/* * Implementation of the Microsoft Installer (msi.dll) * * Copyright 2004 Aric Stewart for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define NONAMELESSUNION #define NONAMELESSSTRUCT #define COBJMACROS #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "winnls.h" #include "shlwapi.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "msi.h" #include "msiquery.h" #include "objidl.h" #include "wincrypt.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "wininet.h" #include "winver.h" #include "urlmon.h" #include "shlobj.h" #include "objbase.h" #include "msidefs.h" #include "sddl.h" #include "wine/heap.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "wine/exception.h" #include "msipriv.h" #include "winemsi.h" #include "resource.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(msi); static void free_feature( MSIFEATURE *feature ) { struct list *item, *cursor; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &feature->Children ) { FeatureList *fl = LIST_ENTRY( item, FeatureList, entry ); list_remove( &fl->entry ); msi_free( fl ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &feature->Components ) { ComponentList *cl = LIST_ENTRY( item, ComponentList, entry ); list_remove( &cl->entry ); msi_free( cl ); } msi_free( feature->Feature ); msi_free( feature->Feature_Parent ); msi_free( feature->Directory ); msi_free( feature->Description ); msi_free( feature->Title ); msi_free( feature ); } static void free_folder( MSIFOLDER *folder ) { struct list *item, *cursor; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &folder->children ) { FolderList *fl = LIST_ENTRY( item, FolderList, entry ); list_remove( &fl->entry ); msi_free( fl ); } msi_free( folder->Parent ); msi_free( folder->Directory ); msi_free( folder->TargetDefault ); msi_free( folder->SourceLongPath ); msi_free( folder->SourceShortPath ); msi_free( folder->ResolvedTarget ); msi_free( folder->ResolvedSource ); msi_free( folder ); } static void free_extension( MSIEXTENSION *ext ) { struct list *item, *cursor; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &ext->verbs ) { MSIVERB *verb = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIVERB, entry ); list_remove( &verb->entry ); msi_free( verb->Verb ); msi_free( verb->Command ); msi_free( verb->Argument ); msi_free( verb ); } msi_free( ext->Extension ); msi_free( ext->ProgIDText ); msi_free( ext ); } static void free_assembly( MSIASSEMBLY *assembly ) { msi_free( assembly->feature ); msi_free( assembly->manifest ); msi_free( assembly->application ); msi_free( assembly->display_name ); if (assembly->tempdir) RemoveDirectoryW( assembly->tempdir ); msi_free( assembly->tempdir ); msi_free( assembly ); } void msi_free_action_script( MSIPACKAGE *package, UINT script ) { UINT i; for (i = 0; i < package->script_actions_count[script]; i++) msi_free( package->script_actions[script][i] ); msi_free( package->script_actions[script] ); package->script_actions[script] = NULL; package->script_actions_count[script] = 0; } static void free_package_structures( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { struct list *item, *cursor; int i; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->features ) { MSIFEATURE *feature = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIFEATURE, entry ); list_remove( &feature->entry ); free_feature( feature ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->folders ) { MSIFOLDER *folder = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIFOLDER, entry ); list_remove( &folder->entry ); free_folder( folder ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->files ) { MSIFILE *file = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIFILE, entry ); list_remove( &file->entry ); msi_free( file->File ); msi_free( file->FileName ); msi_free( file->ShortName ); msi_free( file->LongName ); msi_free( file->Version ); msi_free( file->Language ); if (msi_is_global_assembly( file->Component )) DeleteFileW( file->TargetPath ); msi_free( file->TargetPath ); msi_free( file ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->components ) { MSICOMPONENT *comp = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSICOMPONENT, entry ); list_remove( &comp->entry ); msi_free( comp->Component ); msi_free( comp->ComponentId ); msi_free( comp->Directory ); msi_free( comp->Condition ); msi_free( comp->KeyPath ); msi_free( comp->FullKeypath ); if (comp->assembly) free_assembly( comp->assembly ); msi_free( comp ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->filepatches ) { MSIFILEPATCH *patch = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIFILEPATCH, entry ); list_remove( &patch->entry ); msi_free( patch->path ); msi_free( patch ); } /* clean up extension, progid, class and verb structures */ LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->classes ) { MSICLASS *cls = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSICLASS, entry ); list_remove( &cls->entry ); msi_free( cls->clsid ); msi_free( cls->Context ); msi_free( cls->Description ); msi_free( cls->FileTypeMask ); msi_free( cls->IconPath ); msi_free( cls->DefInprocHandler ); msi_free( cls->DefInprocHandler32 ); msi_free( cls->Argument ); msi_free( cls->ProgIDText ); msi_free( cls ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->extensions ) { MSIEXTENSION *ext = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIEXTENSION, entry ); list_remove( &ext->entry ); free_extension( ext ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->progids ) { MSIPROGID *progid = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIPROGID, entry ); list_remove( &progid->entry ); msi_free( progid->ProgID ); msi_free( progid->Description ); msi_free( progid->IconPath ); msi_free( progid ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->mimes ) { MSIMIME *mt = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIMIME, entry ); list_remove( &mt->entry ); msi_free( mt->suffix ); msi_free( mt->clsid ); msi_free( mt->ContentType ); msi_free( mt ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->appids ) { MSIAPPID *appid = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIAPPID, entry ); list_remove( &appid->entry ); msi_free( appid->AppID ); msi_free( appid->RemoteServerName ); msi_free( appid->LocalServer ); msi_free( appid->ServiceParameters ); msi_free( appid->DllSurrogate ); msi_free( appid ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->sourcelist_info ) { MSISOURCELISTINFO *info = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSISOURCELISTINFO, entry ); list_remove( &info->entry ); msi_free( info->value ); msi_free( info ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->sourcelist_media ) { MSIMEDIADISK *info = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIMEDIADISK, entry ); list_remove( &info->entry ); msi_free( info->volume_label ); msi_free( info->disk_prompt ); msi_free( info ); } for (i = 0; i < SCRIPT_MAX; i++) msi_free_action_script( package, i ); for (i = 0; i < package->unique_actions_count; i++) msi_free( package->unique_actions[i] ); msi_free( package->unique_actions); LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->binaries ) { MSIBINARY *binary = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIBINARY, entry ); list_remove( &binary->entry ); if (!DeleteFileW( binary->tmpfile )) ERR("failed to delete %s (%u)\n", debugstr_w(binary->tmpfile), GetLastError()); msi_free( binary->source ); msi_free( binary->tmpfile ); msi_free( binary ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->cabinet_streams ) { MSICABINETSTREAM *cab = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSICABINETSTREAM, entry ); list_remove( &cab->entry ); IStorage_Release( cab->storage ); msi_free( cab->stream ); msi_free( cab ); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE( item, cursor, &package->patches ) { MSIPATCHINFO *patch = LIST_ENTRY( item, MSIPATCHINFO, entry ); list_remove( &patch->entry ); if (patch->delete_on_close && !DeleteFileW( patch->localfile )) { ERR("failed to delete %s (%u)\n", debugstr_w(patch->localfile), GetLastError()); } msi_free_patchinfo( patch ); } msi_free( package->PackagePath ); msi_free( package->ProductCode ); msi_free( package->ActionFormat ); msi_free( package->LastAction ); msi_free( package->LastActionTemplate ); msi_free( package->langids ); /* cleanup control event subscriptions */ msi_event_cleanup_all_subscriptions( package ); } static void MSI_FreePackage( MSIOBJECTHDR *arg) { MSIPACKAGE *package = (MSIPACKAGE *)arg; msi_destroy_assembly_caches( package ); if( package->dialog ) msi_dialog_destroy( package->dialog ); msiobj_release( &package->db->hdr ); free_package_structures(package); CloseHandle( package->log_file ); if (package->rpc_server_started) RpcServerUnregisterIf(s_IWineMsiRemote_v0_0_s_ifspec, NULL, FALSE); if (rpc_handle) RpcBindingFree(&rpc_handle); if (package->custom_server_32_process) custom_stop_server(package->custom_server_32_process, package->custom_server_32_pipe); if (package->custom_server_64_process) custom_stop_server(package->custom_server_64_process, package->custom_server_64_pipe); if (package->delete_on_close) DeleteFileW( package->localfile ); msi_free( package->localfile ); MSI_ProcessMessage(NULL, INSTALLMESSAGE_TERMINATE, 0); } static UINT create_temp_property_table(MSIPACKAGE *package) { static const WCHAR query[] = { 'C','R','E','A','T','E',' ','T','A','B','L','E',' ', '`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ','(',' ', '`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ', 'C','H','A','R','(','5','6',')',' ','N','O','T',' ','N','U','L','L',' ', 'T','E','M','P','O','R','A','R','Y',',',' ', '`','V','a','l','u','e','`',' ','C','H','A','R','(','9','8',')',' ', 'N','O','T',' ','N','U','L','L',' ','T','E','M','P','O','R','A','R','Y', ' ','P','R','I','M','A','R','Y',' ','K','E','Y',' ', '`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',')',' ','H','O','L','D',0}; MSIQUERY *view; UINT rc; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, query, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return rc; rc = MSI_ViewExecute(view, 0); MSI_ViewClose(view); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } UINT msi_clone_properties( MSIDATABASE *db ) { static const WCHAR query_select[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',0}; static const WCHAR query_insert[] = { 'I','N','S','E','R','T',' ','I','N','T','O',' ', '`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ', '(','`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',',','`','V','a','l','u','e','`',')',' ', 'V','A','L','U','E','S',' ','(','?',',','?',')',0}; static const WCHAR query_update[] = { 'U','P','D','A','T','E',' ','`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ', 'S','E','T',' ','`','V','a','l','u','e','`',' ','=',' ','?',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ','`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ','=',' ','?',0}; MSIQUERY *view_select; UINT rc; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( db, query_select, &view_select ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return rc; rc = MSI_ViewExecute( view_select, 0 ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MSI_ViewClose( view_select ); msiobj_release( &view_select->hdr ); return rc; } while (1) { MSIQUERY *view_insert, *view_update; MSIRECORD *rec_select; rc = MSI_ViewFetch( view_select, &rec_select ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( db, query_insert, &view_insert ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { msiobj_release( &rec_select->hdr ); continue; } rc = MSI_ViewExecute( view_insert, rec_select ); MSI_ViewClose( view_insert ); msiobj_release( &view_insert->hdr ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MSIRECORD *rec_update; TRACE("insert failed, trying update\n"); rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( db, query_update, &view_update ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARN("open view failed %u\n", rc); msiobj_release( &rec_select->hdr ); continue; } rec_update = MSI_CreateRecord( 2 ); MSI_RecordCopyField( rec_select, 1, rec_update, 2 ); MSI_RecordCopyField( rec_select, 2, rec_update, 1 ); rc = MSI_ViewExecute( view_update, rec_update ); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) WARN("update failed %u\n", rc); MSI_ViewClose( view_update ); msiobj_release( &view_update->hdr ); msiobj_release( &rec_update->hdr ); } msiobj_release( &rec_select->hdr ); } MSI_ViewClose( view_select ); msiobj_release( &view_select->hdr ); return rc; } /* * set_installed_prop * * Sets the "Installed" property to indicate that * the product is installed for the current user. */ static UINT set_installed_prop( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { HKEY hkey; UINT r; if (!package->ProductCode) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; r = MSIREG_OpenUninstallKey( package->ProductCode, package->platform, &hkey, FALSE ); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey( hkey ); msi_set_property( package->db, szInstalled, szOne, -1 ); } return r; } static UINT set_user_sid_prop( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { SID_NAME_USE use; LPWSTR user_name; LPWSTR sid_str = NULL, dom = NULL; DWORD size, dom_size; PSID psid = NULL; UINT r = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; size = 0; GetUserNameW( NULL, &size ); user_name = msi_alloc( (size + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!user_name) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!GetUserNameW( user_name, &size )) goto done; size = 0; dom_size = 0; LookupAccountNameW( NULL, user_name, NULL, &size, NULL, &dom_size, &use ); psid = msi_alloc( size ); dom = msi_alloc( dom_size*sizeof (WCHAR) ); if (!psid || !dom) { r = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } if (!LookupAccountNameW( NULL, user_name, psid, &size, dom, &dom_size, &use )) goto done; if (!ConvertSidToStringSidW( psid, &sid_str )) goto done; r = msi_set_property( package->db, szUserSID, sid_str, -1 ); done: LocalFree( sid_str ); msi_free( dom ); msi_free( psid ); msi_free( user_name ); return r; } static LPWSTR get_fusion_filename(MSIPACKAGE *package) { static const WCHAR fusion[] = {'f','u','s','i','o','n','.','d','l','l',0}; static const WCHAR subkey[] = {'S','o','f','t','w','a','r','e','\\','M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','\\', 'N','E','T',' ','F','r','a','m','e','w','o','r','k',' ','S','e','t','u','p','\\','N','D','P',0}; static const WCHAR subdir[] = {'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','.','N','E','T','\\','F','r','a','m','e','w','o','r','k','\\',0}; static const WCHAR v2050727[] = {'v','2','.','0','.','5','0','7','2','7',0}; static const WCHAR v4client[] = {'v','4','\\','C','l','i','e','n','t',0}; static const WCHAR installpath[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','P','a','t','h',0}; HKEY netsetup, hkey; LONG res; DWORD size, len, type; WCHAR windir[MAX_PATH], path[MAX_PATH], *filename = NULL; res = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subkey, 0, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, &netsetup); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return NULL; if (!RegCreateKeyExW(netsetup, v4client, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, &hkey, NULL)) { size = ARRAY_SIZE(path); if (!RegQueryValueExW(hkey, installpath, NULL, &type, (BYTE *)path, &size)) { len = lstrlenW(path) + lstrlenW(fusion) + 2; if (!(filename = msi_alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)))) return NULL; lstrcpyW(filename, path); lstrcatW(filename, szBackSlash); lstrcatW(filename, fusion); if (GetFileAttributesW(filename) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { TRACE( "found %s\n", debugstr_w(filename) ); RegCloseKey(hkey); RegCloseKey(netsetup); return filename; } } RegCloseKey(hkey); } if (!RegCreateKeyExW(netsetup, v2050727, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, &hkey, NULL)) { RegCloseKey(hkey); GetWindowsDirectoryW(windir, MAX_PATH); len = lstrlenW(windir) + lstrlenW(subdir) + lstrlenW(v2050727) + lstrlenW(fusion) + 3; if (!(filename = msi_alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)))) return NULL; lstrcpyW(filename, windir); lstrcatW(filename, szBackSlash); lstrcatW(filename, subdir); lstrcatW(filename, v2050727); lstrcatW(filename, szBackSlash); lstrcatW(filename, fusion); if (GetFileAttributesW(filename) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { TRACE( "found %s\n", debugstr_w(filename) ); RegCloseKey(netsetup); return filename; } } RegCloseKey(netsetup); return filename; } typedef struct tagLANGANDCODEPAGE { WORD wLanguage; WORD wCodePage; } LANGANDCODEPAGE; static void set_msi_assembly_prop(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT val_len; DWORD size, handle; LPVOID version = NULL; WCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR fusion, verstr; LANGANDCODEPAGE *translate; static const WCHAR netasm[] = { 'M','s','i','N','e','t','A','s','s','e','m','b','l','y','S','u','p','p','o','r','t',0 }; static const WCHAR translation[] = { '\\','V','a','r','F','i','l','e','I','n','f','o', '\\','T','r','a','n','s','l','a','t','i','o','n',0 }; static const WCHAR verfmt[] = { '\\','S','t','r','i','n','g','F','i','l','e','I','n','f','o', '\\','%','0','4','x','%','0','4','x', '\\','P','r','o','d','u','c','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0 }; fusion = get_fusion_filename(package); if (!fusion) return; size = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(fusion, &handle); if (!size) goto done; version = msi_alloc(size); if (!version) goto done; if (!GetFileVersionInfoW(fusion, handle, size, version)) goto done; if (!VerQueryValueW(version, translation, (LPVOID *)&translate, &val_len)) goto done; swprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), verfmt, translate[0].wLanguage, translate[0].wCodePage); if (!VerQueryValueW(version, buf, (LPVOID *)&verstr, &val_len)) goto done; if (!val_len || !verstr) goto done; msi_set_property( package->db, netasm, verstr, -1 ); done: msi_free(fusion); msi_free(version); } static VOID set_installer_properties(MSIPACKAGE *package) { WCHAR *ptr; OSVERSIONINFOEXW OSVersion; MEMORYSTATUSEX msex; DWORD verval, len, type; WCHAR pth[MAX_PATH], verstr[11], bufstr[22]; HDC dc; HKEY hkey; LPWSTR username, companyname; SYSTEM_INFO sys_info; LANGID langid; static const WCHAR szCommonFilesFolder[] = {'C','o','m','m','o','n','F','i','l','e','s','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szProgramFilesFolder[] = {'P','r','o','g','r','a','m','F','i','l','e','s','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szCommonAppDataFolder[] = {'C','o','m','m','o','n','A','p','p','D','a','t','a','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szFavoritesFolder[] = {'F','a','v','o','r','i','t','e','s','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szFontsFolder[] = {'F','o','n','t','s','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szSendToFolder[] = {'S','e','n','d','T','o','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szStartMenuFolder[] = {'S','t','a','r','t','M','e','n','u','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szStartupFolder[] = {'S','t','a','r','t','u','p','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szTemplateFolder[] = {'T','e','m','p','l','a','t','e','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szDesktopFolder[] = {'D','e','s','k','t','o','p','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szProgramMenuFolder[] = {'P','r','o','g','r','a','m','M','e','n','u','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szAdminToolsFolder[] = {'A','d','m','i','n','T','o','o','l','s','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szSystemFolder[] = {'S','y','s','t','e','m','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szSystem16Folder[] = {'S','y','s','t','e','m','1','6','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szLocalAppDataFolder[] = {'L','o','c','a','l','A','p','p','D','a','t','a','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szMyPicturesFolder[] = {'M','y','P','i','c','t','u','r','e','s','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szPersonalFolder[] = {'P','e','r','s','o','n','a','l','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szWindowsVolume[] = {'W','i','n','d','o','w','s','V','o','l','u','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR szPrivileged[] = {'P','r','i','v','i','l','e','g','e','d',0}; static const WCHAR szVersion9x[] = {'V','e','r','s','i','o','n','9','X',0}; static const WCHAR szVersionNT[] = {'V','e','r','s','i','o','n','N','T',0}; static const WCHAR szMsiNTProductType[] = {'M','s','i','N','T','P','r','o','d','u','c','t','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR szFormat[] = {'%','u',0}; static const WCHAR szFormat2[] = {'%','u','.','%','u',0}; static const WCHAR szWindowsBuild[] = {'W','i','n','d','o','w','s','B','u','i','l','d',0}; static const WCHAR szServicePackLevel[] = {'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','P','a','c','k','L','e','v','e','l',0}; static const WCHAR szVersionMsi[] = { 'V','e','r','s','i','o','n','M','s','i',0 }; static const WCHAR szVersionDatabase[] = { 'V','e','r','s','i','o','n','D','a','t','a','b','a','s','e',0 }; static const WCHAR szPhysicalMemory[] = { 'P','h','y','s','i','c','a','l','M','e','m','o','r','y',0 }; static const WCHAR szScreenX[] = {'S','c','r','e','e','n','X',0}; static const WCHAR szScreenY[] = {'S','c','r','e','e','n','Y',0}; static const WCHAR szColorBits[] = {'C','o','l','o','r','B','i','t','s',0}; static const WCHAR szIntFormat[] = {'%','d',0}; static const WCHAR szMsiAMD64[] = { 'M','s','i','A','M','D','6','4',0 }; static const WCHAR szMsix64[] = { 'M','s','i','x','6','4',0 }; static const WCHAR szSystem64Folder[] = { 'S','y','s','t','e','m','6','4','F','o','l','d','e','r',0 }; static const WCHAR szCommonFiles64Folder[] = { 'C','o','m','m','o','n','F','i','l','e','s','6','4','F','o','l','d','e','r',0 }; static const WCHAR szProgramFiles64Folder[] = { 'P','r','o','g','r','a','m','F','i','l','e','s','6','4','F','o','l','d','e','r',0 }; static const WCHAR szProgramFilesDir[] = {'P','r','o','g','r','a','m','F','i','l','e','s','D','i','r',0}; static const WCHAR szProgramFilesDirx86[] = {'P','r','o','g','r','a','m','F','i','l','e','s','D','i','r',' ','(','x','8','6',')',0}; static const WCHAR szCommonFilesDir[] = {'C','o','m','m','o','n','F','i','l','e','s','D','i','r',0}; static const WCHAR szCommonFilesDirx86[] = {'C','o','m','m','o','n','F','i','l','e','s','D','i','r',' ','(','x','8','6',')',0}; static const WCHAR szVersionNT64[] = { 'V','e','r','s','i','o','n','N','T','6','4',0 }; static const WCHAR szUserInfo[] = { 'S','O','F','T','W','A','R','E','\\', 'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','\\', 'M','S',' ','S','e','t','u','p',' ','(','A','C','M','E',')','\\', 'U','s','e','r',' ','I','n','f','o',0 }; static const WCHAR szDefName[] = { 'D','e','f','N','a','m','e',0 }; static const WCHAR szDefCompany[] = { 'D','e','f','C','o','m','p','a','n','y',0 }; static const WCHAR szCurrentVersion[] = { 'S','O','F','T','W','A','R','E','\\', 'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','\\', 'W','i','n','d','o','w','s','\\', 'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0 }; static const WCHAR szCurrentVersionNT[] = { 'S','O','F','T','W','A','R','E','\\', 'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','\\', 'W','i','n','d','o','w','s',' ','N','T','\\', 'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0 }; static const WCHAR szRegisteredOwner[] = {'R','e','g','i','s','t','e','r','e','d','O','w','n','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szRegisteredOrganization[] = { 'R','e','g','i','s','t','e','r','e','d','O','r','g','a','n','i','z','a','t','i','o','n',0 }; static const WCHAR szUSERNAME[] = {'U','S','E','R','N','A','M','E',0}; static const WCHAR szCOMPANYNAME[] = {'C','O','M','P','A','N','Y','N','A','M','E',0}; static const WCHAR szUserLanguageID[] = {'U','s','e','r','L','a','n','g','u','a','g','e','I','D',0}; static const WCHAR szSystemLangID[] = {'S','y','s','t','e','m','L','a','n','g','u','a','g','e','I','D',0}; static const WCHAR szProductState[] = {'P','r','o','d','u','c','t','S','t','a','t','e',0}; static const WCHAR szLogonUser[] = {'L','o','g','o','n','U','s','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szNetHoodFolder[] = {'N','e','t','H','o','o','d','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szPrintHoodFolder[] = {'P','r','i','n','t','H','o','o','d','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szRecentFolder[] = {'R','e','c','e','n','t','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR szComputerName[] = {'C','o','m','p','u','t','e','r','N','a','m','e',0}; /* * Other things that probably should be set: * * VirtualMemory ShellAdvSupport DefaultUIFont PackagecodeChanging * CaptionHeight BorderTop BorderSide TextHeight RedirectedDllSupport */ SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szCommonAppDataFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_FAVORITES, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szFavoritesFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_FONTS, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szFontsFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_SENDTO, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szSendToFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_STARTMENU, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szStartMenuFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_STARTUP, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szStartupFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_TEMPLATES, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szTemplateFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_DESKTOP, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szDesktopFolder, pth, -1 ); /* FIXME: set to AllUsers profile path if ALLUSERS is set */ SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_PROGRAMS, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szProgramMenuFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szAdminToolsFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szAppDataFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_SYSTEM, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szSystemFolder, pth, -1 ); msi_set_property( package->db, szSystem16Folder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szLocalAppDataFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_MYPICTURES, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szMyPicturesFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szPersonalFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_WINDOWS, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szWindowsFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_PRINTHOOD, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szPrintHoodFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_NETHOOD, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szNetHoodFolder, pth, -1 ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_RECENT, NULL, 0, pth); lstrcatW(pth, szBackSlash); msi_set_property( package->db, szRecentFolder, pth, -1 ); /* Physical Memory is specified in MB. Using total amount. */ msex.dwLength = sizeof(msex); GlobalMemoryStatusEx( &msex ); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szIntFormat, (int)(msex.ullTotalPhys / 1024 / 1024) ); msi_set_property( package->db, szPhysicalMemory, bufstr, len ); SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_WINDOWS, NULL, 0, pth); ptr = wcschr(pth,'\\'); if (ptr) *(ptr + 1) = 0; msi_set_property( package->db, szWindowsVolume, pth, -1 ); len = GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, pth); msi_set_property( package->db, szTempFolder, pth, len ); /* in a wine environment the user is always admin and privileged */ msi_set_property( package->db, szAdminUser, szOne, -1 ); msi_set_property( package->db, szPrivileged, szOne, -1 ); /* set the os things */ OSVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXW); GetVersionExW((OSVERSIONINFOW *)&OSVersion); verval = OSVersion.dwMinorVersion + OSVersion.dwMajorVersion * 100; len = swprintf( verstr, ARRAY_SIZE(verstr), szFormat, verval ); switch (OSVersion.dwPlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: msi_set_property( package->db, szVersion9x, verstr, len ); break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: msi_set_property( package->db, szVersionNT, verstr, len ); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szFormat,OSVersion.wProductType ); msi_set_property( package->db, szMsiNTProductType, bufstr, len ); break; } len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szFormat, OSVersion.dwBuildNumber ); msi_set_property( package->db, szWindowsBuild, bufstr, len ); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szFormat, OSVersion.wServicePackMajor ); msi_set_property( package->db, szServicePackLevel, bufstr, len ); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szFormat2, MSI_MAJORVERSION, MSI_MINORVERSION ); msi_set_property( package->db, szVersionMsi, bufstr, len ); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szFormat, MSI_MAJORVERSION * 100 ); msi_set_property( package->db, szVersionDatabase, bufstr, len ); RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szCurrentVersion, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &hkey); GetNativeSystemInfo( &sys_info ); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szIntFormat, sys_info.wProcessorLevel ); msi_set_property( package->db, szIntel, bufstr, len ); if (sys_info.u.s.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL) { GetSystemDirectoryW( pth, MAX_PATH ); PathAddBackslashW( pth ); msi_set_property( package->db, szSystemFolder, pth, -1 ); len = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueExW(hkey, szProgramFilesDir, 0, &type, (BYTE *)pth, &len); PathAddBackslashW( pth ); msi_set_property( package->db, szProgramFilesFolder, pth, -1 ); len = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueExW(hkey, szCommonFilesDir, 0, &type, (BYTE *)pth, &len); PathAddBackslashW( pth ); msi_set_property( package->db, szCommonFilesFolder, pth, -1 ); } else if (sys_info.u.s.