/* * Implements Asynchronous File/URL Source. * * Copyright (C) Hidenori TAKESHIMA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef WINE_DSHOW_ASYNCSRC_H #define WINE_DSHOW_ASYNCSRC_H #include "iunk.h" #include "basefilt.h" typedef struct CAsyncSourceImpl CAsyncSourceImpl; typedef struct CAsyncSourcePinImpl CAsyncSourcePinImpl; typedef struct AsyncSourceRequest AsyncSourceRequest; typedef struct AsyncSourceHandlers AsyncSourceHandlers; typedef struct CAsyncReaderImpl { ICOM_VFIELD(IAsyncReader); /* IUnknown fields */ IUnknown* punkControl; /* IAsyncReader fields */ CAsyncSourceImpl* pSource; CRITICAL_SECTION m_csReader; BOOL m_bInFlushing; BOOL m_bAbortThread; HANDLE m_hEventInit; HANDLE m_hEventCancel; HANDLE m_hEventReqQueued; HANDLE m_hEventSampQueued; HANDLE m_hThread; CRITICAL_SECTION m_csRequest; AsyncSourceRequest* m_pRequestFirst; CRITICAL_SECTION m_csReply; AsyncSourceRequest* m_pReplyFirst; CRITICAL_SECTION m_csFree; AsyncSourceRequest* m_pFreeFirst; } CAsyncReaderImpl; typedef struct CFileSourceFilterImpl { ICOM_VFIELD(IFileSourceFilter); /* IUnknown fields */ IUnknown* punkControl; /* IFileSourceFilter fields */ CAsyncSourceImpl* pSource; CRITICAL_SECTION* pcsFileSource; WCHAR* m_pwszFileName; DWORD m_cbFileName; AM_MEDIA_TYPE m_mt; } CFileSourceFilterImpl; struct CAsyncSourceImpl { QUARTZ_IUnkImpl unk; CBaseFilterImpl basefilter; CFileSourceFilterImpl filesrc; CRITICAL_SECTION csFilter; CAsyncSourcePinImpl* pPin; const AsyncSourceHandlers* m_pHandler; void* m_pUserData; }; struct CAsyncSourcePinImpl { QUARTZ_IUnkImpl unk; CPinBaseImpl pin; CAsyncReaderImpl async; QUARTZ_IFDelegation qiext; BOOL bAsyncReaderQueried; CAsyncSourceImpl* pSource; }; struct AsyncSourceRequest { AsyncSourceRequest* pNext; LONGLONG llStart; LONG lLength; LONG lActual; BYTE* pBuf; IMediaSample* pSample; /* for async req. */ DWORD_PTR dwContext; /* for async req. */ }; struct AsyncSourceHandlers { /* all handlers MUST be implemented. */ HRESULT (*pLoad)( CAsyncSourceImpl* pImpl, LPCWSTR lpwszSourceName ); HRESULT (*pCleanup)( CAsyncSourceImpl* pImpl ); HRESULT (*pGetLength)( CAsyncSourceImpl* pImpl, LONGLONG* pllTotal, LONGLONG* pllAvailable ); /* S_OK = OK / S_FALSE = Canceled / other = error */ /* hEventCancel may be NULL */ HRESULT (*pRead)( CAsyncSourceImpl* pImpl, LONGLONG llOfsStart, LONG lLength, BYTE* pBuf, LONG* plReturned, HANDLE hEventCancel ); }; #define CAsyncSourceImpl_THIS(iface,member) CAsyncSourceImpl* This = ((CAsyncSourceImpl*)(((char*)iface)-offsetof(CAsyncSourceImpl,member))) #define CAsyncSourcePinImpl_THIS(iface,member) CAsyncSourcePinImpl* This = ((CAsyncSourcePinImpl*)(((char*)iface)-offsetof(CAsyncSourcePinImpl,member))) HRESULT CAsyncReaderImpl_InitIAsyncReader( CAsyncReaderImpl* This, IUnknown* punkControl, CAsyncSourceImpl* pSource ); void CAsyncReaderImpl_UninitIAsyncReader( CAsyncReaderImpl* This ); HRESULT CFileSourceFilterImpl_InitIFileSourceFilter( CFileSourceFilterImpl* This, IUnknown* punkControl, CAsyncSourceImpl* pSource, CRITICAL_SECTION* pcsFileSource ); void CFileSourceFilterImpl_UninitIFileSourceFilter( CFileSourceFilterImpl* This ); HRESULT QUARTZ_CreateAsyncSource( IUnknown* punkOuter,void** ppobj, const CLSID* pclsidAsyncSource, LPCWSTR pwszAsyncSourceName, LPCWSTR pwszOutPinName, const AsyncSourceHandlers* pHandler ); HRESULT QUARTZ_CreateAsyncSourcePin( CAsyncSourceImpl* pFilter, CRITICAL_SECTION* pcsPin, CAsyncSourcePinImpl** ppPin, LPCWSTR pwszPinName ); HRESULT QUARTZ_CreateAsyncReader(IUnknown* punkOuter,void** ppobj); HRESULT QUARTZ_CreateURLReader(IUnknown* punkOuter,void** ppobj); #define ASYNCSRC_FILE_BLOCKSIZE 16384 #endif /* WINE_DSHOW_ASYNCSRC_H */