/* * Line-editing routines * * Copyright 1992 Simmule Turner and Rich Salz. All rights reserved. * * * This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone * and Telegraph Company or of the Regents of the University of California. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on * any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject * to the following restrictions: * 1. The authors are not responsible for the consequences of use of this * software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from flaws in it. * 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by * explicit claim or by omission. Since few users ever read sources, * credits must appear in the documentation. * 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. Since few users * ever read sources, credits must appear in the documentation. * 4. This notice may not be removed or altered. * * The code was heavily simplified for inclusion in Wine. -- AJ */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "windef.h" #include "debugger.h" /* ** Manifest constants. */ #define SCREEN_WIDTH 80 #define SCREEN_ROWS 24 #define NO_ARG (-1) #define DEL 127 #define CTL(x) ((x) & 0x1F) #define ISCTL(x) ((x) && (x) < ' ') #define UNCTL(x) ((x) + 64) #define META(x) ((x) | 0x80) #define ISMETA(x) ((x) & 0x80) #define UNMETA(x) ((x) & 0x7F) #if !defined(HIST_SIZE) #define HIST_SIZE 20 #endif /* !defined(HIST_SIZE) */ #define CRLF "\r\n" #define MEM_INC 64 #define SCREEN_INC 256 #define DISPOSE(p) DBG_free((char *)(p)) #define NEW(T, c) \ ((T *)DBG_alloc((unsigned int)(sizeof (T) * (c)))) #define RENEW(p, T, c) \ (p = (T *)DBG_realloc((char *)(p), (unsigned int)(sizeof (T) * (c)))) #define COPYFROMTO(new, p, len) \ (void)memcpy((char *)(new), (char *)(p), (int)(len)) /* ** Command status codes. */ typedef enum _STATUS { CSdone, CSeof, CSmove, CSdispatch, CSstay } STATUS; /* ** The type of case-changing to perform. */ typedef enum _CASE { TOupper, TOlower } CASE; /* ** Key to command mapping. */ typedef struct _KEYMAP { CHAR Key; STATUS (*Function)(); } KEYMAP; /* ** Command history structure. */ typedef struct _HISTORY { int Size; int Pos; CHAR *Lines[HIST_SIZE]; } HISTORY; /* ** Globals. */ static int rl_eof; static int rl_erase; static int rl_intr; static int rl_kill; static CHAR NIL[] = ""; static const CHAR *Input = NIL; static CHAR *Line; static const char *Prompt; static CHAR *Yanked; static char *Screen; static char NEWLINE[]= CRLF; static HISTORY H; static int rl_quit; static int Repeat; static int End; static int Mark; static int OldPoint; static int Point; static int PushBack; static int Pushed; static KEYMAP Map[33]; static KEYMAP MetaMap[16]; static size_t Length; static size_t ScreenCount; static size_t ScreenSize; static char *backspace; static int TTYwidth; static int TTYrows; /* Display print 8-bit chars as `M-x' or as the actual 8-bit char? */ int rl_meta_chars = 1; /* ** Declarations. */ static CHAR *editinput(); extern int read(); extern int write(); #if defined(USE_TERMCAP) extern char *getenv(); extern char *tgetstr(); extern int tgetent(); #endif /* defined(USE_TERMCAP) */ /* ** TTY input/output functions. */ #ifdef HAVE_TCGETATTR #include static void rl_ttyset(int Reset) { static struct termios old; struct termios new; if (Reset == 0) { (void)tcgetattr(0, &old); rl_erase = old.c_cc[VERASE]; rl_kill = old.c_cc[VKILL]; rl_eof = old.c_cc[VEOF]; rl_intr = old.c_cc[VINTR]; rl_quit = old.c_cc[VQUIT]; new = old; new.c_cc[VINTR] = -1; new.c_cc[VQUIT] = -1; new.