/* * CMD - Wine-compatible command line interface - Directory functions. * * Copyright (C) 1999 D A Pickles * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /* * NOTES: * On entry, global variables quals, param1, param2 contain * the qualifiers (uppercased and concatenated) and parameters entered, with * environment-variable and batch parameter substitution already done. */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "wcmd.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(cmd); int WCMD_dir_sort (const void *a, const void *b); char * WCMD_filesize64 (ULONGLONG free); char * WCMD_strrev (char *buff); static void WCMD_getfileowner(char *filename, char *owner, int ownerlen); static void WCMD_dir_trailer(char drive); extern int echo_mode; extern char quals[MAX_PATH], param1[MAX_PATH], param2[MAX_PATH]; extern DWORD errorlevel; typedef enum _DISPLAYTIME { Creation = 0, Access, Written } DISPLAYTIME; typedef enum _DISPLAYORDER { Name = 0, Extension, Size, Date } DISPLAYORDER; static DIRECTORY_STACK *WCMD_list_directory (DIRECTORY_STACK *parms, int level); static int file_total, dir_total, recurse, wide, bare, max_width, lower; static int shortname, usernames; static ULONGLONG byte_total; static DISPLAYTIME dirTime; static DISPLAYORDER dirOrder; static BOOL orderReverse, orderGroupDirs, orderGroupDirsReverse, orderByCol; static BOOL separator; static ULONG showattrs, attrsbits; /***************************************************************************** * WCMD_directory * * List a file directory. * */ void WCMD_directory (char *cmd) { char path[MAX_PATH], cwd[MAX_PATH]; int status, paged_mode; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO consoleInfo; char *p; char string[MAXSTRING]; int argno = 0; int argsProcessed = 0; char *argN = cmd; char lastDrive; BOOL trailerReqd = FALSE; DIRECTORY_STACK *fullParms = NULL; DIRECTORY_STACK *prevEntry = NULL; DIRECTORY_STACK *thisEntry = NULL; char drive[10]; char dir[MAX_PATH]; char fname[MAX_PATH]; char ext[MAX_PATH]; errorlevel = 0; /* Prefill Quals with (uppercased) DIRCMD env var */ if (GetEnvironmentVariable ("DIRCMD", string, sizeof(string))) { p = string; while ( (*p = toupper(*p)) ) ++p; strcat(string,quals); strcpy(quals, string); } byte_total = 0; file_total = dir_total = 0; /* Initialize all flags to their defaults as if no DIRCMD or quals */ paged_mode = FALSE; recurse = FALSE; wide = FALSE; bare = FALSE; lower = FALSE; shortname = FALSE; usernames = FALSE; orderByCol = FALSE; separator = TRUE; dirTime = Written; dirOrder = Name; orderReverse = FALSE; orderGroupDirs = FALSE; orderGroupDirsReverse = FALSE; showattrs = 0; attrsbits = 0; /* Handle args - Loop through so right most is the effective one */ /* Note: /- appears to be a negate rather than an off, eg. dir /-W is wide, or dir /w /-w /-w is also wide */ p = quals; while (*p && (*p=='/' || *p==' ')) { BOOL negate = FALSE; if (*p++==' ') continue; /* Skip / and blanks introduced through DIRCMD */ if (*p=='-') { negate = TRUE; p++; } WINE_TRACE("Processing arg '%c' (in %s)\n", *p, quals); switch (*p) { case 'P': if (negate) paged_mode = !paged_mode; else paged_mode = TRUE; break; case 'S': if (negate) recurse = !recurse; else recurse = TRUE; break; case 'W': if (negate) wide = !wide; else wide = TRUE; break; case 'B': if (negate) bare = !bare; else bare = TRUE; break; case 'L': if (negate) lower = !lower; else lower = TRUE; break; case 'X': if (negate) shortname = !shortname; else shortname = TRUE; break; case 'Q': if (negate) usernames = !usernames; else usernames = TRUE; break; case 'D': if (negate) orderByCol = !orderByCol; else orderByCol = TRUE; break; case 'C': if (negate) separator = !separator; else separator = TRUE; break; case 'T': p = p + 1; if (*p==':') p++; /* Skip optional : */ if (*p == 'A') dirTime = Access; else if (*p == 'C') dirTime = Creation; else if (*p == 'W') dirTime = Written; /* Support /T and /T: with no parms, default to written */ else if (*p == 0x00 || *p == '/') { dirTime = Written; p = p - 1; /* So when step on, move to '/' */ } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); WCMD_print_error(); errorlevel = 1; return; } break; case 'O': p = p + 1; if (*p==':') p++; /* Skip optional : */ while (*p && *p != '/') { WINE_TRACE("Processing subparm '%c' (in %s)\n", *p, quals); switch (*p) { case 'N': dirOrder = Name; break; case 'E': dirOrder = Extension; break; case 'S': dirOrder = Size; break; case 'D': dirOrder = Date; break; case '-': if (*(p+1)=='G') orderGroupDirsReverse=TRUE; else orderReverse = TRUE; break; case 'G': orderGroupDirs = TRUE; break; default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); WCMD_print_error(); errorlevel = 1; return; } p++; } p = p - 1; /* So when step on, move to '/' */ break; case 'A': p = p + 1; showattrs = 0; attrsbits = 0; if (*p==':') p++; /* Skip optional : */ while (*p && *p != '/') { BOOL anegate = FALSE; ULONG mask; /* Note /A: - options are 'offs' not toggles */ if (*p=='-') { anegate = TRUE; p++; } WINE_TRACE("Processing subparm '%c' (in %s)\n", *p, quals); switch (*p) { case 'D': mask = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; break; case 'H': mask = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; break; case 'S': mask = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; break; case 'R': mask = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; break; case 'A': mask = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; break; default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); WCMD_print_error(); errorlevel = 1; return; } /* Keep running list of bits we care about */ attrsbits |= mask; /* Mask shows what MUST be in the bits we care about */ if (anegate) showattrs = showattrs & ~mask; else showattrs |= mask; p++; } p = p - 1; /* So when step on, move to '/' */ WINE_TRACE("Result: showattrs %x, bits %x\n", showattrs, attrsbits); break; default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); WCMD_print_error(); errorlevel = 1; return; } p = p + 1; } /* Handle conflicting args and initialization */ if (bare || shortname) wide = FALSE; if (bare) shortname = FALSE; if (wide) usernames = FALSE; if (orderByCol) wide = TRUE; if (wide) { if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &consoleInfo)) max_width = consoleInfo.dwSize.X; else max_width = 80; } if (paged_mode) { WCMD_enter_paged_mode(NULL); } argno = 0; argsProcessed = 0; argN = cmd; GetCurrentDirectory (1024, cwd); strcat(cwd, "\\"); /* Loop through all args, calculating full effective directory */ fullParms = NULL; prevEntry = NULL; while (argN) { char fullname[MAXSTRING]; char *thisArg = WCMD_parameter (cmd, argno++, &argN); if (argN && argN[0] != '/') { WINE_TRACE("Found parm '%s'\n", thisArg); if (thisArg[1] == ':' && thisArg[2] == '\\') { strcpy(fullname, thisArg); } else if (thisArg[1] == ':' && thisArg[2] != '\\') { char envvar[4]; sprintf(envvar, "=%c:", thisArg[0]); if (!GetEnvironmentVariable(envvar, fullname, MAX_PATH)) { sprintf(fullname, "%c:", thisArg[0]); } strcat(fullname, "\\"); strcat(fullname, &thisArg[2]); } else if (thisArg[0] == '\\') { strncpy(fullname, cwd, 2); fullname[2] = 0x00; strcat((fullname+2), thisArg); } else { strcpy(fullname, cwd); strcat(fullname, thisArg); } WINE_TRACE("Using location '%s'\n", fullname); status = GetFullPathName (fullname, sizeof(path), path, NULL); /* * If the path supplied does not include a wildcard, and the endpoint of the * path references a directory, we need to list the *contents* of that * directory not the directory file itself. */ if ((strchr(path, '*') == NULL) && (strchr(path, '%') == NULL)) { status = GetFileAttributes (path); if ((status != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (status & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if (path[strlen(path)-1] == '\\') { strcat (path, "*"); } else { strcat (path, "\\*"); } } } else { /* Special case wildcard search with no extension (ie parameters ending in '.') as GetFullPathName strips off the additional '.' */ if (fullname[strlen(fullname)-1] == '.') strcat(path, "."); } WINE_TRACE("Using path '%s'\n", path); thisEntry = (DIRECTORY_STACK *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(DIRECTORY_STACK)); if (fullParms == NULL) fullParms = thisEntry; if (prevEntry != NULL) prevEntry->next = thisEntry; prevEntry = thisEntry; thisEntry->next = NULL; /* Split into components */ WCMD_splitpath(path, drive, dir, fname, ext); WINE_TRACE("Path Parts: drive: '%s' dir: '%s' name: '%s' ext:'%s'\n", drive, dir, fname, ext); thisEntry->dirName = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlen(drive)+strlen(dir)+1); strcpy(thisEntry->dirName, drive); strcat(thisEntry->dirName, dir); thisEntry->fileName = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlen(fname)+strlen(ext)+1); strcpy(thisEntry->fileName, fname); strcat(thisEntry->fileName, ext); } } /* If just 'dir' entered, a '*' parameter is assumed */ if (fullParms == NULL) { WINE_TRACE("Inserting default '*'\n"); fullParms = (DIRECTORY_STACK *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0, sizeof(DIRECTORY_STACK)); fullParms->next = NULL; fullParms->dirName = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,(strlen(cwd)+1)); strcpy(fullParms->dirName, cwd); fullParms->fileName = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,2); strcpy(fullParms->fileName, "*"); } lastDrive = '?'; prevEntry = NULL; thisEntry = fullParms; trailerReqd = FALSE; while (thisEntry != NULL) { /* Output disk free (trailer) and volume information (header) if the drive letter changes */ if (lastDrive != toupper(thisEntry->dirName[0])) { /* Trailer Information */ if (lastDrive != '?') { trailerReqd = FALSE; WCMD_dir_trailer(prevEntry->dirName[0]); } lastDrive = toupper(thisEntry->dirName[0]); if (!bare) { char drive[3]; WINE_TRACE("Writing volume for '%c:'\n", thisEntry->dirName[0]); strncpy(drive, thisEntry->dirName, 2); drive[2] = 0x00; status = WCMD_volume (0, drive); trailerReqd = TRUE; if (!status) { errorlevel = 1; goto exit; } } } else { if (!bare) WCMD_output ("\n\n"); } /* Clear any errors from previous invocations, and process it */ errorlevel = 0; prevEntry = thisEntry; thisEntry = WCMD_list_directory (thisEntry, 0); } /* Trailer Information */ if (trailerReqd) { WCMD_dir_trailer(prevEntry->dirName[0]); } exit: if (paged_mode) WCMD_leave_paged_mode(); /* Free storage allocated for parms */ while (fullParms != NULL) { prevEntry = fullParms; fullParms = prevEntry->next; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,prevEntry->dirName); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,prevEntry->fileName); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,prevEntry); } } /***************************************************************************** * WCMD_list_directory * * List a single file directory. This function (and those below it) can be called * recursively when the /S switch is used. * * FIXME: Assumes 24-line display for the /P qualifier. */ static DIRECTORY_STACK *WCMD_list_directory (DIRECTORY_STACK *inputparms, int level) { char string[1024], datestring[32], timestring[32]; char real_path[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA *fd; FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; HANDLE hff; int dir_count, file_count, entry_count, i, widest, cur_width, tmp_width; int numCols, numRows; int rows, cols; ULARGE_INTEGER byte_count, file_size; DIRECTORY_STACK *parms; int concurrentDirs = 0; BOOL done_header = FALSE; dir_count = 0; file_count = 0; entry_count = 0; byte_count.QuadPart = 0; widest = 0; cur_width = 0; /* Loop merging all the files from consecutive parms which relate to the same directory. Note issuing a directory header with no contents mirrors what windows does */ parms = inputparms; fd = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)); while (parms && strcmp(inputparms->dirName, parms->dirName) == 0) { concurrentDirs++; /* Work out the full path + filename */ strcpy(real_path, parms->dirName); strcat(real_path, parms->fileName); /* Load all files into an in memory structure */ WINE_TRACE("Looking for matches to '%s'\n", real_path); hff = FindFirstFile (real_path, (fd+entry_count)); if (hff != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { /* Skip any which are filtered out by attribute */ if (((fd+entry_count)->dwFileAttributes & attrsbits) != showattrs) continue; entry_count++; /* Keep running track of longest filename for wide output */ if (wide || orderByCol) { int tmpLen = strlen((fd+(entry_count-1))->cFileName) + 3; if ((fd+(entry_count-1))->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) tmpLen = tmpLen + 2; if (tmpLen > widest) widest = tmpLen; } fd = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,fd,(entry_count+1)*sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)); if (fd == NULL) { FindClose (hff); WCMD_output ("Memory Allocation Error"); errorlevel = 1; return parms->next; } } while (FindNextFile(hff, (fd+entry_count)) != 0); FindClose (hff); } /* Work out the actual current directory name without a trailing \ */ strcpy(real_path, parms->dirName); real_path[strlen(parms->dirName)-1] = 0x00; /* Output the results */ if (!bare) { if (level != 0 && (entry_count > 0)) WCMD_output ("\n"); if (!recurse || ((entry_count > 0) && done_header==FALSE)) { WCMD_output ("Directory of %s\n\n", real_path); done_header = TRUE; } } /* Move to next parm */ parms = parms->next; } /* Handle case where everything is filtered out */ if (entry_count > 0) { /* Sort the list of files */ qsort (fd, entry_count, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA), WCMD_dir_sort); /* Work out the number of columns */ WINE_TRACE("%d entries, maxwidth=%d, widest=%d\n", entry_count, max_width, widest); if (wide || orderByCol) { numCols = max(1, (int)max_width / widest); numRows = entry_count / numCols; if (entry_count % numCols) numRows++; } else { numCols = 1; numRows = entry_count; } WINE_TRACE("cols=%d, rows=%d\n", numCols, numRows); for (rows=0; rows= entry_count) continue; } else { i = (rows * numCols) + cols; if (i >= entry_count) continue; } /* /L convers all names to lower case */ if (lower) { char *p = (fd+i)->cFileName; while ( (*p = tolower(*p)) ) ++p; } /* /Q gets file ownership information */ if (usernames) { lstrcpy (string, inputparms->dirName); lstrcat (string, (fd+i)->cFileName); WCMD_getfileowner(string, username, sizeof(username)); } if (dirTime == Written) { FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&(fd+i)->ftLastWriteTime, &ft); } else if (dirTime == Access) { FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&(fd+i)->ftLastAccessTime, &ft); } else { FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&(fd+i)->ftCreationTime, &ft); } FileTimeToSystemTime (&ft, &st); GetDateFormat (0, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, datestring, sizeof(datestring)); GetTimeFormat (0, TIME_NOSECONDS, &st, NULL, timestring, sizeof(timestring)); if (wide) { tmp_width = cur_width; if ((fd+i)->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { WCMD_output ("[%s]", (fd+i)->cFileName); dir_count++; tmp_width = tmp_width + strlen((fd+i)->cFileName) + 2; } else { WCMD_output ("%s", (fd+i)->cFileName); tmp_width = tmp_width + strlen((fd+i)->cFileName) ; file_count++; file_size.u.LowPart = (fd+i)->nFileSizeLow; file_size.u.HighPart = (fd+i)->nFileSizeHigh; byte_count.QuadPart += file_size.QuadPart; } cur_width = cur_width + widest; if ((cur_width + widest) > max_width) { cur_width = 0; } else { WCMD_output ("%*.s", (tmp_width - cur_width) ,""); } } else if ((fd+i)->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { dir_count++; if (!bare) { WCMD_output ("%10s %8s ", datestring, timestring); if (shortname) WCMD_output ("%-13s", (fd+i)->cAlternateFileName); if (usernames) WCMD_output ("%-23s", username); WCMD_output("%s",(fd+i)->cFileName); } else { if (!