package winapi_options; use strict; sub parser_comma_list { my $prefix = shift; my $value = shift; if(defined($prefix) && $prefix eq "no") { return { active => 0, filter => 0, hash => {} }; } elsif(defined($value)) { my %names; for my $name (split /,/, $value) { $names{$name} = 1; } return { active => 1, filter => 1, hash => \%names }; } else { return { active => 1, filter => 0, hash => {} }; } } my %options = ( "debug" => { default => 0, description => "debug mode" }, "help" => { default => 0, description => "help mode" }, "verbose" => { default => 0, description => "verbose mode" }, "progress" => { default => 1, description => "show progress" }, "win16" => { default => 1, description => "Win16 checking" }, "win32" => { default => 1, description => "Win32 checking" }, "shared" => { default => 0, description => "show shared functions between Win16 and Win32" }, "shared-segmented" => { default => 0, description => "segmented shared functions between Win16 and Win32 checking" }, "config" => { default => 1, description => "check configuration include consistancy" }, "config-unnessary" => { default => 0, parent => "config", description => "check for unnessary #include \"config.h\"" }, "local" => { default => 1, description => "local checking" }, "module" => { default => { active => 1, filter => 0, hash => {} }, parent => "local", parser => \&parser_comma_list, description => "module filter" }, "argument" => { default => 1, parent => "local", description => "argument checking" }, "argument-count" => { default => 1, parent => "argument", description => "argument count checking" }, "argument-forbidden" => { default => { active => 1, filter => 0, hash => {} }, parent => "argument", parser => \&parser_comma_list, description => "argument forbidden checking" }, "argument-kind" => { default => { active => 0, filter => 0, hash => {} }, parent => "argument", parser => \&parser_comma_list, description => "argument kind checking" }, "calling-convention" => { default => 0, parent => "local", description => "calling convention checking" }, "misplaced" => { default => 0, parent => "local", description => "check for misplaced functions" }, "cross-call" => { default => 0, parent => "local", description => "check for cross calling functions" }, "global" => { default => 1, description => "global checking" }, "declared" => { default => 1, parent => "global", description => "declared checking" }, "implemented" => { default => 1, parent => "global", description => "implemented checking" }, "implemented-win32" => { default => 0, parent => "implemented", description => "implemented as win32 checking" }, "include" => { default => 0, parent => "global", description => "include checking" } ); my %short_options = ( "d" => "debug", "?" => "help", "v" => "verbose" ); sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; bless ($self, $class); my $refarguments = shift; my @ARGV = @$refarguments; for my $name (sort(keys(%options))) { my $option = $options{$name}; my $key = uc($name); $key =~ tr/-/_/; $$option{key} = $key; my $refvalue = \${$self->{$key}}; $$refvalue = $$option{default}; } my $files = \@{$self->{FILES}}; my $module = \${$self->{MODULE}}; my $global = \${$self->{GLOBAL}}; $$global = 0; while(defined($_ = shift @ARGV)) { if(/^-([^=]*)(=(.*))?$/) { my $name; my $value; if(defined($2)) { $name = $1; $value = $3; } else { $name = $1; } if($name =~ /^([^-].*)$/) { $name = $short_options{$1}; } else { $name =~ s/^-(.*)$/$1/; } my $prefix; if($name =~ /^no-(.*)$/) { $name = $1; $prefix = "no"; if(defined($value)) { print STDERR ": options with prefix 'no' can't take parameters\n"; exit 1; } } my $option = $options{$name}; if(defined($option)) { my $key = $$option{key}; my $parser = $$option{parser}; my $refvalue = \${$self->{$key}}; if(defined($parser)) { $$refvalue = &$parser($prefix,$value); } else { if(defined($value)) { $$refvalue = $value; } elsif(!defined($prefix)) { $$refvalue = 1; } else { $$refvalue = 0; } } next; } } if(/^--module-dlls$/) { my @dirs = `cd dlls && find ./ -type d ! -name CVS`; my %names; for my $dir (@dirs) { chomp $dir; $dir =~ s/^\.\/(.*)$/$1/; next if $dir eq ""; $names{$dir} = 1; } $$module = { active => 1, filter => 1, hash => \%names }; } elsif(/^-(.*)$/) { print STDERR ": unknown option: $&\n"; print STDERR ": usage: winapi-check [--help] []\n"; exit 1; } else { push @$files, $_; } } my $paths; if($#$files == -1) { $paths = "."; $$global = 1; } else { $paths = join(" ",@$files); } @$files = map { s/^.\/(.*)$/$1/; $_; } split(/\n/, `find $paths -name \\*.c`); return $self; } sub show_help { my $self = shift; my $maxname = 0; for my $name (sort(keys(%options))) { if(length($name) > $maxname) { $maxname = length($name); } } print "usage: winapi-check [--help] []\n"; print "\n"; for my $name (sort(keys(%options))) { my $option = $options{$name}; my $description = $$option{description}; my $default = $$option{default}; my $output; if(ref($default) ne "HASH") { if($default) { $output = "--no-$name"; } else { $output = "--$name"; } } else { if($default->{active}) { $output = "--[no-]$name\[=]"; } else { $output = "--$name\[=]"; } } print "$output"; for (0..(($maxname - length($name) + 14) - (length($output) - length($name) + 1))) { print " "; } if(ref($default) ne "HASH") { if($default) { print "Disable $description\n"; } else { print "Enable $description\n"; } } else { if($default->{active}) { print "(Disable) $description\n"; } else { print "Enable $description\n"; } } } } sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $name = $winapi_options::AUTOLOAD; $name =~ s/^.*::(.[^:]*)$/\U$1/; my $refvalue = $self->{$name}; if(!defined($refvalue)) { die ": member $name does not exists\n"; } return $$refvalue; } sub files { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{FILES}}; } sub report_module { my $self = shift; my $module = $self->module; my $name = shift; if(defined($name)) { return $module->{active} && (!$module->{filter} || $module->{hash}->{$name}); } else { return 0; } } sub report_argument_forbidden { my $self = shift; my $argument_forbidden = $self->argument_forbidden; my $type = shift; return $argument_forbidden->{active} && (!$argument_forbidden->{filter} || $argument_forbidden->{hash}->{$type}); } sub report_argument_kind { my $self = shift; my $argument_kind = $self->argument_kind; my $kind = shift; return $argument_kind->{active} && (!$argument_kind->{filter} || $argument_kind->{hash}->{$kind}); } 1;