/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Lucas Fialho Zawacki * Copyright (c) 2006 Vitaliy Margolen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0800 #define COBJMACROS #include #include "wine/test.h" #include "windef.h" #include "dinput.h" struct enum_data { IDirectInput8A *pDI; DIACTIONFORMATA *lpdiaf; IDirectInputDevice8A *keyboard; IDirectInputDevice8A *mouse; const char* username; int ndevices; }; /* Dummy GUID */ static const GUID ACTION_MAPPING_GUID = { 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, { 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb } }; enum { DITEST_AXIS, DITEST_BUTTON, DITEST_KEYBOARDSPACE, DITEST_MOUSEBUTTON0, DITEST_YAXIS }; static DIACTIONA actionMapping[]= { /* axis */ { 0, 0x01008A01 /* DIAXIS_DRIVINGR_STEER */, 0, { "Steer.\0" } }, /* button */ { 1, 0x01000C01 /* DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_SHIFTUP */, 0, { "Upshift.\0" } }, /* keyboard key */ { 2, DIKEYBOARD_SPACE, 0, { "Missile.\0" } }, /* mouse button */ { 3, DIMOUSE_BUTTON0, 0, { "Select\0" } }, /* mouse axis */ { 4, DIMOUSE_YAXIS, 0, { "Y Axis\0" } } }; /* By placing the memory pointed to by lptszActionName right before memory with PAGE_NOACCESS * one can find out that the regular ansi string termination is not respected by EnumDevicesBySemantics. * Adding a double termination, making it a valid wide string termination, made the test succeed. * Therefore it looks like ansi version of EnumDevicesBySemantics forwards the string to * the wide variant without conversation. */ static void flush_events(void) { int diff = 200; int min_timeout = 100; DWORD time = GetTickCount() + diff; while (diff > 0) { if (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, NULL, FALSE, min_timeout, QS_ALLINPUT) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) break; diff = time - GetTickCount(); min_timeout = 50; } } static void test_device_input(IDirectInputDevice8A *lpdid, DWORD event_type, DWORD event, UINT_PTR expected) { HRESULT hr; DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA obj_data; DWORD data_size = 1; int i; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire(lpdid); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to acquire device hr=%08x\n", hr); if (event_type == INPUT_KEYBOARD) keybd_event(0, event, KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE, 0); if (event_type == INPUT_MOUSE) mouse_event( event, 0, 0, 0, 0); flush_events(); IDirectInputDevice8_Poll(lpdid); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceData(lpdid, sizeof(obj_data), &obj_data, &data_size, 0); if (data_size != 1) { win_skip("We're not able to inject input into Windows dinput8 with events\n"); IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(lpdid); return; } ok (obj_data.uAppData == expected, "Retrieval of action failed uAppData=%lu expected=%lu\n", obj_data.uAppData, expected); /* Check for buffer overflow */ for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) if (event_type == INPUT_KEYBOARD) { keybd_event( VK_SPACE, DIK_SPACE, 0, 0); keybd_event( VK_SPACE, DIK_SPACE, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); } else if (event_type == INPUT_MOUSE) { mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 1, 1, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 1, 1, 0, 0); } flush_events(); IDirectInputDevice8_Poll(lpdid); data_size = 1; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceData(lpdid, sizeof(obj_data), &obj_data, &data_size, 0); ok(hr == DI_BUFFEROVERFLOW, "GetDeviceData() failed: %08x\n", hr); data_size = 1; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceData(lpdid, sizeof(obj_data), &obj_data, &data_size, 0); ok(hr == DI_OK && data_size == 1, "GetDeviceData() failed: %08x cnt:%d\n", hr, data_size); /* drain device's queue */ while (data_size == 1) { hr = IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceData(lpdid, sizeof(obj_data), &obj_data, &data_size, 0); ok(hr == DI_OK, "GetDeviceData() failed: %08x cnt:%d\n", hr, data_size); if (hr != DI_OK) break; } IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(lpdid); } static void test_build_action_map(IDirectInputDevice8A *lpdid, DIACTIONFORMATA *lpdiaf, int action_index, DWORD expected_type, DWORD expected_inst) { HRESULT hr; DIACTIONA *actions; DWORD instance, type, how; GUID assigned_to; DIDEVICEINSTANCEA ddi; ddi.dwSize = sizeof(ddi); IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceInfo(lpdid, &ddi); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_BuildActionMap(lpdid, lpdiaf, NULL, DIDBAM_HWDEFAULTS); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "BuildActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); actions = lpdiaf->rgoAction; instance = DIDFT_GETINSTANCE(actions[action_index].dwObjID); type = DIDFT_GETTYPE(actions[action_index].dwObjID); how = actions[action_index].dwHow; assigned_to = actions[action_index].guidInstance; ok (how == DIAH_USERCONFIG || how == DIAH_DEFAULT, "Action was not set dwHow=%08x\n", how); ok (instance == expected_inst, "Action not mapped correctly instance=%08x expected=%08x\n", instance, expected_inst); ok (type == expected_type, "Action type not mapped correctly type=%08x expected=%08x\n", type, expected_type); ok (IsEqualGUID(&assigned_to, &ddi.guidInstance), "Action and device GUID do not match action=%d\n", action_index); } static BOOL CALLBACK enumeration_callback(const DIDEVICEINSTANCEA *lpddi, IDirectInputDevice8A *lpdid, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwRemaining, LPVOID pvRef) { HRESULT hr; DIPROPDWORD dp; DIPROPRANGE dpr; DIPROPSTRING dps; WCHAR usernameW[MAX_PATH]; DWORD username_size = MAX_PATH; struct enum_data *data = pvRef; DWORD cnt; DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA buffer[5]; IDirectInputDevice8A *lpdid2; if (!data) return DIENUM_CONTINUE; data->ndevices++; /* Convert username to WCHAR */ if (data->username != NULL) { username_size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, data->username, -1, usernameW, 0); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, data->username, -1, usernameW, username_size); } else GetUserNameW(usernameW, &username_size); /* collect the mouse and keyboard */ if (IsEqualGUID(&lpddi->guidInstance, &GUID_SysKeyboard)) { IDirectInputDevice_AddRef(lpdid); data->keyboard = lpdid; ok (dwFlags & DIEDBS_MAPPEDPRI1, "Keyboard should be mapped as pri1 dwFlags=%08x\n", dwFlags); } if (IsEqualGUID(&lpddi->guidInstance, &GUID_SysMouse)) { IDirectInputDevice_AddRef(lpdid); data->mouse = lpdid; ok (dwFlags & DIEDBS_MAPPEDPRI1, "Mouse should be mapped as pri1 dwFlags=%08x\n", dwFlags); } /* Creating second device object to check if it has the same username */ hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(data->pDI, &lpddi->guidInstance, &lpdid2, NULL); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput_CreateDevice() failed: %08x\n", hr); /* Building and setting an action map */ /* It should not use any pre-stored mappings so we use DIDBAM_HWDEFAULTS */ hr = IDirectInputDevice8_BuildActionMap(lpdid, data->lpdiaf, NULL, DIDBAM_HWDEFAULTS); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "BuildActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); /* Device has no data format and thus can't be acquired */ hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire(lpdid); ok (hr == DIERR_INVALIDPARAM, "Device was acquired before SetActionMap hr=%08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetActionMap(lpdid, data->lpdiaf, data->username, 0); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); /* Some joysticks may have no suitable actions and thus should not be tested */ if (hr == DI_NOEFFECT) return DIENUM_CONTINUE; /* Test username after SetActionMap */ dps.diph.dwSize = sizeof(dps); dps.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dps.diph.dwObj = 0; dps.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dps.wsz[0] = '\0'; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(lpdid, DIPROP_USERNAME, &dps.diph); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "GetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); ok (!lstrcmpW(usernameW, dps.wsz), "Username not set correctly expected=%s, got=%s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(usernameW), wine_dbgstr_w(dps.wsz)); dps.wsz[0] = '\0'; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(lpdid2, DIPROP_USERNAME, &dps.diph); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "GetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); ok (!lstrcmpW(usernameW, dps.wsz), "Username not set correctly expected=%s, got=%s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(usernameW), wine_dbgstr_w(dps.wsz)); /* Test buffer size */ memset(&dp, 0, sizeof(dp)); dp.diph.dwSize = sizeof(dp); dp.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(lpdid, DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &dp.diph); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "GetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); ok (dp.dwData == data->lpdiaf->dwBufferSize, "SetActionMap must set the buffer, buffersize=%d\n", dp.dwData); cnt = 1; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceData(lpdid, sizeof(buffer[0]), buffer, &cnt, 0); ok(hr == DIERR_NOTACQUIRED, "GetDeviceData() failed hr=%08x\n", hr); /* Test axis range */ memset(&dpr, 0, sizeof(dpr)); dpr.diph.dwSize = sizeof(dpr); dpr.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dpr.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(lpdid, DIPROP_RANGE, &dpr.diph); /* Only test if device supports the range property */ if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ok (dpr.lMin == data->lpdiaf->lAxisMin, "SetActionMap must set the min axis range expected=%d got=%d\n", data->lpdiaf->lAxisMin, dpr.lMin); ok (dpr.lMax == data->lpdiaf->lAxisMax, "SetActionMap must set the max axis range expected=%d got=%d\n", data->lpdiaf->lAxisMax, dpr.lMax); } /* SetActionMap has set the data format so now it should work */ hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire(lpdid); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "Acquire failed hr=%08x\n", hr); cnt = 1; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceData(lpdid, sizeof(buffer[0]), buffer, &cnt, 0); ok(hr == DI_OK, "GetDeviceData() failed hr=%08x\n", hr); /* SetActionMap should not work on an acquired device */ hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetActionMap(lpdid, data->lpdiaf, NULL, 0); ok (hr == DIERR_ACQUIRED, "SetActionMap succeeded with an acquired device hr=%08x\n", hr); IDirectInputDevice_Release(lpdid2); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } static void test_appdata_property_vs_map(struct enum_data *data) { HRESULT hr; DIPROPPOINTER dp; dp.diph.dwSize = sizeof(dp); dp.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYID; dp.diph.dwObj = DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(DIK_SPACE) | DIDFT_PSHBUTTON; dp.uData = 10; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty(data->keyboard, DIPROP_APPDATA, &(dp.diph)); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); test_device_input(data->keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_SPACE, 10); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYID; dp.diph.dwObj = DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(DIK_V) | DIDFT_PSHBUTTON; dp.uData = 11; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty(data->keyboard, DIPROP_APPDATA, &(dp.diph)); ok(hr == DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND, "IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty should not find key that's not in the action map hr=%08x\n", hr); /* setting format should reset action map */ hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat(data->keyboard, &c_dfDIKeyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetDataFormat failed: %08x\n", hr); test_device_input(data->keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_SPACE, -1); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYID; dp.diph.dwObj = DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(DIK_V) | DIDFT_PSHBUTTON; dp.uData = 11; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty(data->keyboard, DIPROP_APPDATA, &(dp.diph)); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); test_device_input(data->keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_V, 11); /* back to action map */ hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetActionMap(data->keyboard, data->lpdiaf, NULL, 0); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); test_device_input(data->keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_SPACE, 2); } static void test_action_mapping(void) { HRESULT hr; HINSTANCE hinst = GetModuleHandleA(NULL); IDirectInput8A *pDI = NULL; DIACTIONFORMATA af; DIPROPSTRING dps; struct enum_data data = {pDI, &af, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0}; HWND hwnd; hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectInput8, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IDirectInput8A, (LPVOID*)&pDI); if (hr == DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) { win_skip("ActionMapping requires dinput8\n"); return; } ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "DirectInput8 Create failed: hr=%08x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return; hr = IDirectInput8_Initialize(pDI,hinst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION); if (hr == DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION) { win_skip("ActionMapping requires dinput8\n"); return; } ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "DirectInput8 Initialize failed: hr=%08x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return; memset (&af, 0, sizeof(af)); af.dwSize = sizeof(af); af.dwActionSize = sizeof(DIACTIONA); af.dwDataSize = 4 * ARRAY_SIZE(actionMapping); af.dwNumActions = ARRAY_SIZE(actionMapping); af.rgoAction = actionMapping; af.guidActionMap = ACTION_MAPPING_GUID; af.dwGenre = 0x01000000; /* DIVIRTUAL_DRIVING_RACE */ af.dwBufferSize = 32; /* This enumeration builds and sets the action map for all devices */ data.pDI = pDI; hr = IDirectInput8_EnumDevicesBySemantics(pDI, 0, &af, enumeration_callback, &data, DIEDBSFL_ATTACHEDONLY); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "EnumDevicesBySemantics failed: hr=%08x\n", hr); if (data.keyboard) IDirectInputDevice_Release(data.keyboard); if (data.mouse) IDirectInputDevice_Release(data.mouse); /* Repeat tests with a non NULL user */ data.username = "Ninja Brian"; hr = IDirectInput8_EnumDevicesBySemantics(pDI, NULL, &af, enumeration_callback, &data, DIEDBSFL_ATTACHEDONLY); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "EnumDevicesBySemantics failed: hr=%08x\n", hr); hwnd = CreateWindowExA(WS_EX_TOPMOST, "static", "dinput", WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 100, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(hwnd != NULL, "failed to create window\n"); SetCursorPos(50, 50); if (data.keyboard != NULL) { /* Test keyboard BuildActionMap */ test_build_action_map(data.keyboard, data.lpdiaf, DITEST_KEYBOARDSPACE, DIDFT_PSHBUTTON, DIK_SPACE); /* Test keyboard input */ test_device_input(data.keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_SPACE, 2); /* setting format should reset action map */ hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat(data.keyboard, &c_dfDIKeyboard); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat failed: %08x\n", hr); test_device_input(data.keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_SPACE, -1); /* back to action map */ hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetActionMap(data.keyboard, data.lpdiaf, NULL, 0); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetActionMap should succeed hr=%08x\n", hr); test_device_input(data.keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_SPACE, 2); test_appdata_property_vs_map(&data); /* Test BuildActionMap with no suitable actions for a device */ IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(data.keyboard); af.dwDataSize = 4 * DITEST_KEYBOARDSPACE; af.dwNumActions = DITEST_KEYBOARDSPACE; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_BuildActionMap(data.keyboard, data.lpdiaf, NULL, DIDBAM_HWDEFAULTS); ok (hr == DI_NOEFFECT, "BuildActionMap should have no effect with no actions hr=%08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetActionMap(data.keyboard, data.lpdiaf, NULL, 0); ok (hr == DI_NOEFFECT, "SetActionMap should have no effect with no actions to map hr=%08x\n", hr); af.dwDataSize = 4 * ARRAY_SIZE(actionMapping); af.dwNumActions = ARRAY_SIZE(actionMapping); /* test DIDSAM_NOUSER */ dps.diph.dwSize = sizeof(dps); dps.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dps.diph.dwObj = 0; dps.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dps.wsz[0] = '\0'; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(data.keyboard, DIPROP_USERNAME, &dps.diph); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "GetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); ok (dps.wsz[0] != 0, "Expected any username, got=%s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(dps.wsz)); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetActionMap(data.keyboard, data.lpdiaf, NULL, DIDSAM_NOUSER); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); dps.diph.dwSize = sizeof(dps); dps.