((strcmp((fd+i)->cFileName, ".") == 0) || (strcmp((fd+i)->cFileName, "..") == 0))) { WCMD_output ("%s%s", recurse?inputparms->dirName:"", (fd+i)->cFileName); } else { addNewLine = FALSE; } } } else { file_count++; file_size.u.LowPart = (fd+i)->nFileSizeLow; file_size.u.HighPart = (fd+i)->nFileSizeHigh; byte_count.QuadPart += file_size.QuadPart; if (!bare) { WCMD_output ("%10s %8s %10s ", datestring, timestring, WCMD_filesize64(file_size.QuadPart)); if (shortname) WCMD_output ("%-13s", (fd+i)->cAlternateFileName); if (usernames) WCMD_output ("%-23s", username); WCMD_output("%s",(fd+i)->cFileName); } else { WCMD_output ("%s%s", recurse?inputparms->dirName:"", (fd+i)->cFileName); } } } if (addNewLine) WCMD_output ("\n"); cur_width = 0; } if (!bare) { if (file_count == 1) { WCMD_output (" 1 file %25s bytes\n", WCMD_filesize64 (byte_count.QuadPart)); } else { WCMD_output ("%8d files %24s bytes\n", file_count, WCMD_filesize64 (byte_count.QuadPart)); } } byte_total = byte_total + byte_count.QuadPart; file_total = file_total + file_count; dir_total = dir_total + dir_count; if (!bare && !recurse) { if (dir_count == 1) WCMD_output ("%8d directory ", 1); else WCMD_output ("%8d directories", dir_count); } } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,fd); /* When recursing, look in all subdirectories for matches */ if (recurse) { DIRECTORY_STACK *dirStack = NULL; DIRECTORY_STACK *lastEntry = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA finddata; /* Build path to search */ strcpy(string, inputparms->dirName); strcat(string, "*"); WINE_TRACE("Recursive, looking for '%s'\n", string); hff = FindFirstFile (string, &finddata); if (hff != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ((finddata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && (strcmp(finddata.cFileName, "..") != 0) && (strcmp(finddata.cFileName, ".") != 0)) { DIRECTORY_STACK *thisDir; int dirsToCopy = concurrentDirs; /* Loop creating list of subdirs for all concurrent entries */ parms = inputparms; while (dirsToCopy > 0) { dirsToCopy--; /* Work out search parameter in sub dir */ strcpy (string, inputparms->dirName); strcat (string, finddata.cFileName); strcat (string, "\\"); WINE_TRACE("Recursive, Adding to search list '%s'\n", string); /* Allocate memory, add to list */ thisDir = (DIRECTORY_STACK *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(DIRECTORY_STACK)); if (dirStack == NULL) dirStack = thisDir; if (lastEntry != NULL) lastEntry->next = thisDir; lastEntry = thisDir; thisDir->next = NULL; thisDir->dirName = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,(strlen(string)+1)); strcpy(thisDir->dirName, string); thisDir->fileName = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,(strlen(parms->fileName)+1)); strcpy(thisDir->fileName, parms->fileName); parms = parms->next; } } } while (FindNextFile(hff, &finddata) != 0); FindClose (hff); while (dirStack != NULL) { DIRECTORY_STACK *thisDir = dirStack; dirStack = WCMD_list_directory (thisDir, 1); while (thisDir != dirStack) { DIRECTORY_STACK *tempDir = thisDir->next; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,thisDir->dirName); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,thisDir->fileName); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,thisDir); thisDir = tempDir; } } } } /* Handle case where everything is filtered out */ if ((file_total + dir_total == 0) && (level == 0)) { SetLastError (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); WCMD_print_error (); errorlevel = 1; } return parms; } /***************************************************************************** * WCMD_filesize64 * * Convert a 64-bit number into a character string, with commas every three digits. * Result is returned in a static string overwritten with each call. * FIXME: There must be a better algorithm! */ char * WCMD_filesize64 (ULONGLONG n) { ULONGLONG q; unsigned int r, i; char *p; static char buff[32]; p = buff; i = -3; do { if (separator && ((++i)%3 == 1)) *p++ = ','; q = n / 10; r = n - (q * 10); *p++ = r + '0'; *p = '\0'; n = q; } while (n != 0); WCMD_strrev (buff); return buff; } /***************************************************************************** * WCMD_strrev * * Reverse a character string in-place (strrev() is not available under unixen :-( ). */ char * WCMD_strrev (char *buff) { int r, i; char b; r = lstrlen (buff); for (i=0; idwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) || (fileb->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))) { BOOL aDir = filea->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if (aDir) result = -1; else result = 1; if (orderGroupDirsReverse) result = -result; return result; /* Order by Name: */ } else if (dirOrder == Name) { result = lstrcmpi(filea->cFileName, fileb->cFileName); /* Order by Size: */ } else if (dirOrder == Size) { ULONG64 sizea = (((ULONG64)filea->nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + filea->nFileSizeLow; ULONG64 sizeb = (((ULONG64)fileb->nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + fileb->nFileSizeLow; if( sizea < sizeb ) result = -1; else if( sizea == sizeb ) result = 0; else result = 1; /* Order by Date: (Takes into account which date (/T option) */ } else if (dirOrder == Date) { FILETIME *ft; ULONG64 timea, timeb; if (dirTime == Written) { ft = &filea->ftLastWriteTime; timea = (((ULONG64)ft->dwHighDateTime) << 32) + ft->dwLowDateTime; ft = &fileb->ftLastWriteTime; timeb = (((ULONG64)ft->dwHighDateTime) << 32) + ft->dwLowDateTime; } else if (dirTime == Access) { ft = &filea->ftLastAccessTime; timea = (((ULONG64)ft->dwHighDateTime) << 32) + ft->dwLowDateTime; ft = &fileb->ftLastAccessTime; timeb = (((ULONG64)ft->dwHighDateTime) << 32) + ft->dwLowDateTime; } else { ft = &filea->ftCreationTime; timea = (((ULONG64)ft->dwHighDateTime) << 32) + ft->dwLowDateTime; ft = &fileb->ftCreationTime; timeb = (((ULONG64)ft->dwHighDateTime) << 32) + ft->dwLowDateTime; } if( timea < timeb ) result = -1; else if( timea == timeb ) result = 0; else result = 1; /* Order by Extension: (Takes into account which date (/T option) */ } else if (dirOrder == Extension) { char drive[10]; char dir[MAX_PATH]; char fname[MAX_PATH]; char extA[MAX_PATH]; char extB[MAX_PATH]; /* Split into components */ WCMD_splitpath(filea->cFileName, drive, dir, fname, extA); WCMD_splitpath(fileb->cFileName, drive, dir, fname, extB); result = lstrcmpi(extA, extB); } if (orderReverse) result = -result; return result; } /***************************************************************************** * WCMD_getfileowner * * Reverse a character string in-place (strrev() is not available under unixen :-( ). */ void WCMD_getfileowner(char *filename, char *owner, int ownerlen) { ULONG sizeNeeded = 0; DWORD rc; char name[MAXSTRING]; char domain[MAXSTRING]; /* In case of error, return empty string */ *owner = 0x00; /* Find out how much space we need for the owner security descritpor */ GetFileSecurity(filename, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, 0, 0, &sizeNeeded); rc = GetLastError(); if(rc == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && sizeNeeded > 0) { LPBYTE secBuffer; PSID pSID = NULL; BOOL defaulted = FALSE; ULONG nameLen = MAXSTRING; ULONG domainLen = MAXSTRING; SID_NAME_USE nameuse; secBuffer = (LPBYTE) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeNeeded * sizeof(BYTE)); if(!secBuffer) return; /* Get the owners security descriptor */ if(!GetFileSecurity(filename, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, secBuffer, sizeNeeded, &sizeNeeded)) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,secBuffer); return; } /* Get the SID from the SD */ if(!GetSecurityDescriptorOwner(secBuffer, &pSID, &defaulted)) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,secBuffer); return; } /* Convert to a username */ if (LookupAccountSid(NULL, pSID, name, &nameLen, domain, &domainLen, &nameuse)) { snprintf(owner, ownerlen, "%s%c%s", domain, '\\', name); } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,secBuffer); } return; } /***************************************************************************** * WCMD_dir_trailer * * Print out the trailer for the supplied drive letter */ static void WCMD_dir_trailer(char drive) { ULARGE_INTEGER avail, total, freebytes; DWORD status; char driveName[4] = "c:\\"; driveName[0] = drive; status = GetDiskFreeSpaceEx (driveName, &avail, &total, &freebytes); WINE_TRACE("Writing trailer for '%s' gave %d(%d)\n", driveName, status, GetLastError()); if (errorlevel==0 && !bare) { if (recurse) { WCMD_output ("\n Total files listed:\n%8d files%25s bytes\n", file_total, WCMD_filesize64 (byte_total)); WCMD_output ("%8d directories %18s bytes free\n\n", dir_total, WCMD_filesize64 (freebytes.QuadPart)); } else { WCMD_output (" %18s bytes free\n\n", WCMD_filesize64 (freebytes.QuadPart)); } } }