.TH WINECONSOLE 1 "November 2010" "@PACKAGE_STRING@" "Wine Programs" .SH NAME wineconsole \- The Wine console .SH SYNOPSIS .BR "wineconsole "\fI[option]\fR " command .SH DESCRIPTION .B wineconsole is the Wine console manager, used to run console commands and applications. It allows running the console either in the current terminal (\fIcurses\fR) or in a newly made window (\fIuser\fR). .SH "OPTIONS" .IP \-\-backend=\fR{\fIuser\fR|\fIcurses\fR} If \fIuser\fR is chosen, a new window will be created for the console. The \fIcurses\fR option will make wineconsole try to setup the current terminal as a Wine console. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR wine(1)