/* * Copyright (C) 2005 Dmitry Timoshkov * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ import "oaidl.idl"; cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_UP 1") cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_DOWN 2") cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_LEFT 3") cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_RIGHT 4") cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_NEXT 5") cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_PREVIOUS 6") cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_FIRSTCHILD 7") cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_LASTCHILD 8") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR 1") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUBAR 2") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SCROLLBAR 3") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_GRIP 4") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SOUND 5") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CURSOR 6") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CARET 7") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_ALERT 8") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_WINDOW 9") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT 10") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUP 11") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUITEM 12") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLTIP 13") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_APPLICATION 14") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT 15") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PANE 16") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CHART 17") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_DIALOG 18") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_BORDER 19") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING 20") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SEPARATOR 21") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLBAR 22") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_STATUSBAR 23") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_TABLE 24") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMNHEADER 25") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_ROWHEADER 26") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMN 27") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_ROW 28") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CELL 29") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK 30") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_HELPBALLOON 31") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER 32") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_LIST 33") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM 34") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINE 35") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM 36") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETAB 37") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PROPERTYPAGE 38") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_INDICATOR 39") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC 40") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT 41") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT 42") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON 43") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CHECKBUTTON 44") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_RADIOBUTTON 45") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_COMBOBOX 46") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_DROPLIST 47") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PROGRESSBAR 48") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAL 49") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_HOTKEYFIELD 50") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SLIDER 51") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SPINBUTTON 52") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAGRAM 53") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_ANIMATION 54") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_EQUATION 55") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWN 56") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONMENU 57") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWNGRID 58") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_WHITESPACE 59") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETABLIST 60") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CLOCK 61") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SPLITBUTTON 62") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_IPADDRESS 63") cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEBUTTON 64") cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_NONE 0x00") cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_TAKEFOCUS 0x01") cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_TAKESELECTION 0x02") cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_EXTENDSELECTION 0x04") cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_ADDSELECTION 0x08") cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_REMOVESELECTION 0x10") cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_VALID 0x1f") typedef GUID MSAAPROPID; typedef enum AnnoScope { ANNO_THIS, ANNO_CONTAINER } AnnoScope; [ local, object, uuid(618736e0-3c3d-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAccessible : IDispatch { typedef [unique] IAccessible *LPACCESSIBLE; const long DISPID_ACC_PARENT = -5000; const long DISPID_ACC_CHILDCOUNT = -5001; const long DISPID_ACC_CHILD = -5002; const long DISPID_ACC_NAME = -5003; const long DISPID_ACC_VALUE = -5004; const long DISPID_ACC_DESCRIPTION= -5005; const long DISPID_ACC_ROLE = -5006; const long DISPID_ACC_STATE = -5007; const long DISPID_ACC_HELP = -5008; const long DISPID_ACC_HELPTOPIC = -5009; const long DISPID_ACC_KEYBOARDSHORTCUT = -5010; const long DISPID_ACC_FOCUS = -5011; const long DISPID_ACC_SELECTION = -5012; const long DISPID_ACC_DEFAULTACTION = -5013; const long DISPID_ACC_SELECT = -5014; const long DISPID_ACC_LOCATION = -5015; const long DISPID_ACC_NAVIGATE = -5016; const long DISPID_ACC_HITTEST = -5017; const long DISPID_ACC_DODEFAULTACTION = -5018; [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_PARENT)] HRESULT accParent([out, retval]IDispatch** ppdispParent); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_CHILDCOUNT)] HRESULT accChildCount([out, retval] long* pcountChildren); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_CHILD)] HRESULT accChild([in] VARIANT varChildID, [out, retval]IDispatch **ppdispChild); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_NAME)] HRESULT accName([in]VARIANT varID, [out, retval] BSTR* pszName); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_VALUE)] HRESULT accValue([in]VARIANT varID, [out, retval] BSTR* pszValue); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_DESCRIPTION)] HRESULT accDescription([in]VARIANT varID, [out, retval] BSTR* pszDescription); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_ROLE)] HRESULT accRole([in]VARIANT varID, [out, retval]VARIANT* pvarRole); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_STATE)] HRESULT accState([in]VARIANT varID, [out, retval]VARIANT* pvarState); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_HELP)] HRESULT accHelp([in]VARIANT varID, [out, retval]BSTR* pszHelp); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_HELPTOPIC)] HRESULT accHelpTopic([out]BSTR* pszHelpFile, [in]VARIANT varID, [out, retval] long* pidTopic); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_KEYBOARDSHORTCUT)] HRESULT accKeyboardShortcut([in]VARIANT varID, [out, retval] BSTR* pszKeyboardShortcut); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_FOCUS)] HRESULT accFocus([out, retval] VARIANT* pvarID); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_SELECTION)] HRESULT accSelection([out, retval] VARIANT* pvarID); [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_DEFAULTACTION)] HRESULT accDefaultAction([in]VARIANT varID, [out, retval] BSTR* pszDefaultAction); [hidden, id(DISPID_ACC_SELECT)] HRESULT accSelect([in]long flagsSelect, [in]VARIANT varID); [hidden, id(DISPID_ACC_LOCATION)] HRESULT accLocation([out]long* pxLeft, [out]long* pyTop, [out]long* pcxWidth, [out]long* pcyHeight, [in]VARIANT varID); [hidden, id(DISPID_ACC_NAVIGATE)] HRESULT accNavigate([in]long navDir, [in]VARIANT varStart, [out, retval] VARIANT* pvarEnd); [hidden, id(DISPID_ACC_HITTEST)] HRESULT accHitTest([in]long xLeft, [in]long yTop, [out,retval] VARIANT* pvarID); [hidden, id(DISPID_ACC_DODEFAULTACTION)] HRESULT accDoDefaultAction([in]VARIANT varID); [hidden, propput, id(DISPID_ACC_NAME)] HRESULT accName([in]VARIANT varID, [in]BSTR pszName); [hidden, propput, id(DISPID_ACC_VALUE)] HRESULT accValue([in]VARIANT varID, [out, retval]BSTR pszValue); } [ object, uuid(03022430-ABC4-11d0-BDE2-00AA001A1953), hidden, oleautomation, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAccessibleHandler : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IAccessibleHandler *LPACCESSIBLEHANDLER; HRESULT AccessibleObjectFromID( [in] long hwnd, [in] long lObjectID, [out] LPACCESSIBLE *pIAccessible ); } [ object, uuid(7852b78d-1cfd-41c1-a615-9c0c85960b5f), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAccIdentity : IUnknown { HRESULT GetIdentityString ([in] DWORD dwIDChild, [out] BYTE **ppIDString, [out] DWORD *pdwIDStringLen); } [ object, uuid(76c0dbbb-15e0-4e7b-b61b-20eeea2001e0), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAccPropServer: IUnknown { HRESULT GetPropValue ([in] const BYTE *pIDString, [in] DWORD dwIDStringLen, [in] MSAAPROPID idProp, [out] VARIANT *pvarValue, [out] BOOL *pfHasProp); } [ object, uuid(6e26e776-04f0-495d-80e4-3330352e3169), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAccPropServices : IUnknown { HRESULT SetPropValue([in] const BYTE *pIDString, [in] DWORD dwIDStringLen, [in] MSAAPROPID idProp, [in] VARIANT var); HRESULT SetPropServer([in] const BYTE * pIDString, [in] DWORD dwIDStringLen, [in] const MSAAPROPID* paProps, [in] int cProps, [in] IAccPropServer* pServer, [in] AnnoScope AnnoScope); HRESULT ClearProps([in] const BYTE *pIDString, [in] DWORD dwIDStringLen, [in] const MSAAPROPID* paProps, [in] int cProps); HRESULT SetHwndProp([in] HWND hwnd, [in] DWORD idObject, [in] DWORD idChild, [in] MSAAPROPID idProp, [in] VARIANT var); HRESULT SetHwndPropStr([in] HWND hwnd, [in] DWORD idObject, [in] DWORD idChild, [in] MSAAPROPID idProp, [in] LPWSTR str); HRESULT SetHwndPropServer([in] HWND hwnd, [in] DWORD idObject, [in] DWORD idChild, [in] const MSAAPROPID* paProps, [in] int cProps, [in] IAccPropServer* pServer, [in] AnnoScope AnnoScope); HRESULT ClearHwndProps([in] HWND hwnd, [in] DWORD idObject, [in] DWORD idChild, [in] const MSAAPROPID* paProps, [in] int cProps); HRESULT ComposeHwndIdentityString([in] HWND hwnd, [in] DWORD idObject, [in] DWORD idChild, [out] BYTE **ppIDString, [out] DWORD* pdwIDStringLen); HRESULT DecomposeHwndIdentityString([in] const BYTE *pIDString, [in] DWORD dwIDStringLen, [out] HWND* phwnd, [out] DWORD* pidObject, [out] DWORD* pidChild); HRESULT SetHmenuProp([in] HMENU hmenu, [in] DWORD idChild, [in] MSAAPROPID idProp, [in] VARIANT var); HRESULT SetHmenuPropStr([in] HMENU hmenu, [in] DWORD idChild, [in] MSAAPROPID idProp, [in] LPWSTR str); HRESULT SetHmenuPropServer([in] HMENU hmenu, [in] DWORD idChild, [in] const MSAAPROPID* paProps, [in] int cProps, [in] IAccPropServer* pServer, [in] AnnoScope AnnoScope); HRESULT ClearHmenuProps([in] HMENU hmenu, [in] DWORD idChild, [in] const MSAAPROPID* paProps, [in] int cProps); HRESULT ComposeHmenuIdentityString([in] HMENU hmenu, [in] DWORD idChild, [out] BYTE **ppIDString, [out] DWORD *pdwIDStringLen); HRESULT DecomposeHmenuIdentityString([in] const BYTE *pIDString, [in] DWORD dwIDStringLen, [out] HMENU *phmenu, [out] DWORD *pidChild); } [ uuid(1ea4dbf0-3c3b-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71), lcid(0), version(1.1), hidden ] library Accessibility { importlib ("stdole2.tlb"); interface IAccessible; interface IAccessibleHandler; interface IAccIdentity; interface IAccPropServer; interface IAccPropServices; [ uuid(b5f8350b-0548-48b1-a6ee-88bd00b4a5e7) ] coclass CAccPropServices { interface IAccPropServices; } }; cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_AccPropServices, 0xb5f8350b, 0x0548, 0x48b1, 0xa6, 0xee, 0x88, 0xbd, 0x00, 0xb4, 0xa5, 0xe7);") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IIS_IsOleaccProxy, 0x902697fa, 0x80e4, 0x4560, 0x80, 0x2a, 0xa1, 0x3f, 0x22, 0xa6, 0x47, 0x09);") cpp_quote("LRESULT WINAPI LresultFromObject(REFIID,WPARAM,LPUNKNOWN);") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI ObjectFromLresult(LRESULT,REFIID,WPARAM,void **);") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WindowFromAccessibleObject(IAccessible *,HWND *);") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI AccessibleObjectFromWindow(HWND,DWORD,REFIID,void **);") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI AccessibleObjectFromEvent(HWND,DWORD,DWORD,IAccessible **,VARIANT *);") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI AccessibleObjectFromPoint(POINT,IAccessible **,VARIANT *);") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI AccessibleChildren(IAccessible *,LONG,LONG,VARIANT *,LONG *);") cpp_quote("void WINAPI GetOleaccVersionInfo(DWORD *,DWORD *);") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI CreateStdAccessibleObject(HWND,LONG,REFIID,void **);") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI CreateStdAccessibleProxyA(HWND,LPCSTR,LONG,REFIID,void **);") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI CreateStdAccessibleProxyW(HWND,LPCWSTR,LONG,REFIID,void **);") cpp_quote("#define CreateStdAccessibleProxy WINELIB_NAME_AW(CreateStdAccessibleProxy)") cpp_quote("UINT WINAPI GetRoleTextA(DWORD,LPSTR,UINT);") cpp_quote("UINT WINAPI GetRoleTextW(DWORD,LPWSTR,UINT);") cpp_quote("#define GetRoleText WINELIB_NAME_AW(GetRoleText)") cpp_quote("UINT WINAPI GetStateTextA(DWORD,LPSTR,UINT);") cpp_quote("UINT WINAPI GetStateTextW(DWORD,LPWSTR,UINT);") cpp_quote("#define GetStateText WINELIB_NAME_AW(GetStateText)")