/* * A simple interface to test the RPC server. * * Copyright (C) Google 2007 (Dan Hipschman) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "server_defines.h" typedef struct tag_vector { int x; int y; int z; } vector_t; [ uuid(00000000-4114-0704-2301-000000000000), #ifndef __midl implicit_handle(handle_t IServer_IfHandle) #endif ] interface IServer { cpp_quote("#if 0") typedef wchar_t WCHAR; cpp_quote("#endif") typedef [string] char *str_t; typedef [string] WCHAR *wstr_t; typedef struct { int *pi; int **ppi; int ***pppi; } pints_t; typedef struct { char *pc; short *ps; long *pl; float *pf; double *pd; } ptypes_t; typedef struct { vector_t *pu; vector_t **pv; } pvectors_t; typedef struct { [switch_is(s)] union { [case(SUN_I)] int i; [case(SUN_F1, SUN_F2)] float f; [case(SUN_PI)] int *pi; } u; int s; } sun_t; int int_return(void); int square(int x); int sum(int x, int y); void square_out(int x, [out] int *y); void square_ref([in, out] int *x); int str_length([string] const char *s); int str_t_length(str_t s); int cstr_length([string, size_is(n)] const char *s, int n); int dot_self(vector_t *v); double square_half(double x, [out] double *y); float square_half_float(float x, [out] float *y); long square_half_long(long x, [out] long *y); int sum_fixed_array(int a[5]); int pints_sum(pints_t *pints); double ptypes_sum(ptypes_t *ptypes); int dot_pvectors(pvectors_t *pvectors); /* don't use this anywhere except in sp_t */ typedef struct { int x; } sp_inner_t; typedef struct { int x; sp_inner_t *s; } sp_t; int sum_sp(sp_t *sp); double square_sun(sun_t *su); typedef struct test_list { int t; [switch_is(t)] union { [case(TL_NULL)] char x; /* end of list */ [case(TL_LIST)] struct test_list *tail; } u; } test_list_t; int test_list_length(test_list_t *ls); int sum_fixed_int_3d(int m[2][3][4]); int sum_conf_array([size_is(n)] int x[], int n); int sum_conf_ptr_by_conf_ptr(int n1, [size_is(n1)] int *n2_then_x1, [size_is(*n2_then_x1)] int *x2); int sum_unique_conf_array([size_is(n), unique] int x[], int n); int sum_unique_conf_ptr([size_is(n), unique] int *x, int n); int sum_var_array([length_is(n)] int x[20], int n); int dot_two_vectors(vector_t vs[2]); typedef struct { int n; [size_is(n)] int ca[]; } cs_t; typedef struct { int *pn; [size_is(*pn)] int *ca1; [size_is(n * 2)] int *ca2; int n; } cps_t; typedef struct { [size_is(c ? a : b)] int *ca; int a; int b; int c; } cpsc_t; int sum_cs(cs_t *cs); int sum_cps(cps_t *cps); int sum_cpsc(cpsc_t *cpsc); typedef [wire_marshal(int)] void *puint_t; int square_puint(puint_t p); typedef struct { [size_is(n)] puint_t *ps; int n; } puints_t; /* Same thing as puints_t, but make it complex (needs padding). */ typedef struct { [size_is(n)] puint_t *ps; char n; } cpuints_t; int sum_puints(puints_t *p); int sum_cpuints(cpuints_t *p); int dot_copy_vectors(vector_t u, vector_t v); typedef struct wire_us *wire_us_t; typedef [wire_marshal(wire_us_t)] struct us us_t; struct us { void *x; }; struct wire_us { int x; }; typedef struct { us_t us; } test_us_t; int square_test_us(test_us_t *tus); typedef union encu switch (int t) { case ENCU_I: int i; case ENCU_F: float f; } encu_t; typedef [switch_type(int)] union unencu { [case (ENCU_I)] int i; [case (ENCU_F)] float f; } unencu_t; typedef enum { E1 = 23, E2 = 4, E3 = 0, E4 = 64 } e_t; typedef union encue switch (e_t t) { case E1: int i1; case E2: float f2; } encue_t; typedef struct { e_t f; } se_t; double square_encu(encu_t *eu); double square_unencu(int t, [switch_is(t)] unencu_t *eu); int sum_parr(int *a[3]); int sum_pcarr([size_is(n)] int *a[], int n); int enum_ord(e_t e); double square_encue(encue_t *eue); void check_se2(se_t *s); int sum_toplev_conf_2n([size_is(n * 2)] int *x, int n); int sum_toplev_conf_cond([size_is(c ? a : b)] int *x, int a, int b, int c); typedef struct { char c; int i; short s; double d; } aligns_t; double sum_aligns(aligns_t *a); typedef struct { int i; char c; } padded_t; int sum_padded(padded_t *p); int sum_padded2(padded_t ps[2]); int sum_padded_conf([size_is(n)] padded_t *ps, int n); typedef struct { int *p1; } bogus_helper_t; typedef struct { bogus_helper_t h; int *p2; int *p3; char c; } bogus_t; int sum_bogus(bogus_t *b); void check_null([unique] int *null); typedef struct { str_t s; } str_struct_t; typedef struct { wstr_t s; } wstr_struct_t; int str_struct_len(str_struct_t *s); int wstr_struct_len(wstr_struct_t *s); typedef struct { unsigned int n; [size_is(n)] byte a[]; } doub_carr_1_t; typedef struct { int n; [size_is(n)] doub_carr_1_t *a[]; } doub_carr_t; int sum_doub_carr(doub_carr_t *dc); void make_pyramid_doub_carr(unsigned char n, [out] doub_carr_t **dc); typedef struct { short n; [size_is(n)] short data[]; } user_bstr_t; typedef [unique] user_bstr_t *wire_bstr_t; typedef [wire_marshal(wire_bstr_t)] short *bstr_t; unsigned hash_bstr(bstr_t s); typedef struct { [string, size_is(size)] char *name; unsigned int size; } name_t; void get_name([in,out] name_t *name); int sum_pcarr2(int n, [size_is(, n)] int **pa); int sum_L1_norms(int n, [size_is(n)] vector_t *vs); /* Don't use this except in the get_s123 test. */ typedef struct { int f1; int f2; int f3; } s123_t; /* Make sure WIDL generates a type format string for a previously unseen type as a return value. */ s123_t *get_s123(void); typedef struct { unsigned int length; unsigned int size; [size_is(size), length_is(length)] pints_t numbers[]; } numbers_struct_t; void get_numbers([in] int length, [in] int size, [out, length_is(length), size_is(size)] pints_t pn[]); void get_numbers_struct([out] numbers_struct_t **ns); str_t get_filename(void); enum renum { RE0, RE1, RE2, RE3, }; const int RE_MIN = RE0; const int RE_MAX = RE3; typedef [range(RE_MIN, RE_MAX)] enum renum renum_t; typedef [range(0, 100)] int rint_t; rint_t echo_ranged_int([range(0, 100)] int n); void get_ranged_enum([out] renum_t *re); void context_handle_test(void); void stop(void); }