*** This file is obsolete. Changes are listed in the main
	*** ChangeLog now. Please do not edit.

Sun Jul  5 20:10:53 1998  Marcel Baur <mbaur@g26.ethz.ch>
       * Moved "Always on top" menu into system menu (as in Windows)
         This required minor changes in 
         [main.h] [clock.rc] [language.c] [??.rc]

Fri Jun 12 22:47:56 1998  Marcel Baur <mbaur@g26.ethz.ch>
       * Fixed resource bug in UpdateWindowCaption() that caused wrong (old)
         locale for the displayed date
       * The digital clock now shows up (WINE-NLS-UNKNOWN means that there
         is no locale rule for time string format in /ole/ole2nls.c)

Thu May 28 20:42:13 1998  Marcel Baur <mbaur@g26.ethz.ch>
       * [language.c]
         UpdateWindowCaption(), locale and date
         General code cleanup (removed obsolete printf's)
Thu May 28 20:10:36 1998  Mikolaj Zalewski <mikolajz@ids.edu.pl>
       * [main.c] [winclock.h]
         Fixed destroyed background

Mon May 25 14:30:32 1998  Henrik Olsen <henrik@iaeste.dk>
       * [Da.rc]
         Added Danish language support.

Wed Mar 11 23:10:37 1998  Karl Backstr�m <karl_b@geocities.com>
       * [main.c]
         Started with the digital clock.

Tue Feb 24 23:26:40 1998  Karl Backstr�m <karl_b@geocities.com>
       * [language.c] [language.h] NEW
         Moved language stuff here.
       * [main.c] [winclock.c] [clock.rc]
         Made the clock appear in the center.
         Fixed problems with menues.

Mon Feb 23 19:59:27 1998  Marcel Baur <mbaur@g26.ethz.ch>
       * [ChangeLog] [De.rc] [En.rc] [Sw.rc] [clock.rc]
         [license.c] [license.h] [License_En.c]
         [README] [TODO]
         [main.c] [main.h] [winclock.c] [winclock.h]

         Originals by Marcel Baur