/* * Dump an Enhanced Meta File * * Copyright 2005 Mike McCormack * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "config.h" #include "wine/port.h" #include "winedump.h" #include <stdio.h> #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include <unistd.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include <sys/types.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "wingdi.h" static const char *debugstr_wn(const WCHAR *wstr, int n) { static char buf[80]; char *p; int i; if (!wstr) return "(null)"; i = 0; p = buf; *p++ = '\"'; while (i < n && i < sizeof(buf) - 2 && wstr[i]) { if (wstr[i] < 127) *p++ = wstr[i]; else *p++ = '.'; i++; } *p++ = '\"'; *p = 0; return buf; } static unsigned int read_int(const unsigned char *buffer) { return buffer[0] + (buffer[1]<<8) + (buffer[2]<<16) + (buffer[3]<<24); } #define EMRCASE(x) case x: printf("%-20s %08x\n", #x, length); break static unsigned offset = 0; static int dump_emfrecord(void) { const unsigned char* ptr; unsigned int type, length, i; ptr = PRD(offset, 8); if (!ptr) return -1; type = read_int(ptr); length = read_int(ptr + 4); switch(type) { EMRCASE(EMR_HEADER); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYBEZIER); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYGON); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYLINE); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYBEZIERTO); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYLINETO); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYPOLYLINE); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYPOLYGON); EMRCASE(EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX); EMRCASE(EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX); EMRCASE(EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX); EMRCASE(EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX); EMRCASE(EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX); EMRCASE(EMR_EOF); EMRCASE(EMR_SETPIXELV); EMRCASE(EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS); EMRCASE(EMR_SETMAPMODE); EMRCASE(EMR_SETBKMODE); EMRCASE(EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE); EMRCASE(EMR_SETROP2); EMRCASE(EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE); EMRCASE(EMR_SETTEXTALIGN); EMRCASE(EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT); EMRCASE(EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR); EMRCASE(EMR_SETBKCOLOR); EMRCASE(EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN); EMRCASE(EMR_MOVETOEX); EMRCASE(EMR_SETMETARGN); EMRCASE(EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT); case EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT: { const EMRINTERSECTCLIPRECT *clip = (const EMRINTERSECTCLIPRECT *)PRD(offset, sizeof(*clip)); printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT", length); printf("rect %d,%d - %d, %d\n", clip->rclClip.left, clip->rclClip.top, clip->rclClip.right, clip->rclClip.bottom); break; } EMRCASE(EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX); EMRCASE(EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX); EMRCASE(EMR_SAVEDC); EMRCASE(EMR_RESTOREDC); EMRCASE(EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM); EMRCASE(EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM); EMRCASE(EMR_SELECTOBJECT); EMRCASE(EMR_CREATEPEN); EMRCASE(EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT); EMRCASE(EMR_DELETEOBJECT); EMRCASE(EMR_ANGLEARC); EMRCASE(EMR_ELLIPSE); EMRCASE(EMR_RECTANGLE); EMRCASE(EMR_ROUNDRECT); EMRCASE(EMR_ARC); EMRCASE(EMR_CHORD); EMRCASE(EMR_PIE); EMRCASE(EMR_SELECTPALETTE); EMRCASE(EMR_CREATEPALETTE); EMRCASE(EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES); EMRCASE(EMR_RESIZEPALETTE); EMRCASE(EMR_REALIZEPALETTE); EMRCASE(EMR_EXTFLOODFILL); EMRCASE(EMR_LINETO); EMRCASE(EMR_ARCTO); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYDRAW); EMRCASE(EMR_SETARCDIRECTION); EMRCASE(EMR_SETMITERLIMIT); EMRCASE(EMR_BEGINPATH); EMRCASE(EMR_ENDPATH); EMRCASE(EMR_CLOSEFIGURE); EMRCASE(EMR_FILLPATH); EMRCASE(EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH); EMRCASE(EMR_STROKEPATH); EMRCASE(EMR_FLATTENPATH); EMRCASE(EMR_WIDENPATH); EMRCASE(EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH); EMRCASE(EMR_ABORTPATH); EMRCASE(EMR_GDICOMMENT); EMRCASE(EMR_FILLRGN); EMRCASE(EMR_FRAMERGN); EMRCASE(EMR_INVERTRGN); EMRCASE(EMR_PAINTRGN); case EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN: { const EMREXTSELECTCLIPRGN *clip = (const EMREXTSELECTCLIPRGN *)PRD(offset, sizeof(*clip)); const RGNDATA *data = (RGNDATA *)clip->RgnData; DWORD i, rc_count = 0; RECT *rc; if (length >= sizeof(*clip) + sizeof(*data)) rc_count = data->rdh.nCount; printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMREXTSELECTCLIPRGN", length); printf("mode %d, rects %d\n", clip->iMode, rc_count); for (i = 0, rc = (RECT *)data->Buffer; i < rc_count; i++, rc++) printf(" (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)", rc->left, rc->top, rc->right, rc->bottom); if (rc_count != 0) printf("\n"); break; } EMRCASE(EMR_BITBLT); EMRCASE(EMR_STRETCHBLT); EMRCASE(EMR_MASKBLT); EMRCASE(EMR_PLGBLT); EMRCASE(EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE); EMRCASE(EMR_STRETCHDIBITS); case EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW: { const EMREXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW *pf = (const EMREXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW *)PRD(offset, sizeof(*pf)); const LOGFONTW *plf = &pf->elfw.elfLogFont; printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW", length); printf("(%d %d %d %d %x out %d clip %x quality %d charset %d) %s %s %s %s\n", plf->lfHeight, plf->lfWidth, plf->lfEscapement, plf->lfOrientation, plf->lfPitchAndFamily, plf->lfOutPrecision, plf->lfClipPrecision, plf->lfQuality, plf->lfCharSet, debugstr_wn(plf->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE), plf->lfWeight > 400 ? "Bold" : "", plf->lfItalic ? "Italic" : "", plf->lfUnderline ? "Underline" : ""); break; } EMRCASE(EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA); case EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW: { const EMREXTTEXTOUTW *etoW = (const EMREXTTEXTOUTW *)PRD(offset, sizeof(*etoW)); printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW", length); printf("pt (%d,%d) rect (%d,%d - %d,%d) flags %#x, %s\n", etoW->emrtext.ptlReference.x, etoW->emrtext.ptlReference.y, etoW->emrtext.rcl.left, etoW->emrtext.rcl.top, etoW->emrtext.rcl.right, etoW->emrtext.rcl.bottom, etoW->emrtext.fOptions, debugstr_wn((LPCWSTR)((const BYTE *)etoW + etoW->emrtext.offString), etoW->emrtext.nChars)); break; } EMRCASE(EMR_POLYBEZIER16); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYGON16); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYLINE16); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYLINETO16); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYPOLYGON16); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYDRAW16); EMRCASE(EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH); EMRCASE(EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT); EMRCASE(EMR_EXTCREATEPEN); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA); EMRCASE(EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW); EMRCASE(EMR_SETICMMODE); EMRCASE(EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE); EMRCASE(EMR_SETCOLORSPACE); EMRCASE(EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE); EMRCASE(EMR_GLSRECORD); EMRCASE(EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD); EMRCASE(EMR_PIXELFORMAT); EMRCASE(EMR_DRAWESCAPE); EMRCASE(EMR_EXTESCAPE); EMRCASE(EMR_STARTDOC); EMRCASE(EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT); EMRCASE(EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING); EMRCASE(EMR_NAMEDESCAPE); EMRCASE(EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE); EMRCASE(EMR_SETICMPROFILEA); EMRCASE(EMR_SETICMPROFILEW); EMRCASE(EMR_ALPHABLEND); EMRCASE(EMR_SETLAYOUT); EMRCASE(EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT); EMRCASE(EMR_RESERVED_117); EMRCASE(EMR_GRADIENTFILL); EMRCASE(EMR_SETLINKEDUFI); EMRCASE(EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION); EMRCASE(EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW); EMRCASE(EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW); default: printf("%u %08x\n", type, length); break; } if ( (length < 8) || (length % 4) ) return -1; length -= 8; offset += 8; for(i=0; i<length; i+=4) { if (i%16 == 0) printf(" "); if (!(ptr = PRD(offset, 4))) return -1; offset += 4; printf("%08x ", read_int(ptr)); if ( (i % 16 == 12) || (i + 4 == length)) printf("\n"); } return 0; } enum FileSig get_kind_emf(void) { const ENHMETAHEADER* hdr; hdr = PRD(0, sizeof(*hdr)); if (hdr && hdr->iType == EMR_HEADER && hdr->dSignature == ENHMETA_SIGNATURE) return SIG_EMF; return SIG_UNKNOWN; } void emf_dump(void) { offset = 0; while (!dump_emfrecord()); }