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dps.diph.dwObj = 0; dps.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dps.wsz[0] = '\0'; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(data.keyboard, DIPROP_USERNAME, &dps.diph); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "GetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); ok (dps.wsz[0] == 0, "Expected empty username, got=%s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(dps.wsz)); IDirectInputDevice_Release(data.keyboard); } if (data.mouse != NULL) { /* Test mouse BuildActionMap */ test_build_action_map(data.mouse, data.lpdiaf, DITEST_MOUSEBUTTON0, DIDFT_PSHBUTTON, 0x03); test_build_action_map(data.mouse, data.lpdiaf, DITEST_YAXIS, DIDFT_RELAXIS, 0x01); test_device_input(data.mouse, INPUT_MOUSE, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 3); IDirectInputDevice_Release(data.mouse); } DestroyWindow(hwnd); IDirectInput_Release(pDI); } static void test_save_settings(void) { HRESULT hr; HINSTANCE hinst = GetModuleHandleA(NULL); IDirectInput8A *pDI = NULL; DIACTIONFORMATA af; IDirectInputDevice8A *pKey; static const GUID mapping_guid = { 0xcafecafe, 0x2, 0x3, { 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb } }; static const GUID other_guid = { 0xcafe, 0xcafe, 0x3, { 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb } }; static DIACTIONA actions[] = { { 0, DIKEYBOARD_A , 0, { "Blam" } }, { 1, DIKEYBOARD_B , 0, { "Kapow"} } }; static const DWORD results[] = { DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(DIK_A) | DIDFT_PSHBUTTON, DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(DIK_B) | DIDFT_PSHBUTTON }; static const DWORD other_results[] = { DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(DIK_C) | DIDFT_PSHBUTTON, DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(DIK_D) | DIDFT_PSHBUTTON }; hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectInput8, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IDirectInput8A, (LPVOID*)&pDI); if (hr == DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) { win_skip("ActionMapping requires dinput8\n"); return; } ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "DirectInput8 Create failed: hr=%08x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return; hr = IDirectInput8_Initialize(pDI,hinst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION); if (hr == DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION) { win_skip("ActionMapping requires dinput8\n"); return; } ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "DirectInput8 Initialize failed: hr=%08x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return; hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(pDI, &GUID_SysKeyboard, &pKey, NULL); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput_Create device failed hr: 0x%08x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return; memset (&af, 0, sizeof(af)); af.dwSize = sizeof(af); af.dwActionSize = sizeof(DIACTIONA); af.dwDataSize = 4 * ARRAY_SIZE(actions); af.dwNumActions = ARRAY_SIZE(actions); af.rgoAction = actions; af.guidActionMap = mapping_guid; af.dwGenre = 0x01000000; /* DIVIRTUAL_DRIVING_RACE */ af.dwBufferSize = 32; /* Easy case. Ask for default mapping, save, ask for previous map and read it back */ hr = IDirectInputDevice8_BuildActionMap(pKey, &af, NULL, DIDBAM_HWDEFAULTS); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "BuildActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); ok (results[0] == af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID, "Mapped incorrectly expected: 0x%08x got: 0x%08x\n", results[0], af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID); ok (results[1] == af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID, "Mapped incorrectly expected: 0x%08x got: 0x%08x\n", results[1], af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetActionMap(pKey, &af, NULL, DIDSAM_FORCESAVE); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); if (hr == DI_SETTINGSNOTSAVED) { skip ("Can't test saving settings if SetActionMap returns DI_SETTINGSNOTSAVED\n"); return; } af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID = 0; af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID = 0; memset(&af.rgoAction[0].guidInstance, 0, sizeof(GUID)); memset(&af.rgoAction[1].guidInstance, 0, sizeof(GUID)); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_BuildActionMap(pKey, &af, NULL, 0); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "BuildActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); ok (results[0] == af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID, "Mapped incorrectly expected: 0x%08x got: 0x%08x\n", results[0], af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID); ok (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_SysKeyboard, &af.rgoAction[0].guidInstance), "Action should be mapped to keyboard\n"); ok (results[1] == af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID, "Mapped incorrectly expected: 0x%08x got: 0x%08x\n", results[1], af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID); ok (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_SysKeyboard, &af.rgoAction[1].guidInstance), "Action should be mapped to keyboard\n"); /* Test that a different action map with no pre-stored settings, in spite of the flags, does not try to load mappings and instead applies the default