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) { msi_set_property( package->db, szMsiAMD64, bufstr, -1 ); msi_set_property( package->db, szMsix64, bufstr, -1 ); msi_set_property( package->db, szVersionNT64, verstr, -1 ); GetSystemDirectoryW( pth, MAX_PATH ); PathAddBackslashW( pth ); msi_set_property( package->db, szSystem64Folder, pth, -1 ); GetSystemWow64DirectoryW( pth, MAX_PATH ); PathAddBackslashW( pth ); msi_set_property( package->db, szSystemFolder, pth, -1 ); len = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueExW(hkey, szProgramFilesDir, 0, &type, (BYTE *)pth, &len); PathAddBackslashW( pth ); msi_set_property( package->db, szProgramFiles64Folder, pth, -1 ); len = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueExW(hkey, szProgramFilesDirx86, 0, &type, (BYTE *)pth, &len); PathAddBackslashW( pth ); msi_set_property( package->db, szProgramFilesFolder, pth, -1 ); len = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueExW(hkey, szCommonFilesDir, 0, &type, (BYTE *)pth, &len); PathAddBackslashW( pth ); msi_set_property( package->db, szCommonFiles64Folder, pth, -1 ); len = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueExW(hkey, szCommonFilesDirx86, 0, &type, (BYTE *)pth, &len); PathAddBackslashW( pth ); msi_set_property( package->db, szCommonFilesFolder, pth, -1 ); } RegCloseKey(hkey); /* Screen properties. */ dc = GetDC(0); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szIntFormat, GetDeviceCaps(dc, HORZRES) ); msi_set_property( package->db, szScreenX, bufstr, len ); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szIntFormat, GetDeviceCaps(dc, VERTRES) ); msi_set_property( package->db, szScreenY, bufstr, len ); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szIntFormat, GetDeviceCaps(dc, BITSPIXEL) ); msi_set_property( package->db, szColorBits, bufstr, len ); ReleaseDC(0, dc); /* USERNAME and COMPANYNAME */ username = msi_dup_property( package->db, szUSERNAME ); companyname = msi_dup_property( package->db, szCOMPANYNAME ); if ((!username || !companyname) && RegOpenKeyW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szUserInfo, &hkey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!username && (username = msi_reg_get_val_str( hkey, szDefName ))) msi_set_property( package->db, szUSERNAME, username, -1 ); if (!companyname && (companyname = msi_reg_get_val_str( hkey, szDefCompany ))) msi_set_property( package->db, szCOMPANYNAME, companyname, -1 ); CloseHandle( hkey ); } if ((!username || !companyname) && RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szCurrentVersionNT, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE|KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &hkey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!username && (username = msi_reg_get_val_str( hkey, szRegisteredOwner ))) msi_set_property( package->db, szUSERNAME, username, -1 ); if (!companyname && (companyname = msi_reg_get_val_str( hkey, szRegisteredOrganization ))) msi_set_property( package->db, szCOMPANYNAME, companyname, -1 ); CloseHandle( hkey ); } msi_free( username ); msi_free( companyname ); if ( set_user_sid_prop( package ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) ERR("Failed to set the UserSID property\n"); set_msi_assembly_prop( package ); langid = GetUserDefaultLangID(); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szIntFormat, langid ); msi_set_property( package->db, szUserLanguageID, bufstr, len ); langid = GetSystemDefaultLangID(); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szIntFormat, langid ); msi_set_property( package->db, szSystemLangID, bufstr, len ); len = swprintf( bufstr, ARRAY_SIZE(bufstr), szIntFormat, MsiQueryProductStateW(package->ProductCode) ); msi_set_property( package->db, szProductState, bufstr, len ); len = 0; if (!GetUserNameW( NULL, &len ) && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { WCHAR *username; if ((username = msi_alloc( len * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) { if (GetUserNameW( username, &len )) msi_set_property( package->db, szLogonUser, username, len - 1 ); msi_free( username ); } } len = 0; if (!GetComputerNameW( NULL, &len ) && GetLastError() == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { WCHAR *computername; if ((computername = msi_alloc( len * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) { if (GetComputerNameW( computername, &len )) msi_set_property( package->db, szComputerName, computername, len ); msi_free( computername ); } } } static MSIPACKAGE *msi_alloc_package( void ) { MSIPACKAGE *package; package = alloc_msiobject( MSIHANDLETYPE_PACKAGE, sizeof (MSIPACKAGE), MSI_FreePackage ); if( package ) { list_init( &package->components ); list_init( &package->features ); list_init( &package->files ); list_init( &package->filepatches ); list_init( &package->tempfiles ); list_init( &package->folders ); list_init( &package->subscriptions ); list_init( &package->appids ); list_init( &package->classes ); list_init( &package->mimes ); list_init( &package->extensions ); list_init( &package->progids ); list_init( &package->RunningActions ); list_init( &package->sourcelist_info ); list_init( &package->sourcelist_media ); list_init( &package->patches ); list_init( &package->binaries ); list_init( &package->cabinet_streams ); } return package; } static UINT msi_load_admin_properties(MSIPACKAGE *package) { BYTE *data; UINT r, sz; static const WCHAR stmname[] = {'A','d','m','i','n','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','i','e','s',0}; r = read_stream_data(package->db->storage, stmname, FALSE, &data, &sz); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; r = msi_parse_command_line(package, (WCHAR *)data, TRUE); msi_free(data); return r; } void msi_adjust_privilege_properties( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { /* FIXME: this should depend on the user's privileges */ if (msi_get_property_int( package->db, szAllUsers, 0 ) == 2) { TRACE("resetting ALLUSERS property from 2 to 1\n"); msi_set_property( package->db, szAllUsers, szOne, -1 ); } msi_set_property( package->db, szAdminUser, szOne, -1 ); } MSIPACKAGE *MSI_CreatePackage( MSIDATABASE *db ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','u',0}; MSIPACKAGE *package; WCHAR uilevel[11]; int len; UINT r; TRACE("%p\n", db); package = msi_alloc_package(); if (package) { msiobj_addref( &db->hdr ); package->db = db; package->LastAction = NULL; package->LastActionTemplate = NULL; package->LastActionResult = MSI_NULL_INTEGER; package->WordCount = 0; package->PackagePath = strdupW( db->path ); create_temp_property_table( package ); msi_clone_properties( package->db ); msi_adjust_privilege_properties( package ); package->ProductCode = msi_dup_property( package->db, szProductCode ); set_installer_properties( package ); package->ui_level = gUILevel; len = swprintf( uilevel, ARRAY_SIZE(uilevel), fmtW, gUILevel & INSTALLUILEVEL_MASK ); msi_set_property( package->db, szUILevel, uilevel, len ); r = msi_load_suminfo_properties( package ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); return NULL; } if (package->WordCount & msidbSumInfoSourceTypeAdminImage) msi_load_admin_properties( package ); package->log_file = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; package->script = SCRIPT_NONE; } return package; } UINT msi_download_file( LPCWSTR szUrl, LPWSTR filename ) { LPINTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOW cache_entry; DWORD size = 0; HRESULT hr; /* call will always fail, because size is 0, * but will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND first * if the file doesn't exist */ GetUrlCacheEntryInfoW( szUrl, NULL, &size ); if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { cache_entry = msi_alloc( size ); if ( !GetUrlCacheEntryInfoW( szUrl, cache_entry, &size ) ) { UINT error = GetLastError(); msi_free( cache_entry ); return error; } lstrcpyW( filename, cache_entry->lpszLocalFileName ); msi_free( cache_entry ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } hr = URLDownloadToCacheFileW( NULL, szUrl, filename, MAX_PATH, 0, NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { WARN("failed to download %s to cache file\n", debugstr_w(szUrl)); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } UINT msi_create_empty_local_file( LPWSTR path, LPCWSTR suffix ) { static const WCHAR szInstaller[] = { '\\','I','n','s','t','a','l','l','e','r','\\',0}; static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','x',0}; DWORD time, len, i, offset; HANDLE handle; time = GetTickCount(); GetWindowsDirectoryW( path, MAX_PATH ); lstrcatW( path, szInstaller ); CreateDirectoryW( path, NULL ); len = lstrlenW(path); for (i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) { offset = swprintf( path + len, MAX_PATH - len, fmt, (time + i) & 0xffff ); memcpy( path + len + offset, suffix, (lstrlenW( suffix ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); handle = CreateFileW( path, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0 ); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(handle); break; } if (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS && GetLastError() != ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static enum platform parse_platform( const WCHAR *str ) { if (!str[0] || !wcscmp( str, szIntel )) return PLATFORM_INTEL; else if (!wcscmp( str, szIntel64 )) return PLATFORM_INTEL64; else if (!wcscmp( str, szX64 ) || !wcscmp( str, szAMD64 )) return PLATFORM_X64; else if (!wcscmp( str, szARM )) return PLATFORM_ARM; else if (!wcscmp( str, szARM64 )) return PLATFORM_ARM64; return PLATFORM_UNKNOWN; } static UINT parse_suminfo( MSISUMMARYINFO *si, MSIPACKAGE *package ) { WCHAR *template, *p, *q, *platform; DWORD i, count; package->version = msi_suminfo_get_int32( si, PID_PAGECOUNT ); TRACE("version: %d\n", package->version); template = msi_suminfo_dup_string( si, PID_TEMPLATE ); if (!template) return ERROR_SUCCESS; /* native accepts missing template property */ TRACE("template: %s\n", debugstr_w(template)); p = wcschr( template, ';' ); if (!p) { WARN("invalid template string %s\n", debugstr_w(template)); msi_free( template ); return ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_INVALID; } *p = 0; platform = template; if ((q = wcschr( platform, ',' ))) *q = 0; package->platform = parse_platform( platform ); while (package->platform == PLATFORM_UNKNOWN && q) { platform = q + 1; if ((q = wcschr( platform, ',' ))) *q = 0; package->platform = parse_platform( platform ); } if (package->platform == PLATFORM_UNKNOWN) { WARN("unknown platform %s\n", debugstr_w(template)); msi_free( template ); return ERROR_INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED; } p++; if (!*p) { msi_free( template ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } count = 1; for (q = p; (q = wcschr( q, ',' )); q++) count++; package->langids = msi_alloc( count * sizeof(LANGID) ); if (!package->langids) { msi_free( template ); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } i = 0; while (*p) { q = wcschr( p, ',' ); if (q) *q = 0; package->langids[i] = wcstol( p, NULL, 10 ); if (!q) break; p = q + 1; i++; } package->num_langids = i + 1; msi_free( template ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static UINT validate_package( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { UINT i; if (package->platform == PLATFORM_INTEL64) return ERROR_INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED; #ifndef __arm__ if (package->platform == PLATFORM_ARM) return ERROR_INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED; #endif #ifndef __aarch64__ if (package->platform == PLATFORM_ARM64) return ERROR_INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED; #endif if (package->platform == PLATFORM_X64) { if (!is_64bit && !is_wow64) return ERROR_INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED; if (package->version < 200) return ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID; } if (!package->num_langids) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } for (i = 0; i < package->num_langids; i++) { LANGID langid = package->langids[i]; if (PRIMARYLANGID( langid ) == LANG_NEUTRAL) { langid = MAKELANGID( PRIMARYLANGID( GetSystemDefaultLangID() ), SUBLANGID( langid ) ); } if (SUBLANGID( langid ) == SUBLANG_NEUTRAL) { langid = MAKELANGID( PRIMARYLANGID( langid ), SUBLANGID( GetSystemDefaultLangID() ) ); } if (IsValidLocale( langid, LCID_INSTALLED )) return ERROR_SUCCESS; } return ERROR_INSTALL_LANGUAGE_UNSUPPORTED; } static WCHAR *get_property( MSIDATABASE *db, const WCHAR *prop ) { static const WCHAR select_query[] = { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','`','V','a','l','u','e','`',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ','`','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ','`','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`','=', '\'','%','s','\'',0}; WCHAR query[MAX_PATH]; MSIQUERY *view; MSIRECORD *rec; WCHAR *ret = NULL; swprintf(query, ARRAY_SIZE(query), select_query, prop); if (MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW( db, query, &view ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NULL; } if (MSI_ViewExecute( view, 0 ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MSI_ViewClose( view ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return NULL; } if (MSI_ViewFetch( view, &rec ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ret = strdupW( MSI_RecordGetString( rec, 1 ) ); msiobj_release( &rec->hdr ); } MSI_ViewClose( view ); msiobj_release( &view->hdr ); return ret; } static WCHAR *get_product_code( MSIDATABASE *db ) { return get_property( db, szProductCode ); } static WCHAR *get_product_version( MSIDATABASE *db ) { return get_property( db, szProductVersion ); } static UINT get_registered_local_package( const WCHAR *product, WCHAR *localfile ) { MSIINSTALLCONTEXT context; WCHAR *filename; HKEY props_key; UINT r; r = msi_locate_product( product, &context ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; r = MSIREG_OpenInstallProps( product, context, NULL, &props_key, FALSE ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; filename = msi_reg_get_val_str( props_key, INSTALLPROPERTY_LOCALPACKAGEW ); RegCloseKey( props_key ); if (!filename) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; lstrcpyW( localfile, filename ); msi_free( filename ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } WCHAR *msi_get_package_code( MSIDATABASE *db ) { WCHAR *ret; MSISUMMARYINFO *si; UINT r; r = msi_get_suminfo( db->storage, 0, &si ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { r = msi_get_db_suminfo( db, 0, &si ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARN("failed to load summary info %u\n", r); return NULL; } } ret = msi_suminfo_dup_string( si, PID_REVNUMBER ); msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return ret; } static UINT get_local_package( MSIDATABASE *db, WCHAR *localfile ) { WCHAR *product_code; UINT r; if (!(product_code = get_product_code( db ))) return ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID; r = get_registered_local_package( product_code, localfile ); msi_free( product_code ); return r; } UINT msi_set_original_database_property( MSIDATABASE *db, const WCHAR *package ) { UINT r; if (UrlIsW( package, URLIS_URL )) r = msi_set_property( db, szOriginalDatabase, package, -1 ); else if (package[0] == '#') r = msi_set_property( db, szOriginalDatabase, db->path, -1 ); else { DWORD len; WCHAR *path; if (!(len = GetFullPathNameW( package, 0, NULL, NULL ))) return GetLastError(); if (!(path = msi_alloc( len * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; len = GetFullPathNameW( package, len, path, NULL ); r = msi_set_property( db, szOriginalDatabase, path, len ); msi_free( path ); } return r; } UINT MSI_OpenPackageW(LPCWSTR szPackage, DWORD dwOptions, MSIPACKAGE **pPackage) { static const WCHAR dotmsi[] = {'.','m','s','i',0}; MSIDATABASE *db; MSIPACKAGE *package; MSIHANDLE handle; MSIRECORD *data_row, *info_row; UINT r; WCHAR localfile[MAX_PATH], cachefile[MAX_PATH]; LPCWSTR file = szPackage; DWORD index = 0; MSISUMMARYINFO *si; BOOL delete_on_close = FALSE; WCHAR *info_template, *productname, *product_code; MSIINSTALLCONTEXT context; TRACE("%s %p\n", debugstr_w(szPackage), pPackage); MSI_ProcessMessage(NULL, INSTALLMESSAGE_INITIALIZE, 0); localfile[0] = 0; if( szPackage[0] == '#' ) { handle = wcstol(&szPackage[1], NULL, 10); if (!(db = msihandle2msiinfo(handle, MSIHANDLETYPE_DATABASE))) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else { WCHAR *product_version = NULL; if ( UrlIsW( szPackage, URLIS_URL ) ) { r = msi_download_file( szPackage, cachefile ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; file = cachefile; } r = MSI_OpenDatabaseW( file, MSIDBOPEN_READONLY, &db ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (GetFileAttributesW( file ) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; return r; } r = get_local_package( db, localfile ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS || GetFileAttributesW( localfile ) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { r = msi_create_empty_local_file( localfile, dotmsi ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { msiobj_release( &db->hdr ); return r; } if (!CopyFileW( file, localfile, FALSE )) { r = GetLastError(); WARN("unable to copy package %s to %s (%u)\n", debugstr_w(file), debugstr_w(localfile), r); DeleteFileW( localfile ); msiobj_release( &db->hdr ); return r; } delete_on_close = TRUE; } else if (dwOptions & WINE_OPENPACKAGEFLAGS_RECACHE) { if (!CopyFileW( file, localfile, FALSE )) { r = GetLastError(); WARN("unable to update cached package (%u)\n", r); msiobj_release( &db->hdr ); return r; } } else product_version = get_product_version( db ); msiobj_release( &db->hdr ); TRACE("opening package %s\n", debugstr_w( localfile )); r = MSI_OpenDatabaseW( localfile, MSIDBOPEN_TRANSACT, &db ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) return r; if (product_version) { WCHAR *cache_version = get_product_version( db ); if (!product_version != !cache_version || (product_version && wcscmp(product_version, cache_version))) { msiobj_release( &db->hdr ); msi_free(product_version); msi_free(cache_version); return ERROR_PRODUCT_VERSION; } msi_free(product_version); msi_free(cache_version); } } package = MSI_CreatePackage( db ); msiobj_release( &db->hdr ); if (!package) return ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID; package->localfile = strdupW( localfile ); package->delete_on_close = delete_on_close; r = msi_get_suminfo( db->storage, 0, &si ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { r = msi_get_db_suminfo( db, 0, &si ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARN("failed to load summary info\n"); msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); return ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID; } } r = parse_suminfo( si, package ); msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARN("failed to parse summary info %u\n", r); msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); return r; } r = validate_package( package ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); return r; } msi_set_property( package->db, szDatabase, db->path, -1 ); set_installed_prop( package ); msi_set_context( package ); product_code = get_product_code( db ); if (msi_locate_product( product_code, &context ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE("product already registered\n"); msi_set_property( package->db, szProductToBeRegistered, szOne, -1 ); } msi_free(product_code); while (1) { WCHAR patch_code[GUID_SIZE]; r = MsiEnumPatchesExW( package->ProductCode, NULL, package->Context, MSIPATCHSTATE_APPLIED, index, patch_code, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; TRACE("found registered patch %s\n", debugstr_w(patch_code)); r = msi_apply_registered_patch( package, patch_code ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("registered patch failed to apply %u\n", r); msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); return r; } index++; } if (index) msi_adjust_privilege_properties( package ); r = msi_set_original_database_property( package->db, szPackage ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); return r; } if (gszLogFile) package->log_file = CreateFileW( gszLogFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (!msi_init_assembly_caches( package )) { ERR("can't initialize assembly caches\n"); msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } /* FIXME: when should these messages be sent? */ data_row = MSI_CreateRecord(3); if (!data_row) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; MSI_RecordSetStringW(data_row, 0, NULL); MSI_RecordSetInteger(data_row, 1, 0); MSI_RecordSetInteger(data_row, 2, package->num_langids ? package->langids[0] : 0); MSI_RecordSetInteger(data_row, 3, msi_get_string_table_codepage(package->db->strings)); MSI_ProcessMessageVerbatim(package, INSTALLMESSAGE_COMMONDATA, data_row); info_row = MSI_CreateRecord(0); if (!info_row) { msiobj_release(&data_row->hdr); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } info_template = msi_get_error_message(package->db, MSIERR_INFO_LOGGINGSTART); MSI_RecordSetStringW(info_row, 0, info_template); msi_free(info_template); MSI_ProcessMessage(package, INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO|MB_ICONHAND, info_row); MSI_ProcessMessage(package, INSTALLMESSAGE_COMMONDATA, data_row); productname = msi_dup_property(package->db, INSTALLPROPERTY_PRODUCTNAMEW); MSI_RecordSetInteger(data_row, 1, 1); MSI_RecordSetStringW(data_row, 2, productname); MSI_RecordSetStringW(data_row, 3, NULL); MSI_ProcessMessage(package, INSTALLMESSAGE_COMMONDATA, data_row); msi_free(productname); msiobj_release(&info_row->hdr); msiobj_release(&data_row->hdr); *pPackage = package; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } UINT WINAPI MsiOpenPackageExW(LPCWSTR szPackage, DWORD dwOptions, MSIHANDLE *phPackage) { MSIPACKAGE *package = NULL; UINT ret; TRACE("%s %08x %p\n", debugstr_w(szPackage), dwOptions, phPackage ); if( !szPackage || !phPackage ) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if ( !*szPackage ) { FIXME("Should create an empty database and package\n"); return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } if( dwOptions ) FIXME("dwOptions %08x not supported\n", dwOptions); ret = MSI_OpenPackageW( szPackage, 0, &package ); if( ret == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *phPackage = alloc_msihandle( &package->hdr ); if (! *phPackage) ret = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); } else MSI_ProcessMessage(NULL, INSTALLMESSAGE_TERMINATE, 0); return ret; } UINT WINAPI MsiOpenPackageW(LPCWSTR szPackage, MSIHANDLE *phPackage) { return MsiOpenPackageExW( szPackage, 0, phPackage ); } UINT WINAPI MsiOpenPackageExA(LPCSTR szPackage, DWORD dwOptions, MSIHANDLE *phPackage) { LPWSTR szwPack = NULL; UINT ret; if( szPackage ) { szwPack = strdupAtoW( szPackage ); if( !szwPack ) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } ret = MsiOpenPackageExW( szwPack, dwOptions, phPackage ); msi_free( szwPack ); return ret; } UINT WINAPI MsiOpenPackageA(LPCSTR szPackage, MSIHANDLE *phPackage) { return MsiOpenPackageExA( szPackage, 0, phPackage ); } MSIHANDLE WINAPI MsiGetActiveDatabase(MSIHANDLE hInstall) { MSIPACKAGE *package; MSIHANDLE handle = 0; MSIHANDLE remote; TRACE("(%d)\n",hInstall); package = msihandle2msiinfo( hInstall, MSIHANDLETYPE_PACKAGE); if( package) { handle = alloc_msihandle( &package->db->hdr ); msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); } else if ((remote = msi_get_remote(hInstall))) { __TRY { handle = remote_GetActiveDatabase(remote); handle = alloc_msi_remote_handle(handle); } __EXCEPT(rpc_filter) { handle = 0; } __ENDTRY } return handle; } static INT internal_ui_handler(MSIPACKAGE *package, INSTALLMESSAGE eMessageType, MSIRECORD *record, LPCWSTR message) { static const WCHAR szActionData[] = {'A','c','t','i','o','n','D','a','t','a',0}; static const WCHAR szActionText[] = {'A','c','t','i','o','n','T','e','x','t',0}; static const WCHAR szSetProgress[] = {'S','e','t','P','r','o','g','r','e','s','s',0}; static const WCHAR szWindows_Installer[] = {'W','i','n','d','o','w','s',' ','I','n','s','t','a','l','l','e','r',0}; if (!package || (package->ui_level & INSTALLUILEVEL_MASK) == INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE) return 0; /* todo: check if message needs additional styles (topmost/foreground/modality?) */ switch (eMessageType & 0xff000000) { case INSTALLMESSAGE_FATALEXIT: case INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR: case INSTALLMESSAGE_OUTOFDISKSPACE: if (package->ui_level & INSTALLUILEVEL_PROGRESSONLY) return 0; if (!(eMessageType & MB_ICONMASK)) eMessageType |= MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; return MessageBoxW(gUIhwnd, message, szWindows_Installer, eMessageType & 0x00ffffff); case INSTALLMESSAGE_WARNING: if (package->ui_level & INSTALLUILEVEL_PROGRESSONLY) return 0; if (!(eMessageType & MB_ICONMASK)) eMessageType |= MB_ICONASTERISK; return MessageBoxW(gUIhwnd, message, szWindows_Installer, eMessageType & 0x00ffffff); case INSTALLMESSAGE_USER: if (package->ui_level & INSTALLUILEVEL_PROGRESSONLY) return 0; if (!(eMessageType & MB_ICONMASK)) eMessageType |= MB_USERICON; return MessageBoxW(gUIhwnd, message, szWindows_Installer, eMessageType & 0x00ffffff); case INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO: case INSTALLMESSAGE_INITIALIZE: case INSTALLMESSAGE_TERMINATE: case INSTALLMESSAGE_INSTALLSTART: case INSTALLMESSAGE_INSTALLEND: return 0; case INSTALLMESSAGE_SHOWDIALOG: { LPWSTR dialog = msi_dup_record_field(record, 0); INT rc = ACTION_DialogBox(package, dialog); msi_free(dialog); return rc; } case INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONSTART: { LPWSTR deformatted; MSIRECORD *uirow = MSI_CreateRecord(1); if (!uirow) return -1; deformat_string(package, MSI_RecordGetString(record, 2), &deformatted); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow, 1, deformatted); msi_event_fire(package, szActionText, uirow); msi_free(deformatted); msiobj_release(&uirow->hdr); return 1; } case INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONDATA: { MSIRECORD *uirow = MSI_CreateRecord(1); if (!uirow) return -1; MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow, 1, message); msi_event_fire(package, szActionData, uirow); msiobj_release(&uirow->hdr); if (package->action_progress_increment) { uirow = MSI_CreateRecord(2); if (!uirow) return -1; MSI_RecordSetInteger(uirow, 1, 2); MSI_RecordSetInteger(uirow, 2, package->action_progress_increment); msi_event_fire(package, szSetProgress, uirow); msiobj_release(&uirow->hdr); } return 1; } case INSTALLMESSAGE_PROGRESS: msi_event_fire(package, szSetProgress, record); return 1; case INSTALLMESSAGE_COMMONDATA: switch (MSI_RecordGetInteger(record, 1)) { case 0: case 1: /* do nothing */ return 0; default: /* fall through */ ; } default: FIXME("internal UI not implemented for message 0x%08x (UI level = %x)\n", eMessageType, package->ui_level); return 0; } } static const WCHAR szActionNotFound[] = {'D','E','B','U','G',':',' ','E','r','r','o','r',' ','[','1',']',':',' ',' ','A','c','t','i','o','n',' ','n','o','t',' ','f','o','u','n','d',':',' ','[','2',']',0}; static const struct { int id; const WCHAR *text; } internal_errors[] = { {2726, szActionNotFound}, {0} }; static LPCWSTR get_internal_error_message(int error) { int i = 0; while (internal_errors[i].id != 0) { if (internal_errors[i].id == error) return internal_errors[i].text; i++; } FIXME("missing error message %d\n", error); return NULL; } /* Returned string must be freed */ LPWSTR msi_get_error_message(MSIDATABASE *db, int error) { static const WCHAR query[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','`','M','e','s','s','a','g','e','`',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ','`','E','r','r','o','r','`',' ','W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','E','r','r','o','r','`',' ','=',' ','%','i',0}; MSIRECORD *record; LPWSTR ret = NULL; if ((record = MSI_QueryGetRecord(db, query, error))) { ret = msi_dup_record_field(record, 1); msiobj_release(&record->hdr); } else if (error < 2000) { int len = LoadStringW(msi_hInstance, IDS_ERROR_BASE + error, (LPWSTR) &ret, 0); if (len) { ret = msi_alloc((len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); LoadStringW(msi_hInstance, IDS_ERROR_BASE + error, ret, len + 1); } else ret = NULL; } return ret; } INT MSI_ProcessMessageVerbatim(MSIPACKAGE *package, INSTALLMESSAGE eMessageType, MSIRECORD *record) { LPWSTR message = {0}; DWORD len; DWORD log_type = 1 << (eMessageType >> 24); UINT res; INT rc = 0; char *msg; TRACE("%x\n", eMessageType); if (TRACE_ON(msi)) dump_record(record); if (!package || !record) message = NULL; else { res = MSI_FormatRecordW(package, record, message, &len); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS && res != ERROR_MORE_DATA) return res; len++; message = msi_alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!message) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; MSI_FormatRecordW(package, record, message, &len); } /* convert it to ASCII */ len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, message, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); msg = msi_alloc( len ); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, message, -1, msg, len, NULL, NULL ); if (gUIHandlerRecord && (gUIFilterRecord & log_type)) { MSIHANDLE rec = alloc_msihandle(&record->hdr); TRACE("Calling UI handler %p(pvContext=%p, iMessageType=%08x, hRecord=%u)\n", gUIHandlerRecord, gUIContextRecord, eMessageType, rec); rc = gUIHandlerRecord( gUIContextRecord, eMessageType, rec ); MsiCloseHandle( rec ); } if (!rc && gUIHandlerW && (gUIFilter & log_type)) { TRACE("Calling UI handler %p(pvContext=%p, iMessageType=%08x, szMessage=%s)\n", gUIHandlerW, gUIContext, eMessageType, debugstr_w(message)); rc = gUIHandlerW( gUIContext, eMessageType, message ); } else if (!rc && gUIHandlerA && (gUIFilter & log_type)) { TRACE("Calling UI handler %p(pvContext=%p, iMessageType=%08x, szMessage=%s)\n", gUIHandlerA, gUIContext, eMessageType, debugstr_a(msg)); rc = gUIHandlerA( gUIContext, eMessageType, msg ); } if (!rc) rc = internal_ui_handler(package, eMessageType, record, message); if (!rc && package && package->log_file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && (eMessageType & 0xff000000) != INSTALLMESSAGE_PROGRESS) { DWORD written; WriteFile( package->log_file, msg, len - 1, &written, NULL ); WriteFile( package->log_file, "\n", 1, &written, NULL ); } msi_free( msg ); msi_free( message ); return rc; } INT MSI_ProcessMessage( MSIPACKAGE *package, INSTALLMESSAGE eMessageType, MSIRECORD *record ) { switch (eMessageType & 