) FIXME missing in Wine headers */ /* Messages specific to Richedit controls */ case EM_STREAMIN: return ME_StreamIn(editor, wParam, (EDITSTREAM*)lParam); case EM_STREAMOUT: return ME_StreamOut(editor, wParam, (EDITSTREAM *)lParam); case WM_GETDLGCODE: { UINT code = DLGC_WANTCHARS|DLGC_WANTARROWS; if (GetWindowLongW(hWnd, GWL_STYLE)&ES_WANTRETURN) code |= 0; /* FIXME what can we do here ? ask for messages and censor them ? */ return code; } case WM_NCCREATE: { CREATESTRUCTW *pcs = (CREATESTRUCTW *)lParam; editor = ME_MakeEditor(hWnd); SetWindowLongW(hWnd, 0, (long)editor); pcs = 0; /* ignore */ return TRUE; } case EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER: ME_EmptyUndoStack(editor); return 0; case EM_GETSEL: { /* Note: wParam/lParam can be NULL */ UINT from, to; PUINT pfrom = wParam ? (PUINT)wParam : &from; PUINT pto = lParam ? (PUINT)lParam : &to; ME_GetSelection(editor, pfrom, pto); if ((*pfrom|*pto) & 0xFFFF0000) return -1; return MAKELONG(*pfrom,*pto); } case EM_EXGETSEL: { CHARRANGE *pRange = (CHARRANGE *)lParam; ME_GetSelection(editor, (int *)&pRange->cpMin, (int *)&pRange->cpMax); return 0; } case EM_CANUNDO: return editor->pUndoStack != NULL; case EM_CANREDO: return editor->pRedoStack != NULL; case EM_UNDO: ME_Undo(editor); return 0; case EM_REDO: ME_Redo(editor); return 0; case EM_SETSEL: { ME_SetSelection(editor, wParam, lParam); ME_Repaint(editor); ME_SendSelChange(editor); return 0; } case EM_EXSETSEL: { CHARRANGE *pRange = (CHARRANGE *)lParam; ME_SetSelection(editor, pRange->cpMin, pRange->cpMax); /* FIXME optimize */ ME_Repaint(editor); ME_SendSelChange(editor); return 0; } case EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR: { LRESULT lColor = ME_GetBackColor(editor); if (wParam) editor->rgbBackColor = -1; else editor->rgbBackColor = lParam; InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hWnd); return lColor; } case EM_GETMODIFY: return editor->nModifyStep == 0 ? 0 : 1; case EM_SETMODIFY: { if (wParam) editor->nModifyStep = 0x80000000; else editor->nModifyStep = 0; return 0; } case EM_SETREADONLY: { long nStyle = GetWindowLongW(hWnd, GWL_STYLE); if (wParam) nStyle |= ES_READONLY; else nStyle &= ~ES_READONLY; SetWindowLongW(hWnd, GWL_STYLE, nStyle); ME_Repaint(editor); return 0; } case EM_SETEVENTMASK: editor->nEventMask = lParam; return 0; case EM_GETEVENTMASK: return editor->nEventMask; case EM_SETCHARFORMAT: { CHARFORMAT2W buf, *p; BOOL bRepaint = TRUE; p = ME_ToCF2W(&buf, (CHARFORMAT2W *)lParam); if (!wParam) ME_SetDefaultCharFormat(editor, p); else if (wParam == (SCF_WORD | SCF_SELECTION)) FIXME("word selection not supported\n"); else if (wParam == SCF_ALL) ME_SetCharFormat(editor, 0, ME_GetTextLength(editor), p); else { int from, to; ME_GetSelection(editor, &from, &to); bRepaint = (from != to); ME_SetSelectionCharFormat(editor, p); } ME_CommitUndo(editor); if (bRepaint) ME_UpdateRepaint(editor); return 0; } case EM_GETCHARFORMAT: { CHARFORMAT2W tmp; tmp.cbSize = sizeof(tmp); if (!wParam) ME_GetDefaultCharFormat(editor, &tmp); else ME_GetSelectionCharFormat(editor, &tmp); ME_CopyToCFAny((CHARFORMAT2W *)lParam, &tmp); return 0; } case EM_SETPARAFORMAT: ME_SetSelectionParaFormat(editor, (PARAFORMAT2 *)lParam); ME_UpdateRepaint(editor); ME_CommitUndo(editor); return 0; case EM_GETPARAFORMAT: ME_GetSelectionParaFormat(editor, (PARAFORMAT2 *)lParam); return 0; case EM_LINESCROLL: { int nPos = editor->nScrollPosY, nEnd= editor->nTotalLength - editor->sizeWindow.cy; nPos += 8 * lParam; /* FIXME follow the original */ if (nPos>=nEnd) nPos = nEnd; if (nPos<0) nPos = 0; if (nPos != editor->nScrollPosY) { ScrollWindow(hWnd, 0, editor->nScrollPosY-nPos, NULL, NULL); editor->nScrollPosY = nPos; SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT, nPos, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hWnd); } return TRUE; /* Should return false if a single line richedit control */ } case WM_CLEAR: { int from, to; ME_GetSelection(editor, &from, &to); ME_InternalDeleteText(editor, from, to-from); ME_CommitUndo(editor); ME_UpdateRepaint(editor); return 0; } case EM_REPLACESEL: { int from, to; ME_Style *style; LPWSTR wszText = ME_ToUnicode(hWnd, (void *)lParam); size_t len = lstrlenW(wszText); TRACE("EM_REPLACESEL - %s\n", debugstr_w(wszText)); ME_GetSelection(editor, &from, &to); style = ME_GetSelectionInsertStyle(editor); ME_InternalDeleteText(editor, from, to-from); ME_InsertTextFromCursor(editor, 0, wszText, len, style); ME_ReleaseStyle(style); ME_EndToUnicode(hWnd, wszText); /* drop temporary style if line end */ /* FIXME question: does abc\n mean: put abc, clear temp style, put \n? (would require a change) */ if (len>0 && wszText[len-1] == '\n') ME_ClearTempStyle(editor); ME_CommitUndo(editor); if (!wParam) ME_EmptyUndoStack(editor); ME_UpdateRepaint(editor); return 0; } case WM_SETTEXT: { LPWSTR wszText = ME_ToUnicode(hWnd, (void *)lParam); TRACE("WM_SETTEXT - %s\n", (char *)(wszText)); /* debugstr_w() */ ME_InternalDeleteText(editor, 0, ME_GetTextLength(editor)); /* uses default style! */ ME_InsertTextFromCursor(editor, 0, wszText, -1, editor->pBuffer->pDefaultStyle); ME_EndToUnicode(hWnd, wszText); ME_CommitUndo(editor); ME_EmptyUndoStack(editor); ME_UpdateRepaint(editor); return 0; } case EM_CANPASTE: { UINT nRTFFormat = RegisterClipboardFormatA("Rich Text Format"); if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(nRTFFormat)) return TRUE; if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } case WM_PASTE: { DWORD dwFormat = 0; EDITSTREAM es; ME_GlobalDestStruct gds; UINT nRTFFormat = RegisterClipboardFormatA("Rich Text Format"); UINT cf = 0; if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(nRTFFormat)) cf = nRTFFormat, dwFormat = SF_RTF; else if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) cf = CF_UNICODETEXT, dwFormat = SF_TEXT|SF_UNICODE; else return 0; if (!OpenClipboard(hWnd)) return 0; gds.hData = GetClipboardData(cf); gds.nLength = 0; es.dwCookie = (DWORD)&gds; es.pfnCallback = dwFormat == SF_RTF ? ME_ReadFromHGLOBALRTF : ME_ReadFromHGLOBALUnicode; SendMessageW(hWnd, EM_STREAMIN, dwFormat|SFF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&es); CloseClipboard(); return 0; } case WM_CUT: case WM_COPY: { int from, to, pars; WCHAR *data; HANDLE hData; EDITSTREAM es; ME_GlobalDestStruct gds; if (!OpenClipboard(hWnd)) return 0; EmptyClipboard(); ME_GetSelection(editor, &from, &to); pars = ME_CountParagraphsBetween(editor, from, to); hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(WCHAR)*(to-from+pars+1)); data = (WCHAR *)GlobalLock(hData); ME_GetTextW(editor, data, from, to-from, TRUE); GlobalUnlock(hData); gds.hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, 0); gds.nLength = 0; es.dwCookie = (DWORD)&gds; es.pfnCallback = ME_AppendToHGLOBAL; SendMessageW(hWnd, EM_STREAMOUT, SFF_SELECTION|SF_RTF, (LPARAM)&es); GlobalReAlloc(gds.hData, gds.nLength+1, 0); SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, hData); SetClipboardData(RegisterClipboardFormatA("Rich Text Format"), gds.hData); CloseClipboard(); if (msg == WM_CUT) { ME_InternalDeleteText(editor, from, to-from); ME_CommitUndo(editor); ME_UpdateRepaint(editor); } return 0; } case WM_GETTEXTLENGTH: return ME_GetTextLength(editor); case WM_GETTEXT: { TEXTRANGEW tr; /* W and A differ only by rng->lpstrText */ tr.chrg.cpMin = 0; tr.chrg.cpMax = wParam-1; tr.lpstrText = (WCHAR *)lParam; return RichEditANSIWndProc(hWnd, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)&tr); } case EM_GETSELTEXT: { int from, to; TEXTRANGEW tr; /* W and A differ only by rng->lpstrText */ ME_GetSelection(editor, &from, &to); tr.chrg.cpMin = from; tr.chrg.cpMax = to; tr.lpstrText = (WCHAR *)lParam; return RichEditANSIWndProc(hWnd, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)&tr); } case EM_GETTEXTRANGE: { TEXTRANGEW *rng = (TEXTRANGEW *)lParam; if (IsWindowUnicode(hWnd)) return ME_GetTextW(editor, rng->lpstrText, rng->chrg.cpMin, rng->chrg.cpMax-rng->chrg.cpMin, FALSE); else { int nLen = rng->chrg.cpMax-rng->chrg.cpMin; WCHAR *p = ALLOC_N_OBJ(WCHAR, nLen+1); int nChars = ME_GetTextW(editor, p, rng->chrg.cpMin, nLen, FALSE); /* FIXME this is a potential security hole (buffer overrun) if you know more about wchar->mbyte conversion please explain */ WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, p, nChars+1, (char *)rng->lpstrText, nLen+1, NULL, NULL); FREE_OBJ(p); return nChars; } return ME_GetTextW(editor, rng->lpstrText, rng->chrg.cpMin, rng->chrg.cpMax-rng->chrg.cpMin, FALSE); } case WM_CREATE: ME_CommitUndo(editor); ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs(editor); ME_MoveCaret(editor); return 0; case WM_DESTROY: ME_DestroyEditor(editor); SetWindowLongW(hWnd, 0, 0); return 0; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: SetFocus(hWnd); ME_LButtonDown(editor, (short)LOWORD(lParam), (short)HIWORD(lParam)); SetCapture(hWnd); break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (GetCapture() == hWnd) ME_MouseMove(editor, (short)LOWORD(lParam), (short)HIWORD(lParam)); break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (GetCapture() == hWnd) ReleaseCapture(); break; case WM_PAINT: hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); ME_PaintContent(editor, hDC, FALSE, &ps.rcPaint); EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); break; case WM_SETFOCUS: ME_ShowCaret(editor); ME_SendOldNotify(editor, EN_SETFOCUS); return 0; case WM_KILLFOCUS: ME_HideCaret(editor); ME_SendOldNotify(editor, EN_KILLFOCUS); return 0; case WM_ERASEBKGND: { HDC hDC = (HDC)wParam; RECT rc; COLORREF rgbBG = ME_GetBackColor(editor); if (GetUpdateRect(hWnd,&rc,TRUE)) { HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(rgbBG); FillRect(hDC, &rc, hbr); DeleteObject(hbr); } return 1; } case WM_COMMAND: TRACE("editor wnd command = %d\n", LOWORD(wParam)); return 0; case WM_KEYDOWN: if (ME_ArrowKey(editor, LOWORD(wParam), GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)<0)) { ME_CommitUndo(editor); ME_EnsureVisible(editor, editor->pCursors[0].pRun); HideCaret(hWnd); ME_MoveCaret(editor); ShowCaret(hWnd); return 0; } if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)<0) { if (LOWORD(wParam)=='W') { CHARFORMAT2W chf; char buf[2048]; ME_GetSelectionCharFormat(editor, &chf); ME_DumpStyleToBuf(&chf, buf); MessageBoxA(NULL, buf, "Style dump", MB_OK); } if (LOWORD(wParam)=='Q') { ME_CheckCharOffsets(editor); } } goto