/* * Copyright 2009 Andrew Eikum for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define COBJMACROS #define CONST_VTABLE #include #include "mshtml.h" struct location_test { const char *name; const WCHAR *url; const char *href; const BOOL href_ok; const char *protocol; const BOOL protocol_ok; const char *host; const BOOL host_ok; const char *hostname; const BOOL hostname_ok; const char *port; const BOOL port_ok; const char *pathname; const BOOL pathname_ok; const char *search; const BOOL search_ok; const char *hash; const BOOL hash_ok; }; static const WCHAR http_url[] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','w','w','w','.','w','i','n','e','h','q','.','o','r','g','?','s','e','a','r','c','h','#','h','a','s','h',0}; static const struct location_test http_test = { "HTTP", http_url, "http://www.winehq.org/?search#hash", FALSE, "http:", FALSE, "www.winehq.org:80", FALSE, "www.winehq.org", FALSE, "80", FALSE, "", FALSE, "?search", FALSE, "#hash", FALSE }; static const WCHAR http_file_url[] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','w','w','w','.','w','i','n','e','h','q','.','o','r','g','/','f','i','l','e','?','s','e','a','r','c','h','#','h','a','s','h',0}; static const struct location_test http_file_test = { "HTTP with file", http_file_url, "http://www.winehq.org/file?search#hash", TRUE, "http:", FALSE, "www.winehq.org:80", FALSE, "www.winehq.org", FALSE, "80", FALSE, "file", FALSE, "?search", FALSE, "#hash", FALSE }; static const WCHAR ftp_url[] = {'f','t','p',':','/','/','f','t','p','.','w','i','n','e','h','q','.','o','r','g','/',0}; static const struct location_test ftp_test = { "FTP", ftp_url, "ftp://ftp.winehq.org/", TRUE, "ftp:", FALSE, "ftp.winehq.org:21", FALSE, "ftp.winehq.org", FALSE, "21", FALSE, "", FALSE, NULL, FALSE, NULL, FALSE }; static const WCHAR ftp_file_url[] = {'f','t','p',':','/','/','f','t','p','.','w','i','n','e','h','q','.','o','r','g','/','f','i','l','e',0}; static const struct location_test ftp_file_test = { "FTP with file", ftp_file_url, "ftp://ftp.winehq.org/file", TRUE, "ftp:", FALSE, "ftp.winehq.org:21", FALSE, "ftp.winehq.org", FALSE, "21", FALSE, "file", FALSE, NULL, FALSE, NULL, FALSE }; static const WCHAR file_url[] = {'f','i','l','e',':','/','/','C',':','\\','w','i','n','d','o','w','s','\\','w','i','n','.','i','n','i',0}; static const struct location_test file_test = { "FILE", file_url, "file:///C:/windows/win.ini", FALSE, "file:", FALSE, NULL, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, "", FALSE, "C:\\windows\\win.ini", TRUE, NULL, FALSE, NULL, FALSE }; static int str_eq_wa(LPCWSTR strw, const char *stra) { CHAR buf[512]; if(strw == NULL || stra == NULL){ if((void*)strw == (void*)stra) return 1; return 0; } WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strw, -1, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL); return !lstrcmpA(stra, buf); } static void test_href(IHTMLLocation *loc, const struct location_test *test) { HRESULT hres; BSTR str; hres = IHTMLLocation_get_href(loc, NULL); ok(hres == E_POINTER, "%s: get_href should have failed with E_POINTER (0x%08x), was: 0x%08x\n", test->name, E_POINTER, hres); hres = IHTMLLocation_get_href(loc, &str); ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: get_href failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(hres == S_OK){ if(test->href_ok) ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->href), "%s: expected retrieved href to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->href, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); else todo_wine ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->href), "%s: expected retrieved href to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->href, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); } } static void test_protocol(IHTMLLocation *loc, const struct location_test *test) { HRESULT hres; BSTR str; hres = IHTMLLocation_get_protocol(loc, NULL); ok(hres == E_POINTER, "%s: get_protocol should have failed with E_POINTER (0x%08x), was: 0x%08x\n", test->name, E_POINTER, hres); hres = IHTMLLocation_get_protocol(loc, &str); todo_wine ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: get_protocol failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(hres == S_OK){ if(test->protocol_ok) ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->protocol), "%s: expected retrieved protocol to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->protocol, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); else todo_wine ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->protocol), "%s: expected retrieved protocol to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->protocol, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); } } static void test_host(IHTMLLocation *loc, const struct location_test *test) { HRESULT hres; BSTR str; hres = IHTMLLocation_get_host(loc, NULL); ok(hres == E_POINTER, "%s: get_host should have failed with E_POINTER (0x%08x), was: 0x%08x\n", test->name, E_POINTER, hres); hres = IHTMLLocation_get_host(loc, &str); todo_wine ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: get_host failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(hres == S_OK){ if(test->host_ok) ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->host), "%s: expected retrieved host to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->host, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); else todo_wine ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->host), "%s: expected retrieved host to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->host, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); } } static void test_hostname(IHTMLLocation *loc, const struct location_test *test) { HRESULT hres; BSTR str; hres = IHTMLLocation_get_hostname(loc, NULL); ok(hres == E_POINTER, "%s: get_hostname should have failed with E_POINTER (0x%08x), was: 0x%08x\n", test->name, E_POINTER, hres); hres = IHTMLLocation_get_hostname(loc, &str); todo_wine ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: get_hostname failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(hres == S_OK){ if(test->hostname_ok) ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->hostname), "%s: expected retrieved hostname to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->hostname, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); else todo_wine ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->hostname), "%s: expected retrieved hostname to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->hostname, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); } } static