#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use XML::LibXML; # Copyright 2021 Zebediah Figura # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # Files to generate my $spec_file = "opencl.spec"; my $pe_file = "pe_thunks.c"; my $types_file = "opencl_types.h"; my $unix_file = "unix_thunks.c"; my $unixheader_file = "unixlib.h"; # If set to 1, generate TRACEs for each OpenGL function my $gen_traces = 1; # List of categories to put in the 'opengl_core.c' file my %cat_1_0 = ( "CL_VERSION_1_0" => 1 ); my %core_categories = (); my %arg_types = ( "cl_bitfield" => [ "int64", "wine_dbgstr_longlong(%s)" ], "double" => [ "double", "%.16e" ], "float" => [ "float", "%.8e" ], "int" => [ "long", "%d" ], "int8_t" => [ "long", "%d" ], "int16_t" => [ "long", "%d" ], "int32_t" => [ "long", "%d" ], "int64_t" => [ "int64", "wine_dbgstr_longlong(%s)" ], "intptr_t" => [ "long", "%Id" ], "size_t" => [ "long", "%Iu" ], "uint8_t" => [ "long", "%u" ], "uint16_t" => [ "long", "%u" ], "uint32_t" => [ "long", "%u" ], "uint64_t" => [ "int64", "wine_dbgstr_longlong(%s)" ], "unsigned int" => [ "long", "%u" ], ); sub generate_pe_thunk($$) { my ($name, $func_ref) = @_; my $call_arg = ""; my $trace_call_arg = ""; my $trace_arg = ""; my $ret = get_func_proto( "%s WINAPI %s(%s)", $name, $func_ref ); foreach my $arg (@{$func_ref->[1]}) { my $ptype = get_arg_type( $arg ); next unless $arg->findnodes("./name"); my $pname = get_arg_name( $arg ); my $param = $arg->textContent(); $call_arg .= " " . $pname . ","; if ($param =~ /\*/ || $param =~ /\[/) { $trace_arg .= ", %p"; $trace_call_arg .= ", " . $pname; } elsif (defined $arg_types{$ptype}) { my $format = ${$arg_types{$ptype}}[1]; $trace_arg .= ", " . ($format =~ /^%/ ? $format : "%s"); $trace_call_arg .= ", " . sprintf $format =~ /^%/ ? "%s" : $format, $pname; } else { die "Unknown type %s in %s\n", $param, $name; } } $call_arg =~ s/,$/ /; $trace_arg =~ s/^, //; $ret .= "\n{\n"; $ret .= " TRACE( \"($trace_arg)\\n\"$trace_call_arg );\n" if $gen_traces; $ret .= " "; $ret .= "return " unless is_void_func( $func_ref ); $ret .= "opencl_funcs->p$name($call_arg);\n"; $ret .= "}\n"; return $ret; } sub generate_unix_thunk($$) { my ($name, $func_ref) = @_; my $call_arg = ""; my $ret = get_func_proto( "static %s WINAPI wrap_%s(%s)", $name, $func_ref ); foreach my $arg (@{$func_ref->[1]}) { my $ptype = get_arg_type( $arg ); next unless $arg->findnodes("./name"); my $pname = get_arg_name( $arg ); my $param = $arg->textContent(); $call_arg .= " " . $pname . ","; } $call_arg =~ s/,$/ /; $ret .= "\n{\n "; $ret .= "return " unless is_void_func( $func_ref ); $ret .= "$name($call_arg);\n"; $ret .= "}\n"; return $ret; } sub is_void_func($) { my $func = shift; return 0 if @{$func->[0]->findnodes("./type")}; return $func->[0]->textContent() eq "void"; } sub get_arg_type($) { my $p = shift; my @type = $p->findnodes("./type"); return @type ? $type[0]->textContent() : "cl_int"; } sub get_arg_name($) { my $p = shift; my @name = $p->findnodes("./name"); return $name[0]->textContent(); } sub get_func_proto($$$) { my ($format, $name, $func) = @_; die "unknown func $name" unless defined $func->[0]; my $proto = $func->[0]->textContent(); $proto =~ s/ +$//; my $args = ""; foreach my $arg (@{$func->[1]}) { (my $argtext = $arg->textContent()) =~ s/ +/ /g; $argtext =~ s/CL_CALLBACK/WINAPI/g; $args .= " " . $argtext . ","; } $args =~ s/,$/ /; $args ||= "void"; return sprintf $format, $proto, $name, $args; } # extract and check the number of arguments if (@ARGV > 1) { my $name0 = $0; $name0 =~ s%^.*/%%; die "Usage: $name0 [version]\n"; } my $version = $ARGV[0] || "1.0"; if ($version eq "1.0") { %core_categories = %cat_1_0; } else { die "Incorrect OpenCL version.\n"; } my $url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KhronosGroup/OpenCL-Docs"; my $commit = "514965312a65e5d01ae17e23119dc95427b7149e"; -f "cl-$commit.xml" || system "wget", "-O", "cl-$commit.xml", "$url/$commit/xml/cl.xml" || die "cannot download cl.xml"; sub generate_spec_entry($$) { my ($name, $func) = @_; my $args=" "; foreach my $arg (@{$func->[1]}) { my $ptype = get_arg_type( $arg ); my $param = $arg->textContent(); if ($param =~ /[[*]/) { $args .= "ptr "; } elsif (defined($arg_types{$ptype})) { $args .= "$@$arg_types{$ptype}[0] "; } elsif ($ptype ne "void") { die "No conversion for func $name type $param\n"; } } $args = substr($args,1,-1); return "@ stdcall $_($args)"; } my %core_functions; my %cl_enums; my (%cl_types, @cl_types); # also use an array to preserve declaration order # some functions need a hand-written wrapper sub needs_pe_wrapper($) { my %funcs = ( # need extension filtering "clGetDeviceInfo" => 1, "clGetPlatformInfo" => 1, # needs function pointer conversion "clGetExtensionFunctionAddress" => 1, # deprecated and absent from headers "clSetCommandQueueProperty" => 1, ); my $name = shift; return defined $funcs{$name}; } # some functions need a hand-written wrapper sub needs_unix_wrapper($) { my %funcs = ( # need callback conversion "clBuildProgram" => 1, "clCreateContext" => 1, "clCreateContextFromType" => 1, "clEnqueueNativeKernel" => 1, ); my $name = shift; return defined $funcs{$name}; } # don't bother putting unused functions in the interface sub needs_unix_function($) { my %funcs = ( "clGetExtensionFunctionAddress" => 1, "clSetCommandQueueProperty" => 1, ); my $name = shift; return not defined $funcs{$name}; } sub generate_struct($) { my $type = shift; my $name = $type->{name}; my $ret = "typedef struct _$name\n{\n"; foreach my $member ($type->findnodes("./member")) { ($member = $member->textContent()) =~ s/ +/ /g; $ret .= " $member;\n"; } $ret .= "} $name;\n"; return $ret; } sub parse_file($) { my $file = shift; my $xml = XML::LibXML->load_xml( location => $file ); my %functions; my %enums; my %types; # save all functions foreach my $command ($xml->findnodes("/registry/commands/command")) { my $proto = @{$command->findnodes("./proto")}[0]; my $name = @{$command->findnodes("./proto/name")}[0]; $proto->removeChild( $name ); my @params = $command->findnodes("./param"); $functions{$name->textContent()} = [ $proto, \@params ]; } # save all enums foreach my $enum ($xml->findnodes("/registry/enums/enum")) { if (defined $enum->{value}) { $enums{$enum->{name}} = $enum->{value}; } else { $enums{$enum->{name}} = "(1 << " . $enum->{bitpos} . ")"; } } # save all types foreach my $type ($xml->findnodes("/registry/types/type")) { if ($type->{category} eq "define") { my $name = @{$type->findnodes("./name")}[0]; $name = $name->textContent; $types{$name} = $type; my $basetype = @{$type->findnodes("./type")}[0]; if ($type->textContent() =~ /[[*]/) { $arg_types{$name} = ["ptr", "%p"]; } elsif (defined($basetype) and defined($arg_types{$basetype->textContent})) { $arg_types{$name} = $arg_types{$basetype->textContent}; } elsif ($name ne "cl_icd_dispatch") { die "No conversion for type $name\n" } } elsif ($type->{category} eq "struct") { my $name = $type->{name}; $types{$name} = $type; } } # generate core functions foreach my $feature ($xml->findnodes("/registry/feature")) { next unless defined $core_categories{$feature->{name}}; foreach my $cmd ($feature->findnodes("./require/command")) { $core_functions{$cmd->{name}} = $functions{$cmd->{name}}; } foreach my $enum ($feature->findnodes("./require/enum")) { $cl_enums{$enum->{name}} = $enums{$enum->{name}}; } foreach my $type ($feature->findnodes("./require/type")) { next unless $types{$type->{name}}; push @cl_types, $type->{name} unless $cl_types{$type->{name}}; $cl_types{$type->{name}} = $types{$type->{name}}; } } } parse_file( "cl-$commit.xml" ); # generate the spec file open(SPEC, ">$spec_file") or die "cannot create $spec_file"; foreach (sort keys %core_functions) { printf SPEC "%s\n", generate_spec_entry( $_, $core_functions{$_} ); } close(SPEC); # generate the PE thunks open(PE, ">$pe_file") or die "cannot create $pe_file"; print PE "/* Automatically generated from OpenCL registry files; DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n"; print PE "#include \"opencl_private.h\"\n"; print PE "#include \"opencl_types.h\"\n"; print PE "#include \"unixlib.h\"\n\n"; print PE "WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(opencl);\n" if $gen_traces; foreach (sort keys %core_functions) { next if needs_pe_wrapper( $_ ); print PE "\n", generate_pe_thunk( $_, $core_functions{$_} ); } close(PE); # generate the unix library thunks open(UNIX, ">$unix_file") or die "cannot create $unix_file"; print UNIX <$unixheader_file") or die "cannot create $unixheader_file"; print UNIXHEADER "/* Automatically generated from OpenCL registry files; DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n"; print UNIXHEADER "struct opencl_funcs\n{\n"; foreach (sort keys %core_functions) { next unless needs_unix_function( $_ ); print UNIXHEADER get_func_proto( " %s (WINAPI *p%s)(%s);\n", $_, $core_functions{$_} ); } print UNIXHEADER "};\n\n"; print UNIXHEADER "extern const struct opencl_funcs *opencl_funcs;\n"; close(UNIXHEADER); # generate the Win32 type definitions open(TYPES, ">$types_file") or die "cannot create $types_file"; print TYPES <{category} eq "define") { print TYPES $type->textContent() . "\n"; } elsif ($type->{category} eq "struct") { print TYPES generate_struct( $type ); } } print TYPES "\n"; foreach (sort keys %cl_enums) { printf TYPES "#define %s %s\n", $_, $cl_enums{$_}; } close(TYPES);