do_default; case WM_CHAR: { WCHAR wstr; if (GetWindowLongW(editor->hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & ES_READONLY) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONERROR); return 0; /* FIXME really 0 ? */ } wstr = LOWORD(wParam); if (((unsigned)wstr)>=' ' || wstr=='\r' || wstr=='\t') { /* FIXME maybe it would make sense to call EM_REPLACESEL instead ? */ ME_Style *style = ME_GetInsertStyle(editor, 0); ME_SaveTempStyle(editor); ME_InsertTextFromCursor(editor, 0, &wstr, 1, style); ME_ReleaseStyle(style); ME_CommitUndo(editor); ME_UpdateRepaint(editor); } return 0; } case WM_VSCROLL: { int nPos = editor->nScrollPosY; si.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO); si.fMask = SIF_PAGE|SIF_POS|SIF_RANGE|SIF_TRACKPOS; GetScrollInfo(hWnd, SB_VERT, &si); switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case SB_LINEUP: nPos -= 24; /* FIXME follow the original */ if (nPos<0) nPos = 0; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: { int nEnd = editor->nTotalLength - editor->sizeWindow.cy; nPos += 24; /* FIXME follow the original */ if (nPos>=nEnd) nPos = nEnd; break; } case SB_PAGEUP: nPos -= editor->sizeWindow.cy; if (nPos<0) nPos = 0; break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: nPos += editor->sizeWindow.cy; if (nPos>=editor->nTotalLength) nPos = editor->nTotalLength-1; break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: case SB_THUMBPOSITION: nPos = si.nTrackPos; break; } if (nPos != editor->nScrollPosY) { ScrollWindow(hWnd, 0, editor->nScrollPosY-nPos, NULL, NULL); editor->nScrollPosY = nPos; SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT, nPos, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hWnd); } break; } case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { int gcWheelDelta = 0, nPos = editor->nScrollPosY, nEnd = editor->nTotalLength - editor->sizeWindow.cy; UINT pulScrollLines; SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES,0, &pulScrollLines, 0); gcWheelDelta -= GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam); if (abs(gcWheelDelta) >= WHEEL_DELTA && pulScrollLines) nPos += pulScrollLines * (gcWheelDelta / WHEEL_DELTA) * 8; /* FIXME follow the original */ if (nPos>=nEnd) nPos = nEnd; if (nPos<0) nPos = 0; if (nPos != editor->nScrollPosY) { ScrollWindow(hWnd, 0, editor->nScrollPosY-nPos, NULL, NULL); editor->nScrollPosY = nPos; SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT, nPos, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hWnd); } break; } case WM_SIZE: { ME_MarkAllForWrapping(editor); ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs(editor); ME_UpdateScrollBar(editor); ME_Repaint(editor); return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } case EM_GETOLEINTERFACE: { LPVOID *ppvObj = (LPVOID*) lParam; FIXME("EM_GETOLEINTERFACE %p: stub\n", ppvObj); return CreateIRichEditOle(ppvObj); } default: do_default: return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } return 0L; } /****************************************************************** * RichEdit10ANSIWndProc (RICHED20.9) */ LRESULT WINAPI RichEdit10ANSIWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /* FIXME: this is NOT the same as 2.0 version */ return RichEditANSIWndProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } void ME_SendOldNotify(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nCode) { HWND hWnd = editor->hWnd; SendMessageA(GetParent(hWnd), WM_COMMAND, (nCode<<16)|GetWindowLongW(hWnd, GWLP_ID), (LPARAM)hWnd); } int ME_CountParagraphsBetween(ME_TextEditor *editor, int from, int to) { ME_DisplayItem *item = ME_FindItemFwd(editor->pBuffer->pFirst, diParagraph); int i = 0; while(item && item->member.para.next_para->member.para.nCharOfs <= from) item = item->member.para.next_para; if (!item) return 0; while(item && item->member.para.next_para->member.para.nCharOfs <= to) { item = item->member.para.next_para; i++; } return i; } int ME_GetTextW(ME_TextEditor *editor, WCHAR *buffer, int nStart, int nChars, int bCRLF) { ME_DisplayItem *item = ME_FindItemAtOffset(editor, diRun, nStart, &nStart); int nWritten = 0; if (!item) { *buffer = L'\0'; return 0; } assert(item); if (nStart) { int nLen = ME_StrLen(item->member.run.strText) - nStart; if (nLen > nChars) nLen = nChars; CopyMemory(buffer, item->member.run.strText->szData + nStart, sizeof(WCHAR)*nLen); nChars -= nLen; nWritten += nLen; if (!nChars) return nWritten; buffer += nLen; nStart = 0; item = ME_FindItemFwd(item, diRun); } while(nChars && item) { int nLen = ME_StrLen(item->member.run.strText); if (nLen > nChars) nLen = nChars; if (item->member.run.nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA) { if (bCRLF) { *buffer++ = '\r'; nWritten++; } *buffer = '\n'; assert(nLen == 1); } else CopyMemory(buffer, item->member.run.strText->szData, sizeof(WCHAR)*nLen); nChars -= nLen; nWritten += nLen; buffer += nLen; if (!nChars) { *buffer = L'\0'; return nWritten; } item = ME_FindItemFwd(item, diRun); } *buffer = L'\0'; return nWritten; } void ME_RegisterEditorClass(HINSTANCE hInstance) { BOOL bResult; WNDCLASSW wcW; WNDCLASSA wcA; wcW.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_GLOBALCLASS; wcW.lpfnWndProc = RichEditANSIWndProc; wcW.cbClsExtra = 0; wcW.cbWndExtra = 4; wcW.hInstance = NULL; /* hInstance would register DLL-local class */ wcW.hIcon = NULL; wcW.hCursor = LoadCursorW(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDC_IBEAM)); wcW.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH); wcW.lpszMenuName = NULL; wcW.lpszClassName = wszClassName; bResult = RegisterClassW(&wcW); assert(bResult); wcW.lpszClassName = wszClassName50; bResult = RegisterClassW(&wcW); assert(bResult); wcA.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_GLOBALCLASS; wcA.lpfnWndProc = RichEditANSIWndProc; wcA.cbClsExtra = 0; wcA.cbWndExtra = 4; wcA.hInstance = NULL; /* hInstance would register DLL-local class */ wcA.hIcon = NULL; wcA.hCursor = LoadCursorW(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDC_IBEAM)); wcA.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH); wcA.lpszMenuName = NULL; wcA.lpszClassName = "RichEdit20A"; bResult = RegisterClassA(&wcA); assert(bResult); wcA.lpszClassName = "RichEdit50A"; bResult = RegisterClassA(&wcA); assert(bResult); } /****************************************************************** * CreateTextServices (RICHED20.4) * * FIXME should be ITextHost instead of void* */ HRESULT WINAPI CreateTextServices(IUnknown *punkOuter, void *pITextHost, IUnknown **ppUnk) { FIXME("stub\n"); /* FIXME should support aggregation */ if (punkOuter) return CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION; return E_FAIL; /* E_NOTIMPL isn't allowed by MSDN */ } /****************************************************************** * REExtendedRegisterClass (RICHED20.8) * * FIXME undocumented */ void WINAPI REExtendedRegisterClass(void) { FIXME("stub\n"); }