void test_port(IHTMLLocation *loc, const struct location_test *test) { HRESULT hres; BSTR str; hres = IHTMLLocation_get_port(loc, NULL); ok(hres == E_POINTER, "%s: get_port should have failed with E_POINTER (0x%08x), was: 0x%08x\n", test->name, E_POINTER, hres); hres = IHTMLLocation_get_port(loc, &str); todo_wine ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: get_port failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(hres == S_OK){ if(test->port_ok) ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->port), "%s: expected retrieved port to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->port, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); else todo_wine ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->port), "%s: expected retrieved port to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->port, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); } } static void test_pathname(IHTMLLocation *loc, const struct location_test *test) { HRESULT hres; BSTR str; hres = IHTMLLocation_get_pathname(loc, NULL); ok(hres == E_POINTER, "%s: get_pathname should have failed with E_POINTER (0x%08x), was: 0x%08x\n", test->name, E_POINTER, hres); hres = IHTMLLocation_get_pathname(loc, &str); ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: get_pathname failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(hres == S_OK){ if(test->pathname_ok) ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->pathname), "%s: expected retrieved pathname to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->pathname, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); else todo_wine ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->pathname), "%s: expected retrieved pathname to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->pathname, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); } } static void test_search(IHTMLLocation *loc, const struct location_test *test) { HRESULT hres; BSTR str; hres = IHTMLLocation_get_search(loc, NULL); ok(hres == E_POINTER, "%s: get_search should have failed with E_POINTER (0x%08x), was: 0x%08x\n", test->name, E_POINTER, hres); hres = IHTMLLocation_get_search(loc, &str); todo_wine ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: get_search failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(hres == S_OK){ if(test->search_ok) ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->search), "%s: expected retrieved search to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->search, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); else todo_wine ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->search), "%s: expected retrieved search to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->search, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); } } static void test_hash(IHTMLLocation *loc, const struct location_test *test) { HRESULT hres; BSTR str; hres = IHTMLLocation_get_hash(loc, NULL); ok(hres == E_POINTER, "%s: get_hash should have failed with E_POINTER (0x%08x), was: 0x%08x\n", test->name, E_POINTER, hres); hres = IHTMLLocation_get_hash(loc, &str); todo_wine ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: get_hash failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(hres == S_OK){ if(test->hash_ok) ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->hash), "%s: expected retrieved hash to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->hash, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); else todo_wine ok(str_eq_wa(str, test->hash), "%s: expected retrieved hash to be L\"%s\", was: %s\n", test->name, test->hash, wine_dbgstr_w(str)); } } static void perform_test(const struct location_test* test) { HRESULT hres; IBindCtx *bc; IMoniker *url_mon; IPersistMoniker *persist_mon; IHTMLDocument2 *doc; IHTMLDocument6 *doc6; IHTMLLocation *location; hres = CreateBindCtx(0, &bc); ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: CreateBindCtx failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(FAILED(hres)) return; hres = CreateURLMoniker(NULL, test->url, &url_mon); ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: CreateURLMoniker failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(FAILED(hres)){ IBindCtx_Release(bc); return; } hres = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_HTMLDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER, &IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void**)&doc); ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: CoCreateInstance failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(FAILED(hres)){ IMoniker_Release(url_mon); IBindCtx_Release(bc); return; } hres = IHTMLDocument2_QueryInterface(doc, &IID_IHTMLDocument6, (void**)&doc6); if(hres == S_OK){ IHTMLDocument6_Release(doc6); }else{ win_skip("%s: Could not get IHTMLDocument6, probably too old IE. Requires IE 8+\n", test->name); IMoniker_Release(url_mon); IBindCtx_Release(bc); return; } hres = IHTMLDocument2_QueryInterface(doc, &IID_IPersistMoniker, (void**)&persist_mon); ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: IHTMlDocument2_QueryInterface failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(FAILED(hres)){ IHTMLDocument2_Release(doc); IMoniker_Release(url_mon); IBindCtx_Release(bc); return; } hres = IPersistMoniker_Load(persist_mon, FALSE, url_mon, bc, STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_READWRITE); ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: IPersistMoniker_Load failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(FAILED(hres)){ IPersistMoniker_Release(persist_mon); IHTMLDocument2_Release(doc); IMoniker_Release(url_mon); IBindCtx_Release(bc); return; } hres = IHTMLDocument2_get_location(doc, &location); ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: IHTMLDocument2_get_location failed: 0x%08x\n", test->name, hres); if(FAILED(hres)){ IPersistMoniker_Release(persist_mon); IHTMLDocument2_Release(doc); IMoniker_Release(url_mon); IBindCtx_Release(bc); return; } test_href(location, test); test_protocol(location, test); test_host(location, test); test_hostname(location, test); test_port(location, test); test_pathname(location, test); test_search(location, test); test_hash(location, test); IHTMLLocation_Release(location); IPersistMoniker_Release(persist_mon); IHTMLDocument2_Release(doc); IMoniker_Release(url_mon); IBindCtx_Release(bc); } START_TEST(htmllocation) { CoInitialize(NULL); perform_test(&http_test); perform_test(&http_file_test); perform_test(&ftp_test); perform_test(&ftp_file_test); perform_test(&file_test); CoUninitialize(); }