0xff000000) { case INSTALLMESSAGE_FATALEXIT: case INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR: case INSTALLMESSAGE_WARNING: case INSTALLMESSAGE_USER: case INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO: case INSTALLMESSAGE_OUTOFDISKSPACE: if (MSI_RecordGetInteger(record, 1) != MSI_NULL_INTEGER) { /* error message */ LPWSTR template; LPWSTR template_rec = NULL, template_prefix = NULL; int error = MSI_RecordGetInteger(record, 1); if (MSI_RecordIsNull(record, 0)) { if (error >= 32) { template_rec = msi_get_error_message(package->db, error); if (!template_rec && error >= 2000) { /* internal error, not localized */ if ((template_rec = (LPWSTR) get_internal_error_message(error))) { MSI_RecordSetStringW(record, 0, template_rec); MSI_ProcessMessageVerbatim(package, INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO, record); } template_rec = msi_get_error_message(package->db, MSIERR_INSTALLERROR); MSI_RecordSetStringW(record, 0, template_rec); MSI_ProcessMessageVerbatim(package, eMessageType, record); msi_free(template_rec); return 0; } } } else template_rec = msi_dup_record_field(record, 0); template_prefix = msi_get_error_message(package->db, eMessageType >> 24); if (!template_prefix) template_prefix = strdupW(szEmpty); if (!template_rec) { /* always returns 0 */ MSI_RecordSetStringW(record, 0, template_prefix); MSI_ProcessMessageVerbatim(package, eMessageType, record); msi_free(template_prefix); return 0; } template = msi_alloc((lstrlenW(template_rec) + lstrlenW(template_prefix) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!template) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; lstrcpyW(template, template_prefix); lstrcatW(template, template_rec); MSI_RecordSetStringW(record, 0, template); msi_free(template_prefix); msi_free(template_rec); msi_free(template); } break; case INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONSTART: { WCHAR *template = msi_get_error_message(package->db, MSIERR_ACTIONSTART); MSI_RecordSetStringW(record, 0, template); msi_free(template); msi_free(package->LastAction); msi_free(package->LastActionTemplate); package->LastAction = msi_dup_record_field(record, 1); if (!package->LastAction) package->LastAction = strdupW(szEmpty); package->LastActionTemplate = msi_dup_record_field(record, 3); break; } case INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONDATA: if (package->LastAction && package->LastActionTemplate) { static const WCHAR template_s[] = {'{','{','%','s',':',' ','}','}','%','s',0}; size_t len = lstrlenW(package->LastAction) + lstrlenW(package->LastActionTemplate) + 7; WCHAR *template = msi_alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!template) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; swprintf(template, len, template_s, package->LastAction, package->LastActionTemplate); MSI_RecordSetStringW(record, 0, template); msi_free(template); } break; case INSTALLMESSAGE_COMMONDATA: { WCHAR *template = msi_get_error_message(package->db, MSIERR_COMMONDATA); MSI_RecordSetStringW(record, 0, template); msi_free(template); } break; } return MSI_ProcessMessageVerbatim(package, eMessageType, record); } INT WINAPI MsiProcessMessage( MSIHANDLE hInstall, INSTALLMESSAGE eMessageType, MSIHANDLE hRecord) { UINT ret = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; MSIPACKAGE *package = NULL; MSIRECORD *record = NULL; if ((eMessageType & 0xff000000) == INSTALLMESSAGE_INITIALIZE || (eMessageType & 0xff000000) == INSTALLMESSAGE_TERMINATE) return -1; if ((eMessageType & 0xff000000) == INSTALLMESSAGE_COMMONDATA && MsiRecordGetInteger(hRecord, 1) != 2) return -1; record = msihandle2msiinfo(hRecord, MSIHANDLETYPE_RECORD); if (!record) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; package = msihandle2msiinfo( hInstall, MSIHANDLETYPE_PACKAGE ); if( !package ) { MSIHANDLE remote; if (!(remote = msi_get_remote(hInstall))) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; __TRY { ret = remote_ProcessMessage(remote, eMessageType, (struct wire_record *)&record->count); } __EXCEPT(rpc_filter) { ret = GetExceptionCode(); } __ENDTRY msiobj_release(&record->hdr); return ret; } ret = MSI_ProcessMessage( package, eMessageType, record ); msiobj_release( &record->hdr ); msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); return ret; } /* property code */ UINT WINAPI MsiSetPropertyA( MSIHANDLE hInstall, LPCSTR szName, LPCSTR szValue ) { LPWSTR szwName = NULL, szwValue = NULL; UINT r = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; szwName = strdupAtoW( szName ); if( szName && !szwName ) goto end; szwValue = strdupAtoW( szValue ); if( szValue && !szwValue ) goto end; r = MsiSetPropertyW( hInstall, szwName, szwValue); end: msi_free( szwName ); msi_free( szwValue ); return r; } void msi_reset_source_folders( MSIPACKAGE *package ) { MSIFOLDER *folder; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( folder, &package->folders, MSIFOLDER, entry ) { msi_free( folder->ResolvedSource ); folder->ResolvedSource = NULL; } } UINT msi_set_property( MSIDATABASE *db, const WCHAR *name, const WCHAR *value, int len ) { static const WCHAR insert_query[] = { 'I','N','S','E','R','T',' ','I','N','T','O',' ', '`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ', '(','`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',',','`','V','a','l','u','e','`',')',' ', 'V','A','L','U','E','S',' ','(','?',',','?',')',0}; static const WCHAR update_query[] = { 'U','P','D','A','T','E',' ','`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ', 'S','E','T',' ','`','V','a','l','u','e','`',' ','=',' ','?',' ','W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ','=',' ','\'','%','s','\'',0}; static const WCHAR delete_query[] = { 'D','E','L','E','T','E',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ','W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ','=',' ','\'','%','s','\'',0}; MSIQUERY *view; MSIRECORD *row = NULL; DWORD sz = 0; WCHAR query[1024]; UINT rc; TRACE("%p %s %s %d\n", db, debugstr_w(name), debugstr_wn(value, len), len); if (!name) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* this one is weird... */ if (!name[0]) return value ? ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED : ERROR_SUCCESS; if (value && len < 0) len = lstrlenW( value ); rc = msi_get_property( db, name, 0, &sz ); if (!value || (!*value && !len)) { swprintf( query, ARRAY_SIZE(query), delete_query, name ); } else if (rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA || rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { swprintf( query, ARRAY_SIZE(query), update_query, name ); row = MSI_CreateRecord(1); msi_record_set_string( row, 1, value, len ); } else { lstrcpyW( query, insert_query ); row = MSI_CreateRecord(2); msi_record_set_string( row, 1, name, -1 ); msi_record_set_string( row, 2, value, len ); } rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(db, query, &view); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = MSI_ViewExecute(view, row); MSI_ViewClose(view); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); } if (row) msiobj_release(&row->hdr); return rc; } UINT WINAPI MsiSetPropertyW( MSIHANDLE hInstall, LPCWSTR szName, LPCWSTR szValue) { MSIPACKAGE *package; UINT ret; package = msihandle2msiinfo( hInstall, MSIHANDLETYPE_PACKAGE); if( !package ) { MSIHANDLE remote; if (!(remote = msi_get_remote(hInstall))) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; __TRY { ret = remote_SetProperty(remote, szName, szValue); } __EXCEPT(rpc_filter) { ret = GetExceptionCode(); } __ENDTRY return ret; } ret = msi_set_property( package->db, szName, szValue, -1 ); if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS && !wcscmp( szName, szSourceDir )) msi_reset_source_folders( package ); msiobj_release( &package->hdr ); return ret; } static MSIRECORD *msi_get_property_row( MSIDATABASE *db, LPCWSTR name ) { static const WCHAR query[]= { 'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','`','V','a','l','u','e','`',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ' ,'`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`',' ', 'W','H','E','R','E',' ' ,'`','_','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y','`','=','?',0}; MSIRECORD *rec, *row = NULL; MSIQUERY *view; UINT r; static const WCHAR szDate[] = {'D','a','t','e',0}; static const WCHAR szTime[] = {'T','i','m','e',0}; WCHAR *buffer; int length; if (!name || !*name) return NULL; if (!wcscmp(name, szDate)) { length = GetDateFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (!length) return NULL; buffer = msi_alloc(length * sizeof(WCHAR)); GetDateFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, NULL, NULL, buffer, length); row = MSI_CreateRecord(1); if (!row) { msi_free(buffer); return NULL; } MSI_RecordSetStringW(row, 1, buffer); msi_free(buffer); return row; } else if (!wcscmp(name, szTime)) { length = GetTimeFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, TIME_NOTIMEMARKER, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (!length) return NULL; buffer = msi_alloc(length * sizeof(WCHAR)); GetTimeFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, TIME_NOTIMEMARKER, NULL, NULL, buffer, length); row = MSI_CreateRecord(1); if (!row) { msi_free(buffer); return NULL; } MSI_RecordSetStringW(row, 1, buffer); msi_free(buffer); return row; } rec = MSI_CreateRecord(1); if (!rec) return NULL; MSI_RecordSetStringW(rec, 1, name); r = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(db, query, &view); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MSI_ViewExecute(view, rec); MSI_ViewFetch(view, &row); MSI_ViewClose(view); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); } msiobj_release(&rec->hdr); return row; } /* internal function, not compatible with MsiGetPropertyW */ UINT msi_get_property( MSIDATABASE *db, LPCWSTR szName, LPWSTR szValueBuf, LPDWORD pchValueBuf ) { MSIRECORD *row; UINT rc = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; TRACE("%p %s %p %p\n", db, debugstr_w(szName), szValueBuf, pchValueBuf); row = msi_get_property_row( db, szName ); if (*pchValueBuf > 0) szValueBuf[0] = 0; if (row) { rc = MSI_RecordGetStringW(row, 1, szValueBuf, pchValueBuf); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); } if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) TRACE("returning %s for property %s\n", debugstr_wn(szValueBuf, *pchValueBuf), debugstr_w(szName)); else if (rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA) TRACE("need %d sized buffer for %s\n", *pchValueBuf, debugstr_w(szName)); else { *pchValueBuf = 0; TRACE("property %s not found\n", debugstr_w(szName)); } return rc; } LPWSTR msi_dup_property(MSIDATABASE *db, LPCWSTR prop) { DWORD sz = 0; LPWSTR str; UINT r; r = msi_get_property(db, prop, NULL, &sz); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS && r != ERROR_MORE_DATA) return NULL; sz++; str = msi_alloc(sz * sizeof(WCHAR)); r = msi_get_property(db, prop, str, &sz); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { msi_free(str); str = NULL; } return str; } int msi_get_property_int( MSIDATABASE *db, LPCWSTR prop, int def ) { LPWSTR str = msi_dup_property( db, prop ); int val = str ? wcstol(str, NULL, 10) : def; msi_free(str); return val; } UINT WINAPI MsiGetPropertyA(MSIHANDLE hinst, const char *name, char *buf, DWORD *sz) { const WCHAR *value = szEmpty; MSIPACKAGE *package; MSIRECORD *row; WCHAR *nameW; int len = 0; UINT r; if (!name) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!