mapping */ af.guidActionMap = other_guid; af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID = 0; af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID = 0; memset(&af.rgoAction[0].guidInstance, 0, sizeof(GUID)); memset(&af.rgoAction[1].guidInstance, 0, sizeof(GUID)); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_BuildActionMap(pKey, &af, NULL, 0); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "BuildActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); ok (results[0] == af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID, "Mapped incorrectly expected: 0x%08x got: 0x%08x\n", results[0], af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID); ok (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_SysKeyboard, &af.rgoAction[0].guidInstance), "Action should be mapped to keyboard\n"); ok (results[1] == af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID, "Mapped incorrectly expected: 0x%08x got: 0x%08x\n", results[1], af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID); ok (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_SysKeyboard, &af.rgoAction[1].guidInstance), "Action should be mapped to keyboard\n"); af.guidActionMap = mapping_guid; /* Hard case. Customized mapping, save, ask for previous map and read it back */ af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID = other_results[0]; af.rgoAction[0].dwHow = DIAH_USERCONFIG; af.rgoAction[0].guidInstance = GUID_SysKeyboard; af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID = other_results[1]; af.rgoAction[1].dwHow = DIAH_USERCONFIG; af.rgoAction[1].guidInstance = GUID_SysKeyboard; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetActionMap(pKey, &af, NULL, DIDSAM_FORCESAVE); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); if (hr == DI_SETTINGSNOTSAVED) { skip ("Can't test saving settings if SetActionMap returns DI_SETTINGSNOTSAVED\n"); return; } af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID = 0; af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID = 0; memset(&af.rgoAction[0].guidInstance, 0, sizeof(GUID)); memset(&af.rgoAction[1].guidInstance, 0, sizeof(GUID)); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_BuildActionMap(pKey, &af, NULL, 0); ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "BuildActionMap failed hr=%08x\n", hr); ok (other_results[0] == af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID, "Mapped incorrectly expected: 0x%08x got: 0x%08x\n", other_results[0], af.rgoAction[0].dwObjID); ok (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_SysKeyboard, &af.rgoAction[0].guidInstance), "Action should be mapped to keyboard\n"); ok (other_results[1] == af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID, "Mapped incorrectly expected: 0x%08x got: 0x%08x\n", other_results[1], af.rgoAction[1].dwObjID); ok (IsEqualGUID(&GUID_SysKeyboard, &af.rgoAction[1].guidInstance), "Action should be mapped to keyboard\n"); IDirectInputDevice_Release(pKey); IDirectInput_Release(pDI); } static void test_mouse_keyboard(void) { HRESULT hr; HWND hwnd, di_hwnd = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; IDirectInput8A *di = NULL; IDirectInputDevice8A *di_mouse, *di_keyboard; UINT raw_devices_count; RAWINPUTDEVICE raw_devices[3]; hwnd = CreateWindowExA(WS_EX_TOPMOST, "static", "dinput", WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 100, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(hwnd != NULL, "CreateWindowExA failed\n"); hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectInput8, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IDirectInput8A, (LPVOID*)&di); if (hr == DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) { win_skip("test_mouse_keyboard requires dinput8\n"); return; } ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "DirectInput8Create failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInput8_Initialize(di, GetModuleHandleA(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION); if (hr == DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION) { win_skip("test_mouse_keyboard requires dinput8\n"); return; } ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput8_Initialize failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInput8_CreateDevice(di, &GUID_SysMouse, &di_mouse, NULL); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput8_CreateDevice failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat(di_mouse, &c_dfDIMouse); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInput8_CreateDevice(di, &GUID_SysKeyboard, &di_keyboard, NULL); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput8_CreateDevice failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat(di_keyboard, &c_dfDIKeyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat failed: %08x\n", hr); raw_devices_count = ARRAY_SIZE(raw_devices); GetRegisteredRawInputDevices(NULL, &raw_devices_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)); ok(raw_devices_count == 0, "Unexpected raw devices registered: %d\n", raw_devices_count); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire(di_keyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); raw_devices_count = ARRAY_SIZE(raw_devices); memset(raw_devices, 0, sizeof(raw_devices)); hr = GetRegisteredRawInputDevices(raw_devices, &raw_devices_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)); todo_wine ok(hr == 1, "GetRegisteredRawInputDevices returned %d, raw_devices_count: %d\n", hr, raw_devices_count); todo_wine ok(raw_devices[0].usUsagePage == 1, "Unexpected raw device usage page: %x\n", raw_devices[0].usUsagePage); todo_wine ok(raw_devices[0].usUsage == 6, "Unexpected raw device usage: %x\n", raw_devices[0].usUsage); todo_wine ok(raw_devices[0].dwFlags == RIDEV_INPUTSINK, "Unexpected raw device flags: %x\n", raw_devices[0].dwFlags); todo_wine ok(raw_devices[0].hwndTarget != NULL, "Unexpected raw device target: %p\n", raw_devices[0].hwndTarget); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Unacquire(di_keyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); raw_devices_count = ARRAY_SIZE(raw_devices); GetRegisteredRawInputDevices(NULL, &raw_devices_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)); ok(raw_devices_count == 0, "Unexpected raw devices registered: %d\n", raw_devices_count); if (raw_devices[0].hwndTarget != NULL) { WCHAR str[16]; int i; di_hwnd = raw_devices[0].hwndTarget; i = GetClassNameW(di_hwnd, str, ARRAY_SIZE(str)); ok(i == lstrlenW(L"DIEmWin"), "GetClassName returned incorrect length\n"); ok(!lstrcmpW(L"DIEmWin", str), "GetClassName returned incorrect name for this window's class\n"); i = GetWindowTextW(di_hwnd, str, ARRAY_SIZE(str)); ok(i == lstrlenW(L"DIEmWin"), "GetClassName returned incorrect length\n"); ok(!lstrcmpW(L"DIEmWin", str), "GetClassName returned incorrect name for this window's class\n"); } hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire(di_mouse); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); raw_devices_count = ARRAY_SIZE(raw_devices); memset(raw_devices, 0, sizeof(raw_devices)); hr = GetRegisteredRawInputDevices(raw_devices, &raw_devices_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)); ok(hr == 1, "GetRegisteredRawInputDevices returned %d, raw_devices_count: %d\n", hr, raw_devices_count); ok(raw_devices[0].usUsagePage == 1, "Unexpected raw device usage page: %x\n", raw_devices[0].usUsagePage); ok(raw_devices[0].usUsage == 2, "Unexpected raw device usage: %x\n", raw_devices[0].usUsage); ok(raw_devices[0].dwFlags == RIDEV_INPUTSINK, "Unexpected raw device flags: %x\n", raw_devices[0].dwFlags); todo_wine ok(raw_devices[0].hwndTarget == di_hwnd, "Unexpected raw device target: %p\n", raw_devices[0].hwndTarget); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Unacquire(di_mouse); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); raw_devices_count = ARRAY_SIZE(raw_devices); GetRegisteredRawInputDevices(NULL, &raw_devices_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)); ok(raw_devices_count == 0, "Unexpected raw devices registered: %d\n", raw_devices_count); if (raw_devices[0].hwndTarget != NULL) di_hwnd = raw_devices[0].hwndTarget; /* expect dinput8 to take over any activated raw input devices */ raw_devices[0].usUsagePage = 0x01; raw_devices[0].usUsage = 0x05; raw_devices[0].dwFlags = 0; raw_devices[0].hwndTarget = hwnd; raw_devices[1].usUsagePage = 0x01; raw_devices[1].usUsage = 0x06; raw_devices[1].dwFlags = 0; raw_devices[1].hwndTarget = hwnd; raw_devices[2].usUsagePage = 0x01; raw_devices[2].usUsage = 0x02; raw_devices[2].dwFlags = 0; raw_devices[2].hwndTarget = hwnd; raw_devices_count = ARRAY_SIZE(raw_devices); hr = RegisterRawInputDevices(raw_devices, raw_devices_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)); ok(hr == TRUE, "RegisterRawInputDevices failed\n"); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire(di_keyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire(di_mouse); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); raw_devices_count = ARRAY_SIZE(raw_devices); memset(raw_devices, 0, sizeof(raw_devices)); hr = GetRegisteredRawInputDevices(raw_devices, &raw_devices_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)); ok(hr == 3, "GetRegisteredRawInputDevices returned %d, raw_devices_count: %d\n", hr, raw_devices_count); ok(raw_devices[0].usUsagePage == 1, "Unexpected raw device usage page: %x\n", raw_devices[0].usUsagePage); ok(raw_devices[0].usUsage == 2, "Unexpected raw device usage: %x\n", raw_devices[0].usUsage); ok(raw_devices[0].dwFlags == RIDEV_INPUTSINK, "Unexpected raw device flags: %x\n", raw_devices[0].dwFlags); ok(raw_devices[0].hwndTarget == di_hwnd, "Unexpected raw device target: %p\n", raw_devices[0].hwndTarget); ok(raw_devices[1].usUsagePage == 1, "Unexpected raw device usage page: %x\n", raw_devices[1].usUsagePage); ok(raw_devices[1].usUsage == 5, "Unexpected raw device usage: %x\n", raw_devices[1].usUsage); ok(raw_devices[1].dwFlags == 0, "Unexpected raw device flags: %x\n", raw_devices[1].dwFlags); ok(raw_devices[1].hwndTarget == hwnd, "Unexpected raw device target: %p\n", raw_devices[1].hwndTarget); ok(raw_devices[2].usUsagePage == 1, "Unexpected raw device usage page: %x\n", raw_devices[1].usUsagePage); ok(raw_devices[2].usUsage == 6, "Unexpected raw device usage: %x\n", raw_devices[1].usUsage); todo_wine ok(raw_devices[2].dwFlags == RIDEV_INPUTSINK, "Unexpected raw device flags: %x\n", raw_devices[1].dwFlags); todo_wine ok(raw_devices[2].hwndTarget == di_hwnd, "Unexpected raw device target: %p\n", raw_devices[1].hwndTarget); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Unacquire(di_keyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Unacquire(di_mouse); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); raw_devices_count = ARRAY_SIZE(raw_devices); GetRegisteredRawInputDevices(NULL, &raw_devices_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)); todo_wine ok(raw_devices_count == 1, "Unexpected raw devices registered: %d\n", raw_devices_count); IDirectInputDevice8_SetCooperativeLevel(di_mouse, hwnd, DISCL_FOREGROUND|DISCL_EXCLUSIVE); IDirectInputDevice8_SetCooperativeLevel(di_keyboard, hwnd, DISCL_FOREGROUND|DISCL_EXCLUSIVE); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire(di_keyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire(di_mouse); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); raw_devices_count = ARRAY_SIZE(raw_devices); memset(raw_devices, 0, sizeof(raw_devices)); hr = GetRegisteredRawInputDevices(raw_devices, &raw_devices_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)); ok(hr == 3, "GetRegisteredRawInputDevices returned %d, raw_devices_count: %d\n", hr, raw_devices_count); ok(raw_devices[0].dwFlags == (RIDEV_CAPTUREMOUSE|RIDEV_NOLEGACY), "Unexpected raw device flags: %x\n", raw_devices[0].dwFlags); todo_wine ok(raw_devices[2].dwFlags == (RIDEV_NOHOTKEYS|RIDEV_NOLEGACY), "Unexpected raw device flags: %x\n", raw_devices[1].dwFlags); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Unacquire(di_keyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Unacquire(di_mouse); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); raw_devices_count = ARRAY_SIZE(raw_devices); hr = GetRegisteredRawInputDevices(raw_devices, &raw_devices_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE)); todo_wine ok(hr == 1, "GetRegisteredRawInputDevices returned %d, raw_devices_count: %d\n", hr, raw_devices_count); ok(raw_devices[0].usUsagePage == 1, "Unexpected raw device usage page: %x\n", raw_devices[0].usUsagePage); ok(raw_devices[0].usUsage == 5, "Unexpected raw device usage: %x\n", raw_devices[0].usUsage); ok(raw_devices[0].dwFlags == 0, "Unexpected raw device flags: %x\n", raw_devices[0].dwFlags); ok(raw_devices[0].hwndTarget == hwnd, "Unexpected raw device target: %p\n", raw_devices[0].hwndTarget); IDirectInputDevice8_Release(di_mouse); IDirectInputDevice8_Release(di_keyboard); IDirectInput8_Release(di); DestroyWindow(hwnd); } static void test_keyboard_events(void) { HRESULT hr; HWND hwnd = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; IDirectInput8A *di; IDirectInputDevice8A *di_keyboard; DIPROPDWORD dp; DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA obj_data[10]; DWORD data_size; BYTE kbdata[256]; hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectInput8, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IDirectInput8A, (LPVOID*)&di); if (hr == DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) { win_skip("test_keyboard_events requires dinput8\n"); return; } ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "DirectInput8Create failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInput8_Initialize(di, GetModuleHandleA(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION); if (hr == DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION) { win_skip("test_keyboard_events requires dinput8\n"); IDirectInput8_Release(di); return; } ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput8_Initialize failed: %08x\n", hr); hwnd = CreateWindowExA(WS_EX_TOPMOST, "static", "dinput", WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 100, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(hwnd != NULL, "CreateWindowExA failed\n"); hr = IDirectInput8_CreateDevice(di, &GUID_SysKeyboard, &di_keyboard, NULL); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput8_CreateDevice failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetCooperativeLevel(di_keyboard, hwnd, DISCL_BACKGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput8_SetCooperativeLevel failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat(di_keyboard, &c_dfDIKeyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat failed: %08x\n", hr); dp.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dp.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dp.diph.dwObj = 0; dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dp.dwData = ARRAY_SIZE(obj_data); IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty(di_keyboard, DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &(dp.diph)); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire(di_keyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Acquire failed: %08x\n", hr); /* Test injecting keyboard events with both VK and scancode given. */ keybd_event(VK_SPACE, DIK_SPACE, 0, 0); flush_events(); IDirectInputDevice8_Poll(di_keyboard); data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(obj_data); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceData(di_keyboard, sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), obj_data, &data_size, 0); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to get data hr=%08x\n", hr); ok(data_size == 1, "Expected 1 element, received %d\n", data_size); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceState(di_keyboard, sizeof(kbdata), kbdata); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceState failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(kbdata[DIK_SPACE], "Expected DIK_SPACE key state down\n"); keybd_event(VK_SPACE, DIK_SPACE, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); flush_events(); IDirectInputDevice8_Poll(di_keyboard); data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(obj_data); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceData(di_keyboard, sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), obj_data, &data_size, 0); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to get data hr=%08x\n", hr); ok(data_size == 1, "Expected 1 element, received %d\n", data_size); /* Test injecting keyboard events with scancode=0. * Windows DInput ignores the VK, sets scancode 0 to be pressed, and GetDeviceData returns no elements. */ keybd_event(VK_SPACE, 0, 0, 0); flush_events(); IDirectInputDevice8_Poll(di_keyboard); data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(obj_data); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceData(di_keyboard, sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), obj_data, &data_size, 0); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to get data hr=%08x\n", hr); ok(data_size == 0, "Expected 0 elements, received %d\n", data_size); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceState(di_keyboard, sizeof(kbdata), kbdata); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceState failed: %08x\n", hr); todo_wine ok(kbdata[0], "Expected key 0 state down\n"); keybd_event(VK_SPACE, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); flush_events(); IDirectInputDevice8_Poll(di_keyboard); data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(obj_data); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_GetDeviceData(di_keyboard, sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), obj_data, &data_size, 0); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to get data hr=%08x\n", hr); ok(data_size == 0, "Expected 0 elements, received %d\n", data_size); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_Unacquire(di_keyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_Unacquire failed: %08x\n", hr); IDirectInputDevice8_Release(di_keyboard); IDirectInput8_Release(di); DestroyWindow(hwnd); } static void test_appdata_property(void) { HRESULT hr; HINSTANCE hinst = GetModuleHandleA(NULL); IDirectInputDevice8A *di_keyboard; IDirectInput8A *pDI = NULL; HWND hwnd; DIPROPDWORD dw; DIPROPPOINTER dp; hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectInput8, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IDirectInput8A, (LPVOID*)&pDI); if (hr == DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) { win_skip("DIPROP_APPDATA requires dinput8\n"); return; } ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "DirectInput8 Create failed: hr=%08x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return; hr = IDirectInput8_Initialize(pDI,hinst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION); if (hr == DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION || hr == DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION) { win_skip("DIPROP_APPDATA requires dinput8\n"); return; } ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "DirectInput8 Initialize failed: hr=%08x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return; hwnd = CreateWindowExA(WS_EX_TOPMOST, "static", "dinput", WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 100, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(hwnd != NULL, "failed to create window\n"); hr = IDirectInput8_CreateDevice(pDI, &GUID_SysKeyboard, &di_keyboard, NULL); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput8_CreateDevice failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat(di_keyboard, &c_dfDIKeyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat failed: %08x\n", hr); dw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dw.diph.dwObj = 0; dw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dw.dwData = 32; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty(di_keyboard, DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &(dw.diph)); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); /* the default value */ test_device_input(di_keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_A, -1); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dp.diph.dwObj = 0; dp.uData = 1; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty(di_keyboard, DIPROP_APPDATA, &(dp.diph)); ok(hr == DIERR_INVALIDPARAM, "IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty APPDATA for the device should be invalid hr=%08x\n", hr); dp.diph.dwSize = sizeof(dp); dp.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYUSAGE; dp.diph.dwObj = 2; dp.uData = 2; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty(di_keyboard, DIPROP_APPDATA, &(dp.diph)); ok(hr == DIERR_UNSUPPORTED, "IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty APPDATA by usage should be unsupported hr=%08x\n", hr); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYID; dp.diph.dwObj = DIDFT_MAKEINSTANCE(DIK_SPACE) | DIDFT_PSHBUTTON; dp.uData = 3; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty(di_keyboard, DIPROP_APPDATA, &(dp.diph)); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYOFFSET; dp.diph.dwObj = DIK_A; dp.uData = 4; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty(di_keyboard, DIPROP_APPDATA, &(dp.diph)); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYOFFSET; dp.diph.dwObj = DIK_B; dp.uData = 5; hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty(di_keyboard, DIPROP_APPDATA, &(dp.diph)); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetProperty failed hr=%08x\n", hr); test_device_input(di_keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_SPACE, 3); test_device_input(di_keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_A, 4); test_device_input(di_keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_B, 5); test_device_input(di_keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_C, -1); /* setting data format resets APPDATA */ hr = IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat(di_keyboard, &c_dfDIKeyboard); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice8_SetDataFormat failed: %08x\n", hr); test_device_input(di_keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, VK_SPACE, -1); test_device_input(di_keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_A, -1); test_device_input(di_keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_B, -1); test_device_input(di_keyboard, INPUT_KEYBOARD, DIK_C, -1); DestroyWindow(hwnd); IDirectInputDevice_Release(di_keyboard); IDirectInput_Release(pDI); } START_TEST(device) { CoInitialize(NULL); test_action_mapping(); test_save_settings(); test_mouse_keyboard(); test_keyboard_events(); test_appdata_property(); CoUninitialize(); }