/* * Copyright 2002 Ove Kaaven * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS import "unknwn.idl"; #endif cpp_quote("#ifndef _OBJIDLBASE_") cpp_quote("#define _OBJIDLBASE_") interface IStream; interface IEnumString; interface IAsyncManager; interface ISynchronize; typedef struct _COSERVERINFO { DWORD dwReserved1; LPWSTR pwszName; COAUTHINFO *pAuthInfo; DWORD dwReserved2; } COSERVERINFO; /******************** Fundamentals ********************/ [ local, object, uuid(00000003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IMarshal : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IMarshal *LPMARSHAL; HRESULT GetUnmarshalClass( [in] REFIID riid, [in, unique] void *pv, [in] DWORD dwDestContext, [in, unique] void *pvDestContext, [in] DWORD mshlflags, [out] CLSID *pCid); HRESULT GetMarshalSizeMax( [in] REFIID riid, [in, unique] void *pv, [in] DWORD dwDestContext, [in, unique] void *pvDestContext, [in] DWORD mshlflags, [out] DWORD *pSize); HRESULT MarshalInterface( [in, unique] IStream *pStm, [in] REFIID riid, [in, unique] void *pv, [in] DWORD dwDestContext, [in, unique] void *pvDestContext, [in] DWORD mshlflags); HRESULT UnmarshalInterface( [in, unique] IStream *pStm, [in] REFIID riid, [out] void **ppv); HRESULT ReleaseMarshalData( [in, unique] IStream *pStm); HRESULT DisconnectObject( [in] DWORD dwReserved); } [ local, object, uuid(94ea2b94-e9cc-49e0-c0ff-ee64ca8f5b90) ] interface IAgileObject : IUnknown { } [ local, object, uuid(000001cf-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IMarshal2 : IMarshal { typedef [unique] IMarshal2 *LPMARSHAL2; } [ local, object, uuid(00000018-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IStdMarshalInfo : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IStdMarshalInfo *LPSTDMARSHALINFO; HRESULT GetClassForHandler( [in] DWORD dwDestContext, [in, unique] void *pvDestContext, [out] CLSID *pClsid); } [ local, object, uuid(00000019-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IExternalConnection : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IExternalConnection *LPEXTERNALCONNECTION; typedef enum tagEXTCONN { EXTCONN_STRONG = 0x0001, EXTCONN_WEAK = 0x0002, EXTCONN_CALLABLE = 0x0004 } EXTCONN; DWORD AddConnection( [in] DWORD extconn, [in] DWORD reserved); DWORD ReleaseConnection( [in] DWORD extconn, [in] DWORD reserved, [in] BOOL fLastReleaseCloses); } [ local, object, uuid(00000020-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IMultiQI : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IMultiQI *LPMULTIQI; typedef struct tagMULTI_QI { const IID *pIID; IUnknown *pItf; HRESULT hr; } MULTI_QI; HRESULT QueryMultipleInterfaces( [in] ULONG cMQIs, [in, out] MULTI_QI *pMQIs); } [ local, object, uuid(00000002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IMalloc : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IMalloc *LPMALLOC; LPVOID Alloc( [in] SIZE_T cb); LPVOID Realloc( [in] LPVOID pv, [in] SIZE_T cb); void Free( [in] LPVOID pv); SIZE_T GetSize( [in] LPVOID pv); int DidAlloc(LPVOID pv); void HeapMinimize(); } [ local, object, uuid(00000021-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IInternalUnknown : IUnknown { HRESULT QueryInternalInterface( [in] REFIID riid, [out] void **ppv); } [ object, uuid(00000100-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumUnknown : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IEnumUnknown *LPENUMUNKNOWN; [local] HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out] IUnknown **rgelt, [out] ULONG *pceltFetched); [call_as(Next)] HRESULT RemoteNext( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] IUnknown **rgelt, [out] ULONG *pceltFetched); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumUnknown **ppenum); } [ object, uuid(00000022-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), version(1.0), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISurrogate : IUnknown { typedef [unique] ISurrogate *LPSURROGATE; HRESULT LoadDllServer( [in] REFCLSID Clsid); HRESULT FreeSurrogate(); } [ local, object, uuid(00000146-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IGlobalInterfaceTable : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IGlobalInterfaceTable *LPGLOBALINTERFACETABLE; HRESULT RegisterInterfaceInGlobal( [in] IUnknown *pUnk, [in] REFIID riid, [out] DWORD *pdwCookie); HRESULT RevokeInterfaceFromGlobal( [in] DWORD dwCookie); HRESULT GetInterfaceFromGlobal( [in] DWORD dwCookie, [in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppv); } [ object, uuid(00000101-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumString : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IEnumString *LPENUMSTRING; [local] HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] LPOLESTR *rgelt, [out] ULONG *pceltFetched); [call_as(Next)] HRESULT RemoteNext( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] LPOLESTR *rgelt, [out] ULONG *pceltFetched); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumString **ppenum); } /******************** Storage ********************/ [ object, uuid(0c733a30-2a1c-11ce-ade5-00aa0044773d), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISequentialStream : IUnknown { [local] HRESULT Read( [out, size_is(cb), length_is(*pcbRead)] void *pv, [in] ULONG cb, [out] ULONG *pcbRead); [call_as(Read)] HRESULT RemoteRead( [out, size_is(cb), length_is(*pcbRead)] byte *pv, [in] ULONG cb, [out] ULONG *pcbRead); [local] HRESULT Write( [in, size_is(cb)] const void *pv, [in] ULONG cb, [out] ULONG *pcbWritten); [call_as(Write)] HRESULT RemoteWrite( [in, size_is(cb)] const byte *pv, [in] ULONG cb, [out] ULONG *pcbWritten); } [ object, uuid(0000000c-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IStream : ISequentialStream { typedef [unique] IStream *LPSTREAM; typedef struct tagSTATSTG { LPOLESTR pwcsName; DWORD type; ULARGE_INTEGER cbSize; FILETIME mtime; FILETIME ctime; FILETIME atime; DWORD grfMode; DWORD grfLocksSupported; CLSID clsid; DWORD grfStateBits; DWORD reserved; } STATSTG; typedef enum tagSTGTY { STGTY_STORAGE = 1, STGTY_STREAM = 2, STGTY_LOCKBYTES = 3, STGTY_PROPERTY = 4 } STGTY; typedef enum tagSTREAM_SEEK { STREAM_SEEK_SET = 0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR = 1, STREAM_SEEK_END = 2 } STREAM_SEEK; /* these are defined in Linux's fcntl.h, * undefine them to avoid conflicts */ cpp_quote("#undef LOCK_MAND") cpp_quote("#undef LOCK_READ") cpp_quote("#undef LOCK_WRITE") cpp_quote("#undef LOCK_RW") typedef enum tagLOCKTYPE { LOCK_WRITE = 1, LOCK_EXCLUSIVE = 2, LOCK_ONLYONCE = 4 } LOCKTYPE; [local] HRESULT Seek( [in] LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, [in] DWORD dwOrigin, [out] ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition); [call_as(Seek)] HRESULT RemoteSeek( [in] LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, [in] DWORD dwOrigin, [out] ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition); HRESULT SetSize( [in] ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize); [local] HRESULT CopyTo( [in, unique] IStream *pstm, [in] ULARGE_INTEGER cb, [out] ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbRead, [out] ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbWritten); [call_as(CopyTo)] HRESULT RemoteCopyTo( [in, unique] IStream *pstm, [in] ULARGE_INTEGER cb, [out] ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbRead, [out] ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbWritten); HRESULT Commit( [in] DWORD grfCommitFlags); HRESULT Revert(); HRESULT LockRegion( [in] ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, [in] ULARGE_INTEGER cb, [in] DWORD dwLockType); HRESULT UnlockRegion( [in] ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, [in] ULARGE_INTEGER cb, [in] DWORD dwLockType); HRESULT Stat( [out] STATSTG *pstatstg, [in] DWORD grfStatFlag); HRESULT