/* * Wininet * * Copyright 2003 Mike McCormack for CodeWeavers Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "wininet.h" #include "winnetwk.h" #include "winnls.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "winerror.h" #define NO_SHLWAPI_STREAM #include "shlwapi.h" #include "internet.h" #include "wine/unicode.h" #include "resource.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(wininet); struct WININET_ErrorDlgParams { HWND hWnd; HINTERNET hRequest; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwFlags; LPVOID* lppvData; }; /*********************************************************************** * WININET_GetProxyServer * * Determine the name of the proxy server the request is using */ static BOOL WININET_GetProxyServer( HINTERNET hRequest, LPSTR szBuf, DWORD sz ) { LPWININETHTTPREQA lpwhr = (LPWININETHTTPREQA) hRequest; LPWININETHTTPSESSIONA lpwhs = NULL; LPWININETAPPINFOA hIC = NULL; LPSTR p; if (NULL == lpwhr) return FALSE; lpwhs = (LPWININETHTTPSESSIONA) lpwhr->hdr.lpwhparent; if (NULL == lpwhs) return FALSE; hIC = (LPWININETAPPINFOA) lpwhs->hdr.lpwhparent; if (NULL == hIC) return FALSE; strncpy(szBuf, hIC->lpszProxy, sz); /* FIXME: perhaps it would be better to use InternetCrackUrl here */ p = strchr(szBuf, ':'); if(*p) *p = 0; return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * WININET_GetAuthRealm * * Determine the name of the (basic) Authentication realm */ static BOOL WININET_GetAuthRealm( HINTERNET hRequest, LPSTR szBuf, DWORD sz ) { LPSTR p, q; DWORD index; /* extract the Realm from the proxy response and show it */ index = 0; if( !HttpQueryInfoA( hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, szBuf, &sz, &index) ) return FALSE; /* * FIXME: maybe we should check that we're * dealing with 'Basic' Authentication */ p = strchr( szBuf, ' ' ); if( p && !strncmp( p+1, "realm=", 6 ) ) { /* remove quotes */ p += 7; if( *p == '"' ) { p++; q = strrchr( p, '"' ); if( q ) *q = 0; } } strcpy( szBuf, p ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * WININET_GetSetPassword */ static BOOL WININET_GetSetPassword( HWND hdlg, LPCSTR szServer, LPCSTR szRealm, BOOL bSet ) { CHAR szResource[0x80], szUserPass[0x40]; LPSTR p; HWND hUserItem, hPassItem; DWORD r, dwMagic = 19; UINT len; WORD sz; hUserItem = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_USERNAME ); hPassItem = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_PASSWORD ); /* now try fetch the username and password */ strcpy( szResource, szServer); strcat( szResource, "/"); strcat( szResource, szRealm); if( bSet ) { szUserPass[0] = 0; GetWindowTextA( hUserItem, szUserPass, sizeof szUserPass-1 ); strcat(szUserPass, ":"); len = strlen( szUserPass ); GetWindowTextA( hPassItem, szUserPass+len, sizeof szUserPass-len ); r = WNetCachePassword( szResource, strlen( szResource ) + 1, szUserPass, strlen( szUserPass ) + 1, dwMagic, 0 ); return ( r == WN_SUCCESS ); } sz = sizeof szUserPass; r = WNetGetCachedPassword( szResource, strlen( szResource ) + 1, szUserPass, &sz, dwMagic ); if( r != WN_SUCCESS ) return FALSE; p = strchr( szUserPass, ':' ); if( p ) { *p = 0; SetWindowTextA( hUserItem, szUserPass ); SetWindowTextA( hPassItem, p+1 ); } return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * WININET_SetProxyAuthorization */ static BOOL WININET_SetProxyAuthorization( HINTERNET hRequest, LPSTR username, LPSTR password ) { LPWININETHTTPREQA lpwhr = (LPWININETHTTPREQA) hRequest; LPWININETHTTPSESSIONA lpwhs; LPWININETAPPINFOA hIC; LPSTR p; lpwhs = (LPWININETHTTPSESSIONA) lpwhr->hdr.lpwhparent; if (NULL == lpwhs || lpwhs->hdr.htype != WH_HHTTPSESSION) { INTERNET_SetLastError(ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_HANDLE_TYPE); return FALSE; } hIC = (LPWININETAPPINFOA) lpwhs->hdr.lpwhparent; p = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen( username ) + 1 ); if( !p ) return FALSE; strcpy( p, username ); hIC->lpszProxyUsername = p; p = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen( password ) + 1 ); if( !p ) return FALSE; strcpy( p, password ); hIC->lpszProxyPassword = p; return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * WININET_ProxyPasswordDialog */ static INT_PTR WINAPI WININET_ProxyPasswordDialog( HWND hdlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { HWND hitem; struct WININET_ErrorDlgParams *params; CHAR szRealm[0x80], szServer[0x80]; if( uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG ) { TRACE("WM_INITDIALOG (%08lx)\n", lParam); /* save the parameter list */ params = (struct WININET_ErrorDlgParams*) lParam; SetWindowLongW( hdlg, GWL_USERDATA, lParam ); /* extract the Realm from the proxy response and show it */ if( WININET_GetAuthRealm( params->hRequest, szRealm, sizeof szRealm) ) { hitem = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_REALM ); SetWindowTextA( hitem, szRealm ); } /* extract the name of the proxy server */ if( WININET_GetProxyServer( params->hRequest, szServer, sizeof szServer) ) { hitem = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_PROXY ); SetWindowTextA( hitem, szServer ); } WININET_GetSetPassword( hdlg, szServer, szRealm, FALSE ); return TRUE; } params = (struct WININET_ErrorDlgParams*) GetWindowLongW( hdlg, GWL_USERDATA ); switch( uMsg ) { case WM_COMMAND: if( wParam == IDOK ) { LPWININETHTTPREQA lpwhr = (LPWININETHTTPREQA) params->hRequest; CHAR username[0x20], password[0x20]; username[0] = 0; hitem = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_USERNAME ); if( hitem ) GetWindowTextA( hitem, username, sizeof username ); password[0] = 0; hitem = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_PASSWORD ); if( hitem ) GetWindowTextA( hitem, password, sizeof password ); hitem = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_SAVEPASSWORD ); if( hitem && SendMessageA( hitem, BM_GETSTATE, 0, 0 ) && WININET_GetAuthRealm( params->hRequest, szRealm, sizeof szRealm) && WININET_GetProxyServer( params->hRequest, szServer, sizeof szServer) ) { WININET_GetSetPassword( hdlg, szServer, szRealm, TRUE ); } WININET_SetProxyAuthorization( lpwhr, username, password ); EndDialog( hdlg, ERROR_INTERNET_FORCE_RETRY ); return TRUE; } if( wParam == IDCANCEL ) { EndDialog( hdlg, 0 ); return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * WININET_GetConnectionStatus */ static INT WININET_GetConnectionStatus( HINTERNET hRequest ) { CHAR szStatus[0x20]; DWORD sz, index, dwStatus; TRACE("%p\n", hRequest ); sz = sizeof szStatus; index = 0; if( !HttpQueryInfoA( hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, szStatus, &sz, &index)) return -1; dwStatus = atoi( szStatus ); TRACE("request %p status = %ld\n", hRequest, dwStatus ); return dwStatus; } /*********************************************************************** * InternetErrorDlg */ DWORD WINAPI InternetErrorDlg(HWND hWnd, HINTERNET hRequest, DWORD dwError, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID* lppvData) { struct WININET_ErrorDlgParams params; HMODULE hwininet = GetModuleHandleA( "wininet.dll" ); INT dwStatus; TRACE("%p %p %ld %08lx %p\n", hWnd, hRequest, dwError, dwFlags, lppvData); params.hWnd = hWnd; params.hRequest = hRequest; params.dwError = dwError; params.dwFlags = dwFlags; params.lppvData = lppvData; switch( dwError ) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: if( !(dwFlags & FLAGS_ERROR_UI_FILTER_FOR_ERRORS ) ) return 0; dwStatus = WININET_GetConnectionStatus( hRequest ); if( HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ != dwStatus ) return ERROR_SUCCESS; return DialogBoxParamW( hwininet, MAKEINTRESOURCEW( IDD_PROXYDLG ), hWnd, WININET_ProxyPasswordDialog, (LPARAM) ¶ms ); case ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_PASSWORD: return DialogBoxParamW( hwininet, MAKEINTRESOURCEW( IDD_PROXYDLG ), hWnd, WININET_ProxyPasswordDialog, (LPARAM) ¶ms ); case ERROR_INTERNET_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_ON_REDIR: case ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_CA: case ERROR_INTERNET_POST_IS_NON_SECURE: case ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_CN_INVALID: case ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_DATE_INVALID: FIXME("Need to display dialog for error %ld\n", dwError); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }