#ifndef WINELIB /* * Copyright 1994 Eric Youndale & Erik Bos * * based on Eric Youndale's pe-test and: * * ftp.microsoft.com:/pub/developer/MSDN/CD8/PEFILE.ZIP */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "windows.h" #include "dlls.h" #include "neexe.h" #include "peexe.h" #include "pe_image.h" #include "relay32.h" #include "module.h" #include "alias.h" #include "global.h" #include "task.h" #include "ldt.h" #include "registers.h" #include "selectors.h" #include "stddebug.h" #include "debug.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x20 struct w_files *wine_files = NULL; unsigned int load_addr; void my_wcstombs(char * result, u_short * source, int len) { while(len--) { if(isascii(*source)) *result++ = *source++; else { printf("Unable to handle unicode right now\n"); exit(0); } }; } char * xmmap(char * vaddr, unsigned int v_size, unsigned int r_size, int prot, int flags, int fd, unsigned int file_offset) { char * result; /* .bss has no associated storage in the PE file */ if(r_size) v_size=r_size; else #ifdef __svr4__ fprintf(stderr,"xmmap: %s line %d doesn't support MAP_ANON\n",__FILE__, __LINE__); #else flags |= MAP_ANON; #endif result = mmap(vaddr, v_size, prot, flags, fd, file_offset); if((unsigned int) result != 0xffffffff) return result; /* Sigh. Alignment must be wrong for mmap. Do this the hard way. */ if(!(flags & MAP_FIXED)) { vaddr = (char *)0x40000000; flags |= MAP_FIXED; }; mmap(vaddr, v_size, prot, MAP_ANONYMOUS | flags, 0, 0); lseek(fd, file_offset, SEEK_SET); read(fd, vaddr, v_size); return vaddr; }; void dump_exports(struct PE_Export_Directory * pe_exports) { char * Module; int i; u_short * ordinal; u_long * function; u_char ** name, *ename; Module = ((char *) load_addr) + pe_exports->Name; printf("\n*******EXPORT DATA*******\nModule name is %s, %ld functions, %ld names\n", Module, pe_exports->Number_Of_Functions, pe_exports->Number_Of_Names); ordinal = (u_short *) (((char *) load_addr) + (int) pe_exports->Address_Of_Name_Ordinals); function = (u_long *) (((char *) load_addr) + (int) pe_exports->AddressOfFunctions); name = (u_char **) (((char *) load_addr) + (int) pe_exports->AddressOfNames); printf("%-32s Ordinal Virt Addr\n", "Function Name"); for(i=0; i< pe_exports->Number_Of_Functions; i++) { ename = (char *) (((char *) load_addr) + (int) *name++); printf("%-32s %4d %8.8lx\n", ename, *ordinal++, *function++); } } void fixup_imports(struct PE_Import_Directory *pe_imports) { struct PE_Import_Directory * pe_imp; int fixup_failed=0; /* OK, now dump the import list */ dprintf_win32(stddeb, "\nDumping imports list\n"); pe_imp = pe_imports; while (pe_imp->ModuleName) { char * Module; struct pe_import_name * pe_name; unsigned int * import_list, *thunk_list; char * c; Module = ((char *) load_addr) + pe_imp->ModuleName; dprintf_win32(stddeb, "%s\n", Module); c = strchr(Module, '.'); if (c) *c = 0; import_list = (unsigned int *) (((unsigned int) load_addr) + pe_imp->Import_List); thunk_list = (unsigned int *) (((unsigned int) load_addr) + pe_imp->Thunk_List); while(*import_list) { pe_name = (struct pe_import_name *) ((int) load_addr + *import_list); if((unsigned)pe_name & 0x80000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Import by ordinal not supported\n"); exit(0); } dprintf_win32(stddeb, "--- %s %s.%d\n", pe_name->Name, Module, pe_name->Hint); #ifndef WINELIB /* FIXME: JBP: Should this happen in libwine.a? */ *thunk_list=(unsigned int)RELAY32_GetEntryPoint(Module,pe_name->Name,pe_name->Hint); #else fprintf(stderr,"JBP: Call to RELAY32_GetEntryPoint being ignored.\n"); #endif if(!*thunk_list) { fprintf(stderr,"No implementation for %s.%d\n",Module, pe_name->Hint); fixup_failed=1; } import_list++; thunk_list++; } pe_imp++; }; if(fixup_failed)exit(1); } static void dump_table(struct w_files *wpnt) { int i; dprintf_win32(stddeb, "Dump of segment table\n"); dprintf_win32(stddeb, " Name VSz Vaddr SzRaw Fileadr *Reloc *Lineum #Reloc #Linum Char\n"); for(i=0; i< wpnt->pe->pe_header->coff.NumberOfSections; i++) { dprintf_win32(stddeb, "%8s: %4.4lx %8.8lx %8.8lx %8.8lx %8.8lx %8.8lx %4.4x %4.4x %8.8lx\n", wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Name, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Virtual_Size, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Virtual_Address, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Size_Of_Raw_Data, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].PointerToRawData, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].PointerToRelocations, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].PointerToLinenumbers, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].NumberOfRelocations, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].NumberOfLinenumbers, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Characteristics); } } /********************************************************************** * PE_LoadImage * Load one PE format executable into memory */ HINSTANCE PE_LoadImage(struct w_files *wpnt) { int i, result; wpnt->pe = xmalloc(sizeof(struct pe_data)); memset(wpnt->pe,0,sizeof(struct pe_data)); wpnt->pe->pe_header = xmalloc(sizeof(struct pe_header_s)); /* read PE header */ lseek(wpnt->fd, wpnt->mz_header->ne_offset, SEEK_SET); read(wpnt->fd, wpnt->pe->pe_header, sizeof(struct pe_header_s)); /* read sections */ wpnt->pe->pe_seg = xmalloc(sizeof(struct pe_segment_table) * wpnt->pe->pe_header->coff.NumberOfSections); read(wpnt->fd, wpnt->pe->pe_seg, sizeof(struct pe_segment_table) * wpnt->pe->pe_header->coff.NumberOfSections); load_addr = wpnt->pe->pe_header->opt_coff.BaseOfImage; dprintf_win32(stddeb, "Load addr is %x\n",load_addr); dump_table(wpnt); for(i=0; i < wpnt->pe->pe_header->coff.NumberOfSections; i++) { if(!load_addr) { result = (int)xmmap((char *)0, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Virtual_Size, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Size_Of_Raw_Data, 7, MAP_PRIVATE, wpnt->fd, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].PointerToRawData); load_addr = (unsigned int) result - wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Virtual_Address; } else { result = (int)xmmap((char *) load_addr + wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Virtual_Address, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Virtual_Size, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Size_Of_Raw_Data, 7, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, wpnt->fd, wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].PointerToRawData); } if(result==-1){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not load section %x to desired address %lx\n", i, load_addr+wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Virtual_Address); fprintf(stderr,"Need to implement relocations now\n"); exit(0); } if(strcmp(wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Name, ".idata") == 0) wpnt->pe->pe_import = (struct PE_Import_Directory *) result; if(strcmp(wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Name, ".edata") == 0) wpnt->pe->pe_export = (struct PE_Export_Directory *) result; if(strcmp(wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Name, ".rsrc") == 0) { wpnt->pe->pe_resource = (struct PE_Resource_Directory *) result; /* save offset for PE_FindResource */ wpnt->pe->resource_offset = wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].Virtual_Address - wpnt->pe->pe_seg[i].PointerToRawData; } } if(wpnt->pe->pe_import) fixup_imports(wpnt->pe->pe_import); if(wpnt->pe->pe_export) dump_exports(wpnt->pe->pe_export); wpnt->hinstance = (HINSTANCE)0x8000; return (wpnt->hinstance); } HINSTANCE MODULE_CreateInstance(HMODULE hModule,LOADPARAMS *params); void InitTask(struct sigcontext_struct context); HINSTANCE PE_LoadModule(int fd, OFSTRUCT *ofs, LOADPARAMS* params) { struct w_files *wpnt; int size; NE_MODULE *pModule; LOADEDFILEINFO *pFileInfo; SEGTABLEENTRY *pSegment; char *pStr; DWORD cts; HMODULE hModule; HINSTANCE hInstance; ALIAS_UseAliases=1; wpnt=xmalloc(sizeof(struct w_files)); wpnt->next=wine_files; wine_files=wpnt; wpnt->ofs=*ofs; wpnt->fd=fd; wpnt->type=0; wpnt->hinstance=0; wpnt->hModule=0; wpnt->initialised=0; lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET); wpnt->mz_header=xmalloc(sizeof(struct mz_header_s)); read(fd,wpnt->mz_header,sizeof(struct mz_header_s)); size=sizeof(NE_MODULE) + /* loaded file info */ sizeof(LOADEDFILEINFO) + strlen(ofs->szPathName) + /* segment table: DS,CS */ 2 * sizeof(SEGTABLEENTRY) + /* name table */ 9 + /* several empty tables */ 8; hModule = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, size ); wpnt->hModule=hModule; if (!hModule) return (HINSTANCE)11; /* invalid exe */ FarSetOwner( hModule, hModule ); pModule = (NE_MODULE*)GlobalLock(hModule); /* Set all used entries */ pModule->magic=NE_SIGNATURE; pModule->count=1; pModule->next=0; pModule->flags=0; pModule->dgroup=1; pModule->ss=1; pModule->cs=2; /* Who wants to LocalAlloc for a PE Module? */ pModule->heap_size=0x1000; pModule->stack_size=0xF000; pModule->seg_count=1; pModule->modref_count=0; pModule->nrname_size=0; pModule->seg_table=sizeof(NE_MODULE)+ sizeof(LOADEDFILEINFO)+strlen(ofs->szPathName); pModule->fileinfo=sizeof(NE_MODULE); pModule->os_flags=NE_OSFLAGS_WINDOWS; pModule->expected_version=0x30A; pFileInfo=(LOADEDFILEINFO *)(pModule + 1); pFileInfo->length = sizeof(LOADEDFILEINFO)+strlen(ofs->szPathName)-1; strcpy(pFileInfo->filename,ofs->szPathName); pSegment=(SEGTABLEENTRY*)((char*)pFileInfo+pFileInfo->length+1); pModule->dgroup_entry=(int)pSegment-(int)pModule; pSegment->size=0; pSegment->flags=NE_SEGFLAGS_DATA; pSegment->minsize=0x1000; pSegment++; cts=(DWORD)GetWndProcEntry16("Win32CallToStart"); #ifdef WINELIB32 pSegment->selector=(void*)cts; pModule->ip=0; #else pSegment->selector=cts>>16; pModule->ip=cts & 0xFFFF; #endif pSegment++; pStr=(char*)pSegment; pModule->name_table=(int)pStr-(int)pModule; strcpy(pStr,"\x08W32SXXXX"); pStr+=9; /* All tables zero terminated */ pModule->res_table=pModule->import_table=pModule->entry_table= (int)pStr-(int)pModule; PE_LoadImage(wpnt); pModule->heap_size=0x1000; pModule->stack_size=0xE000; /* CreateInstance allocates now 64KB */ hInstance=MODULE_CreateInstance(hModule,NULL /* FIX: NULL? really? */); wpnt->hinstance=hInstance; TASK_CreateTask(hModule,hInstance,0, params->hEnvironment,(LPSTR)PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(params->cmdLine), *((WORD*)PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(params->showCmd)+1)); return hInstance; } int USER_InitApp(HINSTANCE hInstance); void PE_Win32CallToStart(struct sigcontext_struct context) { int fs; struct w_files *wpnt=wine_files; fs=(int)GlobalAlloc(GHND,0x10000); dprintf_win32(stddeb,"Going to start Win32 program\n"); InitTask(context); USER_InitApp(wpnt->hModule); __asm__ __volatile__("movw %w0,%%fs"::"r" (fs)); ((void(*)())(load_addr+wpnt->pe->pe_header->opt_coff.AddressOfEntryPoint))(); } int PE_UnloadImage(struct w_files *wpnt) { printf("PEunloadImage() called!\n"); /* free resources, image, unmap */ return 1; } void PE_InitDLL(struct w_files *wpnt) { /* Is this a library? */ if (wpnt->pe->pe_header->coff.Characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL) { printf("InitPEDLL() called!\n"); } } #endif /* WINELIB */