/* * Unit test of the SHFileOperation function. * * Copyright 2002 Andriy Palamarchuk * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #define WINE_NOWINSOCK #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "wtypes.h" #include "shellapi.h" #include "shlobj.h" #include "wine/test.h" CHAR CURR_DIR[MAX_PATH]; static HMODULE hshell32; static int (WINAPI *pSHCreateDirectoryExA)(HWND, LPCSTR, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); static void InitFunctionPointers(void) { hshell32 = GetModuleHandleA("shell32.dll"); if(hshell32) pSHCreateDirectoryExA = (void*)GetProcAddress(hshell32, "SHCreateDirectoryExA"); } /* creates a file with the specified name for tests */ static void createTestFile(const CHAR *name) { HANDLE file; DWORD written; file = CreateFileA(name, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); ok(file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Failure to open file %s\n", name); WriteFile(file, name, strlen(name), &written, NULL); WriteFile(file, "\n", strlen("\n"), &written, NULL); CloseHandle(file); } static BOOL file_exists(const CHAR *name) { return GetFileAttributesA(name) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES; } /* initializes the tests */ static void init_shfo_tests(void) { int len; GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, CURR_DIR); len = lstrlenA(CURR_DIR); if(len && (CURR_DIR[len-1] == '\\')) CURR_DIR[len-1] = 0; createTestFile("test1.txt"); createTestFile("test2.txt"); createTestFile("test3.txt"); createTestFile("test_5.txt"); CreateDirectoryA("test4.txt", NULL); CreateDirectoryA("testdir2", NULL); CreateDirectoryA("testdir2\\nested", NULL); createTestFile("testdir2\\one.txt"); createTestFile("testdir2\\nested\\two.txt"); } /* cleans after tests */ static void clean_after_shfo_tests(void) { DeleteFileA("test1.txt"); DeleteFileA("test2.txt"); DeleteFileA("test3.txt"); DeleteFileA("test_5.txt"); DeleteFileA("test4.txt\\test1.txt"); DeleteFileA("test4.txt\\test2.txt"); DeleteFileA("test4.txt\\test3.txt"); RemoveDirectoryA("test4.txt"); DeleteFileA("testdir2\\one.txt"); DeleteFileA("testdir2\\test1.txt"); DeleteFileA("testdir2\\test2.txt"); DeleteFileA("testdir2\\test3.txt"); DeleteFileA("testdir2\\test4.txt\\test1.txt"); DeleteFileA("testdir2\\nested\\two.txt"); RemoveDirectoryA("testdir2\\test4.txt"); RemoveDirectoryA("testdir2\\nested"); RemoveDirectoryA("testdir2"); DeleteFileA("nonexistent\\notreal\\test2.txt"); RemoveDirectoryA("nonexistent\\notreal"); RemoveDirectoryA("nonexistent"); } /* puts into the specified buffer file names with current directory. files - string with file names, separated by null characters. Ends on a double null characters */ static void set_curr_dir_path(CHAR *buf, const CHAR* files) { buf[0] = 0; while (files[0]) { strcpy(buf, CURR_DIR); buf += strlen(buf); buf[0] = '\\'; buf++; strcpy(buf, files); buf += strlen(buf) + 1; files += strlen(files) + 1; } buf[0] = 0; } /* tests the FO_DELETE action */ static void test_delete(void) { SHFILEOPSTRUCTA shfo; DWORD ret; CHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(buf, "%s\\%s", CURR_DIR, "test?.txt"); buf[strlen(buf) + 1] = '\0'; shfo.hwnd = NULL; shfo.wFunc = FO_DELETE; shfo.pFrom = buf; shfo.pTo = "\0"; shfo.fFlags = FOF_FILESONLY | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT; shfo.hNameMappings = NULL; shfo.lpszProgressTitle = NULL; ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Deletion was successful\n"); ok(file_exists("test4.txt"), "Directory should not be removed\n"); ok(!file_exists("test1.txt"), "File should be removed\n"); ret = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); ok(!ret, "Directory exists, but is not removed, ret=%ld\n", ret); ok(file_exists("test4.txt"), "Directory should not be removed\n"); shfo.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOERRORUI; ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Directory removed\n"); ok(!file_exists("test4.txt"), "Directory should be removed\n"); ret = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); ok(!ret, "The requested file does not exist, ret=%ld\n", ret); init_shfo_tests(); sprintf(buf, "%s\\%s", CURR_DIR, "test4.txt"); buf[strlen(buf) + 1] = '\0'; ok(MoveFileA("test1.txt", "test4.txt\\test1.txt"), "Fill the subdirectory\n"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Directory removed\n"); ok(!file_exists("test4.txt"), "Directory is removed\n"); init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test4.txt\0"; todo_wine { ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Directory and a file removed\n"); ok(!file_exists("test1.txt"), "The file should be removed\n"); ok(!file_exists("test4.txt"), "Directory should be removed\n"); } ok(file_exists("test2.txt"), "This file should not be removed\n"); /* FOF_FILESONLY does not delete a dir matching a wildcard */ init_shfo_tests(); shfo.fFlags |= FOF_FILESONLY; shfo.pFrom = "*.txt\0"; todo_wine { ok(!SHFileOperation(&shfo), "Failed to delete files\n"); ok(!file_exists("test1.txt"), "test1.txt should be removed\n"); ok(!file_exists("test_5.txt"), "test_5.txt should be removed\n"); } ok(file_exists("test4.txt"), "test4.txt should not be removed\n"); /* FOF_FILESONLY only deletes a dir if explicitly specified */ init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "test_?.txt\0test4.txt\0"; todo_wine { ok(!SHFileOperation(&shfo), "Failed to delete files\n"); ok(!file_exists("test4.txt"), "test4.txt should be removed\n"); ok(!file_exists("test_5.txt"), "test_5.txt should be removed\n"); } ok(file_exists("test1.txt"), "test1.txt should not be removed\n"); /* try to delete an invalid filename */ init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "\0"; shfo.fFlags &= ~FOF_FILESONLY; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; ret = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(ret == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "Expected ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, got %ld\n", ret); } ok(!shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted, "Expected no aborted operations\n"); ok(file_exists("test1.txt"), "Expected test1.txt to exist\n"); /* try an invalid function */ init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0"; shfo.wFunc = 0; ret = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(ret == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %ld\n", ret); } ok(file_exists("test1.txt"), "Expected test1.txt to exist\n"); /* try an invalid list, only one null terminator */ init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = ""; shfo.wFunc = FO_DELETE; ret = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(ret == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "Expected ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, got %ld\n", ret); } ok(file_exists("test1.txt"), "Expected test1.txt to exist\n"); /* delete a dir, and then a file inside the dir, same as * deleting a nonexistent file */ init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "testdir2\0testdir2\\one.txt\0"; ret = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(ret == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, "Expected ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, got %ld\n", ret); ok(!file_exists("testdir2"), "Expected testdir2 to not exist\n"); } ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\one.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\one.txt to not exist\n"); /* try the FOF_NORECURSION flag, continues deleting subdirs */ init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "testdir2\0"; shfo.fFlags |= FOF_NORECURSION; ret = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(ret == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", ret); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\one.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\one.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\nested"), "Expected testdir2\\nested to exist\n"); } } /* tests the FO_RENAME action */ static void test_rename(void) { SHFILEOPSTRUCTA shfo, shfo2; CHAR from[MAX_PATH]; CHAR to[MAX_PATH]; DWORD retval; shfo.hwnd = NULL; shfo.wFunc = FO_RENAME; shfo.pFrom = from; shfo.pTo = to; shfo.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOERRORUI; shfo.hNameMappings = NULL; shfo.lpszProgressTitle = NULL; set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test4.txt\0"); ok(SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "File is not renamed moving to other directory " "when specifying directory name only\n"); ok(file_exists("test1.txt"), "The file is removed\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test3.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test4.txt\\test1.txt\0"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "File is renamed moving to other directory\n"); ok(file_exists("test4.txt\\test1.txt"), "The file is not renamed\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test4.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0test7.txt\0test8.txt\0"); retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); /* W98 returns 0, W2K and newer returns ERROR_GEN_FAILURE, both do nothing */ ok(!retval || retval == ERROR_GEN_FAILURE || retval == ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE, "Can't rename many files, retval = %ld\n", retval); ok(file_exists("test1.txt"), "The file is renamed - many files are specified\n"); memcpy(&shfo2, &shfo, sizeof(SHFILEOPSTRUCTA)); shfo2.fFlags |= FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test4.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0test7.txt\0test8.txt\0"); retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo2); /* W98 returns 0, W2K and newer returns ERROR_GEN_FAILURE, both do nothing */ ok(!retval || retval == ERROR_GEN_FAILURE || retval == ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE, "Can't rename many files, retval = %ld\n", retval); ok(file_exists("test1.txt"), "The file is not renamed - many files are specified\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0"); retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); ok(!retval, "Rename file failed, retval = %ld\n", retval); ok(!file_exists("test1.txt"), "The file is not renamed\n"); ok(file_exists("test6.txt"), "The file is not renamed\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test6.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test1.txt\0"); retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); ok(!retval, "Rename file back failed, retval = %ld\n", retval); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test4.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0"); retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); ok(!retval, "Rename dir failed, retval = %ld\n", retval); ok(!file_exists("test4.txt"), "The dir is not renamed\n"); ok(file_exists("test6.txt"), "The dir is not renamed\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test6.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test4.txt\0"); retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); ok(!retval, "Rename dir back failed, retval = %ld\n", retval); /* try to rename more than one file to a single file */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "a.txt\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); ok(retval == ERROR_GEN_FAILURE, "Expected ERROR_GEN_FAILURE, got %ld\n", retval); ok(file_exists("test1.txt"), "Expected test1.txt to exist\n"); ok(file_exists("test2.txt"), "Expected test2.txt to exist\n"); /* pFrom doesn't exist */ shfo.pFrom = "idontexist\0"; shfo.pTo = "newfile\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); ok(retval == 1026, "Expected 1026, got %ld\n", retval); ok(!file_exists("newfile"), "Expected newfile to not exist\n"); /* pTo already exist */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "test2.txt\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Expected ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, got %ld\n", retval); } /* pFrom is valid, but pTo is empty */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(file_exists("test1.txt"), "Expected test1.txt to exist\n"); /* pFrom is empty */ shfo.pFrom = "\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "Expected ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, got %ld\n", retval); } /* pFrom is NULL */ shfo.pFrom = NULL; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %ld\n", retval); } } /* tests the FO_COPY action */ static void test_copy(void) { SHFILEOPSTRUCTA shfo, shfo2; CHAR from[MAX_PATH]; CHAR to[MAX_PATH]; FILEOP_FLAGS tmp_flags; DWORD retval; shfo.hwnd = NULL; shfo.wFunc = FO_COPY; shfo.pFrom = from; shfo.pTo = to; shfo.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOERRORUI; shfo.hNameMappings = NULL; shfo.lpszProgressTitle = NULL; set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test4.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0test7.txt\0test8.txt\0"); ok(SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Can't copy many files\n"); ok(!file_exists("test6.txt"), "The file is not copied - many files are " "specified as a target\n"); memcpy(&shfo2, &shfo, sizeof(SHFILEOPSTRUCTA)); shfo2.fFlags |= FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test4.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0test7.txt\0test8.txt\0"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo2), "Can't copy many files\n"); ok(file_exists("test6.txt"), "The file is copied - many files are " "specified as a target\n"); DeleteFileA("test6.txt"); DeleteFileA("test7.txt"); RemoveDirectoryA("test8.txt"); /* number of sources do not correspond to number of targets */ set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test4.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0test7.txt\0"); ok(SHFileOperationA(&shfo2), "Can't copy many files\n"); ok(!file_exists("test6.txt"), "The file is not copied - many files are " "specified as a target\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test4.txt\0"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Prepare test to check how directories are copied recursively\n"); ok(file_exists("test4.txt\\test1.txt"), "The file is copied\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test?.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "testdir2\0"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "The file is not copied yet\n"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test4.txt"), "The directory is not copied yet\n"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Files and directories are copied to directory\n"); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "The file is copied\n"); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test4.txt"), "The directory is copied\n"); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test4.txt\\test1.txt"), "The file in subdirectory is copied\n"); clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); shfo.fFlags |= FOF_FILESONLY; ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "The file is not copied yet\n"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test4.txt"), "The directory is not copied yet\n"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Files are copied to other directory\n"); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "The file is copied\n"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test4.txt"), "The directory is copied\n"); clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "The file is not copied yet\n"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test2.txt"), "The file is not copied yet\n"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Files are copied to other directory\n"); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "The file is copied\n"); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test2.txt"), "The file is copied\n"); clean_after_shfo_tests(); /* Copying multiple files with one not existing as source, fails the entire operation in Win98/ME/2K/XP, but not in 95/NT */ init_shfo_tests(); tmp_flags = shfo.fFlags; set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test10.txt\0test2.txt\0"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "The file is not copied yet\n"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test2.txt"), "The file is not copied yet\n"); retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); if (!retval) /* Win 95/NT returns success but copies only the files up to the nonexistent source */ ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "The file is not copied\n"); else { /* Win 98/ME/2K/XP fail the entire operation with return code 1026 if one source file does not exist */ ok(retval == 1026, "Files are copied to other directory\n"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "The file is copied\n"); } ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test2.txt"), "The file is copied\n"); shfo.fFlags = tmp_flags; /* copy into a nonexistent directory */ init_shfo_tests(); shfo.