/* Unit test suite for the wsprintf functions * * Copyright 2002 Bill Medland * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include "wine/test.h" #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "winnls.h" static const struct { const char *fmt; ULONGLONG value; const char *res; } i64_formats[] = { { "%I64X", ((ULONGLONG)0x12345 << 32) | 0x67890a, "123450067890A" }, { "%I32X", ((ULONGLONG)0x12345 << 32) | 0x67890a, "67890A" }, { "%I64d", (ULONGLONG)543210 * 1000000, "543210000000" }, { "%I64X", (LONGLONG)-0x12345, "FFFFFFFFFFFEDCBB" }, { "%I32x", (LONGLONG)-0x12345, "fffedcbb" }, { "%I64u", (LONGLONG)-123, "18446744073709551493" }, { "%Id", (LONGLONG)-12345, "-12345" }, #ifdef _WIN64 { "%Ix", ((ULONGLONG)0x12345 << 32) | 0x67890a, "123450067890a" }, { "%Ix", (LONGLONG)-0x12345, "fffffffffffedcbb" }, { "%p", (LONGLONG)-0x12345, "FFFFFFFFFFFEDCBB" }, #else { "%Ix", ((ULONGLONG)0x12345 << 32) | 0x67890a, "67890a" }, { "%Ix", (LONGLONG)-0x12345, "fffedcbb" }, { "%p", (LONGLONG)-0x12345, "FFFEDCBB" }, #endif }; static void wsprintfATest(void) { char buf[25], star[4], partial[4]; static const WCHAR starW[] = L"\x2606"; static const WCHAR fffeW[] = L"\xfffe"; static const WCHAR wineW[] = L"\xd83c\xdf77"; /* U+1F377: wine glass */ const struct { const void *input; const char *fmt; const char *str; int rc; } testcase[] = { { starW, "%.1S", partial, 1 }, { starW, "%.2S", star, 2 }, { starW, "%.3S", star, 2 }, { fffeW, "%.1S", "?", 1 }, { fffeW, "%.2S", "?", 1 }, { wineW, "%.2S", "??", 2 }, { star, "%.1s", partial, 1 }, { (void *)0x2606, "%2C", star, 2 }, { (void *)0xfffd, "%C", "?", 1 }, { (void *)0xe199, "%2c", " \x99", 2 }, }; CPINFO cpinfo; unsigned int i; int rc; rc=wsprintfA(buf, "%010ld", -1); ok(rc == 10, "wsprintfA length failure: rc=%d error=%ld\n",rc,GetLastError()); ok((lstrcmpA(buf, "-000000001") == 0), "wsprintfA zero padded negative value failure: buf=[%s]\n",buf); rc = wsprintfA(buf, "%I64X", (ULONGLONG)0); if (rc == 4 && !lstrcmpA(buf, "I64X")) { win_skip( "I64 formats not supported\n" ); return; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(i64_formats); i++) { rc = wsprintfA(buf, i64_formats[i].fmt, i64_formats[i].value); ok(rc == strlen(i64_formats[i].res), "%u: wsprintfA length failure: rc=%d\n", i, rc); ok(!strcmp(buf, i64_formats[i].res), "%u: wrong result [%s]\n", i, buf); } if (!GetCPInfo(CP_ACP, &cpinfo) || cpinfo.MaxCharSize != 2) { skip("Multi-byte wsprintfA test isn't available for the current codepage\n"); return; } rc = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, starW, -1, star, sizeof(star), NULL, NULL); ok(rc == 3, "unexpected rc, got %d\n", rc); partial[0] = star[0]; partial[1] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(testcase); i++) { memset(buf, 0x11, sizeof(buf)); rc = wsprintfA(buf, testcase[i].fmt, testcase[i].input); ok(rc == testcase[i].rc, "%u: expected %d, got %d\n", i, testcase[i].rc, rc); ok(!strcmp(buf, testcase[i].str), "%u: expected %s, got %s\n", i, wine_dbgstr_a(testcase[i].str), wine_dbgstr_an(buf, rc)); } } static WCHAR my_btowc(BYTE c) { WCHAR wc; if (!IsDBCSLeadByte(c) && MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (const char *)&c, 1, &wc, 1) > 0) return wc; return 0; } static void wsprintfWTest(void) { static const WCHAR stars[] = L"*\x2606\x2605"; WCHAR def_spc[] = L"*?