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON); new.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP | INPCK); new.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; new.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; (void)tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new); } else (void)tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &old); } #else /* HAVE_TCGETATTR */ static void rl_ttyset(int Reset) { static struct sgttyb old_sgttyb; static struct tchars old_tchars; struct sgttyb new_sgttyb; struct tchars new_tchars; if (Reset == 0) { (void)ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &old_sgttyb); rl_erase = old_sgttyb.sg_erase; rl_kill = old_sgttyb.sg_kill; (void)ioctl(0, TIOCGETC, &old_tchars); rl_eof = old_tchars.t_eofc; rl_intr = old_tchars.t_intrc; rl_quit = old_tchars.t_quitc; new_sgttyb = old_sgttyb; new_sgttyb.sg_flags &= ~ECHO; new_sgttyb.sg_flags |= RAW; #if defined(PASS8) new_sgttyb.sg_flags |= PASS8; #endif /* defined(PASS8) */ (void)ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &new_sgttyb); new_tchars = old_tchars; new_tchars.t_intrc = -1; new_tchars.t_quitc = -1; (void)ioctl(0, TIOCSETC, &new_tchars); } else { (void)ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &old_sgttyb); (void)ioctl(0, TIOCSETC, &old_tchars); } } #endif /* HAVE_TCGETATTR */ static void TTYflush(void) { if (ScreenCount) { (void)write(1, Screen, ScreenCount); ScreenCount = 0; } } static void TTYput(CHAR c) { Screen[ScreenCount] = c; if (++ScreenCount >= ScreenSize - 1) { ScreenSize += SCREEN_INC; RENEW(Screen, char, ScreenSize); } } static void TTYputs(CHAR *p) { while (*p) TTYput(*p++); } static void TTYshow(CHAR c) { if (c == DEL) { TTYput('^'); TTYput('?'); } else if (ISCTL(c)) { TTYput('^'); TTYput(UNCTL(c)); } else if (rl_meta_chars && ISMETA(c)) { TTYput('M'); TTYput('-'); TTYput(UNMETA(c)); } else TTYput(c); } static void TTYstring(CHAR *p) { while (*p) TTYshow(*p++); } static unsigned int TTYget(void) { CHAR c; int retv; TTYflush(); if (Pushed) { Pushed = 0; return PushBack; } if (*Input) return *Input++; while ( ( retv = read( 0, &c, (size_t)1 ) ) == -1 ) { if ( errno != EINTR ) { perror( "read" ); return EOF; } } return retv == 1 ? c : EOF; } #define TTYback() (backspace ? TTYputs((CHAR *)backspace) : TTYput('\b')) static void TTYbackn(int n) { while (--n >= 0) TTYback(); } static void TTYinfo(void) { static int init; #if defined(USE_TERMCAP) char *term; char buff[2048]; char *bp; #endif /* defined(USE_TERMCAP) */ #if defined(TIOCGWINSZ) struct winsize W; #endif /* defined(TIOCGWINSZ) */ if (init) { #if defined(TIOCGWINSZ) /* Perhaps we got resized. */ if (ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &W) >= 0 && W.ws_col > 0 && W.ws_row > 0) { TTYwidth = (int)W.ws_col; TTYrows = (int)W.ws_row; } #endif /* defined(TIOCGWINSZ) */ return; } init++; TTYwidth = TTYrows = 0; #if defined(USE_TERMCAP) bp = &buff[0]; if ((term = getenv("TERM")) == NULL) term = "dumb"; if (tgetent(buff, term) < 0) { TTYwidth = SCREEN_WIDTH; TTYrows = SCREEN_ROWS; return; } backspace = tgetstr("le", &bp); TTYwidth = tgetnum("co"); TTYrows = tgetnum("li"); #endif /* defined(USE_TERMCAP) */ #if defined(TIOCGWINSZ) if (ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &W) >= 0) { TTYwidth = (int)W.ws_col; TTYrows = (int)W.ws_row; } #endif /* defined(TIOCGWINSZ) */ if (TTYwidth <= 0 || TTYrows <= 0) { TTYwidth = SCREEN_WIDTH; TTYrows = SCREEN_ROWS; } } static void reposition(void) { int i; CHAR *p; TTYput('\r'); TTYputs((CHAR *)Prompt); for (i = Point, p = Line; --i >= 0; p++) TTYshow(*p); } static void left(STATUS Change) { TTYback(); if (Point) { if (ISCTL(Line[Point - 1])) TTYback(); else if (rl_meta_chars && ISMETA(Line[Point - 1])) { TTYback(); TTYback(); } } if (Change == CSmove) Point--; } static void right(STATUS Change) { TTYshow(Line[Point]); if (Change == CSmove) Point++; } static STATUS ring_bell(void) { TTYput('\07'); TTYflush(); return CSstay; } static STATUS do_macro(unsigned int c) { CHAR name[4]; name[0] = '_'; name[1] = c; name[2] = '_'; name[3] = '\0'; if ((Input = (CHAR *)getenv((char *)name)) == NULL) { Input = NIL; return ring_bell(); } return CSstay; } static STATUS do_forward(STATUS move) { int i; CHAR *p; i = 0; do { p = &Line[Point]; for ( ; Point < End && (*p == ' ' || !isalnum(*p)); Point++, p++) if (move == CSmove) right(CSstay); for (; Point < End && isalnum(*p); Point++, p++) if (move == CSmove) right(CSstay); if (Point == End) break; } while (++i < Repeat); return CSstay; } static STATUS do_case(CASE type) { int i; int end; int count; CHAR *p; (void)do_forward(CSstay); if (OldPoint != Point) { if ((count = Point - OldPoint) < 0) count = -count; Point = OldPoint; if ((end = Point + count) > End) end = End; for (i = Point, p = &Line[i]; i < end; i++, p++) { if (type == TOupper) { if (islower(*p)) *p = toupper(*p); } else if (isupper(*p)) *p = tolower(*p); right(CSmove); } } return CSstay; } static STATUS case_down_word(void) { return do_case(TOlower); } static STATUS case_up_word(void) { return do_case(TOupper); } static void ceol(void) { int extras; int i; CHAR *p; for (extras = 0, i = Point, p = &Line[i]; i <= End; i++, p++) { TTYput(' '); if (ISCTL(*p)) { TTYput(' '); extras++; } else if (rl_meta_chars && ISMETA(*p)) { TTYput(' '); TTYput(' '); extras += 2; } } for (i += extras; i > Point; i--) TTYback(); } static void clear_line(void) { Point = -strlen(Prompt); TTYput('\r'); ceol(); Point = 0; End = 0; Line[0] = '\0'; } static STATUS insert_string(CHAR *p) { size_t len; int i; CHAR *new; CHAR *q; len = strlen((char *)p); if (End + len >= Length) { if ((new = NEW(CHAR, Length + len + MEM_INC)) == NULL) return CSstay; if (Length) { COPYFROMTO(new, Line, Length); DISPOSE(Line); } Line = new; Length += len + MEM_INC; } for (q = &Line[Point], i = End - Point; --i >= 0; ) q[len + i] = q[i]; COPYFROMTO(&Line[Point], p, len); End += len; Line[End] = '\0'; TTYstring(&Line[Point]); Point += len; return Point == End ? CSstay : CSmove; } static CHAR * next_hist(void) { return H.Pos >= H.Size - 1 ? NULL : H.Lines[++H.Pos]; } static CHAR * prev_hist() { return H.Pos == 0 ? NULL : H.Lines[--H.Pos]; } static STATUS do_insert_hist(CHAR *p) { if (p == NULL) return ring_bell(); Point = 0; reposition(); ceol(); End = 0; return insert_string(p); } static STATUS do_hist(CHAR *(*move)(void)) { CHAR *p; int i; i = 0; do { if ((p = (*move)()) == NULL) return ring_bell(); } while (++i < Repeat); return do_insert_hist(p); } static STATUS h_next(void) { return do_hist(next_hist); } static STATUS h_prev(void) { return do_hist(prev_hist); } static STATUS h_first(void) { return do_insert_hist(H.Lines[H.Pos = 0]); } static STATUS h_last(void) { return do_insert_hist(H.Lines[H.Pos = H.Size - 1]); } /* ** Return zero if pat appears as a substring in text. */ static int substrcmp(char *text, char *pat, int len) { CHAR c; if ((c = *pat) == '\0') return *text == '\0'; for ( ; *text; text++) if ((CHAR)*text == c && strncmp(text, pat, len) == 0) return 0; return 1; } static CHAR * search_hist(CHAR *search, CHAR *(*move)(void)) { static CHAR *old_search; int len; int pos; int (*match)(); char *pat; /* Save or get remembered search pattern. */ if (search && *search) { if (old_search) DISPOSE(old_search); old_search = (CHAR *)DBG_strdup((char *)search); } else { if (old_search == NULL || *old_search == '\0') return NULL; search = old_search; } /* Set up pattern-finder. */ if (*search == '^') { match = strncmp; pat = (char *)(search + 1); } else { match = substrcmp; pat = (char *)search; } len = strlen(pat); for (pos = H.Pos; (*move)() != NULL; ) if ((*match)((char *)H.Lines[H.Pos], pat, len) == 0) return H.Lines[H.Pos]; H.Pos = pos; return NULL; } static STATUS h_search(void) { static int Searching; const char *old_prompt; CHAR *(*move)(); CHAR *p; if (Searching) return ring_bell(); Searching = 1; clear_line(); old_prompt = Prompt; Prompt = "Search: "; TTYputs((CHAR *)Prompt); move = Repeat == NO_ARG ? prev_hist : next_hist; p = search_hist(editinput(), move); clear_line(); Prompt = old_prompt; TTYputs((CHAR *)Prompt); Searching = 0; return do_insert_hist(p); } static STATUS fd_char(void) { int i; i = 0; do { if (Point >= End) break; right(CSmove); } while (++i < Repeat); return CSstay; } static void save_yank(int begin, int i) { if (Yanked) { DISPOSE(Yanked); Yanked = NULL; } if (i < 1) return; if ((Yanked = NEW(CHAR, (size_t)i + 1)) != NULL) { COPYFROMTO(Yanked, &Line[begin], i); Yanked[i] = '\0'; } } static STATUS delete_string(int count) { int i; CHAR *p; if (count <= 0 || End == Point) return ring_bell(); if (count == 1 && Point == End - 1) { /* Optimize common case of delete at end of line. */ End--; p = &Line[Point]; i = 1; TTYput(' '); if (ISCTL(*p)) { i = 2; TTYput(' '); } else if (rl_meta_chars && ISMETA(*p)) { i = 3; TTYput(' '); TTYput(' '); } TTYbackn(i); *p = '\0'; return CSmove; } if (Point + count > End && (count = End - Point) <= 0) return CSstay; if (count > 1) save_yank(Point, count); for (p = &Line[Point], i = End - (Point + count) + 1; --i >= 0; p++) p[0] = p[count]; ceol(); End -= count; TTYstring(&Line[Point]); return CSmove; } static STATUS bk_char(void) { int i; i = 0; do { if (Point == 0) break; left(CSmove); } while (++i < Repeat); return CSstay; } static STATUS bk_del_char(void) { int i; i = 0; do { if (Point == 0) break; left(CSmove); } while (++i < Repeat); return delete_string(i); } static STATUS redisplay(void) { TTYputs((CHAR *)NEWLINE); TTYputs((CHAR *)Prompt); TTYstring(Line); return CSmove; } static STATUS kill_line(void) { int i; if (Repeat != NO_ARG) { if (Repeat < Point) { i = Point; Point = Repeat; reposition(); (void)delete_string(i - Point); } else if (Repeat > Point) { right(CSmove); (void)delete_string(Repeat - Point - 1); } return CSmove; } save_yank(Point, End - Point); Line[Point] = '\0'; ceol(); End = Point; return CSstay; } static STATUS insert_char(int c) { STATUS s; CHAR buff[2]; CHAR *p; CHAR *q; int i; if (Repeat == NO_ARG || Repeat < 2) { buff[0] = c; buff[1] = '\0'; return insert_string(buff); } if ((p = NEW(CHAR, Repeat + 1)) == NULL) return CSstay; for (i = Repeat, q = p; --i >= 0; ) *q++ = c; *q = '\0'; Repeat = 0; s = insert_string(p); DISPOSE(p); return s; } static STATUS meta(void) { unsigned int c; KEYMAP *kp; if ((c = TTYget()) == EOF) return CSeof; /* Also include VT-100 arrows. */ if (c == '[' || c == 'O') switch (c = TTYget()) { default: return ring_bell(); case EOF: return CSeof; case 'A': return h_prev(); case 'B': return h_next(); case 'C': return fd_char(); case 'D': return bk_char(); } if (isdigit(c)) { for (Repeat = c - '0'; (c = TTYget()) != EOF && isdigit(c); ) Repeat = Repeat * 10 + c - '0'; Pushed = 1; PushBack = c; return CSstay; } if (isupper(c)) return do_macro(c); for (OldPoint = Point, kp = MetaMap; kp->Function; kp++) if (kp->Key == c) return (*kp->Function)(); return ring_bell(); } static STATUS emacs(unsigned int c) { STATUS s; KEYMAP *kp; if (ISMETA(c)) { Pushed = 1; PushBack = UNMETA(c); return meta(); } for (kp = Map; kp->Function; kp++) if (kp->Key == c) break; s = kp->Function ? (*kp->Function)() : insert_char((int)c); if (!Pushed) /* No pushback means no repeat count; hacky, but true. */ Repeat = NO_ARG; return s; } static STATUS TTYspecial(unsigned int c) { if (ISMETA(c)) return CSdispatch; if (c == rl_erase || c == DEL) return bk_del_char(); if (c == rl_kill) { if (Point != 0) { Point = 0; reposition(); } Repeat = NO_ARG; return kill_line(); } if (c == rl_intr || c == rl_quit) { Point = End = 0; Line[0] = '\0'; return redisplay(); } if (c == rl_eof && Point == 0 && End == 0) return CSeof; return CSdispatch; } static CHAR * editinput(void) { unsigned int c; Repeat = NO_ARG; OldPoint = Point = Mark = End = 0; Line[0] = '\0'; while ((c = TTYget()) != EOF) switch (TTYspecial(c)) { case CSdone: return Line; case CSeof: return NULL; case CSmove: reposition(); break; case CSdispatch: switch (emacs(c)) { case CSdone: return Line; case CSeof: return NULL; case CSmove: reposition(); break; case CSdispatch: case CSstay: break; } break; case CSstay: break; } return NULL; } static void hist_add(CHAR *p) { int i; if ((p = (CHAR *)DBG_strdup((char *)p)) == NULL) return; if (H.Size < HIST_SIZE) H.Lines[H.Size++] = p; else { DISPOSE(H.Lines[0]); for (i = 0; i < HIST_SIZE - 1; i++) H.Lines[i] = H.Lines[i + 1]; H.Lines[i] = p; } H.Pos = H.Size - 1; } char * readline(const char *prompt) { CHAR *line; if (Line == NULL) { Length = MEM_INC; if ((Line = NEW(CHAR, Length)) == NULL) return NULL; } TTYinfo(); rl_ttyset(0); hist_add(NIL); ScreenSize = SCREEN_INC; Screen = NEW(char, ScreenSize); Prompt = prompt ? prompt : (char *)NIL; TTYputs((CHAR *)Prompt); if ((line = editinput()) != NULL) { line = (CHAR *)DBG_strdup((char *)line); TTYputs((CHAR *)NEWLINE); TTYflush(); } rl_ttyset(1); DISPOSE(Screen); DISPOSE(H.Lines[--H.Size]); return (char *)line; } void add_history(char *p) { if (p == NULL || *p == '\0') return; #if defined(UNIQUE_HISTORY) if (H.Pos && strcmp(p, H.Lines[H.Pos - 1]) == 0) return; #endif /* defined(UNIQUE_HISTORY) */ hist_add((CHAR *)p); } static STATUS beg_line(void) { if (Point) { Point = 0; return CSmove; } return CSstay; } static STATUS del_char(void) { return delete_string(Repeat == NO_ARG ? 1 : Repeat); } static STATUS end_line(void) { if (Point != End) { Point = End; return CSmove; } return CSstay; } static STATUS accept_line(void) { Line[End] = '\0'; return CSdone; } static STATUS transpose(void) { CHAR c; if (Point) { if (Point == End) left(CSmove); c = Line[Point - 1]; left(CSstay); Line[Point - 1] = Line[Point]; TTYshow(Line[Point - 1]); Line[Point++] = c; TTYshow(c); } return CSstay; } static STATUS quote(void) { unsigned int c; return (c = TTYget()) == EOF ? CSeof : insert_char((int)c); } static STATUS wipe(void) { int i; if (Mark > End) return ring_bell(); if (Point > Mark) { i = Point; Point = Mark; Mark = i; reposition(); } return delete_string(Mark - Point); } static STATUS mk_set(void) { Mark = Point; return CSstay; } static STATUS exchange(void) { unsigned int c; if ((c = TTYget()) != CTL('X')) return c == EOF ? CSeof : ring_bell(); if ((c = Mark) <= End) { Mark = Point; Point = c; return CSmove; } return CSstay; } static STATUS yank(void) { if (Yanked && *Yanked) return insert_string(Yanked); return CSstay; } static STATUS copy_region(void) { if (Mark > End) return ring_bell(); if (Point > Mark) save_yank(Mark, Point - Mark); else save_yank(Point, Mark - Point); return CSstay; } static STATUS move_to_char(void) { unsigned int c; int i; CHAR *p; if ((c = TTYget()) == EOF) return CSeof; for (i = Point + 1, p = &Line[i]; i < End; i++, p++) if (*p == c) { Point = i; return CSmove; } return CSstay; } static STATUS fd_word(void) { return do_forward(CSmove); } static STATUS fd_kill_word(void) { int i; (void)do_forward(CSstay); if (OldPoint != Point) { i = Point - OldPoint; Point = OldPoint; return delete_string(i); } return CSstay; } static STATUS bk_word(void) { int i; CHAR *p; i = 0; do { for (p = &Line[Point]; p > Line && !isalnum(p[-1]); p--) left(CSmove); for (; p > Line && p[-1] != ' ' && isalnum(p[-1]); p--) left(CSmove); if (Point == 0) break; } while (++i < Repeat); return CSstay; } static STATUS bk_kill_word(void) { (void)bk_word(); if (OldPoint != Point) return delete_string(OldPoint - Point); return CSstay; } static int argify(CHAR *line, CHAR ***avp) { CHAR *c; CHAR **p; CHAR **new; int ac; int i; i = MEM_INC; if ((*avp = p = NEW(CHAR*, i))== NULL) return 0; for (c = line; isspace(*c); c++) continue; if (*c == '\n' || *c == '\0') return 0; for (ac = 0, p[ac++] = c; *c && *c != '\n'; ) { if (isspace(*c)) { *c++ = '\0'; if (*c && *c != '\n') { if (ac + 1 == i) { new = NEW(CHAR*, i + MEM_INC); if (new == NULL) { p[ac] = NULL; return ac; } COPYFROMTO(new, p, i * sizeof (char **)); i += MEM_INC; DISPOSE(p); *avp = p = new; } p[ac++] = c; } } else c++; } *c = '\0'; p[ac] = NULL; return ac; } static STATUS last_argument(void) { CHAR **av; CHAR *p; STATUS s; int ac; if (H.Size == 1 || (p = H.Lines[H.Size - 2]) == NULL) return ring_bell(); if ((p = (CHAR *)DBG_strdup((char *)p)) == NULL) return CSstay; ac = argify(p, &av); if (Repeat != NO_ARG) s = Repeat < ac ? insert_string(av[Repeat]) : ring_bell(); else s = ac ? insert_string(av[ac - 1]) : CSstay; if (ac) DISPOSE(av); DISPOSE(p); return s; } static KEYMAP Map[33] = { { CTL('@'), ring_bell }, { CTL('A'), beg_line }, { CTL('B'), bk_char }, { CTL('D'), del_char }, { CTL('E'), end_line }, { CTL('F'), fd_char }, { CTL('G'), ring_bell }, { CTL('H'), bk_del_char }, { CTL('I'), ring_bell }, { CTL('J'), accept_line }, { CTL('K'), kill_line }, { CTL('L'), redisplay }, { CTL('M'), accept_line }, { CTL('N'), h_next }, { CTL('O'), ring_bell }, { CTL('P'), h_prev }, { CTL('Q'), ring_bell }, { CTL('R'), h_search }, { CTL('S'), ring_bell }, { CTL('T'), transpose }, { CTL('U'), ring_bell }, { CTL('V'), quote }, { CTL('W'), wipe }, { CTL('X'), exchange }, { CTL('Y'), yank }, { CTL('Z'), ring_bell }, { CTL('['), meta }, { CTL(']'), move_to_char }, { CTL('^'), ring_bell }, { CTL('_'), ring_bell }, { 0, NULL } }; static KEYMAP MetaMap[16]= { { CTL('H'), bk_kill_word }, { DEL, bk_kill_word }, { ' ', mk_set }, { '.', last_argument }, { '<', h_first }, { '>', h_last }, { '?', ring_bell }, { 'b', bk_word }, { 'd', fd_kill_word }, { 'f', fd_word }, { 'l', case_down_word }, { 'u', case_up_word }, { 'y', yank }, { 'w', copy_region }, { 0, NULL } };