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR; set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "nonexistent\\notreal\\test2.txt\0"); retval= SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(!retval, "Error copying into nonexistent directory\n"); ok(file_exists("nonexistent"), "nonexistent not created\n"); ok(file_exists("nonexistent\\notreal"), "nonexistent\\notreal not created\n"); ok(file_exists("nonexistent\\notreal\\test2.txt"), "Directory not created\n"); } ok(!file_exists("nonexistent\\notreal\\test1.txt"), "test1.txt should not exist\n"); /* a relative dest directory is OK */ clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test3.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "testdir2\0"; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\test1 to exist\n"); /* try to copy files to a file */ clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = from; shfo.pTo = to; set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test3.txt\0"); retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted, "Expected aborted operations\n"); ok(!file_exists("test3.txt\\test2.txt"), "Expected test3.txt\\test2.txt to not exist\n"); /* try to copy many files to nonexistent directory */ DeleteFile(to); shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(DeleteFile("test3.txt\\test1.txt"), "Expected test3.txt\\test1.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFile("test3.txt\\test2.txt"), "Expected test3.txt\\test1.txt to exist\n"); ok(RemoveDirectory(to), "Expected test3.txt to exist\n"); } /* send in FOF_MULTIDESTFILES with too many destination files */ init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test3.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "testdir2\\a.txt\0testdir2\\b.txt\0testdir2\\c.txt\0testdir2\\d.txt\0"; shfo.fFlags |= FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted, "Expected aborted operations\n"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\a.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\a.txt to not exist\n"); /* send in FOF_MULTIDESTFILES with too many destination files */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test3.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "e.txt\0f.txt\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted, "Expected aborted operations\n"); ok(!file_exists("e.txt"), "Expected e.txt to not exist\n"); /* use FOF_MULTIDESTFILES with files and a source directory */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test4.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "testdir2\\a.txt\0testdir2\\b.txt\0testdir2\\c.txt\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(DeleteFile("testdir2\\a.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\a.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFile("testdir2\\b.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\b.txt to exist\n"); ok(RemoveDirectory("testdir2\\c.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\c.txt to exist\n"); /* try many dest files without FOF_MULTIDESTFILES flag */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test3.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "a.txt\0b.txt\0c.txt\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; shfo.fFlags &= ~FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(!file_exists("a.txt"), "Expected a.txt to not exist\n"); /* try a glob */ shfo.pFrom = "test?.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "testdir2\0"; shfo.fFlags &= ~FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\test1.txt to exist\n"); } /* try a glob with FOF_FILESONLY */ clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "test?.txt\0"; shfo.fFlags |= FOF_FILESONLY; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\test1.txt to exist\n"); } ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test4.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\test4.txt to not exist\n"); /* try a glob with FOF_MULTIDESTFILES and the same number * of dest files that we would expect */ clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pTo = "testdir2\\a.txt\0testdir2\\b.txt\0testdir2\\c.txt\0testdir2\\d.txt\0"; shfo.fFlags &= ~FOF_FILESONLY; shfo.fFlags |= FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted, "Expected aborted operations\n"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\a.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\test1.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!RemoveDirectory("b.txt"), "b.txt should not exist\n"); /* copy one file to two others, second is ignored */ clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "b.txt\0c.txt\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(DeleteFile("b.txt"), "Expected b.txt to exist\n"); } ok(!DeleteFile("c.txt"), "Expected c.txt to not exist\n"); /* copy two file to three others, all fail */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "b.txt\0c.txt\0d.txt\0"; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted, "Expected operations to be aborted\n"); ok(!DeleteFile("b.txt"), "Expected b.txt to not exist\n"); /* copy one file and one directory to three others */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test4.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "b.txt\0c.txt\0d.txt\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted, "Expected operations to be aborted\n"); ok(!DeleteFile("b.txt"), "Expected b.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFile("c.txt"), "Expected c.txt to not exist\n"); /* copy a directory with a file beneath it, plus some files */ createTestFile("test4.txt\\a.txt"); shfo.pFrom = "test4.txt\0test1.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "testdir2\0"; shfo.fFlags &= ~FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(DeleteFile("testdir2\\test1.txt"), "Expected newdir\\test1.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFile("testdir2\\test4.txt\\a.txt"), "Expected a.txt to exist\n"); ok(RemoveDirectory("testdir2\\test4.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\test4.txt to exist\n"); /* copy one directory and a file in that dir to another dir */ shfo.pFrom = "test4.txt\0test4.txt\\a.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "testdir2\0"; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(DeleteFile("testdir2\\test4.txt\\a.txt"), "Expected a.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFile("testdir2\\a.txt"), "Expected testdir2\\a.txt to exist\n"); /* copy a file in a directory first, and then the directory to a nonexistent dir */ shfo.pFrom = "test4.txt\\a.txt\0test4.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "nonexistent\0"; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted, "Expected operations to be aborted\n"); ok(!file_exists("nonexistent\\test4.txt"), "Expected nonexistent\\test4.txt to not exist\n"); DeleteFile("test4.txt\\a.txt"); /* destination is same as source file */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test3.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "b.txt\0test2.txt\0c.txt\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; shfo.fFlags = FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLES, "Expected ERROR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLES, got %ld\n", retval); ok(!shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted, "Expected no operations to be aborted\n"); ok(DeleteFile("b.txt"), "Expected b.txt to exist\n"); } ok(!file_exists("c.txt"), "Expected c.txt to not exist\n"); /* destination is same as source directory */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test4.txt\0test3.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "b.txt\0test4.txt\0c.txt\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(DeleteFile("b.txt"), "Expected b.txt to exist\n"); } ok(!file_exists("c.txt"), "Expected c.txt to not exist\n"); /* copy a directory into itself, error displayed in UI */ shfo.pFrom = "test4.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "test4.txt\\newdir\0"; shfo.fFlags &= ~FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(!RemoveDirectory("test4.txt\\newdir"), "Expected test4.txt\\newdir to not exist\n"); /* copy a directory to itself, error displayed in UI */ shfo.pFrom = "test4.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "test4.txt\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); } /* copy a file into a directory, and the directory into itself */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test4.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "test4.txt\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; shfo.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(DeleteFile("test4.txt\\test1.txt"), "Expected test4.txt\\test1.txt to exist\n"); /* copy a file to a file, and the directory into itself */ shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0test4.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "test4.txt\\a.txt\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(!file_exists("test4.txt\\a.txt"), "Expected test4.txt\\a.txt to not exist\n"); /* copy a nonexistent file to a nonexistent directory */ shfo.pFrom = "e.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "nonexistent\0"; shfo.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; retval = SHFileOperation(&shfo); ok(retval == 1026, "Expected 1026, got %ld\n", retval); ok(!file_exists("nonexistent\\e.txt"), "Expected nonexistent\\e.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!file_exists("nonexistent"), "Expected nonexistent to not exist\n"); } /* tests the FO_MOVE action */ static void test_move(void) { SHFILEOPSTRUCTA shfo, shfo2; CHAR from[MAX_PATH]; CHAR to[MAX_PATH]; DWORD retval; shfo.hwnd = NULL; shfo.wFunc = FO_MOVE; shfo.pFrom = from; shfo.pTo = to; shfo.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOERRORUI; shfo.hNameMappings = NULL; shfo.lpszProgressTitle = NULL; set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test4.txt\0"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Prepare test to check how directories are moved recursively\n"); ok(!file_exists("test1.txt"), "test1.txt should not exist\n"); ok(file_exists("test4.txt\\test1.txt"), "The file is not moved\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test?.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "testdir2\0"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test2.txt"), "The file is not moved yet\n"); ok(!file_exists("testdir2\\test4.txt"), "The directory is not moved yet\n"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Files and directories are moved to directory\n"); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test2.txt"), "The file is moved\n"); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test4.txt"), "The directory is moved\n"); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test4.txt\\test1.txt"), "The file in subdirectory is moved\n"); clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); memcpy(&shfo2, &shfo, sizeof(SHFILEOPSTRUCTA)); shfo2.fFlags |= FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test4.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0test7.txt\0test8.txt\0"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo2), "Move many files\n"); ok(file_exists("test6.txt"), "The file is moved - many files are " "specified as a target\n"); DeleteFileA("test6.txt"); DeleteFileA("test7.txt"); RemoveDirectoryA("test8.txt"); init_shfo_tests(); /* number of sources do not correspond to number of targets */ set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test4.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0test7.txt\0"); ok(SHFileOperationA(&shfo2), "Can't move many files\n"); ok(!file_exists("test6.txt"), "The file is not moved - many files are " "specified as a target\n"); init_shfo_tests(); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test3.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test4.txt\\test1.txt\0"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "File is moved moving to other directory\n"); ok(file_exists("test4.txt\\test1.txt"), "The file is moved\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0test2.txt\0test4.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0test7.txt\0test8.txt\0"); ok(SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Cannot move many files\n"); ok(file_exists("test1.txt"), "The file is not moved. Many files are specified\n"); ok(file_exists("test4.txt"), "The directory is not moved. Many files are specified\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test1.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Move file\n"); ok(!file_exists("test1.txt"), "The file is moved\n"); ok(file_exists("test6.txt"), "The file is moved\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test6.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test1.txt\0"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Move file back\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test4.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test6.txt\0"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Move dir\n"); ok(!file_exists("test4.txt"), "The dir is moved\n"); ok(file_exists("test6.txt"), "The dir is moved\n"); set_curr_dir_path(from, "test6.txt\0"); set_curr_dir_path(to, "test4.txt\0"); ok(!SHFileOperationA(&shfo), "Move dir back\n"); /* move one file to two others */ init_shfo_tests(); shfo.pFrom = "test1.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "a.txt\0b.txt\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(!file_exists("test1.txt"), "Expected test1.txt to not exist\n"); ok(DeleteFile("a.txt"), "Expected a.txt to exist\n"); } ok(!file_exists("b.txt"), "Expected b.txt to not exist\n"); /* move two files to one other */ shfo.pFrom = "test2.txt\0test3.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "test1.txt\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); ok(!file_exists("test1.txt"), "Expected test1.txt to not exist\n"); } ok(file_exists("test2.txt"), "Expected test2.txt to exist\n"); ok(file_exists("test3.txt"), "Expected test3.txt to exist\n"); /* move a directory into itself */ shfo.pFrom = "test4.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "test4.txt\\b.txt\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(!RemoveDirectory("test4.txt\\b.txt"), "Expected test4.txt\\b.txt to not exist\n"); ok(file_exists("test4.txt"), "Expected test4.txt to exist\n"); /* move many files without FOF_MULTIDESTFILES */ shfo.pFrom = "test2.txt\0test3.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "d.txt\0e.txt\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(!DeleteFile("d.txt"), "Expected d.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFile("e.txt"), "Expected e.txt to not exist\n"); /* number of sources != number of targets */ shfo.pTo = "d.txt\0"; shfo.fFlags |= FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(!DeleteFile("d.txt"), "Expected d.txt to not exist\n"); /* FO_MOVE does not create dest directories */ shfo.pFrom = "test2.txt\0"; shfo.pTo = "dir1\\dir2\\test2.txt\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_CANCELLED, "Expected ERROR_CANCELLED, got %ld\n", retval); } ok(!file_exists("dir1"), "Expected dir1 to not exist\n"); /* try to overwrite an existing file */ shfo.pTo = "test3.txt\0"; retval = SHFileOperationA(&shfo); todo_wine { ok(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %ld\n", retval); ok(!file_exists("test2.txt"), "Expected test2.txt to not exist\n"); } ok(file_exists("test3.txt"), "Expected test3.txt to exist\n"); } static void test_sh_create_dir(void) { CHAR path[MAX_PATH]; int ret; if(!pSHCreateDirectoryExA) { trace("skipping SHCreateDirectoryExA tests\n"); return; } set_curr_dir_path(path, "testdir2\\test4.txt\0"); ret = pSHCreateDirectoryExA(NULL, path, NULL); ok(ERROR_SUCCESS == ret, "SHCreateDirectoryEx failed to create directory recursively, ret = %d\n", ret); ok(file_exists("testdir2"), "The first directory is not created\n"); ok(file_exists("testdir2\\test4.txt"), "The second directory is not created\n"); ret = pSHCreateDirectoryExA(NULL, path, NULL); ok(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == ret, "SHCreateDirectoryEx should fail to create existing directory, ret = %d\n", ret); } START_TEST(shlfileop) { InitFunctionPointers(); clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); test_delete(); clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); test_rename(); clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); test_copy(); clean_after_shfo_tests(); init_shfo_tests(); test_move(); clean_after_shfo_tests(); test_sh_create_dir(); clean_after_shfo_tests(); }