\x2605 "; WCHAR buf[25], fmt[25], res[25], wcA1, wc99; char stars_mb[8], partial00[8], partialFF[8]; const struct { const char *input; const WCHAR *fmt; const WCHAR *str; int rc; } testcase[] = { { stars_mb, L"%.3S", stars, 3 }, { partial00, L"%-4S", L"*\0 ", 4 }, { partialFF, L"%-4S", def_spc, 4 }, }; CPINFOEXW cpinfoex; unsigned int i; int rc; rc=wsprintfW(buf, L"%010ld", -1); if (rc==0 && GetLastError()==ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { win_skip("wsprintfW is not implemented\n"); return; } ok(rc == 10, "wsPrintfW length failure: rc=%d error=%ld\n",rc,GetLastError()); ok((lstrcmpW(buf, L"-000000001") == 0), "wsprintfW zero padded negative value failure\n"); rc = wsprintfW(buf, L"%I64x", (ULONGLONG)0 ); if (rc == 4 && !lstrcmpW(buf, L"I64x")) { win_skip( "I64 formats not supported\n" ); return; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(i64_formats); i++) { MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, i64_formats[i].fmt, -1, fmt, ARRAY_SIZE(fmt)); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, i64_formats[i].res, -1, res, ARRAY_SIZE(res)); rc = wsprintfW(buf, fmt, i64_formats[i].value); ok(rc == lstrlenW(res), "%u: wsprintfW length failure: rc=%d\n", i, rc); ok(!lstrcmpW(buf, res), "%u: wrong result [%s]\n", i, wine_dbgstr_w(buf)); } rc = wsprintfW(buf, L"%2c", L'*'); ok(rc == 2, "expected 2, got %d\n", rc); ok(buf[0] == L' ', "expected \\x0020, got \\x%04x\n", buf[0]); ok(buf[1] == L'*', "expected \\x%04x, got \\x%04x\n", L'*', buf[1]); rc = wsprintfW(buf, L"%c", L'\x2605'); ok(rc == 1, "expected 1, got %d\n", rc); ok(buf[0] == L'\x2605', "expected \\x%04x, got \\x%04x\n", L'\x2605', buf[0]); wcA1 = my_btowc(0xA1); rc = wsprintfW(buf, L"%C", 0xA1); ok(rc == 1, "expected 1, got %d\n", rc); ok(buf[0] == wcA1, "expected \\x%04x, got \\x%04x\n", wcA1, buf[0]); rc = wsprintfW(buf, L"%C", 0x81A1); ok(rc == 1, "expected 1, got %d\n", rc); ok(buf[0] == wcA1, "expected \\x%04x, got \\x%04x\n", wcA1, buf[0]); wc99 = my_btowc(0x99); rc = wsprintfW(buf, L"%2C", 0xe199); ok(rc == 2, "expected 1, got %d\n", rc); ok(buf[0] == L' ', "expected \\x0020, got \\x%04x\n", buf[0]); ok(buf[1] == wc99, "expected \\x%04x, got \\x%04x\n", wc99, buf[1]); if (!GetCPInfoExW(CP_ACP, 0, &cpinfoex) || cpinfoex.MaxCharSize != 2) { skip("Multi-byte wsprintfW test isn't available for the current codepage\n"); return; } def_spc[1] = cpinfoex.UnicodeDefaultChar; rc = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, stars, -1, stars_mb, sizeof(stars_mb), NULL, NULL); ok(rc == 6, "expected 6, got %d\n", rc); strcpy(partial00, stars_mb); partial00[2] = '\0'; strcpy(partialFF, stars_mb); partialFF[2] = 0xff; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(testcase); i++) { memset(buf, 0x11, sizeof(buf)); rc = wsprintfW(buf, testcase[i].fmt, testcase[i].input); ok(rc == testcase[i].rc, "%u: expected %d, got %d\n", i, testcase[i].rc, rc); ok(!memcmp(buf, testcase[i].str, (testcase[i].rc + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)), "%u: expected %s, got %s\n", i, wine_dbgstr_wn(testcase[i].str, testcase[i].rc + 1), wine_dbgstr_wn(buf, rc + 1)); } } /* Test if the CharUpper / CharLower functions return true 16 bit results, if the input is a 16 bit input value. */ static void CharUpperTest(void) { INT_PTR i, out; BOOL failed = FALSE; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { out = (INT_PTR)CharUpperA((LPSTR)i); if ((out >> 16) != 0) { failed = TRUE; break; } } ok(!failed,"CharUpper failed - 16bit input (0x%0Ix) returned 32bit result (0x%0Ix)\n",i,out); } static void CharLowerTest(void) { INT_PTR i, out; BOOL failed = FALSE; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { out = (INT_PTR)CharLowerA((LPSTR)i); if ((out >> 16) != 0) { failed = TRUE; break; } } ok(!failed,"CharLower failed - 16bit input (0x%0Ix) returned 32bit result (0x%0Ix)\n",i,out); } START_TEST(wsprintf) { wsprintfATest(); wsprintfWTest(); CharUpperTest(); CharLowerTest(); }