Clone( [out] IStream **ppstm); } [ local, object, uuid(D5F56B60-593B-101A-B569-08002B2DBF7A) ] interface IRpcChannelBuffer : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IRpcChannelBuffer *LPRPCCHANNELBUFFER; typedef unsigned long RPCOLEDATAREP; typedef struct tagRPCOLEMESSAGE { void *reserved1; RPCOLEDATAREP dataRepresentation; void *Buffer; ULONG cbBuffer; ULONG iMethod; void *reserved2[5]; ULONG rpcFlags; } RPCOLEMESSAGE; typedef RPCOLEMESSAGE *PRPCOLEMESSAGE; HRESULT GetBuffer( [in] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage, [in] REFIID riid); HRESULT SendReceive( [in,out] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage, [out] ULONG *pStatus); HRESULT FreeBuffer( [in] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMessage); HRESULT GetDestCtx( [out] DWORD *pdwDestContext, [out] void **ppvDestContext); HRESULT IsConnected(); } [ local, object, uuid(594f31d0-7f19-11d0-b194-00a0c90dc8bf) ] interface IRpcChannelBuffer2 : IRpcChannelBuffer { typedef [unique] IRpcChannelBuffer2 *LPRPCCHANNELBUFFER2; HRESULT GetProtocolVersion( [in,out] DWORD *pdwVersion); } [ local, object, uuid(25B15600-0115-11d0-BF0D-00AA00B8DFD2) ] interface IRpcChannelBuffer3 : IRpcChannelBuffer2 { typedef [unique] IRpcChannelBuffer3 *LPRPCCHANNELBUFFER3; HRESULT Send( [in,out] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, [out] ULONG *pulStatus); HRESULT Receive( [in,out] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, [in] ULONG ulSize, [out] ULONG *pulStatus); HRESULT Cancel( [in] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg); HRESULT GetCallContext( [in] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, [in] REFIID riid, [out] void **pInterface); HRESULT GetDestCtxEx( [in] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, [out] DWORD *pdwDestContext, [out] void **ppvDestContext); HRESULT GetState( [in] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, [out] DWORD *pState); HRESULT RegisterAsync( [in] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, [in] IAsyncManager *pAsyncMgr); } [ local, object, uuid(a5029fb6-3c34-11d1-9c99-00c04fb998aa), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAsyncRpcChannelBuffer : IRpcChannelBuffer2 { HRESULT Send( [in, out] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, [in] ISynchronize *pSync, [out] ULONG *pulStatus); HRESULT Receive( [in, out] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, [out] ULONG *pulStatus); HRESULT GetDestCtxEx( [in] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, [out] DWORD *pdwDestContext, [out] void **ppvDestContext); } [ local, object, uuid(58a08519-24c8-4935-b482-3fd823333a4f) ] interface IRpcSyntaxNegotiate : IUnknown { HRESULT NegotiateSyntax( [in, out] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg); } [ local, object, uuid(D5F56A34-593B-101A-B569-08002B2DBF7A) ] interface IRpcProxyBuffer : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IRpcProxyBuffer *LPRPCPROXYBUFFER; HRESULT Connect( [in, unique] IRpcChannelBuffer *pRpcChannelBuffer); void Disconnect(); } [ local, object, uuid(D5F56AFC-593B-101A-B569-08002B2DBF7A) ] interface IRpcStubBuffer : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IRpcStubBuffer *LPRPCSTUBBUFFER; HRESULT Connect( [in] IUnknown *pUnkServer); void Disconnect(); HRESULT Invoke( [in] RPCOLEMESSAGE *_prpcmsg, [in] IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer); IRpcStubBuffer *IsIIDSupported( [in] REFIID riid); ULONG CountRefs(); HRESULT DebugServerQueryInterface( void **ppv); void DebugServerRelease( void *pv); } [ local, object, uuid(D5F569D0-593B-101A-B569-08002B2DBF7A) ] interface IPSFactoryBuffer : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IPSFactoryBuffer *LPPSFACTORYBUFFER; HRESULT CreateProxy( [in] IUnknown *pUnkOuter, [in] REFIID riid, [out] IRpcProxyBuffer **ppProxy, [out] void **ppv); HRESULT CreateStub( [in] REFIID riid, [in, unique] IUnknown *pUnkServer, [out] IRpcStubBuffer **ppStub); } [ local, object, uuid(1008c4a0-7613-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4) ] interface IChannelHook : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IChannelHook *LPCHANNELHOOK; typedef struct SChannelHookCallInfo { IID iid; DWORD cbSize; GUID uCausality; DWORD dwServerPid; DWORD iMethod; void *pObject; } SChannelHookCallInfo; void ClientGetSize( [in] REFGUID uExtent, [in] REFIID riid, [out] ULONG *pDataSize); void ClientFillBuffer( [in] REFGUID uExtent, [in] REFIID riid, [in, out] ULONG *pDataSize, [in] void *pDataBuffer); void ClientNotify( [in] REFGUID uExtent, [in] REFIID riid, [in] ULONG cbDataSize, [in] void *pDataBuffer, [in] DWORD lDataRep, [in] HRESULT hrFault); void ServerNotify( [in] REFGUID uExtent, [in] REFIID riid, [in] ULONG cbDataSize, [in] void *pDataBuffer, [in] DWORD lDataRep); void ServerGetSize( [in] REFGUID uExtent, [in] REFIID riid, [in] HRESULT hrFault, [out] ULONG *pDataSize); void ServerFillBuffer( [in] REFGUID uExtent, [in] REFIID riid, [in, out] ULONG *pDataSize, [in] void *pDataBuffer, [in] HRESULT hrFault ); } extern const FMTID FMTID_SummaryInformation; extern const FMTID FMTID_DocSummaryInformation; extern const FMTID FMTID_UserDefinedProperties; /******************** Connection Points ********************/ /* FIXME */ /******************** DCOM ********************/ [ local, object, uuid(0000013D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IClientSecurity : IUnknown { typedef struct tagSOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE { DWORD dwAuthnSvc; DWORD dwAuthzSvc; OLECHAR *pPrincipalName; HRESULT hr; } SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE; typedef SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE *PSOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE; typedef struct tagSOLE_AUTHENTICATION_INFO { DWORD dwAuthnSvc; DWORD dwAuthzSvc; void *pAuthInfo; } SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_INFO; const OLECHAR *COLE_DEFAULT_PRINCIPAL = (OLECHAR*) -1; const void *COLE_DEFAULT_AUTHINFO = (void*) -1; typedef struct tagSOLE_AUTHENTICATION_LIST { DWORD cAuthInfo; SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_INFO *aAuthInfo; } SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_LIST; typedef enum tagEOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES { EOAC_NONE = 0x0, EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH = 0x1, EOAC_SECURE_REFS = 0x2, /* CoInitializeSecurity only */ EOAC_ACCESS_CONTROL = 0x4, /* CoInitializeSecurity only */ EOAC_APPID = 0x8, /* CoInitializeSecurity only */ EOAC_DYNAMIC = 0x10, /* CoInitializeSecurity only */ EOAC_STATIC_CLOAKING = 0x20, EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING = 0x40, EOAC_ANY_AUTHORITY = 0x80, EOAC_MAKE_FULLSIC = 0x100, EOAC_REQUIRE_FULLSIC = 0x200, /* CoInitializeSecurity only */ EOAC_AUTO_IMPERSONATE = 0x400, /* CoInitializeSecurity only */ EOAC_DEFAULT = 0x800, EOAC_DISABLE_AAA = 0x1000, /* CoInitializeSecurity only */ EOAC_NO_CUSTOM_MARSHAL = 0x2000, /* CoInitializeSecurity only */ } EOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES; HRESULT QueryBlanket( [in] IUnknown *pProxy, [out] DWORD *pAuthnSvc, [out] DWORD *pAuthzSvc, [out] OLECHAR **pServerPrincName, [out] DWORD *pAuthnLevel, [out] DWORD *pImpLevel, [out] void **pAuthInfo, [out] DWORD *pCapabilities); HRESULT SetBlanket( [in] IUnknown *pProxy, [in] DWORD AuthnSvc, [in] DWORD AuthzSvc, [in] OLECHAR *pServerPrincName, [in] DWORD AuthnLevel, [in] DWORD ImpLevel, [in] void *pAuthInfo, [in] DWORD Capabilities); HRESULT CopyProxy( [in] IUnknown *pProxy, [out] IUnknown **ppCopy); } [ local, object, uuid(0000013E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IServerSecurity : IUnknown { HRESULT QueryBlanket( [out] DWORD *pAuthnSvc, [out] DWORD *pAuthzSvc, [out] OLECHAR **pServerPrincName, [out] DWORD *pAuthnLevel, [out] DWORD *pImpLevel, [out] void **pPrivs, [out] DWORD *pCapabilities); HRESULT ImpersonateClient(); HRESULT RevertToSelf(); BOOL IsImpersonating(); } [ local, object, uuid(00000024-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IAsyncSetup : IUnknown { HRESULT GetAsyncManager( [in] REFIID riid, [in] IUnknown *pOuter, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [out] IUnknown **ppInner, [out] IAsyncManager **ppAsyncMgr); } [ object, uuid(00000030-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface ISynchronize : IUnknown { HRESULT Wait( [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwMilliseconds); HRESULT Signal(); HRESULT Reset(); } [ local, object, uuid(00000031-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface ISynchronizeHandle : IUnknown { HRESULT GetHandle( [out] HANDLE *ph); } [ local, object, uuid(00000032-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface ISynchronizeEvent : ISynchronizeHandle { HRESULT SetEventHandle( [in] HANDLE *ph); } [ local, object, uuid(00000033-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface ISynchronizeContainer : IUnknown { HRESULT AddSynchronize( [in] ISynchronize *pSync); HRESULT WaitMultiple( [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwTimeOut, [out] ISynchronize **ppSync); } [ local, object, uuid(00000025-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface ISynchronizeMutex : ISynchronize { HRESULT ReleaseMutex(); } [ local, object, uuid(00000029-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface ICancelMethodCalls : IUnknown { typedef [unique] ICancelMethodCalls *LPCANCELMETHODCALLS; HRESULT Cancel( [in] ULONG ulSeconds); HRESULT TestCancel(); } [ local, object, uuid(0000002A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IAsyncManager : IUnknown { typedef enum tagDCOM_CALL_STATE { DCOM_NONE = 0, DCOM_CALL_COMPLETE = 1, DCOM_CALL_CANCELED = 2 } DCOM_CALL_STATE; HRESULT CompleteCall( [in] HRESULT Result); HRESULT GetCallContext( [in] REFIID riid, [out] void **pInterface); HRESULT GetState( [out] ULONG *pulStateFlags); } [ local, object, uuid(1c733a30-2a1c-11ce-ade5-00aa0044773d), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICallFactory : IUnknown { HRESULT CreateCall( [in] REFIID riid, [in] IUnknown *pCtrlUnk, [in] REFIID riid2, [out, iid_is(riid2)] IUnknown **ppv); } [ local, object, uuid(00000144-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IRpcOptions : IUnknown { HRESULT Set( [in] IUnknown *pPrx, [in] DWORD dwProperty, [in] ULONG_PTR dwValue); HRESULT Query( [in] IUnknown *pPrx, [in] DWORD dwProperty, [out] ULONG_PTR *pdwValue); } enum { COMBND_RPCTIMEOUT = 1, COMBND_SERVER_LOCALITY = 2 }; enum { SERVER_LOCALITY_PROCESS_LOCAL = 0, SERVER_LOCALITY_MACHINE_LOCAL = 1, SERVER_LOCALITY_REMOTE = 2 }; [ local, object, uuid(00000149-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IRpcHelper : IUnknown { HRESULT GetDCOMProtocolVersion( [out] DWORD *pComVersion); HRESULT GetIIDFromOBJREF( [in] void *pObjRef, [out] IID **piid); } [ local, object, uuid(eb0cb9e8-7996-11d2-872e-0000f8080859) ] interface IReleaseMarshalBuffers : IUnknown { HRESULT ReleaseMarshalBuffer( [in] RPCOLEMESSAGE *pMsg, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in, unique] IUnknown *pChnl); } [ local, object, uuid(0000002B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IWaitMultiple : IUnknown { HRESULT WaitMultiple( [in] DWORD timeout, [out] ISynchronize **pSync); HRESULT AddSynchronize( [in] ISynchronize *pSync); } [ local, object, uuid(00000147-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IAddrTrackingControl : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IAddrTrackingControl *LPADDRTRACKINGCONTROL; HRESULT EnableCOMDynamicAddrTracking(); HRESULT DisableCOMDynamicAddrTracking(); } [ local, object, uuid(00000148-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IAddrExclusionControl : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IAddrExclusionControl *LPADDREXCLUSIONCONTROL; HRESULT GetCurrentAddrExclusionList( [in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppEnumerator); HRESULT UpdateAddrExclusionList( [in] IUnknown *pEnumerator); } typedef enum _APTTYPE { APTTYPE_CURRENT = -1, APTTYPE_STA = 0, APTTYPE_MTA = 1, APTTYPE_NA = 2, APTTYPE_MAINSTA = 3 } APTTYPE; typedef enum _APTTYPEQUALIFIER { APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NONE, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_IMPLICIT_MTA, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_MTA, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_STA, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_IMPLICIT_MTA, APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_MAINSTA } APTTYPEQUALIFIER; typedef enum _THDTYPE { THDTYPE_BLOCKMESSAGES = 0, THDTYPE_PROCESSMESSAGES = 1 } THDTYPE; [ local, object, uuid(000001ce-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IComThreadingInfo : IUnknown { HRESULT GetCurrentApartmentType( [out] APTTYPE *pAptType); HRESULT GetCurrentThreadType( [out] THDTYPE *pThreadType); HRESULT GetCurrentLogicalThreadId( [out] GUID *pguidLogicalThreadId); HRESULT SetCurrentLogicalThreadId( [in] REFGUID rguid); } [ object, pointer_default(unique), uuid(72380d55-8d2b-43a3-8513-2b6ef31434e9) ] interface IProcessInitControl : IUnknown { HRESULT ResetInitializerTimeout( [in] DWORD dwSecondsRemaining); } typedef enum tagGLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES { COMGLB_EXCEPTION_HANDLING = 1, COMGLB_APPID = 2, COMGLB_RPC_THREADPOOL_SETTING = 3 } GLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES; typedef enum tagGLOBALOPT_EH_VALUES { COMGLB_EXCEPTION_HANDLE = 0, COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE_FATAL = 1, COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE = COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE_FATAL, COMGLB_EXCEPTION_DONOT_HANDLE_ANY = 2 } GLOBALOPT_EH_VALUES; typedef enum tagGLOBALOPT_RPCTP_VALUES { COMGLB_RPC_THREADPOOL_SETTING_DEFAULT_POOL = 0, COMGLB_RPC_THREADPOOL_SETTING_PRIVATE_POOL = 1 } GLOBALOPT_RPCTP_VALUES; [ object, local, pointer_default(unique), uuid(0000015B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IGlobalOptions : IUnknown { HRESULT Set([in] GLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES property, [in] ULONG_PTR value); HRESULT Query([in] GLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES property, [out ] ULONG_PTR *value); } cpp_quote("#ifdef USE_COM_CONTEXT_DEF") typedef DWORD CPFLAGS; typedef struct tagContextProperty { GUID policyId; CPFLAGS flags; [unique] IUnknown *pUnk; } ContextProperty; [ local, object, uuid(000001c1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IEnumContextProps : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IEnumContextProps *LPENUMCONTEXTPROPS; HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] ContextProperty *pContextProperties, [out] ULONG *pceltFetched); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumContextProps **ppEnumContextProps); HRESULT Count( [out] ULONG *pcelt); } [ local, object, uuid(000001c0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface IContext : IUnknown { HRESULT SetProperty( [in] REFGUID policyId, [in] CPFLAGS flags, [in] IUnknown *pUnk); HRESULT RemoveProperty( [in] REFGUID policyId); HRESULT GetProperty( [in] REFGUID guid, [out] CPFLAGS *pFlags, [out] IUnknown **ppUnk); HRESULT EnumContextProps( [out] IEnumContextProps **ppEnumContextProps); } [ local, object, uuid(000001c6-0000-0000-c000-000000000046), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IObjContext : IContext { void Reserved1(); void Reserved2(); void Reserved3(); void Reserved4(); void Reserved5(); void Reserved6(); void Reserved7(); } cpp_quote("#endif /* defined USE_COM_CONTEXT_DEF */") cpp_quote("#endif /* defined _OBJIDLBASE_ */")