(nameW = strdupAtoW(name))) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; package = msihandle2msiinfo(hinst, MSIHANDLETYPE_PACKAGE); if (!package) { WCHAR *value = NULL, *tmp; MSIHANDLE remote; DWORD len; if (!(remote = msi_get_remote(hinst))) { heap_free(nameW); return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } __TRY { r = remote_GetProperty(remote, nameW, &value, &len); } __EXCEPT(rpc_filter) { r = GetExceptionCode(); } __ENDTRY heap_free(nameW); if (!r) { /* String might contain embedded nulls. * Native returns the correct size but truncates the string. */ tmp = heap_alloc_zero((len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!tmp) { midl_user_free(value); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } lstrcpyW(tmp, value); r = msi_strncpyWtoA(tmp, len, buf, sz, TRUE); heap_free(tmp); } midl_user_free(value); return r; } row = msi_get_property_row(package->db, nameW); if (row) value = msi_record_get_string(row, 1, &len); r = msi_strncpyWtoA(value, len, buf, sz, FALSE); heap_free(nameW); if (row) msiobj_release(&row->hdr); msiobj_release(&package->hdr); return r; } UINT WINAPI MsiGetPropertyW(MSIHANDLE hinst, const WCHAR *name, WCHAR *buf, DWORD *sz) { const WCHAR *value = szEmpty; MSIPACKAGE *package; MSIRECORD *row; int len = 0; UINT r; if (!name) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; package = msihandle2msiinfo(hinst, MSIHANDLETYPE_PACKAGE); if (!package) { WCHAR *value = NULL, *tmp; MSIHANDLE remote; DWORD len; if (!(remote = msi_get_remote(hinst))) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; __TRY { r = remote_GetProperty(remote, name, &value, &len); } __EXCEPT(rpc_filter) { r = GetExceptionCode(); } __ENDTRY if (!r) { /* String might contain embedded nulls. * Native returns the correct size but truncates the string. */ tmp = heap_alloc_zero((len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!tmp) { midl_user_free(value); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } lstrcpyW(tmp, value); r = msi_strncpyW(tmp, len, buf, sz); heap_free(tmp); } midl_user_free(value); return r; } row = msi_get_property_row(package->db, name); if (row) value = msi_record_get_string(row, 1, &len); r = msi_strncpyW(value, len, buf, sz); if (row) msiobj_release(&row->hdr); msiobj_release(&package->hdr); return r; } MSIHANDLE __cdecl s_remote_GetActiveDatabase(MSIHANDLE hinst) { return MsiGetActiveDatabase(hinst); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_GetProperty(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR property, LPWSTR *value, DWORD *size) { WCHAR empty[1]; UINT r; *size = 0; r = MsiGetPropertyW(hinst, property, empty, size); if (r == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { ++*size; *value = midl_user_allocate(*size * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!*value) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; r = MsiGetPropertyW(hinst, property, *value, size); } return r; } UINT __cdecl s_remote_SetProperty(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR property, LPCWSTR value) { return MsiSetPropertyW(hinst, property, value); } int __cdecl s_remote_ProcessMessage(MSIHANDLE hinst, INSTALLMESSAGE message, struct wire_record *remote_rec) { MSIHANDLE rec; int ret; UINT r; if ((r = unmarshal_record(remote_rec, &rec))) return r; ret = MsiProcessMessage(hinst, message, rec); MsiCloseHandle(rec); return ret; } UINT __cdecl s_remote_DoAction(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR action) { return MsiDoActionW(hinst, action); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_Sequence(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR table, int sequence) { return MsiSequenceW(hinst, table, sequence); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_GetTargetPath(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR folder, LPWSTR *value) { WCHAR empty[1]; DWORD size = 0; UINT r; r = MsiGetTargetPathW(hinst, folder, empty, &size); if (r == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { *value = midl_user_allocate(++size * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!*value) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; r = MsiGetTargetPathW(hinst, folder, *value, &size); } return r; } UINT __cdecl s_remote_SetTargetPath(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR folder, LPCWSTR value) { return MsiSetTargetPathW(hinst, folder, value); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_GetSourcePath(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR folder, LPWSTR *value) { WCHAR empty[1]; DWORD size = 1; UINT r; r = MsiGetSourcePathW(hinst, folder, empty, &size); if (r == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { *value = midl_user_allocate(++size * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!*value) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; r = MsiGetSourcePathW(hinst, folder, *value, &size); } return r; } BOOL __cdecl s_remote_GetMode(MSIHANDLE hinst, MSIRUNMODE mode) { return MsiGetMode(hinst, mode); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_SetMode(MSIHANDLE hinst, MSIRUNMODE mode, BOOL state) { return MsiSetMode(hinst, mode, state); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_GetFeatureState(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR feature, INSTALLSTATE *installed, INSTALLSTATE *action) { return MsiGetFeatureStateW(hinst, feature, installed, action); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_SetFeatureState(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR feature, INSTALLSTATE state) { return MsiSetFeatureStateW(hinst, feature, state); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_GetComponentState(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR component, INSTALLSTATE *installed, INSTALLSTATE *action) { return MsiGetComponentStateW(hinst, component, installed, action); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_SetComponentState(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR component, INSTALLSTATE state) { return MsiSetComponentStateW(hinst, component, state); } LANGID __cdecl s_remote_GetLanguage(MSIHANDLE hinst) { return MsiGetLanguage(hinst); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_SetInstallLevel(MSIHANDLE hinst, int level) { return MsiSetInstallLevel(hinst, level); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_FormatRecord(MSIHANDLE hinst, struct wire_record *remote_rec, LPWSTR *value) { WCHAR empty[1]; DWORD size = 0; MSIHANDLE rec; UINT r; if ((r = unmarshal_record(remote_rec, &rec))) return r; r = MsiFormatRecordW(hinst, rec, empty, &size); if (r == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { *value = midl_user_allocate(++size * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!*value) { MsiCloseHandle(rec); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } r = MsiFormatRecordW(hinst, rec, *value, &size); } MsiCloseHandle(rec); return r; } MSICONDITION __cdecl s_remote_EvaluateCondition(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR condition) { return MsiEvaluateConditionW(hinst, condition); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_GetFeatureCost(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR feature, MSICOSTTREE cost_tree, INSTALLSTATE state, INT *cost) { return MsiGetFeatureCostW(hinst, feature, cost_tree, state, cost); } UINT __cdecl s_remote_EnumComponentCosts(MSIHANDLE hinst, LPCWSTR component, DWORD index, INSTALLSTATE state, LPWSTR drive, INT *cost, INT *temp) { DWORD size = 3; return MsiEnumComponentCostsW(hinst, component, index, state, drive, &size, cost, temp); } UINT msi_package_add_info(MSIPACKAGE *package, DWORD context, DWORD options, LPCWSTR property, LPWSTR value) { MSISOURCELISTINFO *info; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( info, &package->sourcelist_info, MSISOURCELISTINFO, entry ) { if (!wcscmp( info->value, value )) return ERROR_SUCCESS; } info = msi_alloc(sizeof(MSISOURCELISTINFO)); if (!info) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; info->context = context; info->options = options; info->property = property; info->value = strdupW(value); list_add_head(&package->sourcelist_info, &info->entry); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } UINT msi_package_add_media_disk(MSIPACKAGE *package, DWORD context, DWORD options, DWORD disk_id, LPWSTR volume_label, LPWSTR disk_prompt) { MSIMEDIADISK *disk; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( disk, &package->sourcelist_media, MSIMEDIADISK, entry ) { if (disk->disk_id == disk_id) return ERROR_SUCCESS; } disk = msi_alloc(sizeof(MSIMEDIADISK)); if (!disk) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; disk->context = context; disk->options = options; disk->disk_id = disk_id; disk->volume_label = strdupW(volume_label); disk->disk_prompt = strdupW(disk_prompt); list_add_head(&package->sourcelist_media, &disk->entry); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }