#ifndef __WINE_COLOR_H #define __WINE_COLOR_H #include "palette.h" #include "gdi.h" #include "x11drv.h" #define COLOR_FIXED 0x0001 /* read-only colormap - have to use XAllocColor (if not virtual)*/ #define COLOR_VIRTUAL 0x0002 /* no mapping needed - pixel == pixel color */ #define COLOR_PRIVATE 0x1000 /* private colormap, identity mapping */ #define COLOR_WHITESET 0x2000 #define PC_SYS_USED 0x80 /* palentry is used (both system and logical) */ #define PC_SYS_RESERVED 0x40 /* system palentry is not to be mapped to */ #define PC_SYS_MAPPED 0x10 /* logical palentry is a direct alias for system palentry */ extern BOOL32 COLOR_Init(void); extern void COLOR_Cleanup(void); extern COLORREF COLOR_ToLogical(int pixel); extern int COLOR_ToPhysical( DC *dc, COLORREF color ); extern int COLOR_SetMapping( PALETTEOBJ* pal, UINT32 uStart, UINT32 uNum, BOOL32 mapOnly ); extern BOOL32 COLOR_IsSolid( COLORREF color ); extern Colormap COLOR_GetColormap(void); extern UINT16 COLOR_GetSystemPaletteSize(void); extern UINT16 COLOR_GetSystemPaletteFlags(void); extern const PALETTEENTRY* COLOR_GetSystemPaletteTemplate(void); extern BOOL32 COLOR_GetMonoPlane( int* ); extern COLORREF COLOR_LookupNearestColor( PALETTEENTRY*, int, COLORREF ); extern int COLOR_PaletteLookupPixel( PALETTEENTRY*, int, int* , COLORREF, BOOL32 ); extern COLORREF COLOR_GetSystemPaletteEntry(UINT32); extern int COLOR_LookupSystemPixel(COLORREF col); extern int COLOR_mapEGAPixel[16]; extern int* COLOR_PaletteToPixel; extern int* COLOR_PixelToPalette; extern int COLOR_ColormapSize; #endif /* __WINE_COLOR_H */