/* * Conformance tests for *printf functions. * * Copyright 2002 Uwe Bonnes * Copyright 2004 Aneurin Price * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include "wine/test.h" static void test_sprintf( void ) { char buffer[100]; const char *I64d = "%I64d"; const char *O4c = "%04c"; const char *O4s = "%04s"; const char *hash012p = "%#012p"; double pnumber=789456123; /** WCHAR widestring[]={'w','i','d','e','s','t','r','i','n','g',0};**/ sprintf(buffer,"%+#23.15e",pnumber); todo_wine { ok(strstr(buffer,"e+008") != 0,"Sprintf different \"%s\"\n",buffer); } sprintf(buffer,I64d,((ULONGLONG)0xffffffff)*0xffffffff); todo_wine { ok(strlen(buffer) == 11,"Problem with long long \"%s\"\n",buffer); } sprintf(buffer,"%lld",((ULONGLONG)0xffffffff)*0xffffffff); todo_wine { ok(strlen(buffer) == 1,"Problem with \"ll\" interpretation \"%s\"\n",buffer); } /** This one actually crashes WINE at the moment, when using builtin msvcrt.dll. sprintf(buffer,"%S",widestring); todo_wine { ok(strlen(buffer) == 10,"Problem with \"%%S\" interpretation \"%s\"\n",buffer); } **/ sprintf(buffer,O4c,'1'); todo_wine { ok(!strcmp(buffer,"0001"),"Character not zero-prefixed \"%s\"\n",buffer); } sprintf(buffer,"%p",(void *)57); todo_wine { ok(!strcmp(buffer,"00000039"),"Pointer formatted incorrectly \"%s\"\n",buffer); } sprintf(buffer,hash012p,(void *)57); todo_wine { ok(!strcmp(buffer," 0X00000039"),"Pointer formatted incorrectly \"%s\"\n",buffer); } sprintf(buffer,O4s,"foo");/**Warning again**/ todo_wine { ok(!strcmp(buffer,"0foo"),"String not zero-prefixed \"%s\"\n",buffer); } } static void test_swprintf( void ) { wchar_t buffer[100]; const wchar_t I64d[] = {'%','I','6','4','d',0}; double pnumber=789456123; const wchar_t TwentyThreePoint15e[]= {'%','+','#','2','3','.','1','5','e',0}; const wchar_t e008[] = {'e','+','0','0','8',0}; const char string[]={'s','t','r','i','n','g',0}; const wchar_t S[]={'%','S',0}; swprintf(buffer,TwentyThreePoint15e,pnumber); todo_wine { ok(wcsstr(buffer,e008) != 0,"Sprintf different\n"); } swprintf(buffer,I64d,((ULONGLONG)0xffffffff)*0xffffffff); todo_wine { ok(wcslen(buffer) == 11,"Problem with long long\n"); } swprintf(buffer,S,string); ok(wcslen(buffer) == 6,"Problem with \"%%S\" interpretation\n"); } static void test_fwprintf( void ) { const char *string="not a wide string"; todo_wine { ok(fwprintf(fopen("nul","r+"),(wchar_t *)string) == -1,"Non-wide string should not be printed by fwprintf\n"); } } static void test_snprintf (void) { struct snprintf_test { const char *format; int expected; struct { int retval; int render; } todo; }; /* Pre-2.1 libc behaviour, not C99 compliant. */ const struct snprintf_test tests[] = {{"short", 5, {0, 0}}, {"justfit", 7, {0, 0}}, {"justfits", 8, {0, 1}}, {"muchlonger", -1, {1, 1}}}; char buffer[8]; const int bufsiz = sizeof buffer; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof tests / sizeof tests[0]; i++) { const char *fmt = tests[i].format; const int expect = tests[i].expected; const int n = _snprintf (buffer, bufsiz, fmt); const int valid = n < 0 ? bufsiz : (n == bufsiz ? n : n+1); todo (tests[i].todo.retval ? "wine" : "none") ok (n == expect, "\"%s\": expected %d, returned %d\n", fmt, expect, n); todo (tests[i].todo.render ? "wine" : "none") ok (!memcmp (fmt, buffer, valid), "\"%s\": rendered \"%.*s\"\n", fmt, valid, buffer); }; } START_TEST(printf) { test_sprintf(); test_swprintf(); test_fwprintf(); test_snprintf(); }